HomeMy Public PortalAbout08.17.87 VB Minutes• PLAINFIELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting DATE: August 17, 1987 AT: Village Hall MEMBERS OF BOARD PRESENT: Mayor Latta, D. Gullicksen, L. Kelly, D. Lewin, J. Dement, K. Callanan. ALSO PRESENT: M. Pusinelli, Village Administrator C. Jania, Deputy Clerk J. Harvey, Attorney Chief Bennett R. Miller i• Mayor Latta opened the meeting with the pledge to the flag. Roll call was taken. J. Bootz was absent. Mayor Latta pointed out a typographical error in the first paragraph of the Agenda, "August 14" should be "August 17". L. Kelly moved to approve the New/Old Business Section of the Agenda. Seconded by J. Dement. Voice Vote. 5 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. Mayor Latta read the Consent Agenda. D. Gullicksen moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by L. Kelly. Voice vote. 5 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. L. Kelly moved to adjourn to Executive Session to reconvene. Seconded by J. Dement. Voice vote. 5 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. 7:35 p.m. 9:10 p.m. Mayor Latta reconvened the meeting. J. Dement moved to hire Jim McDaniels as a full-ta.me Street Department Employee as a Laborer Class 1 at $5.40 per hour having a six-month probation, and after he has passed a physical examination by our doctor. Seconded by D. Gullicksen. Vote by roll call. Gullicksen, yes; Kelly, yes; Lewin, yes; Dement, yes, Callanan, yes. 5 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. J. Dement moved to pay Louie Schwab far one week that he was off work at his standard pay rate. Seconded by K. Callanan. Vote by roll call. Gullicksen, yes; Kelly, yes; Lewin, yes; Dement, yes; Callanan, yes. 5 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. K. Callanan moved to terminate Officer Edwin S. Bennett, Sr. effective immediately, and that all his salary and benefits are paid through September 1st. Seconded by J. Dement. Vote by roll call. Gullicksen, yes; Kelly, yes; Lewin, yes; Dement, yes, Callanan, yes. 5 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. PLAINFTELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting August 17, 1987 ,Page Two K. Callanan moved to adopt Ordinance No. 1138, the Tax Levy Ordinance for 1987-$8 for the levying and collecting of taxes for the Village of Plainfield commencing on the 1st day of July, 1987. Seconded by L. Kelly, Vote by roll call. Gullicksen, yes; Kelly, yes; Lewin, yes; Dement, yes; Callanan, yes. 5 yes, O no. Motion carried. Attorney Harvey presented amendments to the Village's parking ordinance based upon discussion had several weeks ago at a workshop, M. Pusinelling summarized the changes. The last two pages of his report shows the present and proposed changes. At the tap of Page 2 it says DesPlaines Lot to be merchants only, and the Illinois Street Lot to consist of various limits of parking ranging from one hour quarterly. The Board changed this so that both of those lots would be half merchant's employees and half general public. The idea would be half of the spaces in each of those Lots would have to be utilized by people who would purchase a parking permit. The parking permit would be purchased at the Village Hall. The amounts, etc. and the process for that are alluded to in the top of Page 2 where it says "valid permit issued by the Village of Plainfield upon such terms 'and conditions as the present Board of Trustees deem proper to merchant's employees." These terms and conditions have not yet been assembled. The summary goes on to layout the present parking conditions and the proposed parking conditions. Also, there is a map attached of the proposed parking conditians. K. Callanan asked if we adopt this ordinance tonight when do we get together and decide what the terms and conditions are going to be. M. Pusinelli responded saying the next step would be that he and the Chief would get together in getting a report to the Board an what the terms and conditions would be. This would be terms and canditions on how to ga about getting a permit. D. Gullicksen asked if fines would be discussed also. M. Pusinelli stated the fines would be in regard to breaking of any violation that had to do with parking, Tf you broke a parking violation you would get a ticket, Attorney Harvey stated the general penalty that you impose now would apply. Tf it went to court, the maximum is $500 per violation. That would still be applicable. D. Gullicksen stated he would like to have some input into some of the bases that tines are passed out downtown on that main street. He feels this should be addressed in the ordinance. • PLAINFIELD VILLAGE BOARD. OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting August 17, 1987 Page Three M. Pusinelli stated that in passing this ordinance tonight it would say that the Board is in favor of the parking restrictions as outlined on the map and as summarized in the last two pages of his report. That we are ready to go with those parking restrictions. Therefore, staff wauld be directed to compile those terms and conditions as alluded to in the top of Page 2. J. Dement moved to adopt Ordinance No. 1131 which is Comprehensive Amendments to the Village's Parking Ordinance. Seconded by K. Callanan. Vate by roll call, Gullicksen, yes; Kelly, yes; Lewin, yes; Dement, yes; Callanan, yes. 5 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. Discussion followed on an ordinance preventing parking on both sides of Division Street within the Village limits. This ordinance automatically repeals the other ordinance. J. Dement moved to adopt Ordinance No. 1132 preventing parking on bath sides of Division Street within the Village of Plainfield limits. Seconded by K. Callanan. Vote by roll call. Gullicksen, yes; Kelly, yes; Lewin, yes; Dement, yes; Callanan, yes. 5 yes, 0 na. Motion carried. The Board acknowledged receipt of a report covering the recent examination of the Folice Pension Fund for Plainfield. Regarding one of the items on Mr. Robert Graham's punch list in Pheasant Chase - grading and sodding of a Swale. Sod was installed in this Swale by Mr. Graham, Tt was watered by the adjacent residents. These residents are requesting that since they watered the Swale which not only benefits them, but the subdivision also, that they be reimbursed the difference of their water bill for the same time frame last year. K. Callanan moved to reimburse the residents $24.00 and $20.40, respectively. The Board asked who do we bill the rest to. K. Callanan recommended waiving it. Mayor Latta asked are we going to waive things like this for every other contractor in town? K. Callanan feels we should do this for these people. K. Callanan again moved to reimburse the Schneiders and the Groms for $24.00 and $20.40, respectively, far their 7/1/87 reading. Seconded by J. Dement. Vote by roll call. Gullicksen, yes; Kelly, yes; Lewin, yes; Dement, yes; Callanan, yes. 5 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. D. Gullicksen moved that we bill the differences to Mr. Robert Graham and that the amounts be properly documented. Seconded by D. Lewin. Vote by roll call. Gullicksen, yes; Kelly, yes; Lewin, yes; Dement, yes; Callanan, no. 4 yes, 1 no. Motion carried. FLAINFIELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting August 17, 1987 Page Four Mayor Latta read a letter from IDOT regarding our Route 30 project where it states they intend to proceed with obtaining design approval for this improvement. However, they will inform their Bureaus of Design and Land Acquisition not to proceed with the design and land acquisition phases of the project until the Village comprehensive plan and the downtown development program has been completed. If, after these programs are completed, the scope of work for this project is changed the necessary revision in the project report will be made. Regarding the Illinois Rt. 59 project under the EJ&E Railroad, this project is not programmed as no funds are available at this time. When funds become available in the future the 59 project will be considered. They also need a written commitment from the Village to provide sidewalks up to the DuPage River in order for the state to provide sidewalks on the bridge. There was a long discussion regarding the sidewalks. The Board feels they need more specifics and cost of project. M. Pusinelli is in the process of getting more specifics regarding this. D. Gullicksen moved to pay the invoices for the period 8/1/87 to 8/14/87. Seconded by J. Dement. Vote by roll call. Gullicksen, yes;. Kelly, yes; Lewin, yes; Dement, yes; Callahan, yes. 5 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. J. Dement reported that he did talk with Larry Robinson with the Historical Society, and they are working on getting three bids for completely reroofing the Old Village Hall. L. Kelly reported on a letter from Strategic Business Services regarding the interviews for Planner that will be conducted this week. D. Lewin read a letter of commendation from the Plainfield Police Department presented to Corporal Steve Byland for commendary performance of duty for his handling of an abduction at the Go-Mart Station on July 9, 1987 at 0244 hours. D. Lewin moved to hire Susan French as a full-time Police Telecommunicator effective Monday, August 17, 1987 at the rate of $6.06 per hour. Seconded by K. Callahan. Vote by roll call. Gullicksen, yes; Kelly, yes; Lewin, yes; Dement, yes; Callahan, yes. 5 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. D. Lewin acknowledged recipt of the Police Operations report for July, 1987. Chief Bennett presented a proposal for purchasing of a computer/ software program from Be Sure Systems, Inc. of Oglesby, Illinois. Since they are just starting to market this system, they have offered us a complete system (computex and software) at a greatly reduced price. A three-year lease purchase program was discussed also. Staff has given this proposal careful consideration and feels it is a needed expenditure of funds, and would recommend approval of this project. PLAINFIELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Regular Meeting August 17, 1987 Page Five After discussion the Board felt that the contract is not written in a way that it is understandable, and asked that it be rewritten. M. Pusinelli reported on the Public Works Base Radio. The radio was struck by lightening on July 25th. Have submitted the claim to SWARM. We have to replace the radio. The estimated cost is $4,500. Hopefully, SWARM would pay $3,500. ($4,500.00 minus $1,000 deductible equals $3,500). J. Dement moved to allow the Administrator to purchase a new Public Works Base Radio Station to replace the radio damaged by lightening. Seconded by D, Gullicksen. Vote by roll call. Gullicksen, yes; Kelly, yes; Lewin, yes; Dement, yes; Callanan, yes. 5 yes, 0 no. Motion carried. M. Pusinelli reported on a letter from the EPA regarding Municipal Compliance Plan for wastewater treatment facility improvements. In the letter they are requesting that within ten days that the Village verify and update the information on the attached form. M. Pusinelli advised the Board that a letter will go out under the Mayor's signature stating the amount of money involved is not $350,000 but it's $370,000 of Build Illinois Funds, and secondly the EPA said they will be notifying us in writing that our deadline has been changed from July 1, 1988 to September 1, 19$8 with regard to our completion date of the Municipal Compliance Plan. L. Kelly moved to continue this meeting be continued to August 19, 1987 at 6:15 p.m., August 20, 19$7 at 6:15 p.m. not to reconvene for the purpose of interviewing Planners. Seconded by J. Dement. Voice vote. 5 yes, 0 no. Motion carried, 10:00 p.m. Catherine Jania Deputy Clerk C,