HomeMy Public PortalAbout1993-05-17TOWN OF TRUCKEE MINUTES of the Special Meeting May 17, 1993 at 4:00 PM Tahoe Donner Public Utilities District Board Room The Special Meeting was called to order at 4:05 p.m. All Council Members were present. Also present were Staff Members: Interim Town Manager and Clerk C. W. Masonheimer, Interim Financial Director Neal Beardon and Interim Staff Assistant John Traversaro. Mayor Eagan introduced what was going to be covered during the meeting. Town Manager reported on the status of the Town contracting with the County for County services (not including Sheriff services). Town Manager reported that the Town would bring a plan for the Town to provide services to itself. Town Manager stated that the Town could establish services for land planning, animal control, and road services. Town Manager stated that it will be difficult and the Town will need cooperation but cooperation was everywhere. Town Manager had talked to some employees and there was major concern for the potentially displaced employees. The Town could carry the present employees with a modest sacrifice by the present County employees. The Town will try to bring as many benefits to the Town job. Credit for County seniority and performance record will be taken into consideration. The Town will also bring in a health plan. The Town is not sure it can do this with other benefits (vacation, sick leave, etc.). When County employees come over to work for the Town they should have either been paid for, or used, their existing sick leave, paid vacation and Comp. Time Off (CTO) as they won't get any credit for this time when they begin work for the Town. The Town knows the cost of for benefits. The Town wants to make sure that the transfer is fair and reasonable to the Town. Town Manager then spoke about office space. Reasonable space is available. He then provided a hand out to the Council regarding some office space that is presently (or in the near future) available. It is likely that we will house all Town services in one building. Likely the Town will house everything at the Joseph Center (it is near other government services). The Town will start up Depas taaent head services first. The Town is looking at individual firms/organizations for staffing (both as they exist now and later). It is possible that reorganization is necessary. This reorganization would be beneficial for the Town both in efficiency and economically. It would be difficult for the Town to adopt all County regulations (relating to work), without knowing what that includes. It is doubtful that the Town would be a party to the MOUs. The Town would look at the labor agreements, if it is beneficial the Town would consider it favorably. There is n_.gq chance of transferring MOUs from two parties to a third party. If the Town does it, it is for one year -- only if we can re-start after the year. Town Manager introduced Neal Beardon, Interim Finance Officer, who stated that he is developing a budget and looking at what is necessary for the Council to borrow money. The bad news is that the County has no funds for the Town for the remainder of this fiscal year (through June 30). The good news is that the County Treasury encouraged the Town to take a $100,000 line of credit at the bank. The money the Town has now, coupled with the money from the bank means the Town can financially do whatever is necessary. Time is the only real problem in making the switch from the County. No permanent Department Head is necessary yet. There are incidental guesses on rental people, the amount of space needed -- the Town needs 2,000 to 2,500 square feet with office space. Private offices, conference rooms and mostly open space. The rentals seem to be more money than anticipated, but space can be had within the budget. Town Manager then spoke of the Sheriffs contract. Town Manager stated that the Town was awaiting receipt of a contract from the County for provisions of law enforcement services. The basic understanding with the County is being drafted now and there will be discussions over the weekend. Town Manager spoke with the Sheriff this afternoon and got assurances from the Sheriff to provide services. There is an alternative solution to the liability problem. The property contract is not final, it still can be negotiated. Council Member Botto asked if the Town couldn't estimate the money for four months. The response was no. The tax anticipation note must be paid by the end of the fiscal year. This can't be done before July 1 (the end of the fiscal year) and the County has the money. Council Member Cross stated that the Town needed money. Town Manager responded that the Town can do with what it has. Council Member Aguera asked if the Town can make it through June and then get the note fi.om the County. Town Manager responded in the affirmative. However, the Town may not need it. Town Manager also stated that the tax anticipation note was a cost neutral loan. Council Member Drake stated that the County employee issues were complex and that so far the offer to the employees was vague. Council Member Drake asked for an estimate of time to make a clear offer. Town Manager responded that probably by Thursday the County would provide the MOUs, Personnel Ordinances, Rules and Regulations. The transition is not as bad as anticipated. Then a firm offer can be made, probably within 10 days to two weeks. PERS is based on staffing expectations -- longevity, money, etc. Council Member Drake asked what Town Manager expected fi.om the Council. Town Manager responded that he can't solve the problems until he has answers, and is waiting for those. Mayor Eagan asked what those areas are. Town Manager responded that he needs PERS information from the County; the Town needs the advice of organizations and staffing (which is not in existence). Council Member Cross was curious as to whether the County said space was available and how much. Council Member Cross had heard conflicting reports. Discussion ensued. Council Member Aguera asked if the Town could Look at the PERS and do something retroactively. The answer was that it is possible to stay in the County system for a while. Council Member Aguera then asked if the Town could pick up the COBRA benefits. The answer was yes for 1-1/2 to 2 years. It will be long enough to get the Town's started. The Town can look at other public utilities to see what they do. Council Member Cross asked if there was a problem getting health insurance. The answer was that there would be no problem. Mayor Eagan stated that there was a short time frame. The Town doesn't want to shortchange the Town employees. Mayor Eagan would like to see the Town's options. COBRA looks good, but what are the costs? It buys the Town thne, though. Anything that buys the Town time/flexibility is good. Mayor Eagan asked Town Manager how many employees will be in the 2,000 to 2,500 square feet of the office. The answer was 40 employees (office staff, Department heads, etc.). Mayor Eagan stated that she thought 40 people in 2,500 square feet is too cramped. What are the alternatives to making this transition? Mayor Eagan was advised that Dave Dixon could be a good source. Interim Town Attorney Donald R. Haile was introduced. Mayor Eagan asked Finance Officer what the timing was to put together a cash flow. Finance Officer responded that it would be within the next ten days. The floor was made open to public comment. A member of the audience asked the Council if there was any idea in the next 10 days for the contract? The answer was yes. The Sheriff's employees will be notified sooner if possible. It looks better than it did. Gail Walker then spoke about her observations of what is going on.(Ms. Walker then read off a list of local County employees she thought would lose their jobs if the County contract was not renewed.) Mayor Eagan stated that she would like to meet with all County employees to clarify the situation because there is lots of confusion. Some County jobs are at risk -- Public Health/Child Protective Services -- but it is a County decision not a Town decision. Discussion ensued. Town Attorney and Town Manager were directed by the Town Council to meet with the County Counsel. Council Member Cross asked whether there was any sign that the Board of Supetv/sors might be changing their position. The answer was yes. Mayor Eagan reminded the Council that there would be a dinner sponsored by a local Hispanic organization on Friday; there was a Community Action Board meeting on Wednesday at 6:30 at OB's; and that there is a Community Development Conference coming up in Park City, Utah. Respectfully submitted, C.W. Masonheimer, Town Clerk Approved this the 3_TL._rd day of June, 1993.