HomeMy Public PortalAbout04 April 1, 1998 Budget and Finance041215 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION • BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE (COMMISSIONERS WILLIAM KLEINDIENST, JACK VAN HAASTER, JIM VENABLE) 12:30 P.M. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1998 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION 3560 UNIVERSITY AVENUE, SUITE 100 RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS. 4. ADDITIONS/REVISIONS. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE/FINANCIAL ITEMS. 5A. Environmentally Sensitive Corridor Overview That the Commission direct staff to work with Dangermond & Associates and Bechtel to develop scoping documents to address the CETAP study that would environmentally clear the future corridors required in Western Riverside County and identify sensitive habitat areas that should be preserved. Authorize an initial contract with Dangermond & Associates not to exceed $25,000 to cover the scoping effort using a standard RCTC consultant contract and bring back to the Commission a proposed scope of work, schedule of services, and project cost for review and approval. 5B. Monthly Cost and Schedule Reports Overview Material depicts the current costs and schedule status of contracts reported by routes, commitments, and cooperative agreements executed by the Commission. For each contract and agreement, the report lists the authorized value approved by the Commission, percentage of contract amount expended to date, and the project expenditures by route with status for the month ending February 29, 1998. This item is for receive and file. 6. TRANSIT/RIDESHARE/BICYCLE. 6A. FY 1998 State Transit Assistance Incentive Bonus Overview This agenda item is requesting that the $241,852 in State Transit Assistance discretionary funds that had been set aside for use as an incentive bonus in FY 1998 be allocated on the population formula basis to each apportionment area, consistent with State TDA guidelines. Additionally, the Transit Operators are requesting that no 10% bonus be set aside for FY 1999 and that the full discretionary pot be allocated on the population. basis. Page 2 Agenda - Budget/Finance Committee April 1, 1998 6B. Meditrans Services -Request for Measure A Western County Specialized Transit Capital Matching Funds. Overview That the Commission approve allocation of $50,900 in Measure A Specialized Transit funds available in the Western Riverside County to Meditrans Services to be used as the required 20% federal match for the purchase of four replacement vehicles, one expansion vehicle and five mobile radio units. 7. HIGHWAYS/LOCAL STREETS AND ROADS. 7A. Award Construction Contract for Sound Walis on State Route 91 between Van Buren Blvd. to Mary Street. Overview That the Commission award a construction contract for the project to the lowest responsive bidder. Staff's recommendation of the lowest responsive bidder will be presented to the Commission at the April 8, 1998 meeting. 7B. Approval to Advertise a Request for Proposal (RFP) to Provide Support for Construction Support Services Related to Landscaping Projects on State Route 91 and Yuma Drive Interchange. Overview That the Commission direct Staff to advertise and select a qualified firm to provide Landscaping On -Call services to support the construction management activities related to the construction of landscaping for the State Route 91 Noise Walis and the Yuma Interchange. Following the selection process, Staff will negotiate a cost for the scope of services with the selected firm to deliver the required PS&E package. The results of the selection process, scope of services and cost to perform the work will be brought back to the Commission for review and approval. 7C. Completion of the State Route 79 Realignment Study through the Cities of Hemet and San Jacinto. Overview Staff is recommending that the Commission receive and file the State Route 79 Realignment Study and direct staff to study funding alternatives for the Project Study Report, Project Report, and Environmental Clearance Studies. 8. RAIL. 8A. Award Amendment No. 2 to F.R. Harris Agreement RO-9731. Overview Award Amendment No. 2 to F.R. Harris Agreement RO-9731 to provide additional compensation for additional plan check work, provide additional Construction Support Services for the new Electrical/Mechanical/Security System/CCTV Construction Support Inspection Services. Page 3 Agenda - Budget/Finance Committee April 1, 1998 • • 9. SERVICE AUTHORITY FOR FREEWAY EMERGENCIES 9A. Cooperative Agreement Between the State of California Department of Transportation and Riverside County Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies for Freeway Service Patrol Program in Riverside County. Overview The amendment to the cooperative agreement with the State of California Department of Transportation provides for an additional $4,500 in funding for the Riverside County Freeway Service Patrol program for FY 1997-98, or an annual total of 8500,100. The Riverside County SAFE must provide matching funds of $125,025 (20%). 10. ADJOURNMENT. 000003 " " " " MINUTES MARCH 4, 1998 " BUDGET AND FINANCE COMMITTEE t • • MINUTES WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1998 1. CALL TO ORDER. The meeting of the Budget and Finance Committee was called to order by Commissioner Jack van Haaster at 12:30 p.m. at the Riverside County Transportation Commission Conference Room, 3560 University Avenue, Riverside. Members Present Will Kleindienst Jack van Haaster Jim Venable 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. M/S/C (Kliendienst/Venable) to approve the minutes of the January 14, 1998 Budget and Finance Committee meeting. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS. There were no public comments at this time. 4. ADDITIONS/REVISIONS. There were no additions or revisions to the agenda. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE/FINANCIAL ITEMS. 5A. Video and Audio Conferencing Equipment Naty Kopenhaver presented the proposal to purchase video and audio conferencing equipment for the conference room. She explained that as of January 1, 1998, legislation took effect that allows participation at public meetings by audio/video teleconference. At the February meeting, the Commission adopted Resolution No. 98- 01, the resolution governs the use of audio and video conferencing equipment at RCTC meetings. Staff worked with Ken Lobec of Coachella Valley Association of Governments, Bob Spilsbury of GTE (County of Riverside vendor), and Jim Boatwright, County of Riverside, to determine a proposal for audio and video conferencing equipment for the Commission. Based on the conference room layout, the Concorde 4500 system unit is proposed. It includes three power microphones, two monitors (one facing the conference table and one facing the audience), a power camera that can either be programmed for voice activation or using the look -at -me feature. It was determined that the look -at -me feature, rather than the voice -activated feature, would work best for the Commission because of the number of participants at its meetings and the resulting background noise. The voice -activated equipment functions by sound and the camera tends to focus in the direction of where the sounds are coming from. This feature could be difficult to manage with a large number of participants and audience attending the meetings. However, in those instances when the voice - activated feature is selected, the two cameras can be used to to focus on more than one participant. The Look -at -me feature can also be used to provide more control on the focal point of the two cameras. With the two options, staff could determine the best option to use. Commissioner Venable questioned how many staff members and Commissioners would utilize this video/audio conferencing capability. Commissioner Kleindienst said that -hg Page 2 Minutes - Budget/Finance Committee March 4, 1998 would utilize it, especially with the travel time involved in getting to this meeting and the amount of time it normally lasts. Commissioner Kleindienst asked about the "bridging" capability of this system so that more than one person would be able to utilize it at a time. Ms. Kopenhaver replied that at this time "bridging" is done by GTE and the cost is over 5100,000. Chairman van Haaster said that this request is possibly premature because as the technology becomes more readily available the costs will decrease. There are other facilities that can be used if the capability is needed and tele-conferencing is still an option. M/S/C (Venable/van Haaster) oppose the purchase of the Concorde 4500 audio and video conference equipment, including installation and maintenance for one year at $73,955.10. Commissioner Kleindienst voted no. 5B. Bi-Annual Measure A Sales Tax Projections M/S/C (Venable/Kliendienst) approve contracting with Ernst & Young to complete the 1998 Measure A sales tax projects in an amount not to exceed $45,000. 5C. FY98 Revised Budget M/S/C (van HaasterNenable) approve the revised budget for fiscal year 1997/98. 5D. Quarterly Financial Reports M/S/C (van HaasterNenable) to receive and file the Combining Statements of Revenues and Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances (Unaudited) and the Highway and rail projects quarterly budget report for the Quarter Ending December 31 6. HIGHWAYS/LOCAL STREETS AND ROADS. 6A. City of Murrieta Request to Transfer Surface Transportation Program Discretionary Funds M/S/C (van Haaster/Kleindienst) to approve the transfer of Surface Transportation Program (STP) discretionary and formula funds from previously programmed projects on Jefferson Avenue to another programmed project on Murrieta Hot Springs Road. 6B. Award of Contract to Engineering Resources for Completion of Gene Autry Trail Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) for State Route 111. M/S/C (Venable/Kleindienst) approve awarding a contract to Engineering Resources to complete the Gene Autry Trail PS&E for an amount of $11,529.52 with an extra work amount of $2,470.48 for any contingencies for a total amount not to exceed $14,000. • • 110 000005 Page 3 Minutes - Budget/Finance Committee March 4, 1998 • • • 6C. Approval to Advertise a Request for Proposal (RFP) to develop the Plans. Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) for the Phase II Noise Walls on State Route 91. M/S/C (KleindienstNenable) to direct Staff to advertise and select a qualified firm to prepare the Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) for the Phase II Noise Wall and Auxiliary Lane Project between Magnolia and Mary Streets. 6D. Joint Application to the Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review Committee (MSRC) for SR 91 High Occupancy Toll Lane Feasibility/Air Quality Monitoring Demonstration. M/S/C (Venable/Kleindienst) to authorize SCAG and CE-CERT to resubmit the joint application, and provide a commitment of $80,000 LTF planning funds as a cash match, if the MSRC approves the proposal. Chairman van Haaster questioned the need to have legal counsel present at the Budget and Finance Committee meetings. Staff explained that this was the preference of the former Executive Director and allows legal counsel to be present if there are any Brown Act issues or any other miscellaneous legal questions. This issue can be discussed with the new Executive Director once he comes on board. 7. ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business for consideration by the Budget and Finance Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Natye-----6- pehk ver Clerk of the Commission 003006 " AGENDA ITEM 5A • " " " " RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION DATE: April 1, 1998 TO: Budget and Finance Committee FROM: Paul Blackwelder, Deputy Executive Director SUBJECT: Environmentally Sensitive Corridor Planning Process At the September 10, 1997 Commission meeting, a presentation was made by Commissioner Tom Mullen, Mark Pisano the Executive Director of SCAG, and Pete Dangermond of Dangermond & Associates regarding a proposed process to environmentally clear future transportation corridors in Western Riverside County. The process proposed has been coined the Community & Environmental Approval Process (CETAP). Staff was directed to bring back an item for Commission consideration regarding funding such a process. The Western Riverside County Area faces a critical transportation problem. The area lacks the regional transportation infrastructure necessary to: support economic development; protect existing environmentally sensitive habitats and; provide access to recreation opportunities into the 21't Century. There is limited funding to handle the sensitive nature of the Riverside's environmental demand for prudent methods of development that will address these concerns. Mark Pisano indicated the growth in population in the Western Riverside County Area and San Bernardino over the next 20 years will exceed 2,000,000 people with a projected increase in available jobs of only 800,000. Therefore, the percentage of commuters making one hour plus trips to neighboring Orange and L.A. Counties will double and triple over the next 20 years. The present transportation system within the region does not have sufficient capacity to handle the traffic movement necessary for the east/west commute. Pete Dangermond outlined the basic concepts to consider during a process to obtain approval of a plan that would provide a solution to transportation needs of the future while maintaining sensitivity to environmentally sensitive areas. The process would have to consider different modes such as freeways, light rail, heavy rail, special truck lanes, special truck/train relationships, parkways, arterials, etc. The environmental consequences of each alternative would be carefully evaluated during the process, and all stakeholders and interested parties would have to be included in order to obtain approval of the corridors and alternatives. Staff recommends that the Commission should move forward toward developing a plan to address the future corridor needs of Western Riverside County through a process which identifies acceptable improvements to existing corridors as well as new 000007 corridors to be developed. In addition, sensitive environmental areas should be identified for future preservation efforts. If agreement can be obtained for the necessary corridor improvements and habitat preservation in a combined process, the time necessary to obtain all of the necessary approvals could be greatly reduced. A further advantage of having necessary corridor improvements identified and cleared, at least to a Tier I level of approval, would be that it would greatly assist future efforts to‘obtainfunding for the needed improvements. Proceeding with this planning study at this time will allow us to coordinate this study with general plan updates of the County and Cities that are impacted, and the development of an Expenditure Plan for extending the local sales tax for transportation programs. Once the corridors and habitat areas have been identified and agreed upon, the impacted general plans will need to be updated to incorporate the appropriate land use and arterial feeder systems. The actual details of the cost and schedule of such an undertaking is unknown at this time. Staff recommends that a scoping effort be authorized by the Commission. Funding for the scoping effort could be obtained by redirecting TDA Planning funding currently remaining from the recently completed Corona By Pass study. Funding for the actual study could come from a combination of several sources including the 2% planning money established by SB45. Staff would propose working with Dangermond & Associates to prepare the scoping documents for this effort since they have been at the forefront of this effort to move the CETAP process forward. In addition, Bechtel can make Mike Davis, the previous Environmental Manager for RCTC, available to assist in the scoping effort. His services, through June 1998, can be covered under the current Bechtel Agreement with RCTC. Financial Assessment Project Cost Initial cost $25,000 for Dangermond & Associates Bechtel contract costs can be addressed within the current contract limits. Source of Funds TDA funds previously identified for the Corona By Pass Corridor Study. r `vi.S•' a j{{•}.v '.:ti.. •r iFi i. :' h :'x4C• l y;,..r • Included in Fiscal Year Budget y Year Included in Program Budget y Year Programmed Approved Allocation Year of Allocation Budget Adjustment Required y Financial Impact Not Applicable • • • 000008 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: • • • That the Commission direct: 1. Staff to work with Dangermond & Associates and Bechtel to develop scoping documents to address the CETAP study that would environmentally clear the future corridors required in Western Riverside County and identify sensitive habitat areas that should be preserved. 2. Authorization of an initial contract with Dangermond & Associates not to exceed $25,000 to cover the scoping efforts using a standard RCTC consultant contract. 3. Staff to bring back to the Commission a proposed scope of work, schedule of services, and project cost for review and approval. AGENDA ITEM 5B " RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION DATE: April 1, 1998 TO: Budget and Finance Committee FROM: William Hughes, Measure A Project Manager Louis Martin, Project Controls Manager THROUGH: Eric Haley, Executive Director SUBJECT: Monthly Cost and Schedule Reports The attached material depicts the current costs and schedule status of contracts reported by routes, commitments, and cooperative agreements executed by the Commission. For each contract and agreement, the report lists the authorized value approved by the Commission, percentage of contract amount expended to date, and the project expenditures by route with status for the month ending February 28,1998. Detailed supporting material for all schedules, contracts and cooperative agreements is available from Bechtel staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Commission receive and file. Attachments 000010 " PROJECT DESCRIPTION ROUTE 60 PROJECTS Park 'n' Ride Lot Final Design (R09738) SUBTOTAL ROUTE 60 ROUTE 79 PROJECTS Engineering/Environ./ROW (R09111,9301,9302, 9306,9337,9735, 9329,9737) Project is Complete. Performing project close- out tasks and consultant performing on -going environmental inspections. SUBTOTAL ROUTE 79 RO UTE 111 PROJECTS (R09219, 9227,9234,9523,9525,9530,9537,9538) 9635 SUBTOTAL ROUTE 111 ROUTE 91 PRO JECTS Soundwall design and construction (R09101, 9337,9828) Van Buren Blvd. Frwy Hook Ramp (R09535) Corona Bypass Study (R09736) SUBTOTAL ROUTE 91 1-216 PROJECTS Preliminary Engrg/Environ. (R09008, 9018) SUBTOTAL 1-216 RCTC MEASURE "A" HIGHWAY/RAIL PR OJECTS BUDGET REPORT BY ROUTE COMMISSI ON CONTRACTURAL AUTHORIZED COMMIT MENTS ALL OCATION TO DATE $39,697 $39,697 $39,697 330;697 $9,696,360 $9,696,360 39,696,360 39,696,360; $6,700,115 36,700,116 $2,608,424 $2,300,000 66,438,616 $6,438;616 $2,539,519 $2,300,000 $169,220 $169,220 55,077,644 36,008;739 66,726,504 $6,726,504 $5,878,173 $6,878;173 Page 1 of 3 % COM MITTED EXPENDITURE FOR % EXPENDITURES AGAINST AUTH. MONTH ENDED EXPENDITURES TO -DATE AGAINST ALLOCATI ON February 28, 1998 TO DATE COMMIT MNTS TO DATE 100.0% 100 .0% S0 100 .0% 100.0% 96 .1 % 96.i% 97.4 % 100 .0% 100.0 % 98.6% 87.4% 87.4% $8,482 $128,435 639,407 $167,842 $1,704 $1,704; 639,570 $39,570>i $9,627,810 39,627,810' $4,993,205 $4;993,206 $727,474 $1,229,442 $135,095 32;092,0'11. $5,697,757 66,697,767 99.7 % 99.7% 99.3% 99.3% 77 .6% 77.6% 28 .6 % 53 .5% 79.8% 41.8% 96 .9% 86:9111 " RCTC MEASURE "A" HIG OJECTS BUDGET REPO RT BY R COMMISSION CONTRACTURAL % COMMITTED EXPENDITURE FOR % EXPENDITURES PROJECT AUTHO RIZED COMMITMENTS AGAINST AUTH. MONTH ENDED EXPENDITURES TO -DATE AGAINST D ESCRIPTIO N ALLOCATIO N TO DATE ALLOCATION February 28, 1998 TO DATE COM ITM NTS TO DATE INTERCHANGE IMPROV. PROGRAM Yuma IC Final Design (PS&E) (R09428) Yuma IC Constr. Mgmt (R09631) Yuma IC Construction (R09636) (Project is co mplete - doing contract clo se-o ut) . .. .. . . . .... .... . .. SUBTOTAL INTERCHANGE; PROJECT & CO NSTR. MGM T SERV. (R09800) SUBTO TAL SECii7E . PRO GRAM PLAN & SERVICES Special Study (ITS Plan - R09727) SUBTO TAL, PROGRAM PLAN Si SVCS PA RK-N-RIDE/INCENT. PROGRAM (RO 9801 thru 9812) (9701-9712) (9740-9742) SUBTOTAL; PARK-N" RIDE COMMUTER RAIL Studies/Engineering (RO 9420,9731,9832,9833) Station/Site Acq/OP Costs/Maint. Costs (RO 0000, 9820,9843,9845) SUBTO TAL COMM UTER RAIL. .... . . .......... .. ....... . . . . .... ...... .. .. .. ... . ... ?f OTALS: $1,294,000 $1,023,500 $6,600,000 88.817,500 $1,974,813 $1,974,53 $450,000 50,000 $1,683,280 1,883,28$1 $1,433,202 $9,207,502 810,540,704 $51,906,617 $1,294,000 $988,050 $6,304,649 $$,586,688' $1,904,813 $1,90F,813j $450,000 450,0.00' $1,683,280 $1,683,280 $1,292,354 $8,226,000 $9 .,518,354 $49,204,731 Pag e 2 of 3 100. 0% 96. 5% 95.5% 9L3% 96.5% 100.0% 100.0% 100. 0% 1004% 90 .2% 89.3% 88 ':5% 84.8% $4,434 $4,434 $ $1,966 $1,986 $194,777 $194,777. $41,323 $34,518 $75,841' $455,046 $1,284,672 $988,455 $6,259,649 $8,532,776 $745,149 $7'45;149 $322,575 $322,575 $808,851 $8..08,851 $1,067,720 $486,444 $1,554,154 $34,413" 86$ 99.3% 100.0% 99.3% 884% 39.1% 71.7 % 48.1 % 58.1. % 82 .6% 5.9 % 16.3% 69.8% " " PROJECT DESCRIPTION CITY OF MURRIETA Loan Agreement 1-15/1-215 Interchange improvements (R09334) (Loan Agreement is Termin ated) SUSTorAL MURRIETA LOAN CITY OF CANYON LAKE Final Design and Construction of Railroad Canyon Rd Improvements (R09422) SUBTOTAL CANYON LAKE LOAN CITY OF CORONA Smith, Maple & Lincoln Interchanges & Storm drainage structure SUBTOTAL CITY OF CORO NA CITY OF PERRIS Local streets & road improvements CITY OF SAN JACINTO Local streets & road improvements CITY OF TEMECULA Local streets & road improvements TOTALS $5,094,027 132,107589 NOTE: (1) Loan against interchange improvement programs. All values are for total Project/Contract and not related to fiscal year budgets. ' Total advances of $1.377M represents the total Measure "A" previous advances under this agreement. This amt . was paid in full by City of Murrieta November 1995. (1) RCTC MEASURE "A" HIGHWAY/LOCAL STREETS & ROADS PROJECTS BUDGET REP ORT BY PR OJECT EXPENDITURE FOR T OTAL APPROVED M ONTH ENDED MEASURE "A" C OMMIT MENT February 28, 1998 ADVANCES $17,000,000 $17,000,0001 $1,600,000 $1,600,000 $5,212,623 85,212,823 $1,936,419 81,324,500 0 $0 0 $1,377,000 $1,377,000 81,600,000 $1,800,000 85,212,623 $5,212;523. $1,936,419 81,324,500 OUTSTANDING % EXPENDITURES LOAN OUTSTANDING TO -DATE A GAINST BALANCE COMMITMENT APPROVED COMMIT . $0 80 81,419,830 01,419,030 84,487,011 $00.014 81,863,806 81,274,833 80 $0 $o $0 80 8.1% 100 .0% 100 .0% 1000% 100 .0% 100.0% 80 $5,094,027 $16,644;669 $4,903,009 $13,948,480', $0 Page 3 of 3 100 .0 % Status Mo. Ending 02 /28/ 8 " " " AGENDA ITEM 6A r " " " RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION DATE: April 1, 1998 TO: Budget and Finance Committee FROM: Cathy Bechtel, Program Manager THROUGH: Eric Haley, Executive Director SUBJECT: FY 1998 State Transit Assistance Incentive Bonus In December 1995, the Commission approved a policy to allocate 90% of the State Transit Assistance (STA) funds based on population to each apportionment area, consistent with State TDA guidelines. It was also approved to set aside 10% of the funds off the top for allocation on an incentive award basis. In FY 1998, $241,852 was set aside for this incentive award and the Commission was advised that the transit operators would be convened to develop a proposal on how to award the bonus this year. The operators met on March 16 and they are recommending that this 10% bonus money be thrown back into the pot and allocated on the population formula basis as is done with the balance of the discretionary STA funds. This would make $184,436 available to the Western County area (which would be further divided 80/20 between bus and rail per Commission policy), $53,356 available in the Coachella Valley, and $4,060 in the Palo Verde Valley. They also are recommending that no 10% bonus be set aside for FY 1999; they would prefer that the full discretionary pot be allocated on the population basis so that they can more appropriately plan for the use of the funds in FY 1999. Financial Assessment Project Cost $241,852 Source of Funds State : iii : e: -: ,. rl Transit Assistance Funds : _.., .. . }" ..h J r�� },,. {{.. " 40 i��:l +.,,'$}r:W O}Y;. 'i'�� ��J. 'r` j}}, ACG ..\M: .." : {:rte^' 1:- $:::. /. " :m: : " ... rri,,,��::: {.{,.. . ::" :v' ,.. :0*... " i: :��' {y, v �� ,\" r{. . 0" ��f-'{3:?;;';." ��f i':: ��r{'" ��.:��" ..::" :i4{::i: '7Cir"n, v., '�� .. .. nv Included in Fiscal Year Budget Y Year Included in Program Budget Year Programmed Approved Allocation Y Year of Allocation 98 Budget Adjustment Required N Financial Impact Not Applicable Q0 014 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Commission: 1) Allocate the $241,852 in State Transit Assistance discretionary funds using the population formula basis as was done with the balance of the discretionary funds for FY 1998, and 2) That the entire discretionary pot of State Transit Assistance funds available in FY 1999 be allocated based on population to each apportionment area, consistent with State TDA guidelines. 000015 AGENDA ITEM 6B " " " RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION DATE: April 1, 1998 TO: Budget and Finance Committee FROM: Cathy Bechtel, Program Manager THROUGH: Eric Haley, Executive Director SUBJECT: Meditrans Services --Request for Measure A Western Specialized Transit Capital Matching Funds County Meditrans Services provides inter -city transportation service for seniors and persons with disabilities from the South County to Riverside and Loma Linda, as well as service between Hemet/San Jacinto and the South County. They were recently notified by Caltrans that they have been approved for $254,500 in funding under the FTA Section 5310 program (formally. known as Section 16) for four replacement vehicles and one expansion vehicle, all with mobile radio units. .The Section 5310 program provides 80% of the cost of the capital project ($203,600). Meditrans Services is requesting that the required 20% match ($50,900) be funded from Measure A Specialized Transit funds available in the western Riverside County. This request is in compliance with the RCTC adopted policies for the Measure A Specialized Transit Program and staff recommends approval of this request. Financial Assessment Project Cost $50,900 Source of Funds k. e: Measure A Western County Specialized Transit rr " :fit,, " : :." }a.}��" '" ,;:^ ,}}'.}:. +s'��'" :/:'" : ,. " ... ,.." }.:,a'" ': ':" : / ....'.iC..: :: .. : ;" ^..\.r.. ��. .n' :r .S" :" :r : " . .. ... .:.." ." . " }i: } ik r : 'r .." 'y ':��'�� Included in Fiscal Year Budget y : :r J," r,+��'." ��} l ... Year Included in Program Budget y Year Programmed Approved Allocation Year of Allocation Budget Adjustment Required n Financial Impact Not Applicable STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Commission approve allocation of $50,900 in Measure A Specialized Transit Funds available in the Western Riverside County to Meditrans Services to be used as the required 20% federal match for the purchase of four replacement vehicles, one expansion vehicle and five mobile radio units. • • • 0'00017 AGENDA ITEM 7A " RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION DATE: April 1, 1998 TO: Budget and Finance Committee FROM: Bill Hughes, Bechtel Project Manager Karl Sauer, Bechtel Resident Engineer THROUGH: Paul Blackwelder, Deputy Executive Director SUBJECT: Award Construction Contract for Sound Walls on State Route 91 In April and May of 1996, both the City of Riverside and RCTC agreed on the selection of the Phase 1 Sound Walls between Magnolia to Mary streets. At the September 1996 Commission meeting, the Commission approved Amendment 4 to agreement RO 9101 with URS Greiner to prepare the plans, specifications and construction estimate (PS&E) for the Phase 1 Sound Walls. The following Table lists the locations of each of the Sound Walls included in Phase I. Wall # General Location For Specific Location see exhibit contained in Dec. 1995 Greiner report. Proposed Construction Height 35(1) N Side -- Tyler to Van Buren 12' 77 N Side -- Van Buren to Jackson 10' 78 S Side -- Van Buren to Jackson 10' 149 N Side -- Adams mid way to Jefferson 10'-12' 221 N Side -- Madison to Mary 14' 183(2) (Phase II) N Side -- Madison to Jefferson (Commission authorized advanced funding at 1/14/98 meeting) 10' 1. At the May 21, 1997 (special meeting) of RCTC, the Commission and Caltrans agreed to advance the delivery of Sound Wall #35, between Van Buren and Tyler streets, which was included in the Phase 1 list. The construction contract has been issued for Sound Wall #35 and will complete construction in mid April of 1998. 2. Wall 183 was recommended to be constructed with Phase I since funding was available. • OOCU18 The remaining walls required the acquisition of approximately sixty (60) temporary construction easements and construction could not begin until all of the temporary construction easements have been obtained. Acquisition of the 60 temporary construction easements have progressed ahead of schedule. The 13 remaining temporary construction easements have been recommended to be obtained through the eminent domain process. The eminent domain acquisition process for the 13 remaining temporary construction easements is discussed as a separate item on this agenda. At the January 14, 1998 meeting of RCTC, the Commission authorized staff to advertise for receipt of construction bids for the Phase I Sound Wall Project. The current due date for all bids to be received by RCTC is March 31, 1998. Pending the finalization of all temporary construction easements required for the project, the bids will be opened on March 31, 1998, reviewed, and evaluated prior to the April 8, 1998 Commission meeting. Staff will make its recommendation of the lowest responsive bidder to the Commission, for its approval, at the April 8, 1998 Commission meeting. This project will takeapproximately 8 months to construct after notice to proceed. Financial Assessment Project Cost $4,600,000 (53,000,000 + 5850,000 + 5750,000) Construction and landscaping costs for Phase 1 walls + Wall 183 from Phase II Source of Funds Measure "A" Included in Fiscal Year Budget Y • Year Included in Program Budget Y Year Programmed Approved Allocation Year of Allocation Budget Adjustment Required N Financial Impact Not Applicable BUDGET/FINANCE COMMITTEE AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Commission award a construction contract for the project to the lowest responsive bidder. Staff's recommendation of the lowest responsive bidder will be presented to the Commission at the April 8, 1998 meeting. 000019 " AGENDA ITEM 7B " " " RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION DATE: April 1, 1998 TO: Budget and Finance Committee FROM: Bill Hughes, Bechtel Project Manager THROUGH: Paul Blackwelder, Deputy Executive Director SUBJECT: Approval to Advertise a Request for Proposal (RFP) to Provide Support for Construction Support Services Related to Landscaping Projects on State Route 91 and Yuma Drive Interchange. Several major landscaping projects will soon be under construction that will require construction management services by RCTC. These projects include the State Route 91 Noise Walls and the Yuma Drive Interchange. The majority of the construction management oversight will be provided by Bechtel. However, based on recent Caltrans requirements, the State will require that the landscaping construction contracts have a landscape architect available to oversee critical components of the landscaping installation. Staff is therefore recommending that RCTC select a firm that can provide the on -call landscape architect to full fill these requirements in a similar fashion as RCTC selected firms to provide material testing and surveying services to support the construction management activities. A request for proposals (RFP) will be prepared and distributed to all interested firms. A selection panel will be formed to review the proposals received. The panel will be composed of members from Caltrans, the City of Riverside, RCTC and Bechtel. After the top ranked firm has been identified based on qualifications, RCTC Staff will negotiate the scope of work to be performed with the selected firm. The results of the selection panel and the scoping negotiations will be brought back for Commission for review and approval. 000020 Financial Assessment Project Cost To be determined from RFP and selection panel scoping negotiations Source of Funds • Measure A - funded from the $15.98 million currently designated for the Phase II Noise wall project on SR 91 between Magnolia to Mary Streets and funds allocated for the Yuma Drive interchange Included in Fiscal Year Budget Y Year Included in Program Budget Y Year Programmed 2000 Approved Allocation Year of Allocation Budget Adjustment Required n Financial Impact Not Applicable STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Commission direct Staff to advertise and select a qualified firm to provide Landscaping On -Call services to support the construction management activities related to the construction of landscaping for the State Route 91 Noise Walls and the Yuma Drive Interchange. Following the selection process, Staff will negotiate a cost for the scope of services with the selected firm to deliver the required PS&E package. The results of the selection process, scope of services and cost to perform the work will be brought back to the Commission for review and approval. • • 000021 AGENDA ITEM 7C • " RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION DATE: April 1, 1998 TO: Budget and Finance Committee 4 FROM: Bill Hughes, Bechtel Project Manager THROUGH: Paul Blackwelder, Deputy Executive Director SUBJECT: Completion of the State Route 79 Realignment Study through the Cities of Hemet and San Jacinto. At the January 8, 1997 RCTC meeting, the Commission approved an expenditure of $75,000 to perform a route realignment study for the Cities of Hemet and San Jacinto. CH2MHiIl was selected to perform the study. The study is now complete and a final report is available. The table of contents of the report, as well as, a map depicting the study area are attached .for your information. The 250 + page report with fold out maps is available to the public for $30 plus an additional $5 for shipping if required. Three public meetings were advertised and held during the project study. Two at the beginning were held at the City of Hemet and at the Winchester Home Owners Association. The final presentation was held at the San Jacinto City Council meeting. The project team included representatives from Caltrans, the City of Hemet, the City of San Jacinto, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, County of Riverside, and RCTC. The proposed cross section is shown as Figure 3 (attached) and is 134 feet which will provide for an initial 4 lanes (two in each direction) with a 5 foot inside shoulder and 10 foot outside shoulder. The study recommends that an additional 25 foot future set back be provided through the development process. Various alternatives were evaluated throughout the study area shown in the attached map. After eliminating the alternatives that were not deemed to be feasible, the study focused on three primary alternatives in the south portion of the study area through the City of Hemet and three alternatives in the north portion of the study area through the City of San Jacinto. The estimated costs for the proposed realignments are summarized below: 000022 Summary of Costs for SR 79 realignment ($ Millions) Location Lowest Cost (at grade separation used where possible) Ultimate (includes all proposed grade separations) Hemet Area $41 - $57 $70 - $85 San Jacinto Area $19 - $27 $37 -$53 The next stage of project development would be to perform a Project Study Report or a combined Project Study Report and Project Report. If the Project Report is undertaken, the environmental clearance could be obtained at the same time. A portion of this process could be combined with the Community & Environmental Transportation Approval Process (CETAP) process discussed separately in this agenda, or it could move forward as a stand -a -lone process. Funding for the next phase of studies could come from various sources including a Federal demonstration project included in the next authorization of ISTEA or the 2% planning money included with SB 45. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 1. Receive and file State Route 79 Realignment Study. 2. Direct Staff to study funding alternatives for the Project Study Report, Project Report, and environmental clearance studies. • • • 00Co:3 " Final State Route 79 Realignment Study Report " Prepared for Riverside County Transportation Authority In Cooperation with Caltrans District 8 County of Riverside City of San Jacinto City of Hemet JANUARY 1998 CH2MHILL 3 Hutton Centre, Suite 200 Santa Ana, CA 92707 SCO/973580001.DOC/t 000024 Contents 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Background 3.0 Need and Purpose Figure 1- Location Map Figure 2 - Vicinity Map 5 3.1 Analysis of Traffic Conditions — Existing 6 Table 1 Existing Conditions, Daily Level of Service Summary 7 3.2 Analysis of Traffic Condition — Future 7 Table 2 Year 2001 Conditions Daily Level of Service Summary 8 Table 3 Operating Levels and Deficiencies (no build) 8 Table 4 Improvements Necessary to Attain the Route Concept 8 3.3 Accident Analysis 1 2 3 4 9 Table 5 Actual and Expected Accident Rates 9 4.0 Alternatives 9 Alternative A-0: No Build . 10 Alternative "A" (South Segment) 10 Alternative "B" (South Segment) 11 Alternative "C" (South Segment) 11 Alternative "D" (South Segment) 12 Alternative "E" (North Segment) 12 Alternative "F" (North Segment) 13 Alternative "G" (North Segment) 14 Alternative "H" (North Segment) 14 SCO/973580001.DOC/1 O1J 0 2. 5 " " Contents, Continued Cost Summary of Alternatives 15 Figure 3 - Typical Cross Section .... 16 Table 6 Cost Summary of Proposed Alternatives  Ultimate Build Out Condition 17 " Table 7 Cost Summary of Proposed Alternatives (Interim Condition) 18 Table 8 Cost Summary of Proposed Interchanges/Bridges Only 19 5.0 Environmental Constraints ... 20 Biological Resources 20 Floodplain Involvement 23 Hazardous Waste 24 Socioeconomic Impacts 24 6.0 Funding 25 7.0 Schedule 25 Exhibits: Alternatives "A" to "H" Appendix I: Public Meeting Minutes Appendix II: Detailed Quantities and Construction Cost Appendix III: Comments Received from Reviewing Agencies Caltrans County of Riverside City of Hemet City of San Jacinto Winchester Homeowners Association SR79 RPT.doc 000 026 Contents, Continued Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Osborne Development Corporation Lewis Lohr Westra Family Trust • • • SR79_RPT.doc ui 000027 0 - O 0 ALESSANDRO BLVD. 1- to Y 0 La La PERRIS NUEVO RD. a' NEWPORT R0. ap1�RO� CYN. Q� To Interstate 15 RAMONA EXPRESSWAY z W CORRIDOR STUDY LIMITS WINCHESTER / GRAND AVE. HOLLAND 1 c2 / / To Interstate 15 / To lnterstote 10 It 1 / SAN JACINTO ESPLANADE S.R. 74-79 HEMET I AVE 0 z I z STETSON... AVE. I PROJECT AREA LOCATION STATE ROUTE 79 RE-ALIGHNUENT PROJECT FIGURE 1 4 000028 CORRIDOR STUDY LIMITS WINCHES COMMUN • VICINITY MAP STATE ROUTE 79 RE -ALIGNMENT STU FIGURE 2 5UULI " R/W FUTURE R/W I f' i r 25' ' 15' .5'1 10' rFUTUREHPSHLD SET BACK I I I I I I I I I I I I 67' 134' .01 T 67' 2 LANES J.51 8' .L 8' J '.L 24' 24' SHLD SHLD 2 LANES 12' T 12' I T 12' I I I 12' TYPICAL CROSS SECTION SR 79 NTS FIGURE 3 10' SHLD 5' HP R/W FUTURE R/W Il I 1 �� 15' ' 25' FUTURE , 'SET BACIQ I at170 O 8 L. . cLEGEND i I PROPOSED CENTERLINE SR 79 I CJ --- - PROPOSED R/W F .-_ - ._ _ C-1' — - — PROPOSED CENTERLINE FUTURE ROAD r PROPOSED BRIOGE 11 NOTE. FOR COMPLETE RICHT OF RAT AND ACCURATE ACCESS DATA. SEE RICHT or WAY RECORD MAPS AT DISTRICT OFFICE . WINCHESTER , IROAO 1 !I III It .1 . r-.. II I I' I \ •. I . : ,4 -- - ---l- ILL.- .-,!--1 I 7:7. I . =.1 .---_ .-:- ..-_-_- t___L] 1 r i I la .--.___ am I �� 1- IW ��� II II I iet—n—=- -__� I�` �—1 1; I. , I I i I I - -- — I I V. �li I II' , i ilii1 1' I Iill-- III 11 11 —H11— __ r -T- - -+ �I 'li ..fill` I i f: —!!1114 I 1�j �_II_ •_I I , , I I il f y I —- P�ITTERS_ -II "I I t I` `— I L II? 1 •.j 1 It � �— I �j t > ;III 9 - 1 t--� --1 11 1. DIRT COU NT, OS 111%, NOM 79 TOT 1L 1tiV1 X. X/X. X ia.STtRto CIVIL MIMIC. K �NA 4MaOYK Oat( CHI N HILL 3 HUTTON CENTRE DR..•200 SANTA ANA. CA 12707 I ,•. t4 I I I 1• i 1 I I I, : j1 li ; li 1it -- I II''1 :''II ' fi : .• -- MATCH LINE SEE SHEET L� . L__ 1 1' ----21, �.� — AVENUE'--- ' r— I -1-17PI -- ^r— - 1 II I li_ II— i� 1 I II il--iI a — .--. I 1 11 ---_. .- -1- A RNATIYE A UT l . I• .S'o• 1-10 " I I at ya N NOTE. FOR COMPLETE RIGHT or WAY AND ACCURATE ACCESS DATA. SEE RIGHT of WAY RECORD MAPS AT DISTRICT OFFICE. CD ci MATCH LINE SEE. SHEET L -IA Ii: i II<I I�� v II I" III i ijlI . [--\ I L >' 1 r AOUEDUCT ``�� �� 1 -' - II" II CALIFLNIA 1 Ii 1 AME I \ \: `" , ie 1 " IL I i r.__ % .nom I \ i l l I 1,19 .\ -- I ( ,1 1 I 1 ��`. p SAN DIEGO CANAL I r \C--   _ 31:1 `1t.. -.y- `..-'.. 1 __,____ J____ ________ ___ X. x/x . X hwA AMIIOV L IATI CNN HILL 3 BUTTON CENTRE DR...200 SANTA ANA. CA !2707 ALTERNATIVE A It"X Tao L -2A ao X b MOTE. FOR COMPLETE RIGHT OF WAY AND ACCURATE ACCESS DATA. SEE RIGHT OF WAY RECORD LAPS AT DISTRICT OFFICE. rD • WARREN - -- 7-13 ROAD • I WII. tr ;1 din . �� fco • I _=-4 I . .... .--- ,..,..,.,-- ---,r --- WARREt1- ROAD I 110 o• 0,• e I -I • CNN HILL 3 HUTTON CENTRE DR.. e200 SANTA ANA. CA •2707 if r„• • ALTERNATIVE A 110UT o. L -3A " " " N 1.1 a O u 1.20 NOTE. FOR COMPLETE RIGHT OF RAT AND ACCURATE ACCESS DATA, SEE RIGHT or WAY RECORD MAPS AT DISTRICT OFFICE. Q C) c) 1 4,- %.1 MIINCNE TERio1 IREIADJ , L, E,TIJ i 7--=-r I 1 T 1 I = III III I III I1 1 I i Pit !I, i- it III - I 11 I 'Err!: !- H�T1i, 'E i_ , 1  1_ jl ` I All -RS 11 AVENUE 11 _ 1 I - '  IL 1II I i `. �� f -I -�� I I I I 1 W It: Ili 1i ! ,,, , ' .. - ;i`- \ I 1 aI Ii I y  �� IOM 1 '�� ice. I I 1 1; 1I7 ,ce , 1 I f I I -'4--------, - - 94i ``,I 1 I 11 ���� r, i I i 1 I If Its " " it I' 1 : M ATCH LINE SEE SHEET L-211. I it (---1 y' WET�%YAIT x. xix . x I ��x J IX{K ALTERNATIVE 8 LAYOUT T L -1e 1 a NOTE. FOR COMPLETE RIGHT OF WAY AND ACCURATE ACCESS DATA. SEE RICHT OF RAY RECORD MAPS AT DISTRICT OFFICE . C3 W L� M ATCH LINE SEE SHE >I t l 1 O. • 1 L-1• • Z7• II �I 1E1 1 '— --- IY 15 — ! CALIF,—NIA1 l.. I I I !'g Ho - VI -t-i — AY�ENUE S Fi i I j SAN DIEGO CANAL I 1: —. _-- - -- - ,. .1 - r-- - �-- SR179'-..-1 `_ • 1OUEDUCT 65 • %� — 1— .I.T 1�Tihrr— — WARREN 1 ROAD r • DIST 601AITT 01 I R P/ IRONIC Tf x .x/x .x IIICI$ICRED CI V IL [IIOINtge rt emsarowovaL Daft CHMM HILL S !MUTTON CENTRE OR .••200 SANTA ANA. CA 12707 •• • !l -- -. _ . AL NATIVE 8 I •500' L-28 " " N OTE. i041 COMPLETE RIGHT OF WAY AND ACCURATE OFt YRECORDS�%IAPSTAT DESTRICTE TOif10E. Ie 0 !yy IC li W a at ea 3i WARREN  a r3 l 'IN u --i11 1 1 I ' It II __ LiJJJL -" WARRE N- ROAD D I j Iles? corm I noun TvIalt CIs 1 OR I R hv 75 I XX/X . X X II ACAIST[II[o CIvu . [Np,M[(11 PLANS u" w vu art 01211 HILL 3 MUTTON CENTRE DR ." " 200 SANTA ANA. CA 52707 Ia MI L r " Ur- Ifruf-lor',, ALTERNATIVE B LAYOUT SCALD I " " S00' i o: 1 Is ge l NOTE. FOR COMPLETE RIGHT OF WAY AND ACCURATE ACCESS DATA. SEE RICHT OF WAY RECORD MAPS AT DISTRICT OFFICE . C W • s I j II< � . - •' L 1 I WINCHESTER III IROAD !-� r i . I r C} —I }" F=7 - Ill iv._ + • .L—i �� rl r I 1 J _._ l W l § j c40., - -4,4/ - r1 ` 4.. I o; j•1- u` �4— 1- I • N' 1; MATCH LINE SEE SHEET 1.2C ,j 11 CH2N HILL 3 HUTTON CENTRE DR..•200 SANTA ANA. CA 12707 ALTERNATIVE C OrMsto. L -1C If.w•.r . ..••••«K O O y x x NOTE• FOR COMPLETE RIGHT OF WAY AND ACCURATE ACCESS DATA. SEE RIGHT or WAY RECORD MAPS AT OISrR,Cr OFFICE . O CD 00 ;1 1 I N MATCH LINE SEE SHEET L -IC '.! 1 ---- - i- -1-- I - - I " --- 19 --- --- 1 I II `� 11 i! AQUEDUCT R �\ — — ' 1 • f-1 ,, �J �— I ..—.. i a 1 C is 1 SAN DIEGO 1 CANAL SR 1f — 1 WARREN I ROAD to 111- — Id I i — \ r— CHEM HILL 3 HUTTON CENTRE DR...2o0 SANTA A NA. CA 52707 i1I I I I - .-I I l I A .41 ALTERNATIVE C A L SCALEYOUT. I•.500' L -2C K K NOTE. FOR ACCURATE ACCESS DATRIGHT A. SEE F SAT RIGHT OF RAY RECORD.WPS AT DISTRICT OFFICE. • WARREN I — ROAD • J I I_,_`—. ---- ____ --- it >;�y s — tic 14,9 1.- it /As • - WARREN- ; ROAD me me•—e-110.- L HST COIMT. OS I RIv tor#i MOL�[ct X. X/X . X CH2Y HILL 3 HUTTON CENTRE OR. ,•200 SANTA ANA. CA 12707 *brieSws� :. r X Xr ALTERNATIVE C 4110M,L. • • 184felmsalt •• L -3C 1 1 0 m xx .-0 JN u0W 0 WY 0 sN 144 1 WARREN SAN DIEGO CANAL t • I I II �1 i! 1 11 W 1! >!b i I,1 f;I NOTE. FOR COM PLETE RICNT OF RAY AND ACCLIMATE ECCCRDSIUPSTAT SEE STRICTTOFFICE. • SANDERSON • I� II f /• ,/ SAN DIEGO CANAL _r- li; uj • • J. • I;F > i �O AVENU E • TOAD lr S. NI CH2m HILL 3 MUTTON CENTRE DR..•200 SANTA ANA. CA 92707 1 ---•_FUTURE— I ROAD - _ - - • ALTERNATIVE E LAYOUT SCALE. I' •500 - 1 _A9` 1 s a 00 v. a 0 M M RS % _ 1 i - - - _1-- IVAR__ Ni - � SAN DIEGO CANAL at 0. W 1i C. ) - = _ __ _ 40E. FOR CONNA TE RIOT OF RAT AND ACCURATE DATA. SEE RIONT of RAT RiuPS AT DISTRICT OFFICE. SANDERSON II II II II II SAN DIEGO CANAL • ; II i W u1.1 CSI , vi _� A AVENUE 1 CH2 M HILL 3 HUTTON CENTRE 08 .••200 SANTA ANA, CA 92707 • 4J WRNATIVE F AYOUT LF, 1• •A00• L -4F " " NOTE. POP COMPLETE RICHT QC MAY AND ACCOf WAYTRECORDSMAPSTAT SEE STRICTTorrice. 4., -FUTURE _: of gi I   _ ROAD i ''i  igi ,!!I WYI LOH ��'��-------" -" -- .N;11 _-_-1 ,��-�� - P. J . Q W1 i =C1 -- OL - -- - I _ I '+   DIST O/ I C (v" I ROUTSI TOM' 4 0.411 7 PLANS MIMOSA/ OS VC CNN RILL 3 MUTTON CENTRE OR. ." 200 SANTA ANA. CA 12707 ALTERNATIVE E AY00 .. L -QE VI WW W a gl NotEI con CCOMTE RICHT or RAY AND ACCURATE ACCESS DATA. SEE RICHT Or RAY RECORD MAPS AT DISTRICT OSFICE. ft. -TIME- ROAD, I i '9.1 Igf ,e I /gi8 .1_. 1;li g1 • I..Lw•Nr .♦ N• ••M... • DIET MITI Mai 1 IT Y a 1 Rlv 7R X.X/X .II IIuSISTEQDCIvq iNDI Ntpm PLANS Ai'PN OTM. art CH2Y HILL 3 HUTTON CENTRE DR. .•200 SANTA ANA, CA !2707 .1111, ALTERNATIVE F f9UT E. I ••S00• L -5F " !1 Ij 1 " 11 rr-- w. 1- I WARREN _,_--- SAN OIECO CANAL " I ;�� ��" ,\ :�� SAN DIEGO CANAL II- i 1 ,` 11 is r'; !- _1 '�� I; 1 111 r.l ! ! it 1f. 11 (, III II 1;1 I VIII il i1 I .,,,,Ii+ I 1 :OR CCOWLETE RICHT OF WAY HAND ACCURATE ACCESS DATA. SEE RIONT of WAY RECORD MAPS AT DISTRICT OFFICE. SANDERSON D1i i Men, 1 XOUTA LL'ILaT'������ o`.��T.t OS Sly 7S lT OX.X/X .X 1 X X 0124 HILL 3 NOTION CENTRE OR.." 200 SANTA ANA. CA 22707 : ALTERNATIVE O LAYOUT SCALE. 1." 900" 1-wA --I FUTURE ROAD SANDE SON ' — • — — �- AVENUE C) MATE ACCESS DATICHT A. SEE WAY RIGHT OF CAT RECORD N APS AT DISTRICT 0«ICE. 1 'zir CT 's rn;t• — gif yw / !,I 1I - ---- -I - ..•rw.ur sIst tourtr I newt I T OL � oiEtt P4 vI, OS ( RI., I Tt ' X. X/X. X 1 X° RtOItrtREDe, Y4 MOWER PL ANS M►ne•u art CNN MILL 3 MUTTON CENTRE DR ..•200 SANTA ANA. CA 12T0T AL NATIVE 0 TOUT E. I••S00 • L -so TOR COArL(SE RICNT or OAT AND ACCLRATE ACCESS DATA. SEE R16NT or W AY RECORD MARX Al OIS►RICT OTTICE. MATCH LINE SEE SHEET L-1! iIi! I 5 ( Y W lu .s / LA Yit ore. O UT d if • •/ R 1 7Tv. Lr.ws • . O NC 0 4, art IQLi C b✓la , CD Ca rPL .u. „, .CALIF RN1AI SAN ,p�F,G0 CANAL '—• . WARREN -r -r 1 ROAD TLoe.it. rly frY OI1w.'E wee i. +'4. 1 VI A. C OIL.. •am* OS INCISITRE0 I OActertui n.s A.►eeO v.L a .012N NILE 3 MUTTON CENTRE{ DR ..•2O0 SANTA ANA. CA 112107 ri ALTERNATIVE 9 iE (VXTDD N OTE, FOR COu PLETE RICHT or DAY AIq ACCURATE ACCESS DATA. SEE RICNT OT RAT RECORD MAPS AT DISTRICT OFTICE. I I i — F�= ROAD cJ &I I � Id m�l k m W I W I i• • • /0712aNR .v6i, 4. .. s/1Na i Ica % J la =. CNN MILL 3 MUTTON CENTRE' 00..•200 SANTA ANA. CA 12707 n=2109) ir 1 cQwr amotist- Bgioar L. L..L Assdc. j• •J 21i 17 L. Gr«,,. .,(L P✓ (4 r I w1.4%. Ci ' q1591:: ALT TIVE E L ;ter . ,.::: tiAYOUT, . AGENDA ITEM 8A " " RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION DATE: April 1, 1998 TO: Budget & Finance Committee FROM: Bill Hughes, Bechtel Project Manager Karl Sauer, Bechtel Resident Engineer THROUGH: Paul Blackwelder, Deputy Executive Director SUBJECT: Award Amendment No. 2 to F.R. Harris Agreement RO-9731. At the October 9, 1996 meeting, the Commission awarded a contract to F.R. Harris for an amount of $258,732 to perform Phase I design work to construct a new platform, station track, and pedestrian over crossing across the tracks from the existing Riverside Metrolink Downtown Station adjacent to the BN&SF south main line. At the March 12, 1997 meeting, the Commission awarded Amendment No. 1 to. F.R. Harris for an amount of $426,268 to prepare the final bid documents (plans, specifications and estimates) to construct a new platform, station track, and pedestrian over crossing across the tracks from the existing Riverside Metrolink Downtown Station adjacent to the BN&SF south main line. The existing extra work of $86,268 (unused) was maintained. No new extra work was added to the contract by Amendment No.1. The final bid documents have been completed, the project was advertised for construction bids, the Commission awarded a construction contract to the lowest responsive bidder, Kiewit Pacific Co., and a Notice to proceed was given with the first day of construction commencing on January 12, 1998. The project is scheduled to be complete with construction by the middle of October, 1998. The following Extra Work Requests were submitted by F.R. Harris, and authorized, during this time period: 000048 F.R. HARRIS EXTRA WORK REQUEST SUMMARY (RO-9731) No. DATE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1 06/09/97 Surveillance System Design $23,867 2 08/26/97 Inspection of Sante Fe Depot $4,800 3 08/29/97 Design of Restroom for Guards $4,080 4 09/11/97 Provide Copies of Bid Drawings and Spec's $3,425 5 10/14/97 Provide Bid Evaluation and Const Support $30,000 6 10/20/97 Provide Support for City Joint Use Agreement $3,805 TOTAL • $69,977 The design of this project was very time consuming because of the large amount of interagency coordination and approval requirements. The project design had to be reviewed and approved by BN&SF, SCRRA, and the City of Riverside Public Works, Electrical, and Water Departments. F.R. Harris had to spend an enormous amount of time and resources to gain approval of the final project plans from all agencies involved. On February 27, 1998, F.R. Harris informed staff, by letter, that it had overran its authorized budget by $31,246.24 in the process of completing the final plan approval. Staff was aware that the effort to gain approval of the project plans was taking more effort than was previously assumed, but F.R. Harris did not notify staff of the amount of the additional cost overrun until F.R. Harris requested compensation after the extra work was completed. F.R. Harris is requesting compensation in the amount of $25,640.00 for the additional plan check services, provided for the project, and submitted to RCTC for payment. F.R. Harris is willing to absorb the additional $5,606.24, of the $31,246.24, that has not been submitted to RCTC for payment and F.R. Harris will also forgo its 10% fee on any additional work RCTC requests for the project. Staff has reviewed the scope of work involved with the overrun, and the respective costs involved, and concurs that F.R. Harris did the work and the cost for the overrun services are in line for the work involved. • • The first months of construction have been very busy and have required a greater construction support effort by F.R. Harris than previously anticipated. F.R. Harris is the designer of record and as such must be involved with the review and response of a majority of the construction submittals and requests for information that are submitted by the contractor. The original budget for F.R. Harris to provide • construction support services is $30,000.00. After the first three months of construction, approximately 23% of the work effort by F.R. Harris has been completed but approximately 60% of their budget has been spent. Staff and F.R. Harris are in agreement with the work effort and cost to date. Staff has worked with ► 3049 F.R. Harris and is in agreement with the remaining scope of construction support services and respective costs required of F.R. Harris to support the remaining work required to complete construction of the project. Staff is requesting that the current F.R. Harris construction support budget of $30,000 be increased by $50,000 for a total construction support budget not to exceed $80,000. Currently, construction inspection services for the project are being provided by Bechtel, the County of Riverside, and-Ninyo & Moore. The construction of the project also requires speciality inspection of Electrical/Mechanical/Security Systems/CCTV installation. The F.R. Harris design team included local subconsultants that could readily provide the special inspection services required. Staff requested that F.R. Harris estimate the cost involved in providing the additional construction inspection services identified above. Staff estimates that these services will not exceed $20,000. Financial Assessment Project Cost $7,699,000 + $1,500,000 Contingency Source of Funds UP Railroad & Proposition 108 &116 Funds :::::...n; F.::r..::tiv; •: i:,v,.': •n?':ix r .:. w Vii. Included in Fiscal Year Budget Y Year Included in Program Budget Partial Year Programmed 1996 Approved Allocation N/A Year of Allocation Budget Adjustment Required Y Program Budget Adjustment Required Financial Impact Not Applicable STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the Commission: (1) Authorize payment of $25,640.00 for the additional plan check services, provided for the project, and submitted to RCTC. F.R. Harris is willing to absorb the additional $5,606.24, of the $31,246.24 overrun, that has not been submitted to RCTC for payment and F.R. Harris will also forgo its 10% fee on any additional work RCTC requests for the project. (2) Increase the current F.R. Harris construction support budget of $30,000 by $50,000 for a total construction support budget not to exceed $80,000. (3) Amend the F.R. Harris contract to include Electrical/Mechanical/Security System/CCTV Construction Support Inspection Services. The cost to provide such services will not exceed $20,000.00. 000050 (4) Approve Amendment No. 2 with F.R. Harris to provide additional compensation of $25,640 for additional plan check work, provide additional Construction Support Services for the new Southside Platform for an additional amount of $50,000, and provide additional Electrical/Mechanical/Security System/CCTV Construction Support Inspection Services for an amount not to exceed $20,000. The new contract value will not exceed $850,617. The amendment will utilize the standard contract amendment format. The remaining Extra Work Budget of $16,291 will remain in place. 000051 " AGENDA ITEM 9A " RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION DATE: April 1, 1998 TO: Budget & Finance Committee FROM: Jerry Rivera, Program Manager THROUGH: Eric Haley, Executive Director SUBJECT: Cooperative Agreement Between the State of California Department of Transportation and Riverside County Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies for Freeway Service Patrol Program in Riverside County The Riverside County Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) program has been in operation for almost five years and provides roving tow truck service on four beats of SR -91 and I-215/SR-60 during the morning and afternoon commute hours. The FSP program is funded by the State of California (80%) and local SAFE fees (20%). Funds are allocated to participating local agencies through a formula based on population, freeway lane miles, and levels of congestion. The attached amendment to the cooperative agreement identifies an additional $4,500 in State funding for fiscal year 1997-98. The total State funding is $500,100 and the Riverside County SAFE must provide matching funds of $125,025. There are sufficient unappropriated fund balance reserves to provide the additional $1,125 match to the $4,500 in State funds. Financial Assessment Project Cost $1,125 Source of Funds •••,, `gyp SAFE ' Y • ., fir} : . ........ 4•,,:•...&,.':4:;:'. te. .. . 1^ SO y.:�}�: r.•}y.:•.., .r.: , �• • •••• :AK:. Included in Fiscal Year Budget No Year Included in Program Budget No Year Programmed Approved Allocation No Year of Allocation Budget Adjustment Required Yes Financial Impact Not Applicable 000052 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the SAFE Board approve the amendment to the cooperative agreement with the State of California Department of Transportation, subject to Legal Counsel review, for an additional $4,500 in State funding for the Riverside County Freeway Service program for FY 1997-98. • • t 000053 " " " 08-Riv-Various In Riverside County Freeway Service Patrol 08303 - 936208 District Agreement No. 8-1033, A/1 AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT This AMENDMENT to AGREEMENT, entered into on is between the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, acting by and through its Department of Transportation, referred to herein as STATE, and RIVERSIDE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY FOR FREEWAY EMERGENCIES, a public entity, referred to herein as RC SAFE. (1) RECITALS The parties hereto entered into an Agreement (Document No. 8-13866), on June 11, 1997, said Agreement defining the terms and conditions of a program to provide Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) in Riverside County, referred to herein as "FSP". Said Agreement sets STATE's total PROJECT obligation $495,500.00, and it has been determined that STATE's PROJECT obligation will exceed that amount. Said Agreement set RC SAFE's contribution at no less 25%, $123,875.00 of the amount provided by STATE. at total than IT IS THEREFORE MUTUALLY AGREED: (1) STATE's total obligation specified in Section I, Article (3) of the original Agreement shall now not exceed the amount of $500,100.00. A revised estimated Freeway Service Patrol Budget is attached and made a part of this Amendment to Agreement, and supersedes the estimated Freeway Service Patrol Budget shown in the original Agreement. (2) RC SAFE agrees to contribute no less than 25%, $125,025.00 of the amount provided by STATE. (3) The other terms and conditions of said Agreement (Document No. 8-13866) shall remain in full force and effect. 000051 (3) District Agreement No. 8-1033, A/1 This Amendment to Agreement is hereby deemed to be a part of • Document No. 8-13866. STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Transportation JAMES W. VAN LOBEN SELS Director of Transportation By: RIVERSIDE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY FOR FREEWAY EMERGENCIES By: Chairman S. LISIEWICZ District Director REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: APPROVED AS TO FORM By: AND PROCEDURE: ERIC HALEY Executive Director Attorney, REVIEWED FOR FISCAL IMPACT: Department of Transportation By: Dean Martin CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS: Chief Financial Officer District Budget Manager CERTIFIED AS TO PROCEDURE: Accounting Administrator 2 APPROVED AS TO FORM: Steven C. DeBaun Best, Best and Krieger Counsel to Riverside County Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies • • 000055 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Estimated Freeway -Service Patrol Budget FYE June 30, 1998 1 • • AMOUNT SALARIES AND BENEFITS (See Attachment 1) $58,263 OFFICE LEASE $4,010 OVERHEAD (See Attachment 1) $11,312 OPERATIONS Tow Truck Agreements $533,493 COMMUNICATIONS L. A. Cellular Monthly Charges $2,700 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES General Legal Services $ 9,940 Audit Services 1,255 Other Professional Services $ 3.748 Total Professional Services $14,943 RADIO AIR TIME ICC Monthly Fee at $216 per month $2,592 SUPPLIES Brochures and Forms $6,000 Patches, Signs, Hats, Etc. $4,000 Postage SLIM Total Supplies EQUIPMENT Radio Communications Equip. -Leased TOTAL BUDGET REQUIREMENTS $641.771 $11,000 REVENUES State Funding - FY 97/98 $500,100 SAFE Fees - 25% Local Match $125.025 TOTAL REVENUES $3.458 $625.125 EXCESS REVENUES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES ($16.646) Revised: 2/6/98 000.056 Attachment I RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION FREEWAY SERVICE PATROL PROGRAM FYE June 30,1998 Persona 1 Assistant Directors Chief Financial Officer Program Managers 11 & I Clerk of the Commission Program Manager I Commission Support Staff tbmind Acct. 7310!1 Office Expense Acct. 73200 Communications Acct. `%3300 Equipment Maintenance Acct. 73400 Insurance Acct. 73500 Data Processing Acct. 73600 StafffReiated Expanses Acct. 73700 Information/Publicity r • 000057