HomeMy Public PortalAboutPublic Arts Commission Minutes - 2013-07-09 - Special" PUBLIC ARTS COMMISSION TEMPLE CITY, CALIFORNIA " " SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES JULY 9, 2013 1. CALL TO ORDER Brian Haworth, Assistant to the City Manager, called the Special Public Meeting of the Public Arts Commission to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Community Room located at 9701 Las Tunas Dr., Temple City. 2. ROLL CALL PRESENT: Commissioner  Hepler, Ho, Keelin, Kim, Larsen, Rachford, Zhao ABSENT: Commissioner  None ALSO PRESENT: Assistant to the City Manager Haworth, Management Analyst Wendy Chung, Public Art Consultant Lesley Elwood, and Commission Secretary Chelsea Wood 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Hepler led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA None 5. NEW BUSINESS A. SELECTION OF COMMISSION CHAIR AND VICE -CHAIR AND DETERMINATION OF COMMISSIONER TERMS. RECOMMENDATION: 1. ELECT A CHAIR AND VICE -CHAIR FOR A ONE -YEAR TERM EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2013 TO JUNE 30, 2014; AND 2. DRAW LOTS TO DETERMINE COMMISSIONER TERMS FOR A TWO- OR THREE -YEAR PERIOD EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2013. Public Arts Commission Minutes July 9, 2013 Page 2 Assistant to the City Manager Haworth prompted Commissioners to begin the nomination process for selection of the Commission Chair. Commissioner Hepler motioned to nominate Commissioner Larsen. Commissioner Keelin seconded Commissioner Hepler's nomination and carried by Roll Call Vote. AYES: Commissioner — Hepler, Ho, Keelin, Kim, Larsen, Rachford, Zhao NOES: Commissioner — None ABSENT: Commissioner — None Assistant to the City Manager Haworth stated the nomination of Commissioner Larsen was approved 7 -0, and motioned Commissioners to begin the nomination process for selection of the Vice - Chair. Commissioner Hepler motioned to nominate Commissioner Ho. Commissioner Keelin seconded Commissioner Hepler's nomination and carried by Roll Call Vote. AYES: Commissioner — Hepler, Ho, Keelin, Kim, Larsen, Rachford, Zhao NOES: Commissioner — None ABSENT: Commissioner — None Assistant to the City Manager Haworth stated the nomination of Commissioner Ho was approved 7 -0. Restated the selection of Commissioner Larsen as Chair, and Commissioner Ho as Vice - Chair. Intiated the drawing of lots for random selection of Commissioner terms and explained that three Commissioners would serve 2 -year terms, and four Commissioners would serve 3 -year terms. He proceeded to instruct Commissioners to draw lots at random to select their terms. COMMISSIONER TERMS Commissioner Hepler Commissioner Ho Commissioner Keelin Commissioner Kim Commissioner Larsen Commissioner Rachford Commissioner Zhao 3 years 3 years 2 years 3 years 2 years 3 years 2 years Public Arts Commission Minutes July 9, 2013 Page 3 Assistant to the City Manager Haworth asked Commissioners if they would like to trade terms. Commissioner Hepler offered to trade his 3 -year term for a 2 -year term. Commissioner Larsen offered to trade her 2 -year term for Commissioner Hepler's 3 -year term. Assistant to the City Manager Haworth closed the discussion and restated Commissioner terms as follows: COMMISSIONER TERMS Commissioner Hepler Commissioner Ho Commissioner Keelin Commissioner Kim Chairman Larsen Commissioner Rachford Commissioner Zhao 6. REPORTS FROM CITY STAFF 2 years 3 years 2 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 2 years A. COMMISSIONER PROTOCOLS & OATH OF OFFICE Assistant to the City Manager Haworth provided Commissioners with Commission Protocols and Oath of Office. He also distributed a copy of Form 700 as required by the California Fair Political Practices Coalition. B. ROSEMEAD BOULEVARD UPDATE Management Analyst Chung updated the Commission on the Rosemead Boulevard Safety Enhancements and Beautification Project. Sidewalks south of Las Tunas Dr. and center medians have been reconstructed. Construction crews will complete east and west sidewalks north of Las Tunas Dr. to Callita St. Project completion is expected by summer 2014. She also advised the Commission to be responsive to public arts related matters to maintain the project's sensitive construction schedule. Assistant to the City Manager Haworth clarified that delays to the Project schedule may result in additional costs taken from the project's public art budget. • Commissioner Hepler asked if there is a timeline for art fabrication. Public Arts Commission Minutes July 9, 2013 Page 4 Public Art Consultant Elwood confirmed the existence of an art fabrication timeline. Artists were given a tour of the Rosemead Project in June. Elwood is requiring artists to submit their design concepts by August 2, 2013. Artists will present their design concepts and Commissioners will select three final artists at a Regular Meeting on August 7, 2013. The Commission will recommend to City Council three artists to design and fabricate public artwork for Rosemead Boulevard at the City Council meeting on August 20, 2013. Assistant to the City Manager Haworth confirmed that artists' presentations would be the only item on the August 7 Public Art Commission agenda. C. UPCOMING INTIATIVES s Consultant Elwood clarified the Annual Plan as the goals, and the Work Plan as the tasks of the Commission. The concept of a percent for art fee ordinance was also introduced as a mechanism for generating money for public art acquisition and maintenance. Furthermore, she presented three case studies that illustrate successful partnership opportunities to further arts and culture initiatives. Cases included: 3- dimensional banner art in Seattle, WA; the Guitartown fundraiser in West Hollywood, CA; and Chinatown Nights, in Los Angeles, CA. D. COMMISSIONER TRAININGS Public Art Consultant Elwood provided preliminary information on Commissioner training and a regional public art tour. Training is tentatively scheduled for September or October. E. UPCOMING COMMISSION EVENTS Secretary Wood notified Commissioners of Rock the Canvas pop -up art galleries on July 31 and August 21, 2013; a Gallery Opening and Reception at Min W Fine Art & School on August 19, 2013; and the City Council meeting (to recommend artists to fabricate artwork for Rosemead Boulevard) on August 20, 2013. F. INTRODUCTIONS & PERSEPECTIVES Public Art Consultant Elwood led a discussion about public artwork and reviewed images of public art installations submitted by Commissioners. 7. COMMISSION ITEMS SEPARATE FROM THE REGULAR AGENDA " Public Arts Commission Minutes July 9, 2013 Page 5 A. COMMISSIONER HEPLER  Requested status of a previous percent for art fee ordinance considered by the former Public Art Advisory Group. Assistant to the City Manager Haworth explained the previous ordinance was conceptual, and did not account for potential art acquisition and maintenance costs, nor did it clearly specify its applicability to commercial and /or residential properties. He suggested the previous ordinance draft be amended to address these issues. Commissioner Hepler asked how many Commission meetings are anticipated before a new ordinance could be recommended to the City Council. Assistant to the City Manager Haworth estimated three Commission meetings until the ordinance is considered by the Commission, which would require input from the Community Development Director. B. COMMISSIONER KEELIN  Requested an update on a camellia pattern design to be etched along the extended Performing Arts Pavilion dance floor. Councilmember Vizcarra seconded Commissioner Keelin's request. Also asked for a status update of a water feature proposed for construction at Temple City Park. Assistant to the City Manager Haworth said he would provide an update on the status of the dance floor artwork and water feature. Confirmed Commissioner Larsen will preside (as Chair) over the next meeting on August 7, 2013. 7. ADJOURNMENT The Special Meeting of the Public Arts Commission was adjourned at 7:49 p.m.to the Special Public Meeting of the Public Arts Commission on August 7, 2013 in the City Council Chamber, 5938 Kauffman Avenue. Staff