HomeMy Public PortalAbout03.18.85 VB MinutesPLAIN~"IELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting DATE: March 18, 1985 AT: Village Ilall MEMBERS OF BOARD PRESENT: W. Sharp, D. Lambert, AS. Latta, J. Dement, J, King, G. Ansley. P4ayor Selfridge was absent. OTHERS PRESENT: Village Administrator - J. West, Village Clerk - V. Krnac, Attorney J. fiarvey, Captain Lantz, II. Countryman. In the absence of Mayor Selfridge, Village Clerk - V. Krnac opened the meeting at 7:32 p.m. with the pledge to the flag. J. King made a motion to appoint G. Ansley as Mayor Pro-tem. Seconded by D. Lambert. Vote by ro11 call. Sharp, aye; Lambert, aye; Latta, aye; Dement, aye;. King, aye; Ansley, pass. 5 ayes, 1 pass. Motion declared carried. J. King made a motion to approve the agenda as written. Seconded by M. Latta. Vote by roll call. Sharp, aye; Lambert, aye; Latta, aye; Dement, aye; King, aye; Ansley, aye. 6 ayes, no nays, Motion declared carried. M. Latta made a motion to acknowledge receipt of the Plan Commission Report on Case No. 13~+-21385AZ. Seconded by J. King. Vote by roll call. Sharp, aye; Lambert, aye; Latta, aye; Dement, aye; King, aye; Ansley, aye. 6 ayes, no nays. Motion declared carried. J. Dement excused himself from this portion of the meeting due to his interest in this case. M. Latta reported the property is located at 310 Robert Avenue; awned. by frank Parks, Jr., Margaret M. Parks, Richard A. Parks, Dorothy C. Parks, Jeffrey A. Dement and Carolyn Dement. Owners are requesting annexation of said property and said property to be rezoned B-1. Ynitial use of said property would be additional parking for the present shopping center that abuts this property. This additional parking would alleviate traffic conjestion around the shopping center. By a vote of 5-0, the Plan Commission recommends to the Village Board that they annex this property and rezone it to B-1. M, Latta made a motion to authorize the attorney to draft an ordinance to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute the annexation agreement. (Property at 310 Robert Avenue.) Seconded by W.. Sharp. Vote by roll call. Sharp, aye; Lambert, aye; Latta, aye; King, aye; Ansley, aye. 5 ayes, no nays. Motion declared carried. PLAINFIELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting March 18, 1985 Page two M. Latta questioned if the street in front of this property would be in the Village. Attorney Harvey stated Robert Avenue would remain a Township street. M. Latta made a motion to approve Ordinance No. 1080 authorizing the execution of an annexation agreement between the Village of Plainfield, Illinois, and Frank Parks, Jr., Margaret M. Parks, Richard A. Parks, Dorothy C. Parks, Jeffrey A. Dement and Carolyn Dement. Seconded by. W. Sharp. Vote by roll call. Sharp, aye; Lambert, aye; Latta, aye; King, aye; Ansley, aye. 5 ayes, no nays. Motion declared carried. J. Dement returned to the meeting. M. Latta reported Mr. .lames Chobar had requested to be on the agenda for this evening to discuss the abandoned house on Division Street (corner of Division and Chicago Street): Mr. Chobar stated he is speaking for himself, not his family: "I want to get everyone off the hook including Mr. West and Captain Lantz. In regards to the removal of the house at said location, I did procrastinate. I told them I would remove the house; I would recommend removing it and the house has not been removed. They (J. West and Captain Lantz) made every effort for me to do so; they served me with a violation and I boarded up the house. The reasons I did not remove this house before, (1) the property adjoining, the gas station, was vacant for seven (7) months with no income, the reason because of the road construction, we couldn't get in and out, there was also a slight monetary reason. (2) property at Route 59 and 126 concerning Ordinance 711, my family was forced to spend $14, X5.45 to defend this case. I thought it was wrong and the money the Village spent was wrong also, they could have bought a new squad car for the money spent. If I or my family continue on this we can prolong this for as long or longer than the Village did on rezoning the corner property. When you spend money you are spending taxpayers money. "I have a valid contract with Rury Construction from New Lenox, as soon as he shows proof of insurance, which he should tomorrow; I have a permit." Mr. West stated he took out an application for permit, it has not been returned. "As~saan as I have the insurance the building will be removed within 90 days. Do you want to pursue this any further, your win and loss record is not too good, this one you could win, I know that but it's going to cost you money and I don't want to do that, We will remove the building." PLAINFTELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRI7STEES Regular Meeting March 1$, 1985 Page three G. Ansley questioned Mr. Chobar, will he remove the house within 90 days? Mr. Chobar stated, "Yes, 90 days." Mr. Ansley stated he thinks that is fair enough and personally I see no objection with it. But on your comment as far as what it cost the Village on the other case (Route 59 and 126), there are two (2) sides to Iook at; yours from the fact that you are going to make a good buck by the rezoning. .Then you have the people who will have to put up with it (a business open 24 hours a day), this is the only reason it went to court. Mr. Chobar questioned, "Are you against people making money?" Mr. Ansley stated he was not against people making money but as a member of this Board, we are out to encourage all business as long as it doesn't effect home owners. Mr. Chobar stated, "There are other businesses around there." Mr. Ansley stated, but not 24-hour businesses like that one would be, right across the street from homes like that would have been. I would not like to have that across the street from me. Mr. Chobar stated it was on the original plan before you were in office. Mr. Chobar questioned if the other businesses are objectionable? Mr. Ansley stated they are already there.. Ms. Lambert stated, we felt we had to go to court because so many of the residents did not like what you wanted to do with the property. Ms. Lambert stated in reference to the property at the corner of Division and Chicago Street (abandoned house), if it's going to be removed, fine. I didn't want it left in the state it is in now. Attorney Harvey stated he has talked to the petitioners Attorney Nemanich, the other two (2) ordinances on the annexation and rezoning o.f 310 Robert Avenue can be approved tonight if the Board so desires. J. Dement excused himself again for the action on said property. M. Latta made a motion to adopt Ordinance No, 1081 an ordinance annexing property owned by Frank Parks, Jr., Margaret M. Parks, Richard A. Parks, Dorothy C. Parks, ~7effrey A. Dement and Carolyn Dement - 310 Robert Avenue. Seconded by W. Sharp. Vote by roll call. Sharp, aye; Lambert, aye; Latta, aye; King, aye;. Ansley, aye. 5 ayes, no nays. Motion declared carried. • M. Latta made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. IOt32 to rezone 310 Robert Avenue to B-I District. Seconded by jJ. Sharp... Vote by roll call, Sharp, aye; Lambert, aye; Latta, aye; King, aye; Ansley, aye. 5 ayes, no nays. Motion declared carried. PLAINFIELD VILLAGE SOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting March 18, 1985 Page four J. Dement returned to the meeting. M. Latta made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1083, an ordinance ratifying the transfer of personal, property, an the E.S.D.A. equipment. Seconded by J. King. Vote by ro11 call, Sharp, aye; Lambert, aye; Latta, aye; Dement, aye; King, aye; Ansley, aye. 6 ayes, no nays. Motion declared carried. M. Latta directed J. West to remove the E.S.D.A. equipment from the Unfinished Business. M. Latta made a motion to adopt Ordinance Na. 1084, an ordinance restricting the load weights on Van Dyke Road (not to exceed 24,000 pounds an Van Dyke Road from Route 30/126 to 143rd Street -signs must be posted and this is compatible with the Township). Seconded by W. Sharp. Vote by ro11 call. Sharp, aye; Lambert, aye; Latta, aye; Dement, aye;. King, aye; Ansley, aye. 6 ayes, no nays. Motion declared carried. W. Sharp directed J. West to notify the Street Department to install proper signs on Van Dyke Road. • J. King reported we have a Contract of Employment in your packet, this was a motion when we hired Steve Byland (Police Officer). If this contract is satisfactory with Officer Byland it wi11 be acted upon at the next Board meeting. J. King reported, some time ago he directed ,Captain Lanta to contact IDOT to replace the stop sign at Michigan Street and Route 126. This. sign has been gone for two (2) months. Captain Lantz has notified the state several times and to date there is no stop sign and we wi11 notify them again. W. Sharp reported the Street Department is working on alleys and potholes. G. Ansley stated we should go out for bids for the street repairs, set it up on a priority basis, it's badly needed. W. Sharp reported only one (1) Cable TV company picked up our ordinance. Attorney Harvey reported our Cable TV ordinance does include one (1) free. hook-up to each school; no free service to the schools; one (1) free educational channel hook-up located at the Village Hall; no free service. W. Sharp stated this could be a potential subject for negotiation with the companies. J. Dement reported we have received another letter from the E.P.A. concerning our Facility Plan. The state has more questions, we thought the last time when we gave the engineers our approval to complete the questions we thought that was going to be it, but they have mare questions. This .time, we were advised, to have a meeting in Springfield with E.P.A., those who will be attending are G. Ansley, J. Dement, J. West, H. Countryman and the Engineering Staff. We will meet with the state and try to get the Engineers and the state PLATNFIELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting March 18, 1985 Page five on the same frequency and maybe we will complete the Facility Plan. We hope to set up the meeting for mid-April. G. Ansley stated it seems there is a new person who has taken over part of the Grants, we hope we can get these people together and find out which way they are going. J. Dement made a motion to approve .john Donahue to attend the Association of Water Pollution Seminar in Springfield April 2l to 24, 19$5 at the Holiday Inn, total cost $425.00 (Conference $69.00, Hotel Room $176.00, Meals $100.00 to $25.00 per day, Travel Expense $80.00 - 320 miles 25~ per mile). Seconded by M. Latta. Vote by roll call. Sharp, aye; Lambert, aye; Latta, aye; Dement, aye,• King, aye; Ansley., aye. 6 ayes, no nays. Motion declared carried. J. Dement stated he suggested to H. Countryman that next year maybe another department employee might attend the seminar, the employees could attend on a rotating basis. J. Dement reported we have 11 water and sewer shut-offs this month due to no pay, we hope to get those situations solved quickly. J. Dement reported he met with Al Sather and George Madden, they have contacted a sculpturer who will make a mock-up of what they have planned for the memorial at the Village Green.. Then it will be shown far approval and we can decide what direction we are going on this. G. Ansley reported we do not have the Treasurex's Report. J. King made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by J. Dement.. Vote by roll call. Sharp, aye.; Lambert, aye; Latta, aye; King, aye; Ansley, aye. 6 ayes, no nays. Motion declared carried. 8:18 p.m. v ~ i'LLL-t Vera J. Krn Vi age Clerk L J