HomeMy Public PortalAboutMinutes - 9/18/1950.�. 1 �4 Sept 18 1950 Council met at 8:00 P.D�7. on this date pursuant to a Resolution passed by the Town Council on Sept 5th 1950. Mayor Vahlffiing pre siding and the f of ]-owing cothncilmen pre sent - Jerry Spieker- Herman B Hook- D D Huisman - J E Riekena absent- J T Riekena. The Clerk announced. that there were no written objections filed to the proposed. Resolution. Councilman Spieker introduced the fol.l.rnving RESOLUTIONT, entitled" RESOLUTION ADOPTII�IG THE PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO TAKE ACTION TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF NINE THOUSAND (�k9000.) DOLLARS GEZIERAL OBLIGATION STREET IMPP�OVEh1ET�?T BONDS AND AUTHORI CE THE COUNCIL TO PROVIDE BY RESOLUTION FOR THE LEVYING OF AN AnrnrUAL TAX TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST OF SAID BONDS" and moved its adoption, motion seconded by cotinci.lman D D Huisman On Roil call..- Ayes- Hook- Huisman- Spieker- J E Riekena mays- none- absent J T Riekena; "'a.yor Vahlsing declared Reso�ution wonted. Mayor Vahlsing then announced that this was the, time and plc_ previousl advertised for receiving bids for the sale of Nine Thousand �Q000.) Do�7-ars General Obligation Street Improvement Bonds of the Town d Well sburg, I otva . The following bidders were Aresent anc? made offers or oven bids for said. Bonds; bid Peoples Savings Bank- !Dell sburg Iowa �x��e 2� plus a �25.00 p remium. T�ir Vop^le- n.Rarshall-town Ia. bid 2'9� bus �20.00 The Clerk having recorded the best Open bid., and. as there were no sealed bids filed. with the Clerk, and. the matter being considered by the Council, Councilman J E Riekena introduced a Resolution entitled, " Resolution accepting bids for the Sale of Bonds" and moved. its adoption, Councilman H B Hook seconded the motion, On Roll Call- Ayes- H B Hook- D D Huisman- J E Riekena Jerry Spieker- 1\iays - none Absent J T Riekena. Mayor declared Resolution adopted. Councilman H B Hook introduced. a Resolution entitled; "Resolution providing for assessment and levying an annual tax on all the taxable property liable therefor in the Town of Wellsburg, Iowa, to pay the interest on and. principal of DTITTE THOUSAND ��9000.) DOLI,AP.S General. Obligation �m�ada Street Improvement Bonds " and. moved its adoption; Seconded by Councilman D D Huisman. On Rol1Ca11 Ayes- Hook- Huiaman- Spieker- J E Riekena. ItTays-none Absent J T Riekena. � nRaror declared Resolution du�,y adopted. 0 Councilman H B Hook introdueed an Ordinance entitled, �� "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDIPIG FOR EHE FORP�7 AI`TD ISSUANCE OF NINE THOUSAND(�9000.00) T'OLLARS GENERAL OBLIGATION STREET Ir,'IPRO��E�,�ENT BONGS FOR THE PUF.POSE OF PAYIAiG THE COST OF REPAIR AND SURFACINGOF STREETS?PARTS OF STREETS AND ALLEYS" and moved its adoption, S��id Ordinance was read b,y the Clerk, which constituted the first reading of said Ordinance. C®uncilma.n H B Hook moved that the rule requireing an ORDINANCE to be read on three seperate and. dirferent days be dispensed with. Seconded. b,y councilman J E Riekena. On Ro�_1 Call- Ayes- Hook- Huisman- Spieker- J E Riekena- Na,ys- none absent J T Riekena. Ma.,yor Vahlsing declared motion carried.. Councila¢man Hook Moved that the Ordinance be now adopted, seconded by councilman J Spieker. ON Roll Call. Ayes- Hook Huisman- Spieker- J TE Riekena Nays- none absent J T Riekena. P,Zayor Vahlsing declared motion carried and the Ordinance duly and legally adopted. and thereupon signed. the Ordinanc e and vas attester' b,y the Cleb]�, There being no other busin s c c 1 d�ournec� -- --- --- - -Clerk -- - - -- yor 0$DINANCE N0. 11� approved. The registration of any Town Treasurer• in the following An ordinance providing for the of the said bonds shall not affect form: ) form and issuance of nine thou- the negotiability of the coupons at- TOWN TREASURER'S sand ($9,000.00) dollars general tached to said bonds but such cou- CERTIFICATE obligation street improvement Pons shall continue transferrable by State Of Iowa bonds for the purpose of paying delivery. cryounty of Grundy the costs of repairing and sun- Section III. The general obliga- Town OY Wellsburg facing of certailt streets, parts of tion street improvement bonds here- SS: Streets and alleys. by authorized shall be in form sub- Tlris bond duly and properly ro- WHEREAS, the Town oY Wells- � stantially as follows: gistered In my office as of the ____ burg in the County of Grundy, (Form of Bond) day of ______________, 19 ______, State of Iowa, for a municipal tor- � United States of America ________---------- poration, duly incorporated, organ-, State of Iowa � Treasurer of Town o1 ized and existing under and by County of Grundy Wellsburg, Iowa virtue of the general laws and Town of Wellsburg Section IV. The bonds hereby au- Conatitution of the State of Iowa, � General Obligation Street Improve- thorized shall each be signed by and; ment Bond: the mayor and attested by the clerk WHEREAS, said Town pursuant No. __________________ $ 1000.00 with the seal of the Town affixed to attd in strict compliance with all The Town of Wellsbttt•g, in the and the interest coupons attached the laws applicable to said Town, state of Iowa, for value received ,thereto shall be executed with the has lawfully ordered and contract- j promises to pay to bearer, or i1 this aignatut•e of the Town Clerk or a ed for the repairing and sur[acing I bond be registered, as to owner- pacaimile thereof and when so exe- ot certain streets, parts of streets .ship, to the registered holder there-icuted said bonds shall be delivered and alleys in said Town, previous- of, the sum of On Thousand ($1000.-Ito the Town Treasurer and shall be iy improved by grading and surfac- 00) Dollars lawful money of the I I,y him registered and delivered to ing, and otherwise improved in the United States of America on the lat the Peoples Savings Bank of Wells - manner authorized by Chapter 39I day of ____________, 19 ______ burg, Iowa, the purchaser thereof of the Code of Iowa for• 1950, the with interest on said sum frorn the � and the sale of said bonds to said cost thereof to be paid at fife gen- date het•eof until paid at the rate purchaser is hereby ratified and eral expense of said Town, and it of ____________ per cent pet• an- confirmed. is now necessary to make definite nttnt payable on the 1st day of May. Section V. All actions takon as provisions relative to the payment 1951 and semiannually thereafter required by Section 76.2 of the for. the repairing and surfacing of on the first day of May and Novem- Code of Towa, 1950, providing for such certain streets, parts of streets her in each year, upon preaentat- � the annual levy oY a tax upon all and alleys and such provision has ion and surrender of the coupons taxable property within said town not previously been made � as they severally become due, both liable therefor, in addition to the THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, � principal and interest being payable levies authorized for other purposes, by the Council of the Town of at fife office of the treasurer in fife sufficient to pay the interest on Wellsburg, Iowa: Town of Wellsburg, Iowa. � the bonds hereby authorized as artd Section 1. That in pursuance of This bond is issued by the Town when the same become due and Section 396.22 of the code of Iowa of Wellsburg, Iowa, pursuant to and � also to make adequate provision for for 1950, there is hereby author- in strict compliance with Chapters the payment oY the principal of said ized to be issued Nine Thousand 23.76 and Section 396.22 of the I bonds at their maturity, is hereby ($9,000.00) Dollars of General Obli- Code of Iowa, 1950, and in con- � ratified and confirmed and the gation Street Improvement Bonds for-mity with an ordinance of the money arising from such levy shall oP the Town of Wellabw•g, Iowa, Council of said Town, duly passed, � he used for the payment of said nutnbered consecutively in Humeri- approved and published for the pun- rnterest and bonds and for no other cal order from one (1) to nine (9 ), pose of defraying the coat of re- purpose whatever, all as more par• I both numbers inclusive, in denom- pairing and surfacing of certain titularly provided in a resolution inations of One Thousand ($1,000.- streets, parts of streets and alleyslduly passed and approved by the 00) Dollars each. All of said bonds in said Town, (Council of said Town upon the lgth shall be dated the first day of This bond shall pass by delivery 111 day of September•, 1980, entitled, October, 1950, and bearing interest unless it has been registered iu the' •RESOLUTION TO PROVIDE FOR from and after said date until paid name of the owner on the books of � THE ASSESSMENT AND LEVY OF at the rate of 2 t/2 per cent per an- the treasurer of said Town and evi- AN ANNUAL TAX ON THE' TAR- num, payable on the iirat day et Bence of such registration endorsed ABLE PROPERTY L I A B L E May, 1951 and semiannually there- on the back tltet•eof. Thereafter no THEREFOR, IN THE TOWN OF after on the first day of November .transfer of this bond shall be valid WELLSBURG, IOWA, TO PAY THE and May in each year until all � unless made on said treasurer's INTEREST ON AND PRINCIPAL are paid, such interest to be evi- books and similarly noted thereon,•OF NINE THOUSAND ($9.000.00) dented by negotiable coupons at- unless the last registration shall � DOLLARS GENERAL OBLIGATION tached to each of said bonds; both have been to bearer, in which case � STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS.' principal and interest being paid in � transfer by delivery shall be restor- � Section VI. The interest falling lawfully money of the United , ed. The registration of this bond � due during the year• 1961 and the States of America at the office o[ shall not effect the negotiability � interest or principal or both of them the Treasurer in the Town of Wells- � thereof. falling due to said year 1951 or in burg, State of Iowa. AND IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED j any aubsegtrent year or years shall Said bonds shall become due and in numerical � AND RECITED: That all acts, conditions and things l if necessary, be paid promptly Prom ;the payable order as follows: � requisite according to the laws and current funds of said Town on I hand in advance of the collection Bond No. 1—$1000.00 ii —November 1, 1961 Bond No. 2—$1000.00 —May 1, 19,62 Bond No. 3—$1000.00 —November• 1, 1962 Bond No. 4—$1000.00 —May 1, 1953 Bond No. 5_$1000,00 —November 1, 1l+63 Bond No. 6—$1000.00 —May 1, 1954 Bond No. 7—$1000.00 —November L, 1954 Bond No. S—$1000.00 —May 1, 1965 Boud No. 9—$1000.00 —November 1, 19b6 Section II. That upon presenta- tion at the office of the treasurer of the the Town of Wellsburg, Iowa, of any of said honda the same may be registered as to the ownership or principal of said bonds in the name of the owner on the books of the treasurer, said registration to be noted on the reverse aide of said bond by the treasurer and there- after the principal of such register- ed bond shall be payable only to the registered holder thereof, his legal repr•esent.ative or assigns. Such registered bond shall be trans- ferred to another registered owner or back to bearer only upon presen- tation to the treasurer of the Town of Wellsburg, Iowa, with the legal assignment duly acknowledged or constitution of the State of Iowa to of taxes levied therefor and when be done and performed precedent to�gaid taxes shall have been collected and in the lawful issue of this bond, � reimbut•aement shall be made tc were and have been done and per- ,such current funds in the sum or formed as required by law and i sums thus advanced therefrom. that the total indebtedness of said gection VII. Ail ordinances of Town, including this bond, does not resolutions or parts thereof in con• exceed the constitutional or atat- flict with this ordinance shall 'be tttory limitations. and the same are hereby repealed. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, said I Section VIII. This ordnance Town by its Council has caused this :shall be in force and effect frorn bond to be signed by its mayor and � attested by its clerk with the aeall of said Town affixed as oP the ------day oY------------,1960.I Mayor of the Town of Wells- burg, Iowa � ATTEST; Clerk of the Town of I WELLSBURG (Form of Coupon) No. -------------- $----------, �-------------• 19 _ the Treasurer of the Town of Wells- burg, Iowa, will pay to bearer, ___ Dollars at the office of the Treasur- er, Wellsburg, Iowa, for semiannual , interest then due on its General Ob- ligation Street Improvement bond, �, number ________, dated ________, � ] 9-----------------��.....�.wr.r Clerk of the Town of Wellsburg, Iowa (On the back of each bond shall be endorsed the certificate o1 the :r CHl � --- I /CHEVROLET, — 1