HomeMy Public PortalAbout5-17e'we'eLl "_ off, 4 eac ag3 r6uerue�, ec.& .ilr j� 1110. 5- 17 Dalc of Adupiiuti__ 20, 2017 RESOLUTION AI TIIORI7.1 \G A PERSON -TO- PERSON TRANSFER OF A.B.C. LICENSE #1201 -33- 018-1112 FROM CARTERET DINING, LLC TO CARTF.RF.T EXECUTIVE: CATERER, I.I.C. N I WRL. 1S. application has been made to the ABC Board of the Borough of Carteret. County of f%liddlcscx. State of Net% Jerset bt Carteret Carteret Lxecutitc Caterer. I I C. fior a Person - to Perim transter of ABC License a 1101 -33- 018 -I1)2 from Carteret Dining. LLC present holder of same and said license consented to assign their rights to license to the aforesaid applicant. Carteret I \ecutite Caterer. 1 LC: and WI IERI AS. according to the lao the applicant fir transfer was doh advertised in I he Home Ncws rrubune. a news paper circulated in the Borough of Carteret and no objections. either terbally or in writing. acre filed or made to the Board or to the Municipal Clerk regarding said transfer: and Whereas. the applicant has disclosed and the local authorih has rct icwcd the source of all funds used in the purchase of said license and the licensed business and all additional financing obtained in connection with the licensed business. WHEREAS. the application farm is complete in all respects and the applicant os qualified to be licensed according to all standards established br I itic33 of the New Jerre} Statutes. promulgated there under. as well as pertinent local ordinances and conditions consistent with Title 33. NOW. TIIEREFORE. BE IT AND rr IS I IFRLBY RESOLVED. BY tf IE blator and Council of the Borough of Carteret. County of Middlesex. State of Ncw Jersey. the ABC License #33- 018 -001 hcretofor granted to Carteret Executor a Caterer. L.LC be and the same is hereby transferred. of fectite Juh 1.1017 to the applicant Carteret Exccutite Caterer. LLC to sell alcoholic betcrages in conformity with the law. statutes. rules and regulations of the Borough of Carteret relating to and concerning said license and to be hold by them until said license expires. unless sooner retoked. BE 1T FUR rI IER RESOLVED. That the Municipal Clerk is hereby authorised and directed to execute the endorsement of the Person -to- Person Transfer on behal f of the ABC Board of the Borough of Carteret: and BE IT FURTI IER RESOLVED. that twu (2) certified copies of this Resolution be sent forthwith to the Slate of New Jersey. Department of L.aw and Public Safety. M ision of Alcoholic Be%crage Control. Licensing Control. Licensing Bureau. CN 087. Trenton. NJ 0861541187. Adopted this 20" day of July. 2017 And certified as awe copy of the Original on July 21. 2017. KATIII LI N M. BARNI Y.111MC Municipal Clerk RECO OF voTL: xL3 NO ply fl X FMA E . J/M X - Indicate V ulc AO - Absent NV - Ilul Vr Adopt at a meetirfg of Lhe ALC Buaid on ty MD. I Board Secretary sting