HomeMy Public PortalAboutVPC 05/16/22 Meeting Packet Town of Brewster Vision Planning Committee 2198 Main St., Brewster, MA 02631 brewplan@brewster-ma.gov (508) 896-3701 MEETING AGENDA 2198 Main Street, Room A Monday, May 16, 2022 at 3:30 PM Pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021, this meeting will be conducted in person and via remote means, in accordance with applicable law. This means that members of the public body may access this meeting in person, or via virtual means. In person attendance will be at the meeting location listed above, and it is possible that any or all members of the public body may attend remotely. No in-person attendance of members of the public will be permitted, and public participation in any public hearing conducted during this meeting shall be by remote means only. Members of the public who wish to access the meeting may do so in the following manner: Meetings may be joined by: 1. Phone: Call (929) 436-2866 or (301) 715-8592. Zoom Meeting ID: 819 3038 8203 and Passcode 317154 To request to speak: Press *9 and wait to be recognized. 2. Zoom Webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81930388203?pwd=VHEvUURMM1ZFdUJNREJIbEN3SFdOZz09 and enter Passcode 317154 To request to speak: Tap Zoom “Raise Hand” button or type “Chat” comment with your name and address, then wait to be recognized. Additionally, the meeting will be broadcast live, in real time, via Live broadcast (Brewster Government TV Channel 18), Livestream (livestream.brewster-ma.gov), or Video recording (tv.brewster-ma.gov). Vision Planning Committee Hal Minis Chair Sharon Tennstedt Vice Chair Amanda Bebrin Andi Genser Patricia Hess Suzanne Kenney Fran Schofield Paul Wallace Admistrative Assistant Ellen Murphy Select Board Liaison Kari Hoffman Finance Committee Liaison Honey Pivirotto 1. Call to Order 2. Declaration of a Quorum 3. Meeting Participation Statement 4. Review and Approval of May 2nd meeting minutes 5. Review LCP maps – Tighe & Bond 6. Review and Discuss Building Block recommendations/actions a) Community Infrastructure b) Coastal Management c) Climate Mitigation d) Community Character e) Solid Waste f) Review recommendation for other Building Blocks 7. Review schedule for action plan discussion with Town staff and Stakeholders June 13 & 14 8. Communication Update 9. Update on Sea Camps Planning 10. Update on LCP roadmap and Tighe & Bond status report 11. Items for next agenda 12. Review Action items from May 2nd meeting 13. Next Meeting: Monday June 6th 14. Matters Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair 15. Adjournment Date Posted: Date Revised: Received by Town Clerk: 5/12/22 Page 1 of 3 TOWN OF BREWSTER VISION PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Monday, May 2, 2022, at 3:30PM Virtual Meeting Hal Minis, Chair, convened the Brewster Vision Planning Committee via remote participation with members: Sharon Tennstedt, Amanda Bebrin, Suzanne Kenney, Andi Gesner, and Patricia Hess were present. Paul Wallace and Fran Schofield were absent. A quorum was determined. Also present: Kari Hoffmann and Ellen Murphy The Chair read the Recording or Taping Notification: This meeting will be conducted by remote participation pursuant to Governor Baker’s March 2020 orders suspending certain Open Meeting Law provisions and imposing limits on public gatherings. No in-person meeting attendance will be permitted. If the Town is unable to live broadcast this meeting, a record of the proceedings will be provided on the Town website as soon as possible. The Town has established specific email addresses for each board and committee so the public can submit comments either before or during the meeting. To submit public comment or questions to the Vision Planning Committee, please email: brewplan@brewster-ma.gov. Review and Approval of April 19th meeting minutes: Andi made a motion to approve the April 19th meeting minutes, Sharon seconded the motion, a roll call was taken, and the April 19th meeting minutes were approved unanimously. Action Planning teams and schedule: a)Local Economy Patricia provided an overview of purposes and actions. She highlighted actions such as working collaboratively with the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce for branding and fostering small business including in-home businesses that are compatible with the Town’s character. She questioned if the term Green Economy should be changed. Hal suggested changing the term to grow Brewster’s economy. The Committee agreed. Patricia suggested form base zoning which focuses on the physical form of the development rather than the use of the development. Hal suggested the terms explain in more detail the action and build public awareness for form base zoning. Patricia commented on modifying and simplifying the permitting process which is a common thread across many of the Building Blocks. She also stated fostering small businesses that are compatible with the character of the town. Kari reminded the Committee of the staff review process that is very valuable for businesses in the Town. b)Housing Sue Kenney reviewed the purposes with the Committee. She stepped through the actions for each of the purposes. She discussed zoning changes, housing choices and building single family housing on non- conforming lots, Town incentives, reaching the state housing goal of 10% by 2025, and holding a public forum to educate the public on affordable housing. Andi clarified some of the actions are also approaches to implement the action. Hal suggested the actions be more specific to provide more direction. Amanda suggested allowing mixed uses in commercial and business areas be included. She commented that changing zoning can be a long process and an overarching approach may be more cohesive. Kari suggested changing the use table which could affect more than one zone. Amanda suggested reaching out to the Town Planner on the best method. The Committee then went on to discuss ADUs. Andi suggested incentives for ADUs to address some of the Housing issues. Hal suggested wording the action to explore incentives for greater ADUs. Amanda informed the Committee that there are organizations that will provide information and guidance to homeowners who are considering ADUs, and it might be helpful to add a phase in the action for connecting to local resources. The Committee continued to discuss non-conforming lots and what it might entail. It was also suggested to work collaborating with other towns to address affordable housing opportunities. Amanda confirmed that more than three units is considered Page 2 of 3 multi-family. The Committee discussed options for seniors such as age-in-place which was highlighted in the survey comments. Amanda suggested an organization that does rehabilitation would provide an opportunity for accessibility within the home. Sharon stated the challenge is to find in-home workers, which is not the responsibility of the Town. The Committee also touched upon housing options for seasonal workers. c)Water Resources Andi reviewed the purposes with the Committee. She provided the actions within each purpose. She highlighted land purchases to protect the drinking water around well fields and ponds. Hal indicated with the Natural Resources Protection bylaw limits location and layout of development. Amanda indicated the septic would be the limiting factor, which is also a factor for development. Hal suggested strengthening ground water protection in commercial zones. Amanda also highlighted the new Storm Water bylaw. Andi indicated they are suggesting an action to fully implement the Storm Water bylaw. They also discussed the protection of pond water. Amanda informed the Committee that education was in the works for the Storm Water bylaw. Andi reinformed the education of the protection of water quality to the public. The Committee also discussed the alternatives to septic systems. Kari suggested encouraging residents to pump their septic systems more frequently. Hal noted the private golf courses should model their process after the Captain’s golf course for fertilizer use. d)Open Space Hal provided the Committee with an overview of the purposes and actions. The highlighted areas included extending the Rail Trail from Nickerson State Park to the State beach property, increase recreational areas and nature trails, complete the Wing Island boardwalk. Also discussed were prioritizing land acquisition in drinking water supply areas and, focusing on developing areas of high- density growth. e)Governance Sharon provided the Committee with an overview of the purposes and actions taken for each purpose. She discussed improving communications with a formal communications plan that would provide updated information for residents. She recommended actions that were taken from a government studies committee in 2016. Amanda indicated that many of these items are in progress with the new town website that will be rolled out in the next couple of months. Hal indicated the Town needs input for the requirements. Hal suggested the Town website educational material include fact sheets. Sharon suggested expanding the volunteer base, address challenges of elected vs. appointed positions on Boards and Committees and reduce term limits. Amanda disagreed and stated very few Board members are elected. It was decided to remove this action from the list and include more ad hoc committees and ways for the residents to engage. Kari informed the Committee that on the new Town website there is a function to streamline the permitting process. Discuss review of VPC action ideas with Town staff, Boards and Stakeholders Hal, Sharon and Sharon Rooney met with Town Administration to discuss timeline and format. It was decided on half-day workshops, the weeks of June 6 and June 13 to review action ideas. The remaining 5 Building Blocks will be reviewed at the next meeting on May 16 and then the plan is to get the recommendations to select Town staff prior to the half-day workshops. Hal asked the Committee to provide their availability for the weeks of June 6 and June 13 both morning and afternoon by a show of hands. Ellen tallied up the count and will submit to Hal who will reach out to Town Administration to determine the schedule. Communication – review current and future actions: Hal informed the Committee the announcement of the survey results has been posted to the Town website. Patricia will send the publication informing the public of the survey results to the Cape Codder. Sue suggested a postcard be sent out to everyone who received the announcement of the survey directing them to where they can review the results on the website and thanking them for participating. Ellen will check the cost to send out postcards and the remaining budget. Hal asked Kari about timing for an update to the Select Board. Kari agreed that an update outlining the process and next steps. Kari will reach out to the Select Board for a date. Town Page 3 of 3 Administration requested Hal to speak at the Town Department Head meeting to provide an update and next steps to include them in the process. Update on LCP roadmap and status report on Tighe and Bond tasks: Once the workshops are completed and actions are finalized with Town staff, Tighe and Bond will look at the Capital Improvement plan (CIP) in relation to the actions to ensure capital improvements that are required in the action plan are reflected in the CIP. Tighe and Bond will then put together the draft of the action plan and summarize all the summary papers. The Committee will review the draft over the summer and be ready for a public hearing in early September. Tighe and Bond will finalize the action plan and be ready for Fall Town meeting. After Town meeting it will go to the Cape Cod Commission for certification. Sharon Rooney agreed to the plan. She also provided an update on changes to the Land Use Summary paper. Review Action Items from April 19th meeting: Patricia informed the Committee that the action items have been covered. Maps for Town Center with location % will be displayed in the Town Hall and Library. Sharon Rooney asked for the % to transfer to a digital format. Sharon will send to Sharon Rooney to include in the plan. Next Meeting: Monday, May 16th Select Board room person to person. Matters Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair: None Sharon made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Andi seconded the motion, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 5:46 pm. Community Infrastructure Actions Overarching action Complete and begin implementation of master planning for the former Cape Cod Sea camps properties including integrating Vision Plan elements Purpose 1: Create a community Center for people of all ages If the Bayside property is selected as the community center campus, consider alternate uses for the Eddy School including housing or other public purposes Purpose 2: Expand bike and pedestrian trails and paths for recreation and transportation throughout town Develop a town-wide plan for expanding bike and pedestrian paths and sidewalks, possibly including road improvement priorities, reducing speed limits, Brewster-branded rest stops on the CCRT, a continuous sidewalk from Orleans to Drummer Boy Park, a complete Streets design which is compatible with Brewster’s character, and non-road-based path opportunities Pursue the development of the CCRT extension from Nickerson State Park to Cape Cod Bay including the consideration of alternatives for crossing Rt 6A Purpose 3: Provide active recreation opportunities and facilities including those for youth Implement the Master Plan for Drummer Boy Park Coastal Management LCP Action Recommendations Purpose 1: Protect coastal resources in ways that preserve coastal ecosystems and the character of the Town and coastal neighborhoods Evaluate the potential for implementing a flood plain bylaw to, among other things, “restrict or prohibit development and uses on Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage (i.e., 100-year coastal floodplain) and its buffer zones Increase public awareness of the importance of healthy coastal wetlands and natural processes, and the need to protect these resource areas Work with the Planning Board and stakeholders to evaluate changes to local zoning and regulations to preserve scale, character and resources in the coastal planning area Purpose 2: Maintain and expand public access for all through public consensus and explore alternate modes of transport and access points Explore alternative transport options for beach access from remote locations. Identify options for off-site parking and potential parking retreat locations Maintain and, where feasible, enhance peak seasonal parking demand/capacity at beaches and landings Complete the permitting and construction of the Wing Island Boardwalk Complete the planning and implement beach access at the former Cape Cod Sea Camps Bayside property Purpose 3: Adapt to climate change projections and advance adaptation and resiliency techniques that are financially and environmentally sustainable Monitor and assess physical processes to support short-term management decisions and long-term planning, including 5 -year update of projections of sea level rise and storm surge, modeled impacts of these forces on public beaches and landings, infrastructure, private property, and coastal resources Update the 2015 Century Scale Sediment Budget in tandem with the sea level rise projections to assess trends in sediment movement within the littoral cell that encompasses Brewster’s shoreline, in collaboration with Dennis, Orleans and Eastham Preserve coastal landforms and vegetation that provide buffers to erosion caused by storm surge Community Character LCP Action recommendations 4/27/22 Purpose 1 Provide social opportunities and services for all LCP Action: Consider the repurposing of existing buildings at identified sites (Eddy School and Sea Camps) and allocate capital funds for a multigenerational community center LCP Action: Promote age friendly ADA requirements on infrastructure Purpose 2: Maintain the Town’s historic heritage and style LCP Action: Reinforce building design along Rt. 6A to preserve historic character and revise regulations accordingly Purpose 3: Maintain the Town’s small-town feel and scale through appropriate development LCP Action: Declare a District Critical Planning Concern for an area encompassing a potential town center and place a moratorium on further development to allow the Town to develop appropriate regulations regarding mixed use potential for the town center with parking considerations and a plan for a walkable and bikeable use (including to bike paths) Vision Planning Committee SOLID WASTE Draft Actions 1.Conduct a Recycling Center user-wide survey (based on permits) to determine the most effective method of communication so that changes in procedures can take quickly place when most economically advantageous to the Town. 2.Prepare a local on-going multi-media campaign covering what, why and how to recycle typical household materials. 3.Since the transfer station building is no longer used for its originally designed purpose, conduct an analysis of the transfer station site, including traffic circulation, with the objective of meeting current disposal and recycling needs through a combination of re-arranging the current site and potentially building a new facility. Vision Planning Committee Updated Building Block Actions from May 2nd VPC Local Economy Housing Water Resources Open Space Governance Local Economy Actions Purpose: Grow Brewster’s economy based on the Town’s natural beauty and resources LCP Action: Proactively work with the Brewster Chamber of Commerce to develop a brand and provide incentives to promote new and existing businesses which build on the town’s rural character and natural resources including, but not limited to, the Cape Cod Bay, beaches, ponds, parks, open space, and Rail Trail. Purpose: Foster small businesses compatible with the town’s character and promote year-round employment LCP Action: Review, change and expand zoning to allow different types of small business and allow in home businesses compatible with the town’s character. LCP Action: Consider form-based zoning as a way to focus on the physical form of development rather than the type of business. Gain public awareness/understanding for the concept of form-based zoning. LCP Action: Modify/simplify the business permitting process for new businesses and start-ups in order to attract small businesses to the town. Vision Planning Targeted Goals 5/2/2022 Housing: Purpose 1: Promote housing choices to allow families, older adults, and seasonal workers to live, work, and prosper LCP Action: Study possibility of establishing multiuse zoning incorporating mixed uses in high density commercial sections of town and village business areas. LCP Action: Evaluate ADU bylaw and explore incentives for greater number of ADU’s and connect owners to community resources LCP Action: Review what non-conforming lots exist that might be eligible for development of affordable housing LCP Action: Leverage existing local & regional groups to conduct public forums to educate general public on what affordable housing means and why it’s important in the town of Brewster LCP Action: Support creative funding and collaborative partnerships (public/private) in the development of needed affordable housing including incentives for year round rentals LCP Action: Work collaboratively with other towns to increase opportunities for affordable housing LCP Action: Analyze requirements for single family housing with aim of promoting more opportunities for various types of housing LCP Action: Prioritize the re-use of existing buildings for affordable housing Purpose 2: Provide opportunities for aging population LCP Action: Explore solutions to allow residents to age in place including subsidizing physical adaptations; co-housing and a review of co-pairing situations. Purpose 3: Address housing needs of year-round and seasonal worker: LCP Action: Review zoning restrictions and propose creative solutions including use of sea camps dormitories and other non-traditional designs Vision Planning Committee Targeted Goals 5.2.22 Input from Committee Water Resources: Purpose 1: Protect town wellfields by expanding open space acquisition and other measures LCP Action: Continued land purchases--in critical and contiguous areas-- to protect the drinking water and limit further development around land that protects the aquifer, in particular around wells and ponds LCP Action: Strengthen groundwater protection in industrial zones Purpose 2: Improve pond water quality through public education regulation and mitigation activities LCP Action: Fully implement stormwater bylaw and share information to the public LCP Action: Education to citizens on water quality issues and what people can do to make a difference in their own homes including fertilizer use, installing a rain barrel, cleaning septic system every 3 years Purpose 3: Protect water quality in marine watersheds LCP Action: Promote and research use of alternative systems to septic and develop financial assistance programs LCP Actions: Explore cluster sewage treatment systems for multifamily and neighborhoods in areas of town impacted by individual septic systems LCP Action: Conduct dialogues with private golf courses on nutrient redirection modeled after the approach at Captains Golf Course Open Space BB LCP Action Recommendations Purpose 1: Improve public access to and expand the use of recreational areas LCP action: Actively pursue the development, including final design, permitting, and construction, of the Cape Cod Rail Trail extension from Nickerson State Park to the State beach property, in collaboration with the Department of Conservation and Recreation LCP action: Increase the importance of recreation and the positive effect of woodlands in climate mitigation as criteria for land acquisition LCP action: Complete the permitting, funding, and construction of the Wing Island boardwalk LCP action: Develop an integrated trail system for the Long Pond Woodlands and former Sea Camps Long Pond property. Purpose 2: Prioritize environmentally sensitive areas for preservation LCP action: Continue to prioritize land acquisition in drinking water supply areas Purpose 3: Maintain Open space through density and development standards LCP action: Revise the Zoning by-law to direct growth away from priority natural resource areas while directing development to areas of public services, economic activities, and transport where it is appropriate LCP action: Develop design standards for environmentally sensitive areas GOVERNANCE PURPOSE 1: Expand and improve communication to citizens about Town plans and activities Develop a written Communications Plan that informs Town residents about how to find relevant information on the Town website concerning the affairs of the Town, including: updates regarding membership of Boards and Committees, meeting agendas and minutes, parties responsible for posting and updating information, and required timeframe for posting (e.g., number of days after a meeting must minutes be posted). Include the status (appointed vs elected) of each Town Board and Committee on their respective Town website page in order to improve transparency and consistency. Include a resource section on the Town website that includes educational materials including videos (e.g., by link to Vimeo, BGTV or LCTV files) and fact sheets on topics such as zoning, permitting, ADUs, and other matters of high interest. PURPOSE 2: Expand the volunteer base to increase the use of citizen expertise and build diversity n – making Continue the use of Town-wide activities and ad hoc committees to engage residents in Town affairs. Change to appointed rather than elected positions on Town Committees, Boards, and Commissions where allowed by law and reduce term limits (i.e., from 5 years to 3 years) to address the challenge of recruiting volunteer members. Develop a central database of volunteers to assist with recruitment of qualified volunteers across all Town Departments and appointed Committees. Post volunteer openings on the Town website for Town Departments and appointed Committees as well as for community organizations that support Town functions and activities in order to enhance resident access to volunteer opportunities. Acknowledge contributions of active volunteers and recognize volunteers when they complete their commitment in order to improve volunteer retention. PURPOSE 3: Strengthen the customer service approach to Town services Consider ways to consolidate inspectional functions of the Building and Health Departments that would offer the following advantages: increased communication among staff, increased coordination regarding one structure and the required inspections, increased planning for the future of the department, consistency of messaging, increased accessibility for residents, and possible ease of scheduling. Actions VPC Meeting May 2 2022 Actions Responsibility Time Amend actions as discussed Team members May 16 Send article to Cape Codder Patricia ASAP Check budget and cost of postcards Ellen May 16 Plan update for Select Board Hal and Kari May 16 Attend Department Director meeting to update on LCP Hal May 16 Send info on town center percentages to Sharon R. Sharon T May 16 Post town center percentages on maps at Town Hall and library Ellen May 16 Next Meeting In Person at Town Hall All May 16