HomeMy Public PortalAboutTBM 1984-05-21Ilk BOARD May 21, 1984 III Mayor Jensen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Board present were Buchheister, Finlay, Clayton, McDowell, M. Klancke. Attorney Hartlaub and V. Winter. Bills presented for payment: Anchor Plan- med Ins. 498.00 Boudreaux- cleaning 400.00 Grand County- cut permit 15.00 Hydroligics- well controls 285.56 Goble Sampson- parts wells 204.00 Rocky Mt. Engineers 904.70 Betty Moore- Hist. work 22.00 Mt. Bell 84.47 Mt. Parks Elec. 1562.22 Wagner Equip. Co.- cutting edge 679.03 Kerber Oil 379.04 Gambles- rec. tapes 10.95 NFM 23.41 Police- County 2756.00 Clayton Const.- plowing 225.00 Alpine West- hist. material 7.99 Ace Hardware- st. supp. and hist. mat. 125.44 Granby Auto. 392.10 Trash Co. 57.00 Sky Hi News 23.20 Public Service 250.70 Larry Hartlaub 926.56 Central Bank of Denver- bond 73,845.50 Judge Petersen- jan.- may 500.00 Judge Brown 250.00 Winter- salary 1400.00 Rogers 1600.00 Johnson 1384.00 Finlay made a motion to pay these bills, 2nd McDowell. carried. Dave Bertoni requested putting mirrors in the gym. Board approved only if mirrors were taken down after each use. 8:00 p.m. Mayor opened the meeting for the liquor licence hearing for Kenneth and Janet Wheeler,Moffat Stop. Attorney Hartlaub charged the Board with establishing the neighborhood. Klancke made a motion to set the neighborhood at the boundaries of the Town of Fraser. 2nd Clayton. carried. Hartlaub presented exhibits for the hearing. Exhibit A. Exhibit B. Exhibit C. Publication of the hearing. Poster that was on premises at least 10 days before this hearing. Petitions presented by Wheeler's containing some 70 signatures as to the desire of a 3.2 beer outlet at that location. Dick Wheeler stated as applicant he felt there was a need for a licence at this location as the hours of the business were different that at other locations and there was a need for the service. Audience was asked for comment. No comment from anyone. M. Klancke made a motion to approve a licence for 3.2 beer to the applicants at the Moffat Stop as there were no objections, and the desires of the neighborhood as well as a benefit would be met. 2nd Clayton, carried. All aye votes. Board discussed the drainage at the Moffat Stop with Wheelers. Drainage at that location does not now work because of the changes May 21, 1984 Town Board page 2 in grade and dirt being placed in drainage ways. Wheeler's admitted that the weather had prevented removal of some of the excess dirt and that as soon as they could they would be finishing all of that. Alley drainage had been blocked and also the flow of the eisenhower drainage. Wheelers intend to have a survey crew shoot grades on there property to determine a final grade. They will intend to haul snow from property from now on. They also will finish grades to have a large portion drain to the alley drainage and grades on the rest of the property will be directed as needed to drain onto Eisenhower. Board determined that grade elevation was the important factor in planning the drainage. Klancke moved that when Wheeler's are shooting grades on there property that they have the surveyors shoot grades in the street and town will pay for that portion of the cost. 2nd Finlay. carried. When grades are determined then the Board and Wheelers will determine what needs to be done. Fixing the paving will also be discussed at that time with a joint effort to restore the paving. Wheeler is responsible for the cut in paving from last winter and also a portion of the problem caused by the blocked drainage tearing up the pavement. Ed Opitz, Paul Balbin Western Star Drilling) and Bob Tefelski reviewed problem of well screen grout and possible solution. Balbin is asking for a release of $1000.00 to have a cash flow, and enough money to pay creditors of approx. $2500.00. Then he will be able to come back up and work on removing the grout. Balbin stated that he believed the well would only produce 20gpm and that the test that indicated a 55gpm well was due to ground water reading in the test. Board determined that the question of well production in gpm was not the question at this time, the well screen will be cleaned of grout to at least 90% clean. Opitz and Tefelski reviewed that there was good evidence that the well would produce the expected 50gpm but ther would never be a way of knowing, as it is possible that the grout that got on the screen also seepted out into the sand preventing water to flow. Optiz and Tefelski both stated to the board that they were under no obligation to release any of the retaintion money of the contract, as that they were presenting a solution to get on with the project. Opitz also stated foralbin that the additional expenses incured by the Town relating to the grout problem would be charged against the retaintion money, ie. engineers expenses and TV of the well. Tefelski also stated to Balbin that he would be determining the method that will be used to acid the well and would be monitoring the work. After much discussion Klancke made a motion that the Town would release $1000.00 to Western Star Drilling for a cash flow to purchase the needed material for the grout removal, under the material and method recommendation from Tefelski to Balbin, as soon as the well rig is located on the site, and when the driller was on site with the acid pumps etc. and ready to start work on the well then the Town would release a maximum of $2500.00 and pay legimate creditors of the project, and acceptance of the well would be at a point that 90% of the well screen was clean, motion 2nd by Finlay, carried. Opitz reported that there was a problem with the reservior controler and it would be fixed this week. Well alternatives would be discussed at the next meeting and Board would need to determine a plan. Clerk reported that the Safeway Store had filed liquor licence applicationwith the Town. Board set July 16th at 8:00 p.m. for the hearing on this licence. Hartlaub advised the Board that Maryvale would be in his office on May 31st at 11:00 a.m. to go over some legal items concerning the possible annexation. Board members interested are invited to attend. Board will not commit to a time frame as yet for discussions with them. Meeting ajourned at 12:15 p.m.