HomeMy Public PortalAbout20180130 - Select Board - Meeting Minutes TOWN OF HOPKINTON Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes – January 30, 2018 HCAM-TV Studio, 77 Main St., Hopkinton MA 6:00 PM 1 Board of Selectmen Members Present: John Coutinho, Chair, Claire Wright, Vice Chair, Todd Cestari, Brian Herr, Brendan Tedstone, Officials Present: Town Manager Norman Khumalo, Director of Land Use and Town Operations Elaine Lazarus CALL TO ORDER: Mr. Coutinho called the public meeting to order at 6:00 PM in the HCAM TV Studio. The Chair entertained a motion to enter into executive session to approve executive session minutes, to consider litigation strategy with respect to Petition of Eversource Energy for Zoning Exemptions (DPU) because an open meeting may have detrimental effects on the litigating positions of the Board, to discuss the reputation, character, physical condition or mental health of an individual or charges brought against an individual, to consider the purchase, sale, lease or value of real property in relation to Town Hall, the Town’s trail system and the Upper Charles Trail because an open meeting may have detrimental effects on the negotiating positions of the Board, to reconvene in open session at the conclusion of executive session, and to allow the following officials to be present: Norman Khumalo, Elaine Lazarus. MOVED by Ms. Wright and SECONDED by Mr. Tedstone. ROLL CALL: Mr. Coutinho- Yes; Ms. Wright-Yes; Mr. Cestari-Yes; Mr. Herr-Yes; Mr. Tedstone-Yes. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0. REOPEN PUBLIC SESSION: Mr. Coutinho reopened the Public Session in the HCAM Studio with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:10 PM. PUBLIC FORUM: Residents were invited to share ideas, opinions or ask questions regarding town government. There were no public comments. Mr. Herr left the meeting at this time. SOLECT-TOWN SOLAR LEASE AND POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENT AT THOMAS MCINTYRE TOWN BARN: Ken Driscoll, Solect Energy, and John Westerling, Director of Public Works, joined the Board. Mr. Westerling reviewed the agreement regarding the installation of solar panels on the roof of the new DPW facility, which was done at no cost to the Town and will reduce utility costs. Mr. Driscoll stated the system will be operational on March 1 and should save the Town $12,000 to $15,000 per year. It was noted that Solect will maintain the infrastructure and the Town can 2 purchase the system at the end of the 10 year lease for $1.00. Board members expressed their appreciation to the Solect team. Mr. Herr returned to the meeting at this time. MOMENT OF SILENCE - RICHARD MACMILLAN: The Board held a moment of silence in recognition of the passing of Rick MacMillan, Fire Chief (retired). CONSENT AGENDA: MOVED by Mr. Herr and SECONDED by Mr. Cestari to approve Consent Agenda items: 1) Minutes of the 1/16/18 Board of Selectmen meeting; and 2) Marathon Fund Requests for $2,000 for the Hopkinton Police Association for stocking fish for the annual Fishing Derby and $3,432 for the Post Prom Committee for the 2018 Post Prom Party. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0. PROCLAMATIONS: The Board reviewed the seasonal population estimate prepared by Ms. Lazarus and Connor Degan, Town Clerk, for the ABCC. MOVED by Mr. Tedstone and SECONDED by Ms. Wright to approve the seasonal population estimate of 15,048. VOTE to Approve: Yes-4, No-0. PARADE PERMITS: The Board presented Proclamations to Eagle Scouts George Daniel Bradbury, Joseph Harrison, Gabriel I. Lopez, Zachary Ritterbusch, and Nathaniel F. Shingleton. Each described their Eagle Scout project and thanked those who assisted. BOARD/COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS: Parvathi Romgali described her interest in serving on the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board, noting that she understands how difficult it can be for people, and wants to help. MOVED by Mr. Tedstone and SECONDED by Ms. Wright to appoint Parvathi Romgali to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board, to a term expiring June 30, 2019. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0. Candidate Angela Iacone-Radaelli was not present. MOVED by Mr. Tedstone and SECONDED by Ms. Wright to appoint Angela Iacone-Radaelli to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Board, to a term expiring June 30, 2019. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0. MOVED by Mr. Herr and SECONDED by Mr. Tedstone to appoint Janine Wheeler-Ristano, nominated by the Democratic Town Committee, to the Board of Registrars of Voters, to a term expiring February, 2020. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0. SPECIAL CONSTABLE APPOINTMENT: Connor Degan, Town Clerk, explained that there are 3 elected and 3 appointed Constables at this time. It was noted that there is no maximum limit on the number of appointed Constables. Barry Sims appeared before the Board, and described his interest in being appointed Special Constable. He stated he lives in Holliston and has a constable service company, and has served in this capacity in several communities. He stated that the company is increasingly doing more work in Hopkinton, and his partner, who is an appointed Constable in Hopkinton, is less active now. He 3 stated that some of the work requires that he be an appointed Constable, either by the Town or by the Court. He stated that he also provides pro-bono constable services to those deemed indigent by the Court. MOVED by Mr. Herr and SECONDED by Mr. Tedstone to appoint Barry W. Sims as a Special Constable, to a term expiring June 30, 2021. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No- 0. CENTER SCHOOL RE-USE ADVISORY TEAM UPDATE: Rick Flannery, Chair, and Ken Weismantel, Vice Chair, of the Center School Re-Use Advisory Team, provided an update to the Board. Mr. Flannery noted that a questionnaire to town departments and boards had been circulated, and a survey of the public is underway. He stated that there will be a public forum on Feb. 3 at 10:00 AM at the Senior Center to gain public input. Mr. Weismantel referred to the documents provided to the Board, including interim use recommendations for the building once it is turned over to the Town. Such uses include Parks & Rec. programs and records storage. Mr. Flannery stated that the Team encourages participation by the public in the process of determining what the disposition of Center School will be. DRAFT BUDGET/CAPITAL PLAN DISCUSSION: Mr. Khumalo thanked the Board for their guidance at the budget meeting on Jan. 29, which was helpful to prompt thinking and it generated conversation with department heads. He stated that department heads on the Town side agreed that rather than coming back tonight with recommendations, they will meet on Thursday to review the budget and offer suggestions at a future meeting as to how to proceed collectively. ANNUAL TOWN MEETING ARTICLES: The Board discussed its own potential annual town meeting articles, noting that the warrant will close before the next meeting. It was noted that a vote of town meeting is not required for an override, it would be a ballot question only. A special town meeting within the annual town meeting was discussed as a potential option to gain public feedback on an override question, if needed. MOVED and by Mr. Herr and SECONDED by Mr. Tedstone to submit placeholders for articles into the annual town meeting warrant as follows: 1) OPEB Trust - Accept MGL. c.32B, Sec. 20 and transfer OPEB funds previously appropriated to new trust; 2) Amend the Departmental Revolving Funds Bylaw based on recommendations of the Attorney General; 3) Establish new revolving funds, including for cable license receipts and athletic field maintenance; 4) Land acquisitions; 5) Hayden Rowe utility easement to Verizon, relative to the Marathon Elementary School; 6) A Nuisance bylaw; 7) regular, recurring articles customarily sponsored by the Board of Selectmen. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0. LIAISON REPORTS/BOARD INVITES: Mr. Coutinho reported that he attended the annual meeting of the Massachusetts Municipal Association, and that it was informative. The Board reviewed invitations to various events. TOWN MANAGER’S REPORT: Dave Daltorio, Town Engineer/Facilities Director, appeared before the Board. Feedback from the MassDOT public hearing on the Main Street Corridor Project was discussed: 4 1. Change the plan in the Marathon Way area as depicted in Option 2, which would keep it open, make it one-way in an easterly direction, with parallel parking. MOVED by Mr. Herr and SECONDED by Mr. Tedstone to adopt and support Option 2 with the following modifications: redesign the sidewalk on the bump-out at Hayden Rowe/Main St. so that it follows the path of travel that pedestrians would use rather than running along the outer edge, with grass/landscaping in its place behind the granite curb. VOTE to Approve: Yes-5, No-0. 2. Continue two-way bike lane. A meeting with the Upper Charles Trail Committee is scheduled for tomorrow, to discuss continuing the two-way bike land easterly from the Main St./Grove St./Cedar St. intersection. The loss of parking spaces in front of the barber shop was discussed. 3. A suggestion was made to add a right turn lane on Cedar St. approaching the intersection. Mr. Daltorio stated he is working with the engineers to make that happen, but it might involve going beyond the right of way and impacting property at the corner. He stated that a benefit may be that this could allow the removal of a westbound right turn lane on Main St. and parking spaces could be restored near Yogurt Beach. 4. Mr. Daltorio stated he will approach the Historic District Commission to discuss the undergounding of utilities and lighting, noting that if the utilities go underground, the Town would have to install light poles. The Board indicated that the amount of new lighting should be the minimum that is needed. Confusion regarding mechanism for paying for the undergrounding was discussed. It was noted that mitigation payments to the Town from developers will defray some of the costs. It was noted that the project before the town in the past was much larger, extending from Wood St. to Ash St., where now the project is from the public safety buildings to Ash St., responding the the desire of residents to scale it back. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Mr. Tedstone stated that the organizers of the Boston Celtics summer camp would like to bring it to Hopkinton in 2019, and the Board should facilitate this. MOVED by Mr. Tedstone and SECONDED by Mr. Herr to adjourn the meeting. Vote to Approve: 5-0. Adjourned: 9:35 PM Approved: February 13, 2018 Documents used at the meeting: ● Meeting agenda ● Draft Minutes of the 1/16/18 Board of Selectmen meeting. ● Marathon Fund Request Application - Post Prom Committee ● Marathon Fund Request Application - Hopkinton Police Association ● Proclamations for Eagle Scouts George Bradbury, Joseph Harrison, Gabriel Lopez, Zachary Ritterbusch, Nathaniel Shingleton ● Town of Hopkinton Board and Committee Volunteer application - Parvathi Romgali 5 ● Town of Hopkinton Board and Committee Volunteer application - Angela Iacone-Radaelli ● Letter dated 11/7/17 to Norman Khumalo from Barry W. Sims ● Letter dated 1/18/18 to Board of Selectmen from Rick Flannery, Center School Re-Use Advisory Team, with attachments: Interim Use Recommendation 1-10-18; Center School Re-Use Advisory Team Plan and Process as of 1-10-18 ● Draft FY19 Budget, undated ● FY19 Budget Requests, Key Budget Drivers Details, dated 1/26/18 ● FY19 Capital Project Requests ● Town of Hopkinton Financial Model CPC Requests Fiscal 2019 ● Main Street corridor plans, VHB