HomeMy Public PortalAboutVision Planning Committee -- 2021-04-20 Minutes TOWN OF BREWSTER VISION PLANNING COMMITTEE Lr MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, April 20, 2021 at 4PM lj- 1 Virtual Meeting ' Hal Minis, Chairman , convened the Brewster Vision Planning Committee via remote participation with members : Patricia Hess, Andi Genser, Paul Wallace , and Sharon Tennstedt and Kari Hoffmann , and Sue Searles . Garran Peterson and Fran Schofield were absent . A quorum was determined . Also present : Ellen Murphy ( Department Assistant ) . The Chair read the Recording or Taping Notification : This meeting will be conducted by remote participation pursuant to Governor Baker' s March 2020 orders suspending certain Open Meeting Law provisions and imposing limits on public gatherings . No in - person meeting attendance will be permitted . If the Town is unable to live broadcast this meeting, a record of the proceedings will be provided on the Town website as soon as possible . The Town has established specific email addresses for each board and committee so the public can submit comments either before or during the meeting . To submit public comment or questions to the Vision Planning Committee, please email : brewplan (@brewster- ma . gov. • Review and Approval of April 5, 2021 meeting minutes : Hal asked the Committee if they had any comments on the April 5th meeting minutes . There being no comments, Kari Hoffmann made a motion to approve the minutes, Sue Searles second the motion , Hal took a roll call and the minutes were approved unanimously . • Vision Plan Implementation Task : a ) Stakeholder Outreach Interviews : Status Hal asked the Committee if they had reviewed the status document of Stakeholder meetings held and reports submitted to date . Everyone on the Committee stated that they reviewed the document . Hal informed the Committee that approximately 80 % of the reports have been submitted . Patricia asked how the data would be displayed . Hal asked Ellen how the data is being uploaded into the spreadsheet . She informed the Committee that currently the reports that are being submitted are in the process of reconciling against the dates provided and identifying what is outstanding . She indicated that there are some discrepancies and she has been working with Committee members to eliminate those discrepancies . Hal discussed taking the bullets from the Building Block reports submitted and inputting into the spreadsheet . Ellen informed the Committee that the reports are very detailed and there are many bullets . She suggested that we find a way to summarize the bullets otherwise there is so much data that the spreadsheet will be too large . The Committee discussed the best approach to organizing the data so it will be useful and transferable for the annual report . Hal indicated that the answers to question 1 by Building Block and purpose is what they are looking for in the spreadsheet . He suggested that by cross checking the data it could shrink down the responses . The Committee discussed different approaches to analyze the data . It was decided that each Building Block team would provide a summary of the questions 2 - 5 . The next step would then be to look across all of the summaries by Building Block and identify key points and common themes . Patricia highlighted a common theme throughout her Stakeholder discussions . She indicated that the Stakeholders expressed an interest in hearing about emerging issues and concerns in the other Building Blocks . She asked how we can communicated to others that are interested . Hal discussed with the Committee that a formal "Thank you" to the Stakeholders after an interview should be a common practice and possibly providing a Building Block summary . Sharon volunteered to provide a first cut of the Governance Building Block summary for review at the next meeting on May 3rd Hal will come up with an outline for the annual report so that the Committee and start to think about how to align the Building Block data . I' Page 1 of 2 i i i • Communication Update : a ) Review of write up for " Best of Brewster" Patricia walked through the article with the Committee . She indicated that the word limit is 500 words and currently the article is 560 words so the article needs to stay within the limit . The Committee discussed the "small town character" of Brewster and how to maintain in the Community Character Building Block . The Committee referred to the Vision Plan . Sue suggested the Committee state Brewster wants to become more diverse as a community . They discussed the timeline for workshops and the approach due to Covid . It was suggested that it remains generic at this point . Hal suggested that Kyle Hinkle provide any background pictures for the layout of the article . Patricia to make updates and send final to Kyle Hinkle . • Update on Climate Change and Energy Presenters : No update to report on the presenters . • Review Action Items from April 5th Meeting : Patricia provided an update on . the action items from the April 5th meeting . She indicated the outstanding items were scheduling presenters and an updated email list for outreach . • Next Meeting : Monday, May 3 ,d • Matters Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair : Andi asked if Tyne and Bond will be attending meetings and if we will be sharing our reports . Hal indicated that due to Covid the work has been slowed down . A motion was made by Sharon to adjourn the meeting, Andi second the motion , a roll call vote was taken and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 4 : 47 pm . Vote : 7 -O-0 . i i I Page 2 of 2 j