HomeMy Public PortalAbout7E PAVILION DANCE FLOORCity Council February 5, 20 13 Page 2 5 . On October 11, 2012, the City Attorney advised staff that the proposed CIP project to install additional concrete adjacent to the Performing Arts Pavilion was subject to the Public Contract Code . Because the estimated construction cost was over $5,000, and the work was considered a new public works construction project , the formal bid process was required . 6. In December 2012 , staff directed City engineering consultant Transtech to prepare plans and specifications to extend the concrete area adjacent to the Pavilion in Temple City Park. 7. On January 8, 2013, the City requested publication of the Bid Notice in the Pasadena Star News, Temple City Edition; the City also published the Bid Notice on the City's webs ite; and Transtech requested publishing of the Bid Notice at various contractor trade publications , with a deadline of January 24, 2013. 8 . On January 24, 2013, the City Clerk conducted the bid opening for the project. Three bids were submitted by the 11 a .m. deadline. ANALYSIS: For over 25 years, concerts have been held in Temple City Park during the summer months. With the addition of the Pavilion in 1996, the summer concert series expanded drawing new bands and many more concert attendees. Over the past several years attendance has continued to increase, including the number of individuals dancing on the concrete pad immediately south of the Pavilion. During last year's mid-year budget review on March 8, 2012 , the City Council, on a recommendation from Councilmember Vizcarra, directed staff to expand the concrete area of the Pavilion and to work with the PAAC to develop an artistic component to be included in the additional concrete. After several meetings , the PAAC agreed on a design which incorporated approximately 4' -8' of concrete with a camellia border and quotes as depicted in Attachment "A". The border was to be stamped concrete with the quotes sandblasted into the concrete at the top of the border. The City Council approved the design concept at their May 15, 2012 meeting and directed staff to include funding for the project in the FY 2012-13 City Budget. The City Council also requested staff begin work on the project at the completion of the 2012 summer concert series. Between June and December 2012 , the PAAC continued to review and revise the des ign of the add itional concrete . The PAAC recommended the size and shape of the additional concrete be changed from the original curved design to a linear design to conform to the octagonal shape of the Pav ilion . The PAAC also recommended the camellia design and the quotes be sandblasted instead of stamped. The proposed concrete extension work involves pou ring and finishing a plain slab of concrete on the south side of the Pavilion, but without the concrete etch -work shown in City Council February 5 , 2013 Page 3 plan (Attachment "B"). Estimated work quantities include approximately 12 cubic yards of concrete and 100 linear feet of #4 rebar for the splice connection (approximate concrete area to be poured is 1 ,000 sf). The artistic element, camellia design and quotes, will be completed as a separate project. Transtech prepared and issued the Notice Inviting Bids with the bid opening scheduled on January 24, 2013. The City Clerk conducted the bid open ing for the project on the specified date . The following bids were submitted by the 11 a .m. deadline : Bidder Name Total Bid Bid Amount Amount Ranking Parsam Construction $6 ,500 1 ABNY General Engineering $9,900 2 Unique Performance Construction $13 ,900 3 The apparent low bid was submitted by Parsam Construction , Inc . in the amount of $6 ,500 (Attachment "C"). Transtech conducted an apparent low bidder analysis and the lowest bidder complied with the following required criteria : • Checked the bid amounts and bid fo rms for submittal compliance ; • Checked with the bonding company to verify the bidder is properly bonded; • Checked State Contractor's Licensing Board to verify that the bidder is properly licensed. The printout of the Web Search Results is attached herewith (Attachment "0 "); • Checked Federally Excluded Parties List System (EPLS) to verify that the bidder is not excluded from bidding federally funded projects. The printout of the Web Search Results is attached herewith ("Attachment E"); and • Checked three (3) references provided by the bidder. Communication log is attached herewith (Attachment "F"). If feasible , the C ity 's goal is to complete the construction before the Camellia Festival (Festival), which is scheduled to be held February 22-24 , 2013. However if, due to weather conditions, other unknown impacts, or the short time frame, staff feels the construction cannot be comp leted by February 22 , the work will be postponed to avoid impacts to Festival activities . CONCLUSION: The City Council is requested to accept the bid for the extension of the Pavilion dance floor in Temple City Park submitted by Parsam Construction , Inc. in the amount of City Council February 5 , 2013 Page 4 $6,500 as the lowest, responsive and responsible bid; and authorize the Cit y Manager to execute a Public Works Contract with Parsam Construction , Inc . FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient funds have been included in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2012-13 City budget. ATTACHMENTS: A. Performing Arts Pavilion Dance Floo r Extension -Orig i nal Design by Public Arts Advisory Committee B. Performing Arts Pavilion Dance Floor Extens ion -Final Plan C. Low Bid Submitted By Parsam Construction, Inc. D. Contractor's License Search Result E. EPLS Debarment Search Result F. References Check Communication Log G. Temple City Standard Public Works Contract lliDO!"R <;t,4All COMPL£-r[ AND WllMIT All DOCUMENT'> AND r.\Gl51N THIS SECTION "l.lii)I)(R'S PROPOSAl AIIIO RIO ll[QIJIIHM£•ot;,• BI DDER'S PROPOSAl AND OlD REQUIREME Nt'S __ O_'TY~. ~~~~E~~~o_R~.K?.N~_C!.!_y_~_!.!!!f~P.l!f'tv _ The work sha ll be comple te'<l i n conformance wtth the cu n ent standard spe<!ficJttons of Public Worh (GreT:n Book) and ;my and all other applicabl e codes . DISCREPANC IES AND MISUNDERST ANDI NGS It is a:Ssum ed that the proposen have satisfied them~elves by peri anal examtna tton of the work site, t on ce p t u<~l de~ign ""d l'J~~t~ti'lG plan ~ . .Inti bv .1ny other rne ~n ~ .~~ t hey m<~v ~heve n(!~;e~~il ry , as 10 t hr actual physical cond1t1ons, requirements and difftculties under w hich the wont. must be performed. and hdve fully m l ormed themselves .u to all existin g conditions .and ltm itallons, cmd sha ll In clude ~n th e ~r propo~,\11, the c ost of all tt em ~ ncc<.>ssary In the complt'tlon of the pro ject. Th e ~cl«t~d wntrilcto r )h•ll not b e allowed any extra compensation by reason of any matter or thing. concerning that w hich such the bidde1 m itJh l h.ave fu lly tn forrned hunst?ll pno1 t o the b1dd mg. No propo~ec st1 all .Jt ,wy time ilftcr subm,ssion of a pro po!>al make any claim or assertion t hat t here was any m rs undt>rstanding or lack of tn l ormat1o n reg arding t h e na tu re o r amount of work necessary f or the s at ~fa ctory compl et ion of the rob Bv \ubm ,tl!nc .1 propo-.al. th l:' propo$.t>r shllll bt• h ~.>ld t o hil"c oer~o n.tllv r.c.Hnined thu 5tte dnd ava ilable plans, and to h ave satisfied itself as to its abilrty to m eet ail th e diff,cu l t i~ anend ,ng the l'Xecution o l the propo~ed work and tt>quire ment~ bt>fore the deliwry of t his PIOJKI~a t. dlld .tgrec~ t~t 1f award ed t he contract, will make no claim again st lhE' City bas<-rf on ignoranw or misunderstanding o f the plans, ~it e cond1t io ns. code reqUtrements and/ot any other reasoo5 . PERMITS AN D liCENSES T'he Contractor sh<~ll p rocure all perm1t.s a nd l.cen s~s. pay all cha rges and fees, and give all noti ces necess ary t!nd i nc ident al to the due .lnd ~wlu l pr os.ecut 1o n of t he w o rt. No f re-s W1ll be cnarg<'d to Contract or for per mits t.Ssu ed by the O t y for this project. HO'.vever, t he Co n tractor snail pay for and o bta i n a Ci ty of Temple Ci ty Bustnesr. Lice n ~e CONTRACT ORS LIC£NSE LAW The Contr actor sha ll comply with and require all suocontractors to comply wtth aU Federal. State and Cit y Contri\ct or li censr Laws a nd b e du ly Re ginered a n (i l t<<'n ~e d t hrreu ndl'r a~ r~•qu tr ed CONTRACT BONO S l~ Bid Bo nd .tlld 10~ P.ly m ent and PerformoJnn• B ond~ dlt' requ1n•d . t N~U R:ANCE Th e Co ntrJCt Ot shc1 ll p r 011lde JO~uranct' coverolges u~ follow ~· {1 ) Pubhc liaoility and Pr operry Damage In surance in an amount of n ot le~s t ha n ONE M ILLIOf'J OOltARS ($1 ,000,000); !21 Prndyrt\/(o mplt;tNl Qp1'r,11tor1 ' HMolld '"'IH .trlft tn an a1n ou nt of no t l r~~ t h an ON£ Mi lliON DOLtARS {SUX>O,OOO); ATTACHMENT D Check a License-License Detail -Contractors State License Board A. H~ DEPARTMENT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS H~. Contractors State License Board Contractor's Lice n se D e tail -Li cense# 5 1 141 5 & DISCLAIMER : A license status check provides information taken from the CSLB license database. Before relying on this information, you should be aware of the following limitations. CSLB complaint disclosure is res t ricted by law (B&P 71 24.6) If th is entity is subject to public complaint disclosure, a link for complaint disclosure will appear below. Click on the link or button to obtain complaint and/or legal action info rmation . Per B&P 7071 .17 , only construction related civil judgments reported to the CSLB are disclosed . Arb itratio ns are not listed unless the contractor fails to comply with the te rm s of the arbitration. Due to workload, there may be relevant information that has not yet been entered onto the Board 's license database. License Number Business Information Entitv Issue Date Reissue Date Expire Date License Status Classifications Bonding 511415 PARSAM CONSTRUCTION INC Business Phone Number: (818 ) 236-3633 3334 BARNES CIRCLE GLENDALE . CA 91208 Corporation 06/01/1987 12/17/2002 12/31 /2014 AC TI VE Extract Date 1/24/2013 T hi s license is current and active . All information below should be reviewed. CLASS A B DESCRIPTION GENERAL ENG INEER ING CONTRACTOR GENERA L BU ILDING CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR'S BOND This license filed a Contractor's Bond with AM E RICAN CONTRACTORS INDEMN ITY COMPANY. Bond Number: SC6053296 Bond Amount: $12,500 Effective Date: 03/02/2009 Contractor's Bond Historv BOND OF QUALIFYING INDIVIDUAL 1. The Responsible Managing Officer (RMO) PARSANIAN EDWARD cert ified that he/she owns 1 0 percent or more of the voting stock/equity of the corporation. A bond of qualifying individual is not required . Effective Date: 12/17/2002 ATIACHMENTF REFERENCE CHECK COMMUNICATION LOG BIDDER : PARSAM CONSTRUCTION, INC. Reference Name Address, Te l No ., Email Contacted Contacted By & Response Via Date State Rep John Thompson State Of CA Park Serv ice Email Yunus Rahi on Not Available 619-220-5300 1/24/13 John.thompson@parks.ca.gov Engineer, Kelli Tunnicliff City of Anaheim Email and Yunus Rahi on Positive, by 562-209-0037 Te lephone 1/24/13 Telephone ktunnicliff@anaheim.net City Engineer Roxanne Hughes City of Westlake Village Email Yunus Rahi on Positive, by 800-491-1720 1/24/13 Email rhughes@willdan .com ATTACHMENT G CITY OF TEMPLE CITY PUBLI.C WORKS CONTRACT PROJECT: EXPANSION OF THE PERFORMING ARTS PAVILION DANCE FLOOR Contract No. THIS AGREEMENT "Agreement" is made and entered into this 51h day of February 2013, by and between the CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, a Munic ipal Corporation located in the County of Los Ange les, State of California hereinafter called CITY, and Parsam Constr uction Inc., [a corporation/partnership/limited liability company corporation , located at 3334 Barnes Circle, Glendale, CA 91208 hereinafter called CONTRACTOR, collectively referred to an the Part ies . RECITALS CITY , by its Notice Inviting Bids , duly advertised for written bids to be submitted on or before January 24, 2013, for the following : Expansion of the Perform ing Arts Pavilion Da nce Floor Temple City Park Project No. P13-01 in the City of Temple City, California , hereinafter called PROJECT. At 11 a.m. on said date , in the Temple City Council Chambers, said bids were duly opened . At its regular meeting held on February 5 , 2013 , the CITY Council duly accepted the bid of CONTRACTOR for said PROJECT as being the lowest reasonable bid rece ived and directed that a written contract be entered i nto with CONTRACTOR . NOW, T HEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained , said parties do hereby ag ree as follows : ARTICLE I The CONTRACT DOCUMENTS for the PROJECT shall consist of the Notice Inviting Bid s, Instructions to Bidders , General Specifications, Standard Specifications , Special Provisions , Plans, CONTRACTOR 's Proposal, and all referenced specifications , details , standard drawings, and appendices, together with this contract and all required bonds, insurance cert ificates , permi ts , notices and affidavits, and also including an y and all addenda or supplemen tal agreements clarifying , amending, or extend ing the work contemplated as may be required to insure its completion in an acceptable manner. All of the rights and obligations of the CITY and CONTRACTOR are fully set forth and described in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. C ityAtt y-fm-11/07 LA #4810-8 873-57 49 v i All of the above-mentioned documents are intended to complement the other documents so that any work called for in one, and not mentioned in the others , or vice versa , is to be executed the same as if mentioned in all of said documents . The document comprising the complete contract are hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS and are incorporated herein by this reference and made and part hereof as though they were fully set forth herein . ARTICLE II For and in consideration of the payments and agreements be made and performed by CITY, CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to furnish all mater ials and perform all work required for the PROJECT and to fulfill all other obligations as set forth in t he CONTRACT DOCUMENTS . ARTICLE Ill CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to receive and accept the total amount of SIX THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS {$6 ,500), based upon those certain unit prices set forth in CONTRACTOR's Bid Schedule, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof, as full compensation for f urnishing all materials, perform ing all work, and fulfilling all obligations hereunder. Said compensation shall cover all expenses, losses, damages, and consequences arising out of the nature of the work during its progress or prior to its acceptance including those for well and faithfully completing the work and the whole thereof in the manner and time specified in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, and also including those arising form actions of the elements, unforeseen difficulties or obstructions encountered in the prosecution of the work, suspension or discontinuance of the work, and all other unknowns or risks of any description connected with the work. CITY shall retain ten percent {1 0%) of said contract price until said time as the provisions of Article XIV herein have been met. ARTICLE IV CITY hereby promises and agrees to employ, and does hereby employ, CONTRACTOR to provide the materials , do the work, and fulfill the obligations according to the terms and conditions herein contained and referred to, for the said amounts set forth in Article Ill hereof, and hereby agrees to pay the same at the time, in the manner, and upon the conditions set forth in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS . In addition , CONTRACTOR hereby promises and agrees to comply w ith all of the provisions of both State and Federal law with respect to the employment of unauthorized aliens . Should CONTRACTOR so employ such unauthorized aliens for the performance of work and/or services covered by this contract, and should the Federal Government impose sanctions against the CITY for such use of unauthorized aliens , CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to , and shall , reimburse CITY fo r the cost of all such sanctions imposed , together with any and all costs, including attorney's fees , incurred by the CITY in connection therewith . ARTICLE V 2 LA #4810-8873-5749 v l CONTRACTOR shall commence work on the date specified in the Notice to Proceed to be issued to said CONTRACTOR by CITY and shall complete work on the PROJECT within ten {1 0) working days after commencement. ARTICLE VI CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate in its recruit ing , hiring , promotion , demotion or termination practices on the basis of race, religious creed, color , national origin , ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, martial status, sex, age, or sexual orientation in the performance of this AGREEMENT and shall comply with the provisions of the California Fair Employment and Housing Act as set forth in Part 2 .8 of Division 3, T itle 2 of the California Government Code; the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, as set forth in Public Law 88- 352, and all amendments thereto; Executive Order 11246; and all administrative rules and regulations issued pursuant to such acts and order. CONTRACTOR hereby promises and agrees to comply with all of the provisions of the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act (8 USCA 1101, et seq.), as amended ; and , in connection therewith , shall not employ unauthorized aliens as defined therein . Should CONTRACTOR so employ such unauthorized aliens for the performance of work and/or services covered by th is AGREEMENT, and should the Federal Government impose sanctions aga inst the CITY for such use of unauthorized aliens, CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to, and shall, reimburse CITY for the cost of all such sanctions imposed, together with any and all costs, including attorney's fees , incurred by the CITY in connection therewith. ARTICLE VII CONTRACTOR is aware of and agrees to abide by the provis ions of California Labor Code Sections 1720, et seq., as well as 1771, 1773, 1773.1, 1773.6, 1773.7, 1775 and 1776, pertaining to the obligation to pay prevailing wages with respect to the performance of work . Copies of the prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for holiday and overtime work for each craft are available upon request from the City. A copy of the prevailing rate of per diem wages shall be posted at the job site . If such posting is not possible , a copy shall be posted at the business of the CONTRACTOR. Notwithstanding the foregoing , the parties agree that because CITY is a Charter City, and th is project is local in nature and of municipal concern , Sections 1720, et seq ., and 1771 shall not apply to this project. ARTICLE VIII A. CONTRACTOR shall , without disturbing the condition , notify CITY in writing as soon as CONTRACTOR, or any of CONTRACTOR's subcontractors, agents or employees have knowledge and reporting is possible, of the discovery of any of the following conditions: 1. The presence of any material that the CONTRACTOR believes is hazardous waste, as defined in Section 25117 of the Health and Safety Code; 3 L A #48 1 0 -88 73 -5749 vI 2 . Subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site di ffering from those i ndicated in the specifications; or, 3. Unknown physical conditions at the site of any unusual nature , different materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent i n work of this character provided for in th i s Contract. B. Pending a determination by CITY of appropriate action to be taken, CONTRACTOR shall provide security measures (e .g., fences) adequate to prevent the hazardous waste or physical condit ions from causing bodily injury to any person. C. C ITY shall promptly investigate the reported conditions . If CITY, through its Director of Public Works, or her designee , and in the exercise of its sole discretion , determines that the conditions do materially differ, or do involve hazardous waste , and will cause a decrease or increase in the CONTRACT OR 's cost of, or time required for, performance of any part of the work, then CITY shall issue a change order. D. In the event of a d ispute between CITY and CONTRACTOR as to whether the conditions materially differ, or involve hazardous waste , or cause a decrease or increase in the CONTRACTOR 's cost of, or t i me required for, performance of any part of the work, CONTRACTOR shall not be excused from any scheduled completion date, and shall proceed with all work to be performed under the Contract. CONTRACTOR shall retain any and all rights which pertain to the resolution of disputes and protests between the parties. ARTICLE IX CONTRACTOR shall assume the defense of and indemnify and save harmless the CITY, its elective and appointive boards , officers , agents and employees, from all claims, loss , damage, injury and liability of every kind, nature and description , d i rectly or indirectly arising f orm the performance of the CONTRACTOR's work, regardless of respons ibility of negligence; and from any and all claims , loss, damage, inj ury and liability, howsoever the same may be caused, resulting directly or indirectly from the nature of the work cove red by the contract, regardless of responsibility of negligence ; provided (a) That CITY does not, and shall not, wa ive any rights against CONTRACTOR which it may have by reason for the aforesaid hold· harmless AGREEMENT because of the acceptance by CITY or the deposit with CITY by CONTRACTOR , of any of t he insurance po l icies hereinafter described in this AGREEMENT. (b) That the aforesaid ho ld -harmless AGREEMENT by CONTRACTOR shall apply to all damages and claims for damages of every k i nd suffered , or alleged to have been suffered, by reason of any of the aforesaid operations of CONTRACTOR, or any subcontractor, regardless of whether or not such insurance policies shall have been determ ined to be applicable to any of such damages or claims for damages . 4 LA #48 10-8873-5749 v t ARTICLE X CONTRACTOR , before commencing said PROJECT, shall furnish and file with CITY a bond , or bonds , in a form satisfactory to the CITY, in the sum of one hundred percent (1 00 %) of the contract price thereof conditioned upon the faithful performance of this contract a nd upon the payment of all labor and materials f urnished in connection with th is contract. ARTICLE XI CONTRACTOR shall not commence work under this contract until CONTRACTOR shall have obtained all insurance requ ired by the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS and such insurance shall have been approved by CITY as to form , amount and carrier, nor shall CONTRACTOR a llow any sub contracto r to commence work on any subcontract until all s imilar insurance requi re d of the subcontractor shall have be en so obtained and approved . (a) COMPENSATION INSURANCE -CONTRACTOR shall take out and maintain , during the life of this contract , Worker's Compensation Insurance for all of CONTRACTOR 's employees employed at the site of improvement; and, if any work is sublet, CONTRACTOR shall require th e subcontractor simi larly to prov ide Worker's Compensat io n Insurance for all of the latter's employees , unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by CONTRACTOR . If any class of emp loyees engaged in work under this contract at the site of the PROJECT is not protected under any Workers' Compensation law, CONTRACTOR shall prov ide and shall cause each subcontractor to provide adequate insurance for th e protect ion of employees not otherwise protected . CONTRACTOR shall indemn ify CITY for any damage resulting to it from failure of ei t her CONTRACTOR or any subcon t ractor to take out or maintain such insurance . (b) COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY, PRODUCTS/ COMPLETED OPERATIONS HAZARD, COMPREHENSIVE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY AND CONTRACTUAL GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE. CONTRACTOR shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract su ch comprehensive general liability, products/completed operations hazard , comprehensive automobile liability and contractual general liability insu rance as shall prote ct CITY , its elective and appointive boards, officers, agents and employees , CONTRACTOR , and any subcontractor performing work covered by this contract, from claims for damage for personal injury, includ ing death , as well as from clai ms fo r property damage wh ich may arise from CONTRACTOR's or an y subcontractor's operation s under this contract, whether such operat ions be by CONTRACTOR or by any subcontractor, or by anyone directly or ind irectly employed by either CONTRACTOR or any subcont ractor, and the amounts of such insurance shall be as follows : (1) Public Liab ility Insurance i n an amount of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1 ,000 ,000); 5 LA #48 10 -8873 -5749 vl (2} Products/Completed Operations Hazard Insurance in an amount of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1 ,000 ,000); (3) Comprehensive Automobile Liabil ity Insurance in an amount of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1 ,000 ,000); (4) Contractual General Liability Insurance i n an amount of not less than ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1 ,000 ,000). A combined single limit policy with aggregate limits in an amount of not less than TWO MILLION DOLLARS ($2 ,000,000) shall be cons idered equ ivalent to the said required minimum lim its set forth hereinabove. (c) PROOF OF INSURANCE -The insurance required by this AGREEMENT shall be with insurers which are Best A rated, and California Admitted or better. The CITY of Temple City shall be named as "additional insured" on all policies required hereunder, and CONTRACTOR shall furnish CITY, concurrently with the execution hereof, with satisfactory proof of carriage of the insurance required , and adequate legal assurance that each carrier will give CITY at least thirty (30) days' prior notice of the cancellation of any policy during the effective period of the contract. (d) NOTICE TO COMMENCE WORK -The CITY will not issue any notice authorizing CONTRACTOR or any subcontractor to commence work under this contact until CONTRACTOR has provided to the CITY the proof of insurance as required by subparagraph (c) of this article . ARTICLE XII If any dispute shall arise concerning this AGREEMENT, the prevailing party shall be entitled to attorney fees . ARTICLE XIII The parties agree that it would be impractical and extremely difficult to f ix the actual damages to the CITY in the event the PROJECT is not commenced and/or completed on or bef ore the dates specified for commencement and completion 9f the PROJECT in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS . The parties have considered the facts of a breach of this contract and have agreed that the liquidated damages sum hereinafter set forth is reasonable as liquidated damages in the event of a breach, and that said sum shall be presumed to be the amount of the damages sustained by the CITY in the event such work is not begun and/or completed and accepted by the times so specified in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS , the sum of ONE THOUSAND HUNDRED DOLLARS ($1 ,000 .00} shall be presumed to be the amount of damages suffered by the CITY for each day's delay in the starting and/or completion and acceptance of said PROJECT after the dates specified in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS for the start and/or completion thereof, and CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to pay said sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1 ,000 .00) as liquidated damages for each day of delay in the starting and/or completing and acceptance of said PROJECT beyond the dates specified in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Any and all such liquidated damages assessed shall be done so 6 LA #48 10-8873-5749 v i in accordance with that certain edition of the Standard Specification for Public Works Construction currently in effect on the execution date of this Contract. PARSAM CONSTRUCTION, INC. a corporation by ______________________ _ President by ____________________ __ Secretary ARTICLE XIV CITY OF TEMPLE CITY , a California municipal corporation by ____________________ __ Mayor City Clerk Upon completion of PROJECT and acceptance of same by the CITY Council , the CITY Manager shall have cause to be recorded a Notice of Completion with the office of the Los Angeles County Recorder; and, after thirty-five (35) days from the date said Notice of Completion is recorded , the Director of Finance of CITY shall release the funds retained pursuant to Article Ill hereof; provided there have been no mechanics' liens or stop notices filed against said work which have not been paid, withdrawn or eliminated as liens against said work. ARTICLE XV This contract shall not be assignable, either in whole or in part, by the CONTRACTOR without first obtaining the written consent of the CITY thereto. ARTICLE XVI The provisions of this AGREEMENT are cumulative and in addition to and not in limitation of any rights or remedies available to CITY. SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE 8 7 LA #4 8 10-887:1-574 9 v I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed on the __ day of , 2013 , by their respective officers duly authorized in that behalf. ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM : City Attorney 8 LA #48 1 0 -8873-5749 v I CITY OF TEMPLE CITY, a Municipal Corporation by ______________________ _ City Manager PARSAM CONSTRUCTION, INC . a corporation by ____________________________ _ Owner/President