HomeMy Public PortalAbout19270422SCMeeting52 A special meeting was held to-day at 4 p.m. by Town Council and was attendtd.by the Mayor ,and Councilmen Logan,Espy,Horovitz,and TOwn Attorney McIntyre. As it was necessary that an ordinance be drawn providing for the appointoeut of an electric inspector for the Town,defining the powers of the inspector,and providing regulations covering the construction,alteration,equipment,repairing and maintenance of the electric wiring and equipment in and about the houses and buildings constructed or to be constructed within the limits of the Town-- Mr Loan made a motion that an ordinance covering these regulations be drawn,thisnwas seconded by Mr Horovitz and passed unanamously Town of Tybee,Ga, April 22 1927. 1--* AN ORDINANCE An Ordinance to provide for the appointment of an elextric inspector for the Town of Tybee,defining the powers of the inspector, and providing regu ations covering the construction,altersgtion, equtpment,repairing and maintenance of the electric wiring and eqdtp- ment in and baout the houses and buildings constructed and to be con- structed within the limits of the Town cfTybee and for other purposes. Section One - Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Tybee, that an electric inspector for the Town of Ty- bee shall be appointed by the Mayor efdthe Town of Tybee and upon the recommendation of the Electrical Equipment Committee of Council of the Town of Tybee,and shall hold office at the pleasure of the ElebrIcal Equipment Committee and the Mayor of said Town of Tybee. Section Tye - The elctric inspector shall be under the direction of the Mayor and the Electrical Eqipment Committee of Council and the orders of said electric inspector shall at all times be sub ject to revision and approval of the Mayor and said Committee. Section Three -The electric inspector so appointed is hereby authorized,empowered and directed to regulate and determine the string ing of eletric wires,the placing of electric lights and power wires in and on all buidoitngs in said Town of Tybee whether now constructed or to be constructed,sd as to prevent fire or injury to persons or property and to cause all of the electrical appliances to be so placed, contructed and guarded as not to cause fire or accidents or endanger life or property and whenever in the judgment of the.said electric inspector any electric wire or apparatus shall be defective by reason of improper or insufficient insulation It from any other cause,said elevtric inspector shall at once furnish the owndr of the defective equipment or the occupant ox said baulding with written notice spec4- fying the defect and instru ting said owner or the occupant of said buildingto remedy the same within ten days from the receipt of said notice,provided,however,that the said electrice inspector or person delegatedby him may at his own discretion order the immediate removal of any defect,which in his opinion is of such a dangerous nature as to , III demand immediate action. 110 Section Four - If dissatisfied4ith the ruling of said inspector any person,firm or corporation shall within five days after said ruling,have the right to appeal to the Mayor and Electrical Equipment Committee of Council against said ruling. Section Five Said inspector or ther persons delegated by him shall have the right at any add all times to enter any 54 and! Otdinance to provide for the _assessment of taxable property in the Town of Tyb ee, and the mode and manr..er of valueing such pro pvty for taxation and to carry into effect the provisions of the act of the general Assembly of the State of Georgia approved August 19th 1922, Section 21,passed in Coumcil assembled October 13th 1922,and it is further ordained that if any person or persons should refuse or neglect to pay any tax required by t i is oridinance within THIRTY DAYS after same shall become due,or shall fail or refuse to pay any DOUBLE TAX assessed as above provided within THIRTY DAYS after same shall become due,theelerk of Council and Ex- officio Treasurer ot said T Town shall issue execution therefdr,and the further sum of ONE DOLLAR for costs,the Chief of Police and Ex- officio Tax Collector shall proceed with such execution in the same manner as now provided by law in such cases of executions lodged with the Sheriff. Section 2 - And every person who shall pay his taxes within FIFTEEN DAYS after same hhallbecome due shall be entitled to a deduction of TEN PER CENT on account thereof,and the Clerk of Council and Ex- officio Treasurer of said Town id hereby authorized to make such deduction upon receipt of tex,the provision of this section shall not apply to LISCENSES for doing business in said Town,the rate for such liscense being net. Section 3 - The liscense for transmitting business in the Town or Tybee for the fiscal year ending April 30th 1928, shall be as follows; LISCENSES FOR TRANSACTING BUSINESS IN THE TOWN OF TY73EE FOR THE YEAR 1927. ALL LISCENSES ARE NET D2SCOUNTS DO NOT APPLY. Every Every Every Every keeper or keepers of a hotel or boarding house that contains 10 rooms or less keeper or keepers of ahotel or boarding house that contains over 10 rooms up to 25 rooms keeper or keepers of a hotel or boarding house that captains 25 rooms and up to 50 rooms keeper or keepers of a hotel or boarding house that contains over 50 rooms and upward Every owner or lessee of billiard or pool table other than those used in private dwellings,each table Every owner or keeper livery keeper or owner Every keeper or owner Every keeper of owner Every keeper or owner Every keeper or owner Each and ek ery Each and every Each and every Each and eatery Each and tessgy Each and every Each and every Each and every Each and every Each and every Each and every Every owner or 10.00 25.00 50.00 100.00 5.00 of a rifle range,gun or ball gsme, each game 25.00 of a show or place of amusementaeach 10.00 of a motion picture show 25.00 of a bowling alley, each alley 10.00 of a photograph gallery 10.00 of a skating rink 50.00 fortune teller or palmist owner of a souvenir stand owner of a pinwell or prize table, each owner or keeper of a grocery or provision store owner or keeper of a lunch, candy or ice creameand owner or keeper of a bakery,bread or cake shop owner of a waterworks owner of an ice is Zu company owner of a lighting company owner or keeper of a telephone or telegraph co. owner or keeper of a public bath house, each room keeper of vehicles for hauling for hire,1 horse wagon Every owner or keeper of a ,vehicle for hire (aubCmobile jitney) fare not over loo each way form Ft.Screven to Inlet Every owner or keeper of flying horses,ehibition or itenerent shows, ea Every owner or keeper of a place selling soft drinks Every owner or keeper of a milk dairy Every owner or keeper of a restaurant oreating house' Every person or corporation operateing a restaurant i.n connection with a pavilion Every pavilion or hall used for dancing and charging a fee to patrons for using same Every owner or keeper of a tailor shop Every drygoods- merchank,peddier or dealer in seconf hand cloting Every junk dealer Passenger vehicles for hire where passengers are solicited from Tybee, each k ch 100.00 25.00 25.00 40.00 10.00 10.00 100.00 50.00 25. 00 2j.t00 e5 5..' 20.00 25.00 50.00 10.00 25.00 50.0 o 50.00 10.00 25.00 25.00. 25.00 Tank vehicles :selling and delivering gasoline, oils eet. eacevehicle 25.00 Vehicles selling and delivering bottles soft drinks,ect 25.00 Vehicles selling and delivering bread 15.00 Vesicles selling and delivering ice.cream,ect 25.00 Every dealer selling and delivering vegetables.from vehicles 5.00 Automobile garages or parking places for hire, 10.00 Automobile supply houses 10.00 Gasoline dealers, each pump 10.00 Laundries soliciting and delivering by truck 10.00 Each and every owner or keeper of a store selling milk in oonnArPtion therewith 10.00 Vehicles selling 4WRedelivering any commodities by auto truck not specified above, truck capacity not over ;1 ton 15.00 Each and every owner or keeper of a recreational game,known ae THE BLUES or similar name 75.00 Each and every owner or keeper of a recreational game known as JAPANESE BALL GAIL or similar name 75.00 Section 4 - In the event any business or calling not speciffically _mentioned in the above _list_ set forth shall be established in the Town of Tybee,the Mayor and Coulcilmen reserve the right to establish a liscense fee for same by resolutionel which fee in to be of equal dignity as the liscense speciffically mentioned in the above section,provided however that such liscense shall not be lees that TWO DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS and not more than the sum o t _ ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Section 5 - This Ordinance shall be subject to alterations or repeal it whole or in part at any time during the year beginning May 1st 1927 should it be deemed _ advisable and no such amendment or repeal sHaa11 be contrued to impair the right of Council to assess or levy a tax forthe whole of such year whenever made. Section 6 - All ordinances and parte of ordinances conflicting with provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed, providingnevertheless that so much and such parts of ordinances passed as provided for the execution for any tax or assessment or part of tax or ass*ssment,required by such ordinance and now remaining unpaid, shall continue and remain-, in force so as to authorize the Clerk of Council and Ex- efficbo Treasurer to issue e executions and the Chief of Pollee and _Ex-officio Tax Collector same, until such taxes or assessments shall be fully paid. The Mayor advised Council that as the new drainage system on the Louth end of the island had necessitated running drainage pipe under Butler avenue and also Chatham avenue, through which the seve ;:'al ditches drain into the Inlet,it developed after this work wad done that a very dangerous condition had arisen due to no provision having been made for the construction of retaining walls on both sides of the streets,so Mr Horovitz made emotion that the Mayor be empowered to have this work completed at the earliest possible moment, which was seconded by Mr Espy and passed. The Police Committee recommended that the sAMary to be paid the new policemen for the coming season be 100.00 per month and that whenever it is necessary that extra traffic officers be employed that they be paid 3.00 per day,Mr Espy adds a motion that this be done which was seconded by Mr Logan and passed. A motion was _m de by Mr Horovita that the Mayor be autheri-sed to make a contract with the Southern Bell Telephone Co for the installation of five telephones 4t vantage points on the island for use of the Police Department during the summer months,this was seconded by Mr Espy and the motion passed. The Mayor intormed Council that Dr Bassett had agreed to analize the water supply every month for the Town and make his report to the State health department in Atlanta. With the summer season gradually approaching it is apparent that 411 some method be adopted whereby some protection couldbe afforded those bathers who go in the surf along the beadle away from the large bath- houses which have professional life guards to look after their patrons,and it was finally decided that four or five small storage boxes be placed along the beach at vantage points, these boxes to contain a life preserver and about 250 feet of rope in a coil fastened to the preserver and placed in the storage boxes in such position that it cold be quickly removed 55 56 and carried to the point where it would be needed after which .hen it had served its purpose, it would be returned to the storage boxe and placed in position for use again,the Supervisor of Life Saving was instructed to get the necessary equipment and place these boxes on the beach. A letter was read from the Freash Air Home asking that they be releived of paying for electrical service during the coming season but no action was taken at this time. .A letter was read from the Water Carnival CoLlmittee requesting the Town to enter a float in the Water Carnival parade i n June but the opinion of Courcilwwas that it should not be done A bill from A.Saacon & Sons amountin4 to t 1500.00 for the construction of the dormitory at the Convict Camp was presented and on motion of Mr Horovitz that it be paid,seconded by Mr Espy, it was passed. Mr Horovitz made a :Lotion that the insuance on the 'dormitory be increased to $ 1500.00 which waz seconded by Mr Espy and Passed. There being no further business Council call of the Mayor. ourned subject to the Town of Tybee,Ga.April 30 1927. after due notic atedlASIIImetfi6k A special meeting pr Cothcil was bald to-day at 12 mmd was attended by The Mayor and Councilmen Horovitz,livalthour,Espy, present,this kr making quorum. prepcilding,there being 4 of the 6 members of Council inance and. Farrb The followingswo'n relative to the issuance of $22000.00 of bonds for an electtic distribution system was placed on first reading and upon agivemnent of Council was placed on second reading,and upon/Wi"APWalthour that it be adopted,seconded by Mr Horovitziit was passed unanamously. 011D/NANCI •