HomeMy Public PortalAbout19270603CCMeeting72 There being no, further business Council adjourned subject to the call .or, the Mayor. t. Cl r._ of Counci . Town of Tybee,Ga. June 3rd,1927. The regular meeting of Town Council was held tO -day and was attended by the Mayor and Councilmen Espy,Logan,VValthour and Horovitz and Town Attorney McIntyre, A representtive of the "SPURlimagazine,Mr Knoll,appeared before the meeting at the request of the Mayor,for the purpose of inter- esting Council in taking some space in a special edition coming out next November, in which Tybee ansd Savannah will be featured, he quoted a rate of $ 400.00 per page,and asked, that Tybee take at least a quarter page, the reprints from this ad can be purchased for 2% each,Mr Knoll excused and Mr Waithour made a motion the Mayor empowered to make a contract with Mr Knoll for an ad not exceeding $ 100.00, this was seconded by Yr Horovitz and t le mit on carried. Since the new street lighting system has been in use, it has developed that additional lights are needed on 15th, l6th,and 18th streets near the strand,and several other places,Mr Espy made a motion that the Mayor be authorized to have installed not over 6 additional lights where needed,which was seconded by i':r Horovitz and passed. The Mayor informed Council that he had received another letter from the Citizens Bank & Trust Co requesting that the Town make a reduction on its loans with the Bank. A petieticn was read from the Tybee Hotel & Imp.Co, °equesting permission to extend a sewer line from the Hotel(6 inch line), to the catch basin on the corner of 14th street and Second ave., to take care of surplus water from the Hotel,permission granted. A petition from Property owners at Estill Station to widen McKenzie street was read and The Mayor said that he would see Judge West and ask him if he could do this work. The follwtng agreement covering streeting lighting between the Mayor and Councilmen of the Tcwn of Tybee and The Savannah Electric & Power Co was read and on motionz of Mr Horovitz that the Mayor be empowered to sign same seconded by Mr Espy, the motion passed. AGREEMENT (see next page) AGREEMENT Georgia Chatham Chatham THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 9th day of June,1927,between the MAYOR AND COU"TCILMEN OF THE TIWN OF TYBEE a Municipal Corporation of said State,hereinafter called the "Town ", party of the first part, and SAVANNAH ELECTRIC & POWER COMPANY, a Georgia. Corporation, its successors or assigns,hereinafter called the "Company ",party of the seconde part,WITNESSETH: That t:e_said Company has agreed and by these presents does agree to furnish to the Town,at the prices and con- ditions hereinafter specified for the lighting of the streets of the Town of Tybee not less than Fifty (50) 400 Candle Power Over- head Incandeseent Street Lamps. The general location of these Fifty (50) Overhead Incandescent Street Lamps is shown on the map of circuits attached here to and marked Exhibit "A ". TERMS OF. AGREEMENT This agreement covers service for the period beginning June 9th,1927 and ending June 9th 1937. TERMS OF PAYMENT The Town agrees to take and pay said Company for this service at the following rates; 400 Candle Power (4000 lumens) for "All eight Burning" as hereinafter defined - I 5.00 net per month each. All Night Burniing,as hereinused,will be from twenty minutes after sundown to twenty minutes before sunrise every night in the year; time of rising and setting of sun to be determined by the Calender of Local Branch United States Vegther Bureau in the City of Savannah. Lampe may be at varying heightd at the direction of the Town, except that the bottom of no lamp will be required to be more than 25 feet from the ground. The said Company will be required to change location of any light at its own cost on instrue -ions from the Town, except that if more than 2% of lamps in use are required moved in any one year the Town will pay the actual cost of moving all in excess of 2% and also excepting that where lames are moved to such a distance as to require tne setting of more than five (5) pales the Town will pay the actual cost if line constrcution in excess of five pole lenghts. Deductions for outages will be as follows: Individual lamps out more than five (5) hours per night 200% of contract price per night. Entire circuits out aggregating twenty (20) lamp hours or more per night 200% of contract price per lamp hour. All lamps having broken or adnormally discolored globes will be considered defective,and if not remedied, will be considered out from beginning of the second night after day on which written notice of such decfects is given by the Town until defect is remedied. Outages due to changes of lamps or circuits will be deducted for at contract price for lamp service. 7 3 IN WITNi4SS HEREOF the said Municipal Corporation has _aused its c corporate name to be duly signed hereto by its Iiyor and attested under its corporate deal by Clerk of said Council and the said Savannah Electric and POW= Co pamy,has caused these presents to be executed by Howard C.Foss,President,in duplicate,the day and year first above written. Executed in presence Thos .W. Gamble Dennis V.Daly K.C. Lasseter Tom D.Fulford. of; 1 THE MAYOR AND COUNCILMEN OF THE TOWN OF T'YBEE Sinned Thomas Gamble, i ayor Signed Henry M.Buckley, Clerk of Council SAVANNAH ELEC.& POWER COMPANY Signed Howard C.Foss, President Signed Paul R.Fleming, The Magyar informed Council that he wanted to call attention to the work of Councilman _Horovitz, that at the present . time he was sitting on the bench of the Mayor's Court and as this entailed considerable expense to Mr Hettovitz going to and from the isl*nd as well as loss of his time from his business, that he thought that Mr Horovitz should be reimbursed for same,and on motion of Mr Walthour,seconded by Mr Espy, that th e:. following .. resolutiim: be adapted, it was passed unanimously; RESOLUTION RESOLVED by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Tybee, in regular meeting assembled,three- quarters of the Mayor and Councilmen voting in the afirmative,that the sum of Three Hundred Dollars be and the sane is hereby appropriated from general funds for the purpose of defraying expenses to be incurred over the ensueing twelve months by Councilman H.Horovitz in the discharge of duties as Presiding Officer of the Mayors Court and as Chairman of the Committee of Streets and Lanes and the Treasurer of the Town of Tybee is hereby directed to draw his voucher to the order of H.Horovitz for said sum the said H.Horovitz to render accounts from time to time for said money disbursed returning anyn surplus to said Treasurer. The Mappr informed Council that Mr O.t.Bacon of the County Com- missioners had promised to have 18th street paved at once and had ordered an extra gang to Tybee to do this work. There being no further business Council adjourned subject to the call of the Mayor. lerk of Council. Mayor.' 1!1 ',q A pet i t-i-ovi from Mr Edgar J.01i ver_a.s- attorney for ---LJ . -O 11 vex, e Mazo, Fred Ehrenrich,Simon Bradley, Aa aron L.Bradley and Mrs Res . enter owners of _ lot 105 ward 5 and Mrs Minnie J.Smith, owner of lot .4 ward 5, offering to deed to the Town 10 feet from each lot,makin total of 20 feet,in consideration of the Town taking over and mai_ - :_ining this strip with some hard surface material as a public etre , same was referred to the Streets and Lanes Com- mittee for consider ionmwith_ power to act, and report back to Council. There being no further business Council adjourned subject to the call of the Mayor. 75