HomeMy Public PortalAbout11-20-17cNovember 20, 2017 COUNCIL MEETING A Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Carteret was called to order by Mayor Daniel J. Reiman at 6:00 P.M., Thursday November 20, 2017, Council Chambers, Memorial Municipal Building, 61 Cooke Avenue, Carteret, New Jersey. Upon Individual Roll Call Vote the following were noted present: Councilmember Vincent Bellino ROLL CALL Dennis DiMascio " Ajmar Johal " Randy Krum Susan Naples Also noted present was Kathleen M. Barney, Municipal Clerk and NOTED PRESENT Robert J. Bergen, Law Director. Noted absent was Council President Jorge Diaz. NOTED ABSENT The meeting was opened with a moment of silent prayer and the SILENT PRAYER / PLEDGE Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilmember Randy Krum. OF ALLEGIANCE The Clerk stated that on January 6, 2017, the 2017 Annual Notice STATEMENT OF MEETING was mailed to The Home News Tribune, The Star Ledger and posted NOTICE on the Bulletin Board January 6, 2017. Notice was published in The Home News Tribune and The Star Ledger on January 11, 2017. Upon MMS &C, by Councilmembers Naples and Krum and MINUTES FOR APPROVAL unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the Minutes of November 9, 2017 were approved as transcribed and engrossed by the Clerk 1 November 20, 2017 CONT. ORDINANCE #17 -21 FIRST READING "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER 222, ENTITLED, "STREETS AND SIDEWALKS" OF CODE OF THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET" Mayor Reiman stated that this would require that companies that try to open our roads, the water company, the gas company, the electric company, someone building a new home can't just hire someone off the street, they have to have adequate training and adequate insurance. This will ensure we have pre - qualified people cutting up our roads. ORDINANCE #17 -21 ORDINANCE #17 -21 was Introduced and Adopted on First Reading "AN ORDINANCE and the Municipal Clerk authorized and directed to a AMENDING AND advertise same for Public Hearing to be held December 7, 2017, SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER Upon MMS &C, by Councilmembers Bellino and Dimascio. Upon 222, ENTITLED, "STREETS AND SIDEWALKS" OF CODE Individual Roll Call Vote Councilmembers Bellino, Dimascio, Johal, OF THE BOROUGH OF Krum and Naples voted in the affirmative. Council President Diaz CARTERET" was noted Absent. PUBLIC PORTIONS ON A copy of each resolution was placed on the table for public review RESOLUTIONS / AGENDA prior to the meeting in accordance with the Rules of Council and ITEMS AND NEW BUSINESS upon MMS &C, by Councilmembers Bellino and Naples and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the meeting was opened for public input on all resolutions /Agenda items and new Business. PUBLIC PORTIONS CLOSED There being no comments or objections to the Resolutions /Agenda items or new business, upon MMS &C, by Councilmembers Bellino and Naples and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present , the public portion of the meeting was closed. Pa November 20; 2017 CONT. RESOLUTIONS: RESOLUTIONS 1. #17 -206 Governor's Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Fiscal Grant cycle July 2014 —JuNE 2019. 2. #17 -207 Providing for Interdepartmental Line Item Transfer of Funds Within the CY 2017 Budget. 3. #17 -208 Approving Sewer Repairs. 4. #17 -209 Approving Accrued Time Compensation. 5. #17 -210 Authorizing the Borough Law Director to Execute Purchase of a Vacant Lot — Block 5802, Lot 10 — Harris Street. Mayor Reiman asked for a Motion on the Consent Agenda. CONSENT AGENDA Resolutions #17 -206 through #17 -210 were introduced by Mayor Reiman and referred to the Council for action. Upon MMS &C, by Councilmembers Bellino and Krum RESOLUTION #17 -206 RESOLUTION #17 -206 "GOVERNOR'S COUNCIL PN "GOVERNOR'S COUNCIL PN ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG ABUSE ALCOHOLISM AND DRUG FISCAL GRANT CYCLE JULY 2014 —JUNE 2019" ABUSE FISCAL GRANT JULY 2014 — JUNE 2019" RESOLUTION #17 -207 RESOLUTION #17 -207 "PROVIDING FOR INTERDEPARTMENTAL LINE ITEM TRANSFER OF "PROVIDING FOR FUNDS WITHIN THE CY 2017 BUDGET" INTERDEPARTMENTAL LINE ITEM TRANSFER OF FUNDS WITHIN THE CY 2017 RESOLUTION #17 -208 BUDGET" "APPROVING SEWER REPAIRS" RESOLUTION #17 -208 "APPROVING SEWER RESOLUTION #17 -209 REPAIRS" "APPROVING ACCRUED TIME COMPENSATION" RESOLUTION 917 -209 "APPROVING ACCRUED TIME COMPENSATION" 3 November 20, 2017 CONT. RESOLUTION 417 -210 "AUTHORIZING THE RESOLUTION #17 -210 BOROUGH LAW DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE PURCHASE "AUTHORIZING THE BOROUGH LAW DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE OF A VACANT LOT" PURCHASE OF A VACANT LOT — BLOCK 5802, LOT 10 — HARRIS STREET" ADOPTED PAYMENT OF BILLS REPORTS were Adopted. Upon Individual Roll Call Vote Councilmembers Bellino, DiMascio, Johal, Krum and Naples voted in the affirmative. Council President Diaz was noted absent. Upon MMS &C by Councilmembers Bellino and Johal, all bills appearing on the prepared list, properly audited and signed, were ordered to be paid. Upon Individual Roll Call Vote Councilmembers Bellino, DiMascio, Johal, Krum and Naples voted in the Affirmative. Council President Diaz was noted absent COMMITTEES: BUILDINGS & GROUNDS — Committee Chairman Johal reported progress. FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION — In Committee Chairman Diaz's absence, Mayor Reiman reported progress. FIRE & DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS — Committee Chairman Krum reported progress. PARKS, RECREATION & PUBLIC PROPERTY — Committee Chairman Belling stated December 1St we have the Christmas Extravaganza / Tree Lighting. Otherwise reported progress. 4 November 20, 2017 CONT. POLICE - Committee Chairman Naples reported progress. PUBLIC WORKS - Committee Chairman DiMascio reported progress, they will be picking up the speed bumps this week. BOARD OF EDUCATION — Committee Chairman Naples reported progress. Mayor Reiman wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. MAYOR REIMAN There being no further discussion, upon MMS &C, by ADJOURNED Councilmembers Bellino and Krum and unanimous affirmative vote of the five (5) Councilmembers present, the meeting was Adjourned at approximately 6:03 P.M. Respectfully submitted, KATHLEEN M. BARNEY, MMC Municipal Clerk KMB /jo 5 November 20, 2017 CONT.