HomeMy Public PortalAbout19250414CCMeeting" Town of Tybee,Ga.,April7th 1925. The Assessment committee metto-day at 5 P.M.to ments for the ensueing year, those present being Councilmen Cann and Logan. pass upon the assess- 4 p' Acting Mayor Harris, v�\ Mr.C.J.Richards appeared before the committee and protested that the assessment on the improvements on lot 39-a ward one were to��';he was shown that other property in this vicinity was assessed in the same propovti on as his--- after some discussion Mayor Harris asked him if he was agreeable to the assessment and he said that he would pay it. Town of T.Vbee,Ga.,April 14thr1925. The regular sweeting of Council was held to -day at 4 P.M.and was attended by Mayor Harris.,and Councilmen Farr ,A%Dgan,Horovitz,Vialthour Cann, Ur Brennen and. Mr Jos .P.Doy le of the Globe Dredging Co., Mayor Harris brought up matter of J.C.Slater et.al.in which they hath petitioned Council to pave street at Lovell station deeded by them to the Town for use as a pub lido thorofare--- it was turned over to the Streeta and.Lanes Committee for handling,.Mr Horovitz said that the street was too narrow,Towm wanted 20 feet,also that .if owners would furnish material Town would furnish labor to pave it. Mayor Harris also asked Mr Horovitz to see if it were possible to pave Stone street at Estill station. ---- A letter from the Globe Dredging' Cc was read petitioning Council tv �� <. assist in paving certain streets in the "Fill"-- the Mayor asked Mr , Doyle to, enlighten Council as to what was wanted by the Globe Di%odgiri Cc and fir Doyle- said.,thatthe Globe Dredging Cc would furnish the shelf: if the Town would, furnish the labor to lay it-- the Mayor said that it would be a good thing fofr Tybee --- Mr , a��9, motion that the agfeement of Globe Dredging Co be accepted --- aahion carried. Alderman Cann did not -rctel aj/c. nein President of Tybee Beacr Co. Mayor Harris called for election of new douncilman --- Mr ftlthoui'`';t V. said that Mr O.T.Bacon had asked for the support of !:��r Carl Espy PY �� " and that he would nominate Ur Espy to fill the unexpired term Mr Horovitz seconded the nomination --- the Mayor called for a and it was given for Mr Espy unamously. Coulcilmen Cann and Logan'��!��',*��` were appointed a committee to notify Mr Espy of his election. The Mayor called attention to the improvements the C.R.R.was making on its pavi llion. Apetition was had from Bair E.A.Armand and Mb J.H.Byington requesting permission to feneie off part of streets adjacent to their cottages --- Petition refused. A petition was read from some of the citizens of Tybee nominating kr J.G.Autler for Councilmen but it was noted t ;at he was ineligi- ble as he does not own any property in the Town A letter from Mrs R.A.Stratton wa.r read requesting that the Town donate a septic tank to the Trinity Methodist Chapel that is being erected on 2nd avenue --- Council authorized that one tank be.*giv"1 the Chapel. 2 The Maoyr read aletter from Mr A.P.Solomon,sr on fire protection, Mr Horovitz said that Air Butler had appointed a committee to handle this matter with Xr .Solomons.--- Mr Solomons letter, was referred to Mr Espy to handle. A resolution was read notifying t,ie Executors of the Joyce estate to appear before Council on may lot 1925 to show cause, if any,why their property at Lovell station should not condemned. 40 The cahrges made by the Tybee Waterworks Co for laying lines and connecting up to dwellings, eat., the point in question being that as the Tybee Waterwprks Co.,was a public servivo unit, it cool dbe made to lay lines --- Mr Brennan said that there was no set contract be- tween the Town and the Tybee-,aterwor ks Co., except that they were authorized to lay lines in the town,bytan act of Council in session November 21 1891, Mr Cann said that he had been in communication with the Tybee Water- works Co relative to laying water mains along Avenues in the new sub- division,ard that they the T,W.W.Co.,would lay the lines without charge to property owners other than the tapping -fee of 15.00. Mayor Harris suggested that matter be held open for the time being and that when the lines were laded they should b.e large enough to take care of future needs. A lletter was read from the Tybee Waterwokke regarding the install- ing of meter and connecti©ns at the power plant for use of the Hotel in case of .:emergency, calling attention to the monthly service charge which has never been paid,--- Mayor Va.rris. said he would write Mr Solomons relative to the charge Mr Farr wanted to know if some method could not found that would increase the revenues of the Town,--- Mayer 7arris said that he was very much in favor of good clean amusements but that he did not want to see the island given over to undesirable people. The matter of various machines of chance being operated came, up but no action was taken . The Mayor asked Mr Cann to look into the matter and advise him if it would be possiblr to operate the Hotel without electric cur xant part of the day, thereby enabling the plant to be shut down part of the time. There being nb fubther business adjourned subject to the call of the Mayor