HomeMy Public PortalAbout2022-09-20 Affordable Housing Trust Fund Open Session MinutesAFFORDABLE HOUSING TRUST BOARD MINUTES September 20, 2022 The Affordable Housing Trust Board (AHTB) held a hybrid meeting on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at 4:30 PM in the Nauset Room at Town Hall and via Zoom. Real-time public access was provided by Orleans Channel 18 on the Town website. Attending the meeting for the AHTB were Chair McLennen, Vice Chair Mathison, Mr. Landreth, Mr. Herman, Mr. Brehm and Mr. Cole (online). Apologies from Mr. Ghory and Ms. Wibby for absence. Call to Order — The Chair called the meeting to order at 4.33pm. 2. Public Comment — No one presented during Public Comment. Update from Housing Assistance Corporation (HAC) re: 107 Main Street — Mr. Quinn reviewed the completion of meetings with the Site Plan Review committee, the Board of Health, the Architectural Review Board, and the Zoning Board of Appeals. This completes the permitting stage and HAC will apply for State funding by October 30, 2022. If invited to advance, the full application will be due in January and face lots of competition. Mr. Quinn noted there will not be funding this year for the "community -scale housing initiative" which was what was originally hoped for. The architect is advancing designs for 107 Main Street which should be ready in January. 4, Update on Pennrose/Cape Cod 5 property— Mr. Adams summarized progress on the Pennrose/Cape Cod 5 property. Tax credits have been secured helping the project move toward closing. An equity investor (federal) has been secured and Cape Cod 5 is onboard for the State tax credits. A contractor has been selected. Pennrose will be submitting a request for Wellfleet's CPC for the same level of support as asked for from Truro, Eastham, Brewster, Harwich, and Chatham. Construction costs and interest rates are creating an "uphill battle," said Mr. Adams but it is hoped that the closing will occur by Feb/Mar 2023. Update on Governor Prence project — Ms. Mathison supplied a draft version of the recommendation report by the Governor Prence Planning Committee. She noted that consideration of the best method of disposing of the property needs to be considered. A 99 -year lease or land lease needs consideration. The draft report posed consideration of a Chapter 40R amendment to increase the density for the site to 110/units/acre however, there is some concern this could create "spot zoning." How to review proposals was discussed briefly because the AHTB can only review matters relating to 80% AMI but the project could have a wider scope. The final report will be forwarded to AHTB Committee members when available. AHTB will meeting jointly with the Select Board to review the report on October 19, 2022. 6. Update from the Affordable Housing Committee (AHC) —There was nothing new to report from AHC. 7. Continued discussion regarding next steps for AHTB and support for housing above 100% AMI —This matter will remain on future agendas for further discussion and research. 8. Discuss CPC grant application for FY24 — The Committee noted the desire to apply for either $500,000 annual support or a bond issue for several years of support from the Orleans CPC. A grant application is due by November 21, 2022. 9. Financial report — Mr. McClennen reminded committee members that approximately $875K is earmarked for costs associated with 107 Main Street from the current balance of AHTB funds. 10. Matters arising or items for future consideration -- Mr. Herman suggested working backwards from the Annual Town Meeting to anticipate and resolve issues without a rush to meet deadlines, It was suggested the following things need to be revisited or raised at future meetings: • Address housing needs above 100% AMI • Discuss demolition of the old Governor Prence buildings or other options • Identify projects that might be suitable for CPC support • Explore other solutions for affordable housing: ADUs, remodeling, solutions found in other communities • Seek out best practices in planning, zoning, and other areas regarding density, "multi -family by right," or other matters, which might positively affect or augment the development of affordable housing around Orleans • Next projects? 11. Minutes to be approved - Ms. Mathison moved to accept the minutes of Aug 16, 2022 as written. Mr. Herman seconded the motion. Vote by roll call: Ms. Mathison, Mr. Cole, Mr. Brehm, Mr. Landreth, Mr. Herman, and Mr. McClennen voted AYE. Motion passed: 6-0-0. Mr. Herman moved to accept the minutes of Aug 30, 2022 as written. Ms. Mathison seconded the motion. Vote by roll call: Ms. Mathison, Mr. Cole, Mr. Brehm, Mr. Landreth, Mr. Herman, and Mr. McClennen voted AYE. Motion passed: 6-0-0. 12. Adjourn — Mr. Herman moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Mathison seconded the motion. Vote by roll call: Ms. Mathison, Mr. Cole, Mr. Brehm, Mr. Landreth, Mr. Herman, and Mr. McClennen voted AYE. Motion passed: 6-0-0. Then meeting adjourned at 5:32pm. Next meeting is scheduled for October 18, 2022 at 4.30pm. Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Fountain