HomeMy Public PortalAbout19261229SCMeeting" Townnof Tybee,Ga. , December 4th 1925. The regular meeting of Council was held to -day at 4 :00 P.M.and was attended by the Mayor and Councilmen Espy- Horovitz- Walthour and Farr. The Mayor siad that he had receiv -d a letter from firs Louise 0. Opper relative to the bad condition of her septic tank and that he would have :Perry ":olomon repaid same. As some of the pro pety owners were delinquent impaying up,their taxes,that a ,renew past due,the Clerk of Council was instructed to notify those delinquent to pay up at once. The Mayor reported th -the had 4one to the island on December 3rd and four ! one of the stacks at the Power Plant had blown down, als o that the wash at Lovell Station had made inroads into the beach to such anextent that the cottage of ors R.L.Co �%per would have to be moved at once - -- at the South End the beach on the Inlet River in the vicinity of the colony had washed about 10 feet,and that he had instructed Mr.Goodman to put some brush at this point just as soon as he got throuh with other work he was doing. Mr. Goodman asked for 15 rolls roofing paper to repaisi the roofs of some of the buildings at the convict camp - -- the matter was re4' ferred to mr Horovitz for handling. The reported having had a letter from Ur.Smith of the Citizens Trust Co relative to the demand loan of the Town and that he would write ivir Smith a letter regarding s D.me. The election of Mr. J.P,Houlihan a -:1 a Commissioner of Chatham County vas noted by Council and the Clerk was instructed to convey to him its well wished. The Mayor called attention to the arrival at Port Screven of the new Colr_:,.anding Officer,Colonel '1eynolds J.Burt and suggested that, as individuals, Counc it tender Xtm a dinner at Bannon Lodge to him- self and his officers,w There being no further bus Ines c Council adjourned subject to the call of the ayor.. Town of T bee4Ga.,December 29th 1926. Aspecial meeting was held tp -day at 4; 0f` p.m. and wad attended by the Mayor and Councilmen Lspy,Horcvitz,Logan,walthour and Mr Brennan,the special meeting being held for the purpose of hearing, the appeal of 'vvillian Harris from the findings of the Mayor to the Council of the Mayor and 'ouncilrnen, it w,s also decided that a.s the January meeting " allmost due that it be incorporated in this metting. The Mayor informed Council that he received a letter from the Citi- zens Trust Co regarding the loans that they had made the Town, they requesting n,w resolutions, en motion of Ur Espy ,seconded by 1r Horo- vitz and which was passed the Mayor was given authorit/ to handle this matter that it would be satis factory t the bank. 17 18 The offer made by ,a .F.Solomons for the salvaging of the A?ational guard cap was refused it was decided to tear the buildings down and store the materials and dispose of it as demand was made fo r it. The Mayor sent a telegram to Senator =eorte thanking him in behalf of the Town for his efforts in halving Fort Screven retained as a military post, and sc informed Council of his actions. At .,ent ion was called to the fact thkt the semi-annual interest due on p .ving bonds would be due on February 1st 1926,which wi 11 be taken care of at that time. Council then went into session to take up the app -al of Harris. Thdse present being Councilmen Lspy ,Horovitz,Lcgan,tialthour,Mr Brennan, Chief Lysau ht,Lieut.Hildreth, Milton Cliett,Iar i orrisey, and william Harri The mayor having; been excused. Cculc ilrnan Loan was elected to sit on the bench and Council proceeded with the case. Mr Brennan called the Chief to testify regarding the arrest of Harris -- he t:slified to his giding along Third aveshtle on the night of Dec.11 1925 about 8 :3r p.m. and zra,s attracted by a machine coming toward him without any lights,as the machine drew closer the driver turned on his lights and then only one li.ht wa.o burnin:4,he got out of his car and co anded the 'river of the other car to halt, instead of halting the car was deserted by the o-_cupants who jumped out and ran away efforts were :made tc a,pirehend the but in the darkness ;,, ej escaper_`. -- .- r 3rennan °a,skkd if he had seen -arris on the Island before and the Chief said he had seen hi u in Smiths store that very afternoon about 5:35 p " r Iior rdscy Laid that 'his client denied being on Tybee. Lieut. Ilildreth was called and he testifed that on the ni?ght•of December llth 1 25 about 8 :3r p.m.while in the vicinity of Tvvelvths,st and Third avverue, ri-;king one of his rounds Lh•at. '10 1,4s at r.r,Ixt.ed by a machine corning out e.f Twelveth st without any lights burning as the machine got closer the driver three on his lig is and only one light was ,urnin :,he 1 anedi- ately got cut of is car and he and the Chief commanded the driver of the carto stop but instead of stopping they tried to get away and did jump from their car to rdn -Iway leaving their car where it had s topped,the lieu t said that he had s-en Harris in Smiths store that afte ynocn around 5:30 p.m. The Court room wascleardi and Council went into session. VD rt ..`r Logan asked for t1e pleasure of Council and Mr `ialthour made motion to 1K proceeded with the c :se - -- so it was ecided to hear the case. ~ All witnes ^es were called back into the rocm.and the--,case N proceeded. Harris was called and he said that he had loaned his car to another _party ' by the name of San,said he was asked !'a fishing but was sick and could or not ge,on Friday nig t he left on Thunderbolt car from East Broad and 'winnett sts at 8 :1r p. n.to go to choir practice at Thunderbolt. Logan asked im what t me he was on Tybee,Harris said he was not on Tybee. Label Lewis was called, en December llth 1925 s'^e wa.s living at 1 Bast �� h 52� Jwinnctt st she saw .illiarn "arris from 3:30 to B :r(' p.m.on that day he . went to chair practice on that day about 8:r0 p.m.- - - Mr i crrisey asked r er when was Har-is arresj:ed,she said on Dec.l2th,she saw Harris on night of December llth went to church with him on night of llth to Thunderbolt at B :Cn P.I.he was in her sight all of the time,Frid y aft - ernoon sloe saw im from '':(1° P to time of going to churcU -- - - Mr Brenxsan asked Chief when wa6 tiarris`arrested,the Chief said he had . gene to Police ?arra.cks an'd identified him on Saturday a t u rda Y fo lloaing the stopping of the car on Tybee said he recognized hire as soon =ts he saw him as the ran he had seen in Smiths store on the day pre -rious- - - %:r Igiorrisey asked if it was not so that Arthur Thomas was the person whom held told the Chief to look out for this man. i4ayor Harris testified that he had one with the Chief to the Pclice Barracks and aftea having had eix or eight ,risoners linedup,asked the chief to identify the man he had seen on Tybee and that the Chief picked Harris out, the first one.- - - I, : :r 3rert ti.n in suarning up the case said the testimony shows that Harris was on the island, that he has brought up no disin.rerested parties to to testify in his behalf and that Council could increase or decrease the fine as they saw fit,- - - Mr Lorrisey Oaid in conclusion that no case had been :jade against the efendent. The Room was cleared a-d ;_ouncil went into session - - - Tyr Walthour made a motion to fine him 25.rr or 3l' days in jail,which was seconded by Mr Espy and the mot on carried unanamously. There being no furt'ier business ^cuncil adjourned subject to the call of the ayor. Town of 'rybee,Ga. February 9th 1926. The -re ular neeting of Town Council was held to-day at 4:00 p.m. and was attended tended by the Mayor and Councilmen Lspy, Cann, Horevi tz and Mr .Brennan. A petition was read from ;.H.Sea,y for reimbursement to him for the loss of pistol loaned by him to Officer Whalley last surer sualmer and which was never returned, the Mayors opin ian was that the Town shau1': not be liable for the act- of this offices as he had acted. withaut authority and on metier. of Mr Espy -- seconded by Mr Horovitz,that Mr Seay be notififd that the Town could not not assume tae liability for the loss of this istol,the Clerk was instructed to write a letter to dir. Seay to this ffect, - -- the motion passed. A bill from the J.C.Lewis :actor Co amountir to $ 3'.3r fc r' epairs to a 7 ord cupe the property of ..ar J.E.Register, jr was presented- -this damage resulting from Mr ; ;egister assisting in arresting yergusor 'Wilson is t summer-- o_n motion of Mt Espy that the bill be paid and seconded by Mr Horovitz it was passed.