HomeMy Public PortalAboutTBM 2007-09-19DATE: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 MEETING: Board of Trustees Regular Meeting PLACE: Fraser Town Hall Board Room PRESENT Board: Mayor Fran Cook; Mayor Pro Tem Steve Sumrall; Trustees: Adam Cwiklin, David Pratt, Vesta Shapiro, Joyce Burford, And Eric Hoyhtya Staff: Others: see attached list 3. Consent Agenda: Consent Agenda a) Minutes- September 5, 2007 4. Open Forum FRASER BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES Town Manager Jeff Durbin, Town Clerk Lu Berger, Finance Director, Nat Havens, Public Works Director Allen Nordin, and Town Planner, Catherine Trotter Mayor Cook called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of Agenda: Trustee Cwiklin moved, and Trustee Shapiro seconded the motion to approve the Agenda. Motion carried: 7 -0. Trustee Sumrall moved, and Trustee Cwiklin seconded the motion to approve the consent agenda with the minutes as amended. Motion carried: 7 -0. a) BOCC- Update- James Newberry gave an update to the Board. Addressed waste management, landfill concerns and recycling issue. Stream Management and the Council on Aging updates were given. Judicial center is under way, due to be completed in September of '08. GCHA- budget /formula is being developed. Trustee Cwiklin questioned the need for subsidizing from outside entities. TM Durbin voiced a concern on accountability to the Town with the new board members, in the past Peggy Smith /Catherine Ross have given monthly updates to the Board, Commissioner Newberry would be happy to continue with the updates to the Board. Fair and sustainable funding by all communities is a concern. Power line from Windy Gap to the Pumping plant in Granby. Power line coming through the Adams tunnel, BOCC feels it should be tied closer to the original intent -more green power. County requested to be a consulting agent. Pellet plants- 2 opening in Kremmling. 5. Updates a) Police Department- Glen Trainor Brett Schroetlin Canine Unit Proposal- Officer Schroetlin addressed the need for a canine unit. Board had received the proposal in their packet Monies have been raised, Granby willing to contribute $1,200.00 in exchange for use. Trustees expressed concern that the initial $1,200.00 is not in exchange for unlimited use. Officer Schroetlin will follow up with the Granby Police Department. Grants will be utilized along with other funding. Trustee Cwiklin asked about ongoing costs. Brett has done a 3 year budget. Continuous training is needed. Officer Schroetlin asked for the Trustees approval to proceed with fund raising. Trustee Cwiklin moved, and Trustee Burford seconded the motion to direct TM Durbin to draft a letter in support of the K -9 unit and allow the Police Department to proceed with budgeting. Motion carried: 7 -0. b) Building Department- No report c) Fraser Sanitation District- Joe Fuqua passed out a handout to the Board. He explained the testing he is required to perform and the results he typically receives. Cost to operate the facility is $1,090.00 per day, 5000 taps averaging 3.2 persons per tap are run through the system. Granby does the testing analysis for the Sanitation Treatment Facility, very cost effective. Plant capacity is two million gallons, lagoon repairs will add to capacity. d) Fraser Valley Recreation Department- Scott Ledin was unable to attend. Rec Center Proposal is going to the ballot. 6. Public Hearings a) None 7. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding a) Tastings Ordinance- included in packet. Trustee Hoyhtya would like to amend Ordinance to require the retail liquor stores to file their intent to hold tastings with the Town. Trustee Hoyhtya moved, and Trustee Burford seconded the motion to approve Ordinance 335 Tastings as amended. Motion carried: 7 -0. 8. Action Items a) Wally Alves- Taps addressed the Board on an issue of water taps he claimed were given to him in lieu of a sewer easement. Mr. Alves claimed Fraser Mayor CB Jensen offered him 6 taps in exchange for a sewer easement from Hwy 40 to the main collector line. Staff directed to research the recording of an easement around the time this agreement had taken place. Board also directed TM Durbin to try and contact individuals who may have been on the Board or staff at the time to ask their recollections of the agreement. b) Town Hall Remodel- TM Durbin outlined the plans for the Town hall remodel for the Board. Trustee Sumrall advised getting an ADA report done before proceeding. TM Durbin directed to send out a RFP to prospective contractors. Trustee Burford left. c) Grand County Historical Association Request- Request was included in the Board packet. No motion made on request. TM Durbin asked the Board's direction on allowing the Historical Association to go door to door to ask for donations to help with a roof replacement. Trustee Hoyhtya moved, and Trustee Shapiro seconded the motion to authorize Chief Trainor to draft a letter allowing the fund raising and waiving the peddlers' license fee. Motion carried: 7 -0. d) Grand County Housing Authority Funding Request Commissioner Newberry and GCHA Director Jim Sheehan will be at the next Board meeting to give an update. e) Learning Center- Snow Removal Request -TM Durbin discussed the need to assist all child care centers in the area. Will seek ways to assist Grand Kids also. Trustee Hoyhtya moved, and Trustee Cwiklin seconded the motion to approve snow removal for the Learning Center. Motion carried: 6 -0. 9. Committee Reports 9 -11- Water Committee- Goal to get the water fund fiscally stable. Trustee Cwiklin mentioned possible EPA grants that may be available. 9 -18- Budget Committee JWG- October 10 13, 2007 for public forums- will follow up with information received from the open houses. 10. Staff Reports Clerk CML RSVP Finance Sales tax report in next packet. Plateau in sales tax. Planner JWG- article in Icebox news, meetings scheduled. WP doing 1 meeting. 12th, nth 14th Safeway grand reopening. Public Works- Loader arrived. Town Manager- Letters in response to the request from Grand Park for tap fee refunds and related issues given to the Board. Post Prom- request- $500.00; Board gives a go ahead to fund $300.00. Fraser may be asked to donate to the expense of bringing the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Wall to the Town during the Veteran's Rally in 2008. Recreation facility analysis- nationwide program by the forest service, evaluating their facilities, at risk services are listed- Byers Peak Campground, Horseshoe Campground Blue Star Picnic may be closed. Need comments by Sept. 30th. Grand Foundation survey asked. Board to take a look at it, consider the direction it is going. Please give input on the questions. Dog Catcher- had 3 formal interviews. 5 others that have expressed interest. Used Animal control box to mount on a truck- County will give to us. 11. Board Choice Mayor: Alternatives, electrical transmission lines, 105 ft tall from Windy Gap to Shadow Mountain. Need to be buried. School Board projections. CML on Friday. Ptarmigan open space? Town waiting on survey. Sumrall: None Cwiklin: CML Water conservation summit will attend. Hoyhtya: None Burford: None Shapiro: Larry Roumph's sister passed away recently. Pratt: None Trustee Shapiro moved, and Trustee Hoythya seconded the motion to adjourn. Motion carried: 6 -0. Meeting adjourned at 10:50 p.m. IA 4-lPA OV Lu Berger, Town Cleick