HomeMy Public PortalAboutSecond Av_1304Apr 18 2006 10:30AM HP LASERJET FAX Apr 18 06 09 :03a or Bi#f. VdkM etttesraUM8 — nitled Reunolds 912 CeRTIFICATE btsa6h Rud the W* ttl Wnfl an mw i - 7 &WarBki% No) OR P.O. j_j HAD M7 L„ l WD 19143 BOX p.2 ,52 7787 P.2 I Expires July 31, 2002 For Msurirtab a mparnr Use: USGS Quad Map Lj tither. _ SECTION B - PLOOf3 tNGUIRAMCE RATE 1AAP (FM M) INFORMIATION DA'Z'E data or base floW depth entered in (Zone AC, use death Of froodinga (_j F1S Prsstiie (�FtRM Lj CdriiMiAdtp De f j dither ( Describe): r311, fndkete dw elvn m datuin Ultdd far lfhe &t ir, 69: GVD 1929 (_„ j NAVE) 1888 1_1 Other (Describe): 812.1s the buWn+2located In 8 Cra6Mat BAtrtitr fir wurce ;sj stern (CBRS) was or Otherwise Protected Area (CPA)l j_„ j `Fes L- --4"6 C1. BuWkv eiestatiomam busiest orb. "Conatructiun Drawings` I_jBukft tinder Constn4ctfon- f,, _ sthshed Constntctlon `A new Elevatim CeWcate vWO be reguhd when constriction of the building is owr Vete. G2. Bu-10V Ciagrom Numbar_,.,t_ (U461 ftid blift*g diagram most s miter to the bull ft for which this certi %ate is being cQM*eted - see pages 9 and 7. It he cNi&*4 ftddhift ie01re §dritd thb building, provide a sketch or phXograph.) 03, Elevations —Zones Al -A30, AF, AH, A (Wth bM. VE. VIN30, V (MM BF.E), Ali, APJA, AfttAE, ARM-A'30, ARIAK ARIAO cormlete hems C3a4 belr decard o to the bcsltdir+g tRagram spWfled M 6taen 02. ate the datum used, It the datum is cfPftwerrt from the datum used for the aFE In fidotian 13, ounvOt the datum to that used for the WE Show field rneemurements and datum c onverstott calc�. Use ft *am pmvkMd or t6se Comments sues of $90m D or Sec Wn f3, as appropfiate, to docurnent the datum cxrnversion, DaWwnAAfiVA-M confr vibwCbr nf' EWfWon rdarar a apart€ used asses the elevation reteranoe mark used appear ©n the FiRW Yes L1Ft0 El 8) tats of boftm floor oncf€ &ng bem t of tmdasure) it -(Wit- 4 O b) Top of next higher ficsar _ _ lt.(m) 0 c) tl� of kwast horn sbuchnm) rnerrtae�r {V zrzhse only) ,�g„ , _ tt.(tnj ❑ 0'1 Aitac he3 giwdga (tap di ilhb) ..._:.�f�. � 1i. {m) I 0 e) Lowbat el natf on of macHniny dn&m egtttpment No. 2249 sem-Mng the building 0 f) t_owesl at�eetht � {IAGj 8 . D 3t.(tat)~ � j"ey ��v -� a fib C1 St) f Viest amt grade (RAG) O h) No. of pwriwent openIno (1`tvod vents) wdhht 1 R above aciacAnt grams 0 0 Trilal am of aft perrtl9ftdnt opArtiMo (NoW vents) in C3h sq, In. (sq. car) t acric t f3 - iuRYt yoi:4 ENQmam oR Ancf €f ray GERTiriCAreN This certitleation Is to be eigmd dM k6 d by d sunmM, engftreer, or em Wtect autherikesd by law to certify elevation htforrna an- f Dart€y that the frrfamof n tr 3e okorA k, 8, 4nd C on fins tertfflcafe represents my best efforts to Inteipmt tfle date avaReM. Apr 18 2006 10 :30AM HP LASERJET FAX p.l Rpr Is 06 09 :032 l `'aPy b C th Wde S of tH& GavgG 51e C iii$ Tor 0) q;::^ :'n 7- del: Pnf l! 9Irerot- ag- 9 WJCO M Pa nyr and (M) liidI -ng ewfwer. O heck 5VC11CM E - 801-13114.0 ELEVA'i t M INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REMIREM MR ZONE Ara AND ZONE A (4R'tTMOUT BEM "<,r ycnG A0 aH- Zone A ( Iftut 9FE), ? i e tteMs El through E§, If Um EWY&gw Codewafe is Wanded for Lwe as s"PI-1010'ry °-tf. mmaw fare LOMA or LtJnfAA -Ucion 0 ttr -4 b* cwqskd i. 8ukWv Dlagrm Nufrt:3� . (§&d"MWWg ftgratn most sprrfiar 10 the building for which this ceratiiregia is Ming completed -- see pies 8 end 7. Ono diagm *oWtAW toti4iwi the buftdirQ, provida a Aatch cr Phctogmanh.) �x The top or the bo'tiom 006r ( b Ong or m*oure) of the buHrog is U_4 it.(m) j _;•__ kt. (cm) j..._j atcrre or `j i dow (Civil me) "tri0eSt CW **jd E1 For Wft Dle .ria M WM (4ft Page 7), t* higher ftor or elevates! floor (clevedon b) of the building is Lj-j fL(rn) L — jln.(cm) 460 64 higheki fi4acant grade. �:4. For Zone AO If ira flood d1*9i kW%sber is avdWe. h 016 top of the holtom floor elevated in accordance with the oarrrtravriciy's �oodpl n rrtelt 3rr? t qrdt[ 4t #7 ( SAS .. No j�(ilrrittwrvrx, The lo al aiitc rrrsar.t c a iifv ldtis fvrmaan In Sinn G_ ihv R*rijotiA A; R and Fz I Zone A (Withoui a FE in- issued Of +sail 9FFS ctZon* Ab 6W A;IjEe i". rF3f7rckly fi+ i4oR`.`'Y+ RR - ,v'�f's�ih A Ui"' Ri es t ei w E-' "!!,T '�'v &- '.!:s4 A1, H uS SKMTURE TELEPREPRE S4WAi1 W Ae B. li Or 4f R1 t3 � YR5 � J .•-- T.�.......^- .�.'�........ �.......�......... -. r+...�....... { t), G�4 . 0ampieM the epitcebie ilem(s) and sign below. 4't, Lj The Intorroodm in Re ton C Woes W614.66 A. or dommter Mon t{1sf has bed sigrwd and en- bossed by a itcessseat asemeyor, egL F. or � hd tir [scat o` v&c" ir�o,ativn, "Wicata tyre --our date of the s L. ar; a:L2� ''r'at�:G:E_` R rE!C1 irr [*` a�1s 6 iti= i-`�e- i'dFs� t € eS€ tieS!lE -ia? Z6ne M . - - r 3F or 's.z,$_ i € €E:u i`a3 [`il� �s `si cfiz e•. i i? y �2 -'-3 j f'�:' ovk-I dfor wrFn- mility T! 7 * ?-d Sie: st [ eeiin'iet s`�ix� "�iii�cS. (. I f fs Perm l hm uooti }ssu .hvi j _fF New Conistrur.46% 2_• :54 �'+'cZiH, .4t� ftnP Uii6nM -. i[ -• . Elevation of as- b-ui(t lvwt t :foor (Uidud1r ba6bman) of the hafting is: — _ ft, (rr) D a I.M: -- .39. 8FE or On Zane -011 depth of flooft vt the bulding Mile is; -- LOCAUVRICIACS FAW T11 E �C Me MITY NAWE P P GOi� S -- L! Check here if attachments FEMA Form gt -31, AUG 0 REPLACES ALL mrlviQUS HoNHos ,