HomeMy Public PortalAboutVision Planning Committee -- 2020-12-07 Minutes TOWN OF BREWSTER VISION PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Monday, December 7th, 2020 at 4PM 4 Virtual Meeting Hal Minis, Chairman, convened the Brewster Vision Planning Committee via remote participation with members : Patricia Hess, Paul Wallace, Andi Genser, Garren Peterson , Fran Schofield , Sue Searles, and Sharon Tennestedt and Kari Hoffmann . A quorum was determined . Also present : Sharon Rooney (Tighe & Bond ), Katie Weaver (Tighe & Bond ), Honey Pivirotto ( FinCom Liaison ) , Ryan Bennett (Town Planner) , and Ellen Murphy ( Department Assistant) . The Chair read the Recording or Taping Notification : This meeting will be conducted by remote participation pursuant to Governor Baker's March 2020 orders suspending certain Open Meeting Law provisions and imposing limits on public gatherings . No in - person meeting attendance will be permitted . If the Town is unable to live broadcast this meeting, a record of the proceedings will be provided on the Town website as soon as possible . The Town has established specific email addresses for each board and committee so the public can submit comments either before or during the meeting . To submit public comment or questions to the Vision Planning Committee, please email : brewplan@brewster- ma . gov. • Review and Approval of November 16, 2020 minutes Kari Hoffmann suggested in the Discussion of VPC Communication Strategy section of the minutes to provide specific detail referencing "Committee members discussed social media, newsletters, and how to reach out to various audiences " to include Sue Searles and Garren Peterson suggested the Facebook group page Brewster Community Space as a resource . The Committee agreed the minutes should be amended to include the reference . Ellen will make the change and distribute to the Committee . Motions were made and the minutes were approved unanimously as amended . • Presentation by Tighe & Bond : Discussion of Growth Policy/Land Use Vision for the town : Sharon Rooney took the lead discussing the Growth Policy and Land Use Vision . She referenced the Regional Policy Plan Growth Policy using it as a starting point for the discussion . She highlighted centers of activity identifying Brewster' s activity centers and natural areas . She also indicated hazard , protected , historical and existing land use areas where there should be less growth . Sharon suggested mapping these areas as a useful tool as well as utilizing the Cape Cod Placetype Framework and high level topics to identify growth policy for the workshops . Sue Searles suggested given the number of ponds in Brewster we include the word " Ponds" to wetlands and buffers . Kari Hoffmann asked where these maps could be viewed and if they are current . Sharon indicated the maps were obtained by many different areas and offered to assist if anyone would like to view . Ryan Bennett will send Sharon updated information on Brewster projects and resend the link to the CCC story map to the Committee . Hal suggested the term Growth Management be renamed to a more neutral term to avoid any misinterpretation . Ryan suggested the data from the Housing and Conservation project would be valuable to the Committee and should be available in the winter timeframe . Hal asked if there was additional data the Committee could utilize . Sharon informed the Committee town -wide economic and demographic data should also be incorporated into the decision making process . Review of Vision Plan Land Use and Growth Management Priorities: Sharon reviewed a spreadsheet with the Committee, highlighting the themes from the Growth Management Priorities indicating level of importance based on how often the priorities were mentioned . She suggested this tool would tie in nicely as part of the workshops . Hal indicated he took a different cut of the building block goals and was surprised to see the number of actions related to land use and water resources . Ryan suggested his document be part of the working document . Kari suggested the Committee ensure priorities captured reflect what is represented in the Vision Plan . Andi raised a concern regarding tension between housing expansion , conservation and open space and ensure it is addressed . Hal suggested the mapping Page 1 of 3 exercise will provide some relief. Pat stated survey results indicated water management was an area of importance . Ryan will share the preliminary notes of the APP with Sharon that identify suitable areas to incorporate . ArcGIS Online Public Participation Tool Katie Weaver, GIS Analyst Tighe & Bond provided a demonstration of the ArcGIS online tool and indicated that the Town of Brewster already has 4 user accounts . She highlighted Survey 1- 2 -3 , Dashboard and the Web application stating all 3 can be customized and used together . Hal talked about how the Committee could utilize the Survey 1 -2 -3 during a virtual workshop and Katie indicated all these tools are easily accessible by internet . Sharon Tennestedt questioned the usability of the tools . Sharon Rooney suggested usability testing with the Committee in the near future to gain knowledge of the tools . The Committee discussed recent surveys that have been successful throughout the town that may also be an option and different methods to reach all audiences . • Review of Draft Communication Plan Fran Schofield walked the Committee through the document, titled Communications and Community Engagement Plan . She stressed this is a working document that will capture, plan for, record and act as a receptacle for all types of communication . It will also serve as a record for what has been accomplished . She highlighted the objectives with a broad range of audiences and how and what mode of communication would be utilized depending on the audience . She encouraged the Committee to provide feedback on the document . Fran also emphasized the importance of branding creating a potential logo that would be applied to all communication . She provided an example of communication triggers and a sample activity plan for moving forward . The document was well received and the Committee had high praise for the effort put forth by Fran . Pat asked if the project plan originally created by Tighe and Bond with a start date of August has been update to reflect the start date of October . Sharon Rooney will discuss later in the agenda . Andi suggested the Committee focus on details of the document at the next meeting with the goal of sharing the document with the Select Board at a future meeting . • Discussion of Target Dates for Stakeholder Forums Sharon Rooney presented an updated project plan to the Committee with a start date of October . Fran asked if these dates should be rolled into the Communication Activity Plan . Hal suggested that the Committee needs to focus on the relationship of the Vision Plan with the guidance of LCP . He emphasized that it is critical to understand the relationship before a detailed timeline is created . Kari clarified what overlaps with the consultant' s contract should be included in the Communication Activity Plan . Ryan will share the contract information to assist with planning stakeholder forums . She suggested target dates be determined for the stakeholder forums and the public forum be pushed out to February or March . Hal suggested February and if need be it can be pushed out . • Discuss Progress Report Presentation to the Select Board Ryan informed the Committee that a December progress report is due to the Select Board . Hal as Chair will work with Ryan to get on the agenda . Kari suggested the Committee attend the Select Board meeting and Hal agreed . Ryan asked Hal to provide a draft outline for discussion at the December 21 meeting with the goal to present at the January Select Board meeting . Hal agreed that if the Committee is providing quarterly reports to the Select Board then a Q4 update should be presented at the January meeting . Honey Pivirotto asked when and who will be performing the comparison of the Vision Plan with the LCP . Ryan informed the Committee a comparison analysis is one of the tasks . Hal , Ryan and Sharon will meet to discuss and present to the Committee at the January 4" meeting . • Matters Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair 1 . Honey Pivirotto asked to confirm if she was on the distribution list 2 . Ellen Murphy brought to the Committee' s attention in 2021 there are three meetings (January 18, February 15 , April 19 ) that fall on Monday holidays . This will be an agenda item for the December 21 meeting . Page 2 of 3 3 . Pat questioned if a signed form for the Open Meeting document was necessary . Ryan confirmed it was necessary and for all board members to return the signed form to the Town Clerk 4 . Ryan asked the Committee to ensure they perform their ethics training . If they have not been contacted by the Town Clerk to reach out to either Ryan or Ellen . 5 . Hal followed up with Cheryl Doble for an electronic copy of the Tisbury annual report but has yet to hear back . Documents Referenced : Brewster Local Comprehensive Plan by Tighe & Bond Communications & Community Engagement Plan by Fran Schofield ( DRAFT) Updated Project Schedule by Tighe & Bond The next meeting of the Brewster Vision Planning Committee is scheduled for December 2111, 2020 . A motion was made to adjourn the meeting . Vote : 8-0-0 . Meeting adjourned at 5 : 48 . Page 3 of 3