HomeMy Public PortalAbout19260416CCMeeting24 TOWN OF TYBEL,GA.,APRIL 16th 1926. The regular meeting' of Town Council was held to -day a rd was attended by the Mayor and Councilmen Horovitz - Walthour -Espy- Logan and Mr Gamble. A letter from the Citizens Trust Co regrding the notes held by them of the Town of Tybee,war3 read and referred to the Finance Committee. The matter of selling the pipe layed the Military encampment to the Tybee and a motiennwas made by 1r Horovitz pose of this material at a sum to be to allow terms of ifO. oo per month and the motion passed. in Venetian Terrace last summer for Waterworks company was discussed that t> e mayor be empcObred to dis- nqt undo ' $ 1000.00 and if necessary until paid- for,Mr Walthour seconded The resignation cf Hartr=idge, 'right and Brennan as Town attorneys was read and fib ,ae lt,ed -with re,rets,the Clerk'',wis instructed to write a letter to them informing them of the acticn of Council. Doctor Righton having remarked that he contemplating resigning also,but not having submitted a letter of kesignation,action was deferred until a lat er date. It was decided to make the official opening day ofthe season May 29th this being oii Saturday it was also decided to ask Colonel Burt and his Officers and men to participate on this day -- the matter was left to the Mayor to handle. As it was near the time to consddere the employment of an engineer for the power plant, it was decided to let the Mayor handle with Mr Gamble and I4ir Logan. There are some r, e ears that will have toinbe made to the power plant, the smmke stack will have to be replaced and some of the lines will have to extended,Nr Logan will look into this and have the necessary work done at once. The clerk was instruced to get bids on fuel oil for the season of 1926. The being no further business Council adjourned subject to the call then or Town of Tybee,Ga.April 2115t 1926. A special meeting was held to -day and was attended by Mayor Harris and Councilmen Waithour,Horovitz,Logan Espy and Mayor -b3ect Gamble. The Mayor called to the attention of Council the necessity of provid- ing some means whereby the income of the Town could be increased,the present income being entirely inadequate to take care of tae needs of the Town,and. Mr Espy made a motion that the tax rate be increased to O*T- . ,which was seconded by Mr Walthour,and passed unanamou sly . " " It was also decided toassess all lots that had been sold in Venetian Terrace on a basis of b0 % of the price paid by the purchaser - - all unsold lots of the develo-pement companies to be assessed om an acreage basis, the Clerk of Council was instructe to get all necessary date and information as to sale of all lots in Venetian Terrace. The question came up as whether a Ford runabout ticable for Police duty,than a motorcycle,but no The salary of Lieut.Hildreth was increased for to $ 125.00 per month effective May 1st 1926,Mr motion and Mr Espy seconded, and it passed. The Mayor asked Council to pass a resolution authorizing him to borrow from the Liberty Bank and Trust Company 4 900.00on the note of the Durden- Powers Cornpany,by J,F,O'Brien,owner,and endorsed by Joseph F.O'Brien,given to the Town of Tybee to cover an indebtedness. in explanation of this request the Mayor informed Council that on January 12th the Town accepted a note from Durden - Powers Co., for 978.15 to cover an indebtedhess due the Town, and had in turn given this note to the Georgia Su poly Co.,to cover =n indebtedness of the Town, the note maturing' on April 12th; Durden - Powers Co., by J.F.O'Brien tendered a renewal note for 900.00 for 90 days,which in turn was tendered the Georgia Supply Co.,who advised that they co,dddnot accept the renewal,he wogtld like to close the matter with the Georgia Supply Company and asked for the authority and on motion of Councilman Horovitz -- seconded by Councilman Walt- hour and passed unanimously, the Mayor was autviorized to borrow 4 900.00 from the Liberty Bank and Trust Co., on the note of the Durden - Powers co. ,by J.F.O'B.ri en, owner. was :.more_ prac -F action was taken. the summer season Horovitz made the Mr.Walthour mentioned that the area from Twelveth street to Four- teenth street and from Butter Avenue to Third Avenue should be ditched so as to permit surface water to drain off after rains and the present time it is impossible to get septic tanks to work properly. - -- Council decided to ask the County Engineer to look into this situation and see if it would be possible to drain this area by ditching same,Mr Horovitz said he would go and see the County Engineer. The Following Tax Ordinance was adopted for the year 1926. To provide for the Taxation of Real and Personal property in the Town of Tybeefor the fiscal year commenncing May 1st 1926 and to provide for the rate ofLiscense for doing business in raid Town of Tybee for the fiscal year ending April 30th 1927. Be it ordained by the mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Tybee in Council assembled and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the es samethat the rate of taxation upon Real and Personal property within the limits of the said Town of Tybee for the fiscal year commencing May 1st 1926,shall be 0'11, A7 -r "1 �'_LI ;.? C 72 upon the assessed or returned value of same, the value of Real Estate and improvements to be ascertained from the return of the committee on Assessment of said Mayor and Councilmen,and the valuation of Perosnal Property to be ascertained from the returns of the owners thereof in persuance of the 25 26 scheme and plan contained. in Section One - Two and Three of the Ord, inarce entitled HAN. A..3',;;LLs.aiTe OF 2" " „„ :„ 3 2 TiL,71 F tY VT,S A L„ „„, /Jr _A I,- " Ask nt- 1--'37 an VT: {27:: )22 ,11, and Sections 15 and 16 passed in Council assembled April 25th 1890 and it is further ordained that if any person or persons should refuse or neglect to pay any Tax required by this ordinance within Thirty days after same becomes due or shall fail or refuse to ,pay any double tax assessed as above provided withing Thirty days after it shall become due,the Clerk of Council and ex-officio Treasurer of said Town shall issue execution therefor,and and the further sum of One Dollar for costs , the Chief of Police and ex-officio Tax-Collector shall proceed. with such executions in the same manner as now privided by law in such cases of executions lodged with the Sheriff. And every person who shall pay his taxes within fifteen days after same shall become due shall be entitled to a deduction of Ten Per- cent on account thereoff and the Clerk of Council and ex-officio Treasurer of said Town is hereby authorized to make such deduction upon receipt of Tax,the provision of this section shall not apply to Liscenses fordoing business in said Town,the rate for such Liscentses beng N3. The Lisc,,Isnses for transacting business im the Town of Tybee for the fiscal year ending April 30th 1927,shall as follows; • 1n In the event any business or calling not specifically mentioned in the above list set forth shall be established in the Town of Tybee ea the Mayor and Councilmen reserve the rdght to establish a Liscense Fee for same by resolution,which fee is td be of equal dignity as the Liscersse specifically mentioned in the above section,provided, however that such listens a shall not be less than $ 2.50 and not more than the sum of 100.00. 27 This Ordinance shall be subject to alterations or repeal in whole or in part at any time during the year beginning May 1st 1926 should it be deeme* advisable,and no such amend rent or repeal shall be construed to impair the right of Council to assess or levy a Tax for the whole of such year whenever made. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances conflicting with the prov- isions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed, providing never the less that so much and such parts, on Ordinances passed provided for the execution for ani Tax on assessment or part of Tax or assessment required by such Ordinate and now Remaining unpaid shall continue and remain in force so as to authorize the Clerk of Council and ex- officio Treasurer to issue executions and the Chief of Polce and ex- officio Tax Collector to collect same until such taxes or assessments shall be fully paid. 28 The following oaths were subscribed to by those whose names are shown therewith; I,Thomas Gamble, do solemnly swear that I will to the best of my ability discharge the duties of mayor of the Town of Tybee, during my continuance in office,SO HELP ME GOD. Sworn to and subscribed before Oliver T.Bacon, s 3rd ay of ay 1926. No ary Public. Chatham County ,Georgia. We,J.Ferris Cann,Heyman Horovitz,William G .Logan,Carl Espy, William M.Farr do solemnly swear that we will to the best of our ability discharge the duties of Councilmen of the Town of Tybee during our continuance in oftice,SO HELD US GOD. Sworn to subscribed be •re Olitrer T.Bacon, i. s 3rd day/ i' May 1926. J' Notary Public, Chatham Cou nty, Geor€ is 77-nti,,y/u"