HomeMy Public PortalAboutPacket for BHP 3.10.2022 Brewster Housing Production Plan COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PLAN This Community Engagement Plan is an internal working document used by the consultant team, Housing Partnership, and Town staff to guide public outreach and communications in coordination with major project milestones for the Housing Production Plan. Key Project Information Timeline January 2022 through June 2022 Staff Contact Jill Scalise jwertz-scalise@brewster-ma.gov Advisory Committee Housing Partnership Consultants Barrett Planning Group LLC Judi Barrett; judi@barrettplanningllc.com Alexis Lanzillotta; alexis@barrettplanningllc.com Gregory Zapata; gregory@barrettplanningllc.com General Project Timeline February 2022 March 2022 April 2022 May 2022 June 2022 Mobilization Kickoff Meeting xxxx Housing Needs Assessment Small Group Interviews xxxx Online Survey xxxx xxxx Draft Needs Assessment xxxx xxxx Goals & Strategies Focus Groups xxxx Community Meeting xxxx Draft Goals & Strategies xxxx Final Steps Final Draft HPP to Town xxxx Joint Meetings xxxx xxxx Final Plan Submission Project Completion: June 30, 2022 xxxx Brewster Housing Production Plan Revised Community Engagement Plan February 18, 2022 2 Community Engagement Overview STAFF KICKOFF MEETING P Timeline: February 3, 2022 HOUSING PARTNERSHIP MEETING #1 P Timeline: February 10, 2022 During this first committee meeting, we will: ● Discuss the Housing Partnership’s charge ● Review project timeline ● Determine an outreach plan for interviews ● Review proposed questions for online survey SMALL GROUP INTERVIEWS ¨ Timeline: Late February BPG suggests inviting the following to small group interviews during time slots offered over the course of two days. While we propose doing mixed groups for these small interviews, we welcome feedback about whether there any parties listed below who should have their own timeslot. • Residents currently living in affordable housing • Housing developers and property managers • Members of the Affordable Housing Trust and Housing Partnership • Members of other Town boards, committees, and commissions • Housing Authority members and staff • Schools • Social service organizations • Faith-based community leaders • Organizations serving low-income and minority clientele • Chamber of Commerce • Others? In addition, BPG may reach out separately to: • Community Development Partnership • Housing Assistance Corporation of Cape Cod • HOME Advisory Council • Others? ONLINE SURVEY ¨ Timeline: Late February-Early March BPG will host an online survey using Qualtrics software. We will look to the Housing Partnership and the Town for assistance circulating this survey. Brewster Housing Production Plan Revised Community Engagement Plan February 18, 2022 3 HOUSING PARTNERSHIP MEETING #2 ¨ Timeline: March 2022 During this meeting, we propose to: • Discuss findings from the survey and small group interviews • Review preliminary data from the Needs Assessment • Discuss plans for the community meeting tentatively planned for April NEEDS ASSESSMENT FOCUS GROUPS ¨ Timeline: Mid-April 2022 BPG suggests inviting knowledgeable stakeholders to focus groups over several offered timeslots. The purpose of the focus groups will be to explore barriers and constraints to affordable housing as identified in the Needs Assessment, as well as potential opportunities to reduce or eliminate those constraints. This will enable us to formulate draft qualitative goals for the Housing Production Plan. HOUSING PARTNERSHIP MEETING #3 ¨ Timeline: April 2022 During this meeting, we propose to: • Discuss the draft Needs Assessment • Begin exploring possible Goals and Strategies • Finalize plans for the community meeting tentatively planned for April OR respond to the community meeting depending on scheduling COMMUNITY MEETING ¨ Timeline: Mid-to-Late April 2022 We will design, prepare for, and lead a community-wide discussion meeting during which we propose to: • Present key findings from the survey, small group interviews, focus groups, and Housing Needs Assessment • Provide opportunities to share feedback relating to housing needs, barriers, and opportunities • Engage participants in a discussion about HPP goals and potential strategies that meet DHCD criteria and address the Town’s housing needs We also suggest offering both in-person and remote participation, and we are routinely following up in-person community forums with a parallel experience using Zoom, Miro, and other tools. Depending on the Town’s technology resources, we could plan an in-person meeting alongside a coordinated virtual meeting or an “open house” engagement with Miro or Zoom. HOUSING PARTNERSHIP MEETING #4 ¨ Timeline: May 2022 Depending on the Housing Partnership’s schedule, this meeting may not align with the plans for a May joint meeting with the Planning Board and Select Board. However, if we meet during May, we propose to: Brewster Housing Production Plan Revised Community Engagement Plan February 18, 2022 4 • Review community input gathered thus far • Finalize draft Goals and Strategies JOINT MEETING FOR DRAFT DISCUSSION ¨ Timeline: May 2022 Following a review period of the Draft Housing Production Plan, we will facilitate a joint meeting coordinated by the Town with the Brewster Housing Partnership, Planning Board, and Select Board. We will use input provided during this meeting to provide any necessary changes to the draft HPP. HEARING AND TOWN-WIDE DISCUSSION MEETING ¨ Timeline: May or June 2022 Upon completion of revisions that result from the joint meeting, we will circulate a revised draft HPP. Following a reasonable period for public review of the draft, we will present at a public hearing and welcome feedback from participating members of the community. We will then review public comments received with the Town to consider necessary revisions to the HPP and finalize the plan. JOINT MEETING FOR PLAN ADOPTION ¨ Timeline: June 2022 Once comments have been reviewed and addressed, we will compile the final plan document and participate in a joint meeting with the Select Board and Planning Board to present the final plan for adoption by the Town.1 1 A previous draft of this engagement plan referenced a joint meeting of the Select Board, Planning Board, and Conservation Commission, as 760 CMR 56.03(4) calls for the adoption of an HPP by “the municipality’s planning board, conservation commission, and its select board….” However, DHCD Housing Production Plan Guidelines (most recently updated in 2020) require that the plan be accompanied by a letter stating the document was adopted by “the municipal planning board and select board or city council,” omitting the requirement for the Conservation Commission to adopt the plan. As such, this version of the engagement plan just references the Planning Board and Select Board adopting the plan, although the Conservation Commission and other Town bodies will be consulted during this process. Information for Meeting Host ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN 1 Welcome to the Arlington Housing Plan Meeting-in-a Box! Thank you for agreeing to host a community conversation for your friends and neighbors! This kit includes the basic materials you need to conduct your meeting and provide feedback to the Town. You should find the following items in the packet. If something is missing, please contact Erin Moriarty, Assistant Director of Planning and Community Development, EMoriarty@town.arlington.ma.us. Instructions for you, the host: • Process Overview • Sample Meeting Agenda • Sample Invitation Materials for you to distribute at the meeting: Title Number of Pages Sheet A Sign-in Sheet for Facilitators/Note Takers 1 Sheet B Sign-in Sheet for Participants 1 Sheet C Meeting Agenda 1 Sheet D Arlington Housing Plan: One-Page Overview 1 Sheet E My Ideas (participant worksheets) 2 double-sided sheets per question Remember to bring enough copies of each sheet for your participants! Additional items you will need: • Pens/pencils • Flip chart (or other paper for taking notes), markers, and tape • Return envelope Information for Meeting Host ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN 2 Instructions for Meeting Host Process Overview 1. Invite • Identify people or groups that you want to invite to your Meeting in a Box. (Plan on one facilitator for every 8-12 people in a small-group discussion). • Send the meeting invitation via e-mail or mail or call invitees. 2. Remind • Call and/or e-mail the people you invited 1-2 days before the scheduled meeting. 3. Set up • Select a location where all participants can comfortably sit, ideally in a circle. • Sort copies of meeting materials into sets for participants. • Have enough pens/pencils available. 4. Maintain Sign-in Sheets • Make sure facilitators and note-takers sign in on Sheet A • And, ask attendees to sign in on Sheet B. There is space on Sheet B to ask to be added to a list for future information about the Arlington Housing Plan. 5. Facilitate • Lead a small-group discussion, making sure the meeting stays on topic and all discussion questions are answered. 6. Return • Collect all materials, including the individual worksheets and feedback sheets from each participant, and make sure each sheet is labeled with the meeting code (see details under “Host Instructions”). • Package them together and return the response packet to the address provided on the return information sheet. Please recycle any unused materials. Group Logistics These meetings are designed to encourage conversation. The host is responsible for coordinating all aspects of the meeting. If you host a large meeting, we suggest that you break into groups of 8-12 people and ask for a facilitator and note-taker for each group. The facilitator (who could also be the host) is responsible for keeping the conversation focused and ensuring everyone has a chance to speak. The note-taker takes notes throughout the discussion. If you do break into groups, please name/number the groups and indicate this on the discussion notes. Information for Meeting Host ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN 3 Meeting Agenda The agenda and instructions below are guidelines for you as facilitator. WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS (10 - 15 minutes) Who’s in the room? Take a few minutes at the beginning of the meeting for introductions. Ask people to tell something about themselves in addition to their name (e.g., their neighborhood, any affiliations, their interest in the Arlington Housing Plan, etc.) so that everyone gets a better sense of who is participating and why. No need to spend too much time on this activity. What is the Arlington Housing Plan? Briefly review the Arlington Housing Plan one-page overview. Meeting overview Briefly review the information on the meeting agenda. Explain the meeting’s purpose • To increase participation in identifying housing needs in Arlington. • To identify barriers to fair housing and equity in Arlington. • To identify opportunities for Arlington to address the town’s housing needs. • To include as many voices as possible in the Arlington Housing Plan process. Explain how input from this meeting will be used The Arlington Department of Planning and Community Development and Housing Plan Implementation Committee will use public input to explain housing needs, barriers, and opportunities in the Arlington Housing Plan. Explain Group Discussion Guidelines • Review the suggested discussion guidelines or ask the group to brainstorm guidelines that will help everyone to participate. Ask if anyone has any questions and if everyone agrees to the discussion guidelines. Clarify as needed and address any concerns. Ask if the group needs anything else to help stay focused and have an effective meeting. • Suggested discussion guidelines: o Everyone should have an equal opportunity to talk and be heard. o Keep the conversation on topic. o Listen to others and avoid criticizing. o Respect limited time and keep your answers to the point. • Be honest and try to understand other viewpoints. • It’s ok to disagree. • Try not to interrupt the facilitator or other group members. • Cell phones on silent. IHand out Sheet C. IHand out Sheet D. Information for Meeting Host ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN 4 Discussion Questions Discussion Questions (total of 60 minutes, about 20 minutes per question). The questions should occupy most of the meeting time. Question 1: Housing Needs (Read the question) Arlington residents have expressed concerns about the housing needs of older adults. Other needs identified so far are the cost and condition of rental housing, the impact of Arlington’s housing sale prices on the ability of young families to find a home in Arlington they can afford, and the impact of limited housing choices on racial and ethnic diversity in Arlington. What housing needs are you most concerned about? Discuss 1. Read the question out loud and ask if anyone has questions about the question. 2. Give participants a couple of minutes to think about and list answers on their worksheet for the corresponding questions before beginning to go around the group for answers. Participants may fill out the worksheet as individuals or in pairs, whichever they prefer. 3. Ask for a volunteer to start the go-around. Ask for one or two thoughts per person. Then go around the group from that person. It’s ok to pass if a person is not ready when it’s their turn. Once you get around the circle, be sure to go back to anyone who didn’t speak yet. After everyone has spoken, go back to anyone who has an additional thought that didn’t come up. 4. During this time, the note-taker should write down each of the thoughts, ideally on a flip chart or large piece of paper taped to the wall so everyone can see. Alternatively, the note- taker can use a marker to write each thought in large print on a piece of notebook paper, confirming with the group that the thought has been correctly captured. Ask the note-taker to use participants’ words rather than edit or change them. 5. You – the host – are also a participant and you can share your opinions as an equal member of the discussion, but make sure everyone has a chance to express his/her opinion. 6. After everyone has had a chance to speak, briefly review all thoughts the group generated. Then, ask the participants to write on their worksheet three thoughts that are most important to them as individuals from among all the thoughts generated during the discussion. Remind them that they can pick thoughts they initially offered or those that other people offered. NOTE: This is not an attempt to build a group agreement on the top ideas. There is no need to try to get the group to agree. IHand out Sheet E. Information for Meeting Host ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN 5 Question 2: Challenges to Meeting Affordable Housing Needs (Read the Question) Participants in interviews conducted for the Housing Plan and at the June 9 Housing Plan Meeting were asked about challenges or obstacles to providing affordable housing in Arlington. Several challenges were identified, such as difficulty finding locations that for new housing development or redevelopment, how the Town’s Housing Trust Fund and CPA funds should be used to meet housing needs, and general tensions and disagreement about growth in Arlington that make it hard for people to agree. What challenges do you think are the biggest impediments to meeting housing needs in Arlington? Repeat the above process for the second discussion question. Question 3: Opportunities for Reaching Agreement. What steps would help to bring Arlington residents together about providing affordable housing? How can the Town balance concerns about housing needs and natural resources protection? Or concerns about housing need and preserving Arlington’s built environment? What do you think most could people agree on? Repeat the above process for the third discussion question. Wrap-Up (15 minutes) If you have divided participants into small groups, reconvene the larger group. See if there are any issues or concerns that seemed to be mentioned by many participants in the meeting. Ask participants to fill out the individual feedback sheets. Final Steps Collect and sort the meeting materials. After the meeting, package up the materials for return. Sort the materials into sets, keeping like items together: • Sign-in sheets (Sheets A and B) • Group discussion materials (if you had more than one group, keep each group’s materials together): • Group discussion notes • Participant worksheets (Sheet E) Label the meeting materials Assign a code to your meeting following the instructions below. Enter this code into the appropriate boxes on all the materials that you will need to return to the Town. IHand out Sheet F. Information for Meeting Host ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN 6 FIRST THREE SPACES: Your initials NEXT FOUR SPACES: Month and day of your event (e.g., “0418” for April 18th) The code box is always located at the top of the page and it looks like this: Code: Write up a summary of the meeting notes The summary can be bullet points listing the main ideas participants. If possible, try to group the ideas by type or theme. Provide highlights of the meeting. Return the meeting materials within seven (7) days Please mail, scan and e-mail, or hand deliver all participant and group response materials to: Erin Moriarty, Assistant Director Arlington Department of Planning and Community Development 730 Mass. Ave Annex Arlington MA 02476 THANK YOU! ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” WORKSHEETS 7 CODE: SHEET A. Facilitator and Notetaker Sign-in Sheet Role Group Name E-mail and/or Phone (in case clarifications are needed) Facilitator Note-taker Facilitator Note-taker ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” WORKSHEETS 8 CODE: SHEET B. Participants Sign-in Sheet Meeting Date: ____________________ Number of Participants: _____________ Name E-mail and/or Phone Would you like to receive e-mail updates about the Arlington Housing Plan? □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” WORKSHEETS 9 SHEET C Arlington Housing Plan Participant Meeting Agenda & Information Part One: Welcome and Introductions • Who’s in the room? • What is the Arlington Housing Plan? • Meeting overview • Meeting purpose • To encourage small group conversations about Arlington today and Arlington’ housing future • To identify the Arlington’s affordable housing and fair housing needs • To identify the barriers or obstacles that make it hard for Arlington to provide affordable housing and to be the diverse, equitable place many residents say they want the Town to be • To find common ground, if possible, about actions the Town could take to provide affordable housing Part Two: Discussion Questions Part Three: Wrap Up Group Discussion Guidelines To have a productive conversation where everyone feels welcome to participate, please use these guidelines. • Everyone should have an equal opportunity to talk and be heard. • Keep the conversation on topic. • Listen to others and avoid criticizing. • Respect limited time and keep your answers to the point. • Be honest and try to understand other viewpoints. • It’s ok to disagree. • Try not to interrupt the facilitator or other group members. • Cell phones on silent, please. ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” WORKSHEETS 10 SHEET D Arlington Housing Plan The Arlington Housing Plan is a five-year plan that will update the Town’s 2016 Housing Production Plan. The heart of the Arlington Housing Plan is a housing needs analysis, which examines several types of housing needs and problems, such as: • Affordability and condition of housing • Accessibility for people with disabilities • Suitability (e.g., when housing units are either too large or too small for a household’s needs) • Housing discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, age, family size and composition, disability, sources of income, and other characteristics protected by the Federal Fair Housing Act (FFHA) and Massachusetts Anti-Discrimination Law • Risk of homelessness The assessment of Arlington’s housing needs incorporates data from sources such as the U.S. Census Bureau, housing market reports, municipal records, information about the community’s infrastructure, transportation, and zoning, and community interviews. Building on an analysis of the supply and demand of affordable housing and potential barriers to further housing development, the Arlington Housing Plan will set quantitative and qualitative housing production and preservation goals. It will then outline a plan for achieving them through specific recommendations and action steps. The Arlington Housing Plan could help the Town work toward, achieve, and remain at or above the 10 percent affordable housing minimum under the state’s Affordable Housing Law, Chapter 40B. It will require approval by the Select Board and Arlington Redevelopment Board (ARB), and eventually the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). Once approved, the plan will be in effect for five years (2021-2026). For more information about the Arlington Housing Plan, contact Erin Moriarty, Assistant Director of Planning and Community Development Development, EMoriarty@town.arlington.ma.us, or Judi Barrett, Barrett Planning Group LLC, judi@barrettplanningllc.com. ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” WORKSHEETS 11 CODE: SHEET E Participant Worksheet My Ideas: Question 1 Arlington residents have expressed concerns about the housing needs of older adults. Other needs identified so far are the cost and condition of rental housing, the impact of Arlington’s housing sale prices on the ability of young families to find a home in Arlington they can afford, and the impact of limited housing choices on racial and ethnic diversity in Arlington. What housing needs are you most concerned about? Complete BEFORE the discussion: ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” WORKSHEETS 12 Complete AFTER the discussion: What do I think are Arlington’s top three housing needs after hearing what others had to say? (Note: your answers may be the same answers to wrote down before the meeting.) 1. 2. 3. ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” WORKSHEETS 13 CODE: SHEET E Participant Worksheet My Ideas: Question 2, Challenges to Meeting Affordable Housing Needs Participants in interviews conducted for the Housing Plan and at the June 9 Housing Plan Meeting were asked about challenges or obstacles to providing affordable housing in Arlington. Several challenges were identified, such as difficulty finding locations that for new housing development or redevelopment, how the Town’s Housing Trust Fund and CPA funds should be used to meet housing needs, and general tensions and disagreement about growth in Arlington that make it hard for people to agree. What challenges do you think are the biggest impediments to meeting housing needs in Arlington? Complete BEFORE the discussion: ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” WORKSHEETS 14 Complete AFTER the discussion: What do I think are Arlington’s top three housing challenges or obstacles after hearing what others had to say? (Note: your answers may be the same answers to wrote down before the meeting.) 1. 2. 3. ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” WORKSHEETS 15 CODE: SHEET E Participant Worksheet My Ideas: Question 3, Opportunities for Consensus What steps would help to bring Arlington residents together about providing affordable housing? How can the Town balance concerns about housing needs and natural resources protection? Or concerns about housing need and preserving Arlington’s built environment? What do you think most people could agree on? Complete BEFORE the discussion: ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” WORKSHEETS 16 Complete AFTER the discussion: What do I think are Arlington’s top three opportunities for consensus about affordable housing after hearing what others had to say? (Note: your answers may be the same answers to wrote down before the meeting.) 1. 2. 3. Information for Meeting Host ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN 1 Welcome to the Arlington Housing Plan Meeting-in-a Box, Round 2! Thank you for agreeing to host a community conversation for your friends and neighbors! This kit has prepared kit includes the basic materials you need to conduct your meeting and provide feedback to the Town. You should find the following items in the packet. If something is missing, please contact Kelly Lynema, Senior Planner, Department of Planning and Community Development, at KLynema@town.arlington.ma.us. Instructions for you, the host: • Process Overview • Sample Meeting Agenda • Sample Invitation Materials for you to distribute at the meeting: Title Page Numbers Sheet A Sign-in Sheet for Facilitators/Note Takers p.7 Sheet B Sign-in Sheet for Participants p.9 Sheet C Meeting Agenda p.11 Sheet D Arlington Housing Plan Overview p.13-14 Sheet E Discussion Worksheets p.15-23 Remember to bring enough copies of each sheet for your participants! Additional items you will need: • Pens/pencils • Flip chart (or other paper for taking notes), markers, and tape • Return envelope Information for Meeting Host ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN 2 Instructions for Meeting Host Process Overview 1. Invite • Identify people or groups that you want to invite to your Meeting in a Box. (Plan on one facilitator for every 8-12 people in a small-group discussion). • Send the meeting invitation via e-mail or mail or call invitees. 2. Remind • Call and/or e-mail the people you invited 1-2 days before the scheduled meeting. 3. Set up • Select a location where all participants can comfortably sit, ideally in a circle. • Sort copies of meeting materials into sets for participants. • Have enough pens/pencils available. 4. Maintain Sign-in Sheets • Make sure facilitators and note-takers sign in on Sheet A (p.7) • And, ask attendees to sign in on Sheet B (p.9). There is space on Sheet B to ask to be added to a list for future information about the Arlington Housing Plan. 5. Facilitate • Lead a small-group discussion, making sure the meeting stays on topic and all discussion questions are answered. 6. Return • Collect all materials, including the individual worksheets and feedback sheets from each participant, and make sure each sheet is labeled with the meeting code (see details under “Host Instructions”). • Package them together and return the response packet to the address provided on the return information sheet. Please recycle any unused materials. Group Logistics These meetings are designed to encourage conversation. The host is responsible for coordinating all aspects of the meeting. If you host a large meeting, we suggest that you break into groups of 8-12 people and ask for a facilitator and note-taker for each group. The facilitator (who could also be the host) is responsible for keeping the conversation focused and ensuring everyone has a chance to speak. The note-taker takes notes throughout the discussion. If you do break into groups, please name/number the groups and indicate this on the discussion notes. Information for Meeting Host ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN 3 Suggested Meeting Schedule The agenda and instructions below are guidelines for you as facilitator. Welcome & Introductions (10 – 15 Minutes) After distributing the meeting agenda (Sheet C, p.11), take a few minutes at the beginning of the meeting for introductions. Ask people to tell something about themselves in addition to their name (e.g., their neighborhood, any affiliations, their interest in the Arlington Housing Plan, etc.) so that everyone gets a better sense of who is participating and why. Meeting Overview Briefly review the information on the meeting agenda (Sheet C, p.11). Go over the purpose of the meeting with participants: • To increase participation in providing suggestions regarding goals and strategies for the 2021 Housing Plan. • To include as many voices as possible in the Arlington Housing Plan process. What is the Arlington Housing Plan? Briefly review the Arlington Housing Plan overview (Sheet D, p13-14). Meeting Input Explain how meeting input will be used. Suggested text: “The Arlington Department of Planning and Community Development and Housing Plan Implementation Committee will use public input to develop goals and strategies for the Arlington Housing Plan. These goals and strategies must follow state requirements but should also address Arlington’s unique needs, which is why resident participation is so important.” Group Discussion Guidelines • Review the suggested discussion guidelines or ask the group to brainstorm guidelines that will help everyone to participate. Ask if anyone has any questions and if everyone agrees to the discussion guidelines. Clarify as needed and address any concerns. Ask if the group needs anything else to help stay focused and have an effective meeting. • Suggested discussion guidelines: o Everyone should have an equal opportunity to talk and be heard. o Keep the conversation on topic. o Listen to others and avoid criticizing. o Respect limited time and keep your answers to the point. • Be honest and try to understand other viewpoints. • It’s ok to disagree. • Try not to interrupt the facilitator or other group members. • Cell phones on silent. IHand out Sheet C. IHand out Sheet D. Information for Meeting Host ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN 4 Discussion Prompts (60 Minutes) Hand out Sheet E (p.15-23). The discussion should take approximately 60 minutes (likely 20-25 minutes for the first question and 35-40 minutes for the second question). The discussion prompts should occupy most of the meeting time. Begin by going over Question 1 with your attendees. Prompt 1: 2016 Plan Goals – Where Are We? The 2016 Housing Production Plan included six qualitative goals. In this exercise, you will be asked to review these goals and consider whether they are still applicable and have relevance to this plan update. 1. Read the goals out loud ask if anyone has questions. 2. Give participants a couple of minutes to think about each goal and list answers on their worksheet before beginning to go around the group for answers. Participants may fill out the worksheet as individuals or in pairs, whichever they prefer. Let them know they do not need to respond to each goal. 3. Ask for a volunteer to start the go-around. Ask for one or two thoughts per person. Then go around the group from that person. It’s ok to pass if a person is not ready when it’s their turn. Once you get around the circle, be sure to go back to anyone who didn’t speak yet. After everyone has spoken, go back to anyone who has an additional thought that didn’t come up. 4. During this time, the note-taker should write down each of the thoughts, ideally on a flip chart or large piece of paper taped to the wall so everyone can see. Alternatively, the note- taker can type and project onto a screen if available. Ask the note-taker to use participants’ words rather than edit or change them. 5. You – the host – are also a participant and you can share your opinions as an equal member of the discussion, but make sure everyone has a chance to express his/her opinion. 6. After everyone has had a chance to speak, briefly review all thoughts the group generated. Then, ask the participants to write on their worksheet the three 2016 goals that are most relevant to this plan from among all the thoughts generated during the discussion. Remind them that they can pick thoughts they initially offered or those that other people offered. NOTE: This is not an attempt to build a group agreement on the top ideas. There is no need to try to get the group to agree. IHand out Sheet E. Information for Meeting Host ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN 5 Prompt 2: 2021 Goals and Strategies Brainstorm This housing plan will include both overarching goals as well as specific strategies in support of those goals. DHCD has specific requirements for what these goals and strategies must address, so in this next exercise we will review these requirements and brainstorm goals and strategies that both follow these requirements and are specific to Arlington. Repeat the above process for the second discussion prompt. Let participants know they do not need to respond to each DHCD strategy but are encouraged to think about them all. After everyone has had a chance to speak, briefly review all thoughts the group generated. Then, ask the participants to write on their worksheet the top three goals or strategies that this plan update should cover. they can pick thoughts they initially offered or those that other people offered Wrap-Up (15 minutes) If you have divided participants into small groups, reconvene the larger group. See if there are any issues or concerns that seemed to be mentioned by many participants in the meeting. Next Steps Sorting Meeting Materials After the meeting, package up the materials for return. Sort the materials into sets, keeping like items together: • Sign-in sheets (Sheets A and B) • Group discussion materials (if you had more than one group, keep each group’s materials together): • Group discussion notes • Participant worksheets (Sheet E) Assign a code to your meeting following the instructions below. Enter this code into the appropriate boxes on all the materials that you will need to return to the Town. FIRST THREE SPACES: Your initials NEXT FOUR SPACES: Month and day of your event (e.g., “0418” for April 18th) The code box is always located at the top of the page and it looks like this: Code: Information for Meeting Host ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN 6 Meeting Summary Write up a summary of meeting notes. The summary can be bullet points listing the main ideas participants. If possible, try to group the ideas by type or theme. Provide highlights of the meeting. Returning Materials Please mail, scan and e-mail, or hand deliver all participant and group response materials within seven (7) days to: Kelly Lynema, Senior Planner Arlington Department of Planning and Community Development 730 Mass. Ave Annex Arlington MA 02476 THANK YOU! ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” WORKSHEETS 7 CODE: SHEET A. Facilitator and Notetaker Sign-in Sheet Role Group Name E-mail and/or Phone (in case clarifications are needed) Facilitator Note-taker Facilitator Note-taker ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” WORKSHEETS 9 CODE: SHEET B. Participants Sign-in Sheet Meeting Date: ____________________ Number of Participants: _____________ Name E-mail and/or Phone Would you like to receive e-mail updates about the Arlington Housing Plan? □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No □ Yes □ No ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” WORKSHEETS 11 SHEET C Arlington Housing Plan Participant Meeting Agenda & Information Part One: Welcome and Introductions • Who’s in the room? • What is the Arlington Housing Plan? • Meeting overview • Meeting purpose • To encourage small group conversations about Arlington today and Arlington’s housing future • To identify goals from the 2016 Housing Production Plan that are still relevant today • To brainstorm goals and strategies for the 2021 Housing Plan that both meet DHCD criteria and address Arlington’s specific housing needs and opportunities • To find common ground, if possible, about actions the Town could take to provide affordable housing Part Two: Discussion Prompts • 2016 Plan Goals: Where Are We? • 2021 Goals & Strategies Brainstorm Part Three: Wrap Up Group Discussion Guidelines To have a productive conversation where everyone feels welcome to participate, please use these guidelines. • Everyone should have an equal opportunity to talk and be heard. • Keep the conversation on topic. • Listen to others and avoid criticizing. • Respect limited time and keep your answers to the point. • Be honest and try to understand other viewpoints. • It’s ok to disagree. • Try not to interrupt the facilitator or other group members. • Cell phones on silent, please. ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” WORKSHEETS 13 SHEET D Arlington Housing Plan The Arlington Housing Plan is a five- year plan that will update the Town’s 2016 Housing Production Plan. The heart of the Arlington Housing Plan is a housing needs analysis, which identifies housing needs and barriers to housing. A draft housing needs analysis was completed in September 2021 and is under review by the Housing Plan Implementation Committee (HPIC) and Town staff. The next step of this process is to develop goals and strategies in response to the analysis of housing needs, which is the primary purpose of this gathering. Some key findings of the needs assessment are noted below. • In response to demand for homeownership opportunities in the Boston area’s exceptionally high-cost market, Arlington has slowly lost some of its rental supply, e.g., through condominium conversion of two-family homes. • Arlington is attracting higher-income households as the Boston-Cambridge labor market is priced out of many suburbs inside and along Route 128, such as Lexington, Winchester, Belmont, and Brookline, and nearby cities such as Somerville. • Non-elderly householders living alone are more common in Arlington than many of the affluent towns around it or the cities and towns Arlington tracks as comparison communities.1 Throughout the Greater Boston area,2 one-person households tend to be dominated by people 65 and over, but this is not the case in Arlington. • Arlington has made small gains in racial or ethnic diversity, but Black or African Americans make up a much smaller percentage of the total population in Arlington than in the Greater Boston as a whole. The Latino population is also small, and even though Arlington has seen growth among Asian households and families, the overall picture of Arlington is that of White, middle- and upper-income homeowners. 1 Belmont, Brookline, Medford, Melrose, Milton, Natick, Needham, North Andover, Reading, Stoneham, Watertown, and Winchester. Source: Town of Arlington Fiscal Year 2021 Town Manager’s Annual Budget & Financial Plan. 2 In this Housing Plan, “Greater Boston” refers to the Boston Metropolitan Area, which generally includes the communities inside and along Interstate Route 495. ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” WORKSHEETS 14 Additionally, Arlington is beginning to lose class diversity, an observation commonly noted during the public engagement process of this plan. •Neighborhoods within Arlington differ in terms of household, family, racial, and income characteristics. •Arlington is redeveloping. Most new single- and two-family housing construction in Arlington occurs due to demolition and replacement with larger or in any case, more expensive single-family homes.3 Redevelopment of older housing stock brings higher asset value to the community, but not necessarily a net increase in housing units. To a lesser extent, new housing growth in Arlington does occur in the form of multifamily infill opportunities, both market-rate and affordable. The assessment of Arlington’s housing needs incorporates data from sources such as the U.S. Census Bureau, housing market reports, municipal records, information about the community’s infrastructure, transportation, and zoning, and community interviews. Building on an analysis of the supply and demand of affordable housing and potential barriers to further housing development, the Arlington Housing Plan will set quantitative and qualitative housing production and preservation goals. It will then outline a plan for achieving them through specific recommendations and action steps. The Arlington Housing Plan could help the Town work toward, achieve, and remain at or above the 10 percent affordable housing minimum under the state’s Affordable Housing Law, Chapter 40B. It will require approval by the Select Board and Arlington Redevelopment Board (ARB), and eventually the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). Once approved, the plan will be in effect for five years (2021-2026). For more information about the Arlington Housing Plan, contact Kelly Lynema, KLynema@town.arlington.ma.us, or Judi Barrett, Barrett Planning Group LLC, judi@barrettplanningllc.com. 3 In an R0 or R1 district, a single family home can only be replaced by another single-family home, and in R2-R7 and B districts the only residential structures allowed by right are single- or two-family homes or group home for supportive services. CODE: ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” SHEET E Discussion Prompt 1: 2016 Goals – Where Are We? Please review the 2016 HPP goals and comment on their continued relevance for this plan. You are encouraged to brainstorm individually before discussing as a group. You do not need to respond to each 2016 goal but are encouraged to think about many as you can. 15 2016 HOUSING PRODUCTION PLAN GOALS STILL RELEVANT? WORTH BRINGING INTO 2021 PLAN? OTHER COMMENTS? GOAL 1. Update existing housing and produce more, diverse housing for extremely-low to middle-income households to address documented local need. STILL RELEVANT? Yes/No/Unsure GOAL 2. Encourage mixed-income housing through mixed-use development in business districts. STILL RELEVANT? Yes/No/Unsure GOAL 3. Integrate affordable units in a broader range of housing types into the fabric of Arlington’s existing neighborhoods through redevelopment of certain underutilized properties and re-use of existing buildings. STILL RELEVANT? Yes/No/Unsure ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” SHEET E Discussion Prompt 1: 2016 Goals – Where Are We? Please review the 2016 HPP goals and comment on their continued relevance for this plan. You are encouraged to brainstorm individually before discussing as a group. You do not need to respond to each 2016 goal but are encouraged to think about as many as you can. 16 2016 HOUSING PRODUCTION PLAN GOALS STILL RELEVANT? WORTH BRINGING INTO 2021 PLAN? OTHER COMMENTS? GOAL 4. Foster an aging- supportive community via housing choices that enable older adults to thrive in Arlington as they age. STILL RELEVANT? Yes/No/Unsure GOAL 5. Ensure zoning allows flexible approaches to achieve housing affordability and livability. STILL RELEVANT? Yes/No/Unsure GOAL 6. Increase capacity to facilitate housing production by allocating funding, staff, and other resources to relevant activities, and by educating the community about housing needs. STILL RELEVANT? Yes/No/Unsure ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” SHEET E Discussion Prompt 1: 2016 Goals – Where Are We? 17 Complete AFTER the discussion on Prompt 1: 2016 Goals – Where Are We? Of the six goals discussed from the 2016 HPP, what do you think are the top three goals most relevant today after hearing what others had to say? 1. 2. 3. CODE: ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” SHEET E Discussion Prompt 2: 2021 Goals & Strategies Brainstorm Please review the DHCD criteria in the left-hand column for requirements for HPP qualitative GOALS. Use the right-hand column to write down any questions and to brainstorm plan goals that are suitable for Arlington and meet DHCD criteria. You do not need to respond to each criterion but are encouraged to think about as many as you can. 19 BRAINSTORM: 2021 QUALITATIVE GOALS DHCD REQUIREMENT PARTICIPANT SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS Mix of types of housing consistent with local and regional needs that: § Is affordable to range of incomes including extremely low income, low- to-moderate-income, and moderate income § Provides for a range of housing including rental, homeownership, and other occupancy arrangements, if any, for families, individuals, persons with special needs, and the elderly, and § Is feasible within the housing market in which they will be situated. ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” SHEET E Discussion Prompt 2: 2021 Goals & Strategies Brainstorm Please review the DHCD criteria in the left-hand column for requirements for HPP STRATEGIES to meet the previously described goals. Use the right-hand column to write down any questions and to brainstorm strategies that are suitable for Arlington and meet DHCD criteria. You do not need to respond to each criterion but are encouraged to think about as many as you can. 20 BRAINSTORM: 2021 STRATEGIES DHCD REQUIREMENTS PARTICIPANT SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS 1. Identification of zoning districts or geographic areas in which the municipality proposes to modify current regulations for the purposes of creating SHI Eligible Housing developments. 2. The identification of specific sites for which the municipality will encourage the filing of Comprehensive Permit applications. 3. Characteristics of proposed residential or mixed-use developments that would be preferred by the municipality (e.g., cluster developments, adaptive re- use, transit-oriented housing, mixed-use development, inclusionary housing, etc.); and/or ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” SHEET E Discussion Prompt 2: 2021 Goals & Strategies Brainstorm Please review the DHCD criteria in the left-hand column for requirements for HPP STRATEGIES to meet the previously described goals. Use the right-hand column to write down any questions and to brainstorm strategies that are suitable for Arlington and meet DHCD criteria. You do not need to respond to each criterion but are encouraged to think about as many as you can. 21 4. Municipally owned parcels for which the municipality commits to issue requests for proposals to develop SHI Eligible Housing; and/or 5. Participation in regional collaborations addressing housing development. OTHER/WHAT’S MISSING? PARTICIPANT SUGGESTIONS TO ADDRESS ARLINGTON HOUSING PLAN “MEETING-IN-A-BOX” SHEET E Discussion Prompt 2: 2021 Goals & Strategies Brainstorm 23 Complete AFTER the discussion on Prompt 2: 2021 Goals & Strategies Brainstorm. After hearing what others had to say, what do you think should be the top three goals or strategies for this 2021 Housing Plan? 1. 2. 3. Brewster Housing Coordinator Update February 2022 Jill Scalise Ongoing Activities/ Projects 1. Community Outreach and Education (Housing Production Plan (HPP) Strategy #13)  Responded to email and phone requests for information and assistance, 50 total requests for housing information (32) or assistance (18). Office hours held on Thursdays from 10-12. Updated Housing Office webpage. Wrote Housing Summary Update paper for Vision Planning Committee & Annual Report. 2. Brewster Affordable Housing Trust (BAHT) (HPP Strategy #7)  The Trust continued to review the housing proposal, see #3. The Trust also received an extension from the Community Preservation Committee (CPC) of the 2018 $100,000 CPA grant to December 31, 2023. 3. Community Housing Parcel off Millstone (Select Board Strategic Plan Goal H-3, HPP Strategy #15)  At the BAHT Meeting, Preservation of Affordable Housing & Housing Assistance Corporation presented their proposal to build a compact neighborhood of 45 rental units on the property. LDS Consulting Group provided a Pro-forma review. Town Administrator Lombardi is the Procurement Officer for this proposal. 4. Redevelop Existing Properties for Affordable Housing (HPP Strategy #6)  Serenity at Brewster (55+ rental housing, 27 affordable units): Phase 2, 91units, expected to open in 2022. DHCD provided comments on the Regulatory Agreement overseeing the 27 affordable apartments. 5. Comprehensive Permit Projects (HPP Strategy #14)  Brewster Woods (30 affordable rental units): Construction continues, expect lottery in summer 2022.  Habitat for Humanity Red Top Road (2 affordable home ownership): Received draft Regulatory Agreement. 6. Preservation of Housing and Related Support of Brewster Residents  Assisted residents with CDBG housing rehabilitation and Covid-19 Fund applications. 7. Subsidized Housing Inventory (SHI) (HPP Strategy #10)  Ongoing follow-up with SHI homes. Met with legal counsel and Asst. Town Administrator Kalinick about 2 properties. DHCD scheduled a meeting in March regarding the affordable resale of 11 Sean Circle. 8. Housing Production Plan (HPP) (Select Board Strategic Plan Goal H-2)  At Housing Partnership Meeting, Barrett Planning led the initial kickoff for the Housing Production Plan. Worked with Partnership on survey, had staff meeting with Barrett Planning, and provided materials. Robust outreach done to introduce HPP process, including presenting at meetings, and for small group interviews. 9. Collaboration (HPP Strategy #9)  Assisted with request to Cape Cod Commission for updated regional market analysis.  Participated in Making the Case for Housing Call, HOME Consortium, Homeless Prevention Council & Community Development Partnership meetings and Pond Parcel site visit. New Projects/Upcoming Activities 1. Housing Rehabilitation & Childcare Funds:  Brewster, as the lead community, was awarded a $1.3 million-dollar FY21 regional Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for Housing Rehabilitation & Childcare. This is the second consecutive year of regional funding and continues the current program assisting low-to-moderate income households making up to 80% of Area Median income. 2. Housing Production Plan (HPP) (Select Board Strategic Plan Goal H-2)  Barrett Planning Group, LLC will be conducting a housing survey in March and a Community Meeting with initial needs assessment information is expected in late April. Personnel  Participated in Housing Trust, Housing Partnership, CPC, Conservation Commission and Planning Board meetings. Also worked with: Building Dept., Council on Aging, Health Dept., Project Manager, Select Board, Town Administration, and Vision Planning Committee.  Attended The People’s Law Firm Outreach Day, Housing Navigator, and Preventing Discrimination & Harassment in the Workplace trainings. Town of Brewster Housing Partnership 2198 Main St., Brewster, MA 02631 (508) 896-3701 MEETING MINUTES Remote Participation Only Thursday February 10, 2022 at 6:00 PM Housing Partnership Jillian Douglass Chair Lisa Forhan Clerk Vanessa Greene Ralph Marotti Diane Pansire Sarah Robinson Steve Seaver Asst. Town Administrator Donna Kalinick Housing Coordinator Jill Scalise In attendance: Steve, Jillian, Lisa, Sarah, Ralph, Diane Guests: Jill Scalise, Donna Kalinick and Judy Barrett, Alexis Lanzillotta and Gregory Zapata from Barrett Planning Group. 1. Call to Order – Meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. 2. Declaration of a Quorum – a Quorum was present 3. Meeting Participation Statement – Statement was read 4. Recording Statement – Statement was read 5. Housing Production Plan Kickoff Presentation and Discussion – Judi Barrett & Alexis Lanzillotta, Barrett Planning Group – Last housing production plan was introduced in 2017. Barrett Planning Group previewed the draft survey and timeline for the project including process for needs assessment, identifying goals and strategies and final steps to submit the final plan to the town by June 30, 2022. Planning will include small group interviews, online survey, focus groups and community meetings. 6. Discussion and possible vote, on Housing Partnership comment regarding CPA Funding Formula – after much discussion regarding the proposed CPC funding formula, the Partnership voted 6-1 in favor of drafting a letter of support to the CPC adopting the state minimum allocation formula. Lisa will send the letter. 7. Brewster Housing Partnership Annual Report - Draft was reviewed and minor changes made; Partnership voted unanimously to submit to the Town. 8. Updates from the Housing Coordinator – See attached. 9. Updates from Liaisons (NOT DISCUSSED) a. Affordable Housing Trust i. Request for Proposal to Develop Housing b. Community Preservation Committee i. Plan Forum ii. Bylaw Formula iii. Pending Application(s) c. Brewster Housing Coalition 10. For Your Information/Correspondence - None 11. Questions/Comments on Recent Shares - None 12. Matters Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair – There were none. 13. Minutes of the January 20, 2022 Housing Partnership Meeting – Minutes were approved. 14. Schedule Next Meeting – Next meeting will be 3/10/22 at 6:00 p.m.; additional meetings may be scheduled to address the Housing Production Plan. 15. Adjournment – Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.