HomeMy Public PortalAbout20190506 - Hopkinton Historic District Commission - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON HOPKINTON HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION Monday, May 6, 2019 at 6:00 PM Hopkinton Middle School, 88 Hayden Rowe, Hopkinton MA - Room 257 MEETING MINUTES Committee Members Present: ​Amy Ritterbusch, Mike Auen, Melanie Smith, Beth Watson, Beth Kelly, Maryanne Chambers Committee Members Absent: ​Jeanette Thomson Also Present:​ Paul Mastroianni, Attorney Deb Batog, Kathi Sherry, Robert Falcione, Mark Hyman HHC Present: ​Eric Sonnett, James Haskins, Christine Remby, Nanda Barker-Hook, Michael Roughan, Nancy Stevenson, John Pavlov 6:03 PM​ - Amy Ritterbusch & Mike Roughan called the joint meeting to order. Joint meeting with the Hopkinton Historical Commission Discussion of Town Meeting Article #46 - the “The Aaron and Lucy Claflin House Historic District” at 76 Main Street Amy gave information received from the Town Attorney, that we need to vote on a recommendation to Town Meeting on Article 46, but that we do not need to vote on the offer letter from the developer offering to let us move the home with conditions. “The HDC then votes on a final report and recommendations to Town Meeting with a map of the proposed district and the proposed bylaw.” A motion to recommend to accept the final study report on 76 Main Street and recommend to Town Meeting the passage of Article #46 the creation of the Aaron and Lucy Claflin House Historic District as outlined in the final report, including the map of the district (page 13 of the report) and proposed bylaw language in the Annual Town Meeting Warrant Article 46. Motion made by Amy Ritterbusch Seconded by Beth Kelly. VOTE: Yes 5 - No 1 (Mike Auen) - Abstain 0 Discussion of the owner’s offer with conditions to let the town move the home All 6 commission members agreed to let the offer letter go and go forward to Town Meeting. No motions were made or votes taken on this subject. Reference Materials: ●Preliminary Study Report​ - submitted 3/1/19 to MHC ●Massachusetts Historic Commission (MHC) Vote & Letter​ 4/22/19 ●Letters from the Public about 76 Main Street ●Planning Board Materials​ about 76 Main Street ●Final Study Report Other topics that may be discussed at any time during the meeting: ●2019 Annual Town Meeting - Discuss Article #47 Submitted by Hopkinton Historical Commission (HHC) on Extending the Demolition Delay to 18 Months (Update, HHC) ○Michael Roughan noted that he had received a proposal to amend #47 with a clause to allow an appeals process by a resident. ●Master Plan - Implementation Item #NCO19 “Expansion of the Center Historic District” - No discussion ●Identify future agenda items - None ●Decide on next meeting dates - No discussion ●Approve meeting Minutes from 03-20-19, 04-11-19, 05-1-19 - Not ready for approval yet 6:15 PM Adjournment ​- Motion to Adjourn made by Mike Auen and seconded by Maryanne Chambers. VOTE: 6-0-0 Respectfully submitted, Amy Ritterbusch, Chair Approved on Date: August 14, 2019