HomeMy Public PortalAbout07.25.77 VB Special Mtg Minutes-PLAINFIELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING Special Meeting DATE:' July 25, 1977 AT: Village Hall MEMBERS OF BOARD PRESENT: President Selfridge, Trustees, G. Ansley, G. Beahm, J. King, L. Robinson were present. Trustees J. D'Arcy and D. Rife were absent. President Selfridge opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge to the Flag.. Roll call was taken. Trustees J. D'Arcy and D. Rife were absent. President Selfridge appointed Vito 5ebastiano to another year as ex-officio member from outside the village limits to the Plan Commission. L. Robinson made a motion to approve the appointment of Vita Sebastiano as ex-officio member to the Plan Commission. Seconded by G. Beahm. Motion declared carried. G. Ansley made a motion to have partition installed between Administration area and rental space at a cast of $1,353.G~7 plus cost of re-hanging Boar to Administration area. Seconded by G. Beahm. Vote lay roll call: Ansley, 'aye; Beahm, aye; King, aye; Robinson, aye. Four ayes, no nays. Motion declared carried. G. Ansley made a motion to hold up on installation of four Mercury street lights at a cost of $450.00 each until funds are available. Seconded by L. Robinson. Motion declared carried. G. Ansley made a motion to purchase a brush for the Street Sweeper. Seconded by J. King. Vote by roll call: Ansley, aye; Beahm, aye; King, aye; Robinson, aye. Four ayes, na nays. Motion declared carried. G. Ansley made a oration to adjourn to an Executive Session to discuss personnel. Seconded by J. King. Motion declared carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. ~.. ~~ HELEN B. LEIDIG, Vi loge Clerk