HomeMy Public PortalAbout09 September 11, 2002 Commission061151 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORT ATI ON COMMISSION MEETING AGEND A TIME: 9:00 a.m. DATE: Wednesday, Sept ember 1 1, 2002 LOCATION: CONFERENCE ROOM Uni versity of Calif ornia @ Riverside, University Village 1201 U niversity Avenue, Room 207, Ri verside Commissio ners Chairman: John F. Tavaglione 151 Vice Chairman: Ron Roberts 2"d Vice Chairman: Roy Wilson Bob Buster, County of Riverside Jo hn F. Tav aglione, County of Riverside James A. Venable, County of Riverside Roy Wilso n, County of Ri verside Tom Mullen, County of Riverside John Hunt / Jan Wages, City of Banning Placido L. Valdivia / Ro ger Berg, City of Beaumont Robe rt Crain / George Thomas, City of Blythe Jo hn Chlebnik / Jo n Winnin gha m, City of Calimesa A lfred W. Trembly / Jack Wamsley, City of Canyon Lake Gregory S. Pettis / Sarah DiGrandi, City of Cathedral City Juan M. DeLara, City of Coachella • Janice L. Rudman/ Jeff Miller, City of Co ro na Greg Ruppert / Matt Weyuker, City of Desert Hot Springs Ro bin ReeserLo we / Lori Van Arsdale, City of Hemet Percy L. Byrd / Robert A. Bern heimer, City of Indian Wells Mike Wilson / Gene Gilbert, City of Indio John J. Pena / Terry Henderson, City of La Q uinta Ro bert L. Schiffn er / Tho mas Buckley, City of Lake Elsin ore Frank West / Bon nie Flickinger, City of Moreno Valley Jack F. van Haaster / Warnie Enochs, City of Murrieta Frank Hall / Harv ey Sulliv an , City of Norco Dick Kelly / Robert Spiegel, City of Palm De sert William G. Kleindienst / Chris Mills, City of Palm Springs Daryl Busch / Mark Yarbrough, City of Perris G. Dana Hobart / Ron Meepos, City of Rancho Mirage Ameal Moore / Joy Defenbaugh, City of Riverside Chris Carlson-Buydo s / Jim Conner, City of San Jacinto Ron Roberts / Jeff Comerchero, City of Teme cu la An ne Mayer, Director, Ca ltra ns District #8 Eric Haley, Executive Director Hideo Su gita, De puty Exec utive Director Comments are we lcomed by the C ommis sion. If you wish to p rovide comments to the C ommission, please complete and su bmit a T estimony Card to the Clerk of the Commiss ion. ZC. M .ao RIVERSIDE CO UNTY TR ANSPORTATION COMMISSION www.rctc.org AGENDA* *Actio ns may be taken on any item listed on the ag enda 9:00 a.m. Wedn esday, S eptember 11, 2002 CONFERENC E ROOM University of C alif orni a @ Riv er side 1201 University A venu e, Room 207, Riverside 1. CA LL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 5. A DDITIO NS/REVISIONS (The Co mmission may add an item to the Agend a after making a finding that there is a need to take immediate action on the item and th at the item came to the atten tio n of the Commissio n su bsequent to the posting of the a gen da. An action adding an item to the agenda requires 2/3 vote of the Commissio n. If there a re less than 2/3 of the Commiss ion members pr es ent, adding an item to the agenda requires a unanimou s v ote. Added items will be placed f or disc ussion at the end of the agenda.) 6. CONSENT CA LENDAR - All ma tters on the Con sent Calendar will be appro ved in a single mo tio n unless a Co mmissioner(s) requ ests se para te action on specific item( s). Items pulled fro m the Consent Calendar will be placed fo r discussion at the end of the agenda. 6A. CONTRACTS COST AND SCHEDULE REPORT Page 1 Ove rview This item is fo r the Commission to receive and file the Con tracts Cost and Sche dule Report for the mo nth en ding July 31, 2002. Riverside C ounty Transp ortation Commission Agenda Sept emb er 11, 2002 Pag e 2 6B. SINGLE SIGNATURE AUTHORITY REPORT Pag e 5 Ove rvi ew This item is for the Commission to receive and file the Single Signature Authority Report for the months ending April, May, and June 2002. 6C. QUARTERLY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS O ve rview This item is for the Commission to receive and file the Quarterly Fi nancial Statements fo r the quarter ending June 30, 2002 . 6D. QUARTERLY INV ESTMENT REPORT Overv ie w This item is for the Commission to receive and file the Quarterly In vestment Report for the quarter ending June 30, 2002 . 6E. FINA NCIAL POLICY ADJUSTMENTS Ov ervie w This item is for the Commission to: Page 7 Page 12 Page 21 1) Appro ve a threshold of $ 100,000 fo r audit of transit or sp ecialized transit pro viders or have the audit performed based on results of prior au dits; and, 2) Modify the ov erhead polic y to exclude TDA a pplicants. 6F. A DOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 03-007, "RESO LUTION AUTHORIZING THE R IVERSID E COUNTY TRA NSPORTATIO N COMMISSION EXA MINA TION OF STA TE BOARD OF EQUA LIZA TION TRANSA CTIO NS (SA LES) AND USE TAX RECORDS " Pa ge 23 Overview This item is for the Commission to adopt Resolution No. 03-007, "Resolution Authorizing the Rivers ide C ounty Transportation Commiss ion Exa mination of Sta te Board of Equalizatio n Trans actions (Sales) A nd Use Tax Rec ords". Riversid e Co unty Transportatio n C ommission Agenda September 11, 2002 Page 3 6G. DIS ADVANT AGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) PROGRAM O VER ALL ANNUAL G OAL FOR FEDERAL FISCAL YE AR 2002-2003 Overview This item is for the Commission to approve to: P age 26 1) Adopt 6.67% as its DBE overall annual goal for F ederal FY 02-03 (from October 1, 2002 to September 30, 2003); 2) Post the proposed DBE o verall ann ual goal for FY 02-03 to recei ve public comments and pr ovide a 45 -day c omment period; and, 3) Submit the methodol ogy and FY 02-03 g oal to Caltra ns District 8 L ocal Assistance. 6H. A DOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 03-010, "RES OL UTI ON OF THE RIVERSIDE COU NTY TRA NSPOR TATION COMMISSION ESTABLISHING RE AL PROPERTY ACQUISITION AND RELOCATI ON ASSISTANCE RULES AND REGU LATIONS" Pag e 33 Overview This item is fo r the Commission to adopt Resolution N o. 03-010, "Res olution of the Riverside Co unty Transporta tion Commis sion Establishi ng Real Pro perty Acquisition and Relocatio n As sista nc e Rules and Reg ul ations." 61. 2002 STIP PLA NNING, PROGRAMMING, AND MONITORING RESERVE Pag e 36 Ove rview This ite m is for the Commission to approve pro gramming the balance of Planning, Programming, and Mo nitoring Fun ds as re se rv e in the 2002 STIP. 6J. A LLOCATION OF LTF PLA NNING FUNDS TO SUPPORT SCA G'S REGIONAL MODEL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Page 38 Overvie w This ite m is for the Commission to approve the alloc ation of 828,000 in Loca l Transpo rtation Funds (LTF) Planning Funds to su ppo rt SCAG's Re gional Model Impro vement Program. Riverside County Transp ortation Commission Age nda September 11, 2002 Page 4 6K. ANNU AL LOCAL TRANSPORTATI ON FUND PLANNING ALL OCATIONS TO C VAG AND WRCOG P age 40 Overview This item is for the Commission to appro ve the allocatio n of Local Tran sportation Funds (LTF) totaling $209,759 to the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) and $384,557 to the Western Riverside Council of Go ver nments (WRCOG) to support tra nsportatio n planning programs and functions as identified in the attached work programs. 6L. FISCA L YEAR 2003 SHORT RANGE TR ANSIT PLAN AMENDMENT FOR SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY — SECTION 5309 FUNDS O verview This item is fo r the Commission to: Page 47 1) Approve a FY 03 Short Range Transit Plan Ame ndm ent f or SunLine Tra nsit Agency to receive Section 5309 funds to upgrade its hydrogen fueling infrastruc tu re; and, 2) Include the project in the Regional Transportation Improveme nt Program. 6M. FISCA L YEARS 2003 AND 2004 SPECIALIZED TRANSIT TWO-YEAR CALL FOR PROJECTS: ANZA VALLEY TRANSPORTATION; BLINDNESS SUPPORT; PARTNERSHIP TO PRESERVE INDEPENDENT LIVING, AND TRANSPORTATIO N SPECIALISTS INC. Page 48 Overv iew This item is for the Commissio n to: 1) Approve the requests for Measure "A" Specialized Transpo rtatio n Funds av ailable in We ste rn Riverside Coun ty for Blindness Support Services an d Partn ership to Preserve Independent Living for FY 03 an d FY 04; 2) Approve one -mon th in te rim payments to Anza Va lley Transportation and Transpo rtation Specialists Inc.; 3) Allo cate up to $657,545 in Western Riverside Co unty Measure "A" Specialized Transportation Funds; and, 4) Authorize the Executive Director, pursuant to Legal Coun sel review, to ex ecute the Agreemen ts on behalf of the Commission. Riverside Co unty Transpo rtation Commission Agenda Sept ember 11, 2002 Page 5 6N . FISCAL YEAR 2003 SHORT RANGE TRANSIT PLAN AMENDMENT FOR THE COMMUTER RAIL PROGRAM Over vi ew This item is f or the Commission to: Page 53 1) Approve a Short Range Transit Plan Amendment to RCTC's Commuter Rail Program for FY 03; a nd, 2) Alloc ate $695,000 in Local Transp ortati on Funds . 60. COMMUTER RAIL PROGR AM UPDATE Page 55 O verv ie w This item is for the Commission to receive and file the Commuter Rail Program Update as an information item. 6P. APPROVAL OF FUNDING AGREEMENT NO. 03-45-016, BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL AND RIVERSIDE COUNTY SERVICE A UTHORITY FOR FREEWAY EMERGENCIES P age 72 Ove rview This item is for the Commission to au tho rize the Executive Dire ctor, pursuant to Legal Co unsel review, to ex ecute the A gre emen t with the Department of Califo rnia Highway Patro l to pro vide ov ertime supervision and operation of the Freeway Servic e Patrol Program in Riv erside Co un ty, on behalf of the Commission . 6Q . ESTA BLISHMENT OF MEASURE "A" LOCAL STREETS AND RO ADS MA INTENA NCE OF EFFORT AMOUNT FOR THE CITY OF COACHELLA Page 79 Ove rview This item is for the Co mmission to approve the City of Coachella's request to establish the use of FY 99-00 as the base year fo r their Maintenance of Effort c alculations. Ri verside County Transportati on C ommission Agenda September 11, 2002 Page 6 6R. FISCAL YEARS 2003-2007 ME ASURE "A" FI VE-YEAR C APITAL IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR LOCAL STREETS AN D RO ADS FOR THE CITIES OF BE AUMONT, C ATHEDRAL CITY , COACHELL A, INDIO, AND RANCHO MIR AGE Pag e 83 Overview This item is for the Commissi on to approve the FY 03-07 Measure "A" Fi ve - Year Capital Improvement Plans for Local Streets a nd R oads for th e Cities of Beaumont, Cathedral City, Coach ella, Indi o, and Rancho Mirage, as submitted. 6S. A PPROVE A GREEMENT NO. 03-31-015, AMENDMENT TO EXISTING CALTRANS COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR RCTC TO CONNECT THE NORTH MAIN CORONA METROLINK STATION CCTV SECURITY SYSTEM TO THE DOWNTOWN METROLINK STATION Page 105 Ove rvie w This item is for the Commission to : 1) Appro ve Agreemen t No. 03-31-015, an amendment to the existing Caltrans Cooperative Agreeme nt (Caltrans Agr eement No. 8-1055), between RCTC an d Caltrans, for the State to allow RCTC us e of up to two (2) dark fibers along State Ro ute 91 to conne ct the North Mai n Co rona Metrolink Statio n CCTV Security System to the Riverside - Downtown Metrolink Station Monitorin g Fac ility; and, 2) Au thorize the Chairman , pursuant to Legal Co unse l review, to ex ecute the Agreement on behalf of the Co mmissio n. 6T. AWA RD AGREEMENT NO. 03-31-013 (AMENDMENT NO. 6 TO AGREEMENT NO. RO-2027) TO DMJM + HARRIS FOR ADDITIONA L FINAL DESIGN SERV ICES FOR THE NORTH MAIN CORONA METROLINK STA TION Page 120 Overvie w This item is for the Commission to : 1) A ward Agreement No. 03-31-013 (Amendment No . 6 to Agreement No. RO-2027) to DMJM + Harris, for additional final design services fo r the North Main Corona Metrolink Station, for a base amount of $110,597.93; Riverside County Transp ortati on Commission Age nda September 11 , 2002 Page 7 2) Authorize the Chairman, purs uant to Legal Co unsel re view, to exec ute the Agreem ent on behalf of the Commission; and, 3) Approve a Short Rang e Transit Plan Amendment to RCTC's Commuter Rail Program for FY 03 and allocate $60,597.93 in Local Transportatio n Funds . 6U. A WARD AGREEMENT NO. 03-31-014 FOR CONCEPTUAL DESIGN OF THE PRO PO SED NEW PARKING STRUCTURE AT THE NORTH MAIN CORONA METROLINK STATION Page 125 O verview This item is for the Commission to 1) Award Agreement No. 03-31-014 to G ord on H Chong & Partners for conceptual design and environmental services for the proposed n ew parking structure at the North Main C orona Metrolink Station for a base amo unt of $316,798, with a conti nge ncy of $83,202, f or a total not to exceed contract amo un t of $400,000; and, 2) Authorize the Chairman, pursuant to Legal Counsel re view, to e xecute the Agreement on behalf of the Commission. 7. STA TE A ND FEDERA L LEG ISLATIVE UPDA TE Overvie w This item is for the Co mmissio n to : Page 139 1) Adopt the following bill positio ns: State Legislation: Su ppo rt - AB 1010 (Co rrea), Oppo se - SB 1828 (Burton), Fe deral Legislatio n: Su pport - HR 5157 (Youn g, Oberstar, Petri, and Borksi); and, 2) Rece ive an d file the State and Federal Legislative Update as an information item. Riverside C ou nty Transp ortation Commission Agenda September 11, 2002 Page 8 8. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO . 03-008, "RESOLUTION OF THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSP ORTATION COMMISSION DECLA RIN G THE URGEN CY FOR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEM ENTS ON STATE ROUTE 79 (WINCHESTER ROA D) " — DOMENIGONI P ARKWAY TO HUNTER ROAD Page 148 Overview This item is for the Commission to adopt Resolution N o. 03-008, "Resol utio n of the Riverside County Transportation Commission Declaring the Urgen cy for Trans portatio n Improveme nts on Stat e Ro ut e 7.9 (Winchest er Road)", declaring the Commission's intent to work with the County of Riversid e, Caltrans and other parties to se cure federal, state and local discretionary f unds to deli ver th e SR 79 pro ject fro m Domenigoni Parkway to Hunter Road . 9. AGREEMENT NO. 02-33-089 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE RIVERSIDE - LA SIERRA METROLINK STATION PARKING LOT EXP ANSION AND PHOTO VOLTAIC CARPORT STRUCTURES PROJECT Overview Page 155 This item is fo r the Commission to : 1) Recommend that the Co mmission awa rd Agreement No. 02-33-089 to Riverside Co nstructio n Inc ., for either Alternate "A" Project or Alternate "B" Project, as outlined below: A lte rn ate "A " Pro ject — (Base Project) — If Riverside Publi c Utilities (RPU) and RCTC canno t come to a timely re so lution on a funding agre ement for the constru ction of the Pho tovoltaic Carpo rt Structure part of the project, award A greement No. 02-33-089 for the con struction of the Riverside -La Sierra Metrolink Station Parking Lo t Expan sion Base Project to Ri verside Co nstruction In c. fo r the amount of $686,517 plu s a contingency amount of $73,483 to cov er potential change orders for out -of -scope items encountered during construction, for a to tal contract amou nt not to e xceed $760,000; OR Alternate "B" Proje ct — (Ba se Pro ject + Carport) — If RPU and RCTC can come to a timely re so lution and execute a Photov oltaic Carport Structure Fu ndin g A greement, then award Agree men t No. 02-33-089 for the construction of the Riv erside -La Sierra Metrolink Station Parking Lot Expansio n Base Pro ject and Photo voltaic Carpo rt Stru cture to Riverside Constructio n Inc. for the amount of $1,299,850 ($686,517 in RCTC funds + $613,333 in RPU funds) plus a con tingen cy amou nt of $110,150 ($73,483 in RCTC fu nds + $36,667 in RPU fu nds) to cover potential change orde rs fo r o ut -of -scope items enc oun tered during construction , for a total c ontra ct amount not to e xce ed $1,410, 000 subject to approval to e nter into a n et/net electricity and fu nding agree men t with the C ity of Riverside's Public Utilities for the in sta llation of the photo vo ltaic cells an d carport structure s; and, Riverside County Tra nsp ortation Commission Ag enda September 11, 2002 Page 9 2) Authorize the Chairman, pursuant to Legal Counsel re view, to execute th e sta ndard co nstructi on Agreement on b ehalf of the Commission, for either of the two projects outlined above conti ngent upo n appro val of the funding agreem ent betwee n RPU and RCTC . 10. ITEMS PULLED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR AGEND A 11. COMMISSIONERS / EXECUTIVE DIRECT OR'S REPORT Ove rv iew This item prov ides the o pportunity for the Commissioners and the E xecutiv e Director to report on attended and upcoming meeti ngs/conferences and issues related to Commission activ ities. 12. CLO SED SESSION ITEM A. Co nference with Real Property Negotiator P urs uant to S ecti on 54956.8 Negotiating Parties: RCTC — Executive Direct or or Designee Property Owners - See the F ollowing List Right -Of -Way Acquisitions Item APN Gra nt or 1 291-100-047 First National Bank of I owa City 2 291-502-001 Garret Va nDyke 3 291-502-002 Melissa Watsz 4 291-502-003 Rafae l Martinez 5 291-502-004 Birgitta Croil 6 291-502-005 Carolyn Williams 7 291-502-006 Judith Fuhrman 8 291-502-007 Crispin Alv arez 9 291-502-008 Cyrus Mc Coid 10 291-502-009 Sa lly Hartwell 11 291-502-010 Jesus & Estela Rubio lbarra 12 291-502-011 Jaime Ramirez 13 291-502-012 Maria Cisnero s 14 291-502-013 Juan & Manue la Diaz Family Trust 15 291-431-022 No el Bo yd 16 291-431-023 Sandy Ramire z 17 291-431-024 Ernestine Dukes 18 291-431-025 Cecilia Orozco 19 291-431-026 Co unty Housing A uthority Riverside Co unty Transportation C ommission Agenda September 11, 2002 Page 10 20 1 291-431-017 Barbara Jackson -Al varado 21 1 291-431-018 Oscar & Julia Rizk 22 1 291-431-019 Le onor M orgn er 23 I 291-431-020 Vict oria Sali nas 24 1 291-431-021 Paul Afroilan 25 1 291-402-019 Calvin Edey 26 1 291-402-018 Santiago Estrada 27 1 291-402-017 Lisa Smith 28 1 291-402-016 29 1 291-402-015 Christopher Gracy Helen Perez 30 1 291-402-014 William T. Pollard, Jr . 31 1 291-402-013 32 1 291-402-012 Nancy & Humb ert o Verdugo Sa ndra Villarreal 33 1 291-402-011 Ronaldo Allende 34 1 291-402-010 Scott Richardson 35 1 291-402-009 36 291-402-008 Joseph Taylor Rose Coronado 37 I 291-402-007 38 291-402-006 J orge Moren o Mi chael & Rachel Mead 39 1 291-402-005 40 291-402-004 Carla Angelico Ja vier Venegas 41 I 291-402-003 42 I 291-402-002 Sylvia Alvarado Laura M. Zazueta 43 1 291-402-001 44 1 291-361-035 Carl Wogoman Maria Cor onado 45 1 291-361-034 46 1 291-361-033 47 1 291-361-032 48 I 291-361-031 49 1 291-361-030 50 I 292-250-005 51 1 292-250-026 52 1 292-222-017 & 292-222-018 53 1 292-222-016 54 1 292-222-034 55 1 292-170-018 56 1 292-170-002 57 I 292-170-017 58 1 292-170-013 59 I 292-170-020 60 1 292-170-021 61 1 292-170-008 Rudolph Pena Maria Olivares Kimberly Houser Ju lie C. Scheppelmann James Parso ns Robert Kos Towngate A partments Ashwoo d Partne rs LP Mike McHaney Elsie Crager Gerald Jaco bs & Robert Caniglia Kathryn Hall Richard and Phyllis Null GTE William Gibbo ns Willma Lacava Marylouise Zu ppardo Ro bert Lew Riverside County Transportation C ommission Agenda September 11, 2002 Page 11 62 292-170-009 Toshiko Fukushima 63 479-423-021 Greg ory A. & Linda K. Doyle 64 481-101-016 Arlene Den nison 65 481-111-012 Black Sable Properties 66 Lot B of Tract 3728 Tom Dow 67 Lot E of Tract 3321 Tom Dow 68 30' Wide Parcel adjacent to Easterly Boundary of APN 479-413-029 Unk nown B. Con fe rence with Legal Cou nsel — E xisting Litig ati on Pursuant to Secti on 54956. 9(a) Names of Parties: Raceway Ford, Inc ., Caltra ns, RCTC et al Case Number: CIV. S-02-710 WBS GGH C. Conference with Legal Coun sel - Anticipated Litigation Pursuant to Secti on 54956. 9(b) Significan t ex po sure to litigatio n to subdivision (b): Nu mber of Potential Cases: 1 13. A DJOURNMENT The next Commission mee ting is sc heduled to be held at 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, October 9, 2002, Chancellor's Conference Room, University of California @ Riverside, 1201 University Avenue, Room 207, Riverside. RIVE RSIDE COUNTY TR ANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES Wednesday, July 10, 2002 1. CALL TO ORDER The meetin g of the Ri verside County Tra nsp ortatio n Commission was call ed to order by 1" Vice -Chairman Ron Roberts at 9:00 a .m., in the Conference Room at University Village, R oom 207, 1201 University Avenue, Riverside, California, 92501. In the absence of the Chairman, Vice Chairman Roberts assumed the Chair. 2. ROLL CALL Commissio ners/Altern ates Present Daryl Busch Bob Buster Chris Buydos Percy Byrd John Chle bnik Frank Hall John Hunt Dick Kelly Robin Lowe Anne Mayer Ameal Moore Tom Mullen Ron Ro berts Janice Rudman Greg Ruppert Ro bert Schiffner Alfred W. Trembly Placido L. Valdivia James A. Venable Fran k West Ro y Wilson 3. PUBLIC CO MMENTS Commissi oners Abse nt Robert Crain Juan DeLara G. Dana Hobart William G. Klei ndie nst John J. Pena Gregory S. Pettis John F. Tavaglione Jack van Haaster Mike Wilson There were no reque sts fro m the public to speak. Riverside C ounty Transportation C ommission Minutes July 10, 2002 Page 2 4. APPROV AL OF MINUTES - Ju ne 12, 2002 M/S/C (Hunt/Buyd os) to appro ve the June 12, 2002 minutes as written. Abstain: Byrd, Chlebnik 5. PUBLIC HEARING - APPRO VAL AND ADOPTION OF RELOCATION PLAN FOR STATE ROUTE 74 REALIGNMENT AND WIDENING PROJECT, SEGMENT 2 Stev e DeBaun , Legal Counsel, e xplained the nat ure and scope of the public hearing. Mark LaBo nte, Pacific Re location Consulta nts, prese nted an overview of the proposed Relocation Plan for the SR 74 Realignment and Wideni ng Project, Segment 2, providing a brief de scription of the partic ulars, a description of the impact on the reside nts, identifying the types of displacement, iden tifying comparable replace men t dwellings, and identifying the pr ocess and procedures the Commission will take to ens ure the Relocation Plan is carrie d forward in acco rdance with State and Federal laws. At this time, Chairman Roberts o pened the public heari ng . Naty Kopenhaver, Clerk of the Board, stated that no written objecti ons ha ve been rece ived. One call was received requ esting informatio n on how to obtain a copy of the Relocation Plan, whic h staff prov ided direction . There were no requests from the pu blic to speak and Chair Roberts closed the public hearing. M/S/C (Mullen /Lowe) to approve an d adopt the Re location Plan for the State Ro ute 74 Realignmen t and Widening project. 6. A DDITIONS/REVISIONS Naty Ko penhaver note d u pdates to the followin g agenda items: A. Agenda Item 8, "Agree ment No. 02-33-066 for the Construction of the Riverside -Downtown Metrolink Station Parkin g Lo t Expa nsio n Proje ct". B. Age nda item 9, "Agreemen t No. 02-31-056 fo r the Realign men t and Widening of State Rou te 74 fro m Dexter Av enue to 0.5 Km East of Wasson Canyon Road". Riverside County Transportation Commission Minutes July 10, 2002 Page 3 7. CONSENT CALENDAR Chairma n Roberts reminded the Commissioners to review the "Possible Conflicts of I nterest Issues" mem o provided by the Clerk of the Board pri or to voting on th e C onsent Calendar. Co mmissioner Bob Buster asked h ow members of the e valuati on committee for reviewing SB 821 prop osals were selected. Jerry Rivera, Pr ogram Manager, explained that in accordance to the Commissi on's policy, three members each were from the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) and the Technical A dv isory Committee (T AC). In additi on, staff requests representation from CVAG, Caltrans and WRCOG, when possible. Eric Haley, Ex ecutive Director, briefly highlight ed the w ork effort by RTA and OCTA on Item 7N, "Demonstration Express Bus Service on State Route 91 ". M/S/C (Byrd/Hunt) to appro ve the following Consent Calendar items: Abstain: Venable (7E. "Fiscal Year 2003 Federal Transit A dmin istration's Section 5307 Program of Projects") 7A. CONTRACTS COST AND SCHEDULE REPORT Rec eive and file the Contracts Cost and Schedule R eport for the month of May 31, 2002. 7B. A PPRO VAL OF AG REEMENT NO. 03-19-007 WITH PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT FOR INVESTMENT ADVISOR SERVICES 1) Approve Agreement No. 03-19-007 with Public Financial Management for inv estment advisor serv ice s in an amount not to exceed $25,000; and, 2) Authorize the Executiv e Director, pursuant to Le gal Counsel review, to ex ecute the agreement on behalf of the Commission. 7C. STATE A ND FEDERAL LEGISLA TIVE UPDATE Receiv e and file the State and Federal Legislative Update as an info rmation item. Riverside County Transportation Commissio n Minutes July 10, 2002 Page 4 7D. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR RCTC/SANBAG SH ARED STATE AND FEDER AL ADVOCATES 1) Approve the r el ease of two Requests for Pr oposals (RFP) to be pro vided fr om November 2002 to November 2006; a) State adv ocacy services (SANBAG RFP No . 03-008); b) Federal adv ocacy services (SANBAG RFP No. 03-007); and, 2) Authorize the Chairman and 1' Vice -Chairman to participate as voting members of the selection committee . 7E. FISCAL YEAR 2003 FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION 'S SECTION 5307 PROGRAM OF PROJECTS Approve the Federal Transit Administration's Sectio n 5307 Pr ogram of Projects for Riverside County for FY 03. 7F. LOCAL GUIDELINES UPDATE FOR IMPLEMENTING THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTA L QUALITY ACT (CEQ A) AND APPROV AL OF RESOLUTION NO. 03-005, "RESOLUTION OF THE RIVERSI DE COUNTY TRANSPOR TA TION COMMISSION AMEN DIN G AND ADOPTING LOCA L GU IDELINES FOR IMPLEMENTING THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (PUB. RE SOURCES CODE §§ 21000 ET SEQ.) 1) Approve the update to the Commission's local guidelin es f or implementing CEQA; and, 2) A dopt Resolution No. 03-005, "Resolutio n of the Riv erside Co unty Tra nsporta tion Commiss ion Amending and Ad opting Local Guidelines for Implemen ting the California Environm ental Qu ality Act (Pub. Resources Code §§ 21000 Et Seq.l n. 7G. RIVERSIDE TRANSIT A GENCY'S REQ UEST TO AMEND FISCAL YEAR 2003 SHORT RA NGE TRANSIT PLAN AND ALLOCATE FUNDS FOR MARKETING OF THE BUS RAPID TRANSIT PROGRAM AND THE PURCHA SE OF REAL PROPERTY 1) Amend Riverside Tran sit Agency's FY 03 Short Range Transit Plan ; an d, 2) Allocate $2,057,925 in Local Transpo rtation Funds for the Pu rchase of Real Pro pe rty ($1,062,000) and marketing of the Bus Rapid Tra nsit program ($995,925). Riverside County Transportation Commissi on Minut es July 10, 2002 Page 5 7H. RESOLUTION NO. 03-001, "RESOL UTION OF THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPO RT ATION COMMISSION TO ALLOCATE ST ATE TRANSIT ASSIST ANCE F UN DS" AND FISCAL YEAR 2003 STATE TRANSIT ASSIST ANCE ALL OC ATI ONS 1) Adopt Resolution No. 03-001, "Resoluti on of th e Riverside County Tra nsp ortation Commissi on to All ocate State Tr ansit Assist ance Funds"; and, 2) Approve th e FY 03 State Tra nsit Assistance Fund allocations in Riverside C ounty. 71. FISCAL YEAR 2003 LOCAL TR ANSPORTATION FUND ALLOC ATIONS FOR TRANSIT A pprove the FY 03 Lo cal Transp ortation Fund Allocati ons for transit as presente d in the age nda packet. 7J. NEW COMMUTER RAIL SERVICES UPDATE Receive and file the New Co mmuter Rail Services Update as an information item. 7K. COMMUTER RAIL PROGRAM UPDATE Re ceive an d file the Commuter Rail Program Update as an inf ormati on item. 7L. SB 821 BICYCLE A ND PEDESTRIAN FA CILITIES PROGRAM EX TENSION FO R THE CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY Grant the City of Cathedral City a nine -mon th exten sion to February 28, 2003, to co mplete the Down town Pedestrian Bridge proje ct. 7M. FISCAL YEAR 2002-2003 SB 821 BICYCLE A ND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES PROGRA M FUNDING RECO MMENDA TIONS A pprov e the FY 02-03 SB 821 Bicycle and Facilities Program reco mmended funding as presented in the agenda packet. 7N. DEMONSTRATION EX PRESS BUS SERV ICE ON ST ATE ROUTE 91 1) Su pport the impleme ntation of two demo nstra tion e xpress bus ro utes on the SR 91 corrido r; and, 2) Allocate up to $400,000 in Me asure "A" Spe cialized Tran sportation — Commuter Assistance Program fu nds. Ri verside County Transportation C ommission Minutes July 10, 2002 Page 6 70. UPD ATE ON THE ZERO EMISSION MOBILE INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT (ZEMIE) PROJECT Approve re-scoping of the Zer o Emission M obil e Industrial Equipment project to meet C ongestion Mitigati on and Air Q uality eligibility requirements. 7P. FISCAL YEAR 2002-2003 REGIONAL RIDESH ARE CONTR ACT, AGREEMENT NO. 03-41-008 WITH SC AG/SOUTHERN C ALIFORNI A RIDESHA RE 1) Direct staff to negotiate a contract with SCAG/Souther n Californ ia Rideshare for Regional Rideshare Ser vi ces in an amount n ot to e xceed $35,000; and, 2) Authorize the Chairman, pursua nt to Legal Co unsel review, to ex ecute the agreement on behalf of the Commission . 7Q. A GREEMENT NO. 03-41-001 WITH ADVANCED DATA TRA NSCRIBING CENTER, INC. FOR DAT A ENTRY SERVICES TO SUPPORT THE COMMUTER A SSISTANCE PROGRAM 1) A pprov e A greement No. 03-41-001 with Adva nced Data Transc ribing Cen ter, Inc. for data entry services to support the Commuter Assistance Program and implementatio n of ridematching services in an amoun t not to exce ed $45,000; and, 2) A uthorize the Chairman, pursu ant to Legal Co unsel r eview, to execute the agreement on behalf of the Co mmission. 7R. STA TE ROUTE 79 CO OPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. 03-31-006 BETWEEN RCTC AND CALTRANS 1) A pprov e Cooperative Agree ment No . 03-31-006 with Caltrans for the development of the SR 79 Pro ject Report and Env ironmen tal Documen t (Caltrans A greement Number 8-1 185); an d, 2) Autho rize the Chairman, pu rsuant to Legal Counse l rev iew, to execu te the Agreement on behalf of the Commissio n. Riverside County Transp ortation Commissi on Minutes J uly 10, 2002 Page 8 7W. BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS 1) Appro ve the increase for the Coachella Valley Highway Budget; and, 2) Approve the increase for the Coachella Valley Specialized Transit Operating Budget. 7X. AGREEMENT NO. 03-25-004 WITH JEFFERSON TRANSITIONAL PROGRAMS FOR CLE ANING AND MAINTENANCE OF THE FOUR METROLINK STATIONS IN RIVERSIDE AND AGREEMENT NO. 03-25- 902 WITH DLS LANDSC APE/IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT FOR CLEANING AND MAINTEN ANCE OF THE FUTURE NORTH M AIN CORONA STATION 1) Award Agreement No. 03-25-004, three-year contract with two on e-ye ar options, to Jefferson Tra nsitional Programs to provide the cleaning and maintenan ce for the four current Metrolink Station in Riv erside County; Ri versid e Downtow n, La Sierra, West Corona, and Pedley Stations in the am ount of $ 70,370. 64; 2) Authorize the Chairman , pursuant to Legal C ounsel r eview, to ex ecute the agreement on behalf of the Commission; 3) Approv e Agre ement No. 03-25-902 with DLS Landscape/Irrigation Management to provide th e cleaning and maintenance for the futu re North Main Corona; 4) Authorize the Chairman, pursuant to Legal Counsel review, to execute a one-year agree ment with two two-year options, with DLS Landscape/Irrigation Manage ment o nce the North Mai n Co ro na Station has been constru cted; and, 5) Autho rize staff to seek proposals fo r quarterly street sweeping of the fo ur ex isting stations and in clude the North Main Station o nce constructed. 7Y. SURPLUS PROPERTY 1) Declare the pro perty identified in the report as su rplu s; and, 2) Autho rize the Ex ecutive Directo r to initiate the sixty (60) day pu blic agency notification period and, if no intere st is e xpressed, offe r the parcels fo r sale. Riverside County Transp ortation Commission Minutes July 10, 2002 Page 9 8. AGREEMENT NO. 02-33-066 F OR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE RIVERSIDE - DOWNTOWN METROLINK STATION P ARKING LOT E XP ANSION PROJECT M/S/C (Mull enNe nable) to: 1) Award Agreement N o. 02-33-066 for the constru ctio n of the Downtown Riverside Metrolink Station Parking L ot Expansio n Project to L.D. Anderson, Inc. f or the am ount of $318,594, plus a conti ngency amount of $49,056 to c over potential change orders encountered during construction, for a total contract amount no to exceed $367,650; and, 2) Au thorize the Chairman, purs uant to Legal C ounsel re view, to exe cute the agreement on behalf of the C ommission. 9. A GREEMENT NO. 02-31-056 FOR THE REALIGNMENT AND WIDENING OF STATE ROUTE 74 FROM DEXTER AVENUE TO 0.5 KM EAST OF WASSON CA NYON ROAD Hideo Sugita reviewed the SR 74 Realignment and Widening Project . Constructio n is schedu le d to begin in mid -September and to be completed within 14 months. Commissioner Buster asked how traffic management will be handled duri ng con struction. Hideo Sugita indicated that there is a Construction Manage ment Plan to address traffic manage ment and prese nt traffic will be accommo dated. Commissioner Robert Schiffn er requested that a copy of the Constru ction Man agement Plan be made available to the affecte d citizens. Hideo Sugita responded that the re quest would be accommodated. M/S/C (Mu llen/Lowe) to: 1) Award Agreement No. 02-31-056 for the realignment and widenin g of SR 74, from Dex ter A ve nue to 0.5 Km east of Wasson Canyon Ro ad, to Riverside Constructio n Company, In c. for the amoun t of $10,561,454.15, plus an approx ima te 5% con tingency a mou nt of $538,545.85 to c over potential change o rders encou ntered durin g constructio n, fo r a to tal co ntrac t amount no t to exceed $11, 100,000; and, 2) Authorize the Chairman, pu rsuant to Lega l Co unsel revie w, to ex ecute the agree ment on beha lf of the Commission. Riverside C ou nty Tra nsportation Commission Minutes July 10, 2002 Page 10 10. REVISED CETAP INTERNAL CORRIDORS BUDGET Cathy Be chtel, Dir ector of Tra nsp ortati on Planning and P olicy Development, reviewed the revised CET AP Internal Corrid or Budget. The draft environmental documents are scheduled for release the week of July 15th Locations for the two public hearing ar e currently being finalized . Commissioner Robin Lowe inquired as to S ANBAG's position to increase their share of the budget for the corridor j oi ning th e two counti es . Cathy Bechtel respon ded that SANBAG's Executive Director is in preliminary agreement to do so pending SANBAG Board appro val . M/S/C (Rudman/Lowe) to approve the revised CETAP Internal Corridors budget which increased from $5,928 ,248 to $8,126,449 resulting in a total CETAP budget of $14 ,532,764. 11. LIMITED RIGHT TO NEGOTIATE A TR ANSIT VILLAGE CONCEPT FOR DEVELOPMENT AT THE RIVERSIDE DOWNTOWN METROLINK STATION Eric Haley no ted o ne amendment to the item related to the le ngth of time to give no tice for termination of a ll activities which has been extend ed from 72 hou rs to 30 days. This is at the request of the Creati ve H ousing Associates and John C. Petry. Co mmissioner Buster asked for the range of negotiations . Eric Haley respo nded that staff has info rmed the dev elopers that the doubling of parking will involv e Commission -owned land at the ex isting station and no o ther capital invo lvement by the Commission , and the agree ment r eserves the Commission's right to dev elop parcels owned on the north side and pro perties the Commission do es n ot own on the south side of the station. Commissioner Buster stated his support of the concept but ex presse d his concern that if the details are not don e correctly, it cou ld be unfavorable for the Commissio n. Commissioner Ameal Moore concurred with Commissione r Buster. Commissio ner Tom Mullen concu rred and added that the Commission n eeds to ensure this agreement is done pro perly tp perpetu ate futu re transit develo pme nts. He also reco mmended the formatio n of a committee to inc lude Commission ers Bu ster, Tavaglione, Moo re, and repre sentativ e from RTA to a ssist in the developmen t of the agreement. Ri verside County Transportation Commissi on Minutes July 10, 2002 Pag e 11 M/S/C (L owe/Mullen) to: 1) Auth orize the Executive Direct or, pursuant to Legal Co unsel review, to negotiate and enter into Limited Right to Negotiate Agreement No. 03-50-901 for a Tra nsit Village Con cept for D evel opme nt on Commission -Owned Land at the Riverside Dow ntown Metr olink Station Site with the City of Ri verside Redevel opme nt Agency, Creative Ho using Associates, and John C. Petry, i ncl uding the 30 -day noti ce to terminate; 2) A pprove the f ormati on of a Committ ee c onsisting of Commissioners Buster, Tavaglio ne , M oore, and r epres entative fro m RTA; and, 3) Au thorize the Chairm an, pursuant to Legal Counsel review, to execute the A greement on behalf of the Commission; 12. PRESENTATION — SAN JACINTO BRANCH LINE PR OJECT Stev e Brooks, STV Inc., provided a presentati on on the status of the San Jacinto Branch Line. Project. He re viewed the study area, the purp ose of the study, the alternatives being studied. The next steps will be to compl ete th e alternativ es analysis and the enviro nme ntal analysis and recommend a locally preferred alternative. After a lengthy discu ssion, it was determined that an ad hoc committee be put in place to prov ide guidance on key policy issues related to the upgrade of the Line, station locatio ns, an d funding issues as related to the San Jacinto Branch Line project. The ad hoc co mmittee could include Co mmissio ners from the County of Riverside, the Cities of Riverside, Moreno V alley, Perris, Hemet, San Jac into, Temecula, Murrieta, and also involve representative s from UCR, March Air Reserve and Cargo Port as ex -officio members when there are issue s that co ncern their respec tive areas. Appointme nt of ad hoc committee me mbers is under the purview of RCTC Chair respo nsibility and does not require an action by the Commission. As are related item, Co mmissioner Mullen requ ested that an item be drafted for an upcoming Co mmission meetin g to re que st Caltrans to in itiate discussions with San Diego Asso ciated Go vernmen ts re garding the 1-15 and a rail link between the two coun ties and a propo sal from staff to inco rporate the issues related to transportation between San Diego and Riverside coun tie s. Riverside County Transp ortation Commissi on Minutes July 10, 2002 Page 12 M/S/C (Mullen/Lowe) to direct staff to bring back to an upcoming Commissio n meeting an item regarding dis cussi ons with San Dieg o Asso ci ated Go ver nm ents r elated to tran sportation betwee n the tw o cou nties . 13. ITEMS PULLED FROM C ONSENT CALENDAR No items were pull ed from the agenda for discussi on . 14. COMMISSIONERS/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR A. Eric Haley, Ex ecutive Director, pro vided an update on: 1) Groundbreaking for the North Cor ona Metrolink Stati on on July 18t at 9:00 a.m. 2) The Auto Club of Southern California Board, Corona Chamber of Commerce Tran sportation Committee, Greater Riverside Chamber of Commerce, Endangered Habitat L eag ue, C oachella Valley Econo mic Partnership, and Riv erside Downtown Partne rship have en dorsed the reauthorization of Measure " A" . B. Co mmissioner Lowe requested staff to prese nt to the Commissi on at its nex t meeting a resolution regarding the American Tr ucking Assoc iation request for triple trailers and a weight increase on all trucks. 15. CLOSED SESSION ITEM A. Co nference with Legal Cou nsel - Anticipated Litigation Pursuant to Sec tion 54956.9(b) Significant ex po sure to litigatio n to subdiv ision (b): Number of potential cases: 1 B. Conference with Real Property Negotiator Pursuant to Section 54956. 8 Negotiating Parties: RCTC - Executive Direc tor or Designe e Property Owne r - MLM Pro perties C. Conference with Rea l Property Negotia to r Pursuan t to Section 54956.8 Negotiating Parties: RCTC - Executiv e Director or Designee Pro pe rty Own ers - See Followin g List of Pro perty Owners Riv erside County Tra nsp ortation Commissi on Minutes July 10, 2002 Pag e 13 SR 74 RIGHT-OF-WAY Item APN Owner 1 2 3 349-080-002 342-072-001 342-061-007 Lynn Gritto n, et.al . Anthony J. Moreci, et .ux . Marian E. Frederick 4 342-100-011 Vincent Graves 5 345-080-046 Luis Brisen o, et.al. 6 7 8 345-220-005 345-220-061 342-120-016 Raymond Rasmussen, et.ux . Shapleigh Kimes, et.ux Andrew Boji Raul A. & Alvar o Ramirez 9 342-120-012 10 342-210-031 Alfonso Siordia, et.ux. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 342-210-028 342-120-014 342-120-015 342-240-013 342-240-014 342-240-015 342-210-024 342-200-036 342-072-006 342-072-008 342-072-010 342-072-011 326-250-026 349-124-005 Norma D. Ryder, et .al . Mary E. Corrado Osby C. Blair, et. ux. Todd A. Griffith, C .R. & Arle ne Griffith _ Todd A. Griffith, C.R. & Arlene Griffith Todd A. Griffith, C.R . & Arlene Griffith Arthur() J. Galvan Neil G. Peak, et.al. Martha P. Villalobos, et .al. Elijah Lewis, et. ux. Earl Jo nes, Trustee Richard Atencio, et. al. Joe L. & Vera 1. Williams Edwin Borsheim Gallagher 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 349-124-004 349-124-003 349-124-021 349-124-001 349-342-013 349-342-012 349-342-011 Re/Max of the Lakes Larry Roberts General Tele phone Co mpany of California_ La Vern e Biniaz, et. al. Iron clad, LLC Seletha G. Huff J. Kirk Harns There were no an noun ce ments on the Clo se d Se ssion items. Riverside County Transp ortati on Commission Min utes July 10, 2002 Page 14 16. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business for consideratio n by the Riverside C ounty Transportation Commissio n, the meeting was adjourned at 10:41 a.m. The n ext Commission meeti ng is scheduled to be held at 9:00 a.m ., on Wednesday, September 11, 2002, in the C onference R oom, University Village, 1201 U ni versity Avenu e, Room 207, Riverside, Calif or nia, 92501 . Respectf ully submitted, RAJA, Naty Kopenha ver Clerk of the Board RIVERSIDE C OUNTY TR ANSP ORTA TI ON C OMMISSION DATE: S eptemb er 11, 2002 TO: Riversid e C ounty Transportation Commissio n FRO M: Budget and Impleme ntatio n "Committe e as a Whole" Louie Martin, Becht el Project C ontrols Man ager Bill Hughes, B echtel Project Manag er THROUGH: Hideo Sugita, Dep uty E xecutive Dir ector SUBJECT: Con tracts Cost and Schedule Report BU DGET AND IMPLEMENTA TION "COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE" AND STAF F RECOMMEND ATIO N: This ite m is fo r the Commission to receive and file the Contra cts Cost and Sche dule Report for the month ending July 31, 2002 . BA CK GROUND INFORMATION: The attached material depicts the current co st an d schedule status on contracts repo rted by projects, commitments, and coo perative agreements executed by the Commission. For each contract and agree men t, the report lists the authorized v alue approved by the Commission , perce ntage of co ntract amou nt e xpended to date and the project expenditures by route with status for the month ending July 31, 2002. Attachment: Monthly Report — Ju ly 2002 000001 Ite m 6A PROJECT DESCRIPTION ROUTE 60 PROJECTS Final Design HOV 60/215 to Redlands Blvd. (2042) (3000) SUBTOTAL ROUTE. 60 ROUTE 74 PROJECTS Engineering/Envlron/ROW (R02041 9954,9966, (R02142) (R02141) (2140) (3001) (3009) SUBTOtAL.Rt7UTE 74 ROUTE 79 PROJECTS Engineering/Environ./ROW (3003) Realignment study & Right turn lanes (R09961) SUBTOTAL, ROUTE 79 • • . • ROUTE 86 PROJECTS Avenue 58 to Avenue 66 (Segment 2) SUBTOTAL ROUTE 86 ROUTE 91 PROJECTS Soundwall design, ROW and construction (R09101, 9337, 9847,9861,9848, 9832,9969,2043) (2058) (2144) (2136) (3600, 3602) Van Buren Blvd. Frwy Hook Ramp (R03008) Mary Street to 7th Street HOV design & ROW(3005) Sndwall Landscaping (R09933,9946,2059.3601) SUBTOTAL RGUTE'91 ROUTE 111 PROJECTS (R09219, 9227,9234,9523,9525,9530,9537,9538) 9540,9635,9743,9849-9851,9857,9629 (3401-3405) SUBTOTAL ROUTE 111 ' • RCTC MEAS BUDG COMMISSION AUTHORIZED ALLOCATION $3,900,000 $3,9•00,0Gq' $69,847,655 • $89,847,065 $1,125,000 • $4;125,000 $20,253,000 $33,860,000 $64,113,000. $11,902,100 $2,954,000 '$1,274,430 $1,603,450 '$11,733M6 $16,946,856 $18,948 895. URE "A" HIGHWAY ET REPORT BY R CONTRACTURAL COMM ITMENTS TO DATE $3,829,862 $29,514,368 $?9,61,4,368 $799,438 • $799,438 $19,500,000 $33,760,000 $53,260,000 $10,374,324 $2,954,000 $1,062,025 $1,603,450 $15,993,739 $15,530,856 $15,530,856 Page 1 of 3 /RAIL PROJECTS OUTE % COMMITTED AGAINST AUTH ALLOCATION 98.2% • ..2% 42.3 % 42.3' 71.1% 96.3% 99.7% 87.2% 100.0% 83.3 % 100.0% 91 .6% 911% EXPENDITURE FOR MONTH ENDED 07/31(02 $307,143 $3o7,f45 $564,949 •$584,949 $27,406 $27,4ti5 Project Complete Protect Complete $0 $47,194 $0 $72,635 $0 $118;89 $0 $0 EXPENDITURES TO DATE $2,531,421 $2,531,421: $8,679,317 $8,87,397 $634,992 $634,992• $18,060,000 $31,013,510 $49,07.3,540 '' $9,510,775 $2,109,519 $72,857 $820,420 $4x,51,511 $14,941,516 $14,941,5'16 % EXPENDITURES TO -DATE AGAINST COMMITMNTS TO DATE 66.1% 29.4% 79.4% 79,4°x. 92 .6% 91 .9% 91.7% 71.4% 6 .9% 51 .2% 96.2% 96,2°4 000002 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.215 PROJECTS Preliminary Engrg/Environ. (R09008, 9018) SUBTIOTAL I iS• INTERCHANGE IMPROV. PROGRAM Yuma IC Landscaping (R09926,9946) SUBTOTAL. INTERCHANGE PROJECT & CONSTR. MGMT SERV. (Agreement (02-31-081)) SUBTOTAL BECHTEL PROGRAM PLAN & SERVICES North/South Corridor study (R09936) SUBTO TAL PROGRAM P.14N st S1(CS; PARK-N-RIDE/INCENT. PROGRAM (RO 9859) (2101-2117) (9813) (2146) (9917) SUBTOTAL PARK -N -RIPE COMMUTER RAIL Studies/Engineering (RO 9420,9731,9832,9833,9844,9854,9956,2028) R02031,2027,2120,2029„2128, 3800 - 3808-3810) Station/Site Acq/OP Costs/Maint. Costs (0000,2026,2056,4000-4007, 4198, 4199) 4009 SUBTOTAL COMMUTERitAU. TOTALS 000003 RCTC MEASURE "A" HIGHWAY PROJECTS BUDGET REPORT BY ROUTE COMMISSION CONTRACTURAL % COMMITTED EXPENDITURE FOR % EXPENDITURES AUTHORIZED COMMITMENTS AGAINST AUTH. MONTH ENDED EXPENDITURES TO -DATE AGAINST ALLOCATION . TO DATE ALLOCATION 47131/02 TO DATE COM Mrr 1NTS TO DATE - S6, 726,504 A,r 81604: $440,000 $2,138,641 •'$2,138,541. $25,000 • '315,000 $2,323,177 $2,32,3,177 $16,818,070 $13,900,329 $30;118,399 $206,038,212 $5,878,173 87 4% `814%: $400,000 90.9% $4p0,G0A $CSh $2,027,483 948 % .$2.427,481 949"e $25,000 $25,000 $2,323,177 $323,177 $16,425,518 100 .0 % 200O% 100 .0° o 1Q0:o% 97.7% $13,900,329 100.0% .$31x,32$,80;7 :. ::. 98:11. Si6B,90$r00$• .17,8% Page 2 of 3 $0 $295,717 $295,71;1 $0 $382,965 78.1% $3B2 965 $548,185 $1,344,260 $1',892,445 • $3 ,990,454 $5,704,897 $312,519 $295,717 '$�95,fi97: $0 $382,965 $382,566 $5,065,516 $5,687,139 �10,f.ii •M . $105 823;080 97,1% 14.6% 14.6.4/0 0 .0% 16.5% • ' •` '15:64 30,8% 40.9% 3$.0 .BI&fZ'Id RCTC MEASURE "A" HIGHWAY/LOCAL STREETS & ROADS PROJECTS BUDGET REPORT BY PROJECT PROJECT DESCRIPTION CITY OF CANYON LAKE Railroad Canyon Rd Improvements SUBTOTAL CANYON LAKE WO. CITY OF CORONA Smith, Maple & Lincoln Interchanges & (1) Storm drainage structure SUETOTALCITY OF ODfititg .. CITY OF PERRIS Local streets & road improvements CITY OF SAN JACINTO Local streets & road improvements CITY OF TEMECULA Local streets & road Improvements CITY OF NORCO Yuma I/C & Local streets and road Imprmts CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE' Local streets & road improvements CITY OF HEMET Local streets & roads improvements TOTALS APPROVED COMMITMENT $1,600,000 i,6d0,00Q $5,212,623 '$51212,629 $1,936,419 $1,324,500 $5,094,027 $2,139,067 $1,500,000 $730,000 .. $111,808,038 EXPENDITURE FOR TOTAL OUTSTANDING % LOAN BALANCE MONTH ENDED MEASURE "A" LOAN OUTSTANDING TO -DATE AGAINST 07/31/02 ADVANCES BALANCE COM MITMENT APPROVED COMMIT t' so SO $0 $1,600,000 • $1,600,000 $5,212,623 • $5,212,5$3' $1,936,419 $1,324,500 $5,094,027 $2,139,067 $1,500,000 $730,000 $18,Bofi,63$ $727,171 Sig 27;1? 1 $3,015,967 $1,323,588 $843,083 $3,242,498 $1,361,579 $918,301 $0 50 fo $0 45 .4% 57.9% $p. 68.4% $0 63.7% SO 63 .7% so 63 7% $0 61.2% $0 0.0% $4 NOTE: (1) Loan against interchange improvement programs. All values are for total Project/Contract and not related to fiscal year budgets. Page 3 of 3 Status as of: 07131,02 000004 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TR ANSPORTATION COMMISSION DATE: TO: Septemb er 11, 2002 FROM: Riverside Cou nty Tra nsportation Commission Budget and Implem entation "Committee as a Whole" Ivan M. Chand, Chief Financial Officer THROUGH: Eric Haley, Executi ve Director SUBJECT: Single Signature A uthority Report BUDGET A ND IMPLEMENTATION "COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE" AND STAFF RECO MMENDATION: This item is fo r the Co mmission to receive and file the Single Sig natur e Authority Report for the months ending April, May and June 2002. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The attached report details all c ontracts that have been e xecuted thr ough the months of April, May and Jun e 2002, u nder the Single Signature Authority gra nted to the Execu tive Director by the Commission. The remaining un used capacity is $255,219. Attachment: Single Signature Authority Repo rt as of June 30, 2002. 000005 Item GB CONSULTANT AS OF JUNE 30, 2002 r . VKICiI NHL KtMHININU DESCRIPTION CONTRACT EXPENDED CONTRACT OF SERVICES AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AMOUNT AVAILABLE July 1, 2001 $ 500,000.00 Genlor Commuter Assistance Club/Team Ride 22,500.00 22,500.00 0,00 Merchant Recruitment Creative Management Solutions Volt Edge Services AMF Bowling Mathis & Associates Aspire Group Volt Edge Services Oliver & Williams SCAG City of Riverside 244,780.50 $ 255,219.50 122,141.80 $ 122,141.80 122,638.70 $ 133,077.70 AMOUNT USED Commission desires to engage Consultant to conduct compensation study. Install drains and bird repellent caulking at La Sierra Station. Increase space lease $345 per month Prepare and facilitate the Commission Staff retreat. Prepare and facilitate training for RCTC and Bechtel Staff. Mlsc site work at the La Sierra Stati on Maintenance elevator at La Sierra and West Corona Stations Commuter Survey on RT91 * Commuter Survey on RT91 Amend. Relocation of Aux iliary lane Rt91 AMOUNT REMAINING THROUGH June 30, 2002 Donna Polmounter Prepared by Michele Cisneros Reviewed by N'cif °.'gase f:lusers\preprint\dp\slnsig02 8,580,00 8,580,00 0.00 4,800.00 3,621,88 1,178.12 6,050.00 ** 2,683,75 3,366,25 4,140.00 2,070,00 2,070.00 6,200,00' 6,111.27 88,73 1,000.00 1,000.00 0,00 3,408.00 3,006.00 402,00 2,850.00 ** 2,850.00 0,00 7,920.00 7,690.00 230,00 50,000.00 37,428,00 12,572.00 7,500.00 0.00 7,500,00 25,600.00 0.00 25,600.00 000006. RIVERSI DE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION C OMMISSION DATE: September 11, 2002 TO: FROM: Riversid e C ounty Transportatio n Commission Budget and Implementation "Committee as a Wh ole" Ivan M. Chand, Chief Finan cial Officer THROUGH: Eric Haley, Executi ve Direct or SUBJECT: Quarterly Financial Stat ements BUDG ET AND IMPLEMENTATION "COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE" AND ST AFF RECOMMENDA TION: This item is for the Commission to recei ve and file the Q uarterly Financial Statements for the quarter ending June 30, 2002. BAC KGROUND INFORMA TIO N: Revenu es Commission revenues for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 continued to impro ve . The Commission received over $94 million in Measure "A " revenues, an incr ease of 5.5% o ver the prev iou s year. Measure "A" rev enue was 2% higher tha n projected. Local Transportation Funds (LTF) revenu es realized similar gains. Staff does not e xpect this trend to continu e du e to the slo w down in the eco nomy. Staff will con tinue to mo nitor the in co me and will inform the Commission if large fluctuations exist. In terest income was lower than budgeted due to the lo wer interest rates and the continued usage of con struction funds. The Commission did not realize rev enues fro m Federal, State and Local agencies as the se reve nues are realized on a reimbu rsement basis and the pro jects have not been completed. Staff will submit c laims to the necessary agen cies upon co mple tion. All other rev enues were receiv ed as ex pected. Expen ditures Overall administration expenditures were well under budget. The re were sev eral reasons for be ing un der budget. First, in FY 2000 — 2001, staff took de liberate steps to reduce use of pro fession al service s and continued that in this fiscal year. Second, Salaries and Benefits were less than budgete d as management did not replace a staff pe rson that retired and thus realized sa lary savings. As a result, administration expenditures were u nder budget. Item 6C 000007 The pr ogram budgets were. well within budget except for Special Studies which were over b udget due to a study conducted under the Rail Budg et. Sufficient ba lan ces existed under the Engineeri ng porti on of the budget, where the amount was o riginally b udgeted; however, staff expensed the amount under Special Studies as it was felt that it was the appropriate acco unt. Staff will transfer appropriation authority fr om Engi neering to cover the sh ortfall. All other budgets were not exceeded and balances remain ed either be cause the project will be co mpleted in the new fiscal year or conti ngencies were built into the budget. Listed below is the re port on the Capital related budgets and the status of projects. Highway En ginee ring/Right-o f-Way 1. State Route 74 - Design was completed, project advertised and awarded and required permits obtaine d for the wid eni ng project from 1-15 to 7th Street Segment I. Design and Right of way acquisitio n is proc eeding on Segment 11. 2. State Route 91 - HOV pro ject pre -award audit of the design consultant fr om Mary St. to 7th Street was completed, a notice to proce ed iss ued and prelimin ary e ngine ering and environmental has commen ced. 3. State Route 111 - The design activities for the Palm Desert pr ojects w ere delayed due to drainage redesign requirements requested by Caltra ns. Highway Construction 1 . State Rou te 74 — All required permits hav e been obtained a nd co nstruction work on Segme nt I started on July 12, 2002. 2. State Rou te 79 - Decisio n on pro ceeding with constructing of right -turn l anes on Gilman Sprin gs Ro ad was made. Start of co nstruc tion has not been determined. 3. State Rou te 111 — The Monroe to Rubidou x project in the City of Indio is complete and re ceipt of final invo ices fo r in curre d ex penditures are still pending. Ra il Engin ee rin g/Right of Way 1. Co ro na Main Station — Design activitie s and right-o f-way acquisition s were re ce ntly completed and permits issu ed to initiate start of co nstructio n. 2. Pedley Statio n - A waitin g fu nding decisio n on CTTV system and SCRRA finalizing supplemental agreement with the railroad company. 3. V an Buren Station — On -hold pending fu rthe r decisio n. Rail Con stru ction 1. Corona Main Station - Sta rt of track work an d station co nstruction started July 2002. 2. Pedley Station - Constructio n is forecasted fo r fall of 2002. f Ite in6C 3. Downtown parking expansion — Construction is forecasted for September 2002. 4. La Si erra parking lot e xpansio n — Constru cti on is f ore casted f or October Attachments: Quarterly Financial Statem ent for P eri od Ending June 30, 2002 Item 6C 000009 8/9/2002 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATI ON COMMISISON QBA QUARTERLY BUDGET VS A CT UAL 4TH QUARTER FO R PERIOD ENDING: 6130/02 DESCRIPTIO N REVENUES Sales Tax Federal State & Local Govemment Other Revenues Interest Total Revenues EX PENDITURES Administra tion Salaries & Bene fits General Legal Services Professional Services Office Lease & U tilities G eneral Administrative Expense Total Administration Programs/Projects Salaries & Benefits General Legal Services Professional Services General Projects Highway Enginee rin g Highway Constructio n Highway ROW R ail Engineering R ail Co nstruction Rail ROW Local Street and R oads Regional Arterial Special Stu dies FSP Towing Commu ter Assistance Property Management Motorist Assistance Rail O perations & Maintenance STA Distributions Specialized Transit Planning & Programming Services Total Pro grams/Projects Intergovem Distribution Capital Outlay Debt Service Principal Interest Total Debt Service To tal Ex penditu res Other Financing Source s/Uses Operating Tran sfe r In Operating Transfer O ut Bond Proceeds Payment to Escrow Agent Co st of Issua nce Total Fin ancing Sou rce s/Uses Excess(Deficie ncy)o f Rev enues and other financing sources ove r (under) expen diture and other finan cing uses Fu nd Ba lan ce July 1, 2001 Fun d Balan ce Ju ne 30, 2002 BUDGET $97,495,645.00 31,124,300.00 9,688,367 .00 6,474,500.00 144,782,812.00 ACTUAL REMAINING PERCENT B ALANCE UTILIZATION $101,588,098.20 ($4,092,453.20) 10420% 9,174,057.60 21,950,242.40 29.48% 10,802,808.97 (1,114,441.97) 111 .50% 5 .755.819 .08 718.680.92 88.90% 127,320,783.85 17,462,028.15 87.94% 1,167,500.00 1,039,069.16 128,430 .84 89.00% 97,000 .00 88,018.50 8,981.50 90.74% 1,489,000.00 969,427.32 519,572 .68 65 .11% 240,000.00 236,164 .81 3,835.19 98 .40% 794.850 00 759.963 81 34.886.19 95 .0% 3,788,350.00 3,092,643.60 695,706 .40 81.64% 1,364,000.00 1,204,150.70 159,849.30 88 .28% 623,000. 00 603,126.79 19, 873 .21 96.81 % 882,000.00 620,673 .82 261,326.18 70 .37% 1,980,800.00 1,872,546.95 108,253.05 94.53% 7,415,618.00 3,953,287.06 3,462,330.94 53 .31% 19,270,426.00 1,772,526.93 17,497,899.07 9.20% 13,156,452. 00 4,314,993. 60 8,841,458.40 32.80% 2,084,657. 00 1,587,828.20 496,828 80 76.17% 11,010,000.00 1,034,839.87 9,975,160.13 9 .40% 1,421,500. 00 483,344. 00 938,156.00 34 .00% 36,028,085 15 36,028,085.15 0.00 100 .00 % 9,740,000.00 9,732,104.67 7,895.33 99 .92 % 4,008,000.00 4,137,807.95 (129,807.95) 103.24 % 1,144,228.00 964,605.33 179,622.67 84 .30% 1,884,100.00 1,637,725.79 246,374. 21 86 .92 % 81,250. 00 62,566. 63 18,683.37 77.01 % 1,519,968.00 1,455,958. 75 64,009. 25 95.79% 4,582,187.00 4,004,795.55 577,391. 45 87.40% 5,194,019 00 4,254,996.00 939,023.00 81. 92% 4,568,100. 00 4,286,529. 62 281,570.38 93. 84% 1.143.900.00 700.357.27 443. 542.73 61.23% 129,102,290. 15 84,712,850.63 44,389,439.52 65.62% 602,872. 00 605,484.69 (2,612.69) 100.43% 287,000.00 271,306 41 15,693.59 94 53% 24,069,000. 00 24,068,939.00 61.00 100.00% 11. 476,200. 00 11.476.955.92 1755.92) 100. 01% 35,545,200.00 35,545,894.92 (694. 92) 100.00% 169,325,71215 124,228,180.25 45,097,531.90 73. 37% 59,174,400. 00 68,345,068. 04 (9,170,668.04) 115.50% 59, 174,400. 00 68,345,068.04 (9,170,668 04) 115.50% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00% 0.00 0 00 0. 00 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0 00 0. 00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00% (24,542,900.15) 3,092,603.60 (27,635,503 75) -12 60% 143,398,055 00 157,948,430.26 (14,550,375 26) 110 15% $118,855,154.85 $161,041,033 86 ($42,185,879.01) 135.49 % 000010 DESCRIPTION 4TH QUARTER FOR PERI OD ENDING: 6/30/02 PALO STATE WESTERN GENERAL WESTERN VERDE COACHELLA TRANSIT CVAG COUNTY DEBT COMBINED FUND FSP/SAFE CO UNTY VALLEY VALLEY ASSIST ANCE CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION SERVICE TOTAL REVENUES Sales Tax 59,374,319,51 50.00 566,532,690,41 5845,001 44 624,636,086.64 60 00 60.00 50 .00 60 00 5101,588,098 20 Federal State & Legal Government 3,322,742.05 77.56 5,851,237.99 0 00 0,00 0 .00 0 .00 0 00 0.00 9,174,057.60 Othe r Revenues 1,351,101.52 2,815,077 62 549,944 70 0 00 1,429,927.13 4,656,758 .00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 10,802,808 97 Intere st 234. 252.12 81. 509,44 1.165, 527.06 1.366.27 12°.963,04 86.971.75 994.15 2,526.915.69 1.528.319 .56 5.755,01x,06 Total Re venues 14.282,415. 20 2,896,664 62 74,099,400 16 846,367 71 26,395,977 01 4,743,729 75 994.15 2,526,915.69 1,528,319.56 127,320,783,85 EXPENDITURES Administration Salanes & Benefits 979,383 48 59,685 68 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 1,039,0 9,1 6 General Legal Services 82,76624 5,252.26 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 88,018 50 Professional Serv ices 930,048 15 38,926 60 0 00 0 00 124.69 117.82 0.00 0 00 210.06 969,427,32 Office Lease & Utilities 221,995. 00 14,169.81 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0�0 � 000 0 00 236,163 01 General Administrative Expense t5 486.59 44. 477. 22 Q0 0,00 IN Lag Total Administration 2,929,679 46 162,511 57 0 00 0 00 124 69 117.82 0,00 0.00 210 .06 3,092,643 60 Programs/Projects 70 Salanes & Benefits 738,947 91 100,002 30 363,523.68 0 00 1,676 81 0 00 0.00 0 .00 0 00 1,204,150 General Legal Services 90,645 69 7,044 78 504,624.32 0 00 812 00 0.00 0 .00 0 00 0 .00 603,126.79 Professional Services 284,251.30 31.797.33 302,025.19 0.00 2,600 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 00 620,673 .82 General Protects 0 00 0.00 1,837,739.55 0 00 34,607.40 0.00 0 00 0 .00 0 .00 1,672,546.95 Highway Engineenng 0.00 0 00 3,839,612,25 0.00 113,674.81 0 00 0 00 0 .00 0 .00 3,953,287 08 Highway Construction 0 00 0 00 816,819 80 0.00 955,707.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 1,772,526 93 Highway ROW 0 00 0 00 4,312,653 60 0 00 2,340 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 4,314,993 60 Rail Engineenng 0 00 000 1,587,828 20 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0 00 0.00 1,587,828,20 Rail Constructio n 0.00 0.00 1,034,839 87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00 1,034,839 87 Rail ROW 0.00 0 00 483,344. 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 483,344 00 Local Street and Roads 0 00 0 00 26,522,98029 842,155 61 8,662,949.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36,028,085 .15 Regional AAenal 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 9,732,104.67 0 .00 0 00 0 00 0 .00 9,732,104 67 Special Studies 3,634,042 36 0.00 503,765. 59 0.00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,137,807 95 FSP Towing 0 00 964,605 33 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 964,605.33 Commuter As sistance 0 00 0 00 1,637,725 79 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.637,725.79 Property M anagement 62,566.63 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 .00 0 00 0.00 0.00 62,566,63 M oto rist Assistance 0.00 1,455,958. 75 0.00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 1,455,958 75 Rail Operations & Maintenance 4,004,795 55 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 4,004,795 55 STA Distributions 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 4,254,996 00 0 .00 0 .00 0.00 4,254,996.00 Specialized Transit 0 00 0 00 1,734.149 62 0 00 2,552,380.00 0 00 0 00 000 0 00 4,286,529 62 Planning & Programming Services 700,357. 27 2, 00 0 00 000 000 0 00 0 00 Q,00 10 700,357,27 Total Programs/Projects 9,515,606 71 2,559,408 49 45,481,631.75 542,155 61 22,059,052 07 4,254,996 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 64,712,850 63 Intergovem Distribution 605,484. 69 0.00 0,00 0 00 0 .00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 605,484 .69 Capital Outlay 216,033. 55 13,789 38 41,483.48 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 .00 271,306 41 Debt Service Pnncipal 0.00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 00 0.00 24,068,939 .00 24,068,939.00 Interest QM 022 0 22 000 00 00 0 00 000 229 11.476,955,92 11.476,955.92 Total Debt Service 0. 00 0.00 0. 00 0 00 0 .00 0 .00 0 00 0 00 35,545,894.92 35,545,894 92 Total Expenditures 13,266,804.41 2,735,70944 45,523,11523 842,15561 22,059.176.76 4 .255,113 .82 0.00 000 35,546,104,98 124,228,160.25 Other Financing Sources/Uses Operating Transfer in 2,711 90 210,441.13 6,285,326.66 0.00 351,536 14 0 00 0 00 52,507 24 61,442,244.97 65, 5,068 04 Operating Transfer Out 1,632.17 210,400 00 26,798,971. 62 0 00 8,107,926 25 0.00 8,559,730.92 24,666,407.08 0 00 68,345,068 04 Bond Proceeds 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0 00 Payment to Escrow Agent 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0 .00 0 00 0 00 0.00 0 00 Cost of Issuance 0.. 00 000 22 gig 20 4,24 IL020 00 2.22 2,0 Total Financing Sources/Uses (1,079.73) (41.13) 20,513,644.96 0 00 7,756,390 11 0 00 8,559,730 .92 24,613,599.84 (61,442,244.97) 0 .00 Excess(Defluanq(of Revenues and other financing sources over (under) expenditure and other financing uses 1,019,890 52 160.996 31 8,062,639 97 4,212.10 (3.419,589 68) 458 615.93 16 .555,736 77) (22,096,684.15) 27 424.459 55 10,03.543 Fund Balance July 1, 2001 5,591. ,399_4_0 2,769,340 40 48,710,889.03 05,201.30 9,193,984 48 3. 981,196 88 8,556,744.03 68,310,389 92 10,727,265.62 157,948,430.28 Fu d Balance June 30, 2002 566508,089.92 322 95� 0,336. 71 556,773,520 00 589,413 40 $5 .774,394 62 54 46 9 ,611.81 57.26 546,223,705 77 638,751,745.37 5161,041,033.68 Donna - RIVERSIDE CO UNTY TR ANSPORTATION COMMISSION DA TE: September 11, 2002 TO: Riverside County Transportatio n Commission FROM: Budg et a nd Impleme ntatio n "Committee as a Whole" Ivan M. Chand, Chief Fi na ncial Officer THROUGH: SUBJECT: Eric Haley, Executive Director Quarterly Investment Rep ort BUD GET AND IMPLEMENTATION "COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE" AND STAFF RECOMMENDA TION: This item is for the Co mmission to receive and file the Q uarterly Investment Report fo r the qu arter en ding June 30, 2002. BACKGROUND INFOR MATION: Attached are the qu arterly inve stment and cash flow reports as req uir ed by state law and Co mmission policy. The County's Investment Report for the month ending June 30, 2002 is also attached fo r rev iew. A ttachments: 1) Qu arterly Investment Report for the Quarter Endin g June 3b, 2002 2) Co un ty of Riverside Investmen t Report fo r the Month Ending June 30, 2002 Item 6D 000012 Statement of Complia nce All of the a bo ve investments and a ny investment decisions made for the quarter e nding Jun e 30, 2002 were in full compliance with the Commission's investment policy as adopte d on April 11, 2001. The C ommission has adequate cash flo ws for six months of operatio ns. Sign ed by Chief Financia l O fficer 000013 Mill MON 11111, 111111 Investment Portfollo Report Period Ending June 30, 2002 r OPERATING FUNDS RATING PAR PURCHASE MATURITY YIELD TO PURCHASE MARKET UNREALIZED MOODYS/S8P/FITCH VALUE DATE DATE MARKET PRICE VALUE GAIN (LOSS) L, City, -National Bank $170,651 A3/BBB+ Cash with County Treasurer $48,747,290 AAA-MR1/AAAfS1/AAAV1+ Local Agency Investment Fund $15,000,000 AAA/AAA A gency/Treasury Securities: l Money Marke t Mutual Funds - CNI Charter FDS $159,828 AANAAA 5159,828 06/01/02 06/30/02 1.19 % $159,828 $169,828 $0 Fed Ho me Ln Banks - County Investment 55,000,000 AAA/AAA $5,000,000 12/27/01 12/27/04 4.10% $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $0 Fed Home Ln Banks Global Notes 3,916,643 AANAAA 3,845,000 09/06/01 09/15/03 4.16% 3,918,643 3,968,761 52,118 Fed Home Ln Banks Discount Notes 1.961. 200 AAA/AAA 2,000,000 013/14/99 07/15/03 6 29% 1.981.200 2.074,375 113.175 Sub -Total 574,955,612 $11,004,828 511,037,871 $11,202,984 5165,293 FUNDS HELD IN TRUST Cash with Co unty Local Transportation Fund Sub -Total INVESTMENT WITH CITIES City of Lake Elsinore Sub -Total 524,894,988 AAA-MR1/AAAfS1/AAAV1+ $24,894,968 Principal Maturity Date % 5948. 784 11/01/04 8. 0% COMMISSION BOND PROJECT FUNDS/DEBT RESERVE $948,784 Milestone Funds $9,614,013 AANAAA First American Treasury 34,305,042 AANAAA U S Treasury Notes 15,926,000 AANAAA First American Treasury - Held In Trust 2. 089. 890 AAA/AAA Sub -Total $81,935,845 TOTAL 5162,735,210 S UMMARIZED INVEST MENT TYPE Banks $170,651 Cash w9h County 73,642,259 LAIF 15,000,000 Mutual Funds. First American Treasury - Trust 2,089,890 CNI Charter FDS 159,828 Milestone 9,814,913 Sub -Total Mutual Funds $11,864,631 FeveralAgency Notes 10,877,843 U S. Tre asury Notes 50,231,042 Investment Agreements 948,784 TOTAL 5162,735,210 000014 Co unty of Riv erside Tr easurer's Pooled Investment Fund Compliance Analysis and In vestment Rep ort June 30, 2002 P aul M cDonnell - Treas urer/T ax Coll ector Kenn eth C. Kiri n - Assistant Treasurer Donald R. Kent - Assistant Treasurer Jon Chri st ens en - Chief Dep uty Treas urer further investors i Treasurer' s Commentary "Didn't Y ou Say Rec overy?" Battered market participants are asking where th e reco very is, as reduced corpor ate eamings depress stock prices and bond yi elds. Once again recovery is in doubt, with lingering consumer and busi ness vulnerabiliti es hinting at a double dip recessi on, which is a p ossible risk eco nomic slow down. With the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq comp osite having slipped to new 5 year lows, and the d ollar dropping in price again st fo reign currencies, the prospect for improveme nt in corp orate e amings looks like it might be a ways off. So what does this rnean for the fixed income market where we invest? It's a back to basics mark et, yield and safety do matter. Many a re fleeing to the safety of short-term bon ds. This trend will co ntinue to keep yi elds down and prices.0 . n Qjn believing rates will remain low for the foreseeable future . �1 `J q Belo w are reported and upco ming economic indicators of importance: JUL 1 9 2002 of R Illy T - Du rable Goods O rders — for May 0.6% actual vs. + 0.5% surv ey Factory Orders — f or May RIVERSIDE COUNI'I' Due 5/2...1 .2% actual vs. .7% s urvey TRANSPORTATION C Gro ss Do mestic Product (GDP ) —10 Actual 6.1% actual vs. +5.6% survey Un employment Rate — for J un e Due 7/5... 5.8% actual vs. 5.9% survey Consu mer Con fidenc e- Index - June 106.4 actual vs. 106.0 survey FOMC Ra te Decision — Ju ne 26th Due 6/26...1.75% actual vs. 1.75% survey At month's end, the Fed funds ra te was left unchanged at 1.75%; the 2 -year T -Note was yielding 2.82 % (down 38 bps.) whil e the 30 -year Bon d wa s yie lding 5.51 % (down 6 bps.). Fo r June, the Pool yield remained essentially unchanged with an incr eas e of 4 bps. in the average monthly yield. At this juncture, we will stay the co urse and maintain a sho rt-term outloo k until the economic picture improves. 7Yt c a Pau l McDonnell Treasurer Tax Collector M onth -End Bo ok Value Month -End Market Value' Paper Galn or (Loss) Percent of Paper G ain or Loss Y ield Based Upon Bo ok Value" Weighted Average Maturity (Yea rs) Effective Duration • M arke t va lu e do es no t include accrue d interest. Begin ning In Aprd. the reported yield will be based upon the mordhly av era ge to more accurately re flect the portfollo 's performance relative to the Be nchmark All figures have been re -s ta ted to re fle ct This cha nge In yield. JUNE PORTFOLIO STATISTICS MAY $ 2,161,802,291 $ 2,121,072,745 $ 2,166,074,454 $ 2,123,766,072 $ 4,272,163 $ 2,693,327 0. 20% 0. 13% 2.06% 2.00% 0.31 0.27 0.26 0. 24 APRIL $ 2,454,853,854 $ 2,456,941,841 $ 2,087,987 0.08% 2.00% 0.25 0.20 MA RCH $2,038,850,399 $2,039,158,900 $ 308,501 0. 02% 2.01% 0.24 0.18 FEBRUARY JANUA RY $1,975,270,299 $ 1,910,707,399 $1,976,059,453 $ 1,912,155,550 $ 789,154 $ 1,448,151 0.08% 0. 08% 2.03% 2.07% 0.25 0. 22 0. 14 0.11 THE RIVERSIDE CO UNTY TREASURER' S PO OLED INVESTMENT FUND IS CURRENTLY RATED : AAA/MR1 BY MOO DY'S INV ESTOR SER VICES AAAN1+ BY FITCH IBCA County Admin istrative Center 4080 Lemon Street, 4th Floor - Ca pita l Markets Riv erside , CA 92502-2205 www.coun tytreasure r.org (909) 955 - 3908 0000.15 Treasurer's Po oled Investment Fund - P ortfolio Ch aracteristics Jun e 30, 2002 Maturity 30 Days or Less 30 - 90 Days 90 D ays - 1 Year 1 - 2 Years 2 - 3 Years Over 3 Years Total: Market Value 1,099,231,787.22 338,599,878.19 520,145,003.49 205,397,785.00 2,700,000.00 $2,166,074,453.90 MCOX 401.71 NUM on 30 airs trless 30-B3 Days 90 Oars -1 Year 1-2Years 2-3 Y ears Over 3Ye ars Qu ality U.S. Teasury Federal Agency A AA A -I an d/or P-1 N/R Total: Market Value 199,819,000. 00 1,079,044,751. 92 l 000,000.00 877,189,762.63 • 9, 020.939. 35 2,166,074,453.90 Sector U .S. Treasury Federal Agency Cash Equiv. & MMFs Commercial Paper Bankers Accepta nces :.ertificates of Deposit Lo ca l A gency Obligations to tal: Market Va lue 199,819,000. 00 1,079,044,751. 92 501,000,000. 00 333,396,722.21 43,793,040.42 5,000,000. 00 4.020.939.35 2,166,074,453.90 • L'.4 k Rs •• Collater alized The nom, & loc al A gerwy otitis$ U.S. T rea sur y Yield Curve - June 2002 1 650% 6.00"% 5. 50% , 5.00% ts o% IA O% 1.50% • 1.00% 1.50% 1. 00% 15 0% 3M 6M lY 2Y 3Y 5Y 7Y IOY I5Y 20Y 30Y • 06/01/02 --1-06/28/02 Yie ld Change 3.15% D.10% 105% 100% -. 0.05% D.10% ti . . I. 115% D. 25% D30% 3.35% 140% - 3M 6M 1Y 2Y 3Y 5Y 7Y 10Y I5Y 20Y 30Y Yield Curve Data 06/01/02 06/28/02 Chang e 3 Month 1.72% 1.68% -0.04% 6 Mo nth 1.88% 1. 74% -0.14% 1 Yea r 2.29% 1.92% -0.37% 2 Year 3.19% 2.82% -0.37% 3 Year 3.70% 3.41% -0. 29% 5 Yea r 4.35% 4.03% -0. 32% 7 Y ear 4.77% 4.52% -0.25% 10 Year 5.04% 4.78% -0.26% 15Yea r 5. 72% 5.56% -0.16% 20 Year 5.85% 5. 73% -0. 12% 30 Year 5.61% 5.51% -0.10% 0"0U0i6' CO MPLIANCE WITH STATE LAW AND TREASU RE R'S P OLICY The Treasurer's Pool ed Investment Fu nd is g ovemed by both State Law and County Policy. The County Treasurer's Statement of Investment Policy is more restrictiv e th an th e California Govemment Code. This policy is re vi ewed annually by the County' s Inve stment Oversight Committee and appro ved by the County Board of Supervisors. As of this m onth end, the County Treasure! Pooled Investment Fund w as in c ompliance with this more r estrictive policy. Although we hav e been diligent in the prepartion of this r ep ort, we have reli ed up on numer ous pricing a nd analytic al sources in cluding Bloomberg Market D at abase and Capit al Management Scien ces, Inc. Bond Lo aistix LLC Bo NOLo6ISTIXI� „�. IHN fV .r,OM ,. ..l ..,,o, 213.6122200 SUMMARY OF A UTHORIZED INVESTMENTS I Califo rnia G ov ernme nt Code 1 Co unty I nvestment Polity 1 Act ual Cal G ovL Investme nt Ca tegory Maximum Au tho rized % Q uafiN Maximum Auth orized % Qu ad Riversid e Code Maturi Lim, S&P/MoodVs Maturity mit S&P/MoodVs/Fllch Portfolio % 53601(a) LO CAL AGY BONDS 5 YEARS NO LIM IT 3 YEARS 15 % / $15omm A/A2/A 0-000% 53601(b) U. S. TREASURY 5 YEARS NO LIMIT 5 YEARS 100% 14/A 9 22% 53601(d) CALIFORNIA LOC AL AGENCY DEBT 5 YEAR S NO IMIT 3 Y EA RS 2 .5% Inv estm ent Gr ade 0-19% 53601(e) FEDERAL AG ENCIES 5 YEARS NO LIMIT 5 YEARS 100% NIA 49 .82% 53601(1) BILLS OF EXCHANGE 270 DAY S 40%' 180 DAYS 30% At/P1/F1 202% 53601(g) CO MM_ PAPER 270 DA YS 40% A 1/P1 270 DAYS 40% A1/Pt/F1 15 39% 53601(h) CERTIFICATE & TIME DEPO SITS 5 YEARS 30% 1 YEAR 25% max AI/PI/F1 0-00 % 53601(1) 'R EPO S 1 YEAR NO LIMIT 45 DA YS 3596/25% term ma x A1/P1/F1 23 08 % 53601(1) REVER SE REPOS 92 D AYS 20% 60 DAYS 10% max N/ A 0.00% 536010) MED. TERM NOTES 5 YEARS 30% A 2 YEAR S 20% ma x AA/Aa2/AA 0.00% 53601(10_ M UTUAL FIJNDS 90 DAYS2 20% AAA/Aaa' IMM EDIATE 20% AAA by 2 of 3 Rating Agencies 0.05% 53601(m) SECU RED DEPOSITS (BANK DEPOSITS) 5 YEAR S NO LIMIT 1 YEAR 2% max 0 23% 53601(n) M ORTGAGE PASS- THROUGH SEC URITY 5 YEARS 20% AA -SECURITY A ISSUER N /A N/A 0.00% 16429 (1.2.3) LO CAL AG ENCY INV ESTMENT FU NDS N/A NO LIMIT 3 YEARS 0% ma x 0.00% r No more than 30% of this category may be Invested with an y one con-nerdal bank 100 00% a M utual Funds rn tu nly may be interpreted as we ighted average maturity not e xceeding 90 days. 'Or mat have an Investme nt Advisor writ' not less than 5 years experience and with a ssets under eanapernent of 5500.090.000. 000017 Treasurer's P ooled Investment Fund J une 30, 2002 PR OJECTION OF FU TURE CASH F LOW The Pooled Investment Fund lash flow regnrte:meiLs are ba sed upon a 12 monthjistmial cash flow model The Tr eas urer states that based up on project ed cash receipts a nd maturing investme nts th ere are soffidad funds to meet future cash flow disb urs ement r equirements over the next 12 months. MONT H MONTHLY M ONT HLY REQUIRED ACT UAL I NV- AVAIL TO RECEIPTS DISBM NTS DIFFEREN CE MA T. INVEST BALAN CE M ATURITIES INVEST >1 Y R. 7102 23.7 07/2002 360.8 458.5 -97.7 74 .0 0.0 08/2002 449.6 470.2 -20 .6 20.6 0.0 09/2002 440.5 413.4 27.1 27 .1 10/2002 536.8 513.6 23.2 0.0 50.3 11/2002 418.7 442.4 -23.7 0 .0 26.6 12/2002 857.8 446.4 411 .4 0 .0 438.0 01/2003 416. 2 699 .2 -283.0 0.0 155.0 02/2003 450.0 551.6 -101 .6 0.0 53.4 03/2003 513.6 427.9 85.7 0.0 139.1 04/2003 878.4 554.2 324 .2 0.0 463 .3 05/2003 401.4 __ 714.9 -313.5 0.0 149 .8 06/2003 395.7 671. 8 -276.1 126.3 0.0 Totals: 6,119. 5 6364.1 -244.6 220.90 10.22% 1149.1 158.3 130.2 15.0 25.0 118.7 29.4 129.1 24.4 65.7 103.2 5.8 1953 .9 1940 .1 90.42% 89 .78% 24 Month Gross Yield Trends The yield histo ry represents gro ss yie lds; administrative costs have not been deducted_ Actual eamings on fu nd balanc es will be credited by the Auditor -Co ntrolle r based upon Co unty Treasurer calculations. Portfolio yield gene rally lags current trends in short-term i nt erest rates. Yi elds fluctu ate with changing markets a nd past performance is not an indication of future results. - 6.75 6.25a • 5.75 5.25 4. 75 4.25 3.75 3.25 2.75 2.25 1. 75 Jul- 00 Gross Yield Trends - ._ --- ._. _. .. _- .. •-- • r - -- . . _ . _ k -5--l---i•--1-1--"k 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 ; Aug- Se p- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul- A ug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 t---POawFaoU o rie1D -0-ALL TAXABLE AVERAG E 1 0.30 0.20 0. 10 0.00 -0.10 -0 .20 -0.30 -0_4 0 -050 Ju l- 24 Mo nth Yield Sprea d (Pool Yield vs. All Tax able Ave rage ) Average Spread = -.021 • - ----- - A ug- Sep- Oct- Nov- Dec- Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- Ma y- Jun- Jul- Aug- Sep- Oc t- Nov- De c- Jan- Fe b- Mar- Apr- M ay- Jury 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02' 02 02 02 02 • The Money Fun d Repo rt"/ A ll Taxa ble Ave rage is co mpiled an d repo rted by iMo neyNet, In c. (formerly IBC Finan cial Data. Inc. ) 1M one yNet. Inc . is a leading pro vider of independent analyses and infor mation to the fina ncial s ervices industry. with a particular area of focus in mon ey market mutual funds. The A ll -Taxa ble In dex tracks the yield of ov er 500 taxable money ma rket fun ds ac ro ss several ca te gories. Le _ Trea sury. Go vemme nt. and Prime . and reports the average yield of those fun ds on a mo nthly ba sis. For mo re information on the iMoneyNet, Inc. Index see www_ibcd atac o n dex .htmf 000018 3 1 00000$OO$es$a p000000000000000000000000vao4�sad�;���n9 0 $00 0 0 0 0 0 0 o d d o d d d d d d d o 0 0 0 o d d o 0 0 0 0 o d o 0 0 0 0 o e o 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 51 5 5'5'00005858888000000oo0000000d"00008080e00000000000 ''O OOCOOOO7 000 5 5 d d� o o e d d e o o d d d d d o d o o d o d o d o o d d o d d d d d d o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � � d � o o d d d 0 o d 5 0 0 0 0 0 m4 4 4 1 4 4 YmR F A m m Q$$ n ^ m r R il g z 2 M Y g. Ci Iii 1'� N 1'� 1'i 1„O ^ A ry ! N N x$8$$8 774888$888$888$8$8882. „ 8$,sSjB$8$88 q8 R'dE: " pp8Q8¢$ 88,1°8884Q$Q84$8$Q$Q8,Q$8858$8$$8,11$8$$8$8$88$8vg8$88$$$2.Q$Q$$58�Q$58�$8$8$$$8� ssssags s���asss�ssas�s8sasa$ai�sm$ass�a s8s ssss�sasss ass 88888§g§8§88888888888888888q8888888888888888888888888888888 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;11111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111 uuu u N t n i li i i iffi fl bgdPi!!!!!!5!!!!!!!!!!!!lymillImmimil333333ithrn333 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 01111;111011111111111111111111111111;11114111111;11111§8$8888$88R888g888$$$8888$$111111€1$1g 111111;11111§ :!!!!!,",!!!g2;,,,!.!”,!2! it� n n ar w n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n ..... n n n n n n n n 4 8 8 sa m e O 0 5 o a 5 8 ¢8 8 $ 8 8 $ j §. § §.§. §. §I § N h N 5' O N 8 888 gg- 0 0 0 8 8 g 8 4 a P. g� c3 8 kn. 9151 8 8 8 = ^ 8 a i a h 14 1 4 8 8 8 8 8 0 8 Treas ure r's P ool ed I nvestment Fund - Po rtfoli o Holdings Report June 30 , 2002 _Extfi- 16 S UN ' Acgeds111 on Current Gar rard Market' Cou C r t Pte • Vakw WI O ACCT Int. Gals,,, s YId Mat 1 Eft. Dor. 2 A ve. 1110 3 Commerc ial Paper 37679461 50100,00-00 G611:TTE CO 0.910 0791102 49.991.95633 99004 49291958.33 1930 0.01 0.00 90282059 34. 000. 099.00 UM FWA N(E OBAW ARE 0.000 0791902 33 ,943 90556 998 35 33,94310656 - 1350 0.03 092 80000BGA 50100. 000. 00 KOCH I NDUSTRIES n000 07001 49117 .301.11 08.35 49,917,361.11 - 1350 093 OM 71700FG1 501001000 PFIZER INC 0,00 07/1002 49.928.916.66 99.060 49129116 66 1_740 0.05 0 15 7954WIG0 59. 000100.00 SALOMON SIKH BAR NEY HOL DING 0.00 0712402 49 ,082.00 10 99.764 49 ,062200.00 1370 0.07 0.07 @ 30E(V 50900,00.00 AMERICAN GENERAL CORD 0100 072902 49,200,34732 90801 49,900347.22 - 1 350 0.00 0.06 106771109 50,00,000.00 C HEVRON USA WC 0.000 00 12102 49.031 ,333.33 99.063 49131,.3 S1 1.770 0.15 0.14 S.r.Tatd 33410010.0 0 Av erage weighted days for c ommer dal paper= 211 333,39672221 333,398.72221 - 1 38 0.06 006 Local Agency Obligation s' VAULT 1 320139.35 ED A BAN 2590 06/3003 1320239.35 100.000 1 ,320139,35 - 2.590 2.60 1.00 VAULT 2700100.0 MA RCII JPRA GIN 2.590 00195 2,7010.0 100.000 2709090 - 7. 223 St4Ta 1d 4120,39]5 4120539 .35 4,020 ,939.35 - 2380 2 .00 2.29 Treasu rie s 912799 00 500005000 (a4TE0 STATF3 TREAS po1 c 0.00 0711102 4953318889 9904100 49,970,500.00 36,811.11 1 860 0.03 0.03 912795101 50.00090.00 UNITED STATES TREAS BILLS 0.000 07/1102 49546,97222 90.9410 49570,500.00 2 ,527.78 1880 083 003 012199(7 505010090 UNITED STATES TREAS B01S 09 00 0712502 49,6.15 833 .33 0927000 49,936000.0 3,166.67 1.650 0 ,07 0.07 912799 (7 50. 000. 000.00 (AIRED STATES TREAS 6815 0.000 0725102 49,9]5,833 .33 98 .079 49.930.00900 3,166.677 1850 y 0[ 0� SttrTdd 200000900. 00 199,752 ,677.71 199 ,018100.00 6 6472 23 1255 0.05 005 Grand-ToUls 2.170, 910,939.35 2,16180239073 2,168.074.453 90 4,272 .18317 1.057 026 0.30 r The maid va lue and y1d0 of el.od 4erm matey DMA ,.c3 19185 e re based at purchase glee e ESaiv. DuraOal IS 9 sopNNca ted cda4.0on h et measures Ow se d0vM. Male taking kW mnstlaa0on the pity of cearlb es being celled before mak ely 3 A verage Ole Is the number of years and prIndpd I6 re turned et mammy. vretllded by marker wine . • loud Agen cy Otligetlons tune va*able We coupons, speed to the Po ol 0,0.0 04),, P ag e 2 RIVE RSIDE COUNTY T RANSP ORTATI ON COMMISSI ON DATE: TO: FROM: September 11, 2002 Ri verside Cou nty Transport ation Commission Budg et a nd Implementation "C ommittee as a Whole" Ivan M. Chand, Chief Fi nancial Officer THROUGH: Eric Haley, Ex ecutive Director SUBJECT: Financial Policy Adj ustm ents BU DGET AND IMPLEMENTATION `COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE" AN D STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This item is for the Commission to: 1) Approv e a threshold of $100,000 for audit of transit or specialized transit providers or have the audit perform ed bas ed on r es ults of prior audits; and, 2) Modify the ov erhead policy to exclude TDA applicants . B ACK GROUND INFORMATION: Item 1 Staff and our external auditors, Ernst and Young, hav e pe rformed an analysis of th e effe ctiveness of audits on transit and specialized transit prov iders. It was determined that au dits performed on the smaller tran sit and specialized transit prov iders have consisten tly produced unqualified opinion s an d clean audits. In additio n, audit costs on the small providers are significant. To reduce co sts, staff wou ld like to set a threshold for au dits of the small pro viders. Re gardless of the threshold, staff will continu e to monitor all audits, and entities that present c oncerns, will be audited. On the o the r han d, fo r pro viders that routinely receiv e u nqualified opinions, staff is recommending a thresho ld of $100,000. Ite m 2 In its FY 2000 managemen t commen ts, Ernst an d Yo ung had re commende d a policy for administrative o verhead for Measure "A" and TDA applicants. This recommendation was made be cau se each city was using its own syste m and Ernst and You ng wanted a policy that co uld apply to all. On July 11, 2001, the Co mmission appro ved a cap of 8% for overhead on Measure "A" Loc al Stre ets and Item 6E J 000021 Roads funds a nd TDA funds. _Staff implem ent ed this policy a nd has dis covered some issues. While the cap of the cities is working, the entities receiving TDA fun ds are typically smaller and as such cannot meet this r equirement . Based on these c oncerns, staff is r ec ommending modification of the policy to e xclude TDA applicants. 000022 Item 6E ' ; i t ' RIVERSIDE COUNTY TR ANSPORT A TION COMMISSION DA TE: TO: S eptember 11, 2002 Riverside County Transportati on Commission FROM: Budget and Impl eme ntati on "Committee as a Whole" Ivan M. Cha nd, Chief Financial Officer THROUGH: SUBJECT: Eric Haley, Executi ve Director Ado ption of Resoluti on N o. 03-007, "R esol utio n A uthorizing the Riverside County Tr ansportation Commission Exami nation of St at e Board of Equalization Transactio ns (Sales) And U se Tax Records" BUDGET AND IMPLEMENTATION "COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE" AND ST AFF R ECOMMEND ATION: This item is for the Commission to adopt Resolution No. 03-007, "Resoluti on Au thorizing the Riv erside County Transpo rta tion Commissi on Examination of Stat e Boa rd of Equaliz ation Transa ctio ns (Sales) And Use Tax R ecord s" BACKGROUND INFORMA TION: Staff wo uld like the ability to ex amine the Sales Tax records at th e State Board of Equalization. The ability to revie w this data will pro vide staff with c urrent info rmation as to- the amounts being co llecte d an d the trends in Riverside C ounty. The State Board of Equaliz ation requires an adopted reso lu tion outlining the personnel that have the ability to examine these rec ords as this informatio n is highly con fidential. Staff is recommending the adoption of the resolutio n to have the ability to review the State Bo ard of Equalizatio n's sales tax records. Attachment: Resolutio n No. 03-007 000023 Ite m 6F RESOLUTION NO . 03-007 Res ol ution Authorizing the Riverside County Transp ortati on C ommissio n Exami nation of Stat e Bo ard of Equalization Tr ansactions (Sales) And Use Tax Rec ords WHEREAS, Ordi nanc e No. 88-1 approved by the Ri verside Co unty Tran sportation Co mmissi on (herei nafter called "Commission") on July 13, 1988 is an ordinance of the Commissi on imposing a Tra nsactions (Sales) and Use Tax to be administered by the State Board of Equalization; and, WHEREAS, Section 7270 of the Revenue and Taxati on Cod e includes the prov isio n that prior to the o perative date, the Commission shall contr act with the State Bo ard of Equalization to perform all fu nctions i ncident to the administration and o peration of the Transa ctions and Use Tax Ordinance; and, WHEREAS, on Fe bru ary 13, 1991, the Commissio n approved the Agreement for Preparation to Administer and Ope rate Co mmission's Transactions and Us e Tax Ordinance and the Agreemen t fo r State Admin istration of Commission Transactions and Use Taxes, and said agreements were approved by the State Department of Gen eral Service s on February 13, 1991; and WHEREA S, the Commission deems it desirable and necessary for authorized re prese ntativ es of the Commission to e xamin e confidential Transactions and Use Tax rec ords of the State Board of Equalization pertaining to Transactions and Use Taxes collected by the Board for the Commission pursuant to those contacts; and WHEREAS, Section 7056 of the Revenue and Tax ation Code sets forth certain requ irements and co nditions for the disclosure of Bo ard records, and establishes criminal pe nalties for the unlawful disclosure of information contained in or derive d from, the Tran saction s and Use Tax records of the Board; NOW, THEREFORE IT IS RESOLV ED AND ORDERED that the Ex ecutive Director and/or the Chief Finan cial Officer of the Co mmission , designated in writing by the Chairman of the Co mmission, to the State Board of Equalization, are he re by appointed to represent the Commission with au thority to ex amine Transactions and Use Tax es collected fo r the Commission by the Board pursuant to the contracts between the Commission an d the Boa rd. 000024 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the i nformation obtained by e xamination of Board records shall be used o nly for purposes r elat ed to the coll ecti on of Commission's Transactions and Use Ta xes by the Board purs uant to the co ntra cts between the Commission and Board. APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Ri verside C ounty Transportati on Commission on the 11th day of September, 2002. John F. Tavagli one, Ch airman Riversid e Co unty Transportati on Commission ATTEST: Naty Kopenhaver, Clerk of the Board Riv erside Cou nty Tran sportation Commission ;�, coq W/aa 5 RIVERSIDE CO UNTY TRANSPORT ATION COMMISSION DATE: September 11, 2002 TO: Riv erside Cou nty Transportation Commission FROM: THROUGH: Plans a nd Programs Committee Naty K openha ver, Dir ect or of Administrative Servi ces Eric Haley, Executive Director SUBJECT: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Pr ogram Overall Ann ual Goal for Federal Fiscal Year 2002-2003 PLANS AND PRO GRAMS COMMITTEE AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This item is for the Commission to: 1) Adopt 6.67% as its DBE overall annual goal for Federal FY 02-03 (from Oc to ber 1, 2002 to September 30, 2003); 2) Post the proposed DBE ove rall annual goal for FY 02-03 to recei ve public commen ts an d prov ide a 45 -day co mment period; and, 3) Submit the metho dology and FY 02-03 goal to Caltr ans District 8 Local Assistanc e. BACKGROUND INFO RMATION: In acco rdanc e with regulatio ns of the U.S. Departme nt of Transportation (DOT), 49 CFR Part 26, the Riverside County Transportation Commission must adopt its DBE annual goal as a condition to receiv e a commitment for federal fin ancial assista nce from the DOT. The purpo se of the DBE program is to en sure equal opportunity in transportatio n contracting markets, address the effects of discrimination in transportation co ntracting, an d promote increased participatio n in federal funded co ntracts by small, so cially an d economically disadv antaged bu sinesses, including mino rity and women -owned en terprise s. For Federal FY 02-03, sta ff is pro posing that the proposed an nu al DBE ove rall goal be 6. 67%. Statistics we re based on the U.S. Ce nsus Bureau "County Business Patterns" for 2000, using the North Ame rican Indu stry Classification Syste m (NAICS). As was do ne last year, staff u sed statistics within the four coun ty area s — Los An gele s, Oran ge, Riverside, Sa n Bern ardino. The Commissio n draws bids from these cou nties. The analysis attached to the report details the fo rmula utilize d in dev eloping the pro posed goal for the nex t federal fiscal year. Item 6G 000026 For information, the federally -funded pr ojects awarded in FY 01-02 were: 1) West Co rona, La Sierra, a nd Pedley Security Systems; 2) Pedley Emergency Platform Extension; 3) SR 60 Pr oject from 60/1-215 Inter cha nge to Redlands Boulevard — Construction Management and Desig n; 4) San Jacinto Branchline from Rom ola nd (Perris) to Downtown; and, 5) North Mai n C oro na Station. FISCAL YEAR 2001-2002 TOTAL DBE CONTRACT AW ARD AND DBE DOLLAR AM OUNT Federal -Aid Project No./ T otal Project D ollar Amount DBE Contractor Bid Amount CML-6054 (016) Katz, Okitsu and Assoc. Associated Engineers $3,299,862 HP21L-6054 (015) Geographics 08-49400K Geographics AEI-CASC Engineering CML-6054 Myra L. Frank & Assoc. Katz, Okitsu and Assoc TCPD-01-07-62 AEI-CA SC Engineerin g Associated Enginee rs Group Delta CML-6054(12) W.C. Brown 02-33-064 Farwest Pav ing A&S Concrete W.C. Bro wn J. Calv in and Son Coast Surveying CHO Design $ 839,664 $ 130,000 $ 128,320 $ 7,933 % DBE 4.9% 4.9% 4.4% $ 1,994,497 $ 8,189 $ 15,094 9.9% $ 832,973 $ 600,534 $ 6,100 $ 4,400 6.6% $ 3,553,370 $ 19,800 $ 70,950 $ 57,201 13.9 % $ 700,000 19.7% $7,680,439 $ 570,000 $ 195,000 $ 650,000 $ 102,000 $ 20,000 $ 5,000 20.1% TOTAL $18,801,339 $2,689, 986 14.31% Fo r FY 02-03, there are two fede rally -funded projects : 1) SR 79 realignme nt pro je ct between the cities of San Jacinto and Hemet; and, 2) SR 60 high occupancy ve hicle (HOV ) constru ction project from SR 60/1-215 to Redlands Bou lev ard. It is estimated that the total co st of the two pro jects is $37,994,497 ($31,398,899 federal fun ds). 000027 • Item 6G. In conformance to 49 CFR Part 26.45, the pr op osed annual DBE goal is published in the local newspaper's Legal Notice to inform the public that the prop osed goal and the rationale are available for insp ection at the C ommission offices . As required, the Commission will accept comments on the proposed goal for 45 days from the date of the public notice. The notice of the FY 02-03 pr oposed annual overall goal was pu blished on August 26, 2002 (see attached) . Item 6G 000028 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TR ANSPORTATION COMMISSION FEDERAL FISC AL YEAR 2002-2003 DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS ENTERPRISE (DBE) PROGRAM PR OPOSED ANNU AL OVER ALL GO AL I. GOAL METHODOLOGY As requ ired by Federal R eg ulatio ns 49 CFR Sectio n 26, public ag encies receiv ing Federal Department of Transportation assisted funds must adopt its annual o verall DBE goal by using ev ery effort to m eet its goal thr ough race neutral measures. Agencies may establish sp ecific contr act goals, including goals fo r particu lar projects thro ugh subco ntracting opportunities, in th ose instances when race neutral measures are n ot suffi cie nt to meet the Commission's o verall goal. The fo llowing methodolo gy was used in establishing a Bas e Figure for DBE av ailability for FY 2002-2003: • NUMERATOR — DBE firms in the f our -county area (Ri verside , San Bernardino, Los A nge les, Orange). • DENO MINA TOR — Total number of construction firms, the work category identified, within the fou r -county area based on the most recent available data from the U.S. Census Bureau — 2000 County Business Patter ns. Un der the Construction/Con sultin g Categories, the following lists the number of DBEs in e ach of the four county areas: CA LTRANS DBE CODE NA ICS COUNTY CODE COUNTY NO. OF DBE FIRMS 19 037 Los Angeles 12,197 30 059 Orange 6,145 33 065 Riverside 3,414 36 071 San Bernardino 2, 822 To tal 24,578 The fo llowing lists the total amou nt of contrac ts in each of the Wo rk Category and the projected federal funds for FY 02-03: WORK CATEGORY Consu ltant Services Constructio n (Including Materia ls a nd Trucking) Item 6G AMOUNT OF FY 02-03 CONTRACTS $ 1,994,497 $36,000,000 ESTIMATED AMO UNT OF FEDERAL FUND S $ 398,899 $31,000, 000 % OF FEDERAL FUNDS 20% 86% 000029 The weighted Bas e Figure is calculated by first determining the number of ready, willi ng, a nd abl e DBEs in the f our counti es f or the work category shown above, divided by th e number of total of firms in th e category. Usi ng this method det ermines the availability by the n umber of firms that have directly participated in, or attempted to participate in, past feder ally -funded assisted contracting efforts. The application of the formula yields th e followi ng baseline information: Number of Ready, Willing and Able DBEs = Base Figure Number of A ll Ready, Willing and Able Firms The Base Figure resulting from the calculation is as f oll ows: A. Co nstruc tion 865 — 3.52% 24,578 B. Con sultin g Serv ice s 860 — 2.15% 39,950 C. Base Figure Using the percentage of federal funds to be available for FY 02-03 a nd the percentage of DBEs for each work cate go ry, the result is a base figu re of 3.45% . 0. 86 ( 865 ) + 0.20 ( 860 ) _ .0345 24,578 39,950 Base Figure = 3.45% II. ADJUSTMENTS TO THE BASE FIGURE: Staff reviewe d an d assessed other kno wn relevant evidence to determin e what a ddition al adjustments, if any, we re neede d to ada pt the Base Figure to the fo ur -co un ty area marketplace. Se ve ral facto rs as outline d un der Title 49 we re c onsidered to see if there was a need to adjust the base goa l. In reviewin g last year's goal, the Commission set an 11.1% annual based on the DBEs av ailable in the fou r -county area. In awardin g its federally -fu nded projects for this fiscal 000030 Item 6G 2, • 1 "* year, the Commissi on awarded 14.31 % to DBEs. Staff is th erefore recommending that an adj ustment be made to the bas e figur e using the difference of its FY 01-02 annual g oal a nd the attained perce ntage to date, which is 3 .22% . The adjusted base figure is ther efore 6 .67% . For the upcoming fiscal year, the work to be performed are identified to be primarily constr uctio n such as grading, paving, concret e constructi on, structure s form work, and landscaping. Ill. A NTICIPATED PROJECTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002-2003 The following projects represent the projected fed erally funded contra cts for Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2002 through September 30, 2003. A_ STATE ROUTE 79 Sco pe of Wo rk - This is a realignment project between the cities of San Jacin to an d Hemet Estimated To tal A mo unt of Co ntract: $1,994,497 Estimated Fede ral Fun ds: $ 398,899 B. STATE ROUTE 60 Sc ope of Work - This is a high o ccupancy vehicle c onstructi on pr oject from SR 60/1-215 to Redlands Boulev ard. Estimated To tal Amou nt of Contrac t: $36,000,000 Estimated Fe deral Fu nds: $31,000,000 IV. UTILIZA TION OF RACE/GENDER-NEUTRA L METHOD Staff foresees mee ting the propo sed 6.67% goal utilizin g race -neutral methods by: 1) making efforts to assure that the Request fo r Pro posals (RFPs) and Invitatio n for Bids (IFBs) process an d the co ntracting re quirements facilitate participation by DBEs and other small busine sses; 2) enco uraging the prime co nsultant and contracto rs to su bco ntract portions of the work to DBEs; 3) distributing the RFPs and IFBs to organizations that represent and assist DBEs; and, 4) listing the RFPs and IFBs on the Co mmission 's website (www.rctc. org) V. PUBLIC NOTICE IN SETTING OVERALL ANNUA L DBE GOAL As required, the Notice informs the public that the pro po se d goals an d the ration ale for settin g the goal are av ailable for inspection at the Commission Offices for 30 days fo llo wing the date of the Public No tic e. Pu blic comments on the goal will be accepted for 45 days from the date of the Public Notice. In o rder to provide sufficien t pu blic notice, the Notice was pu blished on Au gust 26, 2002. r r; r Item 6G 000031 PUBLIC NOTICE RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that th e Ri versid e Co unty Transportati on Commission has established an ov erall annual Disadvantag ed B usi ness Enterprise goal, applicable to contracting opportunities sched uled to be awarded d uring the period October 1, 2002 through September 30, 2003. The Riv erside County Transportation Commission's prop osed overall annual goal of 6.67 % and its ratio nale were de veloped in accordance to U.S. Department of Tra nsportatio n's New Disadvantaged Bu siness Enterprise Program Final Rule (49 CFR Part 26) and are available for inspe ctio n fo r 30 days following the date of this Notic e, from 8:00 a .m. to 4:00 p.m. , Mon day through Frid ay, at its principal place of b usi ness located at: 3560 Univ ersity Av enue, Riverside, California 92501 . Comments will be accepted on the proposed a nnual goal for 45 days from the date of this Notice. Co mments can be forw arded at the ab ove -stated address or to Caltrans District 8, Local Assistanc e, 464 Fourth Street, 6th Floor, San Ber nardino, CA 92401-1400. Dated at Riverside, Californ ia, this 26th day of August, 2002. By: Naty Kopenhave r Director of Administrative Service s VI. ESTABLISHMENT OF GOAL Base d on the information presented above , it is proposed that th e Commission's ov erall annual goal for the fe deral FY 02-03 be established at 6. 67%. 000032. Item 6G RIVERSI DE COUNTY T RANSPORTA TION COMMISSION DATE: Sept ember 11, 2002 TO : Riverside C ounty Transportatio n C ommissio n FROM: St even DeBau n, Legal Counsel SUBJECT: Adoption of Res oluti on No. 03-010, "Resol uti on of the Riverside County Transportation C ommis si on Est ablishing R eal Prop erty Acquisition a nd Rel ocation Assista nc e Rule s a nd Regulati ons" RECOMMENDATION: This item is fo r the Commission to adopt Resolution No. 03-010, "Res olution of the Riverside Co unty Transportation Commission Establishing Real Property Acquisition and Relocatio n Assistance Ru les and Regulations." BACKGROUND INFORMA TION: In 1992, the Co mmission approved a Real Property A cquisition and Relocati on Assistance Rules an d Regulations. After review of the Rules and Regulations, Legal Counsel re commends amending the Commission's Rules and Regulati ons to bring it up-to-date with changes made in the last few years either through legislation or as a result of court cases. The changes to the Rules and Regulations are incorpo rated in the attached Resolution No. 03-010. It is recommended that the Co mmission appr ove the re solu tio n. Attachment: Resolution No. 03-010 Item 6H 000033 RESOLUTION NO. 03-010 RESOLUTION OF THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION ESTABLISHING RE AL PROPERTY ACQUISITION AND RELOC ATION ASSISTANCE RULES AND REGULATIONS WHEREAS, pursu ant to Government Code Section 7267.8(a) th e Ri verside County Transportation Commissio n (the "Commissi on ") is required to adopt rules and regulatio ns to impl ement payments and to administ er r el ocatio n assistance under the California Relocation Assistance Law (G ov. Code §§ 7260 et seq .) ("CRAL") and its implementing state regulations (25 Cal . Code Regs ., §§ 6000 et seq.) ("State Guidelines"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 7267.8(a), such rules and regulations shall be in accordance with the rules and regul ations adopted by the California Departmen t of Hou sing and Community Developme nt; and WHEREAS, pursuan t to Gove rnment Code Section 7267.8(b), with respect to a fe derally funded project, the Commission shall mak e relocation assistance payments and provide relocation advisory assistance as r equired under the federal Uniform Relocatio n A ssistance and Real Property Acquisition Act (42 U.S.C., §§ 4600- 4655.) ("URA") and its implementing federal guidelines (49 C.F .R., Part 24 .) ("Federal Guide lines" ); and WHEREAS, the Commission previously adopted rules and regulations to implement paymen ts and administer relocation assistance u nd er the CRAL, State Guidelin es, URA and Federal Guidelines; and WHEREAS, subsequen t change s in the CRAL, State Guidelin es, URA and Federal Guidelines since the Commission last updated its rules and regulations call for the Commission to update its rules an d regulation s. NOW, THEREFORE, the Riverside County Transportation Commission hereby reso lv es as follows: Sectio n 1. Adoption. The Riverside County Transpo rtatio n Commission ("Commissio n") hereby ado pts a nd inc orporates by reference herein, as its rules and regulations ("Rules and Regulation s") to implement payments and administer relocation assistan ce unde r the California Relocation Assistan ce Law (Gov. Code §§ 7260 et seq. ) ("CRAL"), its implemen tin g state regulations (25 Cal. Code Regs., §§ 6000 et seq.) ("Sta te Guideline s"), the fe deral Unifo rm Reloc ation Assistance an d Real Prope rty Acquisition Act (42 U.S. C. , §§ 4600- 4655. ) ("URA") and its imple menting federal guidelines (49 C.F.R., Part 24.) ("Federal Guidelin es"), the State Guidelines and, to the exte nt require d by federal law for federally fun ded projects, the Federal Guidelines. All prio r rule s and regu lations imple men ting the CRAL, the State Guidelin es, the URA and/or the Federa l Guidelin es are hereby re peale d. ,000034 Section 2. Am endment. To the extent th e State Guidelines or the Fed eral Guidelines, or b oth of may be amended or suppl emented, this Resoluti on shall be d eemed to have inc orporated such amendment or s upplement without any furth er acti on by th e C ommissio n. Section 3. Grievance Pr ocedures . Pursuant to section 6152 of the State Guidelines, the Commissi on hereby authorizes and designat es the Executive Director, or such oth er designee or C ommittee as selected by the Executive Direct or, as the Hearing Entity to r eview and decide appeals as set forth in Article 5 of Title 25 of the St at e Guidelines, entitled "Grievance Procedures." Sec tion 4. Effe ctiv e Date of Decisi on. Th e eff ectiv e date of the Heari ng Entity's decision shall be as stated therein. The decisio n of the Hearing E ntity shall-- be the final administrative decision of th e C ommission. Notwithstanding section 6176 of. the State Guidelines, judicial review of any dec isio n of the Hearing E ntity sh all be had purs uant to Section 1094.5 of the Code of Civil Proc edure, but o nly if the p etition for writ of mandate is filed not later than the 90th day foll owing the date on which the decision becomes final. Notwithsta nding any pro visi on herein to the contrary, the decision of the Heari ng Entity is final f or purposes of Code of Civil Pro cedure s ection 1094.6 up on the date it is maile d by first-class mail, postage prepaid, i ncluding a copy of the affidavit or certificate of mailing, to the party seeking the writ . Subdivision (a) of Section 1013 of the Code of Ci vil Proced ure shall not apply to extend the time, following deposit in the mail of the decisio n or findings, within which a petition shall be filed. Sectio n 5. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its adoption. APPROVED A ND ADOPTED by the Riv erside County Tra nsportation Commission on the 11' day of September, 2002. John F. Tavaglion e, Chairman Riverside County Transportation Commission ATTEST: Naty Ko penhaver, Cle rk of the Bo ard Rive rside Co un ty Transportation Commission RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION DATE: September 11, 2002 TO: Ri verside County Transportati on Commissi on FROM: Plans and Pr ograms Committee Shirley Medi na, Pr ogram Ma nag er THROUGH: Eric Haley, E xecutive Director SUBJECT: 2002 STIP Planning, Programming, and Monit oring Reserve PLANS AND P ROGRAMS COMMITTEE AN D STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This item is for the Commissio n to approve pr ogramming the bala nce of Plan ning, Pro grammin g, and Monitoring funds as reserve in the 2002 STIP. BACKGROUND INFO RMA TIO N: With the passage of SB 45, the State Transportation Improvem ent Program (STIP) allows regions to program up to 2% of their county share for planning, progra mming, and monitoring (PPM) activ ities. The Califor nia Tra nsportation Commission (CTC) recently increased the PPM option to 5% for 2002 STIP programming. To date, the Co mmission has set aside 2% of our RIP funds for this purpose. The balan ce of fun ds identified for PPM is $1,180,491. These funds are a vailable under discretionary and eastern county formula pots. Western County Formula fun ds have been appro ved by the Commission in March and April 2002 for SR 79 and CETAP. Due to the constrained capacity in the 2002 STIP, there will be limited opportunities to pro gram additional funds in the 2002 STIP. Additional pro gra mming capacity will not be available until the 2004 STIP in FYs 07-08 an d 08-09. Staff is recommending programmin g the PPM ba lance of $1,180,491 in the 2002 STIP as a reserve. This would allow future projects the ability to access the fun ds ove r the nex t few years. All pro po sed PPM ac tivities will be brought forward to the Commission for approval prior to accessing the fu nds. Item 61 000030 The tabl e below ill ustrates the current programmi ng and proposed programming for Planning, Pr ogramming, and Monitoring activiti es thro ugho ut the 2002 STIP cycl e. The proposed programming adds the $1,180,491 bala nce to the current programming of $329,000 increasing our total to $1,510,300: Programming: $000') 2002 STIP FY 02-03 FY 03-04 F Y 04-05 FY 05-06 FY 06-07 T otal Current $163 $166 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 329 Proposed $163 $243 $368 $368 $368 $1510 Staff is recommen ding the abov e fundi ng amounts for pr ogramming in the 2002 STIP. Upo n the Commission's approval, this request would be forwarded for approval by the CTC at their October 2002 meeti ng. 0(0037 Item E J J. RIVERSIDE CO UNTY T RANSPORTATION COMMISSION DA TE: TO: September 11, 2002 Riverside C ou nty Tra nsportatio n Commission FROM: THROUGH: Plans and Programs Committ ee Cathy Bechtel, Director of Transp ortati on Plan ning and P olicy Dev elopment Eric Haley, Executive Director SUBJECT: Alloc ation of LTF Planning Funds to S upp ort SC AG's Regional Model Improvement Pr ogram PLANS A ND PROGRA MS CO MMITTEE AND STA FF RECOMMEND ATION: This item is for the Commission to approve the allocation of $28,000 in Local Transportation Funds (LTF) Planning funds to support SCAG's Regi onal Model Improve ment Program. BAC KGROU ND INFORMATION: The Southern California Association of Governments is completi ng an update of its region al transportation mode l and is requesting assistance from each of the region's cou nty tra nsportatio n commissions to su ppo rt this e ffort. The entire Regional Model Improvement Pro gram upda te is estimated to cost $1,340,000. SCAG has committed $740,000 towards this cost. The remaining $600,000 balance is expected to be funded fro m the Air Resource Board ($100,000), MTA ($200,000 specifically for traffic counts) and the transportatio n co mmissions ($300,000). RCTC's share based on po pu lation is $28,000. Model improvement pro grams of this scope are usu ally undertaken e very ten years. SCAG's existing mo del was calibra ted using data from 1990. The program will update the mo del's trip making parameters by incorporating data from man y recent surveys an d the 2000 Census. The entire model improv ement program is expected to take thre e full years to complete, howev er data collectio n will begin immediately. There are adequate LTF Planning funds av ailable to RCTC to meet this re que st. Item 6J 000038 Finan ci al I nformation In Fiscal Year Budget: Y Year: FY 02-03 Amount: $28,000 Source of Funds: LTF Pla nning B udg et Adjustment: N GLA No.: 102-65-86205 Fiscal Procedures Approved: Date: 08/20/02 000039 Item 6J • RIVERSI DE C OUNTY TRANSPO RTATION COMMISSION DATE: September 11, 2002 TO: Ri verside C ounty Transportati on Commissi on FROM: THROUGH: SUBJECT: Plans and Programs Committe e Cathy Bechtel, Director of Transp ortation Planning and Policy De velopment Eric Haley, Executiv e Director Annual Local Transportati on Fund Planning All ocati ons to CVAG and WRCOG PLANS AND PR OGRA MS A ND STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This item is fo r the Commissio n to approve th e allocati on of Local Transportation Funds (LTF) totaling $209,759 to the Coachella Valley Ass ociation of Governments (CVA G) a nd $384,557 to the Western Riv erside Council of Governm ents (WRCOG) to support transportation plann ing pro grams and functions as identified in the attached work programs. BACK GROU ND INFORMA TION: On an annual basis the Commissio n, CVAG, and WRCOG develop tra nsportation planning programs. The Co mmissio n's plann ing program is identified in the an nual budget that was approv ed on June 12, 2002. Staff has reviewed the attac hed FY 02-03 transportation planning and administra tive work programs submitted by CVA G and WRCOG an d finds them consistent with the overall RCTC tran sportation program and plann ing objectives. The funding requested is con sistent with the appro ved FY 02-03 Co mmission budget. Financial Info rmation J In Fiscal Year Budget: Y Year: FY 02-03 So urce of Funds: Local Transportation Funds GLA No .: 102-65-86205 Amount: $209,759 CVAG $384,557 WRCOG Budget Adju stment: k N Fiscal Procedu res Approv ed: Da te : 08/19/02 Item 6K 0U0040 WRCOG Western Riverside Council of Governments Fiscal Year 2002-2003 Local Transportati on Funds Program Obj ectives The Work Plan for FY2002-03 is divided into 4 k ey program ar eas: 1. Southern California Association of Gover nments (SCAG) Pr ograms ($53,000) Participate in the SCAG Technical Advisory Committee and work with our Policy Committee members to assist SCAG with the performance of specific transportation, air quality, plan ning and GIS work for SCAG as part of their Overall Work Program; work with SCAG and our partners re ga rding inland airpo rts and their role in the regional system, with a focus on grou nd acce ss, transit, and employment issues; conduct outreach on air q uality, transportation, and planning issues with the public, member jurisdictions and regional agencie s. State a nd Fe deral Programs ($50,000) • Congestion Mitigation a nd Air Quality(CMAQ) projects/programs • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and California Air Res ources Board • Federal Highway Administration and Caltrans • Departme nt of Energy (DO E) and California Energy Commission Assist the DOE Cle an Cities program and participation in the Nation al Clean Cities Conference as a co -host with the Coachella Valley Co alition; de velo p emission r ed uction strategies; assist in the purchase of alternative fuel ve hic les and development of infra structure; continue to apply for and a dmin ister grants; attend regional air quality and transpo rta tion meetings and co nferen ces, to provide sub regional input on goods movement, a viatio n, etc.; continue work on transportation and transit planning to develop a regional system and altemative fu nding mechanisms. 3. Regional Transportation and Air Quality Pro grams ($226,557) • South Coast A ir Quality M anagement District • Riverside Transit Age ncy • Riverside and San Bernardino County Transportation Commissions Participa te in the con tinue d development of the A ir Qu ality Ma nagemen t Plan; pa rtic ipa te in outreach to our jurisdictions regarding SCAQ MD rule making; a ssist the inla nd c ounty Go ve rning Bo ard membe rs, participate /atten d in EPA and Air Re source s Board hearin gs and wo rkshops; co ntinue to deve lo p and imple me nt a Transpo rtation Un iform Mitigation Fe e (TUMF) for weste rn Riverside Cou nty to compliment the re -a utho rizatio n of Measure A. 000041 4_ Ri verside Transportati on Commission Programs ($55,000) • Community Environme ntal Transportation Acc eptability Process (CETAP) • RCTC Technic al Advisory Committee • M easure A Re -authorization Provide a ssistance in tr ansportation planning and air quality programs; participation in the Surface Transportation Pr ogram/C MAQ project evaluations, assist in the evaluation of the SB 821 Bicycle and Pedestrian projects and other evaluation committees as expected; assist RCTC in ensuring Riverside County projects are included in the RTP; continued participation in CETAP and other planning related tasks as determined in c onsultation with th e RCTC Executive Director. 0 WO 4.2, CVAG 060831 COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION of GOVERNM ENTS Blythe • Cathedral City • Coachella • Desert Hot Spri ngs • Indi an W ell s • Indi o • La Quinta • Palm Desert • Palm Springs • R an cho Mirage C ounty of Ri verside • Agua Caliente Ba nd of Cahuilla India ns • C abaz on Band of Mission I ndian s Torres Martinez Desert Cahuill a Indians August 15, 2002 Cathy Bechtel Dire ctor of Tra nsportation Planning and Po licy D evelopment Rive rside County Transpo rtation Commissi on .3560 iiv ersity A venue, Suite 100 Riverside, CA 92501 Dear Cathy: MECEIVE W AUG 18 2002 o� RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION As indicated by your recent corresponden ce I understand CV AG is s cheduled to rece ive $209,759 of Local Tran spo rtatio n Fund (LTF) planning funds. CVAG intends to utilize our allotted mo nies in support of the State Transp ortation Improvement Program and the Regio nal Transportation Impr ovement Program, to pro vide suppo rt in implementation of the CVAG Transportation Project Prioritizatio n Study, coo rdination of updates to the Capital Impro vement Plan, mo nito rin g and examining impacts of implementing the elements of SB45 and co ordinatio n of the regio nal signal synchro nization plan. Shou ld you have any questions or require further info rmation, please contact me. Ve ry truly yo urs, Allyn S. Waggle Deputy Executive Director xc: Ga ry Leong, Dire ctor of A dministrative Services Corky Larson, Executive Dire ctor 000043 73-710 Fred Waring Driv e, Su ite 200 • Palm De sert. CA 92260 • (760) 346-1127 • FAX (760) 340-5949 TRA NSP ORTATIO N FISCAL YEAR 2002/03 PR OGRAM OBJECTI VES The Work Plan for 2002/03 is separated into eight main program areas: Tran sportation Department Operatio ns • Transportation Program Administration ▪ Monitor Implement ation of Tra nsportation Project Prioritizatio n Study (TPPS) ▪ Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Update . Other Transportation Planning . Operations Management and Administration This program area performs primarily administrati ve functio ns which consist of gen eral transportation program administrative activities and various tra nsportatio n planning duties in support of the Transportation Department. (Funded from Measu re A a nd TUMF) Project Management and Contract Administration . Financial Cash Flow • Project Statu s Tracking . Preparation and Mon itoring Agreements In cludes staff time to con duct project o versight (design, environmental, c onstruction an d close-out), preparation of reimbursemen t agreements for regional arterial projects, review and approval of project billin gs in accordance with project scope of work and participation in project developmen t, team meetings and associated staff reports. (Fun ded from Measure A, TU MF a nd TEA -21) R iverside oun ty Transportation Commission (R CTC) Programs . State .Highway Routes in the Coachella V alley . Congestion Management Program/System (CMP/CMS) . RCTC Technical A dvisory Committee • State Highway Measure A D iscussions Includes staff time to, (i) support the Riverside County Congestion Managemen t Program through bu ilding permit analysis of the two non-TUMF jurisdictions and analysis of traffic patterns through the traffic count program, (ii) participation in the Surface Transportation Program/Congestion Management Air Qua lity (STP/CMA Q) project selection for CVAG and western County areas, (iii) assist RCTC staff in the 10 000044 • selection of SB 821 bicycle and pedestri an projects f or the Coachella Valley and western County are as, (iv) provide RCTC staff regional tra nspo rtatio n project information for the State Regional Transportation Improvement Program (RTIP), and (v) support the RCTC Technical Advisory Committee. This also includes the state highway project construction program. This area incl udes stafftime to monitor, assist m problem resolution, (funding/e nvironmental/political) and report on the status of construction projects for State Ro utes 74, 86, and 111. (Fu nded from CMAQ, TUMF and St ate Highway Me as ure A) Plann ing, Programming and Monitori ng Program Regional Transportation Impro vement Program/State Transportation Impro vement Program (RTIP/STIP) This area in cludes staff time in s upport of the State Transportation Impro vement Program (STIP) and R egional Transportation Improvement Program ( RTIP), support in implementation of the CVAG Transportatio n Prioritization St udy (TPPS), coordination of u pdates to the Capital Improveme nt Plan (CIP), monitori ng and examining impacts of implementing SB 45, and coordination of the regional signal syn chron ization program. TPPS activities support the regional project construction program which includes staff time to dev elop an annual prioritized list of constructio n projects and required financial resou rces. (Fun ded from TEA -21 PP&M, LTF and Mea sure A) Miscellaneous Programs • GIS Information Services . Maintain Transportation Model • Regional A rterial Traffic Count Program . I-10 Corridor This area inv olves support to multiple programs with a fo cus on key project areas . These areas include staff time an d project management to, (i) G IS Information Services, (u) the regional transportation model (CVATS), (iii) the regional arterial traffic count program, (iv) transportation legislation review and analysis, and (v) support to the I-10 Corridor En hancemen t Program. GIS Information Services in cludes staff time to prov ide regional land use information to CVAG jurisdictions, dev elo pers, SCAG and Caltrans. The Coachella V alley A rea Tran sportation Study (CVATS) regio nal transpo rtation model in volves support to update the current transportation mo del to the year 2020 and add the proposed 2020 land use plus socio- economic data for forecasting projected transporta tion system needs. (Funded fro m Measure A, TU MF, CMAQ an d Specia l Program Fu nds) 11 'tEf�i 000045 Support Congestion Management /Air Quality Programs . Non -Motorized Transportation Element ▪ Bikeway Impro vement Program Involves Tra nsportation Department staff s upp ort to CMAQ program areas. S upport will focus on updating the No n -Motorized Transportation Element and preparation of certified Bicycle Transportation Plans for all CVAG j urisdictions as well as continued regional s upport of the SB 821 program. (Funded from TEA -21, CMAQ a nd SB 821) T ransportation Uniform Mitigation Fe e (TUIVEF) Pr ogram . TUMF Program Administration . TUMF/G IS Interface Inclu des staff time in support of the TUMF pr ogram and TUMF/GIS Interface program. TUMF program activities include staff time to (i) monitor the implementation of the TUMF program in member jurisdicti ons, (ii) perform annual fiscal reviews of building permits and TUMF collections, (iii) research, analyze and prepare reports for TU MF appeals, (iv) enter TUMF collections in the T UMF data base, (v ) meet with dev elopers on request to review pote ntial TUMF assessme nts, and (vi) perform special TUMF analysis on request. The TUMF/GIS Interface pr ogram requires support for continu ing the development of integrating the T UMF collection process with electronic transmission of new development information for land use covera ges. (F unded from TU MF ) Go vernmental and Special Projects . Southern Californ ia Association of Governments (SCAG) Overall Work Program The SCAG OWP program includes staff time to co ordinate the CV AG sub -region SCA G Overall Work Program needs, develop annual growth projection s, collect annual Highway Performan ce Monitorin g System data, prov ide input to the Federal Regional Transportation Plan, and assist SCAG with transportation modeling refinements. Additionally, staff performs specific transpo rtation project work for SCA G through their Overall Work Program. (F unded fro m SCAG OWP funds) . Special Pro jects Some propo sed projects may involve genera l fund money or special grants. Any project not already a part of the regular work programs, will be brought through the committee process for approval of the proposed work. (Funded from Special Grant fun ds and Gen eral Fun ds) 12 000046 RIVERSIDE COUNTY T RANSPORTA TION COMMISSION DA TE: September 11, 2002 TO: Riverside County Transportation Commission FROM: THROUGH: Plans and Pr ograms Committ ee Tanya Lo ve, Pr ogram M anager Eric Haley, Executi ve Direct or SUBJECT: Fisc al Year 2003 Sh ort Ra nge Transit Plan Amendment f or Su nLine Tran sit Agency — Section 5309 F unds PLANS AND PROGRAMS COMMITTEE AND STAFF RECOMMENDATI ON: This item is for the Commission to : 1) A pprov e a FY 03 Sho rt Range Transit Plan Amendment for SunLine Transit Agency to receive Sectio n 5309 funds to upgrade its hydrogen fueling infrastructu re ; and, 2) Inclu de the project in the Regional Transportati on Improvem ent Program. BACK GROU ND INFO RMATION : SunLin e Transit Agen cy is requesting an amendmen t to the ir FY 03 Short Range Transit Plan (SRTP). They recently received notification that they were selected to receiv e Federa l Section 5309 funds in the amount of $495,015. The funds will be used to upgrade the hydrogen fueling infrastructure in co nnection with SunLine's migration to hydrogen techno lo gy. In order to access the federal funds, it is a requirement that the project be included in the Re gio nal Transportation Improv eme nt Program. SunLin e's Board reviewed and approved the requ est for an SRTP Amendment at its August 14, 2002 board me etin g. Item 6L 000047 RIVE RSI DE COUNTY T RANSPO RTA TION COMMISSION DATE: S eptember 11, 2002 TO: Ri verside County Tra nsportati on Commissio n FROM: Plans and Pr ograms Committee Tanya Lo ve, Program Manager THROUGH: Eric Haley, Ex ecutive Director SUBJECT: Fiscal Years 2003 and 2004 Specializ ed Transit Two -Year Call f or Projects: Anza Valley Transportation; Bli ndness Support; Partnership to Preserve Indepe nde nt Livi ng, and Transportati on Specialists Inc. PLANS A ND PROGRAMS COMMITTEE AND ST AFF REC OMMENDATION: This item is for the Commissio n to: 1) Approve the requests for Measure "A" Sp ecialized Transportation Funds available in We stern Riverside County f or Blindness Support Services and Partnership to Preserve In dependent Living for FY 03 and FY 04; 2) Approve on e -month interim pa yments to Anza Valley Tra nsportation and Transporta tion Specialists Inc. ; 3) Allocate up to $657,545 in Western Riverside County Measure "A" Specialized Transpo rtatio n Fu nds; and, 4) Authorize the Executive Director, pursuant to Legal Counsel re view, to ex ecute the Agreements on behalf of the Commission. BACK GROU ND INFORMA TION: At the June 12, 2002, Co mmission meeting, staff was directed to work with re presentativ es from Anza Valley Transportatio n, Blin dness Support Serv ices, Partn ership to Preserve Independent Living and Tran sportation Specialists Inc. to resolv e the issue of matching funds and/or the amount of Measure "A" Specia lized Transportation Operating Funds requested for FY 03 an d FY 04. In follow u p, the follo wing in formation is provided: 1) An za ValleyTransportation Staff me t with Anza Valley Transportation and re quested that the following be implemented/deve loped during the month of Au gu st: Item 6M 000148 a. b. c. Impleme nt a nd maintain a fare b ox; R educe th e n umber of lo cal circulator trips from three to tw o; and, D evel op a fundraising plan_ to assist with me eting th e 50% match requirement. In an effort to determi ne an adequate le vel of funding, ridership on Anza Valley's system is being closely m onitored and eval uated. Staff has scheduled an additional foll ow up meeting with Anza on August 28, 2002, to finalize funding recommendati ons for FY 03 and FY 04. In th e interim, staff is requestin g approval to rel ease an additional paym ent in the amount of $7,698, which is based on their FY 02 m onthly f unding lev el. 2) Blindness Support Serv ices At the Commission 's direction, staff requested that Blindness Support prepare a marketing plan outlining the steps it will take to secure 120 applicants (60 indiv idua ls for FY 03 and 60 for FY 04) f or its Travel Trai ning Program. Attac hmen t 1 is a co py of the proposed Marketing Outreach Plan . Based on the marketing plan together with meeti ngs with Blindness Support staff, staff is re commending that: a. Funding for FY 03 be provided, in the amount of $48,163, to train 60 individuals; and, b. Base funding for FY 04 on FY 03's actual perf ormance. Reco mmen de d amount "not to exceed" $48,243 (which is the am ount requested to pro vide trave l training fo r up to 60 western Ri verside County residents). 3) Partnership to Preserve Indepen dent Living At the Commission's request, the Partnership removed all out of state travel from its Measure "A" Application. Based on fo llow up meetings with Partnership staff, staff is recommending the following: a. Funding for FY 03 be prov ided in an amoun t "no t to ex ceed $264,050. Of tha t amount, it is recommended that $24,050 be placed into a c ontingency fun d*; and, b. Fu nding fo r FY 04 be provided in an amount "not to exceed" $273,891 with $33,891 being placed into a co ntingency fund*. 000049 Ite m 64 = 1, *co ntingenc y funds wo uld be re le ased bas ed on increased co sts due to higher than a nticipate d en ro llment in to the Tra ns portation R eimburseme nt and Information Proje ct. 4) Transp ortation Specialists Inc. For the past 25 years, TSI pr ovided trips that the Riverside Tra nsit Agency (RTA) was u nable to pro vide due to either 1) the request for tra vel was out of RTA's servi ce area; or 2) the passenger, due to a medical condition, needed a higher level of ser vice than RT A was abl e to pr ovide. Staff from TSI, RTA, Super vis or Tavaglione's office and RCTC, r eviewed trip data for the past several m onths with partic ular emphasis on ridership data f or the month of May 2002 to determin e ridership characteristics. Various in fo rmation so urces are still bei ng reviewed and dis cussed . It is anticipated that a final funding recommendation will be made at the September Plans and Programs' Committee meeti ng . In the interim, staff is requesti ng that an additional payment of $15,500 be approved, based on FY 02 monthly fun ding level. The following table summarizes the funding rec ommendations: Agen cy Fun din g FY 03 Interim Payment (FY 03) F unding FY 04 Anza Valley Transportation $7,698 (based on FY 02 allocati on) Blindness Support $48,163 Partnership to Preserve Independen t Liv in g $264,050 Transportation Specialists Inc. $48,243 (amo unt to be based on FY 03 performance) $273,891 $15,500 (based on FY 02 allocatio n) There are sufficient Weste rn Riv erside Cou nty Measure "A" Spe cialized Tran spo rtation Revenues availa ble to meet these requests. Financial Information In Fiscal Year Budget: Y Y ear: FY 02-03 - $335, 411 FY 04 - $322,134 Amoun t: $657,545 Sou rce of Funds: Western Rive rside Co unty's Measu re "A " Specialized Transportation Fu nds Budget Adjustment: N GLA No .: 225-26-86101 Fiscal Proce dure s Approv ed: Date: 8/16/02 Atta chmen t: Blindness Support's Marketing Outre ach Plan Item 6M 000050 060324 `-n— Blindness Support Services, I nc Marketing Outreach Pla n PURPOSE ©En, D JUL 10 2002 TRANRIVERSIDEN N COUNTY The purpose of this docu ment is to outline the BSS Marketi ng Plan f or the "Travel Training Program" funded by a Measure "A" Gra nt administered by the Riverside County Transportatio n Co mmission. BACKGROU ND BSS has been v ery active in the Inland Empire, identifying populations needing to be se rved and finding new an d better ways to provide required services. As we co nsider the needs of our community, BSS has perceiv ed that n ew and innovati ve w ays must be fou nd to pro vide informational services to the V isually Impaired and/or disabled pertai ning to our Travel Training Program. BSS strongly believes that an effective o utreach and recru itment component m ust be in place in order to reach those individuals who are tru ly in need of the services to be pro vided. PLAN OF O PERATION 1. BSS intends to recru it and prov ide TTP serv ices to 60 progra m participants during Fiscal Year 02/03. 2. BSS inten ds to further develop its ou treach effo rts by con du cting education al semin ars to the following en tities in Western Riv erside Coun ty. a) 10 senior cen ters b) 3 community colleges c) 2 Universities d) 40 Doctor' O ffices e) 15 Churches T he se min ars are designed to encourage qu alified individu als to participate in the TTP. 7 -2 i „-- !dam .. (.3 i vx 000051 Marketing Outreach Plan Page 2 COLLABORATIONS/P ART NERSHIPS BSS will increase its already existing collaborative partnerships with th e following entities in order to increase pr ogram participati on. a) RTA b) Office on Aging c) Inla nd Region al Center d) Commun ity Access Center For example, BSS is workin g closely with the Ri verside Transit Agency's (RTA) marketing team. This co llabo rative effo rt should accomplish 2 main objectives. 1) Increase participatio n in the TTP and 2) inform the potential rider on the s ervices prov ided by R TA. In regards to the Office on Aging, the BSS Travel Trainer has b een w orki ng closely with the Trip pro gram a nd is currently invo lved with the Info —Van, and ofte n accompanies them to se nior centers, libraries, and local grocery stores. A recently established contractual relationship with Inland Regional Center will enable BSS to in crease TT P participation by working directly with IRC Consumers in a fee for service stru cture. BSS intends to increase its collabora tive effo rts with the Commun ity Access Center by conducting quarterly presentations to their Peer Su pport Grou p. MET HO DOLOG Y 1. Provide direction an d leadership in the development of the Travel Training Pro gram a nd ou treach efforts. 2. Provide and/or co ordinate the methods necessary to accomplish pro gram objectiv es an d goa ls. 3. Ensure tha t every effort is made fo r reachin g those individuals who are unaware of the Travel Training Program, an d whom may benefit from ou r services. 4. Re sponsible for c ondu cting we ekly o utrea ch a ctivities. 5. Responsible for recruiting fu tu re partn erships with local agen cies that will colla borate with BSS, and serve the blin d/visually impaired and/or disabled commu nities. 000052�� RIVE RSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORT ATION COMMISSI ON DATE: Sept emb er 11, 2002 TO: Riverside C ou nty Transportati on Commissi on FROM: Plans and Programs C ommittee Tanya Love, Program Ma nager THROUG H: Eric Haley, Executi ve Director SUBJECT: Fisc al Year 2003 Sh ort Range Transit Plan Amendment for the Co mmuter Rail Pr ogram PLA NS A ND PRO GRAMS C OMMITTEE AND STAFF RE COMMENDATION: This item is for the Commission to: 1) Approve a Sho rt Range Transit Plan Amendment ,to RCTC's Commuter Rail Pro gram for FY 03; and, 2) Alloc ate $695,000 in Local Transportation Funds. BACKGR OUND INFORMA TION: The Commissio n's Co mmute r Rail program is requesting authorization to am end its FY 03 Sho rt Range Transit Plan (SRTP) and the allo catio n of $695,000 in L ocal Transportation Funds (LTF) to cov er the following capital costs: Project 1) Pe dley Closed Circuit Telev ision (CCTV) This project was approv ed in the FY 01 SRTP. Additional fu nding in the amount of $7,765 is reque sted to complete the preliminary engineering and 'design work. The installation of video surveillan ce equipment will ev entually link security e fforts at all RCTC-o wne d statio ns; 2) North Main Coron a Station In April 1999, the Co mmission autho riz ed the deve lopment of the North Main Co rona Statio n. To complete the final design of the statio n, an additional $262,670 is needed. This proje ct was originally a pprove d in the FY 01 SRTP; an d Item 6N LTF F unds $ 7,765 $262,670 000. 053 3) La Sierra and West Corona CCTV Staff is requ esting LTF f unding in the amount of $424,565 for the installatio n of CCTV at the La Sierra and West Coro na stations. If appro ved, installati on is estimated to be completed by November 2002. $424,565 Total LTF funds requ ested: $695,000 There are sufficient LTF Revenues available to the Comm uter R ail Program to meet these requests. Financial Inf ormati on In Fiscal Year Budget: N/A Year: 02-03 Amount: Source of Funds: Local Tran spo rtation Funds Budget Adjustment: $695,000 N/ A — f unds are administered by the County of Riverside GLA No.: N/A Fiscal Pro cedures Approved: Date: 08/14/02 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TR ANSPORT ATION COMMISSION DATE: TO : September 11, 2002 Riversid e C ounty Tr ansportation Commissi on FROM: Plans and Programs Committ ee Karen Leland, Staff An alyst Stephanie Wiggins, Program Manager THROUGH: Eric Haley, Executiv e Director SUBJECT: Commuter Rail Program Update PLA NS AND PR OGRA MS COMMITTEE AND STA FF R ECOMMENDATION: This item is for the Commission to receive and file the Commuter Rail Pr ogram Update as an information item. B ACK GROUND INFORMATION: Riv erside Line Weekday Patronage : Passenger trips on Metro link's Riverside Line for the m onth of June averaged 4,202, a 2% decrease from the mon th of May. The Line has averaged an ov erall decrease of 12% from a year ago June 2001. June on -time performance averaged 95% inbound (1 % decrease from May) and 97% outboun d (5% in crease from May). On March 15', staff circulated resolution s of support from cities and the county re garding Metro link's eff ort to urge Union Pacific to improv e on -time perfo rman ce on the Riverside Line. An update on the numbe r of re so lutio ns received will be prov ided at the Committee meeting. Inland Empire -Orange Cou nty Line Weekday Pa trona ge : Passenge r trips on Me trolink's Inland Empire -Orange Coun ty (IEOC) Line for the month of June averaged 2,982, a 2% in crease from the month of June. The Line is basically unchanged from a yea r ago June 2001. 91 Line Weekda y Patrona ge : Passenger trips on Metrolink's 91 Line fo r the month of June a ve raged 1,165, a 27% increase from the month of May. Item 60 000055 Special Tr ains Be ach Tr ain: The 2002 Beach Train season is at mid -p oint with sales exceeding last season's by 10% . July 20 and August 3 were both successful nine -car train dates resulting in the sale of 993 and 966 tick ets respectiv ely. Tickets can be purchased at the cities of Ri verside, C orona, M ore no Valley, a nd San Bernardino Parks and Recreati on, Rialto City Clerk's Offi ce, RCTC Mail Order, and on-line or by phone through Amtrak. Rideshare 2 Rails tR2R) Program Ridesbare s�r►us Rideshare Incentiv es: Current enrollment is at 116 (Riverside -Dow ntown 38, Pe dley 15, La Sie rra 24, West Cor ona 35), freei ng up 52 spaces f or new riders. RTA Express Bus Shuttle: Ridership fo r the month of June a veraged 21 per day, an increase of 8% from the mon th of May. Passenger surv ey of Route 99 will be co nducted within the next two months. Statio n Update RCTC Metro lin k Station Da ily Ac tiv itie s: Daily activ ities are record ed by station security guards. Attached is summary data c overing FY 01/02 fourth q uarter (April - Ju ne 2002). Attachments: 1) Metrolink Performance Su mmaries (June 2002) 2) RCTC Metrolink Stations Daily Activity Report (4th Q uarter - 01/02) 000056 Itertr 60 , , , y 1111ETROLINK PERF:ORMAN'C'E SUMMARIES qa©a[IWEn AUG 0 5 2002 112) tuE�s��� �.� err TR ORTA�I NTIAIAISSION June 2002 II I! METROLINK 000057 METROILINK AVERAGE WEEKDAY PASSENGER TRIPS 36,000 34,000 — 32,000 30,000 — 28,000 26,000 1 24,000 22,000 20,000 33,864 Jun -01 '2,882 32,341 Jul -01 32,933 32,255 Aug -01 Sep -01 32,908 30,307 32,443 32,978 33,097 32,257 33,571 Oct -01 Nov -01 Deo-01 Jan -02 Feb -02 Mar -02 Apr -02 May -02 ® Holiday AdJ—4—UnadJAvg j 34'94 Jun -02 000058 000059 100.0% 95,0% 90. 0° 85.0% 80.0% METROLINK ON -TIME PERFORMANCE Weekday Trains (Latest 13 Months) Jun 01 Jul 01 Aug 01 • Sep 01 Oct 01 Nov 01 Dec 01 Jan 02 Feb 02 ®% Arriving With'irf.5! Minutes Of Scheduled Time Mar 02 Ap 02 May 02 Jun 02 000060 A % of Train Delays By Responsibility June 2002 TRK-Contractor SIG -Contractor 7% SCRRA 12% Ind -4U Weekend Santa Passenger 3% UPRR 16% Vandallsm 3% 11% ITR SCRRA) 0% OP Agree e% Mechanical 9% BNSF 37% TRK-Con trac tor 2Ye InevIsa Weekend Semite SCRRA 11% % of Train Delays By Responsibility 12 Month Period Ending June 2002 Passenger 3% Vandallsm Mechanical 5% 12% Other 7% BNSF 27% 000061 PERFORMA NCE CHARTS - BACK-UP fit[ lII METROLINK 6 000062 r, n METROLINK AVERAGE W EKDAY PASSENGER TRIPS THIRTEEN MONTH WINDOW - HOLIDAY ADJUSTED 11 �]��:," iyy �b�J ¢ I 'fi ! }I' �, .E}}•r !• , . s ro �^`. •, si s a. a �'I{'���. .�.. .�. 1' . • ?i. .' !k -t�j n a6.: n.: �!' ^d T �+ � -'ei - T9•= -U. } , iy . ..ry ,;fd.. ti .. ,. 1'lF .'T:. . 1► !_1 , • �, fi `�[ '��e � 3�' �? '1 t ��� �;. :• ! • N . r�.si ,� . ,�F �'F ,S'1' a7 'nr - i �: ' _ ' ?r' ' `LY • :,,y '�i E, , , .. 1 • p '- { r. [[s !"c. y }i �f - ]1 .1 ' , f I'rf:zi S , V. � _ r �� u.,q} •7 i 1Y. "ILlf. .• , .� Jun 01 3,493 5,862 10,244 482 4,799 5,896 2,983 105 33,864 0% •Jul 01 3,416 5,489 9,848 456 4,690 5,853 2,838 92 32,682 -3% Aug 01 3,315 5,423 9,679 469 4,638 5,879 2,833 105 32,341 -1% Sep 01 3,323 5,463 9,503 435 4,566 5,940 2,923 102 32,255 0% Oct 01 3,558 5,170 10,032 452 4,651 5,867 3,081 122 32,933 2% Nov 01 3,500 5,169 10,025 477 4,654 5,939 3,007 137 32,908 0% Dec 01 3,144 4,898 9,391 452 4,223 5,369 2,733 97 30,307 -8 % Jan 02 3,566 4,813 10,086 480 4,596 5,865 2,930 107 32,443 7% Feb 02 3,612 5,031 10,235 464 4,635 5,882 3,010 109 32,978 2% Mar 02 3,650 5,135 10,082 518 4,615 5,931 3,033 133 33,097 0% Apr02 3441 4913 10124 507 4524 5848 2791 109 32257 -3% May 02 3,565 5,597 10,039 525 4,288 5,794 2,916 847, 33,571 4% Jun 02 3,781 5,694 10,286 533 4,202 5,651 2,982 1165 34,294, 2% % Change Jun 02 vs May 02 6% 2% 2% 2%, -2% -2% 2% 38% 2% 6/0 Change Jun 02 vs Jun 01 8% -3% - 0% 11% -12 % -4 % 0% 1010% 000063 36,000 33,000 30,000 27,000 24,000 • 21,000 18,000 15,000 K�X ' 12,000 9,000 6,000 METROLINK AVERAGE WEEKDAY PASSENGER TRIPS INCEPTION TO DATE FY 01/02 FY 00/01 'FY 99/01 • } 97/98 3 Y 98/99 FY 96/97 FY 95/96 FY 94/95 FY 93/94 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 000064 3500 3000 E 2500 a) iz 2000 p 1500 cc Q 1000 500 Antelope Valley Line Saturday Service Average Daily Passenger Trips Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun -02 iNots: Sept Includes LA County Fair Rldersi Avg Daily Riders 35007- 3000 2500- 2000- 1500 - 1000- 500 - Jun 01 Jul Aug Nitta: Service Began June 24, 2000 • Service Discontinued January 19, 20021 Sep Riverside Line Saturday Service Average Daily Passenger Trips Oct Nov Dec Jan .40107" .edifaWr Feb Mar Apr May Jun -02 000066 METROLINK SCHEDULE ADHERENCE SUMMARY Percentage of Trains Arriving Within 5 Minutes of S cheduled Time LATEST 13 MONTHS ,i l{ i TJ il�,' C r 100% - y�, _R rj. I • 32) 5 w. ' .- • Jun 01 99% 99% 97% 97% 97%. 98% 99% 97% 89% 87% 88 % 92% 1 94% 90% 98% ' 96 % :u 95 % 95% Jul 01 97% 99% 99% 100% 96% 94% 99% 98% 94% 83%. 93% 94% 95% 96 % 95% 95% 96% 95% 95% Aug 01 99% 98% 98% 97% 98% 96% 100% 99% 89% 83 % 91% 92 % 95% 94% 96 % 91% 96 % 95% 95% Sep 01 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 98% 100% 100% 91°/o 87% 88% 83% 93 % 92 % 89% 95% 96% 95% 95°/0 OCt 01 _ 100% 100% 99% 100% 99% 98% 100% 100% 74% 80 % 93% 94% 92% 97 % 83% 87% 95% 96% 96% Nov 01 98% 10D% 97% 97% 98% 97% 97% 100% 88 % 92% 97% 88% 94% 98% 95% 95% 96 % 96% 96% Dec 01 98% 99% 98% 99% 98% 97% 98% 99% 91% 90% 91% 93% 93% 93% 95% 92 % 96 % 96% 96% Jan 02 98% 99% 99% 100% 97% 96% 100% 99% 91% 86% 97% 94% 92% 95%• 73 % 98 % 96% 96% 96% Feb 02 98% 100% 97% 97% 97% 97% 99% 98% 95 % 81% 91% 97% 90% 98% 85% 95% 95 % 96% 96 % Mar02 100% 99% 97% 94% 97% 97% 99% 100% 92% 94% 98% 96% 95 % 95% 86% 98 % 97 % 96% 97% Apr 02 99% 100% 97% 93% 98% 95% 100% 99% 94% 98 % 91% 96% 97 % 94 % 95% 95% 96% 96 % 95 % May 02 99% 97% 98% 98% 97% 96% 100% 98% r,r- A., 96°10 92% 89% 87% 87% 92% 87% 83 % 95% 94% 94% Jun 02 99% 98% 98% 99% 98% 96% 99% 97% 1. 95% 97 %- 93 % 96 % 94% 90%, 95% 90% 97% 96% 96% Peak Period Trains Arrlving Within 5 M inutes of Scheduled Time Ju n 02 6''3vi pCr,SN: liii3s'. . 1. ' ffai11NARI s t WO/ROOM -k . f@limtv+x laxmov o,, omyea pmf A i 85 % maimmttf wtt g Peak Period Trains 100°10 9a%, 98% 100% 99% 96% 99% 100%I 94% 98% 95% 92% 95% 91 %I 98% 97% 96% 96% No adjustments have been made for relievable delays. Terminated trains are considered OT If they were on -time at point of termination. Annulled trains are not Included In the on -time calculation. 000067 r. ,r CAUSES OF METROLINK DELAYS June 2002 PRIMARY CAUSE OF TRAIN DELAYS GREATER THAN 5 MINUTES CAUSE: VEN AVL SNB BUR RIV OC INL/OC R/F/L TOTAL % of TOT I Signals/Detectors 1 1 4 1 1 0 0 0 8! 8%! Slow Orders/MOW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% Track/Switch 0 1 5 0 0 4 0 1 11 11% Dispatching 0 0 0 1 6 6 12 9 34 33% Mechanical 1 0 1 1 0 5 1 0 9 9% Freight Train 0 1 0 0 1 2 3 2 9 9% Amtrak Train 1 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 7 7% Metrolink Meet/Turn 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2% Vandalism 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 4 4% Passenger(s) 1 0 1 0 0 i 0 0 0 2 2% SCRRA Hold Policy 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1% Other 1 5 3 0 2 b 2 2 15 15% TOTAL 7 8 17 4 10 23 19 14 102 100% 12 Saturday SNB 2 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Saturday AVL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sunday SNB 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0206ceus 000068 FREQUENCY OF TRAIN DELAYS BY DURATION JUNE 2002 MINUTES LATE: VEN AVL SNB BUR RIV OC IE/OC RIV/FUL TOTAL % of TOT NO DELAY 370 431 485 182 216 318 189 148 2339 86,3% 1 MIN • 5 MIN 23 39 96 14 11 39 32 16 270 10.0% 6 MIN: 10 MIN 3 6 10 2 4 9 10 9 53 2.0% 11 MIN • 20 MIN 2 0 4 2 2 9 8 3 30 1,1% 21 MIN• 30 MIN• 0 0 1 0 r.Y. 3 3 1 2 10 0,4% GREATER THAN 30 MIN 2 2 2 0r 1 2 0 0 9 0.3% ANNULLED 0 3 2 0 4 0 0 2 11 0,4% TOTAL TRAINS OPTD 400 478 598 200 237 380 240 178 2711 100% TRAINS DELAYED >0 min 30 47 113 18 21 62 51 30 372 13 .7% TRAINS DELAYED > 5 min 7 8 17 4 10 23 19 14 102 3.8% 000069 13 nn noeeen .�1. Daily Activity Report . Metr olink Stati ons Ge ne rated from 4101/2002 to 6/30/2402 Riverside Pedl ey La Sierr a W. Corona Total 1 - Standard Procedures 1 A - RCTC Staff on Site 19 1B - Customer Assistance 90 1C - Ambassador on Site 86 Total 1 91 3 1 7 28 90 91 362 42 39 170 195 95 133 137 560 2 - Criminal Inc iden ts 2A - Burglary / Theft / Vandalism 3 1 1 0 5 2B - Vagrants / Trespassing 7 1 0 0 8 2C - Suspicious Behavior 1 0 0 0 1 2D - Cnminal Beha vior 1 0 0 0 1 2E - Grafitti 1 0 0 0 1 Total 13 2 1 0 16 3 - Crisis Situations 3A - M edical / Fire Emergencies 1 0 0 0 1 3B - Police Emergencies - 2 0 1 0 3 Total 3 0 1 0 4 4 - Maintenanc e/Repairs 4A - Lights 7 1 6 0 14 48 - TVM / Validator Machine 25 14 16 16 71 4C - Elevator 2 0 3 2 7 4D - Station Cleaning 34 29 22 28 113 4E - Landscaping 16 10 11 13 50 4F - Dumpster/Porta Potti 2 24 15 15 56 4G - Pepsi Vending 1 6 2 2 11 Total 87 84 75 76 322 5 - Miscellaneous 5A - M iscellaneous Activity 28 17 45 33 123 Total 28 17 45 33 123 6 -Parked Ove rn ight , _. I,. 6A - Parked Overnight 20 4 7 9 10 T otal 20 4 7 9 10 7 - Ove rflow 7A - Veh In Ove rflo w 0 0 16 0 16 Total 0 0 16 0 16 Thursda y, ,4ugust 08, 2002 000070 D aily Activity Report Metrolink St ations Inkf lowor itfitiedi C isiseldeWun Generdl edf ram 441;7002 to 6/30/2002 8 - Parking Citation s 8A - Parking Citations 9 - Empty Spaces 9A - Empty Spaces 90 - Unsecured Vehicles -- 90A - Unsecured Vehicles 91 - R2R Ve hicles 91 A - R2R Vehicles 3a, 000071 Total Total Total Riverside P edl ey La Sierr a W Coron a Total 36 0 0 0 36 36 0 0 0 36 64 0 0 0 64 64 0 0 0 64 0 5 7 0 12 0 3 6 7 0 12 2 3 3 3 Total 3 2 3 3 3 Thursday. August 08, 2002 RIVERSIDE CO UNTY TR ANSPORTATION COMMISSION DATE: September 11, 2002 TO: Ri verside County Transportati on Commission FROM: Budget and Implem entation "Committee as a Whol e" Jerry Ri vera, Pr ogram Manager THROUGH: Eric Haley, Executive Director SUBJECT: Approv al of Funding Agreement N o. 03-45-016, b etwee n the Department of California Highway Patrol and Riverside Co unty Service Authority for Freeway Emergenci es BUDGET AND IMPLE MENTA TION `COMMITTEE AS A WH OLE" AN D STAFF RECOMMEND ATION: This item is for the Commission to autho rize the Executive Director, pursuant to Legal Counsel review, to execute the Agree ment with the Department of California Highway Patro l to provide overtime supervision and operati on of the Freeway Service Patro l program in Riverside Co unty, on behalf of the Commission . BACK GR OU ND INFORMATION: The Riverside Co unty Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) pro gram is operated as a joint venture between the California Department of Tran sportation (Caltrans), Department of California Highway Patrol (CHP), and the Riverside County Ser vice Authority for Freeway Emergencies (RC SAFE). RC SAFE is responsible for administe rin g the program and Caltran s an d the CHP join tly pro vide daily field supe rvision to ensure se rvice perfo rmance. The CHP has assigned and staffed for the dedicated purpose of suppo rting the Riverside County FSP program with two full-time traffic officers. Ho weve r, the nature of the FSP program (5:00 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. an d 3:00 p. m. to 7:00 p.m.) may require the CHP office rs to work overtime. Also , an y time on e of the two o fficers is off on v acation, sick leave, or on State mandated training, the o ther offic er must work overtime to co ver the shift. The attache d funding agreement provides for the reimbursement from RC SA FE to the CHP of tho se reasonable ove rtime expenses nec essary to su pport the Rive rside Co unty Fre ewa y Se rvic e Patrol program. The agreement provides for a max imum of 660 ove rtime ho urs for FY 2002-03 and 780 o vertime ho urs for FY 2003-04 at the State establishe d rate of $49.31 per hour. The a gre ement also prov ides for 300 ove rtime hou rs for Con struction FSP Ite m 6P 000072 projects which are funded 100% by Caltrans. Th e total am ou nt of the agreeme nt shall not e xceed $39,941 for FY 02-03 and $45,858 for FY 03-04. In the eve nt the CHP is gr anted a rate increase by the Stat e, RC SAFE would be required to reimburse the CHP at the new ho urly rate, b ut in no event shall the total amou nt exceed the maximum c ontract amount for each fiscal year. The approv ed FSP program budget for the current year includes $31,071 for this contract, so an additional appr opriation of $9,800 will be required. The fu nds for FY 2003-04 will be included in next year's proposed FSP budg et . It should be n oted that not less tha n 80% of the cost of this agreement will be financed by State-FSP fun ds. Financial Informati on In Fiscal Year Budget: Y&N Year FY 02-03 Amount: $ 9,800 .00 - No $ 31,071.00 - Yes Source of Funds: State of Ca. Dept. of Transportation GLA No. : 201-45-81016 , Budget Adjustment: Y Fiscal Procedures A pproved: 1 Date: 108/19/02 Attachment: Funding A gre ement between Department of California Highway Patr ol and Riverside County Serv ice Authority for Freeway Emerg enci es •. 000073 fir • 'Item 60 7 Agreeme nt No. 03-45-016 FUNDING AGREE MENT BETWEEN DEP ARTMENT OF CALIFORNI A HIGHW AY P ATROL AND RIVERSIDE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY FOR FREEWAY EMERGENCIES THIS AGREEMENT, mad e and entered into this 1st day of July, 2002, by and between the California Highway Patrol, hereinafter called CHP, and the Riverside County Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies hereinafter called RC -SAFE. GENERAL INFO RMATION: This agreement pertains to the overtime supervision and operation of a Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) program in Riverside County. Sectio n 2401 of the Califo rnia Vehicle Code (CVC) states that the C ommissioner of the California Highway Patro l (CHP) shall make adequate provisions f or patrol of the highways at all times of the day and night. This section is interpreted to mean that the Commissioner is given broad discretio n in determining the means of providing adequate patrol, including the use of Riverside County FSP vehicles. Section 21718(a)(7) of the CVC is a provision which specifically allows the CHP to be responsible for FSP sto pping on freeways for the purpose of rapid rem oval of impediments to traffic. The Riverside County Service Authority fo r Freeway Emergenc ies (RC -SAFE) has the ability to provide local matching funds as required by state Budget Change Pro posal (BCP) for FSPs on fre eways within Riverside County, which qualified the county to participate in the state FSP program. Riverside County FSP will assist in transportation system management efforts, provide traffic congestion relief, and expedite the removal of freeway impediments, all of which will have the added be nefit of improving air quality. TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. The Riverside Co unty FSP program is intended to be funded with revenue s derived from Safe and State Budget Change Proposal funds, known as BCP for the day to day co ntractor opera tion. In a ddition to this it is ne cessary to fund CHP o vertime for ope rator field supervision, administrative duties, and other fie ld dutie s required to maintain the expected high level of FSP operational service. 000074 1 2. Sh ould this agreement be terminated under paragraph 2 of section B, TERMS AND CONDITIONS, RC -SAFE agrees to reimburse the CHP for those reasonable costs incurred and associated with the pr ogram overtime supervision and administrative duties as defined in this agreement up to the p oint of termination. 3. This agreement may only be amended by mutual written consent of the parties hereto . 4. The term of this agreement is from July 1, 2002, to June 30, 2004. 5. The Coordinators of this agreement are shown below: a) RC -SAFE Jerry Riv era, Program Manager 3560 University Avenue, Suite 100 Riverside, California (909) 787-7141 b) California Highway Patrol - Inland Communications Center Ellen Conley, Lieutenant 847 E. Brier Driv e San Bernardino, California 92408 (909) 388-8000 6. RC -SA FE agrees to reimburse CHP in accordance with the following schedule: 660 hours of available overtime during 02/03 fiscal year. Reimbursed at $ 49.31 per hour. For a total of $32,544.00 for 02/03 fiscal year. 780 hours of available overtime during 03/04 fiscal year. Reimbursed at $ 49.31 per hour. For a total of $38,461.80 for 03/04 fiscal year. 300 hours of available overtime for construction during 02 to 04 fiscal years. Reimbursed at $ 49.31 per hour. For a to tal of $14,793.00 during 02 to 04 fiscal ye ars. 7. In the ev ent CHP is granted a rate increase, RC -SAFE agree s to reimburse CHP at the new ho urly rate, but in no event shall the tota l amount ex ceed $85,798.80. 8. CHP shall indemnify, de fend and hold harmless RC -SAFE, its subsidiaries, and its office rs, agents and employees from and 2 000075 against any and all liability and expenses, includi ng, without limitation, defense cost and legal fees, and claims for damages of any natur e whatsoev er, including, with out limitation, bodily injury, death, personal injury or property dam age arising from the performance of the work described herein, but only to the extent such liability, expenses and claims for damages are caus ed by or result from the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of th e CHP, its officers, agents or employees. 9_ RC -SAFE shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless CHP, its subsidiaries, and its officers, agents and employees from and against any and all liability and exp enses, including, without limitation, defense cost and legal fees, and claims for damages of any nature whatsoever, including, without limitation, bodily injury, death, personal injury or property damage arising from the performance of the work described herein, but only to the extent such liability, expenses and claims for damages are caused by or result from the negligent or intentional acts or omissions of the RC -SAFE, its officers, agents or employees. 10. The contracting parties hereto shall be subject to the examinati on and audit of the State for a period of three (3) years after final payment under the contract in accordance with the Government Code Section 10532. In addition, RC -SAFE and CHP may be subject to the examination and audit by representatives of either party. The e xaminatio n and audit shall be confined to those matters directly related to this contract. B. RC -SAFE RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. RC -SAFE shall reimburse CHP for those reasonable overtime expense s necessary to support the Riverside County FSP ope rations as outlined in paragraph 6 of Section A. 2. RC -SAFE shall have the authority to cancel the funding of this program with 90 days written notification. C. CHP RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. CHP has assigned and staffed for supervision of the Riverside County Freeway Service Patro l with two full-time traffic officers as per the state BCP. The level of supe rvision co nducte d by the CHP under this agreement shall be at the discretio n of the CHP. 2. A ll personnel pro viding service s shall be State emplo yees under the sole discretio n, supervision, and regulation of the CHP. Said 3 0000'76 personnel shall work out of the appropriate CHP facilities as designated by the CHP. At no time shall any State employ ee assigned to th e Ri verside C ounty FSP pr ogr am be c onsidered employees, agents, officials, or volunteers of RC -SAFE. 3. CHP overtime duties shall include but n ot be limited to: a) The daily field sup ervision of FSP operators. b) Investigating complaints from the public regarding a Riverside County FSP contractor or oper ator. c) Performing all necessary driver's license and background checks on all Riverside County FSP operators . d) Inspecting all tow trucks on a periodic basis_ e) Performing nece ssary daily project field supervisi on, program management and the oversight of the quality of the contractors' service s. f) Prov ide training to all Riverside County FSP contractors and operators. g) Approve all contractor's billing prio r to RC -SAFE payment. h) Pro vide representation for the FSP Technical Committee. i 0 'd 6 b. 4 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SERVICE AUTHORITY FOR FREEW AY EMERGENCIES DEPARTMENT OF CALIF ORNIA HIGHW AY P AT ROL Eric Haley Administrative Services Officer Exe cutive Director Date Date A PPROVED AS TO FO RM: Legal Counsel Date 5 000078 RIVE RSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION DATE: September 11, 2002 TO: Ri verside C ounty Transportati on C ommissi on FROM: Budget and Implementation "Committ ee as a Whole" Jerry Rivera, Program Manager THROUGH: Eric Haley, E xecuti ve Dir ector SUBJECT: Establishment of Measur e "A" Local Str eets Maintenance of Effort Amount for the City of Coachella and Roads BUDGET A ND IMPLEMENTATION " COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE" AND STAFF RECOMMENDA TIO N: This item is fo r the Co mmission to approve th e City of C oachella's req uest to establish the use of FY 99-00 as the base year for their Maintenance of Effort calculations. BACKGROU ND INFORMATION: In order to qualify fo r Measu re "A" Local Streets and Roads funds, each local agency must demonstrate a co ntinuing co mmitment of local discretionary funds to loc al street an d road improve ments an d maintenance. Each local agency must su bmit to the Commission a list of pro posed uses for Measure "A" fu nds . Each loc al agency mu st also provide certification to the Commission that Measure "A" funds will not replace existin g local discretionary funds being used for local transpo rtation purpo ses. Examples of local discretion ary funds in clude, but are not limited to, gas tax revenues, fe deral funding, and local transportatio n fu nds (LTF). The certification shall be based on on e of the follo wing findings: 1. That the same level of discretio nary funds were ex pended fo r local street and road purpose s during the past fiscal yea r as was reported in the State Controller's Annual Report of Financial Transactions for Streets and Roads for FY 87-88 (base year); or 2. That e xtraordinary ex penditures made by the local agency durin g FY 87-88 make use of the State Controlle r's Annual Report for that yea r unrealistic. In this case , the lo cal agenc y may, upon approval of the Commissio n, determin e its local maintenance of effo rt requirement u sin g on e of the following me thods: r 1, 4 Item 6Q 0000'79 a. Averaging th e amount of local discretionary- fu nds r ep orted to th e State Controller f or the three-year p eri od of FYs 85-86 through 87-88; or b. Subtracting extraordi nary e xpe nditures (e.g. assessment district funds, redevelopment agency contributions, or other no nrec urring contributi ons) from its total expenditures during FY 87-88; or c. Petitioning the Commissi on for sp ecial co nsideration. The Commissi on reco gnizes that there may be cases where the tw o m ethods des crib ed above will not produce a d ollar amount which adequately refl ects the agency's past commitment of local re venues to the constr uction a nd maintenance of local streets a nd r oads. In such cases, the Commission may establish a new minimum level of lo cal stre ets a nd roads expenditures for the local agency based on factors which th e Commission determines are relevant. The Commission may als o allow, in its so le discretion, a local agency to use developer f ees to satisfy its maintenan ce of effort requirement. A l ocal agency petitioning the Commission under this provisi on has th e responsibility of presenting ev idence which shows the ne ed f or sp ecial consideration and which suppo rts the new minimum expenditure limit . The City of Co achella did n ot adopt the Measure "A" Loc al Stre ets and R oads program until June of 2000. Therefore, the City is requesting th at th e Commissi on approve the use of FY 99-00 as the "base year" for their maintenance of effort calculation . It is the City's conte ntion that this fiscal year more acc urately reflects the City's recen t financial ability to contribute to local street and road fu nding. By using FY 99-00 as their base year, the City's MOE amount wou ld be $69,663 . Staff has compared this n umber with local cities of similar size and budgets and the amount appears reasonable. A ttac hment: Letter from City of Co achella Requesting Approv al to Use FY 99-00 as Base Ye ar for Measure "A" Maintenance of Effort Calculation 000030 Item 'UV; ' f Admini stration 39 6-3502 Anim al Control . _ .._ . .__396-4978 Buil ding 398- 3002 1515 SI XTH ST REE T - COAC HELLA, CA 92236 City Clerk 398-3502 City Council ._ 391-5009 Fax: (760} 39 8-8117 July 30, 2002 Mr. Jerry R ive ra , Pro gram Manager Riv erside Co unty transportation Commission 3560 University Avenue, Suite 100 Riv erside, CA 92501 RE: Measure "A" Local Streets and Roads Fu nd Do cume ntation Dear Mr. Rivera: Code Enforcement 3 98-4 978 Economic Develop 398-511 0 Engi neeri ng 398-57 44 Finance .... ... 3 96- 3502 Rre . 398-8895 Grants 39 8-5110 Housing 396-5110 'earn, el 396-3 50 2 Pl aning 398-3102 Public Works 396-5744 Recreation 398..3 502 Rlv ersr de Sheriffs Office 86 3-8990 Sanitary 391-5008 Senior Sys 396-0104 Utilities 398-2702 Attached are the items you requested from the City of Coachella so it may recei ve it's disbursement of Measure "A" Funds. Included are the City's completed Measure "A" CIP Fo rm, the Certifica tion of Maintenance of Effort a nd the doc ume ntation s upporting our MOE calculation. While Measure "A" was appro ved in 1988, the City of Coachella did not adopt the program un til Ju ne of 2000. There fore the City is requesting that the Commission approve the use of Fiscal Year 1999/2000 as the basis of o ur roadway expenditures for o ur Maintenance of Efforts calculations. This is the fiscal ye ar just prior to the City joining the Measure "A" program and reflects the City's financia l situation at that time. It more accurately demonstrates the City's recen t financial ability to contribute to local street funding. The amounts su mmarized below came from our Finance Director's report which goes to the State Controller for the Annual Streets and Roads report. The calcu lated figure tha t the City intends to use as our Main tenan ce of Effort goal annually is $69,663. The attached documentatio n supports our calculation s in determining the target a mount. 1999/2000 E xpe nditures by the City of Coachella for Street Purpo ses Engineering & A dministration $ 42,020 Con struction and Right of Way 606,938 Street Maintenance Operations 600, 019 subtotal $1,248,977 Less Gas Tax Expen ditures (469,785) Less Non -D iscretiona ry Funding (709,529) NET LOCAL EXPENDITURES $ 69,663 000081 Measure "A" Documentation July 30, 2002 Page 2 If you hav e any questions concerning the Five Year CEP, please feel free to c ontact MR. E ldon Le e, Public Works Director at (760) 398-3002, ext . 249 or for any questio ns regarding the MOE calculations, pleas e contact Mr. Craig A. Gr aves, Finance Director at (760) 398-3502, ext. 231. Sincerely, B on L. Woosley City Man ager Attachments: Five Year CIP Plan Maintenance of Effo rt suppo rting documents Ma intenance of Effo rt Certificatio n Sta tement cc: Eldon Lee, Public Works Director Craig Grav es, Finance Director iJ r :1 1 ov 00 082 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSI ON DATE: September 11, 2002 TO: Ri verside County Transport atio n Commissi on FROM: Budget and Impl ementation "Committee as a Whole" Jerry Rivera, Program Manager :THROUGH: Eric Haley, E xecutive Director SUBJECT: Fiscal Years 2003-2007 Measure Five -Year Capital Improvement Plans for Local Streets a nd Roads f or the Cities of Beau mont, Cathedral City, C oachella, Indio, and Ra nch o Mirage BUD GET A ND IMPLEMENTATION "COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE" AND STAFF RECO MMEND ATION: This item is for the Commission to approve the FY 03-07 Measure "A" Five -Year Capital Improvement Plans for Lo cal Streets and Roads for the Cities of Beaumont, Cathedra l City, Coachella, Indio, and Ranc ho Mirage, as s ubmitted. BACKGRO UND INFOR MATION The Measure "A" Ordinance requires each rec ipient of streets and r oads m oni es to annually provide to the Commission a five year plan on ho w thos e funds are to be ex pended in order to rece ive their Measure "A" disbu rsements. In addition, the cities in the Coachella Valley and the County (representing the unincorporated area of the Eastern County) must be participatin g in CVAG's Transportatio n Uniform Mitigatio n Fee (TUMF) program. The agencies are requ ired to su bmit the annual certificatio n of Mainten ance of Effort (MOE) alon g with documentatio n supporting the calculation. On April 22, 2002, RCTC staff provided the local age ncies with Measure "A" reve nue projections for local streets and roads to assist them in preparation of the requ ired Five Year Capital Improve ment Program (CIP). The agencie s were asked to submit their Plans by June 14 for submission to the Bu dget and Imple mentation Co mmittee at its June 24, 2002 meeting and to the Commission on Ju ly 10, 2002. At its July 10, 2002 meeting, the Commission approved the Plans fo r all but five (5) cities: Beaumon t, Cathedral City, Coac hella, Indio, and Rancho Mirage. Subsequen tly, we hav e re ce ived the required Plan, MOE c ertification and supportin g documentatio n fro m the five (5) re mainin g cities. With the approval of these last fiv e Plan s, all of the local agencies in the County will hav e completed the ir Measure "A" Five -Year Capital Impro ve ment Plan requireme nts. A ttachments: Measure "A" Capital Improvemen t Pla ns Item 6R 000083 RIV ERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPO RTATIO N COMMISSI ON MEASURE "A " LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 2002-2007 Agency: City of Beaumon t Prepared by: Public Works Department Date: July 16, 2002 Page 1 of 1 ITEM NO. PROJECT NAME/LIMITS PROJECT T YPE FISCAL YE AR TOTAL COST MEASURE "A" 1 2 Local Streets Pavemen t Management Road Rehabilitatio n 2002-2003 $100,000 $100,000 15` Street and 6`h Street Signals I-10/SR79 I nterconnect 3 4 Sixth Street, Phase II Oak Valley Parkway and Oak View Drive Road Rehabilitation Widening and Realignme nt 2002-2003 2002-2003 2003/2004 $573,608 $869,588 $1,566,753 $68,834 $274,588 $120,000 5 6 Fourth Street and Velie A venue Rin g Ranch Road Extension Realignment and Rehab. Road Ex tension 2003-2004 2004-2005 $120,000 $1,121,144 $120,000 $100,000 7 Elm Av enue, 11th Street, and 12th Street Rehabilitation 2003-2004 $420,000 $300,000 8 9 First Street Extension - West Willow Springs Ex ten sion - East Rehabilitation a nd Exte nsio n Rehabilitatio n and Exte nsion 2005-2006 2006-2007 $1,231,656 $1,121,144 $160,000 $102,578 000084 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEA SURE 'A' LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 2002 - 2003 Agency: City of Cathedral City Prepared by: David Faessel Phone #: 760-770-0350 Date: July 8, 2002 Page 1 of 3 Item No. 2. 3. Project Name / Limits Operations Public Works Department Maintenance Operations Parks Maintenance Division Traffic Signal Maintenance Capital Projects 4. 8948 Downtown Pedestrian Bridge 5. 8991 Date Palm Bridge Repair 6. 7. 8. 8695 Date Palm Median Islands 8835 Ramon Road Median Islands 8941 Sidewalk projects Project Type City-wide maintenance operations Maintenance of parkways, median islands and street light energy Maintenance — traffic signal system Pedestrian Bridge Repair deck joints Construct and landscape medians Construct and landscape medians Miscellaneous construction sidewalk Total Cost ($000's) 1,625.7 871.3 130.0 2,627.0 145.0 148.5 20.9 17.0 55.6 Measure A Funds ($000's) 913.2 136.5 127.3 1,177.0 39.6 16.5 20.9 17.0 34.1 000085 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEASURE 'A' LOCAL FUNDS PROGR AM FY 2002 - 2003 Page 2 of 3 Agency: City of Cathedral City Prepared by: David Faessel Phone #: 760-770-0350 Date: July 8, 2002 Item No. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Project Name / Limits 8946 ADA Sidewalks 8988 Ramon Corridor 8645 Drainage Basins 8921 Terrace Cove Storm Drains 8680 Judy Lane Assessment District 1003 Ramon_Road Widening E/O Date Palm 1002 Perez Road Rehabilitation 8698 Dinah Shore Widening 1001 Date Palm Rehabilitation and Alignment 1000 City -Wide Re -striping Project Type ADA access projects Corridor aesthetic and traffic improvements Retention basins Major storm drain design and construction Assessment District Studies Pavement widening and repairs Pavement repairs Highway widening and median islands Pavement repair and right of way alignment planning Re -striping streets Total Cost ($000's) 54.2 528.10 75,10 1,019.50 30.00 1,604.00 346.80 2,360.00 437.00 30.00 Measure A Funds ($000's) 54.2 150.00 25.10 53.50 30.00 220.00 201.80 226.00 70 .00 30.00 000086 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEASURE 'A' LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 2002 - 2003 Agency: City of Cathedral City Prepared by: David Faessel Phone #: 760-770-0350 Date: July 8, 2002 Page 3 of 3 Item No, 19. 20. Project Name / Limits 1004 Cove Overlay Project XXXX BCN Hotel Infrastructures Project Type Pavement Overlay Street and infrastructure design and construction Total Cost ($000's) 122.0 1,209.00 $8,202.7 Measure A Funds ($000's) 5.0 280.0 ; $1,473.7 000087 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORT ATION COMMISSION MEASURE 'A' LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 2003 - 2004 Agency: City of Cathedral City Prepared by: David Faessel Phone #: 760-770-0350 Date: 7-8-02 Page 1 of 1 Item No. 2. 3. 4. Project Name / Limits Operations Public Works Department Maintenance Parks Maintenance Division Engineering Department Planning Department Project Type City-wide maintenance operations Maintenance of parkways median islands and street light energy Highway design and related activities Transportation and traffic related planning and development activities Total Cost ($000's) 1,650.0 875.0 900 .0 700.0 $4,125.0 Measure A Funds ($000's) 915.0 140.0 200.0 22.0 $1,277.0 000088 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEASURE 'A' LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 2004 - 2005 Agency: City of Cathedral City Prepared by: David Faessel Phone #: 760-770-0350 Date: 7-8-02 Page 1 of 1 Item No. Projct Name / Limits 1. Public Works Department 2. 3. 4. 5. Parks Maintenance Division Engineering Department Planning Department Risk Management Project Type City wide maintenance operations Parking and median maintenance and street light energy Highway design and related engineering activities Transportation and traffic related planning and development activities Traffic related claims management Total Cost ($000's) 1,660.0 875.0 900.0 700.0 2,400.0 Measure A Funds ($000's) 925.0 220.0 220.0 281.0 280.0 1,646.0 000089 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEASURE 'A' LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 2005 - 2006 Agency: City of Cathedral City Prepared by: David Faessel Phone #: 760-770-0350 Date: 7-8-02 Item No. Project Name / Limits Public Works Department 2, ! Parks Maintenance Division 3. Engineering Department 4, Planning Department 5. Risk Management Project Type City wide maintenance operations Parking and median maintenance and street light energy Highway design and related engineering activities Transportation and traffic related planning and development activities Traffic related claims management Total Cost ($000's) 1,665.0 875.0 900.0 705.0 2,400.0 $6,545.0 Page 1 of 1 Measure A Funds ($000's 930.0 150.0 225.0 31.0 30.0 $1,366.0 000090 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEASURE 'A' LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 2006 - 2007 Agency: City of Cathedral City Prepared by: David Faessel Phone #: 760-770-0350 Date: 7-8-02 Page 1 of 1 Item No. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Project Name / Limits Public Works Department Parks Maintenance Division Engineering Department Planning Department Risk Management Miscellaneous Street Projects Project Type City wide maintenance operations Parking and median maintenance and street light energy Highway design and related engineering activities Transportation and traffic related planning and development activities Traffic related claims management Minor street projects Total Cost ($000's) 1,665.0 875.0 900.0 700.0 2,400.0 150.0 $6,690.0 Measure A Funds ($000's) 935.0 150.0 220.0 30.0 30.0 93.0 $1,458.0 000091 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMIISSION M EASURE "A" LOCAL FUNDS P ROGRAM FY 2001 - 2003 Agency: Prepared by: Phone No.: Date: City of Coachella Eldon K. Lee 760, 398, 5744 12 -Oct -01 Page 1 of 1 ITEM NO, PROJECT NAME / LIMITS PROJECT TYPE TOTAL COST ($000's) MEASURE A ($000'S) 1 First Street from Palm Ave to Grapefruit Blvd 2 Avenue 50 from Oates Lane to Tyler Street Orchard Street from First Street to Ninth Street Reconstruct Reconstruct Reconstruct $123 $126 $262 $123 $126 $262 $ 511 $ 511 000092 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION CO MMISSION M EASURE "A" LOCAL FUNDS PROGRA M FY 2003 - 2007 Agency: City of Coachella Prepared by: Eldon K. Lee Phone No.: 760 .398 .5744 Date: 12 -Oct -01 ITEM NO. PROJECT NAME / LIMITS Page 1 of 1 TOTAL COST MEASURE A PROJECT TYPE ($000's) ($000'S) 1 Avenue 50 from Harrison to De Oro Street Reconstruct $180 $180 2 Vine Street form First Street to Ninth Street Reconstruct $264 $264 3 Bagdad Street form Harrison Street to Tripoli Way Reconstruct $79 $79 4 Damascus Street form Douma Street to Libnan Street Reconstruct $25 $25 5 Tripoli Way from A venue 52 to Bagda Street Reconstruct $118 $118 6 Tyler Street from Avenue 50 to Vista del Sur Reconstruct $421 $421 7 Shady Lane from Ave nue 52 to Ninth Street Reconstruct $126 $126 .8 Tyler Street from Avenue 52 to Calle Mendoza Reconstruct TOTAL $1.213 $1.213 000093 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPO RTATIO N COMMISSION ME ASURE "A" LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 2002-2003 Agency: CITY OF INDIO Prepared by: AMER H. MODARRESSI Date: June 14,2002 Page 1 of 5 tem No. Project Name/Limits Project ype Total Cost ($1,000's) Measure "A" funds ($1,000's) 1 Monroe St.(52 A ve to I-10) Preliminary engineering, final design, R.O.W., Construction engineering and $1,000 $ 500 Construction 2 Jefferson Street (A ve 54 to Highway 111) Preliminary engineering, final design, R.O.W., Construction engineeri ng and $3,000* $ 270 Con struction 3 Jefferson Street (Highway 111 to Indio Blvd.) Final design, R.O.W Constructio n $1,000 $ 250 Engineering, Construction 4 Jefferson /I-10 Interchange Preliminary engineering, final design, R.O.W $1,250 $ 50 Construction engineering and Construction 5 Jefferson Street Realignment(Ave 40 to Ave 38) Preliminary engineeri ng, final design, R.O.W., Construction engineering and $ 350 $ 50 Construction 6 Civic Center Drive (Towne St. to Oasis St.) Preliminary engi neering, fi nal design, R.O.W., Construction engineering and $ 300 $ 250 Con struction 7 Dr. Carreon Blvd. (600' west of Monroe St to 600 ' east of Monroe St.) Preliminary engineering, final design, R.O.W., Construction engineeri ng and $ 500 $ 430 Construction 8 Varner Road (Adams St. to Jefferson St.) Preliminary engineering, fi nal design, R .O .W $ 500 $ 250 Construction engi neering a nd Construction *Debit service GRAND TOTAL $ 7,900 $2,050 0U0094 " RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPO RTATION COMMISSION ME ASURE "A" LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 2003.2004 Agency: CITY OF LN DIO Prepared by: AMR H. MODARR ESSI Date: June 14.2002 Page 2 of 5 Item No. Project Name/Limits Project Type Total Cost ($1,000's) Measure "A" fu nds ($1,000's) 1 Monroe St.(52 Ave to I-10) Preliminary engineering, final design, R.O.W., Construction engineering a nd $1,000 $ 500 Construction 2 Jefferson Street (Ave 54 to Highway 111) Preliminary engineeri ng, fi nal design, R.O.W., Construction engi neeri ng a nd $3,000* $ 270 Construction 3 efferson Street (Highway 111 to Indio Blvd.) tFinal design, R.O.W Construction $1,000 $ 250 Engineering, Constructio n 4 Jefferson /I-10 Interchan ge Preliminary engineering, final design, R.O.W $2,250 $ '100 Construction engineering and Constructio n 5 Jefferson Street Realignment(Ave 40 to Ave 38 Preliminary engineering, final design, R.O.W., Construction engineering and $ 450 $ 100 Con struction 8 Varner Ro ad (Adams St. to Jefferson St.) Preliminary engineering, final design, R.O.V.. Construction engi neering and Co nstruction $ 500 $ 250 GRAND TOTAL $ 8,200 $1.470 *Debit Service 000095 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEASU RE "A" LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 2004.2005 Agency: CITY OF INDIO Prepared by: AMIR H. MODARRESSI Date: June 14,2002 Page 3 of 5 Item No. Project Name/Limits Project Type Total Cost ($1,000's) Measure "A" fu nds ($1,000's) 1 Mon roe St.(52 Ave to I-10) Preliminary en gineering, fi nal desig n, R.O.W., Construction engineering and $2,000 $ 1,000 Construction 2 Jefferson Street (Ave 54 to Highway 111) Preliminary engineering, final design, R.O. W., Con struction e ngineering and $3,000* $ 270 Construction 3 Tefferson Street (Highway 111 to In dio Blvd.) Final design, R.O.W Construction $1,000 $ 250 Engin eering, Construction 4 Jefferson /I-10 Interchange Preliminary engineering, fmal design, R.O.W $7,500 $ 200 Construction engineering and Construction 5 Jefferson Street Realignment(Ave 40 to Ave 38 Preliminary engineering, final design, R.O.W., Construction engineering a nd $ 50 $ 25 Construction 8 Varner Road (Adams St. to Jefferson St.) Preliminary engineeri ng, final design, R.O.V, " $ 500 $ 250 Construction engineeri ng and Constructio n GRAN D TOTAL $ 14,050 $1,995 *Debit service 000096 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEASURE "A" LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 2005.2006 Agency: CITY OF LNDIO Prepared by: AMER iri MODARRESSI Date: June 14,2002 Item No. 1 3 4 8 Project Name/Limits Mon roe St.(52 Ave to I-10) iefferson Street (Highway 111 to In dio Blvd.) Jefferson /I-10 Interchange. Varner Road (Adams St. to Jefferson St.) Page 4 of 5 Project Type Preliminary en gineering, final design, R.O.W., Construction engineeri ng a nd Construction Final design, R.O.W Construction Engineering, Construction Preliminary engineering, fi nal design, R.O.W Construction engineering a nd Construction Preliminary engineeri ng, final design, R.O.W Construction engineering and Construction GRAND TOTAL Total Cost ($1.000's) $2,500 $3,200 $8,500 $ 500 $ 14,700 Measure "A" funds ($1,000's) $ 1,250 $ 200 $ 250 $ 250 $1,950 000097 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSIO N M EASURE "A" LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 2006.2007 Agency: CITY OF INDIO Prepared by: AMIR H. MODARRESSI Date: June 14,2002 Page 5 of 5 Item No. Project Name/Limits Project Type Total Cost ($1,000's) Measure "A" fu nds ($1,000's) 1 Monroe St.(52 Ave to I-10) Preliminary engineering, final design, R.O.W., Construction engineering and $2,000 $ 1,000 Construction 3 Jefferson Street (Highway 111 to Indio Blvd.) Final design , R.O.W Construction $3,000 $ 150 Engineering, Construction 4 Jefferson /I-10 Interchange final design, R.O.W $ 500 $ 250 Construction engineering and Construction GRAND TOTAL $ 5,500 $1,400 000098 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEASURE 'A' LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 200 2 - 200 3 Agency: City of Ran cho Mirage Prepared by: Bruce Harry, Public Works Director Phone #: (760) 770-3224 . Date: July 26, 2002 Page 1 of 6 Item No. 1. 2. 3. Pro ject Name / Limits City -Wide Road Slu rry, asphalt hot mix ov erlays, crack sealing an d traffic striping on various local public streets. , Monterey Avenu e Pavemen t Rehabilitation from Verben ia Road to Whitewater Bridge Frank Sin atra Drive Widen ing from Bob Hope to Monterey Avenue Project Type Preve ntati ve Maintenance Rehabilitatio n Rehabilitation Rehabilitation/Wide ning Total Cost ($000's) 550 350 620 Measure A Funds ($000's) 400 204 120 Preprint/ users/ rl/measureA5yrform 000099 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEASURE 'A' LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 200 2 - 200 3 Agency: City of Ran cho Mirage Prepared by: Bruce Harry, Public Works Director Phone #: (760) 770-3224 . Date: ,July 26, 2002 Page ? of 6 Item No. 4. Project Name / Limits Cou ntry Club Driv e Street Improvemen ts and Pavement Rehabilitation from Bob Hope Drive to, Vista Dunes Road Project Type Rehabilitation/Widening TOTALS Total Cost ($000's) 600 Measure A Funds ($000's) 392 2,120 1,116 Preprint/ users/ rt{measureA5yrlrorm 000100 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEASURE 'A' LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 200 3 - 200 4 Agency: City of Rancho Mirage Page 3 of 6 Prepared by: Bruce Harry, Public Works Director Phone #: (760) 770-3224 Date: July 26, 2002 Item No. 1. 2. Project Name / Limits Gerald Ford Drive Pav emen t Reconstruction and asphalt rubber hot mix overlay from Da V all Drive to Los Alamos Driv e Monterey A venue Widening and Rehabilitation from Country Club Driv e to Fran k Sinatra Drive Project Type TOTALS Total Cost ($000's) 550 850 Measure A Funds ($000's) 400 216 1,400 616 Preprint/users/ ri/ measure A5yrrar'm 000101 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEASURE 'A' LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 200'4 - 200 5 Agency: City of Rancho Mirage Prepared by: Bruce Harry, Public Works Director Phone #: (760) 770-3224 . Date: Ju ly 26, 2002 Page 4 of 6 r Item No. Project Name / Limits Project Type T otal Cost ($000's) Measure A Funds ($000's) 1. 2. City -Wide Road Slurry, asphalt hot rnix ov erlays, crack sealin g and traffic striping on various public streets , Bob Hope Drive Pav ement Rehabilitation - from Preventative Mai ntenance/ Rehabilitation Preve ntative Mainte nance/ 300 100 279 100 Frank Sinatra Drive to Eisen hower Medical Rehabilitation Center Access Road 3. Highway 111 Pavement R ehabilitation - from Preve ntative Maintena nce/ 250 250 West City Boundary to Mirage Cove Rehabilitation TOTALS 650 629 Preprint/ users/ ri / measureASyrfo rm 000102 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEASURE 'A' LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 200 5 - 200 6 Agency: Prepared by: Phone #: Date: City of Rancho Mirage Bruce Harry, Public Works Director (760) 770-3224 . July 26, 2002 Page 5 of Item No. 1. Project Name / Limits Frank Sin atra Drive Pavemen t Rehabilitation from Da V all Drive to Thompson Road Project Type Pavement & Street Rehabilitation TOTALS Total Cost ($000's) 850 Measure A Funds ($000's) 641 850 641 Prep rInt/usersirl J measureASyrforrn 000103 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MEASURE 'A' LOCAL FUNDS PROGRAM FY 200' 6 - 200 7 Agency: Prepared by: Phone #: Date: City of Rancho Mirage Bruce Harry, Public Works Director (760) 770-3224 July 26, 2002 Page 5 of 5 Item No, 1. Project Name / Limits Reconstruct Public Streets in Section 30: Via Vail, Ginger Rogers Road, Via Florencia, Via Marta, Key Largo, Landy Lane, Via Josefina, Victory D rive Project Type TOTALS Total Cost ($000's) 2,100 Measure A Funds ($000's) 800 2,100 800 Prepr1nt/ users/ri/rneasureA5yrform 000104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY T RANSPORTATION COMMISSION DATE: September 11, 2002 TO : Riverside C ounty Tra nsp ortation C ommissi on FROM: Budg et and Impl ement ation "C ommittee as a Whole" Bill Hughes, Bechtel Project Ma nager Karl Sauer, B echtel Constructio n Manag er THROUGH: Hideo Sugita, Deputy Exe cutive Direct or SUBJECT: Approve Agreement No . 03-31-015, Am endment to E xisting Caltrans Cooperative Agr eement for RCTC to C onnect the North Main Co ro na Metrolink Station CCTV Sec urity System to the Down town Me trolink Stati on BUDGET AND IMPLEMENTA TION "COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE" AND STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This item is for the Commission to: 1) A ppro ve Agreement No. 03-31-015, an amendment to the existing Caltrans Cooperative A greemen t (Caltrans Agreement No. 8-1055), betwee n RCTC and Caltrans, for the State to allow RCTC use of up to two (2) dark fibe rs along State Route 91 to connect th e North Main Coron a Metrolink Station CCTV Security Syste m to the Riverside - Do wntown Metrolink Station Mon itoring Fac ility; and, 2) Autho rize the Cha irman, pursuant to Legal Counsel rev iew, to execute the Agree ment on behalf of the Commission. B AC KGROUND INFOR MA TION: In September of 1998, the Commission appro ved a co operative agreement with Caltrans, Caltrans Agreement No. 8-1055, which authorized RCTC to use up to two (2) of the presently in stalled Caltran s fibers along SR 91. The fibers made available to RCTC are classified as "dark fiber" because RCTC will be responsible for prov iding and maintain ing the equ ipment that will transmit the v ideo an d audio signals over the fiber. RCTC will establish main tenance access facilities at the edge of the Ca ltrans right-o f-way to support the u se of the State fiber optic line s. Caltrans has allowe d RCTC the use of their fiber system at no cost to RCTC. Item 6S i 1 006105 The two desig nated fibers along SR 91 are c urrently used to con nect the Riverside - La Sierra and West C or ona Stati ons to the Riverside -Downtown M etrolink Station. The Riverside -Downtown Station has a monitoring facility abo ve the stairway on the north side of the ped estrian over cr ossi ng that will r eceiv e the data being sent from the other stations along SR 91. The monitoring facility also provides both electronic and visual sur veillance of the e xte nsiv e facilities at the Riverside - Do wntown Station. The current Caltrans Cooperati ve Agreement only pro vides for c onnectio n to th e Caltrans fiber system, along SR 91, at the f ollowing three locations; Series Club in Corona, and La Sierra and 14th Street in the City of Riversid e. These thre e locations were for the con nection of the West Corona and Riverside -La Sierra Stations to the Riverside -Downtown Station. There is now a need for a connectio n to the Caltrans fiber system at SR 91 and Mai n Street in th e City of C orona. This co nnection will be fo r the connection of the new N orth Main Cor ona Metrolink Station CCTV Security Syste m to the Riverside -Downtown Station's Security Mon itoring Facility. The following changes will be inclu ded in the amendment: 1. The existing Caltrans Cooperativ e Agree ment will be amended to include the connectio n at SR 91 and Main Street. 2. The existin g Caltran s Co operativ e Agreement will be ame nded to exte nd the cu rrent Agree ment terminatio n clause, to complete c onstr ucti on and conn ection to the Caltrans fibe r system, from October 29, 2002 to Jan uary 1, 2004. 3. All other terms an d co ndition s of the ex isting Caltrans C ooperative Agreement will remain the same. Attached is a copy of the current cooperative agree ment, which was approved by the Co mmission. Caltrans is currently wo rking to finalize the amen dmen t. The Caltrans Amendment re main s at no c ost to RCTC. Attachment: Current Caltran s Coo perativ e Agre eme nt No. 8-1055 000106 Ite m 6S (3) 08-Riv-91-Various Fiber Optics Along/Within Right of Way 08303 - 459400 District Agreement No. 8-1055 COOPERATI VE AGR EEMENT This AGREEM EN T, entered into on SeptemAN4' 9 ) f `'7`1 2 , is between the STATE OF CALIFORNI A, acting by and through it s Department of Transportation, referred to herein as STA TE, and RI VERSIDE C OUNTY TRA NS PORTATION C OMMISSIO N, a public entity, referred to herein as COMMISSION. (1) RECITALS ST AT E and COMM ISSION, pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Section 130, are authorized to enter into a Cooperative Agreement fo r improvements in State highway Right of Way within R iverside County. (2) COMMISSION desires to ins tall Fiber Optic Cable from a demarcation box (cabinet) outside STATE right of way to exis ting s plice vaults at La Sie rra Drive, Serfas Club Drive, and 14th Street, and use STATE own ed Fibe r Optic Cable in STATE r ight of way a long Route 91 in River side County to tra ns mit data between its Riverside Downtown Statio n a nd any other exis ting or future Metrolink St ation s, referred to here in as "PROJ ECT ", and is willing to fund on e hundred percent (100%) of all capital outlay and staffing cos ts, except for cos ts of STA TE's oversight of project develo pment and constr uction activities. COMMISSION desires to prepare the contract documents and advertis e, award and a dminis ter the construction contract for PRO JECT in order to bring about the earliest possible comple tion of PR OJECT. (4) State is agreeable to COM MISSIO N's propos al to prepa re the c ontract documents and advertise, award and administer the construction contract for PROJECT. (5) STATE and CO MMISSION agree tha t it is in their mutual interest and in the interest of M etroLink c ommuters to arrange for COMMISSION to use two of STATE's strands of fiber for the purposes stated a bo ve. 1 000107 a District Agreement No. 8-1055 (6) This Agreement supersedes any prior Memorandum of Under standing ( MO U) relating to P RO JE CT. (7) T he parties hereto intend to define herein the term s and conditions under which P ROJECT is to be developed, design ed, const ructed, financed an d maintained. SECTION I COMMISSION AGREES: (1) To perfo rm all necessary preliminary engineering, including environmental do cument (ED), plan s and specifications and utility identification and lo cation, and all necessary construction engineering for P RO JEC T and bear all actual costs thereof. (3) (2) To submit to STA TE detailed Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) for review and approval. Final pl ans and standard specia l provisions s hall be signed by a Civil Enginee r registered in the State of California. Personne l who prepare the PS&E s hall be available to STATE, at no cost to STATE, through completion of construction of PROJECT to discus s problems which may arise during construction and/or to mak e des ign revisions for c ont ract change o rders. (4) To make written a pplication to STATE for necess ary encr oachment permits authorizing entry onto STATE's right of way to perform surveying and other investigative a ctivitie s required for preparation of the ED and/or PS&E. To identify and loc ate all high and low risk underground facilities within the PROJ ECT area as part of its design respo ns ibility and to protect or othe rwise provide for s uch facilities, all in accordance with STATE's Manua l on High and Low Risk Underground F acilitie s Within H ighway Rights of W ay". COMMISSION hereby acknowledges receipt of STATE's "Man ual on High and Low Risk U nderground Fa cilities Within Highway Rights of Way". All facilities not relocated or removed in adva nce of construction shall be identified on the PROJ ECT plans and specificat ions . (6) To furnish evidence to STATE, in a form accept able to STATE , that arrangements have b een made for the prot ection, reloca tion, or removal of all conflicting fa cilities within (5) 000108 2 Di strict Agreement No. 8-1055 S TATE' s right of way and that such work will be compl eted prior to the award of the contr act to construct PROJEC T or as covered in the Special Provisions for said contract. This evid ence shall include a reference to all required State highway Encroachment P ermits. (7) COMMISSION shall require the utility owner and/or its contractors p erforming th e relocation work within ST ATE's right of way to obtain a STATE Encro achment Permit prior to the performance of said relocation work. (8) To be responsible, at CO MMISSION expense, for the investigation of potential hazardous waste sites out side of the e xistin g Sta te highway right of way that would impact PROJECT. (9) To adve rtise, award and administer the construction contra ct for PROJECT in accordance with requirements of the Loc al A gency Public Construction Act and the California Labor Co de, including its prevailing wage provisions. Wor kers employed in the performance of work contracted for by COMM ISSION, and/or performed under Encroachment P ermit, are covered by provisions of the Labor Code in the same m anner as are workers employed by STATE's Contractors. COM MISSION shall obta in applicable wage rates from the Sta te Depar tment of Industria l Relations and s hall adhere to the applic able provis ions of the State Labor Code. Violations shall be re ported to the State Department of Industrial Relatio ns. (10) To apply for nece ssa ry Encroachment Permits for required wo rk within State highway rights of way, in accordanc e with STATE's standard permit proce dures, as more specifically defined in A rticles (2), (3), (4), a nd (5) of Section III of this Agre ement. (11) In recognition that PR OJ ECT cons truction work do ne on STATE pro perty will not be directly funded and paid by STATE, for the purpose of protecting stop notice claimants and the inte rests of STATE re lative to successful PR OJECT completion', COMMISSIO N agrees to require the construction contractor to furnish both a payment and performance bond naming COM MISSION as obligee with both bonds complying with the requirements set forth in Section 3-1.02 of STA TE's current Standard Specifications prior to performing any PROJ ECT construction work. COMMISSION sha ll defend, indemnify, and hold harmless STAT E, its officers and emp loyees from all P RO JECT claims under the payment or performa nce bond by contractors and all claimants. 3 ,000109 District Agreement No. 8-1055 (12) To construct PRO JECT in accordance wi th plans and specifications of COMMISSION to the satisf action of, and subje ct to the approval of STATE. (13) Contract Administration procedure s shall conform to the applicable requirement s set forth in STATE's Construction Ma nual, Local Assistance Procedures Manual and the Encroachment Permit for construction of PR OJ ECT. (14) Construction within the exi sting or ultimate STATE right of wa y shall comply with the requirements in S TA TE's Standard Specification s and PROJECT Special Provisions, and in conformance with methods and practic es specified in S TATE's C onstruction Manual. (15) If COM MISSION uses o wn staff to perform surveys, such surveys shall conform to the methods, procedures, and requir ements of STATE's Surveys Manual and STATE's Staking In fo rmation Booklet. (16) Material testing and quality control shall conform to the State Construction Manual and the State Material Testing Ma nual, and be performed, at COMMISSION expen se by a certified materia l tester acceptable to ST ATE. Independent assurance testing, specialty testing, and off -site source inspection and testing shall be performed by STATE, at no cost to COMMISSION except as noted herein. COMMISSION shall re imburs e STAT E for any additional travel expen ses incurred by STATE for off -site inspect ion and testing performed by STATE which is more than 300 a irline miles from both Sacramento and Los Angeles . Approval of the type of asph alt and concrete plans shall be by ST ATE, at STA TE expense. (17) To furnish, at COMMISSION expe nse and subject to approval of STA TE, a field site repres entative who is a licens ed Civil Enginee r in the State of California, to perform the functions of a Resident Engineer. If the PR OJECT pla ns and specificat ions were prepared by a private engineering company, the Resident Engineer shall not be an employee of that company. The Resident Engineer shall also be independent of the construction contractor. (18) To pay one hundred percent (100%) of the actual costs of construction req uired for satisfactory completion of PR OJECT , including c hanges pursuant to cont ract change orders conc urred with by the STAT E repres entative and any "State -furnished material". 4 06 ©i10 District Agreement No. 8-1055 (19) At C OMMISSI ON expense, to furnish qualified support staff, subject to approval of STATE, to assist the Resident Engin eer in, but not limited to, electrical inspecti on of fiber optic installation, construction surveys, soils and foundation tests, measurement and computation of qu antities, testing of construction mat erial s, checking shop drawings, preparation of estimates and report s, preparation of As - Built drawings, and other in spection and staff servic es necessary to assure that the construction is being performed in accordance with the plans and specifications. Said qualified support staff shall be independent of the d esign engineering company and construction contractor, except that the PRO JEC T designer may che ck t he shop drawings, do soils foundation tests, test con struction materials, and do construction surveys. (20) To make progres s payments to the contractor using COMMISSION funds and pay all cos ts for required staff service s as described in Articles (17) and (19) of this Section I. The STATE represe ntative shall review all contract progress p ay schedules. ST ATE does not assume responsibility for acc uracy of itemization on progress pay schedule s. (21) Within sixty (60) days following the completion and acceptance of the PROJECT construction contr act, to furnish STA TE a complete s et of a cceptable electronic As -Built pl ans prepared by COM MISSION or CO MMISSION 's consultant on either 4 or 8 millimeter magnetic ta pe using Micro Station Release 5.0 .dgn files in UNIX TAR or CPIO fo rmat. One copy of the data on the magnetic tape, inc luding the Engineer's electronic s ignature and s eal, shall be provided to STATE upon c ompletion and acceptance of PROJ ECT. STATE reserves the right to modify the magnetic ta pe requirements and S TATE shall provide COMMISSION advance notice of any such modific ations. COMMISSION shall also provide a copy of all ' contrac t records, including s urvey docume nts , documentation of fiber optic sys tem tes ting, and one copy of any field notes or filed Corner Records required for execution of monument protection as des cribed in Section I, A rticle (24). (22) U pon completion of wo rk under this Agreement, COM MIS SION will assume maintenance and the expense thereof for any part of PROJECT located outside of current ST ATE right of way. (23) If COMMISSION termina tes PROJECT prior to co mpletion of the construction contract for PROJEC T, STATE may require CO MMISSIO N, at COMMISSION's expense, to return STATE's right of way to its original condition or to a condit ion of acc eptable permanent operation. If CO MM ISSION fails to do so, STAT E reserves the right to place PR OJECT within STATE 5 00011 ,1. District Agreement No . 8-1055 right of way in satisfactory permanent operation condition. STATE will bill COM MISSION for all actual expenses incurred and COMMISSION agrees to pay said expense s within thirty (30) days. (24) To provide, install, replace in kind any disturbed monume nts, and/or protect in place m onument s to delineate STATE's right of way prior to and during construction. (25) The right to the use of the strands of fiber is exclu sively that of COM MISSION's and cann ot be sold or lea sed to a third party. (26) C OMMISSION s hall furnish and install St ate standard cabinet s outside STATE's right of way line to act as demarcation points . Said cabinets will be set at a mutually agreed up on locatio n not accessible from in side freew ay right of way. SECTION II STATE A GR EES: (1) To provide, at no cost to COMM ISSION oversight of PROJEC T and to provide prompt reviews and approvals, as appropriate, of submitta ls by COMMISSION, and to cooperate in timely processing of PRO JECT. (2) To issue, at no cost to CO MMISSION, upon proper application by COM MISSION, an Encroachment Permit to COMMISSION authorizing entry onto STAT E's right of way to perform survey and other investigative activities required for preparation of the ED and/or PS&E. If COMM ISSION uses co nsultants rather than its own s taff to perfo rm required work, the consultants will als o be required to obtain an Enc roachment Pe rmit. The permit will be iss ued at no cost upon pr oper applica tion by the cons ulta nts. (3) To be res ponsible, at STA TE expense, for the investigation of potential ha zardous waste sites within the existing State highwa y right of way th at would impact PRO JECT. (4) To issue at no cost to COMMISSION and CO MMISSION's contractor, upon proper applica tion by CO MMISSION and by C OMMISSION's cont ractor, th e necessary Encroachment Permits for required work with in State highway right of way, as more specifically defined in Articles (2) , (3) , (4) and (5) of Section III of this Agreement. 6 (5) District Agreement No. 8-1055 To provide, at no cos t to COM MISSI ON, a qualified STA TE representative who shall have authority to accept or reject work and m aterials or to order any action s n eeded for public safety or the preservati on of property and to as sure compliance with all provisions of the Encroachment Permit(s) issued to COM MISSION and CO MMISSIO N's contractor. (6) To provide, at CO MMISSI ON expens e, any "State -furnished ma terial" as shown on the plans for PROJECT and as provided in the Special Provisions for P ROJECT. (7) To allow COM MISSION to install Fiber Optic Cable from a demarcat ion box (cabinet) outside STATE right of way to existing splice vaults at La Sierra Drive, Serf as Club Drive, and 14th Street. In addition, to allow COMMISSION • to us e STATE owned Fiber Optic Cable in STA TE right of way along Route 91 in Riverside County. The purpose of said Fiber Optic Cable is to transmit data between COM MISSION's Riverside Downtown Station and any other existing or future Metrolink Stations for the primary purpose of operating security cameras and associated devices. (8) To p rovide and maintain only a passive fi ber optic link, no active equipment will be included. SECTION III IT IS M UTUA LL Y AGREED: (1) All obligations of STATE under the terms of this Agreement are subject to the appropriation of resources by the Legislature a nd the allocation of reso ur ces by the California Transporta tion Commiss ion. (2) C onstru ction by CO MM ISSION of improve ments re ferred to herein which lie within STATE highway rights of way or affe ct STATE facilities , s hall not be co mmenced until COM MISSION's original contract plans involving s uch work and plan for utility reloca tions have been reviewed and approved by s ignature of STAT E's District Director of Transporta tion, or the D istrict Director's delegated a gent, and until an Encroachment Pe rmit to CO MM ISSION authorizing such wor k has been iss ued by STATE. 7 000113 District Agreement No . 8-1055 (3) COMMISSION sh all obtain aforesaid Encroachment Permit through the office of State District Pe rmit Engineer and COMMISSIO N's application shall be accomp anied by fiv e (5) sets of reduced c onstruction plans of aforesaid STATE approved contract plans. Receipt by C OMMISSION of the approved Encroachment Permit sh all constitute COM MISSION's autho rization from ST ATE to proceed with work to be per formed by CO MMISSI ON or COMMISSION's representative s within proposed STATE rights of way or which affects S TATE facilities, pursuant to work cov ered by thi s Agreem ent. COMMISSION's authorization to proceed with said work shall be contingent upon COMMISSION's compliance with all provis ions set forth in this Agreement and said Encroachm ent Permit. (4) COM MISSION's co nstruction contractor shall also be required to obtain an Encroachment Permit from STATE prior to commencing any work within STATE right s of way or which affects STAT E facilities. The application by COM MISSION's contractor for said Encroachment Permit sh all be made through the office of State District Permit Engineer and sha ll include proof said contra ctor has payment and performance surety bonds covering construction of PROJECT. (5) CO MM ISSION shall not advertis e for bids to construct PR OJ ECT until after an Encroachment Permit has been issued to CO MM ISSION by ST AT E. (6) COMMISSION will have the use of two (2) STATE owned strands of fiber at this time, one of which must be returned to STATE upon STATE's written 90 da y notice. COM MISSION's cons truction contractor shall maintain in forc e, until completion and acc eptance of the P ROJECT construction contract, a policy of C ontra ctual L iability Insurance, including coverage of Bodily Injury L iability and P roperty Damage Liability in accordance with Section 7-1.12 of State Standard Specifications . Such policy s hall contain an additional insured endorsement naming STATE, its office rs, agents a nd employees as a dditional insureds. Coverage shall be e videnced by a Certificate of Insura nce in a fo rm satisfactory to ST AT E which will be delivered to STATE be fore the issuance of an Encroachment P ermit to COMM ISSION contractor. (7) (8) In construction of said PROJECT, represent atives of COMMISSION and STA TE will cooperate and consult, and all work pursuant to PROJ ECT within STA TE Right of Way shall be accomplished a ccording to approved plans, specifications and applicable STAT E standards. Satisfaction of these it 000114 s (9) District Agreement No. 8-1055 requirements shall be verified by the STA TE representative. The STATE representative is authorized to enter COMMISSION's property during construction for the purpose of monit oring and coordinating construction activities. Cha nges to PRO JECT plan s and specifications shall be implemented by contract change orders reviewed and concurred with by the S TATE repr esentative. All changes affecting public safety or public convenience, all design and specifica tion changes, and all major changes as defined in STATE's Co nstruction Manual shall be approved by STATE in adva nce of performing the work. Unle ss otherwise directed by the STATE representative, changes authorized as provided herein will not require an Encroachment Permit rider. All changes s hall be shown on the As -Built pl ans referred to in Section I, Article (21) of this Agreement. (10) COMM ISSION s hall provide a claim s proces s acceptable to STATE a nd s ha ll pro cess any and all claim s through COM MISSION's claim process . The STATE representative will be made available to COMMISSION to provide advice and technical input in any claim process. (11) If any existing public and/or private u tility facilities conflic t with P ROJECT construction or violate STA TE's encroac hme nt policy, COMMISSION shall make all necessary arrange ments with the owners of such facilities for their protection, relo cation, or removal in accordance with STA TE policy and procedure for those facilities located within th e limits of work providing for the State h ighway and in accordance with COM MISSION policy for those facili ties located outside of the limits of work for th e improvem ent to the State highwa y. Total costs of suc h protection, relo cation or removal shall be determined in accordance with STATE policy a nd procedure. A ny reloca ted or new facilities sha ll be correctly shown and identified on the As -Built plans referre d to in Section I, Article (21) of this A gree ment. (12) If a finding is made that Federal and State regula tions do not require mitigation of conta minated material in its present condition within the ex isting State highway right of wa y, COMM ISSION s hall be responsible, at COMM ISSIO N expense, for any remedial action re quired as a result of proceeding with PROJECT. L oc ations subject to clea nup include utility relocation work required for PROJEC T. 9 000115 District Agreement No. 8-1055 (13) If Federal and State regulations in dicate con taminated material within the existing State highw ay right of way presents a threat to public health or the environment, regardless of whet her it is disturbed or not, ST ATE shall be res ponsible for the cleanup, at ST ATE expense. If STATE' s cost to mitigat e is increased due to PROJECT, the additional cost shall be borne by CO MMISSION. (14) The party responsible for funding th e cleanup shall be responsible for the development of the necess ary mitig ation and r emedial plans and designs . Remedial actions proposed by COM MISSION shall be approved by STATE and s hall be performed in accordance with standard s and practices of STAT E a nd other Federal and State regulatory agencie s. (15) If any unfor eseen potential hazard ous wa ste sites are encountered during construction of PRO JEC T, STATE and COMMISSION s hall meet and confer on a co ur se of action. The res ponsibilities and costs for any acti on shall be covered by amendment to this Agreement. (16) Purs uan t to the authority contained in Section 591 of the Vehicle Code, STATE has determined that within suc h areas as are within the limits of PROJECT and are open to public traffic, COMMISSION shall comply with all of the requirements set forth in Divisions 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 of the Vehicle Code. C OMMISSION shall take all nece ssary precautions for safe operation of COMM ISSION's ve hicles, the construction con tractor's equipment and vehicles and/or vehicles of pe rsonnel retained by COMM ISSION and for th e protection of the tra veling public from injury and damage from such veh icles or equipment. (17) A ll pha ses of PROJECT, within STA TE's R ight of Way, from ince ptio n through construction, whether done by COMMISSION or STATE, will be deve lo ped in accordance with all policies, procedures , practices, and standards that STATE would normally follow. (18) U pon co mpletion and acceptance of the PROJECT construction contract by CO MMISSION to the s atis faction of the STATE representative and sub sequent to the execution of a maintenance agreement, STATE will accept control and maintain, at its own cost and expense, those portions of PROJ ECT lying within STATE's right of way. H owever, STATE shall not be liable for any consequence to COMMISSION caused by fiber optic cable down time due to dama ged or inoperable cable within ST ATE's right of way. Restoration of damaged fiber optic cables, within STAT E's right of way, s hall be done by STATE or by the STA TE's contractor in a time frame 10 000116 District Agreement No. 8-1055 deemed accep ta ble to STATE. If COMMISSION desire s to have the cable restored within a shorter time frame, COMMISSION shall pay any additional cost s, including but not limited to, overtime and emergen cy call out charg es. (19) COMMISSION will accept control and maintain, at its own cost and expense, t he portions of P ROJEC T lying outside STATE' s right of way. (20) If, for any reas on, STATE should h ave a need to ta ke the Fiber Optic Cable wit hin STATE right of way ou t of service. STA TE shall notify CO MMISSION, in writing, and at least three days in advance of such expected service outage and its expe cted duration, ex cept in the event of an emergency. COMMISSION agrees to take responsibility for any con sequence to them caused by this service down tim e. (21) COM MISSION agrees to provide end equipment that provide s an adequate o ptical loss budget, and STATE shall not be liable if the sys tem becomes non-functional as a result of added splicing or any other changes that increase the overall system los s. COMMISSION agrees to notify STATE of any changes to end equipment which would result in a higher optical laser output. (22) U pon completion of all work under th is Agreement, owner ship and t itle to all materials , equipment and appurtenances installed within STATE's right of way will automatically be vested in STATE, and materials, equipment and appurtenances ins talled outside of STATE's right of wa y will automatically be vested in COMMISSION. No further Agreement will be necessary to transfer owners hip as hereina bove stated. (23) Nothing in the provisions of this Agreement is intended to create duties or obligations to or rights in third parties • not pa rties to this Agreeme nt or affect the legal liability of eithe r party to the Agreeme nt by imposing any standard of care with respect to the maintenance of State highways different from the s tanda rd of care imposed by law. (24) Neither STATE nor any officer or employee thereof is re spons ible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by COMMISSION under or in connection with any wo rk, authority or juris diction delegated to COMMISSION under this Agreement. It is unders too d and agreed that, purs ua nt to Government Code Section 895.4, CO MMISSION shall fully defend, indemnify and save ha rmless the State of California, all officers and employees from all claims, suits or actions of every na me, kind and description brought for or on account of injury (as 11 ouo1,1r7 District Agreement No. 8-1055 defined in Government Code Section 810.8) occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by COMMISSION under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to COMMISSI ON under this Agreement. (25) Neither COM MISSIO N nor any officer or employee thereof is res ponsible for any damage or liability occurring by reason of anything done or omitted to be done by S TATE under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to STATE under this Agreement. It is under stood and a greed that, pursuant to Government Code Section 895.4, STATE sha ll fully defend, indemnify and save harmless COMMISSION all officer s or employees from all cl aims, suits or actions of every name, kind and description brought for or on account of injury (a s defined in Government Code Section 810.8) occurring by rea son of anything done or omitted to be done by STATE under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction d elegated to S TATE under this Agreement. (26) This Agreement may be terminated or provisions contained herein ma y be altered, changed, or amended by mutual consent of the parties hereto. (27) No altera tion or variatio n of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto and no oral under standing or agreement not incorporated herein shall be binding on any of the parties hereto. (28) This Agree ment in no way alters the obligations between COM MISSION and STATE or COMMISSION and any other public or private party as set forth in any Agreement between said parties. COMM ISSION, STATE and any other public or private party retain all rights and remedies agreed upon th ereund er. (29) At the o ption of C OMM ISSION, STAT E shall allow COMMISSION to use an existing 1 2" conduit at the 14th Street northbound on -ramp to route a single fiber optic cable to the ramp meter communica tion pull box. COMMISSIO N agrees to install one (1) new 1 ?" conduit for STATE's use and one (1) new 12"conduit for COMM ISSION use from the ramp meter communication pullbox to a nearby s plice vault on Route 91, all at C OMM ISSION expense. 12 ouo118 �,�4e,9 District Agr eement No. 8-1055 (30) Those portions of this Agreement pertaining to the construction of PROJEC T shall terminate upon completion and acceptance of the construction contr act for PROJECT by COMMISSION with concurrence of ST ATE, or on October 29, 2002, whichever is earlier in time; however, the ownership, operation, maintenance, liability and claims clauses shall remain in effect until terminated or modified in writing by STAT E with 90 days written notice to CO MMISSIO N. STA TE OF C ALIFORNIA D epa rtment of Transportation JA MES W. VA N LOBEN SELS Director of Tra nsporta tion • S. LISIEWICZ District Director' APPR OV ED AS TO FO RM AND PROC EDUR E: Attorrj, Department of Transportation CE RT IFIED AS TO FUNDS: District Budget Manager CERTIFIED AS TO PROCEDUR E: unting A dministrator 13 RIVE RSIDE CO UNTY TR ANSPOR TATION COMMISSI ON BY:� RO BERT B US TER, Chairman REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR APPROV AL: B E RIC HALEY Executive Dir ec77" tor REVIEW By: Dea Chief Financial Officer A PPROVED AS TO Bv: ven est, -nd Krieger Commission Counsel 000119 RIVERSI DE COUNTY TR ANSPORTATION COMMISSI ON DATE: TO: FROM: September 11, 2002 THROUGH: SUBJECT: Riverside County Tra nsportation Commission Budget and Implem entation "Committee as a Whole" Bill Hughes, Bechtel Project Manager Ka rl Sauer, Bechtel Co nstruction Ma nag er Hideo Sugita, Deputy Executive Direct or Award A greement No. 03-31-013 (Amendm ent No. 6 to Agreemen t No. RO-2027) to DMJM+HARRIS for Additio nal Final Design Servic es for the N orth Main Cor ona Metrolink Stati on BUDG ET A ND IMPLEMENTATION "COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE" AND STAFF REC OMMENDATION: This ite m is for the Commission to: 1) A ward Agree ment No. 03-31-013 (Amendment No. 6 to Agreeme nt No. RO-2027) to DMJM + Harris, for additional final desig n services for the No rth Main Co rona Metrolink Station, for a base am ount of $1 10,597.93; 2) Authorize the Chairman , pursuant to Legal Cou nsel review, to ex ecute the A greement on behalf of the Commission; and, 3) A pprov e a Short Range Transit Plan Amendment to RCTC's Commuter Rail Program fo r FY 03 and allocate $60,597.93 in Lo cal Transportation Fun ds. BACK GROUND INFORMATION: At its November 10, 1999 meeting, the Commissio n awarded Con tract No. RO-2027 to Daniel, Mann, John son, & Me ndenhall (DMJM) fo r Phase I Conceptual Studies for the proposed new Metrolink Statio n to be located in Do wn town Corona ne ar Main Street and SR 91 (the Project). The scope of the Phase I Studies was to encompass all the pre liminary activities to de ve lop a master plan fo r the developme nt of the station, including environmental clearance, and o btain the require d approv als for the proposed statio n site from the City of Corona, the BNSF Railro ad, an d all o ther affected agencies. The co ntract for these Phase 1 serv ices was fo r a base amount of $217,909, with an extra work contingency of $27,091, for a total not to e xceed value of $245,000. 000120 Item 6T At its Dec ember 13, 2000 m eeting, the Commission awarded Ame ndment No. 1 to Co ntract No. RO-2027 to DMJM for final Pla ns, Specific ation & Estimate (PS&E) design services for the project. The c ontract for these final PS&E design ser vic es was for a base amount of $625,000, with an e xtra w ork conti ngency of $75,000, for a to tal not to exceed v al ue of $945,000. In May of 2001, the Exec utive Direct or authoriz ed Amendment No. 2 to Contract No. RO-2027 to DMJM to c over several administrative changes to the co ntract, as requested by Legal Counsel. This was a no cost ch ange a nd as such, the amended contract total remained at a not to exce ed value of $945,000. At its July 13, 2001 meeting, the Commission awarded Amendment No . 3 to Contract No. RO-2027 to DMJM for additi onal final desig n services required by RCTC to provide for the design of an expand ed statio n due to the purchase of an addition al 1.5 acres from the City of Corona. Amendment No. 3 also provided f or an initial Track PS&E package for BNSF for track impro vements required for the proposed station . These initial track PS&E design servi ces wer e not in cl uded in DMJM's original scope of work. The con tract for these additional services was for a base a mount of $238,100, with an extra work contingen cy of $61,900, for a total v alue of $300,000. This action established a new total not to e xceed contract v alue of $1,245,000. At its December 12, 2001 meeting, the Commissio n awarded Agr eeme nt N o. 02-33-036 (Amendme nt No. 4 to Contract No. RO-2027) to DMJM f or additi onal rail impro vements which were not within DMJM's original scope of ser vices . The contract for the additional railroad survey a nd PS&E design services, was f or a not to excee d amou nt of $44,337. This action established a n ew total not exceed contract value of $1,289,337. At its June 12, 2002 meetin g, the Commission awarded Agreement No. 02-33- 075 (Amendment No. 5 to Contract No. RO-2027) to DMJM for the development of a co nceptual Storm Water Po llution Pre ventio n Program (SWPPP) and e nginee rin g support for the duration of the construction of the project, for the estimated cost of $7,612.00 and $51,716.49, for a total of $59,328.49, to pro vide these respective serv ices. This action established a new total n ot exceed contract valu e of $1,348,665. In the course of fina lizing the design for the North Main Co ro na Me trolink Station Pro je ct, the DMJM + HA RRIS te am was required to unde rtake sev eral tasks, that was either requ ested by RCTC, the City of Co ron a, or BNSF, that was no t within their original scope of work, but was re quired to gain approval fro m the respec tive agency. The list of additional services is attached. Also, the resou rces required to 000191 at 1, fT • Item 6T gain the City of C orona's Building and Public Works permits was mor e intensive than anticipated. RCTC staff w orked with the DMJM + Harris t eam and the respective agency to minimiz e any additional req uirem ents a nd the costs associat ed with the requested cha nges. Staff has r eviewed the attach ed list of additio nal final design services and their respectiv e c osts and has finalized th eir negotiations and is in agreement with the DMJM+Harris req uest of $110,597.93 as compensation for these additio nal servic es. This amendment is proposed to be f unded by $50,000 fro m previously approved extra w ork contingencies, a nd $60,597 .93 from Co mmuter Rail Local Transportatio n Funds (LTF). The remaining $32,330 in extra wo rk contingencies will be used, as needed and contractually allowed, for any additional co nstruction engineering s upport ser vic es . With this agen da item, staff is r ec ommendi ng that th e C ommission award Agreement No. 03-31-013 (Amendment No. 6 to C ontra ct No . RO-2027) to DMJM+Harris, for additional final design ser vices f or the N orth Mai n Corona Metrolink Station, for a base amount of $110,597 .93. The standard agre ement will be used, pursuant to Le gal Coun sel review. Financ ial Information In Fiscal Year Bu dget: N Y ear: FY 02-03 Amount: Source of Funds: Lo cal Transportatio n Funds $60,597.93 Budget Adjustment: J Y GLA No. : 221-33-81102 Pro je ct #3804 Fiscal Pro cedures Approv ed: Date: 08/20/02 Attachment: List of Additional Final Design Se rvices 000122 Item 6T N orth Main Cor ona Stati on Additional Fin al D esign S ervices RCTC Requested Ch anges 1 Raising the Parking lot grading and plans to resolve dr ain age issues on Blain St. 2 Revise Plans to accommodate future Parking Structur e. 3 De velop plans for a r estr oom facility per RCTC request . City of Corona Requeste d Changes 4 Re visio n of the project cost estimate to comply with th e City of Corona Permit Requirements. 5 Revise Plans -to acco mmodate the City requ est to widen Joy Street_ 6 Revise Plans to acco mmo date the City request f or additional Blain e Street Improvements_ 7 Prepare Legals and Plats for required easements for dr ainage and wat er line impr ovements. 8 De ve lopment of Erosion Control Plan to co mply with SWPPP requir ements. BNSF Requested Cha nges 9 Develo p a Track/Grade C rossing Cross Section at Main St to support CPUC Application. 10 Development of Utility Pla ns fo r all BNSF Track Work and Grade Crossing M odifications. 11 De velo pment of Drainage Plans for all BNSF Track Wo rk and G rade Crossing Modifications. 12 Redesign of sidin g track per BNSF request. 000123 Page 1 amendme nt #6 ent #6 Task 1 extra Task 2 extra Task 3 extra Task 4 extr a Task 5 extra Tota► 'DL $D.00 $1,180.16 $14,08647 $746 .96 $16,013,59: Jan & Feb adjustments $0,00 $0.00 $6.00 $0-,00 $1,667,05 OHD =DL*1 365 $0. 00 $1,610.92 $19,228.03 $1,019.60 $21,858 .55 Fee $0. 00 $161.09 $1,922.80 $101 96 $2,185.86 Subtotal $41,725.05 ODC Plan Check Permit Fee $4,559,95 $0.00 $4,559,95 Prints/Reprographics $156,60 $331.66 $112. 26 $300 .52 Delivery/UPS $0,00 . $49.10 $77.37 $50.14 $176 .67 Temp ( Engineer) $3,722,72 $627.37 $2,948.90 $7,498.99 Subtotal $12,636.07 Total $8,439 27 $1,159.03 $6,062.43 $35,314.67 $1,018.65 $52,894.07 DMJM+HARRIS Extra Spent up to May 3,2002 $52,894.07 RCTC & BNSF Changes DMJM+HARRIS Extra for Final City Submittal for May, 2002 Coron a Changes $29,921.33 DMJM+HARRIS Extra for Final City Submittal $21,368.14 far June, 2002 Finalize City Permits SubTotal DMJM+Harris $104,183.53 Lynn Capoya Lynn Capoya Engineering Resorses $600,00 Landscape Change to AcGotnrnodate Parking Structure $3,656,40 Landscape Change to obt3lrr City Permit $1,95$.00 Additional Main $t. Soffit Survey for PUC Application SubTotal SubConsultants 0,414,4.0 Grand Total $110,597.93 000124 RIVERSI DE COUNTY TR ANSPORTATION COMMISSION DATE: S eptemb er 11, 2002 TO: Riv erside C ounty Transpo rtatio n Commissio n FROM: THROUGH: SUBJECT: Budget and Impleme ntation "Committee as a Whol e" Bill H ughes, Bechtel Pr oject M anager Karl Sauer, Bechtel C onstru ction Manager Hideo Sugita, Deputy Executi ve Direct or Award Agreement No. 03-31-014 for Conceptual Design of the Propose d New Parki ng Structure at the North Main Corona Metrolin k Station BUD GET AND IMPLEMENTA TION "COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE" AND STAFF RECO MMENDATIO N: This item is fo r the Commission to: 1) Award Agreement No . 03-31-014 to Gordon H Ch ong & Partners for conceptual design and env iro nmental services for the proposed new parking structure at the North Main Corona Metrolink Station f or a base amo unt of $316,798, with a con tingency of $83,202, for a total not to ex cee d co ntract amount of $400,000; and, 2) Authorize the Chairman, pu rsuant to Legal Counsel review, to exec ute the A greement on behalf of the Co mmissio n. BACKGROUND INFORMATION : Congestio n alo ng the SR 60 and SR 91 is projected to con tinue to inc rease which will likely stimu late a growing deman d for Metro lin k services in the fu ture. To meet this pro jected de man d an d prov ide a level of service that en co urages o ngoing Metro lin k ridership, the Co mmissio n re quested that a Station Management Plan be develo ped. In May of 2001, the draft Station Management Plan was presented to the Commission. The following are some of the main highlights of the Plan: Ov er the n ext 10 ye ars, Metrolink ridership is projected to gro w 40% system wide, with 110% growth on the two lin es that directly serv e Riverside Coun ty toda y, the Rive rside and IEO C. In fact, in just the last 12 months, ridership on the two lin es has gro wn 36%. As a result, the parking space u tilization rate at the Riverside Coun ty Metrolin k station s is near 90%, which creates station capacity issues. The c urrent pa rkin g situa tion at the Riverside -La Sierra station is an ex ample of what lies ahead as a re su lt of the succ ess of Metrolin k in this regio n. By. 2010, 4 ou t of our 5 Metrolink stations are forecaste d to hav e parking deficits. Item 6U 000125 1. Train op erations ar e also expected to more than do ubl e by 2011 (from 25 daily trains to 54 daily trains). Access to M etrolink is an important iss ue for our customers. With parking demand increasing and a low level connecting transit service, getti ng to the train can be the t oughest part of th e trip. 2. In addition to rid ership proje ctions, related to e xisting service, and th e su bsequent parking demands, tw o additional opportu nities will provide n ew sources of demand within the next 10 years, the expansio n of commuter rail service to Perris on the San Jacinto Branch Line (SJBL) and the development of transit o riente d developme nts (TOD). In an effort to meet the future Riverside C ounty Metrolink ridership needs, staff submitted an applicatio n fo r $1 1 million, in th e 2002 Interregi onal Transportation Impro vemen t Pro gram (ITIP), to construct a 1,000 spa ce parking str uct ure at the proposed North Main Corona Metrolink station. Th e application was forwarded to Caltrans and is included in the California Transportation Commission's (CTC's) adopted 2002 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). In anticipatio n of the CTC approval of the funding for th e prop osed North Main Corona Station Parking Stru ctu re , s taff reque ste d, and the Commission authorized, at the January 9, 2002 Commission mee ting, to; 1) prepare a nd advertis e a Request for Proposal (RFP), fo r con sultan t services to provide engineering and env ironmental studie s for a proposed 1,000 space Parking Structure at th e North Main Co ron a Metrolink Statio n; 2) fo rm a selection co mmittee, comprised of representatives fro m RCTC/Bechte l staff, City of Co rona staff, Metrolink staff a nd Caltrans staff; 3) direc t the selection committee to revie w, evaluate, rank all RFPs receive d, develop a shortlist of the top ranke d firms, and inte rview the short listed firms; and 4) return to the Commission with a recommendation. A selection panel was assembled which consisted of representatives fro m RCTC, Bechtel, Caltrans, Metrolin k, an d the City of Corona. Staff receive d propo sals from seve n (7) firms. The selection panel revie wed the se ven (7) submitted propo sals and extended an inv itation fo r o ral interviews to fo ur (4) firms. The four (4) firms each presented teams that would be capable of co mple tin g the pro posed scope of work. After evaluating the proposed project teams, their kn owledge of the project an d propo sed project approach, the sele ctio n pa nel ran ked the four (4) in terviewed firms as follows: Top Ranked Gordon H. Chong & Pa rtners Seco nd Owen Group Third DMJM + HA RRIS Fourth Choate Parking Design Consu ltants, Inc. 0001.26 Ite m 6U�, At the April 10, 2002 Commission Meeting, the Commissi on appro ved the co nsultant ranking, as listed above. In April of 2002, the CTC, as part of the 2002 STIP ad option, concurred with RCTC's funding applic ation for $11 milli on, in the 2002 Interregional Transportation Impro vemen t Program (ITIP), to construct a 1,000 space Parki ng Struct ure at th e proposed North Main C oro na Metrolink Stati on. Th e funding was split into the following three fiscal years; FY 04-05 $ 500,000 Conceptual Design & Envir onmental Clearance FY 05-06 $1,000,000 Final Design FY 06-07 $9,500,000 C onstru cti on Subsequent to the CTC's action in April of 2002, RCTC requested to advance the $500,000 for Co nceptual Design and Environmental Clearance from FY 04-05 to FY 02-03. This request was granted. RCTC plans to m ake a similar r equest next ye ar to advan ce the $1,000,000 fo r final design to the FY 03-04 and will request the year after nex t to advance the con struction funds to th e FY 04-05. Staff has be en workin g with Gordon H. Chong & Partners to d evelop a scop e of work and a re spective cost of services for the required concept ual design and env ironmental studies for the proposed new Parkin g Struct ure at the N orth Main Coro na Metrolink Station, currently under construction. Staff has concluded negotiations and is in con cu rrence with the attached Gordon H. Ch ong & Partners scope of work and re spective cost of services. Staff is recommendi ng appro val of A greemen t No. 03-31-014 to Gordon H Chong & Partners fo r concept ual design and env iro nmental service s fo r the proposed new Parking Structure at the North Main Coron a Metrolink Station , for a ba se amount of $316,798, with a contingency of $83,202, fo r a total n ot to ex ceed Co ntract amount of $400,000 . Staff will use the standard RCTC agreement with RCTC legal counsel review. F inancial Informatio n ^ In Fiscal Year Budge t: Y I Ye ar: FY 02-03 Amou nt: $400,000 Source of Fu nds: Interregional Improvement Transportatio n Program (ITIP) Budget Adjustmen t: N GLA No.: 221 33 81 101 Project #3808 Fiscal Procedures Approved: Date: 08/20/02 Attachment: Gordon H. Cho ng & Partn ers Scope of Wo rk an d Re spec tiv e Cost of Services Item 6U 000127 Concept D esign & Appr ovals - RC TC C orona Main Stati on Sc ope of Services Parking Structure Project Description T he project will be a new multi -l evel parking structur e with up to a total of approxim ately 1000 p arking spa ces. The site is adjacent to and east of the Main Station entrance off Blaine Stre et The structure will include approximately six levels with one level at grade a nd up to fiv e elevated lev els on a buildi ng footprint of approximately 330 feet by 190 feet_ The pr oject will also in clude limited civiUsitew ork, landscaping and on - site utilities required for locating the str uct ure within th e surfac e p arki ng area cu tre ndy designed for the Me trolink Statio n_ Pr oject Te am GHCP and Walker Parking Consultants (Walker) t ogether with me chanical and elec tri cal engineering, cost estima ting, tra ffic and enviro nmental subc onsultants will comprise the design t eam. Walker will assist GH CP in functional planning an d structural engineering. GHCP will be the Architect of Record and will org anize the Pro ject an d manage the design team from the beginning of the Project thr ough this first ph as e of Conc ept Design and Enviro nmental Evaluatio n. Final Design, Constru ction D ocuments, Bidding, and Construction Administra tio n phases will be awarded separately in a future contract. Scope of Ser vices The c urre nt scope of ser vices, included in this proposa l is to complete Phase I, Conceptu al Design for RCTC, to obtain City of C oron a design review and approva ls, and require d environment al evaluation. 1_ Phase 1, Concept Design a. G HC P will meet with the R CTC and other key proje ct stakeholders such as Metrolink, to review a nd confirm the criteria fo r the Pro jec t a nd to clarify key issues re la tive to the design, l ev el of se rv ice (LOS), vehic ular and pe destrian circu latio n, ramping systems, safety, security, architectu ral and site design opportunities and obje ctive s, budget and schedule. The design para meters of the parking structure will be documente d, including: • Parkin g geo metrics (required stall siz es, bay dimensions a nd ramp system) • Entry/ex it lane requirement (access and re venue control concept) • Traffic flow requ irements • Pedestrian vertical transportation systems (quantity, size and locatio n of stairs an d elevato rs) • Bicycle and/o r motorcyc le parking provisio ns • Durability and maintenance • Safety and secu rity provisio ns • Lighting/illumination c riteria • Fire pro tection system require ments • Building code a nalysis • Urban design criteria • A rchite ctura l cha racter June 25, 2002 Page 1 K \Mu ro\Misc \CORON A ME fRO IJNX \Fee Propdoc 000:128 g - Concept Design & Approvals RCTC Cor ona Main Station Scope of Services Parking Stru cture b. GHCP will de velop a program lev el cost model f or th e project to analyze the total $11 millio n proj ect budget, define anticipat ed soft costs and thereby arrive at a preliminary budget and sc ope for the parking structure. c GHCP will pr epare drawings that illustrate alt ernative impl ementati on of th e ab ov e -defined criteria specifi cati on. Two to thr ee alter nati ve design c on cepts will show the f unctio nal layout of all parking and t raffic areas, stall configuratio n, l oc atio n and n umber of arce csible spa ces, moto rcycle and bicycle p arki ng, and mechanical, electrical and stor age spac e requirements. d. Site plans showing the pr oject will be developed in relation to the new Metrolink St ation and su rrounding streets, including a potential n ew cross street betwee n H arrison and Blai ne Stre ets. e. Architectura l plan, elev ations, sketches and/or massing model will be prepared which show design inten t, height/bulk and materi al use. f. The design a ltern atives will be presented to the RCTC and key stakeh olders and a pref erred scheme will be selected. G HC P will develop the preferred alter native further and prep are Concept Design work pro duc ts a nd deliverables. T he Con cept Design deliverables will be developed to delineate information regarding arc hite ctural expre ssion, materials a nd finishes. Narrative descriptions of engine eri ng and building syste ms will be prepared. T he deliverables shall ind ude: • Ge ne ral Site Pla n showing project site plu s surrounding streets • Projec t Site Plan showing pa rking structure, Metrolink Stati on and surface parking lot • Floor Plans; ground level, typical floo r le ve l a nd top level • Building Eleva tions; four elevations (includin g sta tio n) • Building Sections; transverse and longitudinal (including sta tion) ■ Massing Model • Narrative Engine ering Syste ms Report • Cost Estimate h. GHC P will re view the Concept Design deliverable with the RC TC and other key stakeh olders to obta in their input Issues that a re identified during this review will be documented and appro priate action noted to resolve e ach item. i. Four meetin gs with RCTC are inc luded in this phase. Meetings will be sche duled to inc lude other stakeholders, Metrolink, etc . as required. 2. City of Co rona Design Review and A pprovals a. Deve lo pment Ilan Review: • G HCP will meet with City of C orona Planning De pa rtme nt staff to revie w pre liminary co ncept design a lternatives (c oncurrent with le. above) • The C onc ept De sign doc ume nts for the preferred a lternative (lf above) will be submitted to the City together with other required drawings. See attac hed list of deliverable s from Section B, C ity of C orona Dev elopment Plan Revie w Application Form_ ■ G HC P will mee t with the City to review its comments on the DPR submittal_ June 25, 2002 Page 2 000; f29' : K', Mu ni\M,sc\CORONA METROUNK \ree-Propdoc C on cept Design & Approvals R CTC Corona Main Stati on Scop e of Ser vices Parking Structure b_ Pre cise Plan R evi ew: The Development Plan with the incorporation of staff c omments fr om th e DPR will be submitted for further staff review. A m eeting will be held betwee n GHCP and the Planning Staff to review their comments and necewary revisions. c. Planning Commission: GHCP will submit to Plan ni ng and present to the Commission, th e sel ected alternative with i ncorporation of comments from our client and Planning Staff d. City Council: GHCP will pr esent the fin al design con cept for approv al by the Corona City Coun cil. e. Fiv e meetings with the City are included in this phase, three staff le vel reviews plus two form al presentations. 3. Environmental Assessme nt The City of Corona will prepare a Mitigated N egative Declar ation for the Project . The Co ron a Main Station project was gran ted a Categorical Excl usi on (NEPA) based upon its en vir onmental impact having be en addresse d in the EIR for the North M ain Street Specific Plan. It is th erefore presumed that a CE will be granted for the Parking Structure _ T he primary environmental issue remaining for the proposed Parki ng Structure is to an alyze p otential additional tra ffic impac ts_ The sc ope of environmental services will include a Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by o ur sub -c onsultant K arr , Okitsu & Associate s. Our Environmental Consult ant, Myr a Frank and A ssociates, will prepare the Ca tego rical Exclusion fo r the Parking Str ucture. Their documentati on for the CE will include the T raffic Study as well as No ise and A ir Q uality Studies_ 4. Additiona l Services The following servic es, when appro ved in writing by the RCTC, shall be c onsidered work beyond the s cope of services o utlined above and will be billed on an hourly basis as an additional service: • Work resulting from cha nges in sc ope or magnitude of the projec t_ • Additional work a nd/or revisions re sulting from cha nges requested and/or authorized by the RCTC after the Architects' work has been previo usly approved by the RC TC . • Additional services ca used by schedule delays or interruptions. • Meetings in addition to tho se outlined in the Sc ope of Services described abov e_ • Special hearings, presentations, community workshops, or other meetings, in a ddition to tho se outlined in the Scope of Services, required to secure Pro ject a pprovals. • Changes required by the ena ctment or revision of co des, laws or regulatio ns subsequ ent to the prepara tion of such documents; provided, that Architec t should no t have known of such forthcomin g re visio ns to such codes, laws or regulations as a result of generally available notices or publicity. • Additional Environmenta l Assessment se rvice s be yon d the Ca tegorical Exc lusion doc uments and traffic, noise and air qua lity studies. • T ranspo rtation design and engine ering for street a nd roadway improveme nts, stripin g, signaliza tion, etc . (beyond conceptual plannin g of a potentia l new c ro ss street between Ha rrison and Blaine Streets). _Tune 25, 2002 Page 3 K \ Mu AM.sc\CORONA METROUNK\FeeRo pdoc vw „.0'0130 Con cept Design & Approvals RC TC Coron a Main Stati on Scope of Services Parking Structure 5. Proj ect Assumpti ons 1_ Base scope of w ork incl udes abo ve grade parking facility only_ The parki ng struct ure will include grade level and elev ated parking l evels. No basement levels or me chani cal ventilati on systems are included. Other mixed us e sp aces, offi ce space, tenant impr oveme nts, et c. are excl uded. 2. Existing sire data, topographic and utility su rveys and geotech nical data sufficie nt for the Phase 1 C oncept Design and City of Cor ona De vel opment Plan and Precise Plan Reviews will be provided by the ROTC_ Existin g site engineering and landsc ape drawi ngs will be av ailable in dxf_ or dwg. format for our use in A uto CAD 2000. 3. Basic services indude architectur e, parking pl anni ng, structur al, mechani cal, and electrical engineering, tr affic analysis, -and environmental consultation. 4. All project approv als will be obtained from the RCTC a nd City of Corona. Th e effo rt to secure any othe r entitlements, i.e. State or Federal government or other third -parry appr ovals, shall be an a dditional se rvice. 5. Traffic Engineering includes the traffic analysis only. Design of any required mitigation meas ures is not include d. 6. Environmenta l assessment services indude preparation of a Categ orical Exclusion. F urth er environmental impac t an alysis is no t induded. June 25, 2002 Page 4 IC\Muni\M "esc\CORON A METROUNKVicePropdo e :'0.0 04131 Concept Design & Appr ovals RC TC Corona Main Station Schedule Parking Struct ure The following is a preliminary outline of tasks and their estim ated duration. The goal of this first phase is to complete the concept design to th e satisf action of RCT C, obtain th e required City of Corona Appr ovals and complete the necessary environmental d ocuments by May of 2003 in order to be prepared to begin th e final design (PS&E) in July 2003. Assuming Co nc ept Design begins in August 2002, there are 10 months available for this phase. • Develop conc ept project program with progr am lev el budget 4 wks. • Develop alternative concepts for revi ew 8 wks. • Review with RCTC and City of Corona 2 wks . • Prepare conc ept design for preferred alter native. 8 wks. Conduct T raffic Study. • Review with RC TC a nd City of Coro na 2 wks. • Submit for De velopment Pla n Review 2 wks. • City of Coro na Rev iew 2 wks. • Incorpora te DPR comments, submit for Precis e Plan R eview 2 wks. • Inc orporate Precise Plan comments, review with RCTC and 4 wks. prepare fo r Planning Commission presentation_ • Co mplete NEPA Cate go rical Exclusion documents 2 wks. • Inc orporate fina l revie w co mments from RCTC and the City. 2 wks . Present to City Council. Total 38 weeks (9 months) 4 June 25, 2002 Page 5 KAMuru\Masc\CO RO NA MEIAOUNN\Fe ePropdoc 000132 Concept Design & Approvals RCTC C orona M ain St ation Compensati on Parking Stru ct ure Proposed F ees T he proposed compensati on for the abo ve s ervi ces are on an hourly, tim e and materi als basi s up to a maximum of $3417784:04 -plus reimbursable expenses. A breakdown of fees is endosed as well as our rate schedule. cil Z91 r Sq8 Re imbursa ble Expenses Reimbursable Expenses are in additi on to c ompe nsation for Basic and Additional Services and in clude out-of- pocket expenses incu rred by GHCP and its employ ees and sub c onsultants in the interest of th e Pr oject, including, but not limited to: • Expense of fees and permits for securing app roval of authorities having jurisdi ction over the Pr oject; City of Coro na Development Plan Review, etc. • Expe nse of transportation in c onnection with th e proje ct and long-distance communications. • Expen se of all reproduc tio ns, printing, plotting, postage and h andling of Drawings, Specifications, pro jec t -related pho tography a nd other documents. • Expen se of ov ertime work requirin g higher than regular rates. • Ex pense of re nderings, presentation models and mock-ups request ed by the Owner_ • Expe nse of additio nal in surance cove rage or limits, including professional li ability ins urance, requ ested by the Owner in excess of that normally carried by th e Consultant and consultant's subcontractor& A prelimin ary budge t for re imbursables would include the following: • City of C orona , D evelopment Plan R ev iew application for a Prec ise Plan: $2,250.00 • Travel; Nine trips x two staff @ $300.00 each = $5,400.00 • Reproduction graphics, postage, delive ry, e tc., typically 5% of professio nal fees = $15,000.00 To tal reimbursable ex pense budget, direc t cost plus 10% = $24,900.00 T ota l Fee a nd Expe nse budget for this phase : $326;608:69. Invo ic ing 14 316) /98 Monthly, perce nt complete invoices will be submitted based on an agre ed to payment schedule for the duration of the project, which will allocate a ppropriate fee s pe r month for each phase of the projec t. T his payment schedule will be developed in consultation with the R CTC_ Jun e 25, 2002 Page 6 K \Mwuusss\CO RONA MErRO U eePV•vea Development Plan R eview Applic atio n Page 4 The followi ng are the proc essing fe es for the various types of DPR appli cation s: a_ Industrial/All Oth er s $1,990 b_ Extension of Tim e $ 630 k. Commerci al/Precis e Pl ans $2,250 d. Residential pr ojects o ver 4 units $2,250 plus $10/du d. Spe cific Plan Full Cost" e. Specific Plan Amendm ent (Major) Full C ost" f. Specific Plan Amendm ent (Minor) $3,130 g. Parcel Map $2,120 h. Tentative Trac t Map $3,155 plus $10/l ot SECTIO N A: THE FOLLOWING PR OPOSA LS REQUIRE DEVELOP MENT PLAN REVIEW PER CMC SECTION 17.102.020: A. Co nceptual deve lopment plans. B. Municipal reorganizations and anne xations. C. Specific Plans a nd Specific Plan Ame ndments. D. Tentative Tract M aps. E. Parcel M aps. F. All attached and multi -family ho using G. Precise Plans or Architectural Review. H. Conditio nal Use Pe rmit applic atio ns whe re ne w buildings or substantial alt er atio ns are proposed. I_ Conversion of re sidential stru ctures to co mme rcia l or industrial us es c onsistent with the zoning for th e property. J. New commercia l and indu strial buildings at or ex ce eding six hundred and fifty (650) squ ar e f eet in flo or ar ea. K. Bu ilding additions at or ex ceedin g (2, 000) square feet in floo r area ass oci at ed with an existing industrial or commercial use . L. Site plans a nd a rchitec ture fo r residen tial un its in all subdivisions of five (5) lots or great er. M. Establishme nt of a u se on a vac ant or undeve lo ped pro perty, which•does n ot i ncl ud e a budding purs uant to section 17.102.020 (I). Examples of such u ses wo uld include , but are not limited to: parking l ots, st or age yards, recreational facilities, a nd other permanent or temporary u ses as de te rmined by the Planning Dir ector. * SECTION B: ALL PLANS SHALL BE DRAWN AT AN EASILY R EAD ABLE SCALE. A LL PLANS SUBMITTED SHOUL D BE FOLDED TO A MAXIM UM OF 8" X 14" WITH THE TITLE BLOCK VISIBLE. ALL SITE PLANS SHALL INCLU DE: 1. ✓ Name, address an d te le pho ne number of owner an d dev eloper of subjec t property. 2?- Name, address and telephon e number of person preparing pla n. 3. ✓ North arro w. 4. ✓ Scale . 5?— Vicinity map showing site lo cation. 6. ' Pro perty lines of entire le ga l parcel(s). 7.-7-- Names of adjacent streets a nd intersection s. 6. `' Width of adjac ent streets and -alle ys an d distance to cente rline. 9. Legal de scription of subjec t pro perty. 10_ 0' Street addre ss of su bjec t prope rty (if assigned). 11. ►-" - Zon in g designation of subject property and surrounding propertie s. 12. d Existing land u se s of su rro un din g pro perties. 13. Are a of subject pro perly. 14. ✓ Topographic co ntou r lines. 15. V Bu ildin g se tba ck lin es fo r front, sides an d rea r of each lot per the zon ing of the site_ 16. ✓ C onceptua l gradin g plan s and c ro ss -se ction s. 17. .7 A rc hitectu ral perspec tive s or renderin gs. 18. ✓ Landscape plans. 19. ✓ Bu ildin g Plans_ 20. N -A- Archa eologica l su rvey_ 21. K _A. Biological su rve y. 22_ Traffic Stu dy_ 23_ NA- Draina ge study. 24. ✓ Noise stu dy. 25. '' Ma te ria ls Bo ard_ 000134 Development Pl an R eview Applicati on Page 5 26. Soils r eport . tires 10 xxs41 c 27. Ge otechnical r eport. 41' 28_ ✓ Ph otos of sit e and s urrounding areas. 29. V Prop os ed plotting of buildings_ 30. ✓ Street or alley dedicati ons . if applicable. 31. ,/ Ail existing a nd propos ed public impro veme nts withi n adjace nt stre ets and alley right-of-w ay (curb, g utter, stre etlights, sidewalks , parkways, power pol es, fire hydrants. water a nd sewerlines , etc.). Show existing curb, gu tter and sidewalk with d ashed lines and label_ Show new curb, gutter and sidewalk with s olid li nes. 32. ✓ Existin g or proposed public rights -of -w ay within s ubje ct property. 33. 7- Existing or proposed easeme nts within or immedi ately outsid e subject pr operty (public and private). 34. ✓ Loca tion of on -site and off -site drain age facilities. 35. ✓ Area of e ach parcel (gross and net). 36. ✓ Physica l fea tures on property lines and immediately adja cent to property lines (f enc es, walls, p ower poles, bu ildings, slopes, e tc.) 37. ✓ Location of all bu ildings (main and accessory), fe nc es and walls, pav ed areas and landscaped areas labeled existing or pro posed. 38. •✓ Percen tage of a rea co ve red by building s on each parcel. 39. V Location of e xisting and propo se d on -sit e wat erlines, sewerlines or septic t anks and fire hydrants. 40. ✓ Type of constru ction per Uniform Building Code. 41.E Height of all buildings and struc tures. 42_ ✓ Dime nsion from bu ilding(s) to pro perty line and to oth er buildings on subj ect property. 43. ✓ Uses of all buildings (e xisting and proposed) on subj ect property. 44. ✓ Exterio r elev ations in dicating exterio r bu ilding materials. col ors, b uilding height and including mat erial s of propose d fe nces a nd walls. 45. '• Off-stre et parking inclu ding dimensions of individual parking spac es, inter nal circulati on pattem for pedestrian and vehicular traffic , whee l stops, and type of surfacing proposed. 46. ✓ Driveway widths. 47. ✓ Co mpu tation of total co ve re d and un co vered parking spaces required by Corona Mu nicip al C ode for e ach parce l and the nu mber proposed to me et the re quireme nts. 48. ✓ Compu tation of square footage of landsc ape are as. 49. ✓ Location of landscaping including existin g an d pro pose d trees (inc luding existing street tr ees), shr ub masses and ground cover a re a. 50_ ✓ Loading spaces, inclu ding dimensions_ 51. ✓ Estimated qua ntitie s of each to be move d. 52. ✓ Dire ction of drainage flow with slope in percen ta ge . 53. V Signs, including area , location , height, illu min ation a nd mechanical mov ement. (co ►+c-er` .1 54. ✓ On -site lighting. 55. .✓ Trash en closu re s, if an y. 56. V Ou tdoor sto ra ge areas. 57. V Exte rio r architectural projection s. 58. ✓ All en tran ce s. 59. -7- Mechan ical equipme nt and pro pose d screening. 60. OA- Proposed swimmin g poo ls or patios. 61. N•A - Co mpleted CFD Annex ation Re view she et. The plann ing dire ctor ma y waiv e an y in forma tion describe d above upon de termination that it is not re levant to the review, or the pla nnin g direc tor may re qu ire a dditional info rma tion as ne ede d. FO R ALL DPR , TTM OR PM SUBMITTALS Show lin ea r foo tage of each street on the map or on a se parate sheet. Inclu de bo th sides of the stree t for street tree calculation s: For e xa mple: Rimpau Aven ue Stree t L AF (n ew unna med s tree ts) Stree t [ABC GRA ND TOTAL uo135 110 L_F_ 200 LE 315 L_F, 625 L_F_ GORDON 1-1 CHONG & PARTNERS Riverside Cou nty Transportation Commission N ew Parking Structure Corona Main Metrolink Commuter R ail Station Concept Design Fee Summary Current As of 8/24/2002 Basic Services Architectura l Parking AtbjeCt Montt , Structural Mech/Plumb Electrical Cost Est/ Schedule TrafflC Study Envlro ' Tot als Concept Design City of Corona Review and Approvals Environmental 90,556 84,000 9,100 11,200 17,520 212.376 52,684 52,684 1 2,338 17,000 7,500 26,838 Subtotal Basic Services $145,578] $84,0001— _ $9,100 $11,200 $17,520 $17 000 $7,500 3291 898 Relrnbursable Expenses $24,900 TOTAL FEES $316,798 000136 ordon H Chong & Partners riverside Co unty Transportation Commissio n lew Parking Structur e :orona Main Metrolink C omm uter Rail Station 'hase 1 Task and Fee Estimat e ►ate : 8/27/2002 `RASE 1: C oncept Design (13 wits) Mg Partner sen Design Partner bs PQ ga PA - Arch - Imterny - Jr Cleric al Tot als A. Meet with Owner/Define Param et er s 8 8 16 B. Prepare Alternative Design Concepts 2 16 8 40 80 _ 146 C. Review A lternatives with RCTC 4 4 4 12 D. Sele ct Preferred Alternative / Document E. Develop Work Pro duct Schedule 4 4 4 • 8 20 2 8 10 F Prepare C ode Analysis G. Site Plan H. Floor Pla ns I Ex terior Eleva tion s J. Study Mode l -" K. Design Re view with Owne r L. ReviewConstructio n Cost w/ O wnwer M. Submit Concept Design 2 8 16 26 _ 4 4 60 80 148 4 4 60 80 148 4 4 60 80 148 4 4 60 100 168 8 8 16 8 _ 8 16 8 16 16 40 Subtotal Hours 18 40 68 328 80_ 356 0 24 914 Hour! y Rate s $67. 76 $67 76 $49.34 $35 53 $27.63 $23 03 $20 .07 $18.42 Subotal This Pha se $1,220 $2,711 $3,355 $11,653 $2,211 $8,197 $0 $442 $29,788 "its* of Corona Rev iew anti Appr ovals Mg Partner sen Design Partne r bs PO ga PA - Arch • Imterm - Jr Clerical T otals A Rev iew Alternativ es with City B Prepare DPR Submitta l C. Dev Plan Review M tg with Corona D. R&R for Prec ise Plan Review C. Precise Plan Review Mtg with Coro na D. R&R for Planning Co mmission C. Planning Commission Presentation D R&R for City Council C City Council Presentation 8 8 8 24 2 4 8 40 40 80 8 182 8 8 8 247 4 4 8 40 40 8 104 8 8 16 4 4 8 20 20 4 60 8 8 16 4 4 4 8 20 4 44 8 8 16 Su btotal Hours 30 16 68 148 120 80 0 24 486 Hourly Rate s $67. 76 $67.76 $49. 34 $35.53 $27.63 $23.03 $20.07 $18 42 Su bota l This Phas e $2.033 $1,084 $3.355 $5,258 $3,316 $1,842 $0 $442 $17,330 Environmental Sub -Total Labor Overhead Multiplie r @ 1 7636 Fee @ 10% Sub -Total Dire ct Labor XPENSES City of Corona Precise Plan Application Fee Trav el - 9 trips fo r two staff @$300 00/ea Reproduc tio n, po stage, deliv ery, etc Sub -Total Ex penses UB-CO NSULTA NTS Wa lker Parking - Parking Structure BP & Assoc - M echanical/Plumbing OMB Elect - Electrical O'Conner Canst - Cost Est/Schedule Katz, O kitsu & Associates - Traffic Study Myra Frank & Assoc - Environmenta l Sub -Total Sub -Consultants TotalCojoo137 $2,250 $5,400 $17,250 $769 $47,888 $84,456 $13,234 $145,578 $24, 900 84000 9100 11200 17520 17000 7500 $146,320 $316,798 R iverside County Transportation Commission New Parking Structure Gord on H Chong & Partners HOURL Y BILLING RA TES S CHEDULE FOR THE YEAR 2002 August 23,2002 STAF F TYPE HOURLY RATE Partne r _ _.... $ 206.00 Des ign Partner _ $ 206.00 Associate Partner/Project Director $ 150.00 Senior Tec hnical Architect $ 131.00 Senior Planner $ 122.00 P roject Arc hite ct Senior Arch itect Project Designe r Project Coordinator Architec t Inter mediate Designer Junior Designer Project Administrator RATE C ALC ULATION $ 89.00 $ 131.00 $112.00 - $ 131.00 $ 89.00 - $ 103.00 $ 75.00 - $ 108 .00 $ 70 .00 - $ 89.00 $ 61.00 - $ 79.00 $ 51.00 - $ 70.00 $ 56.00 - $ 70.00 The above audite d, hourly billing rates include dir ect labor plus a multiplie r of 2.04 for s tatutory e mployee benefits , overhead and pro fit. e:\docume nts and s ettings\s auer\des kto p\rctc billingrates02reg.doc 000138 RIVERSI DE COUNTY TRANSPORT ATION COMMISSION DATE: TO: S eptember 11, 2002 Riverside C ounty Transportation C ommission FROM: Budget and Implementation "C ommittee as a Whole" Darren Kettle, Director of Intergovernmental and Legislative Affairs THROUGH: SUBJECT: Eric Haley, Executive Dir ect or State and Federal L egislati ve Update BUDGET A ND IMPLEMENTATION "COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE" AND STAFF RECO MMENDATION This item is for the Commission to: 1) A dopt the follo wing bill po sitions: State Legislation: Su ppo rt - AB 1010 (Corr ea), Oppose - SB 1828 (Burton), Federal Legislation : Support - HR 5157 (Young, Oberstar, Petri, a nd Borksi); and, 2) Receive and file the State and Federal Legislative Update as an in formatio n item. BACK GROUND INFOR MA TION: State Update The en d of the legislative se ssion is always an exciting time. As the Senate re turne d from their summer recess on August 5, 2002, a nd the Assembly continu ed its' deliberatio ns on how to solve the State's $23.6 billion budge t deficit, it was reported that there was in excess of 1000 activ e bills that must be co nsidered by the legislatu re prior to adjournment on August 30, 2002. On the budget front, the Senate has ac ted, generally alo ng party lines, to appro ve a state bu dget. The De mocratic majority in the Senate requ ired a single Republican membe r to v ote for the bu dget to attain the required two-thirds majority an d secu red that vote from Se nator Maurice Johannessen from Redding. Assu min g unanimity of Assembly De mocrats, fou r Repu blican votes a re nee d to me et the two -thirds v ote require ment in the Assembly. The budget adopted by the Senate do es inclu de the condition that the loan fro m the Traffic Congestio n Relief Fu nd to the Sta te Ge neral Fund be repaid with interest. Item 7 000139 As eluded to earlier in this item, the legislature is moving at a fast and furio us pace on making last mi nute amendments and rep orting bills out of c ommitte e. On e bill that has c ome to staffs attentio n that has tremendo us financial and project delivery implications is Senate Bill 1828 (Burto n,. San Francisco). Attached is an analysis of the bill that includes a staff recommendatio n to OPPOSE the bill. Asse mbly Member L ou Correa h as am ended AB 1010 to all ow f or the voluntary sale of the State Route 91 toll lanes to the Ora nge County Transportati on Autho rity. Attached is an analysis of the bill that includes a staff recommendation to SUPPORT the bill. Fe deral Update The Ho use of Represe ntativ es and the United States Senat e are in recess during the mo nth of August and will return to work followi ng the Labor D ay holiday. Prior to departing for the Au gu st recess, th e S enate Transportati on Appr opriations Subco mmittee and the full Senate Appropriations C ommitte e did a ct on the 2003 Transpo rtation Appro priation s bill. As has been the case for the past several y ears in Senate Appropriation s, the Inland Empire co unties c ould certainly have faired better in project earmarks, albeit progress was made this year. - While last y ear, th e Senate did not include a sin gle project earmark, the 2003 Senate Transportation Appropriatio ns bill does inclu de a $ 1 million earmark .from the Trade Corridors a nd Borders progra m fo r a grade separatio n project at Vineyard Av enu e and the Union Pacific Railroad tracks in Ontario . The Senate Transportation Appr opriations measu re will eventually be reco nciled with the Hou se Transportation Appropriati ons bill, which has not yet been acted upon, in a co nfere nce committ ee. With only 3 of 13 annual appropriation s measures acted on in the House, there is som e concern that the Ho use will co mplete all 13 measures prio r to House members returning to their respective districts by the second week of October to "prepare" for the Nove mber 5, 2003 electio n, thus necessitatin g a "lame -duck" session of the 107th Co ngre ss to complete the session's business, including final actio n on the 2003 Tran sportation Appro priations bill. Prior to departing, the House Tran sportation and Infrastructu re Committee .did repo rt out with a unanimous vote HR 5157. HR 5157 is a o ne-year solu tio n to a dilemma for transit services agen cies that heretofore have not been considered urban ize d areas but with the 2000 census now exce ed the 200,000 populatio n c riteria that defines an urbanized area. HR 5157 allows transit syste ms in urba nize d areas that, for the first time, e xc ee de d 200,000 in populatio n acc ording to the 2000 cen sus to retain flexibility in the use of Federal transit fo rmu la gran ts for transit operations in fiscal year 2003. An an alysis is attached and staff reco mmends a SUPPO RT positio n on the bill. A tta chmen ts: AB 1010 Bill A nalysis SB 1828 Bill An alysis .HR 5157 Bill Analysis Item71+,1fl 000140 Date of Analysis: August 26, 2002 Bill Number/A uthor: AB 1010 (L ou Correa, D -Sa nta Ana) As amended August 19, 2002 Subject: Statu s: Summary: This bill all ows for th e vol untary sale of the SR 91 T oll lan es to the Orange C ounty Transportation Authority (OCTA) and grants OCTA t olling auth ority . Ame nded August 19, 2002 Passed out of Senate Transportation Committee August 21, 2002. Heari ng scheduled for Senate Appropriations Committee of August 27, 2002 Existing law authorizes Caltrans to enter into agreements with pri vate entities for the construction by and lease to priva te entities of 4 transportati on demonstration proje cts, in cluding at least o ne in northern California and one in so uthern California. Existing law authorizes these private entities to charge tolls for the use of the priv ately con structed facilities. Existing law re qu ire s that any e xcess t oll reve nue be applied to an y debt the entity incurred building the facilities or be paid int o the State Highway Ac coun t in the State Tran sportation Fun d. Existing law pr ovides that the departme nt may continue to charge tolls for use of these facilities after the lease held by the priv ate entity has ex pired. • This bill would pro vide that the collection of tolls fo r the use of thes e facilities wou ld terminate at the ex piration of the franchise agreement. • This bill would au thorize OCTA to acqu ire streets, highways, bridges, tunnels, and connector roads necessary transportation purposes. • The bill would authorize OCTA to impo se tolls on Rou te 91 to be used for specifie d purposes. • The bill wou ld create an advisory committe e co mposed of 5 vo ting members each from the board of the Orange Co unty Transportatio n Authority and the Riverside Co unty Transportation Commission, and 3 n on votin g members, one from the San Be rna rdino Assoc iated Governmen ts an d two from Caltrans to rev iew and make reco mmendations to the autho rity re garding the facilities acquired, tolls impose d, and the main ten anc e and operatio ns of Sta te Route 91 • The bill would make the exercise of the authority's po wers subject to the appro val of the Bo ard of Supe rv isors of Riverside Cou nty and the Riv erside 000141 C ounty Tra nsportation Commissi on consultation, as sp ecified with the advisory c ommittee. Sta ff Comments: This legislation enables the Ora nge County Transp ortation Authority (OCTA) to co mplete'the voluntary purchas e of the State Route 91 t oll road from the California Private Transportation -C ompany, L.P. and place th e facility under public own ership . OCTA would be granted tolling authority in order to pay for the facility, including debt service, an d maintenance and operations. The bill - includes in its intent language that tolls shou ld be minimiz ed to the extent p ossible a nd that tolls shall be eliminated no later than 2030. Additionally, the legislatio n requires that with the completion of the sales transaction, the non -co mpete clause within the current franchise agreement shall be deleted. Commissioners will recall that the non -complete clause precludes capacity en hancing impro vements within 1.5 miles fr om centerline of the SR 91 between the In terstate 15/SR 91 interchange in Ri verside C ounty to the SR91/SR55 interchange in Ora nge County through the term of the franchise agreement in 2030. The adviso ry committee established by the legislation consists of 5 members of OCTA, 5 membe rs of RCTC, an d one non -voting member each from SANBAG and Caltrans district 8 and 12. This committee will provide for a public for um to discuss all aspects of the operation of the to ll lanes, including tolls, a nd advise the full OCTA Board of Directors on the management and operations of the toll lanes. AB 1010 has gen erally enjoyed stro ng bi-partisan support an d has a long list of c o- authors that includes members fro m Riv erside, San Be rnardino, Orange and Los Angeles counties. Opposition to the bill has been limited but a concern has been raised related to the improv ements to the 91 corridor that could be made upon the deletion of the non -co mpete clause vis-a-vis' the ex tension fo r Measu re A and the 91 highway impro vements that are included in the Measure. Staff Recommendation : SUPPORT '}. 000142 Date of Analysis: August 14, 2002 Bill Number/Author: SB 1828 (John Burton, D -Sa n Fra ncisc o) As amended August 8, 2002 Subject: Status: Summary: This bill establish es a pr ocess, within the California E nvironmental Quality Act (CEQA), by which projects that c ould adv ersely affect a Native American tribe's sacred site would be subject to additional conditions and approvals. Amended August 8, 2002 Heard Assembly Appropriatio ns C ommittee August 14, 2002. Placed on Suspense file. Ex isting law provides for the preserv ation, restoration, and pr otecti on of historical sites in the state. The existing Califo rnia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires the lead agency, to pre pare an environmental impact report (EIR) on a project tha t it in tends to carry out or approv e and th at it finds may ha ve a sign ificant effect on the e nv ironment or to prepare a negative declarati on if it fi nds that the project will n ot have that effect. This bill would require a findin g that a project may have a significant effect on the environment if the propo se d project may adv ersely affect a Native American sacred site. The bill would require a lead agency to prov ide to any affected tribe and the Nativ e A merican Heritage Co mmissio n a copy of the lead age ncy's initial study or notice of preparation for an y propose d project that is within 20 miles of the exteri or bou ndary of a Native American reservatio n or sacred site. The bill would also require a lead agenc y, if a tribe notifies the lead agency that a project may adverse ly a ffect a sacred site prio r to the commen cemen t of the public review period, to consult the affected tribe, the pro ject propo nen t, and if the lead agen cy dete rmines necessary, the commission, to seek mutually agreeable methods of avoiding or resolving the potential adverse effects. The bill would require the affected tribe to propose mitigation me asures capable of av oiding or substantially lessening the pote ntial adverse effects, and would make any agre ement reached du ring the consu ltation meetings bindin g on the affe cted tribe and the project propone nt. The bill would requ ire the EIR or negative decla ration pre pared by the le ad a gen cy to include a dete rmination of whe ther the pro po se d project has a significant impac t on the iden tified sacre d site, and whether the pro pose d mitigation measu res would reduce that effect. The bill wo uld au tho rize an affecte d tribe to su bmit a c omment letter to the lead agency acce pting or rejecting the O.00143 conclusi ons of the draft EIR regarding the impact on a sacred sit e. Th e bill would also auth orize an affected tribe to submit writte n notice to the commissi on of its objection of the lead agency's d eterminatio n regarding the existe nce of sacred sit e, and would require the c ommission, within 60 days of receiving that n otice to determine whether to o verride the lead agen cy's determination regarding wh ether a site constitutes a sacred site. The bill wou ld permit a lead agency to approve a project identifi ed by an affected tribe as potentially affecting a sacred site, after the l ead agency has c ondu ct ed the required consultation with the affected tribe and the project pr oponent, only if the affected tribe identifies, and the lead agency incorp orates int o the project, mitigation measures or alternatives that s ubstantially less en or avoid impacts on the sacred site, or if the lead agency refers the matter to the commission and the co mmission make s specified findings regardi ng the mitigati on or av oidanc e of impacts on that sacred site. The bill would exempt from its provisions the issuance of a permit by any public agency for an existing or proposed project that is subject to an amendment to a ge neral plan or zoning ordinance appr oved by the electors of a city or county pu rsuant to an initiative me asure prior to January 1, 1995. The bill wo uld make legislative findings and declarati ons regarding the lingering effects of historic po licies with respect to Native Americans in the state, and the n eed to protect and preserve Native American cultural and religi ous sit es. The bill would declare the intent of the Legislature to reco gnize Native American tribal sovereignty and the co nduc t of tribal ceremo nies and practices in the state, to protect the access and ability of Native Americans to engage in those practices, and to provide an effectiv e mechanism for negotiation s between Native American tribes and othe r affected parties to permit land uses compatible with tradition al Native American practices through mutually agre eable mitigation measures. Staff Comments: The coalition of opponents to SB 1828 continues to grow beyond local gov ernments who are concerned with the impacts of the bill on lo cal land u se authority. The coalition now inclu de s various interests including building co ntractors, the Building Industry Associatio n, California Re altors, the California Chamber of Commerce, utility co mpanies, an d a varie ty of state wide land dev elopme nt interests, all which recognize the finan cial and pro je ct delivery impacts that this bill would hav e on Califo rn ia. The analysis co nduc ted by the Assembly Appropriation s Committe e consultant correctly states that there are pote ntially tho usands of site s in California that are sacred to one or more of the many federally -recognize d tribe s an d non -federally recognize d tribe s in Califo rnia . While a portion of these site s are listed on an 00'0144 inventory of sacred sites maintained by the commission, the bill vests, with either the tribe or the commission, the a uthority to d etermine what a sacred site is and where it is located. This introduces a significant level of unpr edictability into the CEQA review pr ocess, with project propo nents and lead agencies being subject to external, and p otentially s ubjective, d etermi nations that particular pr ojects adversely impact a sacred site. The coalitio n opposing SB 1828 has argued that while the bill calls f or mitigation measures to be "mutually agreeable" — this, in effect allows a tribal veto and eliminates the ability of local land use agencies to make determinations with respect to the adequacy and feasibility of mitigation m easures. In the event that a tribe a nd a lead- agency are unable to arrive upon m utually agr eeable mitigation measures, the bill identifies the Native American Heritage C ommission (NAHC) the ultimate determiner of what constit ut es mitigation. This is an un acceptable delegation of land use authority from local age ncies to a singl e mission st ate co mmission. The Native A merican Heritage Co mmission is not a land -use planning age ncy. There are myriad laws at the fe deral, state and local le vels that affect land -use plannin g in the state. The NAHC does not have the expertise, budget, personn el or access to information to ma ke informed and appropriate decisi ons affecting land u se. The level of complex ity in land -use plann ing demands significant expertise to e nsure that decisions made are in the best intere st of all the stakeholders a nd the community. Finally, the fin ancial impact on both State and lo cal gove rn me nts that ar e building c apital pro jects that require CEQA rev iew is significant. The Assembly A ppropriations Committee analysis suggests that the SB 1828 would have pote ntially substantial ongo in g costs, in the millions of dollars annually to Caltra ns, the Departmen t of Water Resources, the Departmen t of Forestry and Fire Protection and othe r state agencies that pursue large -scale capital pro jec ts to the extent this bill's additional CEQ A conditions and processes result in project delays and addition al mitigation measures to avoid adverse impacts to Nativ e American sacred sites. Likewise, lo cal gove rnments, local transportation agencie s, flo od co ntro l districts, water distric ts, among other capital intensiv e gov ernment agencies would likely in cur substantial co sts, in the millions of do llars annually, to meet additional CEQA conditions and processes as well as additional mitigation measu res. Staff Rec ommendation : OPPOSE 000145 Date of Analysis: August 14, 2002 Bill Number/A uthor: HR 5157 (D on Y oung, R -Alask a) As intr oduced July 18, 2002 Subject: Status: Summary: This bill amends federal law to all ow transit syst ems in urbaniz ed areas that, f or the first time, e xceeded 200,000 in p opulation acc ordi ng to the 2000 census to retain flexibility in the use of Federal transit formula grants on operations . Introduced July 18, 2002 Reported out of Hous e Transp ortatio n a nd Infrastruct ur e Committee — Unanimous Voice vot e Existing federal law, the Transportation Equity Act for the 21' Cent ury (TEA -21), allows transit systems with a service area that does not exceed 200,000 in population to use federal transit gran t allo cations to fund operati ons costs. Once the se rvic e area e xceeds a population of 200,000, it may not use federal tra nsit grant allocatio ns fo r operations co sts. HR 5157 will allow transit systems in u rbanized areas that, for the first time, exceeded 200,000 in pop ulatio n a ccordi ng to the 2000 ce nsus to retain flexibility in the use of Federal transit formula grants on ope ration s for federal fiscal year 2003, the last year of TEA -21. Staff Comme nts: With the 2000 census, the Victor Valley Tran sit Au tho rity and the Teme cu la/Murrieta u rbanized area of the Riverside Tran sit Agency both exceeded 200,000 in population so under current law the tran sit systems services these areas are no lon ger permitted to us federal transit grants to fund on -going o perations costs. This do es not affe ct the Riverside Tran sit Agency as RTA has on ly used federal transit allocations on capital co sts system wide. In VVTA's case, howev er, they hav e built their short-ran ge transit plan and the ir annual budget with the expec tation that federal transit fu nds could be u se fo r o pe rations purposes and thus have to face the po tential of significant o peration s budget impacts in the c urrent fiscal year. 000146' 4 HR 5157 s erves as a parachute for transit systems that ar e graduating from a small to medium sized system by eff ectively pro viding a one year ext ension, coinciding with the rea uthorization of the federal transp ortation act, to continue to use federal transit grants for operati ons p urposes. Staff Recommendation: SUPPORT RIVE RSI DE COUNTY TRANSPORTA TION COMMISSION DATE: September 11, 2002 TO: Ri verside C ounty Transp ortati on Commissi on FROM: Plans and Programs Committ ee Hideo Sugita, Deputy E xecuti ve Direct or THROUGH: Eric Haley, E xecutive Director SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution No. 03-008, "Resolution of the Riv er side County Transportation Commission De cl aring th e Urgency for Trans portation Impro vements on State Route 79 (Win che ster Road)" — Dome nigoni Parkway to Hunter Road PLA NS A ND PROGRAMS COMMITTEE AND STAFF RE COMMEND ATION: This item is for the Commission to adopt Resolution No. 03-008, "Resol utio n of the Rive rside Cou nty Transportation Commission Declari ng the Urgency for Transportatio n Impro ve me nts on State Route 79 (Winch ester R oad)", de claring the Commissio n's inte nt to work with the County of Riversid e, Caltrans and other parties to secure federal, state and loc al discretionary funds to deliver th e SR 79 pro je ct from Domenigoni Parkway to Hunter Road. BACK GROU ND INFOR MA TION: The 1988 voter approv ed Measure "A" list of projects includes the widening of SR 79 from Newport Road to Keller Road. This project is to widen SR 79 from 2 lanes to a four lane co nv entional highway. The pro jec t is fun ded with State Transpo rtation Improvement Program (STIP) funds and is bein g prepared for delive ry by Caltrans District 8. During start up of the env iron men tal phase for the SR 79 project, Fe deral Highway Admin istration (FHWA) staff directed that the scope of the env ironmental documen t be expanded to satisfy "lo gical termini" requirements. In this case a pro ject fo r the realign ment of SR 79 through San Jacinto and Hemet e xists north of Do menigo ni Parkway and SR 79 from Hunter Road south to 1-15 is already a six lane con ventional highway. Therefo re , the SR 79 project scope for the en viron men ta l phase was changed fro m Domenigon i Parkway to Keller Road to Dome nigon i Parkway to Hu nter. Item 8 0. 00, 148 At the No vemb er 2001 meeting the Commissio n approv ed a list of projects to be submitted for f undi ng consideratio n in the C alifor nia Transp ortation Commission's (CTC) 2002 STIP cycle. Th e recommended pr oje cts includ ed an additi onal $1,323,000 of f unding to support environm ental cl earance and design for the exten ded limits of the SR 79 project. At the De cember 2001 meeting the Commission consider ed a request from th e County of Riverside to increase th e c onstruction scope of the SR 79 pr oject . The project, as appro ved in Measure "A", is to widen SR 79 to fo ur lanes fr om Newport Road to Keller Road. Subsequently, in co nj unction with th e construction of Domenigoni Parkway with the Diamond Valley R eservoir, the northerly terminus of the SR 79 project was e xtended appr oximately 3/ 4 of a mile north to Dom enigo ni Parkway. Addition ally, the County of Riverside, recognizing population gr owth will continue in the south co unty area, request ed the Commissi on m ove f orw ard with the expansion of the SR 79 proje ct to a six la ne facility. The complicating fact or in moving forward with a six lane improvement is the lack of funds to perf orm right- of-way an d constru ct a six lane facility. The Co mmission has committed a total of approximately $15 million to fund the 1988 SR 79 Measu re "A" project and the "back of the e nvelope" estimate to build the e ntire length of SR 79 from Domenigoni Parkway to H unt er Road is $100 million. DISCUSSION: The Commission recognizes the need to deliv er the 1988 SR 79 Measure "A" project. The Co mmission also recognizes the impact of changed conditio ns largely related to population growth in the south county area. In December of 2001 the Commission directed staff to support the request from the County of Riverside to allow the env iro nmental c learance of the SR 79 pro ject to move forward, as l ong as an agreeme nt would be put in place that the County would fund all costs associated with a six lane pro ject. No fundin g agreement is pro posed at this time and the Coun ty recently acte d to ado pt a resolution which would request that the Commission, Caltran s and the Co unty Transportation Department work cooperatively to dev elop and brin g back a reco mmen ded project and funding strate gy to deliv er this impo rtant highway improvement in 180 days. To fu rther complicate matters, the Commission has a Tier I env iro nmen tal document on CETA P alternativ es fo r the align ment Winc hester to Temecu la whic h is cu rrently being circulated. The Co mmission has n ot yet identified a lo cally prefe rred a lternative but anticipates tha t actio n will o ccur later this calendar ye ar. *e' riedd 9 The revised en vironmental scope of the project will likely have a proposed si x lane expressway c onnecting with th e six lane co nventi onal highway which exists from Hunter Road south to 1-15. On the n orthern terminus, the project is proposed to c on nect with th e realignment of SR 79 from th e Ramona E xpressway to Domen igoni Parkway. In order to preserve th e commitment to build the M easure "A" Do menigoni Parkway to Keller R oad segment, we are w orking towards preserving a phased approach to c onstructing impro vements. Phasing the co nstruction of SR 79 may pr ove to be diffi cult because pr eserving the right-of-way needed for a six lane e xpressway consistent with Caltrans' standards may result in an approach that: • requires the u se of all available SR 79 project funds to acquire right-of-way; • due to the width of expressw ay sta ndard dime nsions (196 feet wide including an approximate 60 foot median), we may end up with a pr oject that would hav e a significan t amount of "throw away" (perhaps one side of the divided highway) when the ultimate six lane facility is funded and built. The primary issue facing the Co mmission and the C ounty is fundi ng. Without fun din g there are few, v ery limited paths to pursue in mo ving SR 79 forward to construction. The following funds may be allocated by the Commissi on to fund portio ns o f, or the whole pro ject: Surface Trans portation Pro gram (STP): Under the federal transportation bill (TEA 21) the Commissi on rec eives approximately $13 million per ye ar. The Commission previou sly allocated all STP funds av ailable through FY 2002-03 which is the last year in TEA 21 . The reau thorizatio n of the federal bill will cover a six year perio d from 2003-04 thro ugh 2008-09. Staff is plannin g to hold a call for projects for STP funds in the summer of 2003. STP funds c urrently require an 11.53% local ma tch. State Transportation Improvement Pro gram (STIP) Discre tionary Funds: Every o ther year the Commission wo rks with lo cal member agen cies, Caltrans and the CTC in pro gramming the STIP. The nex t STIP cycle will begin in August 2003 with the ado ptio n of the STIP Fund Estimate. This e stimate will establish the Commission share of available STIP funds. For reference purposes in the 2002 STIP the Commission received $130 millio n to program fo r major transportation pro je cts. Of the $130 millio n approximately $30 millio n was available in the discretionary fund category. The Commission could cho ose to allo cate fu tu re STIP discretionary fun ds toward the delivery of the SR 79 project. The CTC also has discretionary Inter -regional Transportation Improvement Pro gram fun ds (ITIP) that co uld potentially be allo cated to assist in fundin g the pro je ct. Item 8 000 50 Please note that the STIP is a five year programming d ocument and g enerally speaking, pr ojects are programm ed f or delivery in a phased manner ( e.g. PSR, e nvironmental do cument/project report, right of way, construction,). The programming capacity for new funds is larg ely in the last two years of th e STIP, or in the case of the 2004 STIP in years 2007-08 and 2008-09. Th e possibility e xists that a project can be pr ogrammed and deli vered earlier if, the project phase work is ready to go, and the state highway acc ou nt has the cash flow to fund it earlier. TRANSPORTATION UNIFORM MITIGATION FEE (TUMF): Included as part of the Western C ounty Meas ure "A" pr ogram is th e establishment of a transportatio n fee on development. This segme nt of SR 79 is included as a roa dway in the Weste rn Cou nty Regional Arterial program eligible to receive TUMF and Measure "A" funds. If the Measure passes, TUMF will likely be the only available "early" money to support project delivery. Ev en if the Measur e is supported this November, Measure "A" funds (i n the regional arterial program) would not be on line un til April 2009. The Commission co uld co nsid er financing the early delive ry of the SR 79 projec t but given the nat ur e of the 1988 Measur e being a separate program from the 2002 ballot meas ure, the Commissi on may not be able to u se 1988 Measure A program funds to finance the deli very of a project in the 2002 ballo t measure without amending the program. For your information, the Commission has n ot amen ded projects into, or o ut of the ballot lang uage as approved by the vo ters in 1988. Supervisor Venable has be en pursuing ev ery possible av en ue to secure fu nds to advance the SR 79 pro ject. To date, while there is reco gnition of the need, there are no firm co mmitments of funding fro m either state or federa l programs . As we are going in to the reauthorization of TEA 21 nex t ye ar it is possible that the tradition of earmarking transportation funds will be another ave nue to pursue funding to support delivery of this project. Please - note that federal demonstratio n fu nds require a 20% match. Lastly, the on ly other aven ue for the Commission to consider is to remov e funding fro m existing commitmen ts. Staff strongly recommends the Commission not ex plore this path. Attac hed for consideration is a resolution to commit the Co mmission to reco gn ize SR 79 from Domen igoni Parkway to Hun ter Road as a high priority project and co mmit the Commission, in partnership with the County of Riv erside, Caltra ns, other local go vern ment agencies and priva te part ies to de liv er this n eeded project at the earliest possible date . This commitmen t reco gnizes fin ancial realities an d project deve lopmen t milestones n ecessa ry to accomplish to deliver this important project. 1.1 '000151 O OV 5 RESOLUTI ON N O. 03-008 RESOLUTION OF THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORT ATION COMMISSION DECLARING THE URGENCY F OR TR ANSPORTATION IMPRO VEMENTS ON ST ATE ROUTE 79 (WINCHESTER ROAD) WHEREAS, State Route 79 (Winchester Road) in Ri verside C ounty is a two- lane road in Southwest Riversid e C ounty; and WHEREAS, more than 15,000 vehicles travel this highway on a daily basis; and WHEREAS, recent and current growth trends in the ar ea that adj oi ns this portion of State Ro ute 79 have increasing traffic demand; and WHEREAS, added traffic on Winchester Road has res ulted in significant safety issues including more than 300 traffic accidents and eight fatalities since 1997; and WHEREA S, the Riverside Co unty Integrated Plan projects o ngoing traffic growth in the area that could resu lt in more than 25,000 vehicles daily by 2025; and WHEREAS, daily traffic conditions on State Route 79 require an immedi ate actio n plan for funding and implementing traffic improv ements incl uding the widening of the highway to three lan es in each directio n; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Riverside Cou nty Transportatio n Commission will prioritize improv ements fo r State Route 79 (Wincheste r Road) and develop a funding stra tegy that wou ld c onsider the allo cation of future discretion ary sta te and fe deral funding for widening Ro ute 79 to six lanes. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Riverside County Transportation Commission declares its in tention and commitment to work in coo pe ration with the County of Riverside, the Califo rnia De partment of Transportation (Ca!trans) and o ther gove rnment and private se ctor entities to expedite improvements to the area as quickly as possible. 000152 APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the Riverside County Transportation Co mmission on the 11th d ay of September, 2002 . Joh n F. Tavaglione, Chairman Riverside County Transportation C ommission ATTEST: Naty Kopenhaver, Clerk of the Board 000`_1.53 000154 RI VERSIDE COUNTY TR ANS PO RTATION COMMISSION DATE: September 11, 2002 TO: Ri verside County Transportation Commissi on FROM: Budget and Implementati on "Committe e as a Wh ol e" Bill Hughes, B echtel Project Manag er Erik Galloway, Bechtel Resid ent E ngi neer THROUGH: Hideo Sugita, Deputy E xecutive Director SUBJECT: Agreement N o. 02-33-089 for the Constructi on of the Riverside - La Sierra Metrolink Statio n Parking Lot Expansi on and Photo voltaic Carport Structures Proj ect BUD GET AND IMPLEMENTATION "COMMITTEE AS A WHOLE" AND STAFF RECOMMEND ATION: This ite m is for the Commission to: 1) Re commend that the Co mmission award Agreement No . 02-33-089 to Riverside Co nstruction Inc., for either Alt ernate " A" Pr oject or Altern ate "B" Project, as outlined belo w: Alternate "A" Project — (Base Projec t) — If Ri verside P ubli c Utiliti es (RPU) and RCTC cannot come to a timely resoluti on on a funding agree ment for the co nstruction of the Photovoltaic Carport Structure part of the project, award A gree ment No. 02-33-089 for th e con stru ction of the Riverside -La Sierra Metrolink Station Parking Lot Expansion Base Project to Riverside Co nstruction Inc. for th e amo unt of $686,517 plu s a co ntingency amount of $73,483 to cover potential change orders for out -o f -scope items encountered d uring constru ction, for a to tal con trac t amo unt not to ex ceed $760,000; OR A ltern ate "B" Pro ject — (Base Proje ct + Carport) — If RPU and RCTC can come to a timely reso lutio n and execu te a Photov oltaic Carport Structu re Fundin g Agreement, then award Agree ment No. 02-33-089 for the construction of the Riv erside -La Sierra Metrolink Sta tio n Parking Lot Expansion Base Proje ct and Photo voltaic Carpo rt Stru cture to Riverside Construction Inc . for the amount of $1,299,850 ($686,517 in RCTC fu nds + $613, 333 in RPU funds) plus a contingency amount of $110,150 ($73,483 in RCTC funds + $36,667 in RPU funds) to cov er potential change o rde rs for out -of - scope items e ncounte red during constru ction , for a total co ntract amount not to exceed $1,410,000 subject to appro val to en ter into a net/net electricity and fu nding agreemen t with the City of Riverside's Public Utilities for the installation of the photov oltaic ce lls and carport structures; and, Item 9 ,. 000155 2) Authorize the Chairma n, pursuant to Legal C ounsel review, to execut e the standard co nstruction agreement on behalf of the Commission, f or either of the two pr ojects outlined above contingent up on appro val of the funding agr eement between RPU and RCTC . BACKGROUND INFO RM ATION: At its May 9, 2001 meeting, the Commission approved the establishm ent of an Ad Hoc Committee to address poli cy issues ide ntified in the draft Stati on Ma nag ement Plan , submitted to the Commission at the same m eeting . One of the main findings of the draft Station Management Plan was that by 2010, f our out of the fi ve, existing and pro pose d, Metrolink stations are forecasted to have parki ng deficiencies. With direction from both the Commission and the Ad Hoc Committee, staff nego tiated with sev eral entities for the expansion of existing parking lots for the Riv erside -La Sierra and Riverside -Downtown M etrolink commuter rail stations. Part of these negotiations was to ease the immediate parking problem at the Riverside -La Sierra station. RCTC staff worked in conjun ction with Riverside Community College (RCC), an d developed, submitted, and re ceived th e City of Riv erside's approv al of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) on April 10, 2000, for a tempo rary parking lot, adjac ent and to the west of the e xisting station. At the request of RCC, the plans for the temporary parking using th e RCC property were abandoned and RCTC staff had to look for other ways to resolve the stati on parking at the Riv erside -La Sierra station. RCTC staff subsequently n egotiated with an adjacent bowling alley facility to provide additional parking. This site is still used today for additional parking, at a cost of $1,725 pe r month, and r equires RTA to run special serv ice to tran sport the passe ngers using this parking location back to the station platform. This a uxiliary parking lot a lso requires the added cost of hav ing a separate guard for security at the remote statio n parking. In discussions with the City of Rive rside Planning staff, it was determin ed that the prev io usly approved CUP, fo r the Riverside -La Sierra Statio n Te mporary Parking Lot Ex pansion using the RCC property, cou ld be resurrected and revised to allow for a permanent e xpan sion of the parking lot as long as the perman ent facility was within the foo tprin t of the pre vio usly approv ed temporary facility. This would save several mon ths in gaining City approval. This, along with other mitigating issues possibly requiring a prolon ged period of time to gain the City of Riv erside approva l, was the reason ing be hin d splitting the Riverside -La Sie rra Parking Lo t Expansion Project in two (2) phases. The Phase I Permanent Parking Lot revised CUP was appro ve d by the City of Riverside in Ma rch of 2002. The Phase I perman ent parking area will provide an addition al 254 pa rking spa ces. The station currently has 343 parking spaces. The Phase I pa rkin g expansion will bring the total nu mbe r of space s to 597. Item 9 00`0156 On No vemb er 14, 2001, the Commission entered into Agreement No. 02-33-029 with Engine ering Resources of Southern California, Inc ., to provide Engineering and Environmental Ser vices f or d evelopment and implementati on of a Parki ng Lot Expansion Plan for the existi ng Riv erside -La Sierra and Riverside -D ow ntown Metrolink commut er rail stations . Staff has been working with Engin eering Resourc es to d evelop the Plans, Specifications, and Estimates (PS&E) for the Phase I Ri verside -La Sierra Metroli nk Statio n Parking Lot Expansi on Pr oje ct. The PS&E was s ubmitted to th e City of Riverside on April 15, 2002 for re view and comment. In conjunctio n with developing the d esign for Phase I, staff co ordinated with the RPU for the inclusio n of a Solar P anel Parking Stall Proje ct with th e construction of the Phase I Project. This has been incorporated into the PS&E package for the Phase 1 Riverside -La Sierra Metrolink Stati on Parking Lot Expansion Pr oject . At its May 8, 2002 meeting, the Commission authorized staff to advertise f or bids to construct Phase I of the Riv erside -La Sierra Metr olink Station Parking Lot Expansion which included the Photovoltaic Carport Structures Pr oject. The project was advertised startin g on Jun e 10, 2002 with the bid opening on August 15, 2002. As part of this proje ct, the RPU is to pro vide the photo voltaic cells (solar pan els) and con tribute fun ds for the purchase a nd i nstallation of the carport structures, which will support the pan els. The RPU had budg eted $ 1,200,000 for the complete project, from which the City wo uld purchase and supply the so lar panels to RCTC. The carport stru ctu res and installation of th e pa nels wo uld be bid out as part of the pro ject. The RPU was concerned that the bids for the carport structures and installatio n of the solar panels would ex ceed the remaining budget, so RCTC decided to bid the project out with two alternatives. The first alternative is the Base Project, which encompasses the construction of the parking lot without the solar panels and carport structures. The sec ond altern ative is the Base Project + Photovoltaic Carport Structures - this would include the parking lot constructio n, solar panel installation, an d carport structures. If the bids fo r the carpo rt structu res and photov oltaic cells were gre ater than what the RPU was con tributing, the n RCTC wo uld have the o ption to award the first alternative and o nly construct the parkin g lot portion of the pro ject. Plea se no te that the award fo r the Alte rnativ e B project require s RCTC to enter into a fu nding a greement and net/ne t electricity agreement with RPU. Four (4) bids were received and opened on Augu st 15, 2002, at 10:00 a.m. A summary of the bids received are sho w in Table A-1 for the Base Projec t and Ta ble A-2 for the Base Projec t + Photovo lta ic Ca rport Struc tures: Ite m 9 .000157 T ABLE A-1 C onstruction of the Riverside -La Sierr a Metrolink Stati on Parking L ot Expa nsion Base Project Agre ement No. 02-33-089 Firm (in o rder from Low bid to High bid) Engineers Estimate Riv erside Construction Inc. 111 Main Street P.O. Box 1146 Riverside, Ca. 92502 Bid Am ou nt $739,057 Amount Over L ow Bid L.D. An derso n 2750 S. Lilac -Av e. Bloomington, Ca. 92316 Hillcrest Co ntracting, Inc. 1467 Circle City Driv e Co ron a, Ca. 92879-1668 Metro Bu ilders & Engineers Group Ltd. 2610 Avon St. - Suite A Newport Beach, Ca. 92663 $686,517 $0.00 $701,203.40 $14,686.40 $823,298 .85 $136,781 .85 $1,348,786.50 $662,269.50 TABLE A-2 Cons truc tion of the Riverside -La Sie rra Metrolink Stati on Parki ng Lo t Expan sion and Pho tov oltaic Carport Structur es Base Proje ct + Photov oltaic Cells Agreement No. 02-33-089 Firm (in orde r from Low bid to High bid) Engine ers Estimate Riverside Co nstruction Inc. 111 Main Street P.O. Box 1 146 Riverside , Ca. 92502 Hillcre st Contracting, Inc. 1467 Circle City Drive Corona, Ca. 92879-1668 L.D. Anderso n 2750 S. Lilac Ave. Bloomington , Ca. 92316 Metro Builders & Engineers Group Ltd. 2610 Avon St. - Suite A Newpo rt Be ach, Ca. 92663 Bid Amo unt $1,294,667.00 $1,299,850.00 Amount Over Low Bid $0 .00 $1,520.971. 85 $221,121.85 $1,521,059.85 '41E01668 $ 2,470,370.50 $221,209. 85 $1,170,520.50 The bids were re viewed by Legal Counsel and Staff, and all concur that Riverside Construction Inc. low bid for b oth alternatives was the low est r esponsiv e bid received for the pr oject. A summ ary of the review of the three (3) lowest bids received and the responsiveness of the bids ar e detailed in Table B: TABLE B Re view S ummary Checklist Item Riv erside Construction Inc. L.D. Anderso n Hillcrest Contracting Inc. 1 Bid Letter Yes Yes Yes 2 Schedule of Prices - Bid Amount (math check) - Bid Item Co mpariso n - w/Eng's Est - w/other Bidders - Unbalanced Bid Items Yes Yes Yes No Minor Yes Yes No Mi nor Yes Yes No 3 Bid Bond Yes Yes Yes 4 List of Subcon tracto rs - Prime Perfo rms > 50% Work Yes Yes Yes 5 Bidder In formatio n Fo rms - Reference Check Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 6 Non -Co llusion A ffidavit Yes Ye s Yes 7 Eviden ce of Insurance * No * No * No Note: The bidders did no t submit evidence of insurance but staff is currently working with the bidders to obtain an d verify that the each bidder either curren tly has or can o btain the insurance require d prior to award of a construction con tract with the Commission fo r the project. Table C-1 and C-2 su mmarizes the co sts associated with the Constru ction of the Riverside -La Sierra Metrolink Station Parking Lot Expansion and Photov oltaic Carport Structure s Projec t fo r the three (3) lowest bids received: Item 9 000159 TABLE C-1: BASE BID ITEM SPEC . Engin eers Riv ersid e LD Anderso n FSIlcrest NO SECTION ITE M D ESCRIPTION Estimate Construction 1 1505 MOBILIZATION $80,000 $10,000 $30,000 $12,000 $10,000 $50,000 2 3 1710 1710 CLE AN-UP WATER $5,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $6,000 $2,300 4 2050 DEMOLfITON $10,000 $9,500 $2,000 $2,000 $8,500 5 2100 SITE CLEARIN G $5,000 $8,000 $25,000 $60,000 6 7 8 2160 2200 2200 SHORING IMPORTED BORROW REMOVE/COMPACT $114,8401 $34,815 $2,500 $119,625 $29,013 $200 $143,550 $17,408 $500 $120,582 $60,926 9 2200 EROSION CONTROL $8,000 $5,000 $8,000 $17,500 $67,064 $90,815 $26,6501 10 11 2232 2513 CRUSHED AB AC PAVEMENT $40,400 $99,675 $20,500 $48,884 $87,936 $62,418 $93,030 12 13 2520 2520 PCC CURB CURB AND GUTTER $2,280 $4,380 $9,895 $16,400 $2,470 $19,373 $1,995 $2,850 14 2520 PCC GUTTER $5,256 $3,241 $3,592 15 2520 PCC SIDEWALK $11,874 $17,811 $13,853 16 PCC WHEEL STOPS $680 $629 $680 $629 17 2580 PAVEM ENT STRIPING $8,000 $8,000 $8,535 $7,900 18 2720 24" RCP, 15000 $10,272 $20,116 $15,408 $12,412 19 20 2720 2720 18" RCP, 1500D 8" CSP $1,920 $600 $4,200 $2,950 $4,200 $4,300 $2,659 $1,993 $2,496 $530 21 2720 RELOCATE 24" CSP $800 $997 $2,500 $4,000 22 2720 CATCH BASIN $4,500 $3,321 23 2720 CO NCRETE CO LLAR $500 $800 $864 $500 24 2720 J STRUCTURE NO . 4 $2,000 $3,000 $525 $1,107 $1,500 25 2720 JSTRUCTURE "C" $800 $2,214 $1,200 26 2810 IRRIGATION SPRINKLER SYSTEM $40,000 $51,000 $43,200 $58,300 $43,000 $63,000 27 28 2900 2900 LA NDSCAPING LANDSCAPE, 90 DAY MAINTENANCE PERIOD $54,000 $5,000 $8,000 $38,000 $1,000 $7,540 $3,300 $3,500 $2,500 $9,000 29 4200 TRASH ENCLO SURE 30 31 16010 16510 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREM ENTS LIGHTING FIXTURE, SING LE $50,000 $27,000 $24,000 $34,000 $45,000 $37,400 $25,000 $36,000 32 16510 LIGHTING FIXTURE, DOUBLE $70,000 $77,000 $84,700 $80,000 TABLE C-2 - BASE BID + PHOTOVOLTAIC CARPORT STRUCTURES ITEM NO SPEC . SECTION ITEM DESCRIPTION Engineers Estimate Riverside Construction Hillcrest ID Anderson _ 1 1505 MOBILIZATION SECTION $80,000 $70,000 $50,000 $10,000 2 1710 CLEAN-UP $10,000 $10,500 $6,000 $3,000 _, 3 1710 CONSTRUCTION WATER $5,000 $2,200 $2,300 $4,000 4 205C) DEMOLITION REMOVALS $10,000 $3,300 $8,500 $2,000 5 2100 SITE CLEARING AND GRUBBING $5,000 $10,000 $60,000 $2,000 6 2160 SAFETY AND SHORING $8 ,000 $2,500 $500 $200 7 2200 IMPORTED BORROW $114,840 $110.055 $120,582 $143,550 8 2200 REMOVE AND RECOMPACT $34,815 $26,692 $60,926 $17,408 ,_ 9 2200 EROSION CONTROL $8,000 $5,000 $17,500 $8,000 10 2232 CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE $40,400 $48,884 $67,064 $62,418 11 2513 ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT $99,675 $87,936 $90,815 $93,030 12 2520 PCC CURB $18.710 $14,968 $24,323 $17,681 13 2520 PCC CURB AND GUTTER $2.280 $2.470 $2,850 $1,995 14 2520 PCC GUTTER $4,380 $5,256 $3,592 $3,241 15 2520 PCC SIDEWALK $9,895 $11,874 $13,853 $17,811 16 PCC WHEEL STO PS $680 $629 $629 $680 17 2580 PAVEMENT STRIPING, MARKING & SIGNAGE $8,000 $8,000 $7,900 $8,535 18 2720 24" RCP, 1500D $10,272 $20,116, $12,412 $15,408 _ 19 2720 18" RCP, 1500D $1,920 $4,200 $2,496 $2,659 20 2720 8" CSP WITH END SECTION $600 $2,950 $530 _ $1,993 _ 21 2720 RELOCATE 24" CSP AND END SECTION $800 $4,200 $2,500 $997 22 2720 CATCH BASIN $4,500 $4,300 $4,000 $3,321 23 2720 CONCRETE COLLAR $500 $800 $500 $864 24 2720 JUNCTION STRUCTURE NO. 4 $2,000 $525 $1,500 $1,107 25 2720 JUNCTIO N STRUCTURE "C" $3.000 $800 $1,200 $2,214 26 2810 IRRIGATION SPRINKLER SYSTEM $40,000 $51,000 $43,000 $43,200 Ite m 9 000161 TABLE C-2 - BASE BID + PHOTOVOLTAIC CARPORT STRUCTURES ITEM NO SPEC. SECTION ITE M DESCRIPTION Engineers Estimate Riverside C onstructi on Hill crest LD Anderson 27 2900 LANDSCAPING $54,000 $38,000 $63,000 $58,300 28 2900 LANDSCAPE, 90 DAY MAINTENANCE PERIOD $5,000 $1,000 $2,500 $3.300 29 4200 TRASH ENCLOSURE $8,000 $7,540 $9,000 $3,500 30 16010 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS $50,000 $24,000 $25,000 $45,000 31 16510 LIGHTING FIXTURE, SINGLE $27,000 $35,000 $36,000 $37,400 32 16510 LIGHTING FIXTURE , DOUBLE $42,000 $48,000 _ $48,000 $50,820 33* 16510 LIGHTING FIXTURE, FLUORESCENT $20,400 $52,156 $51,000 $53,108 34* 5120 (S) CARPORT STRUCTURES $360,000 $230,000 $345,000 $422,400 35* 16440 (S) PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM $205,000 $355,000 $336,000 $379,920 *: Items No . 33, 34, and 35 are alternate bid items. At the May 2002 Commission meeting, the Commissio n appro ved the c oncept ual Memoran dum of Understan ding No. M-22-001 with the RPU f or a Ph otovoltaic Carpo rt Structu re at the Riverside -La Sierra Station. Th e fine points of the co nceptual MOU were as follows: 1. RPU would fund up to $1,200,000 to construct Phase I of the Photovoltaic Carpo rt Structure Project at the Riv erside -La Sierra Station . 2. Fu ndin g was available in the RPU Public Benefits Pro gram budget to f ully fund Phase I of the projec t and RPU will continue to see k additional s ourc es to fund the subsequent phases. 3. RPU and RCTC will share in the benefits of the project through lower electricity costs for both entities. 4. The MOU will be the basis for a formal co ntract/net meterin g agreement after approval by the Riverside City Council and the RCTC Board. 5. RCTC will be the project manager of the c onstru ctio n project and provide the funds fo r the parking lot, with RPU providing the funding fo r the photov oltaic carport struc ture and related installation ex penses. Financial Info rmatio n In Fiscal Year Budget: Ye ar: FY 02-03 Amount: $760,000 (STA) $650,000 (RPU) Source of Fun ds: State Transit Assistance Riverside Public Utilities GLA No.: 221 33 81301 Pro je ct #3809 (STA) Bu dget A dju stment: N (STA ) Y(RPU) 221 33 81301 Project #3811 (RPU) Fisca l Procedu res Appro ve d: D ate : 108/20/02 (O 162