HomeMy Public PortalAbout19260319SCMeeting22 Town of Tybee, Ca. march 19th 1926. A special aeeting of Town Council -i,as held to -day and was attended by the Mayor and Councilmen Walthour -Espy -Farr and Mr Julias Gazan. Cann4Horovitz. Mr Gazan appeared before Council to tell them about atmummi lighting apparatus that his company was selling,he went into the details of his plant and offered to g to Tybee and make a survey,without cost to the Town and ascertain what was needed and give an estimatis on same -- at the finish of Mr Gazans remarks he was informed that if the Town should decide on any of his apparatus they would let him knew about it. Dr.A.J.'Waring presented a petition requesting the Town open up and pave a 2C foot strip of land throw his property situated on the b =ach side at Ninth street,he in turn to deed over to the Town this 20 foot of land - r Cann said that 4tias a bad policy to accept streets with +_.. width of only 2 feet, that the Town should not accept a steet of less thatn 50 feet. kr Espy mace amotion that Mr Horovits of the Streets and Lanes Committee handle with Dr Waring ,this was seconded by mr Waithour and passed. Ther being no further business ouncil adjourned subject to the call of the, ayor. TOWN OF TYBEE, }A.,MARCH 25 1926. A special meeting of Council was held to -day and was attended by Mayor Harris and Councilmen Espy, Cann,I7orovitz,Walthour and Farr;Mr.A.P. Solomons,Sr.,was also present. A letter was read from th Tjbee Artesian V,ater, Ice and Lighting Co relative to the Town giving permission to the Waterworks Company to use the underground equipment used last year by the Military encamp- ment in Venetian Terrace, they agreeing to furnish water to the encamp- ment without cost to the Town -- -and on motion of Mr 4 +althour that the Waterworks company be given permission to use this equipmentrptempo -- rari ly and co ndi t i onaaaly that the waterworks company supply water to the military encampment without cast -- which was seconded by Mr Espy -- and passed It was necessary to install catch - basins at several points on the island and as the Tybee Beach Co had planned to order 6 for their use on Venetian Terrace, the Towns requirements being 3, it was deci:-ed, for the purpose on geLing a cheaper price, to consolidate the order and an order was placed with Kehoe Irons Works for 9,the Tybee to be billed for 6 of them. On the m6rning of March 16th about 6. t02 convict guards cditbage was disc covered to be on fire by Private John S.Meeks and Private TTeini e of the 8th Infantry they immediately _gave the alarm and quick on the part of those in the vicinity put out what would probably have been a dis- astrous fire -- the thanks of CouncilAwas extended to these two soldiers through Colonel Burt for the fine 81'eii8rk accomplished by them. There being no further business Council adjourned subject to the call of the Mayor.