HomeMy Public PortalAbout20190424 - Board of Appeals - Meeting MinutesTOWN OF HOPKINTON OFFICE OF BOARD OF APPEALS _____________________________ T​OWN​ H​ALL 18 M​AIN​ S​TREET​ – T​HIRD​ F​LOOR HOPKINTON, MASSACHUSETTS 01748-3209 (508) 497-0012   M​ARK​ J. H​YMAN​, Chairman ​WWW​.H​OPKINTON​.​GOV G. M​ICHAEL​ P​EIRCE​, Vice Chairman ​ZBA@Hopkintonma.gov M​ARGARET​ S​HAW​, Clerk Minutes of the Board of Appeals Minutes: April 24, 2019 Called to Order: 7:20 PM Town Hall, 2​nd​ Floor Adjourned: 8:15 PM Members Present:​Mark Hyman,Chairman;Michael Peirce,Vice Chairman;Peggy Shaw,Walter Garland Members Absent:​ Michael DiMascio; John Savignano; Rory Warren; Clerk; Jerry Tuite Others Present:Elaine Lazarus,Assistant Town Manager;Michael Shepard,Assistant Building Inspector 7:20 PM Administrative Session of the Board of Appeals Minutes The Board reviewed the minutes of March 27, 2019. Mr. Peirce moved to adopt the minutes of March 27, 2019. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Documents Used: Draft minutes from March 27, 2019 84-92 West Main Street - Request for Variance Extension Atty.Barbieri stated a variance was granted in July of 2018.He stated the convenience store operator took the owner to court and in the meantime Global Companies,LLC doesn’t want to go forward until that is complete.He stated they are requesting a 6 month extension.Mr.Peirce asked if they anticipated any of this when they came for the permits and Atty.Barbieri stated no.Mr.Hyman asked if there were any public comments and there were none.Mr.Peirce moved to grant a six month extension for the variance. The motion was seconded by Ms. Shaw and passed unanimously. Documents Used: Fletcher Tilton letter from Atty. Barbieri dated March 25, 2019 7:30 PM Application for Special Permit ​25 Lakeshore Drive – McGill Continued from April 10, 2019 due to publishing issues. Members Sitting: Mr. Hyman, Mr. Peirce, Ms. Shaw, Mr. Garland Others Members: Deric McGill – Applicant Rosa McGill – Applicant Mr. Hyman stated there were only 4 members present so if the applicant wants to go forward they would need a unanimous vote. Mr. McGill stated they would like to go forward. Mr. McGill stated they would like to convert an existing home with an existing accessory family dwelling to a 2-family home. He stated nothing is changing on the outside at all. Mr. Hyman asked if each unit would have at least 600 square feet and at least 2 parking spaces per unit. Mr. McGill stated yes. He stated the accessory unit has been empty for 3 years and they have no buyers so they need the special permit to sell the house. Mr. Hyman asked if the intent is for the new owner to rent 1 unit and Mr. McGill stated yes. Mr. Peirce asked if the units are the same as the plans from 2006 and Mr. McGill stated yes. Mr. Hyman asked if there were any public comments. Bee McMullen, 8 Lake Shore Drive asked if the change to a 2-family would affect the taxes of the people in the neighborhood. Mr. Shepard stated it may affect their taxes but shouldn’t affect anyone else. Mr. Peirce moved to close the public hearing. The motion was seconded by Ms. Shaw and passed unanimously. Mr. Hyman moved to grant a special permit under 210-125 to accommodate two dwelling units with the condition there would be no exterior changes and a finding it would not be a substantial more detriment to the neighborhood. The motion was seconded by Mr. Peirce and passed unanimously. Documents Used: Uniform Application for Special Permit/Petition for Variance with supporting documents 7:50 PM Application for Special Permit ​92 Main Street – Duffy Continued from April 10, 2019 due to publishing issues. Members Sitting: Mr. Hyman, Mr. Peirce, Ms. Shaw, Mr. Garland Others Members: David Duffy - Applicant Mr. Hyman stated there are only 4 members present so if the applicant wants to go forward they would need a unanimous vote. Mr. Duffy stated he would like to go forward. Board of Appeals April 24, 2019 Page 2 of 3 Mr. Duffy stated he has a very unusual piece of property which has 3 fronts. He stated when he built the patio he didn’t realize he needed a special permit and did not get one so he is here to correct that. Mr. Shepard stated the structure is non-conforming on all the sides and needs a building permit and a special permit. Mr. Hyman recalled an issue with a property swap. Mr. Duffy stated when Evergreen bought the property next to him they asked for a land swap which was done in 1995. The Board reviewed the plans. Mr. Hyman asked if the 2 triangles were what was swapped and Mr. Duffy stated yes. Mr. Peirce asked if he converted a patio to a structure. Mr. Duffy stated yes and he didn’t realize at the time he needed the permits. Mr. Peirce asked how it came to anyone’s attention. Mr. Shepard stated they drive by it every day. Mr. Peirce asked if there were any complaints and Mr. Shepard stated no. Mr. Hyman asked if it has been inspected and Mr. Shepard stated no but it looks all legit. He stated once the Board approved this then they will issue a building permit. Mr. Peirce asked about the issue with the neighbors. Mr. Duffy stated he has had problems with him for many years. Mr. Hyman asked if there were any public comments and there were none. Mr. Peirce moved to close the public hearing. The motion was seconded by Mr. Garland and passed unanimously. Mr. Peirce moved to find the new structure as represented is not substantioally more detrimental to the neighborhood than the existing non-conforming house. The motion was seconded by Ms. Shaw and passed unanimously. Mr. Peirce moved to grant a special permit for the new structure based upon the plans as filed and a finding the result of this approval does not provide for any additional new construction. The motion was seconded by Ms. Shaw and passed unanimously. Documents Used: Uniform Application for Special Permit/Petition for Variance with supporting documents Mr. Peirce moved ​to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Meeting Adjourned: 8:15 PM Adina Wright, Administrative Assistant Approved: October 9, 2019 Board of Appeals April 24, 2019 Page 3 of 3