HomeMy Public PortalAbout19251106CCMeetingto iC) 114 The regular monthly meeting of Town Council was held today at 4:0P p-.m. and 'was attended by Mayor Harris a.nd Councilmen Espy,Herovitz,Walthour N Iir Brennan and Mr.H.F.Smart, jr. r# Ur Srz•t appeared to askAfor assistance of the Town in protecting the jetties on the point at the South End of the island,the tides of late having swept away some of the piling and brush that had been placed there - -- and he asked that brush and piling be replaced at p ints where needed as early as possible - -- Mr Smart said that the property owners in that vicinity had kaid out about $ 7.000.CC on these jetties and did not feel that they could afford to to spend any more cn them - -- . T-, Myer er informed Mr ,mart tIRJ, at the present ti:.e the condition at Lovell ;station was such that it ould be necessary to keep the convicts at this point indefinitely,but that at the firt opportunity something would be dere -). -outh End - -- Tre Later saying that the people at South End were due as much consideration as those On any other part of the Town. Town of ybee,Ga.,November 6th 1925. • • The Mayor said he inspected. Lovell station recently and found that the work that has been done 1.here, is,at the most,with the limited amount of labor and materials available, t only' temporary. Mr Smart said that/ l he f i rt time that the pro :perty owners at the South End had asked for assistance from the Town - -- the Mayor asked for the opini _gin of council and Mr Espy said that the Town should do do this work just as quickly as it could - -- Mr Smart was Bxcused. A letter w -1.s read from Judge S.B.Adams quoting Mrs Daisy B.lvicclntyre to the effect that nothin&a�w�,�as being done at Lovell Station to pro- tect the beach there, the /�'i'SWerred the letter of J ' ' Adams that he was misinformed,as he,Mayor Harris,knew personally that work had been done along the beach in front cf Mrs McIntyres, .F. 'mith,and Dr Carters' oreperty and seine' of it had allrready washed out Ur A.B.Palrner requested that a jetty be placed at the point on the shore line on Tybee Inlet extending from the turntable to the wahrf of Captain Wvalker -- no action was taken at ' this time. 15 A petitio0 w4s read from McIntyre uralsh and Bernstein requesting that discount be allowed on taxes due by restate of Samuel Sri lensky -asalat - T r 1 r Horovi tz moved that i t be allowed -- Mr Espy seconded -- rnoti onpass ed The mayor intorme d Council that there was on deposit in the Savings Departet of the C r',`S Bank 3 914.28 that was ?ft over from the the Paving Bond account, that would be transferred to the General Fund. A letter was read from the Dixon Contracting Co dated Nov 3rd 1925 in answer to a letter from the ;Mayer regarding the condition of the streets at Tybee,as followstyour letter of Nev.2nd rega :din; the ccndi tion of the streets at Tybee has been received andncarefully noted.As far as I know we were not required to maitain th s work, however we will have one of our men go oter this pavement sometime this week and will either make the necessary repairs or instruct the Chief of Police just what should be done+ . A request WAS had from the Convict chief for materials for the camp the Mayor said s -that he thought the County should keep the camp in repair - -- no action was taken on the request . 16 A bill-of Percy Suc den for $ 15.00 for staking off Chatham Avenue charged to the Town was referred back to the Tybee Beach Co for pay- ment- by them. A petition was had from Mr C .H . Coxw +ell requesting that water main,: be extended to his cottage by the Town - -- the Mayor said that he had informed Mr Coxwell that the 'Town did not do this as this was a matter for the Tybee waterworks Co., - -- Mr Brennan was asked to lock into this this and write Mr Coxwell. A letter was read from Mrs Louise H.Opper for refund of amount paid by her caused by the improper in I taliat:ion of her septic tank, she • submitted bill c f the John T .Co liins Co fro $ 18.75 that covered the repairs to her tank -- i.s Walth.our made motion that the Mayor be permitted to handle , Mr Espy seconded -- and it was passed. The :natter of the installations of septic tanks at Hotel Tybee core up, the Mayor said from his information Mr Kidder of the C.P.Co ins- pected Hotel Tybee and made estimate anraagreed to put in Battery sys- tems for Hotel but did not include cottages, as these were an entirely separate installation,the Mayor said that he did not knoll: how to handle the matter and asked for adv.iceof council -- Cdr ' althour made motion that-the Town of Tybee and the Hotel Tybee compromise on a basis of the Hotel Co.,p ty 5C per cent and the Town of Tybee pay 50/ of the bill of t'> e Cene it Products Co., i r Espy seconded and the oration was carried. .ter Espy called attention to the property/WEE@ vicinity of Stone street at Estill Station wanting it opened and paved -- _r Walthour made :notion that Stone street be decalred open andnthat C.R.R. be requested to puce a crossing; at this point -- Mr Horovitz,seconded and the motion carried, the Clerk was requested to write a letter to the C.R.R. notifying them that this street was declared open And to place a crossing over sale. There being oo further business Council adjourned subject to the call of the Mayor. u -Q44 uo uobaq auk pug r •4nos auk qv - - -aouo peAow aq off, aATL onq" adoos"I'H sag 3o auv4.00 aq4 4'euq, 4ua4xa Lib Lions o4 gouaq at-spboxuT ap6m pec{ uoTgb4s ITano'1 gb gsbnn aq4 ¶egq. osre "uMop pbu 4ubid .zannoct agq. 4b s}t0'E4s aql Jo auo pun.oJ pub p.z£ .zaamaoac o pubIst aq4 oq auo2 putt aq gbgq. paa.-.zod a z .zoi atj •4aaJ JT qnoqt pagaurn pbq uoToS ati7To 1tuTOtA 911'4. ut 'ago 4 b an /c d o'. qga nb u r i a p a s o tt; SJ r q. ou o� pa onJgsut stingy trounqo ce x O aqq (anp 4sud Mou 9.1'e qbq 'sexbq .ztagq. " n ut:Ped Lit quanbutia ,aa4.-s.zau&o f4.zado.zd aq.; Jo autos sy / '4t ax T put Sums grtdaa' .4 eubmot s an q pTnonn aq q� pug xu q ot�dee .zaq 3o not tpuoo p�q aq o Tveia'1 aacldo. a • Sexnor1 s.zt uzO.z,� .za dal paAapaoa,z putt aq � p s ,tofu aq" pub anowEbt-zvAoaoh-Sdeg uawl r ounoo put .zof tnr Sa pa sbnn puts 'w'd_:. . tip-off. piau 91,M Itounos Jo u aarmi zt -n. as a ' e6t qab .zagc'aoaLV2bf'aaq t do um r