HomeMy Public PortalAbout19261105CCMeetingin ro I1 Town of Tybee,Ga.,Nov.5th 1926. 11 The regular meeting of Town Council washeld to -day and was attended by el The i xyor,and Councilmen Horovitz,Waithour,Logan and Espy also by Colonel Burt of Fort Screven and Mr. W.C.Goodman. Colonel Burt said that the authorities at, Washington were reques'ing information regarding the post,one of which was the misquito nuisance, Col.Burt said that soldiers will come to Screven to get military train - ing in line with an outing and after coming in contact with the mis- quitos,have no desire to come back again,he wanted to know what was being done to abate this bad cdndition,as it was necessary that be in tursi report to Washington -- the Mayor informed Colonel Burt a system_o ` : drainage had aliready been started on the South End of the island and that this work would be continued right on through to the North End until it was finished,which he expexted would be about March,when the drainage work was finished the island would be underbrushed where necessary,and that in his opinion it would reduce the misquitosituation to a minimum. 37 Colonel Burt that the other thing hehad in mind was the whiskey evil his men could get all of the whiskey they wanted right adjacent to the reservation,but as he had no jurisdiction oft of the post he .could do nothing,he said he hoped that it could be stopped before the next camp The Mayor informed the Colonel that the Police Dep +t has searched several places for liquor but had failed to find any,Mr Espy asked if the Colonel could give any information that would assist in apprehending those vio- lating the law, Col,'3urt said one of his men could go across the track and in 10 minutes could get a quart of whiskey - -Mr Waithour suggested having the prohibition agents go to the island and Mr Horovitz requetted 0 that the matter be turned over to the Police committee,which was done. and Colonel Burt was excused. A resolution was had from Colonel Grayson relative to the retention of Fort Screven as a Citizens Military Training Camp -- Cdr Horovita said that it was his idea that if this resolution was for the abolishing of Fort Screven it well not to adopt it. ,ii.J.Moore made an offer of $ 100.00 for the building used by the military offer refused. Mr Goodman said that it would be necessary that the Town get some mule s to carry on the work started on the island -- Mr Walthour offered to let the Town have some for 150.00 each and wait for payment until the Town got in funds -- Mr Horovitz made a motion that the Town buja 4 mules at $ 150.00 each form Mr Waithour, susbj ect to approval, this was seconded by Mr Logan and the motion passed. Several bills covering purchases made by the Twwn were passed for payment.Mr Waithour made a motion that the Mayor be given authority to pay all bills as fast as the funds were available seconded by Mr Logan and passed. 0 Second avenue has been opened from First street to the reservation and is bei r paved now. The note of W..C.Bryant & Co was renewed for 90 days. 38 The salary of Lieut A.L.7ildreth Which was reduced to $ 100.00 eZfective October lst from $125.00 was returned to 125.00 om nation of Mr Walt%our that the salary of Lt Hildreth be $ 125.00 per month,retroactive to October 1st seconded by Mr Horovitz and passed. 'AT Horovita made a motion that Henry M.Bucley,Clerk of Council be appointed Clerk of Police Court at a salary of 25.00 per month effec- tive October 1st seconded by Mr Espy and passed. A bill from the the Tybee Waterworks for water furnished the military camp last summer was presented and the Mayor informed Council that Mr S.N.Harris agreed to pay for the water used,the bill amounted to $ and. Mr Espy made a :notion that it be paid ,this was seconded by Mr Horovitz and passed.for payment. The Mayor said that on the question of electric„ service for the island he had been in com dnication with Mr. H.C.Foss of the Savh Elec.Co., relative to their extending their lines to Tybee, and was informed by Mr Foss that the cost would be toe great he estimated that it would cost around $ 75.000.00 to extend the lines -» `° :,_•oy quoted 'A .P.Solomon jr that if the Town would give him the franchise he would furnish ample sup?ly of cur tent Mr Cann said that _ir Solomon could operate plant --- Mr Waithour suggested getting a prop sal from r Solomon on furnishing electric service on island -- the Mayor said he would get a report on present plant from the Savannah Electric Co. A petition was readfrom E.J.Oliver for refund on amounts paid by, him to have his septic tank function properly,petition refused. The lease on the Sava nah office was renewed for one year at 3 20.00 per month, The petition of Mrs Martha Scheider to erect a filling station on Byers street was refused. There being no further business Council adj ned subject to the call of the 1Layor. Town of Tybee,Ga. ,Dece:mber 3rd 1926. The regular meeting of Towh Council was held to -day and was a ownded by the Mayor and Councilmen Cann,tialthcur,Horovitz andTwwn Attorney Mclntyre,also Mr.J.F.O'Brien and iir.John Kennedy. £r.O'Brien spoke and said that his reason for appearing W Ell was to arrive at some definite understanding relative to the price to be to be greed u >on, the number of yards of sand pumped,and also when his company could expect payment for w Tk completed on the streets in Venetian Terrace during the year 1922, - -- The minutes of June 6th 1)22 rel=ative to this work were read, - -- Nr Cann said the Globe Dredging Co was to fill in entire area,was understood at time no price was fixed but ,ok was to be done at cost,Town agreed to proposal as to streets but did root have funds available,so the payment fa• same was tube arranged by the Tybee Beach Co.--- Mr O'Brien was excused. • •