HomeMy Public PortalAboutr 99:30199-301 {)a{c I,I Adop{hm~S}~uT}{MBER ~' 1999 I/ESOI,UTION TO (;() INl'O CIA)SEI) SESSION WII1CI/EAS, SectionSofthe()penPul)licMeetingsAct'(Jllt te 231 I'.L, 1975, WIIEI/EAS, II,is public body is off ihe ol)i"i°" Ihat sud~citcumslances plesenlly exists; NOW, TIIEI[EFOI~E, lie IT IIESOI,VICD by Ihe Mayo~ and Council of Borough ofCmletel, Cotmly of Middlesex. Slate o['New Jersey, as Ibllows: I The public shall be excluded liom agemling, discussi,g m pa~licipaling in the hemina[/e~ specilied subject mal~e~ s 2 The general nahue oflhe subject matle~ to be discussed is as Follows: 3 H ~s anticipamd at this lime that dm above shded subject matle~ will be made public: u~on conclu~io~ ~f ~h~ ~ve ma~s. - 4 qhis resolution shall lake efl~ct immediaqvly Aduplcd al a nlccli.g ol II,c Mtulicilml Cuullcil S~I~- 9, 1999