HomeMy Public PortalAbout11-03-16 agendaNavfiTL'r 3, 2016 The Agenda Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carteret Ag encla Nepticg preceding the Regular Meeting of November 21, 2016 was held on November 3, 2016, 6:00 P.M. in the Memorial Municipal Building, 61 Cooke Avenue, Carteret, New Jersey. The following were noted present: Roll Call Council President Vincent Bellino Councilmember Jorge Diaz " Dennis DiMascio " Randy Krum " Susan Naples Noted absent was Councilmember Ajmar Johal. Nloted Absent - Cxur-ilm3n Jchal Also noted present was Municipal Clerk Kathleen M. Barney, MMC and Also Noted Present Borough Attorney Robert J. Bergen. The Clerk stated that 2016 Annual Notice was mailed to The Home News Statenent of I`keting Tribune, The Star Ledger and posted on the bulletin board on January 4, Notice 2016. Notice was published in The Home News Tribune on January 5, 2016 and The Star Ledger on January 6, 2016. The Meeting was opened with a minute of Silent Prayer and The Pledge Silent Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Daniel J. Reiman. of AllegiarrP Upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Diaz and Naples and unanimous Apprcval of Ninutes affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the minutes of October 20, 2016 were approved as transcribed and engrossed by the Clerk. Presentation: BPOE Elks, Lodge 92235 Mayor Reiman presented two (2) checks to the Elks. Presentation - BP�' Ellrs -Lodge 2235 1 lovarber 3, 2016 arrients Mayor said not long ago they participated in a ground breaking ceremony. It's not often we can give a grant to an organization and for making the building handicapped accessible. The two (2) checks were from: 1. Borough of Carteret for five thousand dollars $5,000.00 2. Business Partnership for five thousand dollars $5,000.00 A representative from the Elks thanked the Mayor and Council. iDIRMU #16 -26 ORDINANCES: Public Hearing - iblic Hearing 1. 916 -26 Certain Improvement to Various Improvements and /or Acquisition of Certain Real Property. The Clerk stated that Ordinance #16 -26 was introduced and adopted on First Reading at a meeting of the Council of the Borough of Carteret held on October 20, 2016. It was duly published in The Star Ledger on October 26, 2016 with notice that it will be considered for final passage after Public Hearing to be held November 3, 2016 at 6:00 P.M. The Ordinance was posted on the bulletin board and according to law, she read the Ordinance by title. en Upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Diaz and Naples and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, Mayor Reiman declared the Public Hearing to be open. Mayor asked if they had any questions or comments. red There being no objections to the Ordinance the Mayor declared the Public Hearing to be closed, upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Diaz and Bellino and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present. Noted absent was Councilmember Johal. Upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Diaz and Krum )IXIkNC.E #16-26 ORDINANCE #16 -26 , :1 Ordinance Praviding for `AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE BOROUGH uroaarents for the Borough OF CARTERET, COUNTY OF MIDDLESEX, NEW JERSEY, APPROPRIATING Carteret, County of Middlesex, -,a Jersey 2 Nasri)r 3, 2016 $825,000 FROM THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUIND RESERVES FOR THE Appropriating $825,000 2016 VARIOUS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND OR ACQUISITIONS OF from the Capital LrCwt. CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY OF THE BOROUGH FOR THE COST THEREFOR" Fund-`d Reserves for the 2016 Various Capital hp,ts. & or Acquisitions of Certain was finally adopted. Upon individual roll call vote Councilmembers Real Property of the Borogh Bellino, Diaz, DiMascio, Krum and Naples voted in the affirmative. Finally Adopted Councilmember Johal was noted absent. APPROVED AND ADOPTED NOVEMBER 3, 2016 INTRODUCED: OCTOBER 20, 2016 Advertised as Adopted on First Reading with notice of Public Hearing: October 26, 2016 Hearing Held: November3, 2016 Approved By: _ Mayor Daniel J. Reiman Advertised as Finally Adopted: November 9 2016 Mayor Reiman asked for a motion to amend the Agenda to include Arren3 the A-,erda - Resolution #H9, "Resolution of the Borough of Carteret, In the County of to Irclude Resolution Middlesex, Designating Carteret Business Partnership, Inc. as a 119 Redevelopment Area and Authorizing Execution of a Redevelopment Agreement in Connection therewith in Connection with the Construction and Operation of a New Performing Arts Center and Approving Comcast Spectra Venue Management as the Operator of Such Carteret Performing Arts Center. Mayor Reiman asked for a motion to amend the Agenda to include Resolution H9 (16 -189). Upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Diaz and Naples and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) members present, the agenda was amended to include Resolution 916 -H (Resolution 416 -189). Upon MMS &C, by Councilmembers Diaz and Krum and unanimous Own to Public affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the meeting was opened to the public. 3 N(Tantxr 3, 2016 Public Portion on PUBLIC PORTION ON RESOLUTIONS /AGENDA ITEMS AND NEW Resolutions /Agenda BUSINESS: Item & New &uiness 1. Directing the Issuance of Various Raffle Licenses. 2. Approving Accrued Time Compensation. 3. Creating Handicapped Parking Space — 9 Lincoln Avenue. 4. Providing for the Transfer of Funds. 5. Professional Services— Bathgate, Wegener & Wolf, Re: Carteret Marina & Ferry. 6. Authorizing Inter -local Agreement for Sanitary Sewer Improvement. 7. Authorizing the Carteret Business Partnership to Operate the Municipal Parking Garage and Making Provisions Therefore, 8. Approving Change Order #1 for the Noe Street Drainage Improvements Project. 9. Designating Carteret Business Partnership Inc. as a Redeveloper of a portion of the Cooke Avenue Mixed Use Redevelopment Agreement, Mr. Urban asked about Resolution #2, Approving Accrued Time Discussion Compensation. Is it dollar for dollar? Mayor Reiman said right now it's dollar for dollar based upon the Union Contract. For example, if funding is available and permitted Union Members, each contract is different, they are allowed to sell back up to eight (8) sick days or ten (10) vacation days. The current or prior contracts had about 100% at today's rate as opposed to future rates. Right now it is at 100% rate for a limited amount of time. Mr. Urban spoke but was inaudible. Mayor Reiman said they can sell back any unused vacation time and or sick time as long as they have time banked in the book. Most public employees, if they were hired years ago, they got fifteen (15) days. New employees that we hired get ten. They would have to have X amount. They could not sell back all ten (10) days because they would have to have at least ten (10), twenty (20) or thirty (30) sick days in case they got sick and then they would be able to sell back the other time. Novarl--r 3, 2016 `1r. Urban once again asked aboui Amazon on ti ',e industrial Road. He woke but was Inaudible. Mayor Reiman replied that they had discussion with Amazon and also with the Department of Transportation. Mr. Urban spoke about when it will snow Mayor Reiman said the State was very much involved in bringing them into town and now what will you do for their public improvements. We are trying to get funding from them to construct a walkway. I can tell you from November to December there will be an influx of deliveries, they will have Police Officers from 5:00 A.M. to 9:00 A.M. or 4:00 A.M. to 8:00 A.M. and in the evening at the intersection which we are building the Amazon for. At that drift way, The Industrial Highway intersection you'll have additional Policemen morning and night. We are aware of the sidewalk issue, we have plans to install sidewalks if it's right- of- way. If it's not a public right -of -way then it is private property so we'll have to work with the State and the County on that. The Mayor asked if there were any questions or comments. There being no further comments or questions the Mayor declared the Public Hearing to be closed upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Diaz and 6eiiino and unanimous affl irmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the Mayor declared the Public Hearing to be closed. Resolutions 916 -182 through 416 -189 were introduced by the Mayor and ref erred to the Council for action. Upon MMS &C Diaz and Krum RESOLUTION 416 -182 "APPROVING ACCURUED TIME COMPENSION" RESOLUTION #16 -183 "CREATING HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACE - 9 LINCOLN AVENUE" RESOLUTION #16 -184 "PROVIDING FOR THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS" Discussion ConLiry �1 Closed to Public Consent Ag enda Resolution -,`1c -152 'AWroven Accured Tim Gar�_-nsiori ' Resolution #16 -183 I CreaLip, Handicap Parking Space -9 Lincoln Ave.' ltesolution #16 -184 "Pradding for the Transfer Of Fronds" 5 1Noverhhac 3, 2016 Resolution m16 -185 RESOLUTION #16 -185 "Professional Services - "PROFESSIONAL SERVICES- BATHGATE, WEGEiNER & WOLF, Bathgate, [degerer & Uolf, RE: CARTERET MARINA AND FERRY" Re: Carteret Marina & Ferry" MIDDLESEX, DESIGNATING CARTERET BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP, INC. AS Resolution #16 -186 RESOLUTION #16 -186 "Authorizirglnter -Local "AUTH OR IZI NG I NTE R-LOCAL AGRFEM E NT FOR SAN I TARY SEWE R Agresrent for Sanitary IMPROVEMENTS" Sewer hroroverrents" CONNECTION WITH THE CONSTRUCTION & OPERATION OF A NEW Redeveloprent Agreerent - RESOLUTION 916 -187 Resolution #16-187 "AUTHORIZING THE BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP TO OPERATE THE "Authorizing the Business MUNICIPAL PARKING GARAGE AND MAKING PROVISIONS THEREFORE" Partrarship to Orate the ft c pal Paridng Garage & Making Provisions RESOLUTION #16 -188 therefore' "APPROVING CHANGE ORDER #1 FOR THE NOE STREET DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS" Resolution -16 -189 RESOLUTION #16 -189 Resolution of the Borcugh of Carteret "RESOLUTION OF THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET, IN THE COUNTY OF County of Vdddleser, MIDDLESEX, DESIGNATING CARTERET BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP, INC. AS Designating Carteret REDEVELOPER OF A PORTION OF THE COOKE AVENUE MIXED USE Busirass Partners:iip,lnc. REDEVELOPMENT AREA & AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A as Recleveloper of a Portion REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION THEREWITH IN of Cooke Ave. Nixed Use CONNECTION WITH THE CONSTRUCTION & OPERATION OF A NEW Redeveloprent Agreerent - PERFORMING ARTS CENTER AND APPROVING SPECTRA VENUE Spectra Venn hlaasgcrrent" MANAGEMENT AS THE OPERATOR OF SUCH CARTERET PERFORMING ARTS CENTER" care adoptel were adopted. Upon individual roll call vote Councilmembers Bellino, Diaz, DiMascio, Krum, Naples voted in the affirmative. Councilmember Johal was noted absent. Bill List BILL LIST - Upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Diaz and Krum all bills appearing on the prepared list, properly audited and signed were ordered to be paid. Upon Individual roll call vote, Councilmembers Bellino, Diaz, DiMascio, Krum and Naples voted in the affirmative. Councilmember Johal was rioted absent. 0 Novanlxr 3, 2016 Reports - Reports 1. Clerk's Office —October - 2016 2. Treasurer — Certificate of Determination & Award — October - 2016. Upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Diaz and Krum and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, all reports were ordered to be received and placed on file. Councilmember Johal was noted absent. Committees — BUILDING & GROUNDS — Committee Chairperson Johal was noted absent. FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION — Committee Chairperson Diaz reported Progress. FIRE & DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS — Committee Chairperson Krum reported Progress. PARKS, RECREATION & PUBLIC PROPERTY — Committee Chairperson Bellino thanked everyone for their well wishes and reported Progress in his department. POLICE - Committee Chairperson Naples reported that she will have everything ready for the next Council Meeting. PUBLIC WORKS — Committee Chairperson DiMascio reported Progress. (b ilia tees After no further discussion, upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Diaz and Adjourn3 Krum and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the meeting was Adjourned at approximately 6:08 P.M. Councilman Johal was noted absent. FA (\WR43 2 3, 2016 Respectful y submitted, &LI KATHLEEN M. BARNEY, MMC UX Municipal Clerk KMB /am