HomeMy Public PortalAboutPJ Adams 911 Center MOU1\l(cinomndum ofU11del'stn11db1g netwoe11 Ol<11 loosa County llonrd of Commissioners Ami Tho City of Crestview fo•• tile sltared use of tltc Crestview Pt►licc Dopu1·t111011t Dls1mtcl1 Facility The purpose of this MOU is to set forth the general conditions unde1· and by which the City of Crestview wlll share tho use of the Crestview Police Depa1tme11t Dlsjlatoh Facility localed on P.J. Adams Parkway, Crestview, Florid11; with the Cm1111y, 1.Tho County shall: 11, Station and house a County EMS Ambulance, Its crew, an EMS Sttptlrvisor, and tho EMS !mining program at the faoility providing the necessnry interior cosmetic ronovatio11s (1'1lplnce cal'petlng, wall pa!J11, pl'ogmmmable thel'mostat l11st11llation, audio visual equipment installation ... etc) to occupy tho entire building. b.Maintain Public Safety Rudio equipment on the City of Crestview Watertowel'at the site.Okaloosa County would allow tho placement ol'wireless antennas on some oftl,e watertanks in the northern at'llas <lf Oka)oos11 County if the City of C1'1ls1:vlew would need thetransmitters to sustain wh..,Je;is C<lVerage fol' a ['lex-Net water dntu system. The City ofCrestview would be r0spo11sible for any cosl of installation or repair of tlio wfrelesstl'a11smltt1ws. Actual tanks and locations lo be worked out in discussions by City nndOCWS stuff. Tho City agl'ecs to considel' the use of DG50 TCB dual b·anscc)vern so tlllltOCWS may shlll'e the single l'lexnet: antennas tlmt may be instullod by tho City 01i OCWSwatel'lattks. The City undershmds that whenever an OCWS tank is JJaintocl, all anto11oas,condull and cabling (including OCWS and Okuloosu County Sheriff antennns) must bel'emoved dul'ing the blusting ru1d painting pl'Ocess. c.Mn.iutain fiber optic line nnd swil1,hos fol' the 91 I system connectivity at the Stillwelllocntio11. d.Maintain and clean the facility as Jts sole occupant. o.Pny all utilities Including gas, wato,·, olcctricity, phone, u.nd garbage collection necessru·yto house thti County's EMS ompl.oyeos and opornl,e the Publh, Safety l'odio equipmentlocaled on the City of C1-estview wale!' tower. f.Provide pel'iodlo ittedloal and frn;t aid as well us mission specific tmining to 1110 C1'0stview Police m1d Pit'<> departmeuts us requooted freo of chal'g<). 2.The City ol'C1oslview shall: a.Allow the County to occupy the entire facility rent free as long ns required by theCounty, b, Provide ingt'tli,s and egress for County's ambulauce. d. Provide parking space for County personnel. a. unsure the facility and tower radio equipment retains generator back up power capability. 3, To the extent permitted by Florida law and as limited by the provisions of Section 768,28 Florida Statutes, the City and the County agree to hold harmless and indemnify the other, their employees, and agents against any and all claims and damages by or on behalf of any person, employee, or legal entity arising from their respective negligent acts pursuant to this agreement. Nothing is intended to alter either party's immunity in tort or otherwise impose liability on the City or the County when it would not otherwise by law be responsible, 4. This Memorandum of Understanding shall supersede the Memorandum of Understanding executed by the City on June 20, 2011 and the County on July 5, 2011, and identified by the County as C 11- 1891-PS. 5, This Memorandum of Understanding is intended only for the benefit of the parties executing this agreement, and is in no way intended for any third paity beneficiaries. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties (hereto have caused the signatures of their officers to be set hereunder and Choir seals to be affixed hereto to be effective as of the latest date of execution. ATTEST: pi abet') Roy Crestview Cily Clerk ATTEST: THE CITY OF CRESTVIEW FLORID By: Shannon' Hayes City Council Presid Date: 2/0 /G BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OKALOOSA COUNTY, FLOE .IDA By. By: JD. Peacock, IC Clerk and Comptroller Charles K. Windes, Jr, Chairman Date: CONTRACT c& LEASE INTERNAL COORDINATION SI EET Contract/Lease Number: CIL ^ {91 I • PS Tracking Number:,.__ Grant Funded: YES_ NO Contractor/Lessee Name: 1 1r .o ��p t5� J�ti zi Sklastaa fa-e- o* C PC54'01`t4.0 --uV.tSS. I.. a• Purpose ¶act\la Date/Term: Amount: Department: ? 5 Dept Monitor Name: Document has been reviewed and Includes any attachments or exhibits. sLk 1. [1 GREATER THAN $50,000 2. E. GREATER THAN $25,000 3. 11 $25,000 OR LESS Purchasing Coordination Date: Joanne Kublilt or Sunnie Estes j -2Q-F Approved as written: Risk Management Review Date: rile Porter or [Crystal King County Attorney Review Approved as written: Date: 2—'ci'`1S County ttocn tt C Gregory l' ewart, 1,ygn Hoshihara, Kerry Parsons or designee Following Okaloosa County approval: Contracts & Grants Document has been received: Contracts & Grants Manager Date: