HomeMy Public PortalAboutVision Planning Committee -- 2021-02-01 Minutes TOWN OF BREWSTER VISION PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Monday, February 1, 2021 at 4PM Virtual Meeting Hal Minis, Chairman, convened the Brewster Vision Planning Committee via remote participation with members : Patricia Hess, Paul Wallace , Andi Genser, Fran Schofield , Garran Peterson , Sue Searles, and Sharon Tennstedt and Kari Hoffmann . A quorum was determined . Also present : Honey Pivirotto ( FinCom Liaison ) , Ryan Bennett ( Town Planner) , and Ellen Murphy ( Department Assistant) . The Chair read the Recording or Taping Notification : This meeting will be conducted by remote participation pursuant to Governor Baker' s March 2020 orders suspending certain Open Meeting Law provisions and imposing limits on public gatherings . No in - person meeting attendance will be permitted . If the Town is unable to live broadcast this meeting, a record of the proceedings will be provided on the Town website as soon as possible . The Town has established specific email addresses for each board and committee so the public can submit comments either before or during the meeting . To submit public comment or questions to the Vision Planning Committee, please email : brewplan@brewster- ma . gov . • Review and Approval of January 19, 2021 minutes : Hal asked the Committee if they had any comments on the January 19th meeting minutes . Kari Hofmann questioned if the Committee is voting should the minutes include the name of the Committee member who made the motions . Hal asked Ryan if that should be included , Ryan agreed that we can include the name of the Committee member who makes a motion . The Committee decided that going forward the minutes would include the name of the Committee member who made the motion . Hal asked the Committee if there was a motion to approve the minutes, Sharon Tennstedt made a motion to approve the minutes, Andi Genser second the motion, Hal took a roll call and the minutes were approved unanimously . • Tighe & Bond Presentation : Hal turned the meeting over to Sharon Rooney from Tighe & Bond . a ) Mapping Resources for LCP/Outreach : Sharon started the discussion talking about mapping and mapping resources . She shared slides of the existing mapping and discussed plans for making the maps available to the Committee . Hal asked if some of the layers displayed could be turn off and Sharon confirmed that layers could be turned off for better viewing . She indicated that all the maps are from GIS and they are in the process of getting additional data from the Cape Cod Commission . Sharon then discussed additional mapping to be developed . Kari Hoffmann asked if the " Park and Ride lots" that border Brewster would be included under Transportation mapping and Sharon confirmed that even though the lots may be bordering another town they will be included in the mapping exercise . Hal asked under " Bicycle/ Pedestrian " , if sidewalks would be included . Sharon confirmed that if that data is available it will be included in the mapping exercise . Hal suggested to reach out to the DPW for sidewalk data . Sharon discussed potential web- based mapping tools that could be developed to provide the flexibility to take the static maps and turn layers on and off as discussed . She shared with the Committee the mapping tool used in Falmouth to demonstrate the possible capability of the mapping tool . b ) Survey 1 - 2 -3 web application & placetypes : Sharon then went on to discuss Survey 1-2 -3 a web- based application mapping tool that was developed for the project . She provided a more in -depth demo giving the Committee an idea of what to expect when they start using the tool . She indicated that she would like to begin testing the tool with the Committee . She stepped through the application giving examples of how the tool can be used . Ryan stated that the tool is a good source for the Committee to use to understand the placetypes and utilize when reaching out to the community . Sharon Tennstedt asked how to approach residents . Ryan suggested that the Committee first get comfortable with the tool and then slowly roll it out to the stakeholders during the stakeholder meetings to get their feedback . Sharon Rooney stated that the tool Page 1 of 2 is a way to get some early input on places that resonate with stakeholders in the community . Andi stated it would work really well for Community Character and Sharon Tennstedt suggested it would be useful for Open Space , The Committee discussed how it would apply to the Building Blocks and Sharon Rooney stated that the survey is customizable and has the capability to grow with the project . The Committee then discussed next steps . Kari asked who would be monitoring the content of the tool . Sharon Rooney suggested that monitoring content should be by town staff to ensure no inappropriate content is posted . The Committee expressed a concern that some audiences would not be included when using the tool because although it is user friendly there may be challenges . Ryan agreed that the results gathered from using the tool would not dictate the outcome . Hal asked about the timeframe of accessing the tool and Sharon Rooney suggested that usernames and passwords will have to be allocated before getting access . The Committee briefly discussed the changes to the form and Kari suggested to add a field for " name of location" . Sharon Rooney suggested the Committee try logging on with her credentials and submit a list of suggested changes to the form . Hal indicated a better approach would be for the Committee to log in and use the tool and suggested the Committee be ready to discuss changes to the form at the next meeting rather than sending changes directly to Sharon . • Communications Update . Hal turned the discussion over to Fran Schofield to provide the Communications Update . Fran stated that the press release was finalized and sent to Ryan . Ryan confirmed that the press release was distributed to all press outlets for the Town and Committee members commented that it appeared on the Town website and in the Cape Codder . • Vision Plan Implementation Task : a ) Stakeholder Outreach Forums — Update Hal asked each group to discuss their ideas of who they have identified as stakeholders . As each group discussed their list, it was evident that the lists were too extensive and had to be paired down . Hal reminded the Committee Members that zoom calls would need to be scheduled for the stakeholder meetings and the focus of these meetings is to find out the status . He asked the Committee members to provide a list of essential stakeholders for the initial meeting . Hal suggested that a diverse group of . stakeholders to get a mix of ideas is the best approach . Ryan discussed the options for the meetings stating the challenges and logistics faced with the Town Zoom account . It was suggested that the team approach their own stakeholder outreach based on their comfort level . Hal agreed that if the approach was through the Town it will be very cumbersome and provides a level of difficulty . It is encouraged to use your own Zoom account if possible . The approach is a data gathering exercise and can be less formal . It was suggested to have smaller groups that are targeted to the actions for the implementation status . If the groups are large it may be more effective to break it down into two calls . The Committee had a discussion on the various ways they could approach this- exercise . The focus is to find out what has been done, what needs to be done and ultimately the priority actions under the LCP . It was decided the teams would be responsible for setting up their stakeholder meetings . The Committee continued to discuss their stakeholder list and approach . It was decided by the March 15th meeting the Committee would report back on the status of the stakeholder outreach . The Committee members will send Ellen their updated list and Ellen will compile a master list to be discussed at the next meeting . • Next Meeting : Tuesday, February 16, 2021 • Matters Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair : Due to time constraints Hal requested a motion to adjourn the meeting . The next meeting of the Brewster Vision Planning Committee is scheduled for February 161t, 2021 . A motion was made by Sue Searles to adjourn the meeting, Fran Schofield second the motion , a roll call vote was taken and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 5 : 50 . Vote : 7 -0-0 . Page 2of2 .