HomeMy Public PortalAbout08 August 08, 2022 Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory CommitteeRIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee TIME: 11:00 a.m. DATE: Monday, August 8, 2022 LOCATION: Pursuant to Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, (March 18, 2020), the meeting will only be conducted via video conferencing and by telephone.  COMMITTEE MEMBERS  Gloria J. Sanchez, Chair, Menifee Senior Advisory, Southwest Riverside County Lisa Castilone, Vice Chair, GRID Alternatives, Western and Southwest Riverside County Vacant, Second Vice Chair John Chavez, Retired Citizen, San Gorgonio Pass George Colangeli, Palo Verde Valley Transit Agency, Palo Verde Valley Betty Day, Hemet Public Library Trustee, Hemet-San Jacinto Alejandra Gonzalez, Norco Seniors on the Move, Northwest Riverside County John Krick, T-Now Member, Northwest Riverside County Jack Marty, Retired Citizen, San Gorgonio Pass Priscilla Ochoa, Blindness Support Services, Northwest Riverside County Mary Jo Ramirez, Workforce Development Member, Southwest Riverside County Ivet Woolridge, Independent Living Partnership, Riverside County Riverside Transit Agency, Western Riverside County SunLine Transit Agency, Coachella Valley RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CITIZENS AND SPECIALIZED TRANSIT ADVISORY COMMITTEE www.rctc.org AGENDA* *Actions may be taken on any item listed on the agenda 11:00 a.m. Monday, August 8, 2022 Pursuant to Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, (March 18, 2020), the Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee meeting will only be conducted via video conferencing and by telephone. Please follow the instructions below to join the meeting remotely. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ELECTRONIC PARTICIPATION Join Zoom Meeting https://rctc.zoom.us/j/85663235367 Meeting ID: 856 6323 5367 Dial by your location +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) For members of the public wishing to submit comment in connection with the Committee Meeting please email written comments to the Clerk of the Board at lmobley@rctc.org prior to August 7, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. and your comments will be made part of the official record of the proceedings. Members of the public may also make public comments through their telephone or Zoom connection when recognized by the Chair. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Government Code Section 54954.2, if you need special assistance to participate in a Committee meeting, please contact the Clerk of the Board at (951) 787-7141. Notification of at least 48 hours prior to meeting time will assist staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility at the meeting. 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL 3.PUBLIC COMMENTS – Under the Brown Act, the Board should not take action on or discuss matters raised during public comment portion of the agenda which are not listed on the agenda. Board members may refer such matters to staff for factual information or to be placed on the subsequent agenda for consideration. Each individual speaker is limited to speak three (3) continuous minutes or less. Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee August 8, 2022 Page 2 4.ADDITIONS/REVISIONS (The Committee may add an item to the agenda after making a finding that there is a need to take immediate action on the item and that the item came to the attention of the Committee subsequent to the posting of the agenda. An action adding an item to the agenda requires 2/3 vote of the Committee. If there are less than 2/3 of the Committee members present, adding an item to the agenda requires a unanimous vote. Added items will be placed for discussion at the end of the agenda.) 5.PUBLIC HEARING – TRANSIT NEEDS IN RIVERSIDE COUNTY Page 1 Overview This item is for the Committee to conduct a public hearing to receive comments on transit needs in Riverside County (County). 6.CONSENT CALENDAR - All matters on the Consent Calendar will be approved in a single motion unless a Commissioner(s) requests separate action on specific item(s). Items pulled from the Consent Calendar will be placed for discussion at the end of the agenda. 6A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – APRIL 11, 2022 Page 7 7.TRANSIT-ORIENTED COMMUNITIES STRATEGIC PLAN Page 10 Overview This item is for the Committee to receive and file item for an update on the Commission’s Transit-Oriented Communities Strategic Plan (TOC Plan). 8.MEASURE A SPECIALIZED TRANSIT PRESENTATION Page 28 Overview This item is for the Committee to receive and file a presentation from Measure A Specialized Recipient, Independent Living Partnership (ILP). 9.GRID ALTERNATIVES PRESENTATION Page 38 Overview This item is for the Committee to receive and file a presentation from Grid Alternatives. Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee August 8, 2022 Page 3 10. CSTAC TOPICS OF INTEREST Page 48 Overview This item is for the Committee to discuss and provide staff direction on topics of interest for future agenda items. 11. COMMITTEE MEMBER / STAFF REPORT Overview This item provides the opportunity for the Committee members, transit operators, and staff to report on attended and upcoming meetings/conferences and issues related to Committee activities. 9. ADJOURNMENT The next Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee meeting is scheduled for December 12, 2022. AGENDA ITEM 5 PUBLIC HEARING Agenda Item 5 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION DATE: August 8, 2022 TO: Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee FROM: Eric DeHate, Transit Manager THROUGH: Lorelle Moe-Luna, Multimodal Services Director SUBJECT: Public Hearing – Transit Needs in Riverside County STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This item is for the Committee to conduct a public hearing to receive comments on transit needs in Riverside County (County). BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The California State Transportation Development Act (TDA) requires that transportation-planning agencies ensure the establishment of a citizen’s participation process for each county. This process includes an element in which the California Public Utilities Code (PUC) Section 99238.5 states, “The transportation planning agency shall ensure the establishment and implementation of a citizen participation process appropriate for each county. The process shall include a provision for at least one public hearing in the jurisdiction represented by the social services transportation advisory council.” The Commission is required to identify any “unmet transit needs” that may exist within the County only if there is intent of using TDA funds for local streets and roads per PUC Section 99401.5 and 99401.6. Currently, the Commission intends to use 100% TDA funding on transit, therefore, the Commission is not required to initiate the “Unmet Transit Needs Process” and additional public hearings. The public hearing was advertised by transit operators, specialized transit providers, and other stakeholders on buses, facilities, and social media. Staff also published a 30-day hearing notice in The Press-Enterprise, The Desert Sun, and The Palo Verde Times. The following methods were made available to the public to submit comments via oral or written testimony: 1)Email at info@rctc.org. 2)Postal Mail to: Riverside County Transportation Commission Attn: Transit Needs Public Hearing Comments P. O. Box 12008, Riverside, CA 92502-2208 3)Via the website at www.rctc.org/contact-us/. 4)By phone at (951) 787-7141 1 Agenda Item 5 5) In-person via video/teleconference on Monday, August 8, 2022 at 11:00am at the Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee meeting As of the writing of this report, two written public comments have been received through the alternative methods noted above. Staff recommends that the CSTAC hold a public hearing at today’s meeting to receive public comments. Staff will continue to work with transit operators to address the public comments received and support service improvements that will meet those needs. Attachment: Public Notice Flyer for Public Transit Operators 2 Riverside County Transit Needs Public Hearing How to submit a comment? • Live at Virtual Public Hearing Join Us! RCTC is holding a public hearing to gather input on transit needs within Riverside County. RCTC and transit operators will use information provided by the public for future transit improvements. Monday, "VHVTU, 202 1:00 AM Join the meeting via video/telephone conference IUUQTSDUD[PPNVTK Meeting ID:  Phone: (669) 900-6833 • Mail a comment to: RCTC Attn: Transit Needs Public Hearing PO Box 12008 Riverside, CA 92502-2208 • Email comments to info@rctc.org with Transit Needs Public Hearing Comments as subject • Fill out the online form at www.rctc.org/contact-us/ • Call (951) 787-7141 RCTC está organizando una audiencia pública para coleccio- nar opiniones sobre las necesidades de transporte en el con- dado de Riverside. RCTC y los operadores de tránsito utilizarán la información recopilada del público para futuras mejoras de tránsito. ¡Acompáñenos! -VOFT EFBHPTUPEF 1:00 AM Únase a la junta a través de video/conferencia telefónica IUUQTSDUD[PPNVTK ID de la junta:  Teléfono: (669) 900-6833 ¿Cómo enviar un comentario? • Por correro a RCTC Attn: Transit Needs Public Hearing PO Box 12008 Riverside, CA 92502-2208 • En vivo en la audiencia pública virtual •Por correo electrónico a info@rctc.org'UETKDCGPNCNÉPGCFG CUWPVQ%QOGPVCTKQURCTCNC #WFKGPEKC2ÖDNKEKC5QDTG0GEGUKFCFGU FG6TCPURQTVG • Complete el formulario en línea en www.rctc.org/GUcontact-us/ • Llamar al (951) 787-7141 )BCSÈUSBEVDDJØOBMFTQB×PMEJTQPOJCMF 3 PUBLIC HEARING –TRANSIT NEEDS Eric DeHate, Transit Manager 1 Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee August 8, 2022 4 Background 2 •Transportation Development Act PUC 99238 –Establish a Citizen Participation Process –Hold one public hearing represented by Social Services Transportation Advisory Council •Commission Allocating 100% of TDA to Transit •Comments and Feedback •Notice and Outreach 5 Staff Recommendation 3 1.Conduct a public hearing to receive comments on transit needs in Riverside County 6 AGENDA ITEM 6A MINUTES RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CITIZENS AND SPECIALIZED TRANSIT ADVISORY COMMITTEE April 11, 2022 Minutes 1.CALL TO ORDER The meeting of the Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee was called to order by Vice Chair Lisa Castilone at 11:01 a.m. via Zoom ID 831 2025 4927. Pursuant to Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-29-20, (March 18, 2020), the Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee was only be conducted via video conferencing and by telephone. 2.ROLL CALL Members Present Members Absent Lisa Castilone John Chavez George Colangeli John Krick Mary Jo Ramirez Gloria J Sanchez* Ivet Woolridge Riverside Transit Agency Sunline Transit Agency Betty Day Alejandra Gonzalez Jack Marty Priscilla Ochoa *Arrived after the meeting was called to order. At this time, Chair Gloria Sanchez arrived to the meeting. 3.PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. 4.ADDITIONS/REVISIONS None 5.CONSENT CALENDAR - All matters on the Consent Calendar will be approved in a single motion unless a Committee Member requests separate action on specific item(s). Items pulled from the Consent Calendar will be placed for discussion at the end of the agenda. M/S/C (Colangeli/Ramirez) to approve the following Consent Calendar item(s): 5A. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – December 13, 2021 7 Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee April 11, 2022 Page 2 6. RCTC’S 2022 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT SELF-EVALUATION AND TRANSITION PLAN This item is for the Committee to receive and file a presentation providing an overview of RCTC’s Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan and announcement of the public review and comment period. Erik Galloway, Bechtel Project Manager, presented an overview of RCTC’s 2022 Americans with Disabilities Act self-evaluation and transition plan. John Standiford, RCTC Deputy Executive Director, provided an additional ADA information and comments on the plan. 7. FISCAL YEAR 2022/23 – 2024/25 DRAFT SHORT RANGE TRANSIT PLAN UPDATES This item is for the Committee to receive and file Draft Fiscal Year (FY) 2022/23 – 2024/25 Short Range Transit Plans (SRTPs) updates from the cities of Banning, Beaumont, Corona, and Riverside; Palo Verde Valley Transit Agency (PVVTA); Riverside Transit Agency (RTA); SunLine Transit Agency (SunLine); and the Commission’s Rail and Vanpool Programs. Eric DeHate, Transit Manager, presented a brief overview and introduction of the transit providers. Jennifer Nguyen presented on behalf of RTA. She presented an overview of the SRTP for FY 2023. Rohan Kuruppu presented on behalf of SunLine Transit Agency. He discussed the Innovative Clean Transit plan and their pandemic recovery plan. Art Vela presented on behalf of the city of Banning. He presented an overview of the SRTP for FY 2023. Elisa Mendoza presented on behalf of the city of Beaumont. She discussed new route plans, vehicles, and the challenges due to Covid-19 response. Sudesh Paul presented on behalf of the city of Corona. She discussed the various programs offered by the city of Corona Transit Services. George Colangeli presented on behalf of PVVTA. He presented an overview of the SRTP for FY 2023. Ron Profeta presented on behalf of the city of Riverside. He discussed the Special 8 Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee April 11, 2022 Page 3 Transportation’s SRTP overview. Beatris Megerdichian presented on behalf of RCTC’s commuter rail program. She presented a brief overview of the commuter rail programs and recovery plan. Brian Cunanan presented on behalf of RCTC’s vanpool program. He clarified for Vice Chair Castilone the program has about 80 vehicles since it’s inception. Lorelle Moe-Luna clarified for Vice Chair Castilone that all transit operators have their own scope and questions for their Comprehensive Operational Analysis (COA). Vice Chair Castilone asked how the fuel costs are factored and how do they adjust for a fuel cost increase. Eric DeHate responded that the fuel costs vary by area and transit provider. Monica Morales added the transit provider can request additional funding for fuel if they need to. In response to John Krick’s question regarding CNG fuel, Eric DeHate deferred to the operators. Charlie Ramirez stated the cost of CNG has risen significantly. Eric DeHate reminded the Committee that these are only projections and not actual costs. Chair Sanchez thanked all the presenters. 8. COMMITTEE MEMBER/STAFF REPORT 8A. Eric DeHate announced the upcoming RCTC Commission meeting. 8B. Chair Sanchez announced the transportation study conducted by the city of Menifee 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business for consideration by the Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee, the meeting adjourned at 12:36 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lorelle Moe-Luna, Multimodal Services Director 9 AGENDA ITEM 7 Agenda Item 7 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION DATE: August 8, 2022 TO: Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee FROM: Jenny Chan, Planning and Programming Manager SUBJECT: Transit-Oriented Communities Strategic Plan RECEIVE AND FILE: This is a receive and file item for an update on the Commission’s Transit-Oriented Communities Strategic Plan (TOC Plan). BACKGROUND: In June 2020, the Federal Transit Administration awarded the Commission $700,000 in grant funding, with a $250,000 local match commitment, to develop the TOC Plan as part of the Fiscal Year 2019 Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Planning grant program. The grant enables the Commission to work with community members, private developers and staff from the cities of Perris, Moreno Valley, Riverside, and Corona and the March Joint Powers Authority, and transit operators to create a strategic plan for TOD within the five-mile radius of the eight 91/Perris Valley Line Metrolink stations in Riverside County. The TOC Plan seeks to reduce or eliminate impediments to TOD by identifying regulatory actions and funding strategies to facilitate TOCs. The plan will provide a regional planning framework that builds upon existing regional or local jurisdictions’ TOD-friendly planning efforts and provide guidance to accelerate public and private investment within the five-mile radius of each station. The plan will also identify specific infrastructure investments, policy changes, partnerships, and funding opportunities to help communities implement the plan once completed. The goals of the plan are to support local economic development, broaden mobility options, increase Metrolink ridership, and decrease auto trips which improves local and regional traffic congestion. DISCUSSION: Success of the plan relies on public input and feedback. The Commission is hosting an Open House on Tuesday, August 23, 2022 from 5:30 to 7:00 PM on Zoom for participants to learn more about the study and share ideas to increase TOCs in Riverside County, see Attachment 1. Future in person opportunities is listed on www.rctc.org/toc-events. A project factsheet is attached. Attachments: 1)Open House Flyer 2)Project Factsheet 3)Presentation slides 10 Help Us Create Transit-Oriented Communities! Login to our virtual Open House on August 23 to share your ideas The Riverside County Transportation Commission, with grant funding from the Federal Transit Administration, is developing a Transit-Oriented Communities (TOC) Strategic Plan. The Plan will help cities along Riverside County Metrolink stations plan for walkable and bikeable communities that are connected to public transit and places to live, work, shop and play. TOCs make getting around without a car easier. TUESDAY, AUGUST 23 - 5:30 to 7 p.m. Hosted via Zoom Join online: https://bit.ly/TOCopenhouse Join by phone: 669-444-9171 Webinar ID: 850 9606 9556 | Pa sscode: 813220 Everyone is welcome. A Spanish simulcast will be available. • Learn more about the Strategic Plan • Share your ideas to increase pedestrian and bicyclist safety and connections, and ways to promote development of residential, commercial and civics spaces near transit • Help us enhance mobility and improve quality of life for residents • Meet the project team and ask questions The Strategic Plan focuses on the Metrolink stations in the cities of Corona, Riverside, and Perris and County of Riverside that serve the 91/Perris Valley Line and key corridors within a five-mile radius of each station. www.rctc.org@TheRCTCQuestions? Please email TOCPlan@rctc.org, call 951-787-7141 or visit rctc.org/tocplan. We will be in your neighborhood and look forward to connecting with you! Check out rctc.org/toc-events for dates and locations or scan the QR code below. 11 ATTACHMENT 1 www.rctc.org@TheRCTC ¡Ayúdenos a crear comunidades orientadas al tránsito! Únase a nuestra reunión virtual el 23 de agosto y comparta sus ideas La Comisión de Transporte del Condado de Riverside, con fondos de subvención de la Administración Federal de Tránsito, está desarrollando un Plan Estratégico de Comunidades Orientadas al Tránsito (TOC, en inglés). El plan ayudará a las ciudades situadas a lo largo de las estaciones de Metrolink del condado de Riverside a planificar comunidades transitables a pie y en bicicleta que estén conectadas al transporte público y lugares para vivir, trabajar, hacer compras y jugar. Las comunidades orientadas al transporte público hacen más fácil moverse sin un carro. MARTES 23 DE AGOSTO - 5:30 a 7 p.m. A través de Zoom Únase en línea: https://bit.ly/TOCopenhouse Únase por teléfono: 669-444-9171 ID del seminario web: 850 9606 9556 | Código de acceso: 813220 Todos son bienvenidos. Estará disponible una transmisión simultánea en español. • Conozca más sobre el Plan Estratégico • Comparta sus ideas para aumentar la seguridad y las conexiones para peatones y ciclistas, y formas de promover el desarrollo de espacios residenciales, comerciales y cívicos cerca del transporte público • Ayúdenos a mejorar la movilidad y mejorar la calidad de vida de los residentes • Conozca al equipo del proyecto y haga preguntas El Plan Estratégico se enfoca en las estaciones de Metrolink en las ciudades de Corona, Riverside y Perris y el Condado de Riverside que dan servicio a la Línea 91/Perris Valley y corredores clave dentro de un radio de cinco millas de cada estación. ¿Preguntas? Envíe un correo electrónico a TOCPlan@rctc.org, llame al 951-787-7141 o visite rctc.org/tocplan. ¡Estaremos en su vecindario y esperamos conectarnos con usted! Visite rctc.org/es/toc-events para fechas y ubicaciones o escanee el código QR a continuación. 12 STRATEGIC PLAN OVERVIEW The Riverside County Transportation Commission, with grant funding from the Federal Transit Administration, is developing the Transit-Oriented Communities Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan will focus on the eight Metrolink stations that serve the 91/Perris Valley Line and key corridors within a five-mile radius of each station. WHAT ARE TOCS? Transit-Oriented Communities or TOCs are places designed to make it easier to use public transit, walk, cycle, and drive less. They increase pedestrian and bicyclist safety, facilitate first and last mile connections, and promote housing development and employment opportunities near transit centers, all of which offer enhanced mobility and improve the quality of life for our residents. WHY A TOC STRATEGIC PLAN? As Riverside County continues to grow and its transit system evolves, it’s important to think strategically about how some residents may want to live, work, and travel. The TOC Strategic Plan will build upon previous local planning efforts, create new approaches to improve mobility near transit centers, and foster development of residential, commercial, retail, and civic spaces to serve community needs. The plan will be guided by advisory committees, stakeholder input, and community workshops to help shape the plan. The TOC Strategic Plan will lay out a regional transit-oriented development vision for our partner agencies to consider as they implement transit-supportive policies and make investments in local infrastructure. STRATEGIC PLAN SCHEDULE The draft TOC Strategic Plan is expected to be available for public review in early 2023 and presented to the RCTC Commission in spring 2023. YuccaValley Twentynine Palms RanchoMirage Palm Springs PalmDesert La Quinta Indio Desert Hot Springs Coachella CathedralCity Wildomar Menifee Eastvale Temecula CanyonLake LakeMatthews LakePerris VailLake NewportBeach Murrieta LakeElsinore LagunaWoods LagunaNiguel Irvine AlisoViejo SanJacinto San Bernardino Perris MorenoValley Highland Hemet Beaumont Banning Walnut Upland Tustin Santa Ana SanDimas Rialto RanchoCucamonga Pomona Placentia Ontario Norco JurupaValley LaVerne Glendora Fontana DiamondBar Corona Claremont Brea Riverside Calimesa Diamond ValleyLake Corona - WestStation Riverside - La Sierra Station Riverside - DowntownStation Riverside - Hunter Park/UCR Station Moreno Valley/ March FieldStation Perris - DowntownStation Perris - SouthStation Corona - NorthStation 133 241 259 71 1 55 66 57 76 30 91 74 74 74 60 90 22 5 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 210 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 10 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 10 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 215 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 15 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 10 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 405 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 73 371 111 247 74 62 79 79 38 15 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 215 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 60 91 15 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 60 215 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 79 www.rctc.org@TheRCTC LOCATION:The eight Metrolink stations along the 91/Perris Valley Line: two stations in Corona, three in Riverside, one in Moreno Valley, and two in Perris COST:Funded by a $700,000 Federal Transit Administration grant and matching funds from RCTC December 2021 951-787-7141 TOCPlan@rctc.org STAY CONNECTED: 13 ATTACHMENT 2 DESCRIPCIÓN GENERAL DEL PLAN ESTRATÉGICO La Comisión de Transporte del Condado de Riverside (RCTC, por sus siglas en inglés), con fondos de subvención de la Administración Federal de Tránsito, está desarrollando el Plan Estratégico de Comunidades Orientadas al Tránsito (TOC, en inglés). El Plan Estratégico se concentrará en las ocho estaciones de Metrolink que sirven la línea 91/Perris Valley y corredores clave dentro de un radio de cinco millas de cada estación. ¿QUÉ SON LOS TOC? Las comunidades orientadas al tránsito o TOC son lugares diseñados para facilitar el uso del transporte público, caminar, andar en bicicleta y conducir menos. Aumentan la seguridad de los peatones y ciclistas, facilitan las conexiones de la primera y la última milla, promueven el desarrollo de viviendas y oportunidades de empleo junto a los centros de tránsito, todo lo cual ofrece una mayor movilidad y mejora la calidad de vida de nuestros residentes. ¿POR QUÉ UN PLAN ESTRATÉGICO TOC? A medida que el Condado de Riverside continúa creciendo y su sistema de tránsito evoluciona, es importante pensar estratégicamente sobre cómo algunos residentes pueden querer vivir, trabajar y viajar. El Plan Estratégico de TOC se basará en los esfuerzos previos de planificación local, creará nuevos enfoques para mejorar la movilidad cerca de los centros de tránsito y fomentará el desarrollo de espacios residenciales, comerciales, minoristas y cívicos para satisfacer las necesidades de la comunidad. El Plan será guiado por comités asesores, aportes de las partes interesadas y talleres comunitarios que ayudarán a dar forma al plan. El Plan Estratégico de TOC establecerá una visión de desarrollo regional orientada al transporte público para que nuestras agencias asociadas la tengan en cuenta a la hora de implementar políticas de apoyo al transporte público y hacer inversiones en la infraestructura local. CALENDARIO DEL PLAN ESTRATÉGICO Se espera que el borrador del Plan Estratégico de TOC esté disponible para revisión pública a principios de 2023 y se presente a la Comisión RCTC en la primavera de 2023. YuccaValley Twentynine Palms RanchoMirage Palm Springs PalmDesert La Quinta Indio Desert Hot Springs Coachella CathedralCity Wildomar Menifee Eastvale Temecula CanyonLake LakeMatthews LakePerris VailLake NewportBeach Murrieta LakeElsinore LagunaWoods LagunaNiguel Irvine AlisoViejo SanJacinto San Bernardino Perris MorenoValley Highland Hemet Beaumont Banning Walnut Upland Tustin Santa Ana SanDimas Rialto RanchoCucamonga Pomona Placentia Ontario Norco JurupaValley LaVerne Glendora Fontana DiamondBar Corona Claremont Brea Riverside Calimesa Diamond ValleyLake Corona - WestStation Riverside - La Sierra Station Riverside - DowntownStation Riverside - Hunter Park/UCR Station Moreno Valley/ March FieldStation Perris - DowntownStation Perris - SouthStation Corona - NorthStation 133 241 259 71 1 55 66 57 76 30 91 74 74 74 60 90 22 5 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 210 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 10 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 10 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 215 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 15 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 10 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 405 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 73 371 111 247 74 62 79 79 38 15 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 215 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 60 91 15 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 60 215 INTERSTATE CALIFORNIA 79 www.rctc.org@TheRCTC UBICACIÓN: Las ocho estaciones de Metrolink a lo largo de la línea 91/Perris Valley: dos estaciones en Corona, tres en Riverside, una en Moreno Valley y dos en Perris COSTO: Financiado por una subvención de $ 700,000 de la Administración Federal de Tránsito y fondos de contrapartida de RCTC. Diciembre 2021 951-787-7141 TOCPlan@rctc.org MANTÉNGASE CONECTADO: 14 TRANSIT ORIENTED COMMUNITIES STRATEGIC PLAN CSTACAugust, 2022 PRESENTATION 15 ATTACHMENT 3 COMMUNITY/TECHNICAL PARTNERS 2 | TRANSIT-ORIENTED COMMUNITIES STRATEGIC PLAN CHAPITRE 3 : LAYOUT RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Project Team RCTC Jenny Chan, Project Manager, Planning and Programming Manager Sheldon Peterson, Rail Manager Lisa Estrada, Community Affairs Manager Cheryl Donahue, Public Affairs Manager Ariel Alcon Tapia, Sr. Management Analyst Beatris Megerdichian, Management Analyst CONSULTANT TEAM Adam Maleitzke, Stantec Craig Sklenar, Stantec Rhonda Bell, Stantec Katherine Padilla-Otanez, KPA Jessica Padilla-Bowen, KPA Judy Taylor, HR&A Jane Carlson, HR&A COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE DEVELOPER ADVISORY COMMITTEE STATION COMMUNITIES 16 3 | TRANSIT-ORIENTED COMMUNITIES STRATEGIC PLAN CHAPITRE 3 : LAYOUT RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Overview Project Description The Riverside County Transportation Commission, working with Stantec and team members HR&A and KPA, is leading a planning initiative to promote transit-oriented communities within a five-mil radius from the eight (8) station areas along the 91/ Riverside and Perris Valley transit corridors. The process will be guided by a robust, bilingual public engagement program, which will include the establishment of three advisory committees, design workshops, in-person or virtual open houses, and an online and social media presence. The strategic plan will establish a long-term vision for the corridors and will include station area profiles, best practices, TOC typologies and alternatives, and an implementation plan. The final plan will serve as a resource for local jurisdictions as they implement first/last mile improvements, rezone for higher density uses, and make policy changes that will enable transit-oriented communities within the station area. The strategic plan will also include an update to RCTC’s joint development guidelines, which will guide RCTC as they issue solicitations for the development of RCTC-owned land. Key Goals 1. Identify barriers to creating transit-oriented communities 2. Engage the public about challenges and opportunities facing the corridor 3. Develop mobility, urban design, and land use strategies to address barriers 4. Create a “road map” to guide implementation of improvement projects 17 4 | TRANSIT-ORIENTED COMMUNITIES STRATEGIC PLAN CHAPITRE 3 : LAYOUT RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Draft Vision Statement The Metrolink station areas along the 91/Perris Valley corridors in Riverside County present a significant opportunity to foster sustainable and equitable development . The TOC Strategic Plan envisions station communities that promote both job and housing investment, improve access to services and amenities, and support new investments and emerging technologies that will enable residents of all backgrounds and abilities to travel by foot, bike, or transit. As the station areas are developed, RCTC is committed to continuing station and rail investments that will expand and increase transit service and improve the passenger rail experience. Close cooperation and engagement with corridor cities are fundamental to this effort, as well as many other key stakeholders who will be central to implementing the vision for station communities in Riverside County. 18 5 | TRANSIT-ORIENTED COMMUNITIES STRATEGIC PLAN CHAPITRE 3 : LAYOUT RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Study Area 19 CHAPITRE 3 : LAYOUT What are Transit-Oriented Communities (TOC)? 20 CHAPITRE 3 : LAYOUT Downtown Fullerton, CADowntown Fullerton, CA Malden Station 1 1 1 SoCo Walk2 Fullerton Metrolink StationFullerton Metrolink Station 2 Commuter Parking Commuter Parking StructureStructure SoCo District3 3 21 CHAPITRE 3 : LAYOUT Fruitvale Station - Oakland, CAFruitvale Station - Oakland, CA Fruitvale BART Station Integration 1 1 1 Pedestrian Paseo2 Fruitvale BART StationFruitvale BART Station 2 Commuter Commuter Parking Parking StructureStructure Market Hall and Charging Station3 3 22 CHAPITRE 3 : LAYOUT Benefits of TOCs 23 10 | TRANSIT-ORIENTED COMMUNITIES STRATEGIC PLAN CHAPITRE 3 : LAYOUT RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Key Challenges and Opportunities BARRIERS - Limited number of daily trains, particularly along Perris Valley Line - Single-occupancy vehicles are primary mode of access to station - Market realities in some station areas do not currently support TOCs - Some stations are fully built-out; infill development will be more complicated than greenfield development OPPORTUNITIES - Rapid growth and rise in home values present opportunity to reshape investments, while mitigating negative impacts from gentrification - Changing technologies and trends in mobility (work from home, bike/ped, autonomous vehicles) - Significant improvements to Metrolink service over next several years - Committment by municipalities to invest in multiple modes of transportation, diversity of housing types 24 11 | TRANSIT-ORIENTED COMMUNITIES STRATEGIC PLAN CHAPITRE 3 : LAYOUT RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Project Timeline WE ARE HERE FALL 2021 SPRING 2022 SUMMER 2022 FALL 2022 WINTER/SPRING 2023 Station Area Profiles Review of Existing Conditions along the corridor to identify barriers to TOC Developer Advisory Committee Technical Advisory Committee Community Advisory Committee TOC Alternatives/ Briefing Book Menu of options: potential mobility projects, land use scenarios, public realm improvements Pop-up-Events Virtual Engagement Design Workshops Community conversations to evaluate TOC improvements and develop shared vision Preferred TOC Alternative What is the shared vision for each station?, land use scenarios, public Implementation Plan How do we implement the vision? 25 CHAPITRE 3 : LAYOUT RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION Help Us Create Transit- O r i e n t e d C o m m u n i t i e s ! Login to our virtual Open H o u s e o n A u g u s t 2 3 t o s h a r e y o u r i d e a s The Riverside County Tra n s p o r t a t i o n C o m m i s s i o n , w i t h g r a n t f u n d i n g f r o m the Federal Transit Admi n i s t r a t i o n , i s d e v e l o p i n g a T r a n s i t - O r i e n t e d Communities (TOC) Strat e g i c P l a n . T h e P l a n w i l l h e l p c i t i e s a l o n g R i v e r s i d e County Metrolink station s p l a n f o r w a l k a b l e a n d b i k e a b l e c o m m u n i t i e s t h a t are connected to public t r a n s i t a n d p l a c e s t o l i v e , w o r k , s h o p a n d p l a y . TOCs make getting arou n d w i t h o u t a c a r e a s i e r . TUESDAY, AUGUST 23 - 5 : 3 0 t o 7 p . m . Hosted via Zoom Join online: https://bit.ly/TOCopenho u s e Join by phone: 669-444-9171 Webinar ID: 850 9606 9556 | Passcode: 813220 Everyone is welcome. A S p a n i s h s i m u l c a s t w i l l b e a v a i l a b l e . • Learn more about the S t r a t e g i c P l a n • Share your ideas to inc r e a s e p e d e s t r i a n a n d b i c y c l i s t s a f e t y a n d connections, and ways t o p r o m o t e d e v e l o p m e n t o f r e s i d e n t i a l , c o m m e r c i a l and civics spaces near tr a n s i t • Help us enhance mobi l i t y a n d i m p r o v e q u a l i t y o f l i f e f o r r e s i d e n t s • Meet the project team a n d a s k q u e s t i o n s The Strategic Plan focuse s o n t h e M e t r o l i n k s t a t i o n s i n t h e c i t i e s o f C o r o n a , Riverside, and Perris and C o u n t y o f R i v e r s i d e t h a t s e r v e t h e 9 1 / P e r r i s V a l l e y Line and key corridors w i t h i n a fi v e - m i l e r a d i u s o f e a c h s t a t i o n . www.rctc.org @TheRCTC Questions? Please email T O C P l a n @ r c t c . o r g , call 951-787-7141 or visi t r c t c . o r g / t o c p l a n . We will be in your neigh b o r h o o d a n d l o o k f o r w a r d t o c o n n e c t i n g with you! Check out rctc.org/toc-events for dates and locations o r scan the QR code below . Virtual Open House on August 23rd 26 THANKYOU 27 AGENDA ITEM 8 Agenda Item 8 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION DATE: August 8, 2022 TO: Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee FROM: Eric DeHate, Transit Manager THROUGH: Lorelle Moe-Luna, Multimodal Services Director SUBJECT: Measure A Specialized Transit Presentation STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This item is for the Committee to receive and file a presentation from Measure A Specialized Recipient, Independent Living Partnership (ILP). BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The 2009 Measure A Expenditure Plan allocates approximately 11.6 percent of the annual revenues from the 2009 Measure A Western County program to public transit. The public transit allocation is then distributed among five programs, namely: specialized transit services, specialized transit-consolidated transportation service agency operations, commuter rail, intercity bus, and commuter services. The Measure A Specialized Transit Program receives about 1.9 percent of the 2009 Measure A Western County program revenues, or a 16.4 percent share of the 11.6 percent for public transit. The program provides funding to benefit older adults, persons with disabilities, and/or those that are most vulnerable and truly needy in Western County. In Western County, this funding has been distributed through a competitive process to a wide array of non-profit and community organizations that serve these constituencies for specialized transit services for persons with disabilities and older adults. The goals of the Measure A Specialized Transit Program for western Riverside County are to: •Support directly operated services that expand or extend existing services, which, if not funded by Measure A funds, would leave an area and/or special population without alternate service options; •Support existing services that offer an improved level of service coordination with the existing transportation network; •Expand new services that leverage other revenue sources, can be administered in a cost- effective manner, and will not require long-term support from Measure A funding; and •Support new and expansion of existing services including transportation for veterans and shuttles including, but not limited to, nutrition and medical services. Projects that are eligible under the program include operating and capital projects such as senior transportation shuttles, non-emergency medical transportation services, bus pass/voucher 28 Agenda Item 8 programs, mileage reimbursement programs, travel training, vehicle and maintenance equipment, communications and dispatch equipment, and mobility management. Providing funding to non-profit providers of transit services for persons with disabilities, low income, and senior citizens has long been a priority of the Commission. The voter-approved 1989 and 2009 Measure A Expenditure Plans specify funding allocations for the provision of this type of service provided by transit operators and non-profit agencies. A Call for Projects is held triennially, and the last Call for Projects was held in spring 2021 for funding for Fiscal Years (FY) 2021/22 – 2023/24. The Commission awarded $9,101,257 to 16 agencies for 19 operational and capital projects, as summarized in Attachment 1. DISCUSSION: The CSTAC plays an important role in strengthening the public and specialized transit network by offering a platform for specialized transit providers to share information and promote various transportation services. Staff will be inviting Measure A recipients to provide presentations to the CSTAC to highlight their programs and projects and receive any input on how their services can be improved and expanded in the future. A presentation will be provided by ILP. ILP has provided transportation options for seniors and the disabled since the inception of the Measure A Western Riverside County Specialized Transit Program through its Transportation Reimbursement and Information Project (TRIP). In FY 2021/22, TRIP supported approximately 70,000 trips by providing mileage reimbursements for approximately 838,000 miles traveled (Western Riverside County data only). The cost for this program in FY 2021/22 was approximately $210,000. Attachment(s): 1) Call for Projects Award 2) ILP Presentation 29 Attachment 1 Applicant Pr o j e c t T y p e Project Title Total 3 Year Project Cost Total 3 Year Measure A Award Required Match Care A Van Operations Care A Van Transit 1,510,430$ 996,884$ 513,546$ Independent Living Partnership Mile Reimbursement TRIP 3,631,716$ 1,519,752$ 2,111,964$ Friends of Moreno Valley Operations Mo-Van 528,085$ 297,585$ 230,500$ Boys & Girls Club Southwest County Operations Before & After School ST program 908,050$ 599,313$ 308,737$ Exceed Operations Hemet Transportation 664,860$ 244,860$ 420,000$ Boys & Girls Menifee Valley Operations Ride to Success 599,307$ 395,543$ 203,764$ US Vets Operations Initiative Transportation Riverside 230,644$ 152,225$ 78,419$ RUHS - Medical Center Operations MC Transportation Program 2,764,778$ 1,576,800$ 1,187,978$ Voices for Children Mile Reimbursement Mileage Reimbursement Program 588,150$ 388,179$ 199,971$ Forest Folk Operations Idyllwild Area Shuttle Service 254,848$ 167,848$ 87,000$ City of Norco Operations Seniors on the Move Transp Program 382,818$ 252,661$ 130,157$ Operation SafeHouse Operations Main St. Transitional Living & Permanent Supportive Housing Program 171,710$ 113,329$ 58,381$ Care Connexxus Operations Specialized Transportation 1,210,806$ 799,132$ 411,674$ Care Connexxus Capital Capital Specialized Transportation 225,000$ 112,500$ 112,500$ RUHS - Behavorial Health Capital Capital Transportation Change 144,000$ 72,000$ 72,000$ RUHS - Medical Center Capital Capital Transportation Program 365,740$ 182,870$ 182,870$ RUHS - Behavorial Health Operations Transportation Change 1,589,245$ 1,048,901$ 540,343$ City of Menifee Operations Pilot Program -$ 150,000$ -$ Michelle's Place Operations Treatment Travel Assistance Program 46,690$ 30,815$ 15,875$ 15,816,876$ 9,101,197$ 6,865,680$ 367,370 Capital 8,733,827 Operating 30 Ivet Woolridge Chief Operating Officer 31 ATTACHMENT 2 MISSION STATEMENT The Independent Living Partnership works to ensure the independence and dignity of the elderly and persons with disabilities, their families and caregivers through education and access to empowering services and resources. OUR PURPOSE To advocate for and help people lead more satisfying and rewarding lives, often in spite of significant health and mobility challenges, to access needed human and social services and strengthen or rebuild through life enriching programs and activities that educate, motivate, strengthen or rebuild supportive social networks. 32 History In 1990 a group of Riverside County advocates for equitable rights for people with disabilities came together to help pass the Americans With Disabilities ACT. In 1991 they incorporated as the non-profit Independent Living Partnership (ILP) with the mission and purpose that has since guided our activities and programs. In addition to early educational programs, ILP created and pioneered the TRIP volunteer driver, mileage reimbursement service for people with transportation disabilities in Riverside County California. 33 In the early 90s, the Riverside County Office on Aging brought some people together to voice concerns about transportation for older people living in their communities. One after another they said what was needed: • To be picked up at their home without having to wait outside in the heat • Transportation in the comfort and luxury of a car • Free rides for those on a severely limited income • The ability to make trips whenever they were needed, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, even on the spur of the moment • An escort who would come to their home and get them, stay with them during the trip, help them at their destinations, even help them put away their groceries when they got back home • And they wanted the ability to get rides to go wherever to get special medical treatments if necessary or for other quality of life reasons. The service was born a few months later and has now supported more than 35 Million miles of volunteer assisted transportation, just as hoped for so many years ago. 34 98.1% of 542 clients in an annual Survey of Riders said that they would recommend for anyone needing transportation Assistance. 35 2021-22 TRIP Service Performance for Riverside County •$789,654 funding used (multiple funding sources needed including: MA, 5310, and Older Americans Act) •716 unique County riders served •$1,103 average annual expense per rider •89,563 one-way trips provided •Average one-way trip length of 14.9 miles •$8.82 average cost per trip provided •$.59 subsidy per mile •125 average one-way trips per rider/10.4 per month •1,337,250 miles of volunteer transportation provided 36 Being members of the Riverside County Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee is a great opportunity to provide us with a continuing voice of advocacy for transportation disabled members of our communities across the County and to facilitate on-going collaboration with other transportation providers. 37 AGENDA ITEM 9 Agenda Item 9 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION DATE: August 8, 2022 TO: Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee FROM: Eric DeHate, Transit Manager THROUGH: Lorelle Moe-Luna, Multimodal Services Director SUBJECT: Grid Alternatives Presentation STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This item is for the Committee to receive and file a presentation from Grid Alternatives. BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION: Grid Alternatives was founded in 2001 following the California energy crisis and its mission is to help provide free, clean electricity powered by renewable energy that benefits everyone. Grid Alternatives is a registered 501(c)(3) certified non-profit organization based in Oakland, California, with eight affiliate offices serving all of California, Colorado, Washington D.C., Virginia, Maryland and Delaware. Grid Alternatives includes four programs: Energy For All Program, Tribal Program, International Program, and a Clean Mobility Program. The Energy for All Program offers single-family, multifamily, and community solar installation services, project development and technical assistance, and we offer multiple levels of workforce development and service learning opportunities, from volunteerism to in-depth solar training and paid internships. Grid Alternatives works with tribes to install solar electric systems for tribal members and community facilities. These projects can range from single rooftop solar installations to large- scale projects that meet the energy needs of the whole community and along with technical assistance and workforce development. Grid Alternatives also has an international program, which installs solar electric systems to power homes, health centers, small businesses, water projects, orphanages and schools, and other mission-aligned organizations and provides technical assistance and workforce development. Lastly, Grid Alternatives works to transition communities to electric vehicles, electric vehicle charging and other clean mobility options more accessible. This includes coordinated outreach, residential EV charging infrastructure, subsidizing public charging, scrape and replace programs, and shared mobility. Attachment: Grid Alternatives Presentation 38 Lisa CastiloneCommunity Development/Tribal Program Manager 39 A mission-driven organization GRID Alternatives is the largest 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, licensed and insured solar contractor in USA We brings together communities, volunteers, and job trainees to implement solar power for low-income people in designated disadvantaged areas GRID installations providing energy cost savings, valuable hands-on job training experience, and a source of clean, local energy that benefits us all. 40 The Affordable Solar Experts Single Family (DAC-SASH), Energy for All Program Multifamily Solar Projects (SOMAH) Commercial (mission-aligned non-profit) Community Solar & Micro Grids (grants and partnership) Accessibility to Clean Mobility Program Enrollment in SGIP Program, energy storage systems 41 A proven and trusted solar integrator •GRID has an innovative workforce development program that integrates job training into every aspect of our work. •Hands on certified Training •Job Placement •Solar Futures Program (Youth 16-24) •SolarCorps (AmeriCorps) •Paid Internships 42 GRID’s Growing Impact GRID IE service area: Riverside,San Bernardino and Inyo Counties Completed over 2,000 NO COST solar projects for qualified homeowners! 43 Program Qualifications •Own and live in home. •Meet household income •Live in a qualified zone/ Disadvantaged Community designated by CalEPA •Pass free solar home inspection (roof, shade, main service panel) •If you meet these qualifications, our program is at NO COST to you! HouseholdSize Maximum Household Income 1-2 $36,620 3 $46,060 4 $55,500 5 $64,940 6 $74,380 7 $83,820 8 $93,260 Each Additional Person $9,440 44 Commercial, Microgrid and Financing Opportunities Chemehuevi Community Center 45 Clean Mobility Opportunities GRID working on Clean Mobility Options – Millions in funding for clean vehicles, carshare, bikeshare, on- demand shuttle buses that serve SB 375 (DAC) and AB 1550 (low- income) designated communities. Lead Applicants: Public Agencies, Non-Profits, Tribal government: www.cleanmobilityoptions.org 46 To see if you qualifyLisa Castilone 951.471.7047Lcastilone@gridalternatives.org 47 AGENDA ITEM 10 Agenda Item 10 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION DATE: August 8, 2022 TO: Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee FROM: Eric DeHate, Transit Manager THROUGH: Lorelle Moe-Luna, Multimodal Services Director SUBJECT: CSTAC Topics of Interest STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This item is for the Committee to discuss and provide staff direction on topics of interest for future agenda items. BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION: The CSTAC’s purpose is to assist the Commission in complying with Transportation Development Act (TDA) regulation, to promote transportation service improvements and enhancements that support the mobility of older adults, persons with disabilities and persons of limited means, and to establish an effective communication exchange among Riverside County’s public transit operators, its specialized transportation providers and representatives of its transit dependent populations regarding matters of mutual concern. More specifically, the CSTAC will annually participate in the identification of transit needs throughout the county, review proposed operating and capital projects of seven public transit operators and RCTC’s Rail Program and represent the needs of transit users. Staff has brought required items for consideration meeting the purpose of the CSTAC. However, in discussions with the CSTAC officers, there is opportunity for additional items that can be brought forward to strengthen the CSTAC’s role in promoting transit needs and priorities throughout the county. This item is to seek feedback on future agendas that will help the CSTAC advance its purpose and goals. 48 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION CITIZENS AND SPECIALIZED TRANSIT ADVISORY COMMITTEE ROLL CALL AUGUST 8, 2022 Present Absent Lisa Castilone X  John Chavez X  George Colangeli X  Betty Day  X Alejandra Gonzalez X  John Krick X  Jack Marty  X Priscilla Ochoa  X Mary Jo Ramirez X  Gloria J. Sanchez X  Ivet Woolridge X  Riverside Transit Agency X  SunLine Transit Agency X  From:Alexandra Rackerby To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:CSTAC public hearing comments Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 9:09:34 AM Attachments:Alton Ruben.pdf image001.png image002.png image003.png image004.png image005.png Anna Price.pdf Anthony Garcia.pdf Barbara Paul.pdf Blynn Horne.pdf Cassie G.pdf Chris Mardis.pdf Cynthia Hafner.pdf Erica Leon.pdf Fred Vogelgesang.pdf G Cape.pdf Hannah DeMarti.pdf James Woodruff.pdf Jannlee Watson.pdf Jerry Sincich.pdf Joan Valentine.pdf Joel Johnson.pdf Jolinda Curtin 2.pdf Jolinda Curtin.pdf Linda Thompson.pdf Lori Gray.pdf Nancy Townsend.additional public comments.pdf Nancy Townsend.pdf Pauline Ingrao.pdf Richard Lewis.pdf Robert Hafner.pdf Robert Richardson.pdf Robin Davenport.pdf Roxanne Zamora.pdf Ruth Brissenden.pdf Saad Awais.pdf Sarah Bravo.pdf Tanya Johnson.pdf Tracy Davis.pdf Good morning members of the Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee, Attached are the public hearing comments that have been received as of today, August 8, 2022 at 9:08 a.m. Thank you, Allie Allie Rackerby Records Technician Riverside County Transportation Commission 951.787.7141 W 4080 Lemon St. 3rd Fl.| P.O. Box 12008 Riverside, CA 92502 rctc.org From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:Transit Needs Public Hearing Comment Date:Wednesday, August 3, 2022 1:40:50 PM Attachments:image001.png Importance:High Hi Allie, I received a phone call from Mr. Alton Ruben to provide a verbal comment regarding the transit needs public hearing comment. Below is his comment: “Mr. Ruben uses google transit to plan his trips using RTA services in the Hemet – San Jacinto area. With the recent RTA schedule changes, the buses that used to stop at Lincoln and Florida Avenue now stop at Chicago and Florida which is more difficult for me. Mr. Ruben states that the buses are not on schedule and the layover at Chicago is now close to 30 minutes. Mr. Ruben also called 511 and they did not have the updated schedule. What is being displayed google transit is not reality. Please correct the issue.” He did provide his number, but after the public hearing I will provide it to RTA. Regards, From:Ariel Alcon Tapia To:Eric DeHate Cc:Lorelle Moe-Luna; Alexandra Rackerby; Cheryl Donahue Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Hearing Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 9:03:45 AM Hi Eric, We received another Transit Needs Public Hearing comment. Please see below. Thanks, Ariel From: Anna Price <annaprice2027@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, August 8, 2022 9:01 AM To: Info <info@RCTC.org>; Info <info@RCTC.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Hearing Good morning! I am writing to request that morning and afternoon stops be added to allow students to safely transition between Liberty High School (Menifee) and the Spencer's Crossing neighborhood (Murrieta). At this current time, there is no safe way that students residing in Spencer's Crossing or neighboring areas can SAFELY walk or bike to Liberty High School as there is no sidewalk/walkway for them to use. The speed limit on Leon Road is 50 mph, and since I use this road every day, I know that drivers do not abide by the posted speed limit. This is a tragedy waiting to happen, especially during peek hours, when everyone is in a rush to get places and students are walking alongside the busy, high-speed road. Thank you for your consideration and for considering the safety of our children. Respectfully, Anna Price From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Public comment can u read my comment for Aug 8 2022 Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:23:00 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:20 PM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Public comment can u read my comment for Aug 8 2022 Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Anthony Garcia <ggoin4broke@aol.com> Date: August 7, 2022 at 10:24:21 AM PDT To: Info <info@rctc.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Public comment can u read my comment for Aug 8 2022 Reply-To: Anthony Garcia <ggoin4broke@aol.com>  August 7 2022 Public Comment to RCTC Good morning board chair and county supervisors my name is Anthony Garcia. I was born in Indio and raised in Coachella. I have lived in the Coachella Valley all my life. I rode sunbus when I was a child. That's what inspired me to be a bus operator and have proudly served sunline transit agency for over 26 years. I have seen the changes throughout the valley. I also know who uses our service, who is impacted by our service, and who needs our service. I was told by a sunline Board Member at our last Board meeting that I was mindless and that they need to find a way to make me stop. Another board member, 2nd what they said, and added that we needed to present facts. Shame on them. As they continue to supprt this general manager when they should be supporting the working class, front line works, person with disabilities, and transit riders who need our public transit service. Fact is I've work in the public transit sector longer than the Lauren Skiver, sunline's general manager and her management team that she put there. I am saddened by what's happened to our transit agency. I ask you, supervisors, is sunline a fueling station or a public transit agency? It's been well over 15 years since we've purchased a new CNG bus. Yet, we produce and sell CNG fuel. According to sunline's board reports sunline management team continues to buy these brand new million dollar hydrogen fuel cell buses. Sadly, None of these brand new buses have never served our disadvantaged communities of Mecca, Thermal, Oasis and North Shore. Instead our east Valley riders are forced to ride on run down rehabilitated CNG buses that are way past they're useful life. FACT- I thought we were a public transit agency that's suppose to use state and federal funding to serve all communities in the Coachella Valley, especially the disadvantaged ones. Fact - sunline Hydrogen buses break down in the middle of traffic causing the steering wheel to lock up and operators are unable to manouver the bus. This is a serious safety issue. Talk to the operators who operate these buses. FACT- Lauren and her management staff have received countless VCR cards known as vehicle condition reports that operators fill out and turn in after they've turned in the bus at the end of their shift. Have these VCR cards pulled and reviewed. FACT-Operators have also reported on many occasions concerns at mandatory safety meetings and to the management staff the condition of these buses and routes. Investigate the safety officers who perform these safety meetings and operations staff at the dispatch windows. FACT- Sunline is required by state law to submit the 45 day PM inspection reports to CHP. Which outlines who drove the bus, repairs, tire replacement, seats, ect. That show the ongoing issues with these buses. Have these reports audited. Fact- Lauren and her staff have spent over $120,000 in Credit cards charges for hotels stays, air fare, travel expenses, Amazon charges, etc. Over the last fiscal year. View the monthly board reports under the consent calendars. Fact- Sunline's administration building has more security than the operations and maintenance buildings, then on the buses or at the major bus stop locations. Pull the board report for security aervices and operations end of night dispatch logs. FACTS - Lauren doesn't care about the front line operators, nor passengers, and definitely not the public transit service. It's all about refueled! Watch her video interviews. Listen! FACT- There are no suitable restrooms for bus operators along sunline's long routes, like the route 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, ect. These routes take over an hour in one direction. The route 1 is almost over 2 hours from palm springs to Coachella in one direction. It can take long based on the traffic, time of year and weather. Ride on one of these routes mentioned and you will understand what's being told to you. Facts- due to high temperatures these last few months. There have been several vehicles breaking down and towed in and passengers are stranded in the heat. Pull dispatch logs and ask Lauren and her management team how many buses were towed in just the month of July. Fact- Prior to Lauren's leadership. Staff always prepared operators and fixed route buses for the hi-desert high temperatures every year. Ask any sunline veteran operator. Fact- Sunline has seen the highest turnover rate with management, bargaining and non bargaining employees during Lauren's leadership. I ask you to have an outside company perform an audit on sunline's poorly managed HR department and you will see for yourself. Fact- Seven years ago Sunline was one of the top places that people wanted to work in the Coachella Valley. Next to burrttec and the CVWD. As you can see from LinkedIn, employment site, this has drastically changed under Lauren's leadership. Fact- The zero emissions rollout plan needs to be revisited. I also recommend that the county supervisors to have a private entity to do a internal survey NOT performed by Lauren and her management team. Also, a public rider survey that also needs to be done, and NOT an online third party survey that only confused riders, but a rider survey asking riders what they really want from our public transit service and how state and federal funds should be used. FACT- the board continues to support Lauren and her management staff and how they misuse our transit funds. As she focuses on fueling stations instead of public transportation service and making sure people get where they need to go like their jobs, medical appointments, ect. Fact- During covid Lauren and her management team cut service and restructured the routes, calling it refueled the system. REFUELED! Which only added confusion during the pandemic to operators and our riders who use sunbus. Many people lost their jobs because of the poorly announced and planned service changes. Riders couldn't get to their home because the bus didn't serve the area anymore. This caused riders to become more hostile and combative toward us operators causing a hostile work environment when operating the bus. All because of poor planning. Supervisors conduct a rider survey! Fact- Lauren and her management staff have wasted funds on the division 2 rehab only to remove service from there. When those funds could have been put into a nice transit center in Coachella with restrooms for operators and for passengers. Fact- there is NOT a HR open door policy for operators and mechanics to just show up to the administration building unannounced regarding personal matters or to get paperwork. FACT- Lauren only cares about herself and the $365,433. salary with benefits that she receives every year based on California transparent site. From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:28:31 AM FYI -----Original Message----- From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Monday, August 8, 2022 7:48 AM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Cheryl Donahue Public Affairs Manager Riverside County Transportation Commission -----Original Message----- From: Robert Paul <bobnbarb01@sbcglobal.net> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 8:08 PM To: Info <info@RCTC.org> Cc: Barbara Paul <bobnbarb01@sbcglobal.net> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Fixed Bus Route: For as long as I've been involved in the Temescal Valley community, I've felt that our area has not received its "fair share of the pie" in services provided by Riverside County. Temescal Valley has over 26,000 residents, and yet does not have a fixed bus route that services our area. Our transportation issues are massive and well-known, yet we have no viable options. The needs of our students, general public, seniors, veterans, and disabled citizens should be considered - and now is the time for action. Our quality of life has suffered long enough. I respectfully request that our transportation needs finally be addressed by providing the Temescal Valley with a fixed bus route. Thank you. - Barbara Paul 25999 Glen Eden Road Temescal Valley, CA 82883 Sent from Barb's iPhone From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Née Public Comment Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:26:30 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:24 PM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Transit Née Public Comment Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Blynn Horne <blynn_h@hotmail.com> Date: August 7, 2022 at 3:23:13 PM PDT To: Info <info@rctc.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit Née Public Comment  To RCTC, Temescal Valley need and want a Fixed Bus Route NOW . My husband and I are both seniors and this would be very helpful to us as well as our grandchildren. Thank you Armila Horne Get Outlook for iOS From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit needs public comments Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:21:32 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:19 PM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Transit needs public comments Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Cassie G <misskassieg@yahoo.com> Date: August 7, 2022 at 1:39:26 PM PDT To: Info <info@rctc.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit needs public comments  I am emailing in regards to public transportation in the Temescal valley area! This is long overdue. Our nearest high schools are 8 plus miles away. We are a steadily growing city and definitely need buses. With all the traffic on the 15 freeway and gas prices at an all time high, having a city bus would help us tremendously. We have many seniors in the trilogy area whom do not drive and simply cannot afford Ubers and Lyfts. We have families who need to get their kids to school and have to work at the same time. Having a bus can give one independence. I am voting yes on bringing a city bus to Temescal Valley! Cassie Gilbertson From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:28:43 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Monday, August 8, 2022 7:48 AM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Cheryl Donahue Public Affairs Manager Riverside County Transportation Commission From: Chris Mardis <chris@crowdtheoryconsulting.com> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 10:50 PM To: Info <info@RCTC.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Ref: RCTC Public Hearing Monday August 8th @ 11am Dear Commissioners, As a development consultant and community volunteer, I work on several projects in the Temescal Valley area and along the corridor between Corona and Lake Elsinore. There is definitely a need for a "fixed bus route" to connect the two cities and serve the unincorporated area of Temescal Valley. The route will provide an alternate mode of transportation for workers and students to get to their jobs and/or schools. With the traffic congestion on the 15 freeway being as it is and the ridiculously high costs of gas, the residents need a cost effective way to travel. Over 26,000 residents live in the Valley and more homes and businesses are coming. There is an opportunity here to relieve traffic by getting some of these cars off the freeway and have people use mass transit. Most importantly, there are currently two 55 and older communities in Temescal Valley as well as at least one mobile home park and an RV Park. Also, a possible assisted living facility is in the works. It is imperative that the older and disabled residents have access to the County's Dial A Ride Program that seems to be only available to persons living within 3/4 of a mile of a "fixed route". As Temescal Valley continues to grow, please consider the rising number of seniors already living in the area or moving to Temescal Valley. Please recommend that a "the fixed route" be planned and approved, thus enabling this "at risk" population the ability to get around and be active in the community through the use of a "Dial A Ride" Thank you in advance, Chris Mardis 909-520-5499 From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:23:43 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:20 PM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Cynthia Hafner <4hafners@verizon.net> Date: August 7, 2022 at 9:16:39 AM PDT To: Info <info@rctc.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Reply-To: Cynthia Hafner <4hafners@verizon.net>  I reside in Temescal Valley. We have 26,000 residents and no fixed bus route. Our area will be expanding with future planned developments. Between our traffic issues, inflation, concerns about greenhouse gases and the price of gas, people need reliable transportation. Many cannot afford to buy a car at this difficult time. Virtually all of us live too far away from resources and services to walk. Please strongly consider adding a fixed bus route to our area. Thank you for your time. From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:27:01 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Monday, August 8, 2022 7:48 AM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Cheryl Donahue Public Affairs Manager Riverside County Transportation Commission From: Erica Leon <ericaleon812@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:32 PM To: Info <info@RCTC.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments To Whom It May Concern: There are over 26,000 residents in Temescal Valley. With this growth, we still remain isolated from shopping, doctors, Middle and High schools and other services. Walking is not an option when you are 4 miles or more from your errands, especially if you have to carry shopping or books home. Please give us a fixed bus route. Respectfully, Erica Leon From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comment Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:24:53 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:22 PM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comment Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: FredVogelgesang Gmail <fredvogelgesang@gmail.com> Date: August 6, 2022 at 9:07:22 PM PDT To: Info <info@rctc.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comment  To: info@rctc.org Subject: Transit Needs Public Comment Temescal Valley needs a fixed bus route. Our I-15 corridor has too many commuters from the southern parts of the county. With a bus, i can go to the doctor at Riverside Medical Clinic, shop at Trader Joes and other local shops. Now is the time Fred Fred Vogelgesang 925-989-6260 From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit needs Public Hearing comments Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:28:53 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Monday, August 8, 2022 7:49 AM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit needs Public Hearing comments Cheryl Donahue Public Affairs Manager Riverside County Transportation Commission From: Gabbi <gabbici27@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 11:16 PM To: Info <info@RCTC.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit needs Public Hearing comments To whom it may concern; Temescal Valley is lacking a fixed bus route along with Dial a Ride for Seniors. My mother lives in one of the two over 55 communities in Temescal Valley and is no longer able to drive. Having Dial a Ride would enable her to have a little more freedom as it would other Seniors in the same predicament. I was disappointed when I found out there was no such service for the Senior living communities in Temescal Valley even though they have quite a high volume of residents. Seniors without cars who have to rely on family and friends feel isolated and suffer a loss of independence without a bus service. Hoping that my concerns for bus service and Dial a Ride are heard. Thank you for your time and consideration. G Cape From:Ariel Alcon Tapia To:Eric DeHate Cc:Alexandra Rackerby; Lorelle Moe-Luna Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] TRANSIT NEEDS PUBLIC HEARING Date:Friday, August 5, 2022 1:49:01 PM From: Hannah DeMarti <hannah.demarti@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, August 5, 2022 1:18 PM To: Info <info@RCTC.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] TRANSIT NEEDS PUBLIC HEARING Please add more stops over by Liberty High School and one dropping off at Liberty! So many students need rides, including my daughter. Thank you! Best, Hannah DeMarti From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Bus route in Temescal Valley Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:25:28 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:23 PM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Bus route in Temescal Valley Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: James Woodruff <capewoody@sbcglobal.net> Date: August 6, 2022 at 3:05:14 PM PDT To: Info <info@rctc.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Bus route in Temescal Valley A bus route is essential for the people of Temescal Valley. The freeways are clogged with 2 senior communities needing to get to medical appts, shopping, services in Corona & Lk. Elsinore. Thank you, Leeann Woodruff Sent from my iPhone From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments ... Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:23:22 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:20 PM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments ... Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Jannlee Watson <jannlee.watson@ca.rr.com> Date: August 7, 2022 at 10:23:44 AM PDT To: Info <info@rctc.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments ...  To Whom it May concern: I’m a senior citizen, but growing up I took the bus everywhere. As a teen, it was my transportation to school, to entertainment venues and to the beach. As a young adult, I took the bus to college and to my first job! I’m a resident of Temescal Valley – an unincorporated county community with more than 26,000 residents and no fixed bus route. My grandson lives with us. If we had a fixed bus route, he could have taken the bus to El Cerrito Middle School when he was a student there. Instead, his grandfather drove him to and picked him up from school every day. My elderly sister lived with us for 13 months last year. No longer able to drive, if we had a fixed bus route she could have availed herself of the Dial-A- Ride program. Instead, I drove her to doctor and dental appointments. Temescal Valley needs a fixed bus route. Temescal Valley has two sizable age-specific communities – Trilogy and Terramor, and soon will be getting an assisted living center to accommodate 216 additional senior residents. Temescal Valley needs a fixed bus route. We’ve had commercial and industrial enterprises discouraged in locating here because of the current Vehicle Miles Traveled formula used in environmental impact reports and/or mitigated negative impact reviews require a fixed bus route to lower the percentage of acceptable miles traveled. Temescal Valley needs a fixed bus route. With the push coming from Sacramento for local governments to utilize alternatives to the automobile for transportation mobility, without a fixed bus route, Temescal Valley folks have no alternative but to rely on their private vehicles for transportation needs. Please consider a fixed bus route for Temescal Valley. Thank you … Jannlee Watson Temescal Valley resident From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Riverside County Transit Needs Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:28:17 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Monday, August 8, 2022 7:48 AM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] Riverside County Transit Needs Cheryl Donahue Public Affairs Manager Riverside County Transportation Commission From: Jerry Sincich <jsincich1@ca.rr.com> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 5:41 PM To: Info <info@RCTC.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Riverside County Transit Needs Dear Citizens and Specialized Transit Advisory Committee, This letter shall serve as support for a Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) Fixed Bus Route along the Temescal Canyon Road. The RTA fixed bus route would run between the cities of Lake Elsinore and Corona. This RTA bus route is needed for the following reasons. Mitigate traffic congestion on the Interstate 15 prior to and following the development of the Interstate 15 Express Lanes Southern Extension project To support the expected development of 2,559 new residential units and the development of 7.4 million square feet of commercial/industrial space in the Temescal Valley Support employee transportation to and from new commercial/industrial places of employment Connect current Temescal Valley Residents to commercial centers not available in the Temescal Valley. This would minimize round trip vehicle travel and reduce green house gas emissions If you have any questions, please contact me. Regards, Jerry Sincich From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:29:08 AM FYI -----Original Message----- From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Monday, August 8, 2022 7:57 AM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Cheryl Donahue Public Affairs Manager Riverside County Transportation Commission -----Original Message----- From: Joan Valentine <jodivee251@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 2:44 PM To: Info <info@RCTC.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments We have over 26k residents - it is an essential need for our continually growing community - keep us off the Cajalco crush and let the Dial A Ride program lift us from the loneliness COVID brought to so many With thanks for your time Joan Valentine California Meadows Sent from my iPhone at,ey, cvtum g`e 6 -id -eft +L___ (DO 'fb (Seru(c-ei l f\A-c_v6r,c((1 1:(( \c_to3tdelA ,f-.-?›..e.kc.t. (r_iy",___1 L.) EkLee))tv-Cl_ S cf-Y ." ak, -K6,,,Le 0 ? ) h '16 -‘ 1 cJ,_ At 2.Y, „44)ta-tj- en rw„.._e, uct, Le, cc_ t (-1--e_ (-) e- vu(cc -h.? TLQ (Q.—e)(ick r\ -e,-600 dt-i) - ,-4-e 1;;t. (--FLa Av-e_ex- Azi--) tviCc-^-1-t -e___ 4Z-:&'neirt 1 CoW-) 0-Lez.1 4 ,,,j, l' . From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Transpot Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:25:04 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:22 PM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Transpot Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Jolinda Curtin <jolinda7256@icloud.com> Date: August 6, 2022 at 8:33:10 PM PDT To: Info <info@rctc.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Transpot I am a senior resident of Temescal Valley. I do not drive and have to rely on my neighbors for rides for medical appointments, grocery shopping and banking. A fixed bus route would be a lifesaver for me and many other residents of Temescal Valley. Please consider establishing a fixed bus route for our area. Jolinda Curtin 25999 Glen Eden Road Temescal Valley, CA 92883 Sent from my iPhone From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Fixed bus route for Temescal Valley Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:25:17 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:22 PM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Fixed bus route for Temescal Valley Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Jolinda Curtin <jolinda7256@icloud.com> Date: August 6, 2022 at 8:23:18 PM PDT To: Info <info@rctc.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Fixed bus route for Temescal Valley I am trapped in a transportation desert. I don’t drive and I have no vehicle. A bus route would be a lifesaver for me and other senior citizens. Please consider the needs of Temescal Valley residents by establishing a fixed bus route. Jolinda Curtin 25999 Glen Eden Road Temescal Valley, CA 92883 Sent from my iPhone From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:24:26 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:21 PM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Linda Thompson <linda.axtell78@gmail.com> Date: August 7, 2022 at 6:26:22 AM PDT To: Info <info@rctc.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Please, with the building of so many new homes, Temescal Valley needs a transit system. Please put a bus line through this growing community and help free up the 15, 91 and Temescal Canyon Road as much as possible. Linda Thompson 11424 Summit Ct, Temescal Valley, CA 92883 From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:23:32 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:20 PM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Lori Gray <lorikeenan@sbcglobal.net> Date: August 7, 2022 at 9:24:46 AM PDT To: Info <info@rctc.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments  There are over 26,000 residents in Temescal Valley. With this growth, we still remain isolated from shopping, doctors, Middle and High schools and other services. Walking is not an option when you are 4 miles or more from your errands, especially if you have to carry shopping or books home. Please give us a fixed bus route. Thank you, Lori Gray Temescal Valley resident Sent from AT&T Yahoo Mail for iPhone From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:Transit Needs Public Hearing Comment Date:Wednesday, August 3, 2022 2:03:10 PM Attachments:image001.png Importance:High Hi Allie, I received an additional comment on the telephone from Nancy Townsend. Below is her comment: “Ms. Townsend stated that since the Sears has closed at the Hemet Mall, there is no place to stay cool waiting for a bus. She stated that if a bus could be used as a cooling station in that area or in the mall parking lot, it would greatly help as she has to wait more than 30 minutes for her bus.” Regards, RTA072722 RCTC Attn: Transit Needs Public Hearing PO Box 12008 Riverside, CA 92502-2208 To Whom It May Concern: 8/1/2022 ECEINE AUG 0 3 2022 DJ RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION I see that RTA ridership is still way down compared to pre -pandemic times. Thank you for the opportunity to share my observations. I understand the necessity of efficiency in every business. When the Bus Stops are taken away, it hurts my ability to travel. Some Stops are already too far apart, unless one is using a mobility device, for which I do not qualify. Over the course of a year, I ride 9 different RTA routes. Frequency of #33 and #42 is 110 minutes, except for the second trip which is 105 minutes. (Prepandemic there were 3 busses that shared these two Routes, and they started earlier and ended later — that made riding much easier than the current schedules.) Two to three times a week, I use these busses for local shopping trips. I live within the quarter mile radius of the intersection of these two busses, Kirby and Fruitvale, in Hemet. They are critical beginnings to all my travel. The Hemet Mall "Terminal" is a 1.3 mile walk. When I have to connect too early or late to use #33 or #42, it becomes necessary for me to walk to/from Hemet Mall to get to it or return from it. If the Hemet Bus Terminal is taken away from Hemet Mall and moved to Lyon, I will be unable to walk to/from the proposed new Terminal. I am a retired senior without a car. I have been riding RTA for more than 9 years. It is nice to have #28 in Hemet, running every 40 minutes. It is not my favorite thing to wait an hour to transfer from #28 to #27 at Perris. I do this trip approximately once a month. I then connect with #200 at Tyler mall and then another bus company. One trip I take 6+ times per month, requires 2 RTA busses: one Route's frequency is 70 min apart & one is 110 minutes apart. Very difficult. I then connect with another bus company. I feel it is important for Major Transfer points to be near bus friendly eateries, (Walmart which has Subway or other Fast Food Restaurants) where one is welcome to buy a snack and wash ones hands. The beautiful Perris Transit is an example of this oversight. Do the translucent Bus Stop shelter roofs really filter out UV? The amount of shade they produce is questionable. RTA does a good job. // J Sincerely, Nancy Townsend X,1 Hemet (I am a hybrid snowbird; I come and go often, riding RTA.) PO Box 12733 Palm Desert, CA 92255 From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:21:49 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:19 PM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Pauline Ingrao <cta2lax@gmail.com> Date: August 7, 2022 at 1:01:17 PM PDT To: Info <info@rctc.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments We need a Dial A Ride Option near Tom’s Farms bus stop. It needs to run frequently during the day, we have a large senior 55+ community in the area and a lot of these people no longer drive and need to get to shops. From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:23:56 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:20 PM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Richard Lewis <richardlewis115@gmail.com> Date: August 7, 2022 at 9:04:00 AM PDT To: Info <info@rctc.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments  We are located in the Trilogy community in unincorporated area of Temescal Valley. We have a number of disabled, seniors and veteran residents who no longer drive that have transportation needs. Having a bus service route and the accompanying availability of Dial A Ride services is extremely important to our area. Thank you, Richard and Sue Lewis 9291 Pioneer Lane Temescal Valley, CA 92883 From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:27:14 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Monday, August 8, 2022 7:48 AM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Cheryl Donahue Public Affairs Manager Riverside County Transportation Commission From: Robert Hafner <bob.hafner@verizon.net> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 4:11 PM To: Info <info@RCTC.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments I would like to put out for the meeting on Monday that we get a fixed transit route in Temescal Valley. We have 26,000 residents in this area and with present price of operating a vehicle it would be a benefit to our community for member to get around. With people on fixed income and retire communities this can give us access to Dial a Ride for the community members who need it. Please establish a fixed bus route in Temescal Valley. Thank you for your time. From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] NEED BUS Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:24:41 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:22 PM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] NEED BUS Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: ROBERT RICHARDSON <sccc1984@aol.com> Date: August 6, 2022 at 10:14:52 PM PDT To: Info <info@rctc.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] NEED BUS Need bus routes and n Temescal Canyon Road Sent from my iPhone From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit needs public comments Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:26:46 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Monday, August 8, 2022 7:47 AM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit needs public comments Cheryl Donahue Public Affairs Manager Riverside County Transportation Commission From: robin davenport <dakotie@verizon.net> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:26 PM To: Info <info@RCTC.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit needs public comments Hello I've been a resident of Temescal Valley for 12 years. I personally have never used public transit in this area. I have however worked with numerous families and youth who need to use it on a daily basis for work or school. I work for the school district. I have taught students how to read the bus schedule and to download the app to their phone. For many families public transit and the kindness of others us their most reliable and affordable means of transportation. We live in an area that geographically makes it difficult to walk or ride a bike to places. Or it is just too far. Public transit gives young students the ability to work and attend school without relying on others fostering independence and confidence. A fixed route would lead to a more stable community for our residents. Thank you Robin Davenport Sent from the all new AOL app for Android From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Hearing Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:26:19 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:24 PM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Hearing Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: ROXANNE ZAMORA <lexiecans@yahoo.com> Date: August 5, 2022 at 9:28:33 PM PDT To: Info <info@rctc.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Hearing  To Whom This May Concern, I am a driver with Riverside Transit Agency, that has lived in Southwest Riverside County since 1983. I am honored to be employed in public transit, here in the community I grew up in. I have seen this once "small-town" expand to the community we are today! Not only am I a driver for Riverside Transit Agency, but also a homeowner within the growing community of Menifee and am currently raising children that are in High school & Elementary. There are a couple areas of improvement that I feel needs to be addressed: The 1st being added bus service, or offer school trippers, within the Menifee area of Scott Rd & Leon for the New High School, Liberty High School (Perris Union School District) this school has opened up last year in August of 2021. I know many parents are in need of some type of assistance with transportation to & from the school, especially with the new start times for high school students, along with the location of the school. The area is very desolate, with no safe walking paths or sidewalks, along with more building currently underway As an employee I know that we do " School Trippers" for couple of schools throughout the County. I am sending this email hoping that the idea can be considered for Liberty Highschool Another stop that I notice needs to be considered is a stop along route 19 is Webster & Ramona Expressway I have a couple of passengers every morning that work at the warehouses on Romona Expressway, they end up crossing Romona expressway to get to the Wherehouse's located in that area & traffic is very high at all times of the day I'm just thinking the safety of the passengers. maybe we can extend service across Ramona Express way on Webster?? Thank You for this opportunity of allowing me to voice my opinion as a driver. Roxanne Miller From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:25:37 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:23 PM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Ruth Brissenden <ruthbrissenden@gmail.com> Date: August 6, 2022 at 1:22:17 PM PDT To: Info <info@rctc.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comments  I live in Temescal Valley. We are sorely in need of public transportation in this area. Currently, the only RTA bus that comes through here is a commuter bus that stops at Tom's Farms only on weekday early mornings and evenings and has very limited stops. The Corona Cruiser is the next nearest bus, but the distances of 4.1 miles away for Dos Lagos (which has Saturday service only) and 5.6 miles for The Crossings makes it impractical to utilize those routes. How convenient it would be to take a bus from my home in Temescal Valley to Dos Lagos or The Crossings! With both our senior and school age populations on the rise, the convenience of a fixed bus route connecting our community to shopping centers, schools, and other businesses and transportation hubs would be of great benefit. Thank you, Ruth Brissenden Temescal Valley Resident From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit needs public comments Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:22:44 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:19 PM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Transit needs public comments Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Saad Awais <m_saad_awais@hotmail.com> Date: August 7, 2022 at 11:14:36 AM PDT To: Info <info@rctc.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit needs public comments  Hi , We need a fixed route in Temescal valley, so i can take a bus to the station easily and take my eBike with me to work m. My dad is disabled and he can also take advantage of the fix route because dial a ride can then come to us if we are under three quarters of the route. We are located on temescal canyon and mojeska summit rs. Thanks, Saad Cell: (714) 987-0458 From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comment Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:27:59 AM FYI -----Original Message----- From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Monday, August 8, 2022 7:48 AM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comment Cheryl Donahue Public Affairs Manager Riverside County Transportation Commission -----Original Message----- From: Sarah Bravo <bravostein@yahoo.com> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 4:38 PM To: Info <info@RCTC.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Transit Needs Public Comment Hello, In Temescal Valley we are desperate for alternative transportation. We need a bus route to provide that. Please consider helping the residents young and mature to get to where we need to be. Our area has a 7/100 walkability score according to Redfin. Thank you, Sarah Bravo From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Temescal Canyon Bus Route Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:24:16 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:21 PM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Temescal Canyon Bus Route Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Tanya Johnson <tpjescrow@gmail.com> Date: August 7, 2022 at 6:43:07 AM PDT To: Info <info@rctc.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Temescal Canyon Bus Route To whom it may concern. We need a more frequent bus route on Temescal Canyon road with more additional hours and stops Thank you Tanya B Johnson From:Eric DeHate To:Alexandra Rackerby Subject:FW: [EXTERNAL] Temescal Valley needs a fixed bus route! Date:Monday, August 8, 2022 8:24:07 AM FYI From: Cheryl Donahue <CDonahue@RCTC.org> Sent: Sunday, August 7, 2022 3:20 PM To: Eric DeHate <EDeHate@RCTC.org> Subject: Fwd: [EXTERNAL] Temescal Valley needs a fixed bus route! Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Tracy Davis <tracycyto@yahoo.com> Date: August 7, 2022 at 8:20:55 AM PDT To: Info <info@rctc.org> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Temescal Valley needs a fixed bus route! Reply-To: Tracy Davis <tracycyto@yahoo.com> There are over 26,000 residents in Temescal Valley. With this growth, we still remain isolated from shopping, doctors, Middle and High schools and other services. Walking is not an option when you are 4 miles or more from your errands, especially if you have to carry shopping or books home. Please give us a fixed bus route. Thank you, Tracy Davis 8826 Flintrdge Lane Temescal Valley, CA 92883 Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android