HomeMy Public PortalAbout09 - September 27,2023 SBHCITY OF OPA-LOCKA "The City of Bright Opportunities" CLERK'S ACTION SUMMARY MINUTES SECOND BUDGET HEARING Wednesday, September 27, 2023 6:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:22 pm on Wednesday, September 27, 2023, at the City of Opa-locka Municipal Complex, 780 Fisherman Street, Opa-locka, Florida. 2. ROLL CALL: The following members of the City Commission were present: Commissioner Sherelean Bass; Vice Mayor Natasha L. Ervin (arrived late); Commissioner Joseph L. Kelley, Commissioner Veronica Williams; and Mayor John H. Taylor, Jr. Also in attendance were: Interim City Manager Darvin Williams, City Attorney Burnadette Norris -Weeks, and City Clerk Joanna Flores. 3. INVOCATION: The invocation was delivered by Mayor Taylor. 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The pledge of allegiance was recited in unison. 5. SECOND READING ORDINANCES / PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OPA LOCKA, FLORIDA, ADOPTING A FINAL MILLAGE RATE PURSUANT TO SECTION 200.065, FLORIDA STATUTES, FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024, COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2023 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2024; SETTING FORTH PUBLIC HEARING DATES; PROVIDING FOR ADOPTION OF REPRESENTATIONS; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ALL PRIOR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE (first reading / public hearing held on September 13, 2023). Sponsored by Interim City Manager Second Budget Hearing Minutes — September 27, 2023 1 The above Ordinance was read by City Attorney Burnadette Norris -Weeks. Mayor Taylor asked Interim City Manager Williams to introduce the item. It was moved by Commissioner Williams, seconded by Commissioner Bass, to discuss Agenda Item 5-1. Interim City Manager Williams stated there is no increase in the millage rate and Budget Administrator Bob Anathan is available for questions. Mayor Taylor opened the Public Hearing. Vice Mayor Ervin arrived at 6:25 PM. Christina Banks, 2470 NW 140th Street, said they issued flyers to every household because they heard that taxes were going to be raised. She said there is a lot going on in the community and the City Commission should not consider raising taxes. She asked them to consider their future children and elderly community members. She said they need to check themselves and try to do the right thing for their community. Audrey Dominguez, 1147 Jann Avenue, said Opa-locka has the second highest County millage rate. She said the September 13 City Commission agenda was full and the first reading of this item was added at the end by the Interim City Manager. She said no one spoke from the public. She read Section 200.065 from the Florida Statute. She explained the first and second budget hearings should have been help separate and not included with any other agenda items. Ms. Dominguez suggested the Interim City Manager did not follow the statute. Mayor Taylor closed the Public Hearing. Budget Administrator Bob Anathan read the required introduction. He said the rollback rate is 8.5476 mills and the proposed tentative millage is 9.3500 mills, which is a 9.39% increase of the rollback rate. He summarized how the additional property tax revenue will be used. Commissioner Kelley asked about the slight tax increase. Interim City Manager Williams confirmed it is the 9.39% increase. He explained the relationship between the millage rate and the rollback rate. He noted a tax increase is actually an increase in property values. Commissioner Kelley noted that additional costs increase as well, including home insurance. He acknowledged the citizen's concerns. Second Budget Hearing Minutes — September 27, 2023 2 Interim City Manager Williams said the City is in a better shape financially than it has been in two decades. He further explained there is plan, to continue to offer recommendations to lower the millage rate. He described the annexation plan they are currently working on. Commissioner Kelley said the residents need to feed families and pay bills now. He said there are immediate concerns now that need to be addressed. He asked the residents to hold them accountable. Commissioner Williams said she received more calls this week than normal. She noted the City Commission are also residents. She noted an increase is an increase. She asked Mr. Anathan about his use of the word "requirement." Mr. Anathan clarified the contents is not the requirement, rather, the information he read at the beginning. Commissioner Williams asked about the timeline for using additional tax revenue. Interim City Manager Williams said they are directed by the City Commission. He noted that residents will see the action being taken place with additional property tax revenue, including addressing flooding, updating buildings, beautification services, and transportation services. Commissioner Williams noted everyone is affected by increases. She asked if the projects would continue if property taxes do not increase. Interim City Manager Williams said they would adjust projects as needed with less funding. He stated they are always looking for ways to save residents money. Commissioner Williams recommended they actively work on a decrease for next year. Interim City Manager Williams said they are prepared to take steps to lower the millage rate. He reminded residents they have rental and mortgage assistance programs. Vice Mayor Ervin asked what will happen to the projects if they do not pass the budget tonight. Interim City Manager Williams responded that some would happen. Vice Mayor Ervin asked how they will prioritize the budget if they not pass it. Commissioner Kelley referenced the last page about State review. He said any change would require a resubmission that could take up to several weeks. Commissioner Kelley said the residents deserve to see some community improvements with their tax dollars. Commissioner Bass reiterated the majority of the City Commission are also homeowners. They are trying to serve all families. She said she considers residents in all her decisions. Second Budget Hearing Minutes — September 27, 2023 3 There being no additional discussion, the motion to approve the ordinance passed by a 4-1 vote. Vice Mayor Ervin Yes Commissioner Kelley Yes Commissioner Williams Yes Commissioner Bass Yes Mayor Taylor No 2. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OPA-LOCKA, FLORIDA, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CITY'S GENERAL, PROPRIETARY AND SPECIAL FUNDS BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024, COMMENCING OCTOBER 1, 2023 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2024; PROVIDING FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS ESTABLISHED BY THE BUDGET; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO TAKE CERTAIN ACTIONS; PROVIDING FOR APPROPRIATION OF ALL BUDGET EXPENDITURES; PROVIDING FOR FEES CONSISTENT WITH APPROPRIATION AND AMENDMENT; PROVIDING FOR ADOPTION OF REPRESENTATIONS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT AND REPEALER; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE (first reading / public hearing held on September 13, 2023). Sponsored by Interim City Manager The above ordinance was read by City Attorney Burnadette Norris -Weeks. It was moved by Vice Mayor Ervin, seconded by Commissioner Bass, to discuss Agenda Item 5-2. Mayor Taylor asked Interim City Manager Williams to introduce the item. Interim City Manager Williams stated this is the second reading for the General Fund and Budget Administrator Bob Anathan is available for questions. Mayor Taylor opened the Public Hearing. Andrea Mobley, 2511 NW 11th Street, asked when the citizens can see the budget. She said she has yet to see the budget. Mayor Taylor closed the Public Hearing. Interim City Manager Williams noted this is the fourth time they have reviewed the budget, and it has been available online. He explained the budget process. He said Second Budget Hearing Minutes — September 27, 2023 4 his office would take Ms. Mobley's contact information and advise her on future budget workshops. Mr. Anathan summarized the changes in the budget from the one submitted to the State in July, including the line items the State did not approve. He said the total difference for the items not approved is $38,000. He noted the State would also like to see improvements in the control of City litigation and will be addressed separately. He said the recommendation is to adopt the State -approved budget and address concerns in Budget Amendment 1. Commissioner Kelley stated he requested several explanations during his briefing and did not receive information. He summarized his concerns and said he expects answers. He also raised concerns within the budget about a PR Coordinator for the City Manager's Office. He noted Mr. Anathan and the Interim City Manager Williams did not attend the briefing. He is still interested in receiving the answers to his questions. Interim City Manager Williams said they always endeavor to provide information to the City Commission as quickly as possible. He noted Commissioner Kelley's briefing was held yesterday and his staff were not able to provide answers in the short turnaround. Commissioner Kelley stated his questions were not earth -shattering, but he did not hear any commentary about his concerns during Mr. Anathan's presentation. He said he needs to vote on the budget tonight without those answers. Commissioner Williams said they have discussed the budget a number of times and she continues to see the statement from the State about lack of details. She noted everything that was reduced was Commission -related. She suggested lack of details looks a little strange under simple, small items that the City Commission requested. She asked why they have lack of details. Interim City Manager Williams clarified the State reduced items in his budget as well. He said they worked with the City Clerk's Office to submit additional details to the State. Commissioner Williams requested a copy of the list of details sent to the State. Commissioner Williams said the PR firm does not work for the City Commission. She asked if the PR Coordinator will work for the City Manager or the City Commission. Interim City Manager Williams asked Mr. Anathan to provide him a copy of all correspondence with the State regarding specificity of details. He clarified the City Commission previously had the PR Coordinator position, which was eliminated due to budget constraints and is now being brought back. He said it was always a City position hired to serve and support the City Commission. Second Budget Hearing Minutes — September 27, 2023 5 There being no additional discussion, the motion to approve the ordinance passed by a 3-2 vote. Commissioner Kelley No Commissioner Williams No Commissioner Bass Yes Vice Mayor Ervin Yes Mayor Taylor Yes 6. ADJOURNMENT: It was moved by Commissioner Bass, seconded by Vice Mayor Ervin, to adjourn the meeting. There being no further business to come before the City Commission, meeting was adjourned at 7:11 p.m. A ATEST: Joa na Flores, CMC City Clerk John H. T Mayor or, Jr. Second Budget Hearing Minutes — September 27, 2023 6