HomeMy Public PortalAbout19260604CCMeeting32 conducted clean amusement,he had instructed the Chief to close any that were not up to standard. It being being necessary tohire extra policemen year, the Mayor mentioned that it was a hard mat on the force with the present salary paid them Horovitz made a motion that the extra policemen be paid a salary of $90.00 per month for the ti played this was seconded by Mr Espy and the mot Discussion was had to as the feasability of buy Mr Horovitz said that the need of M.Cycle was the Mayor said that it be necessary to get a ono the should ;et one -- the Clerk of Council was an estimate made the machine now owned by the T would cost to have it repaired. at -this period of the ter to get good men by the Town ands hired by the Town me that they are em- 1 cn passed. ir!g a new motorcycle eat er than a Ford torcycle later on instructed to have own and see what it A petition was read from some of the residents at Estill Station requesting that McKenzie street be paved, it Was referred to the Streets and Lanes committee. The Mayor called attention to Council of the note given W.C.Bryant & Co for work on the power plant,becoming due on May 15th,and asked the advice of Council regarding the reduction of it Mr Espy wade a motion thata reduction of $ 500.00 be made and a new note given the Liberty Bank & Trsut Co for the balance 350 00 this WIZ jse ended by ° Horovitz and passed. AU/y)V( fc-4t/i/ Lcs-ce i The regular meeting of Town Council was held to -day and was attended by the mayor and Councilmen Cann ,Logan,Horovitz,Walthcur,Espy and the Town Attorney Mr McIntyre,also ex -Mayor E.George Butler. The minutes of the meetings of May 3rd -and 14th were read and adopted. Regarding the comfort station to be erected for women, the i,Layor in- formed Council that Mr.J.F.O'Brien,owner of the land that the building to be used Ter this purpose is now located on and Mr J.Ferris Cann Oresident of the Tybee Beach Co.,had given their consent for the the Town to utilize it for a comfort station,and that the Town would now recondition the building and install wash basins to ilets, ect., for women,and otherwise make it attractive and useful -- the Tybee Cont- racting Co made a bid to recondition the building furnish the neces- sary materials, exoept septic tanks for the sum of 500.00,the con- tract covering this work is filed in the Town records,the Mayor asked Council to confirm it,Mir Cann made a motion that the Dyer be given authority to handle this matter with the Tybee Contracting Co,which was seconded and passed. Town of Tybee,Ga. June 4t 1926. The Mayor asked Council to extend its thanks to Mr O'Brien and the Tybee Beach Company for their generous co- operation,so Mr Horovitz made a motion that Tyr O'Brien and The Tybee Beach Co.,be sent a letter expressing the thanks of Council for their fine spirit of co- operation, it was seconded by Mr Espy aid was passed. As it is apparent that tEaffic duty is unfit what was to be done ab referred to the Police by mr Horovitz and the the present motorcycle used by the Town for for further service, the question came up as out it and on motion of lair Cann the matter was Committee with power to act, this was seconded matter passed. AS there still were some property owners whom had not installed septic tanks, the Clerk of Council was instructed to furnish these delinquents with copies of the septic tank ordinaces at once,and if the tanks were not installed in a reasonable length of time io make docket cases against them. The question furnishing electrical service to the Hotel Tybee tkammk lie DQZxb t wasbrought up and Mr Cann said that he had requested Mr Butler to come up and appear before Council and explain the under- standing that existed between the Town and the Hotel regarding teh furnishing of electric service to the Hotel; Mr.Butler said the plant was turned over to the Town at a rental of $ 1.00 per year to be operated by the Town, and that the agreement was to furnish service to the Hotel all day and night,he said that he was dieapointed when he was informed that the Hotel was not getting the service that ha b en agreed upon by the Town -- Mr Butler said that Council 4Pd¢Eit'Q9Me that the plant was taken over that the Town would have to absorb a loss over a period of a number of years in the furnishing of electric service, that in his o >inicn, if the Town ever expected to go forward it would have to put the necessary things on the island that would attract people there, and he thought that furnishing electric service continously was one of the most dmportant,he said that the Town was to $ixafurnish the Hotel with service all night.The Hotel was tp pay 6c. or per month and if this was indufficient them the matter was tobe one into between the Town and the Hotel with a view toward arriving at a satisfactory figure. - - -- The Mayor said that in view of Mr Butlers' statement the Town should live up to its contract,he tehn asked what Council thought of the matter and Tyr Logan made a motion that the service as, run now be extended to all night service to every ;consumer of electric service on the island Mr Horovitz seconded and it passed unanamoualy. 3'.3 A petition was read from Mrs Daisy B.Mclntyre protesting against some wires that were attached to *er cottage last susumer,she requested that they be removed, but mg this was work that was done by a private con- tractor A commiittee composed of Dr.W.T.Knight and it Thomas R.Jones. appeared before Council and requested the Towri to appropriate an amount to en- tertain the Emory Glee Club on its stop -over in Savannah next Tuesday June 8th, the Mayor said that he taken the matter up with Mr McNamara of "The Breakers "who had offered to furnish bathing suite,a shore lunch, soft drinks,ect., for a cast of 6o % 'per pereon,Mr Cann said if the Town had the authority he was in favor of an appropriation -- Dr Knight mentioned that Tybee would derive a lot of good from this as Savannah was the last stop of the tour that th(,se young men were making on their way to England, it was decided that Council as individuals would take care of the expense of enetertaining them at Tybee upon their arrival As it was noticeable that some of the operators at Tybee had installed various types of gambling machines, gambling games, ect.,and as these are not going to be tolerated by the Twon authorities, the Mayor has instructed the Chief. of Police to confiscate any achies that he finds in operation and if necessary to make docket cases against the eperator tr.Logan said he had instructed the Chief take up any machines or punch boards he found .ino Herat ion and pake cases against the operators. 34 As it was necessary that the Town keep in touchnc see that proper tlfee t , d saro . t6 chyle o i the protection of b .thers in' the surf, e os iron of tilpervitTor or rife Saving with a salary of .p 25.00 per month was created,Henry M.Buckley was apporint ed to this pos i t io A letter was read from the Citizens Trgst Co calling attention to the Demand Loans held by that institution,and as this matter could not be handled until a budget was prepared,Mr Cann made a motion that this be referred to the Finance Committee,with t #e request that a budget be prepared and be presented at the next regular meeting of C:ouncil,Mr Logan seconded and the ration carried. Ther being no further business Council a.dj cur, ca of the E ; -yor. 2/1 d subject td the Town of Tybee,Ga.,July 37th 1926. A s eoial meeting of Town Council ,was heed to -day and was attended mx b he Mayor, and Councilmen Logan, Farr, Horovit z, and Dr Righton, hard ey,and Mr W ?C. Goodman. I aiR otgt! ocer h gar egof hiellai a ih pr ltRI S8Edtitaidte in some places are very bad,water has been standing in pools unable to find an outlet and the ground being too saturated with water to absorb it.Dr.Rightkn said that in his opinion all of the lowlands should be filled in with sand and brought up to engineers level and then a system of drainage laid out, that as the lowness of the land has caused numerous septic tanks cease functioning. Mr. Sharpley produced a map showing the low area on the South end near the beach and gave as his opinion that to take care of the e emergency a system of ditches and sewer lines be dug and extended so that they would either empty into the ocean oir the river --- Mr Horovitz made a motion that for the installation of permanent draiange on the island that Council appropriate 1000.00 Mr.Logan seoonded sap, and the mtion parried. . a.. •••rrr _ Iowa .c.,._s.w= .P.,1+ri4; i »ie- 'rsi- = Va=D =4V11_`-.`� To help defray the expenses incendental to bringing the Retinal Southeastern Shoot to Fort Screven the Mayor asked Cou Al to appropriate $ 100.00 and om motion of Mr Horovitz by Mr Logan the motion was passed. The Town purchased from the Savh Elelotric Co a meter for $ 31.50 to be used by F,A.Harnway ,e to pay a rental of $ 10.00 per month for the use of same. A letter was read from Mr W.C.Rueseil protesting against fits his Waving to pay for repairs to his septic tank and requesting the Ton to reimburse him. The third interest installment on Paving Bonds becomes due August 1st and the Clerk was instructed to pay same.the amount it being $ 2750.00. The Clerk was instructed to reduce the notes of W.t.Bryant & Co., with the Liberty bank & Trust Co by $ 500.00 and also the note of the Dixon Contracting Co with The Citizens ansd Southern Bank by $ 500.00, as each became due Mr. Logan made this mt ion Mr Horovitz seconded and it passed.