HomeMy Public PortalAbout19251002CCMeeting1.� ai in but no:actsion{!i1 0 taken. w !N There being na' 'u rther business Council adjourned subject to the Mayor. q The queeicrr of paving Stone street at Eat i l l e t atd on was brought up 13 he call of Town of Tybee,Ga., October 2nd 1925. The regular meetingof Council was held to -day in Savannah office,at 4 p.m and was attended by the Mayon° and Councilmen Farr,Cann,Horovitz,Walthour and. Mr Brennan,aleo a committee consisting of Mrs L.G .Cooper,Mrs Daisy B.Melntyre,Mrs J.'T.Carter and Mr T.R Jones,Mr '7T36Glover,who appeared before Council at request of Mayor Harris to ascertain fro ,,them what they thought adopting a proposed jetty,similar to one that is being used with unusual success at Virginia Beach,Norfolk,Virginia. The Mayor remarked that he had been informed by Mr T.Newel West and also Mr W.C.Goodman that the use of brush at Lovell Station would never remedy the condition as exists there,he told of someplans that had been given him by Mrs . C .S. Stewart who had been to Virginia . Beach and saw the work of the jetty there and had had an Engineer draw a plan of the jetty, and which she turned over to MayorHarris and he in turn had written letters to several of the property owners at Lovell station requesting them to attend to -days meeting to aeeertain froul them what they thought of this type of protection -- he said that the beach had been eaten into 10 feet on the night of October let by the tides at this point. The mayor asked for the opinions of some of those present and Mrs McIn- Ttyre said that she..didnt think much of the proposed jetty as Mr F.E. Edwards who has a cottage at Lovelis had put this jetty in and that the tides of the night of October 1st had washls it out -- she said that she could not afford to pay any money into any plan to protect Lovell Station as she did not have it she eadd that the convicts were sent to Tybee to work on Lovell statics and they should be kept there. Mrs Slater spoke and said that quite a number of posts were sunk on the beach but that brush was never put in between them as they should have been, she said that posts sticking up on the beach do no good,but do tend to make the beach look very unsightly. The Mayor said that the convicts were put at Tybee not speci,fficaally for doing work at Lovell station but for work of the whole island where they were needed -- he said that the property owners at Lovells should get together and see if the Virginia Beach jetty would not work at their poin The Mayor said that Senator G eorge, Govenor Wacker and Congressmen Edwards had all been taken to Tybee and shown the condition as exists there and that they have all promised to he11. Mrs McIntyre asked if Council was going to do anything she said she wante something done and wanted it done right away as her property was being Owashed away everyday and slae could not afford to sit back and wait. Mr Cann said that. Senator George had made an effort to get the Goverment offictials to hell but they had refused. The Mayor informed these present that the vonviets were working at Lovell station and that they would be kept as long as they were needed -- wi ±' 14 The Nhyor told i1Crs McIntyre that her request 'Would be given cohsi.deration. Glover said that-ididnt -thdnk -the Virginia Beacch j would work "at, -'w Lovell station -- he also said that if the brush, held at Mrs Coopers place thy shouldnt it hold at the other points. Mr Cann said that he AR faillgivay r Butler had taken up the matter with the U.S.Engineers,with the County Engineers and others and that the opinion of each for the protection of the beach was entirely differ- ent-- he said that the Tybee Beach Cohas_ furnished all of the piling and the brush at Lovelis without Bost, that they had contributed cash- - and that if the property owners get together on any project and want the Tybee Beach Co to contribut cash materials or any other thing necessary they stand ready to do their 'share towards helping -- Mr Cann also said that he was willing to get together with them at any time to formulate plans for the protection of the beach -- he said that the convicts cant be kept indefinite]$ at Lovells,but if the Engineers agree as to what is best in the way of a permanent bulkhead then the property owners should get together on it. £he committee was excused. Mr Waithour presented invoice from A.S.3acon & Sons for materials and labor furnished the National Guard Camp amounting to $ 1322.00 he made a motion that it be p=aid -- Mr Horovitz seconded same -- and it was .gassed. An invoice was presented from E.B.Izlar amounting to $ 28.60 for gasoline furnished the County tractors at the fill -- it was referred to 0 The Clerk of Council to handle with the County ot" ticials. The mayor mentioned the correspondence he had had with the Cement Products Co regarding the holding up the last note due them by the Town -- he brought up the apparent deficit of the amount due by the Hotel Tybee for the installing of septic tanks. Mr Cann said that before he had signed any contract mtAkxtkaextutnt cactmattxxa he had a conversatio' with former iilayor Butler as to the cost of installing and had been informed by Mr Butler that the cost of 960..00 would cover the cost of installing everything at the Hotel including the cotages -- he sadi he had told Mr Butler that A.P.Solomon had informed him that this amount did not cover the installing of tanks at the cottages - - he asked what suggestion the Mayor had in mind. The Mayor said it shold be settled at Aarluting Council, Mr Waithour suggested that a compromise offer be mane that the C.P.Co Hotel Tybee and The Town of Tybee each pay one third h," marie this in the form of a motion which was seconded by Mr Farr who}a1so,leaggested that a letter be written the C.P.Co. of what the Town had in mind-- it was passed. There being no further business Council adjourned subject to the call of III the Mayor.