HomeMy Public PortalAbout20180212 - Planning Board - Meeting Minutes 1 HOPKINTON PLANNING BOARD Monday, February 12, 2018 7:00 P.M. HCAM-TV Studio, 77 Main St./Lower Level, Hopkinton, MA MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: Frank D’Urso, Acting Chair; David Paul, Acting Vice Chair; Amy Ritterbusch, Irfan Nasrullah, Muriel Kramer, Kelly Karp MEMBERS ABSENT: John Ferrari, Fran DeYoung, Cliff Kistner Present: Elaine Lazarus, Director of Land Use & Town Operations; Cobi Wallace, Permitting Assistant 1. Continued Public Hearings – Whisper Ridge (Whisper Way/Wood St.) – Special Permit Applications for Open Space and Landscape Preservation Development & Flexible Community Development – 20th Century Homes It was noted there are not enough eligible voting members tonight to vote on the special permit applications. After discussion with Ron Nation, 20th Century Homes, applicant, the Board agreed to start the next meeting early, and Ms. Kramer moved to continue the public hearings to February 26, 2018 at 7:00 P.M. Mr. D’Urso seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor. 2. Approval Not Required Plan (ANR) – 20 Fruit Street – 20 Fruit Street, LLC. Ms. Lazarus noted the applicant is not ready and has granted an extension of time to file the decision with the Town Clerk to March 3, 2018. The Board scheduled the application for review at the February 26, 2018 meeting. 3. Administrative Business a) Minutes - The Board reviewed the draft minutes of the December 18, 2017 and January 8, 2018 meetings. Ms. Kramer moved to approve the minutes of December 18, 2017 as written. Mr. Paul seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor. Mr. Paul moved to approve the minutes of January 8, 2018 as written. Ms. Ritterbusch seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor. b) Public Lands Preservation Act (PLPA) - Ms. Lazarus referred to an email received from a volunteer advocate asking for support for the Public Lands Preservation Act (PLPA), as well as a letter from the Conservation Commission (ConCom) in support of this legislation. Ms. Kramer stated she is willing to make a motion to that effect. The Board discussed the possibility of writing its own letter of support, and Ms. Ritterbusch stated she had thought maybe someone from the ConCom would be here tonight to explain the Act. It was noted there is no deadline and the consensus was to further discuss the issue at a future meeting. c) Liaison Reports  Community Outreach Subcommittee - Mr. D'Urso noted Mr. Kistner and he are on the Community Outreach Subcommittee and met with the developer/owner of 35 Parkwood Dr. today. He noted they were given promotional material regarding the current status of the building and future plans for the area. Mr. D'Urso stated Eversource has been approached regarding the possibility of using the property for locating a Gas Gate station 2 there instead of on Elm St. He submitted the brochures into the record to be scanned and distributed to the rest of the Board.  Center School Reuse Advisory Team (CSRAT) - Mr. D'Urso stated Ms. Ritterbusch, Ms. Kramer and he attended the forum on February 3, 2018. He noted there have been more than 300 answers to the survey and about 30 people attended the forum. Ms. Ritterbusch stated it was a productive meeting, and the Team is scheduled to meet again tomorrow to review the information gathered so far. Ms. Kramer stated there were a couple of creative ideas, including a suggestion to use the building to create "maker/repair" space. She briefly explained the concept of this type of use. d) Correspondence - Mr. D'Urso stated the Board received a lot of emails regarding the Chamberlain St./Whalen Rd. proposal, and he thanked the residents for their input. 4. Legacy Farms North Villages – Signage (Pulte Homes) Reid Blute, Pulte Homes of New England, proponent, appeared before the Board. Mr. Blute stated he would like to postpone the discussion to a future meeting. Mr. D'Urso questioned Pulte’s decision to pursue this at this point, stating that the illegal North Villages advertising sign on Legacy Farms North has not been removed in spite of the Board's request. Mr. Blute stated he believes the sign has been removed, but will check and follow up with Ms. Lazarus tomorrow. The discussion was rescheduled for March 12, 2018. 5. Administrative Business a) Hopkinton 101 - Library Event - Ms. Ritterbusch noted boards and committees have been invited to participate in the Hopkinton 101 event to be held in March. Mr. D'Urso asked for clarification, and Ms. Ritterbusch noted it is a meeting where boards/committees and non- profit organizations will have an opportunity to explain how Town government works and how people can get involved. b) Town Hall Repairs/Status - Reference was made to a bill passed by the Massachusetts Senate to authorize funding for capital improvements in the MetroWest area, including improvements to Hopkinton Town Hall. It was noted it is not yet known when Town departments will be able to return to the Town Hall. c) Upcoming Public Hearing - Zoning Articles - Ms. Ritterbusch suggested adding a slide presentation for the public hearing on proposed zoning articles for town meeting. Ms. Lazarus stated it is a good idea. It was noted the public hearing has been scheduled for February 26 at 7:30 P.M. and Mr. D'Urso explained the town meeting process. 6. Continued Public Hearing – Saddle Hill Road – Stormwater Management Permit Application – SVN/Parsons Commercial Group Victor Galvani and John Parsons, SVN/Parsons Commercial Group, applicant, and Wayne Belec, WDA Group, Sr. Project Manager, appeared before the Board. Mr. Paul, the Board’s project liaison, referred to the public hearing outline for this application. He noted the applicants are requesting a stormwater management permit under Chapter 172 of the General Bylaws, and a majority vote is required. He referred to the ANR plan for the site creating 5 of the 11 lots which are being planned all together, and noted that scenic road permits have been issued for 4 lots. Mr. Belec noted they are planning to come before the Board in the near future for an ANR plan and scenic road approvals for the balance of the lots. He described the general location of the 3 site which is bound by Saddle Hill Rd. on the west and contains a portion of an approximately 350 acre wetlands system extending to Rt. 85 to the east. He referred to the existing conditions/watershed map and noted they used the wetlands boundary as the design point instead of the property line. Mr. Belec described the proposed stormwater management for the site. He stated they initially intended for each future homeowner to take ownership of and maintain their own stormwater system, but based on discussions with BETA they decided on a different approach which reduced the number of basins from 12 to 7, and that maintenance will be handled through a homeowners association (HOA) instead. He noted Low Impact Development (LID) principles are used to mimic existing hydrology patterns, and there will not be a lot of difference in post- development vs. pre-development conditions. Mr. Belec stated that in terms of clearing, lots 1 and 2 are opened up, but they will be a bit more conservative going forward. Mr. D'Urso noted he really likes the revised plan, and Mr. Belec stated it is an improvement. Mr. Belec referred to BETA's comments regarding the impact of a 100-year storm event, and in this case it would be negligible considering the 350 acre watershed down gradient from the site. Mr. Paul noted it appears the applicant feels comfortable with the design. Mr. Belec referred to BETA's comment regarding sediment basins and noted this is typically addressed through construction sequencing and a sediment erosion control plan. He stated as discussed with BETA and the Conservation Administrator they have been able to pull the majority of the work out of the 100 ft. wetlands buffer and only 2 to 3 acres out of 60 are in the ConCom jurisdiction. Mr. Belec described the proposed erosion control and phasing plans in more detail, noting there will be on-site erosion control measures on a lot-by-lot basis. Mr. Paul asked for more information regarding temporary vs. permanent measures, and Mr. Belec provided additional details and clarification. Mr. Nasrullah asked how this is different from the plan originally reviewed by BETA, and Mr. Belec stated that based on the regulations and LID principles it was determined it would be better to reduce the number of basins and make it easier from a maintenance standpoint. The meeting was put on hold to open the continued public hearings for the Chamberlain St./Whalen Rd. subdivision. 7. Public Hearings – Chamberlain St./Whalen Rd. Subdivision – 1) Definitive Subdivision Application; 2) Flexible Community Development (FCD) Special Permit Application; 3) Scenic Road Application, Joint Hearing with Tree Warden – REC Hopkinton LLC Ms. Kramer moved to open the public hearings, Mr. Paul seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously in favor. Paul Mastroianni and Kathi Sherry, REC Hopkinton, LLC, applicant, and Mike Dryden, Bohler Engineering, engineer, appeared before the Board. It was noted several members are absent tonight for the continued public hearings, which includes two applications that require 6 votes for approval. After further discussion, the applicant stated he would like to proceed with the hearings tonight in spite of that, and agreed to wait until after the completion of the Saddle Hill Rd. stormwater management permit application in process. 8. Continued Public Hearing - Stormwater Management Permit Application – SVN/Parsons Commercial Group 4 The applicants returned to the Board. After discussion, it was determined that an additional 30 minutes or so would be needed to complete the discussion. Mr. Belec stated he would like to see the hearing closed tonight, hopefully resulting in a vote to grant the permit. Mr. Paul suggested proceeding with the Chamberlain St./Whalen Rd. continued public hearings as scheduled. Ms. Kramer moved to continue the public hearing for the Saddle Hill Rd. application to 9:30 P.M. Mr. Nasrullah seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor. The Board took a 5 minute break. 6. Continued Public Hearings – Chamberlain St./Whalen Rd. Subdivision – 1) Definitive Subdivision Application; 2) Flexible Community Development (FCD) Special Permit Application; 3) Scenic Road Application, Joint Hearing with Tree Warden – REC Hopkinton LLC The applicants returned to the Board. Mr. Mastroianni stated they have changed their mind and have decided to ask for a continuance of the public hearing to a future meeting instead of proceeding tonight. Mr. Paul moved to continue the public hearing to March 12, 2018 at 8:00 P.M. Mr. D'Urso seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor. A resident asked about funding of the Chamberlain St. widening, and Ms. Kramer stated that is a question to be addressed within the public hearing process. Robert Draper, President, Hopkinton Sportsman Club, stated he won't be able to attend on March 12, and Ms. Lazarus stated the Sportsman Club's comments regarding this application have been received and entered into the record. The Board recessed the meeting until 9:30 P.M. 7. Continued Public Hearing - Saddle Stormwater Management Permit Application – SVN/Parsons Commercial Group Ms. Kramer moved to reopen the public hearing, Ms. Ritterbusch seconded the motion, and the Board voted unanimously in favor. Mr. Paul asked about additional comments from Town departments. Reference was made to a letter from Sean McAuliffe, Board of Health Administrator dated December 22, 2107, indicating he has no concerns regarding this proposal, and it was determined there was no other input. Phil Paradis, BETA Group, Inc., noted he has reviewed the proposal on behalf of the Board working with the applicant's representative. He noted this project is unique in that it is essentially a subdivision without a new road. He noted they had to determine how stormwater standards are applied in this case to make sure the system is sustainable in terms of long term maintenance. Mr. Paradis noted he feels they were able to develop a good compromise, reducing the number of basins and directing roof runoff to subsurface infiltration systems. He stated he feels the proposed design meets the intent of the stormwater management bylaw, and the majority of the site can be managed through treatment basins except for the 3 lots in the ConCom jurisdiction which can be addressed through the NOI process. Mr. Paradis noted the design has to comply with a series of 10 stormwater standards. He noted standards #1, #2, #3, and #4 are complied with, and #5, #6, and #7 are not applicable. He noted standard #8 is being addressed through erosion control and construction sequencing. He noted they will have to provide a stormwater pollution prevention plan as required by the EPA, and BETA recommends requiring 5 a copy to be submitted to the Town as a condition of approval. Mr. Paradis stated that with respect to standard #9 the applicant has provided an Operations & Maintenance (O&M) plan, and it will be handled through the HOA. Ms. Kramer asked about a condition to make sure there is a mechanism for recourse if something doesn’t work. Mr. D'Urso asked how BETA's concerns regarding lots 10 and 11 will be resolved, and Mr. Paradis stated the ConCom has been copied on all of his reports, and even though the proposal meets the requirements of the law, he thinks that they will ask the applicant to do a little better. Mr. Paradis stated he believes the ConCom will ask for additional BMP's for the two lots in question. Mr. Paradis stated standard #10 has been met. In response to a question of Mr. Nasrullah, Mr. Paradis described what is technically involved in maintaining sediment basins. Mr. Belec noted the O&M plan submitted to the Board at this point is just a streamlined copy, but eventually the developer will have a 3-ring binder complete with plans and other supporting documentation. He noted this document will be signed by the owner, developer and every contractor who comes on board. Mr. Nasrullah stated he represents a lot of HOA’s and additional guidance or some type of training may be needed so that they understand their duties once the responsibility of basin maintenance is turned over to them. Mr. Parsons stated they will initially hire a professional landscaping firm and at a certain point will ask the HOA to take over, but will stay involved if needed. Mr. Paradis noted the document will include a detailed list of inspections, procedures and maps which should be sufficient, although some planning boards require periodic reports. Ms. Lazarus asked if the Board would like to review the HOA documents first before they go into effect, and Mr. Paul stated that would be a good idea. Mr. Nasrullah asked whether BETA has reviewed the HOA documents, and Mr. Paradis replied no. Mr. Paul read each of the standard conditions for stormwater management permits, and Mr. Parsons stated he has no objections to them. Mr. Paul stated based on the discussion tonight, the Board is considering additional conditions. Mr. D'Urso moved to require a complete O&M plan and HOA documentation to be submitted to the Land Use Dept. prior to construction, and require the stormwater pollution prevention plan to include the additional items listed in the BETA report, as additional conditions of approval. Ms. Ritterbusch seconded the motion. Ms. Kramer asked about recourse if the conditions are not met. Mr. Paradis stated it is typical for this type of project to require that a Town official or designee observe subsoil conditions after excavation to make sure it matches the design, and the Board agreed to include this as an additional condition of approval. Ms. Lazarus suggested the Board require as-built plans for all lots, because otherwise it would only be done for the 3 lots in the ConCom jurisdiction. Mr. Nasrullah moved to amend the motion by including this condition, and Mr. D'Urso accepted the amendment. The Board voted unanimously in favor of the motion as amended. Mr. D'Urso moved to approve the stormwater management permit for Saddle Hill Rd. with the standard conditions as discussed and voted. Mr. Nasrullah seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor. Mr. D’Urso moved to close the public hearing. The motion was seconded by Ms. Ritterbusch and the Board voted unanimously in favor. 6 Ms. Kramer moved to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Karp seconded the motion and the Board voted unanimously in favor. Adjourned: 10:00 P.M. Submitted by: Cobi Wallace, Permitting Assistant Approved: March 12, 2018 Documents Used at the Meeting  Agenda for Hopkinton Planning Board meeting February 12, 2018  Memorandum from Elaine Lazarus, Director of Land Use and Town Operations, to Planning Board, dated February 8, 2018, re: Items on February 12, 2018 Planning Board Agenda  Site Plans for Tall Pine Estates, dated December 14, 2017 revised through February 8, 2018, prepared for SVN/Parson Commercial Group by WDA Design Group  Missed Meeting Certificate – Irfan Nasrullah and Kelly Karp (January 22, 2018 meeting re Chamberlain St./Whalen Rd. Subdivision Proposal)  (Forwarded) Email from Philip Saunders to Jennifer Burke, Principal Planner dated January 19, 2018 re: Public Lands Preservation Act, and Letter to Chairwoman Karen Spilka, Senate Committee on Ways & Means, from Hopkinton Conservation Commission and Conservation Administrator, dated February 2, 2018  35 Parkwood Brochures  Draft Minutes – December 18, 2017 and January 8, 2018