HomeMy Public PortalAboutAssembly of Delegates -- 2022-06-06 Agenda (2)Committee Members Chair: James Killion (Sandwich) Vice Chair: Lilli-Ann Green (Wellfleet) David Dunford (Orleans) Elizabeth Harder (Harwich) John Ohman (Dennis) Alternates J. Terence Gallagher (Eastham) Thomas O'Hara (Mashpee) Clerk of the Assembly Owen Fletcher (508) 375-6761 owen.fletcher @barnstable county.org CAPE COD REGIONAL GOVERNMENT ASSEMBLY OF DELEGATES BREWS T ER TOWN CLERK STANDING COMMITTEE ON TELECOMMUNICATION AND ENERGY www.barnstablecounty.org/regional-government/assembly-of-delegates MEETING AGENDA June 6, 2022 at 4:00 P.M. (Remote Participation Only) P1.11 Pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Acts of 2021, this meeting of the Barnstable County Assembly of Delegates will be conducted via remote means, in accordance with applicable law. Members of the public may watch the meeting through live, real-time broadcast at www.youtube.com/user/BarnstableCounty. A "Public Participation Guide" and meeting documents are available in advance at www.barnstablecounty.org/regional-government/assembly-of-delegates- agendas-minutes/. The County of Barnstable does not discriminate in the administration of its programs or activities on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or other category protected by state and federal anti -discrimination laws and regulations. Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities are available upon request. For more information or to file a complaint please contact Justyna Marczak, Barnstable County ADA/Non-Discrimination Coordinator at jmarczak(Jbarnstablecounty.orq, call 508-375-6646 or visit www, barnstablecounty, org. Members of the public may participate by: Microsoft Teams: Join at https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting YWUyN200YWItNDI3ZC00NDRILThiZDYtZTUyZWRkOGY1MmNk%40thread.v2/0? context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2284475217-b423-48d b -b766- ed4b bbea74f1%22%2c%220id%22%3a%226aab8a54-417e-4bd0-a883-f38ffc2d b7f2%22%7d Phone: Call (781) 469-0191. Phone Conference ID: 388 500 839#. POSTED 06/02/22 @ 2:00 P.M. 1. Call to Order, Remote Meeting and Recording Statements 2. Moment of silence to honor our troops who have died in service to our country, and all those serving our country in the Armed Forces 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Call of the Roll and Declaration of a Quorum - Assembly Clerk 5. Proposed Ordinance 21-14, To add to the County's operating budget for fiscal year two thousand twenty-three, as enacted in Ordinance No. 22-08, by making supplemental appropriations for fiscal year two thousand twenty-three, in the amount of $97,457.20 to fund the activities of the County Information Technology Department 6. Proposed Ordinance 21-15, To add to the County's operating budget for fiscal year two thousand twenty-three, as enacted in Ordinance No. 22-08, by making supplemental appropriations for fiscal year two thousand twenty-three, in the amount of $120,437.00 to fund the activities of the County Information Technology Department 7: Adjournment n c� Owen Fletcher, Clerk Assembly of Delegates The mission of Barnstable County is to promote and sustain a pro -active open government that enhances the quality of life for the citizens of Barnstable County.