HomeMy Public PortalAbout04.20.87 VB MinutesPLAINFIELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES REGULAR MEETING DATE: APRIL 20, 19$7 MEMBERS OF BOARD PRESENT: MA K. W. OTHERS PRESENT: M. V. J. D. M. AT: VILLAGE .HALL YOR LATTA, J. BDOTZ, J. DEMENT, CALLANAN, D. GULLICKSEN, J. PETERSON, SHARP PUSINELLI - ADMINISTRATOR KRNAC - VILLAGE CLERK HARVEY - ATTORNEY BENNETT - POLICE CHIEF STOFKO, R. MILLER Mayor Latta opened the regular meeting at $:26 p.m. with the pledge to the flag., Roll call was taken, all members were present. J. Bootz moved to approve the New/Old Section of the Agenda with corrections - remove - (9) Indian Oaks and ($) Richard Gehrke. Seconded by J. Dement. Voice vote. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. Mayor Latta read the Consent Agenda. J. Dement moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by J. Bootz. Voice vote. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. Mayor Latta read letter of request from Plainfield Lions Club requesting permission to have Chicago Street between DesPlaines and Fox River Streets on Sunday, June 14, 19$7 to conduct their Annual Chicken Barbecue. It was the consensus of the Board to approve. The Clerk was directed to send a letter of approval. Mayor Latta read a letter from Plainfield Lioness requesting permission to conduct Plainfield Lioness Carmel Corn Day, May 1, 1987. With no objections from the Board, the Clerk was directed to send a letter of approval. K. Callanan reported Chief Bennett, Sergeant Martin, Administrator Pusinelli and Trustee Callanan had a meeting and worked out the itinerary for Plainfield Fest '87. The Fest is requesting the use of the Municipal Parking Lot on DesPlaines Street and. DesPlaines Street between Kelly's Automotive and Andreasen Travel. The Fest has contracted Wyant Amusements of Countryside to provide three (3) adult rides (ferric wheel, tilt-a-whirl, octopus) and three (3) to five (5) juvenile rides. The alley adjacent to the parking lot will be open for emergency vehicles. The Clerk PLAINFIELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APRIL 20, 19$7 PAGE TWO stated, we require a Certificate of Insurance, naming the Village, on file in the Village Office. K. Callanan stated, also, they are requesting under security -.one officer remain at Fest site until all of the vendors .have left after closing on Sunday even- ing (approximately 2 hours). Because of the limitations necessary for serving beer and wine, we request one (1) officer be stationed in the Beer and Wine Tent from $:00 p.m. to 12 midnight both Friday and Saturday evenings for crowd control and enforcement assistance. Both of these requests are being paid by Plainfield Fest '87. Mr. Dave Banton from Bethesda Lutheran Home of Watertown Wis-` consin and Mr. Al Malone from Alpha Omego of Decatur, Illinios appeared in reference to an Intermediate Care Facility - request for zoning opinion. Mr. Malone stated their intention is to construct a single story ranch style frame building. These buildings are required by the State of Illinois to look like a residential building. A Bethesda Home is a home providing services of the Lutheran Foundation to retarded individuals. At present, we are housing approximately 600 individuals at .the home in Watertown and approximately 1/6 of these people have come from Illinois. There are about 40 people who are from Plainfield/Joliet area. We would like to return some of these people back to their areas. This facility would care for 15 or less individuals. These facilities are licensed under Illinais Public Health as an Intermediate Care Facility for the develop- . mentally disabled under the I.C.F. requirements as a nursing home. All these individuals leave the home every day to go for developmental or rehabilitation services in the community. There are very nice rehabilitation centers both in Joliet and Aurora. W. Sharp questioned if this is a tax paying facility? Mr. Malone stated, no, it is a religious facility. J. Peterson questioned if they have a bus to transport the people? Mr. Malone stated they use vans to carry the people to their workshops. These people are mostly adults. Attorney Harvey stated, we do not have previsions in our ordinance for such a facility. After much much more discussion.... J. Peterson moved to include an Intermediate Care Facility for the Developmentally Disabled within the definition of a nursing home (this does not imply that anything other than an Inter- mediate Care Facility shall be included) in our zoning ordinance. Attorney Harvey stated because we do not have a definition (nursing home) now, if the Board sees fit, this could be a part of the definition. Due to a lack of a second, the motion dies. PLATNFIELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APRIL 20, 1987 PAGE THREE J. Peterson moved to table the Intermediate Care Facility to the Workshop, Monday, April 27, 1987 - 7:00 p.m. Seconded by J. Bootz. Voice vote. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. K. Callanan moved to adopt Ordinance No. 1122 Increasing License (Vehicle Sticerks) Fees. Seconded by W. Sharp. Vote by roll call. Bootz, yes; Dement, yes; Callanan, yes; Gullicksen, yes; Peterson, yes; Sharp, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. K. Callanan moved to adapt Ordinance No. 1123 Providing Reim- bursement For Expenses Incurred By The President, Board of Trustees and Village Clerk (the Village Clerk will add at the end of both Sec. 2-7-3 and Sec. 2-7-4: "without riot Board a~ro~val". This was a directive from the Board.) Seconded by W. Sharp. Vote by tall call. Bootz, yes; Dement, yes; Callanan, yes; Gullicksen, yes; Peterson, yes; Sharp, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. Steven, Fox had requested to appear in front of the Board in reference to his service station at 402 West Main Street. Mr. fox stated Union 76 has approved our station to sell their gas and they dropped off a copy of their sign (he supplied all Board members with a copy of their sign). Mayor Latta questioned the size of the sign. D. Gullicksen stated there would be 49 square feet an the circular sign; 21 square feet on another sign; 24 square feet for the Unical sign; total - 94 square feet. Mayor Latta questioned Attorney Harvey, if the original request (Public Hearing) was far 50 square feet, and Planning recommended that the Board not approve it; then it came to the Village Board and modified to 94 square feet; can the Board act on this without sending it back to the Plan Commission? Attorney Harvey stated they have rejected 50 square feet, there- fore, they should have the opportunity to review it to determine if they have any suggestions from a planning point that they could recommend. Mayor Latta stated, we do not have the footage of all the signs purposed on this property. Mayor Latta ques- tioned what size are the Goodyear signs? Mr. Fox stated, two (2) 3' x 3' signs. Mayor Latta stated that this is quite a variance from the allowable 20 square feet. This should be turned back to Planning when we see the signs you are requesting have doubled and you should try to get a smaller price sign. J. Dement stated, he would like to see this sent back to Planning in a complete package with no add ons and then they can send it back to the Berard. We don't have all the information in front of us tonight. We want to work with you, but you have to fallow our procedures as any one does. PLAINFIELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APRIL 20, 19$7 PAGE FOUR D. Gullicksen moved to send Case #155~2587V, Steven Fox Sign Variance, back to the Zoning Board of Appeals for further consideration May 5, 1987. Seconded by J. Bootz. Vote by roll call. Bootz, yes; Dement, yes; Callanan, yes; Gullicksen, yes; Peterson, yes; Sharp, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. Mayor Latta stated Steven Fox is also requesting long term temporary permit to rent Ryder Trucks from his business and store the trucks at Chobars Towing yard (143rd Street). Steven Fox stated, renting Ryder Trucks is my major income from my station. After Mr. Chobar heard the city had requested we stop rending Ryder Trucks, Mr. Chobar offered to allow us to stare the trucks at his towing unless they are coming or going to our place for rental. J. Bootz stated he has no problem with storing the trucks at Chobar's, but my problem is you will have to have them at your station far pickup and delivery. W. Sharp questioned if he came in to rent a truck, would Mr. Fox send someone out at that time to pick up the truck from Chobar's? Mr. Fox stated, if you called in advance, we would have the truck there when you arrive to pick it up. W. Sharp stated that is what he objects to. If you bring the truck in allowing it to sit there for 2 or 3 hours and then we have trucks parked on that property. This property is not zoned for trucks. D. Gullicksen stated he is trying to clean the place up. Mayor Latta questioned if B-4 is the ,zoning far truck rental, can we allow him to put up a Ryder Truck sign? J. Peterson stated, if he puts up a sign Truck Rentals, then he is renting trucks out of that location. J. Harvey stated, if he would be staring and renting trucks on that property, he couldn't do it by our ordinance. Chief Bennett stated, it would be very difficult to onforce it if those vehicles are parked there longer than you are indicating. After much much mare discussion it was the consensus of the Board that Mr. Fox should come back to the Workshop, April 27, 1987 at 7:00 p.m. J. Bootz moved to approve the Warrant List of 4/1/87 to 4/16/87 for payment. Seconded by W. Sharp, Vote by roll call, Bootz, yes; Dement, yes; Callanan, yes; Gullicksen, yes; Peterson, yes; Sharp, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 10:35 p.m. - Five minute break, 10:40 p.m. - Returned. J. Bootz acknowledged receipt of the March 31, 1987 Treasurer's Report. PLAINFTELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APRIL 2.0, 1987 PAGE FIVE J. peterson moved to hire Donna Maffeo of Lockport, Illinois as a full-time dispatcher, effective May 1, 1987 at $6.06 per hour. Seconded by J. Bootz. Vote by roll call. Baotz, yes; Dement, yes; Callahan, yes; Gullicksen, yes; Peterson, yes; Sharp, yes. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. J. Peterson stated Donna Maffeo was selected from 96 applicants. She is currently a dispatcher at Lockport Police Department. Background check and physical has been completed. J. Peterson acknowledged receipt of the resignation of Thomas Fassiotto effective April 24, 1987. J. Peterson moved the Village Board request the Police Chief and the Police Committee to two (2) patrolman candidates for two (2) positions to the Village Board from the current selection process (initially we had 105 applicants, after physical and testing, we have narrowed it down to 21). Seconded by J. Bootz. Voice vote. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. Jahn Peterson gave a valediction speech. He stated he had the interesting experience of being appointed to the Board far the past two (2) years, rather than being elected. It has been very interesting and enjoyable. There are a number of things we can point to and take a great deal of pride in. I have. enjoyed the support of the Baard and appreciate the efforts they have given me in the programs I have attempted to com- plete and get adopted. Good Luck to the new Board. Mayor Latta presented John Peterson with a plaque (1985-1987) of appreciation from the Village Board and Village Employees. Mayor Latta presented Walt Sharp with a plaque (1983-1987) of appreciation from the Village Board and Village Employees. Walt Sharp gave a valediction speech. He stated we have faced some tremendous challenges in the past four (4) years and he thinks the new Board is going to have more challenges of a different nature. I have been very happy to have seen the Village come to life in the past two (2) years, especially. Progress doesn't happen without some pain. I think what we will be facing in the next several years by this Board and the succeeding Boards is some painfull things, but I'm sure they will keep things moving with growth. Our great desire is to get same industry type things going to increase employment. As a private citizen, I would hope the Board could find a way to increase our sales tax revenue because that is where the alleviations of the expenses of the Village. It's been a pleasure working with all the employees in the Village. Thank you for allowing me to serve for the past four (4) years. PLAINFIELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APRIL 20, 19$7 PAGE SIX Vera Krnac, Village Clerk, gave the "Oath of Office" to Jeffrey Dement and Lawrence Kelly as Trustees. Due to Dennis Lewin being out of town on vacation, he will receive the oath as soon as he returns. Larry Kelly stated he is looking forward to working with the Board and the residents of the Village. We all want to get the Village moving, sales tax, base in the community, industrial development and pursue the avenues of annexation that will be vital to the Village in the future. Jeff Dement stated he has appreciated working with everyone and working with you again. He was very happy the voters that did turn out thought it was fitting that he maintains this position. I hope we can work together for the betterment of Plainfield. Mayor Latta made the appointments for the year 1987/88: Planning - Larry Kelly Ordinance & Licensing - Karen Callanan Police & Communications - Dennis Lewin Streets & Sidewalks - Jeff Dement Cable T.V. - Jeff Dement/Larry Kelly Water & Sewer - Karen Callanan/Da1e Gullicksen Building & Grounds - Jeff Dement Finance - Joseph Bootz Administration & Personnel - Joseph Bootz Development - Dale Gullicksen/Larry Kelly Plainfield Fest - Karen Callanan Senior/Meals on Wheels - Karen Callanan Police Pension - Joseph Bootz (2 yrs.) Police Committee - Dennis Lewin (2 yrs.) To complete term of J. Peterson Building Department - Dennis Lewin Downtown Redevelopment - Jeff Dement/Karen Callanan Planning Arlo Simmons, Chairman (1 yr.) Jim Sobkoviak, Vice Chairman (1 yr.) Herb Bayer (3 yrs.) Jim Anderson (3 yrs.) PLAINFIELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES APRIL 20, 1987 PAGE SEVEN Ex-Officio Robert Russ - 1~ mile territory Avon Arbo - School District Marilyn Gehrke - Township John Myers - Township Joe Bostjancic - Village Limits John Eichelberger - Fire District Electrician - Donald Schmitz Plumber - Melvin Dralle with Bob Bundy appointed as temporary Building Inspecfor - Allan Mauer J. Bootz moved to adjourn.. Seconded by K. Callanan. Voice vote. 6 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 10:57 p.m. • a _~ Vera Krnac - Village Clerk