HomeMy Public PortalAboutZBA Meeting Packet 05/11/21 Town of Brewster Zoning Board of Appeals 2198 Main St., Brewster, MA 02631 brewplan@brewster-ma.gov (508) 896-3701 MEETING AGENDA Remote Participation Only May 11, 2021 at 7:00 PM This meeting will be conducted by remote participation pursuant to Governor Baker’s March 2020 orders suspending certain Open Meeting Law provisions and imposing limits on public gatherings. No in-person meeting attendance will be permitted. If the Town is unable to live broadcast this meeting, a record of the proceedings will be provided on the Town website as soon as possible. The meeting may be viewed by: Live broadcast (Brewster Government TV Channel 18), Livestream (livestream.brerwster- ma.gov), or Video recording (tv.brewster-ma.gov). Meetings may be joined by: 1. Phone: Call (929) 436-2866 or (301) 715-8592. Zoom Meeting ID: 880 7666 8068 and Passcode 047258 To request to speak: Press *9 and wait to be recognized. 2. Zoom Webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88076668068?pwd=b3lXWnMwM2tybTk4SzlKMk5vT3NTUT09 enter Passcode 047258 To request to speak: Tap Zoom “Raise Hand” button or type “Chat” comment with your name and address, then wait to be recognized. Zoning Board Brian Harrison Chair Arthur Stewart Vice Chair Jeff Carter Patricia Eggers Jeannie Kampas Bruce MacGregor Town Planner Ryan Bennett Senior Department Assistant Ellen Murphy 1. Call to Order 2. Declaration of a Quorum 3. Meeting Participation Statement 4. Approval of Meeting Minutes: 5. Continued Applications: #19-37 Applicant: 19 Muskrat Lane LLC. (Represented by Attorney Benjamin Zehnder), 19 Muskrat Lane, MAP103 LOT 9, in the RM zoning district. The applicant seeks an Appeal of the Building Commissioners decision that a boat storage shed, kayak rack and roll out boardwalk are not permissible uses on the property in the RM zoning district under MGL 40A § 8 & 15, and Brewster Zoning Bylaw §179 6-D(4). New Applications: #21-13 Applicant: Michael J. Hagan. 71 Weathervanes Way, Map 12, LOT 24, in the RM zoning district. The applicant seeks a variance pursuant to variance pursuant to MGL c. 40A §10 and Bylaws §179-52 in order to place a shed within the 20’ required side setback on the north side of the property. #21-14 Applicant: Joshua & Sarah Brunelle. 169 Fiddler’s Lane, Map 48, Lot 35, in the RM zoning district The applicants seek a Special Permit pursuant to Bylaws §179-25B in order to replace a pre-existing non-conforming covered brick porch with a non- conforming covered wood porch. #21-15 Applicant: John and Deanna Button. 70 Hinckley Road, Map 50, Lot 72 in the RM zoning district. The applicants seek a Special Permit pursuant to Bylaws §179-52 and/or a Dimensional Variance pursuant to §179-52 in order to replace and enlarge a shed and create a new setback encroachment to the sideline. 6. Matters Not Reasonable Anticipated by the Chair 7. Next Meeting: June 8, 2021 8. Adjournment Date Posted: Date Revised: Received by Town Clerk: Page 1 of 3 TOWN OF BREWSTER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, April 13th, 2021 at 7PM Virtual Meeting Brian Harrison, Chairman, convened the Brewster Zoning Board of Appeals via remote participation with members: Bruce MacGregor, Jeff Carter, Patricia Eggers, and Jeannie Kampas, Art Stewart. A quorum was determined. Also present: Peter Freeman, Attorney Mike Ford, Attorney Benjamin Zehnder, Attorney Andrew Singer, Saumil Patel, Rick Ross, Joshua Schiff, Mary Beth Daniel, Gary Thulander, Terry Walsh, Susan Belinski, Mary DeBartolo, Ryan Bennett (Town Planner) and Ellen Murphy (Department Assistant). The Chair read the Recording or Taping Notification: This meeting will be conducted by remote participation pursuant to Governor Baker’s March 2020 orders suspending certain Open Meeting Law provisions and imposing limits on public gatherings. No in-person meeting attendance will be permitted. If the Town is unable to live broadcast this meeting, a record of the proceedings will be provided on the Town website as soon as possible. The Town has established specific email addresses for each board and committee so the public can submit comments either before or during the meeting. To submit public comment or questions to the Zoning Board of Appeals, please email: zbameeting@brewster-ma.gov. Review and Approval of March 9, 2021 minutes A motion was made by Art Stewart to approve the March 9, 2021, meeting minutes, Pat Eggers second the motion, a vote was taken: Brian, Bruce, Jeff, Pat, Art and Jeannie approved the minutes unanimously. Review and Approval of #17-21 Brewster woods Preservation Associates Limited Partnership Comprehensive Permit (40B). Brian informed the Board this is a request for an extension. He asked the Board if they had a chance to review and if they had any questions. Peter Freeman informed the Board that work on the site has begun, they are on track for a May closing and the request for extension is to satisfy the lenders. A motion was made by Art to approve the extension, Pat second the motion, a vote was taken by all members of the Board and approved unanimously. Continued Applications: Application Review of #21-05, Applicant: Byfield Cartway LLC. (Represented by Attorney Andrew Singer) Members present and voting: Brian Harrison, Art Stewart, Jean Kampas, Patricia Eggers, and Bruce MacGregor. Attorney Andrew Singer representing the case addressed the Board referring to the April 6th submission that was included in the Board meeting packet. Attorney Singer provided background on the property informing the Board that the Applicant has owned the property for six decades. He referred to the revised plan moving one of the cottages and building a new house which would conform to the zoning bylaws and with keeping alive the character of the neighborhood. He indicated that the proposed work has been reviewed and approved by the Brewster Conservation Commission and the Brewster Old King’s Highway Committee has approved both relocation of the cottage and the design of the proposed primary dwelling. Pat Eggers made a motion to approve case #21-15, Bruce MacGregor second the motion. The Board voted and approved #21-05 unanimously. Attorney Singer will draft the decision. New Applications: Application Review of #21-06, Applicant: 2851 Main Street Holdings LLC (Represented by Ford & Ford Attorneys at Law) Members present and voting: Brian Harrison, Art Stewart, Bruce MacGregor, Patricia Eggers, and Jeff Carter. Brian Harrison stated case #21-06 requested a withdrawal without prejudice. Attorney Mike Ford, representing the applicant stated that he was present if there were any questions regarding the request. Art made a motion to grant the request and Pat second the motion. A vote was taken and the Board unanimously approved the request. Page 2 of 3 Application Review of #21-12, Applicant: Saumil Patel, 2771 Main Street. Members present and voting: Brian Harrison, Arthur Stewart, Pat Eggers, Jean Kampas, Jeff Carter. The applicant provided background to the Board. He stated that the second floor addition would improve the esthetics of the building. No additional footprint will be added to the building. The second floor will be used as storage. Brian asked the Board if there were any questions. It was confirmed Brewster Old King’s Highway Committee has approved to addition. There being no additional questions the Board opened up to public input, Pat made a motion to open to public input and Jeff second the motion, the vote was unanimous. There being no public input, the Board voted to close to public input. Jeff made a motion to grant the Special Permit for the façade renovation shown on the plans provided, it was second by Pat, a vote was taken and approved unanimously by the Board. Application Review of #21-09, Applicant: Janet L. Ross & Rick Ross, 31 Robbins Hill Rd. Members present and voting: Bruce MacGregor, Art Stewart, Jean Kampas, Patricia Eggers, and Jeff Carter. Rick Ross addressed the Board providing background on the application. He indicated that it was determined to be pre-existing non-conforming because the existing side yard setback is 19’3” from the sunroom and deck where a 20’ setback is required. He stated that the septic had been replace in 2014 and they have obtained the approval of the Health Department and Brewster Old King’s Highway Committee. He referred to the plans of the reconstruction of the sunroom on the existing footprint and within the legal nonconforming footprint. He also indicated the proposed work is within the character of the neighborhood. Jeff made a motion to open up to public input, Pat second the motion. The Board unanimously voted to open to public input, there being none Jeff made a motion to close to public input and Pat second the motion. The Board voted unanimously to close to public input. Jeff made a motion to grant the Special Permit as requested, Bruce second the motion, a vote was taken and approved unanimously. Application Review of #21-10 Applicant: Joshua Schiff, 3038 Main Street. Members present and voting: Brian Harrison, Art Stewart, Jean Kampas, Patricia Eggers, and Jeff Carter. Brian Harrison addressed the Board stating ZBA Case 21-10 was originally heard at the March 9th meeting and continued until the April 13th meeting in order to allow additional time for the applicants and neighbors to work out an agreement. Brian then turned the meeting over to Andrew Singer representing Chatham Bars Inn Farm. Andrew stated the applicant met with the opposing neighbor and came to a satisfactory compromise. He referred to the recent submission provided to the Board reviewing the changes. He indicated that in the past there were two areas used for special events. The upper area which was closest to the neighbor’s property line will now be used as agricultural and they will expand the other area for events. Special events will be from May to November and music will be turned off by 9:00 pm. The Board discussed the changes. Brian asked Ben Zehnder, who is representing Fran Schofield and Paul Berry the opposing neighbors, to speak. Ben addressed the Board stating that they met with Josh Schiff, Gary Thulander and their attorney Andrew Singer. The meeting was very positive and resulted in the proposed changes. Josh Schiff stated that they are working closely with the Brewster Building Commissioner to provide a formula resulting in event use not accounting for more than 45% of the annual Farm revenues. The Board discussed the request and the positive impact it has made for the town. The Board voted unanimously to open the discussion to public input. Terry Walsh and Susan Belinski, abutters to the west of the property expressed their overall support of the request but had some concerns regarding the increased number of events, hoop houses in the upper area and the noise level. Attorney Singer responded to the concerns stating the applicant would not increase the number of events in the future and music will not go past 9:00 pm. He also stated the event website would be updated. Josh Schiff confirmed that hoop houses for agricultural use will not be located in the upper area closest to the abutters. Mary DeBartolo, representing Slow Food Cape Cod, read a letter in support of the applicant. Mary Beth Daniel expressed her support of the applicant and the Farm to Table dinners. There being no additional public comments Pat made a motion to close to public comment and Jeff second the motion. A unanimous vote was taken by the Board. The Board briefly discussed the value and positive impact of the request. Bruce made a motion to Page 3 of 3 grant the request, Pat Eggers second the motion, and Brian read the Town’s Covid special event statement. A unanimous vote was taken and 21-10 was granted. Attorney Singer will draft the decision. Matters Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chair: Nothing additional to discuss The next meeting of the Brewster Zoning Board of Appeals is scheduled for May 11th, 2021. Pat made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Bruce second the motion, the vote was taken and the Board unanimously voted to adjourn. Vote: 6-0-0. Meeting adjourned at 6:38 pm. #19-37 Applicant: 19 Muskrat Lane LLC Represented by Attorney Benjamin Zehnder No New Materials Submitted #21-13 Applicant: Michael J. Hagan 71 Weathervanes Way ZBA SPECIAL PERMIT/ VARIANCE/ APPEAL APP. REVISED 10-02-2017 Page 1 of 4 ZBA CASE FILE # ________________ APPLICATION FOR BREWSTER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS SPECIAL PERMIT/ VARIANCE/ ZBA APPEAL APPLICATION ($300 Filing Fee) NAME OF APPLICANT_____________________________________________________________ REPRESENTATIVE _________________________PHONE NUMBER _______________________ MAILING ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________ PROPERTYADDRESS ____________________________________________________________ CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER(S) __________________________________________________ REGISTRY OF DEEDS TITLE REFERENCE BOOK ____________ PAGE__________ OR CERT. OF TITLE #_____________________ LAND COURT # _____________________ PLAN # ______________________ TOWN MAP # _________________ LOT #____________________________ ZONING DISTRICT ____________________ YEAR BUILT ______________________ STATEMENT OF PROJECT __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ________________________ SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT FOR OWNER DATE NOTE: This petition is NOT COMPLETE until all information is provided. Accuracy of this information is the responsibility of the petitioner. Brewster Zoning Board of Appeals 2198 Main Street Brewster, Massachusetts 02631-1898 (508) 896-3701 x 1168 FAX (508) 896-8089 www.brewster-ma.gov Date + Time Stamped By Town Clerk ZBA SPECIAL PERMIT/ VARIANCE/ APPEAL APP. REVISED 10-02-2017 Page 2 of 4 DATA SHEET Complete this form for every structure on the site that is in some way nonconforming. Identify structure: primary house, garage, tool shed, other _________________ STREET ADDRESS ________________________________ YEAR BUILT ___________ MAP # _______ LOT #________ ZONING DISTRICT ___________ List only the nonconformities below:Identify all nonconforming setbacks. LOCATION EXISTING REQUIRED PROPOSED _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ƒLocation is used to identify the setback: I.E. front, back, left side, right side, N-north, S-south, E-east, W-west, ƒExisting is the setback that currently exists on the ground ƒRequired is the applicable setback required currently in the Brewster zoning bylaw ƒProposed is the setback being requested FRONTAGE: EXISTING __________ REQUIRED __________ LOT SIZE: __________________________ LOT COVERAGE EXISTING % __________ PROPOSED % __________ ALLOWED % _________ SIZE OF PARCEL __________ sq. ft. BUILDABLE UPLAND ____________sq. ft. BUILDING COVERAGE/PRIMARY STRUCTURE ___________sq, ft. BUILDING COVERAGE ALL OTHER STRUCTURES ___________sq, ft. BUILDING HEIGHT:EXISTING _________ PROPOSED _________ SPECIAL PERMITS: APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT AS SET FORTH IN M.G.L. 40A, § 6, or § 9 and SECTION 179-25, BREWSTER BYLAW UPON WHICH THE BOARD IS EMPOWERED TO ACT. ZBA SPECIAL PERMIT/ VARIANCE/ APPEAL APP. REVISED 10-02-2017 Page 3 of 4 SECTION(S) PARAGRAPH(S) OF BREWSTER BYLAW UNDER WHICH THE SPECIAL PERMIT IS SOUGHT AND A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ VARIANCES: APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE AS SET FORTH IN M.G.L. 40A, § 10 SECTION(S) PARAGRAPH(S) OF BREWSTER BYLAW UNDER WHICH THE VARIANCE IS SOUGHT AND A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL. In order to grant a Variance, the ZBA must find all three of the following to be true: Owing to circumstances relating to the soil conditions, shape, or topography of such land or structures and especially affecting such land or structures but not affecting generally the zoning district in which it is located, and A literal enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance or by-law would involve substantial hardship, financial or otherwise, to the petitioner or appellant, and That desirable relief may be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and without nullifying or substantially derogating from the intent or purpose of such ordinance or by-law ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ‰APPEAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH M.G.L. 40 A, § 8, 14 CITE ORDER OR DECISION OF ZONING AGENT OR OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL OR ATTACH LETTER FROM ZONING AGENT/ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ZBA SPECIAL PERMIT/ VARIANCE/ APPEAL APP. REVISED 10-02-2017 Page 4 of 4 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FILING PROCEDURES Completed application packages are required to be submitted and time stamped by the Town Clerk at least thirty-five (35) days prior to the requested hearing date. Town Hall hours are 8:30 am – 4:00 pm Monday- Friday. Complete application (12 copies) checklist: Application Professionally engineered site plan Assessor’s map showing the applicant’s lot Building plans, including floor layout, elevations and dimensions Decision letter from the zoning agent, if applicable $300 Filing Fee (made payable by check) Photographs are recommended. Please also provide one (1) pdf or electronic copy of the completed application package. An Abutter’s List will be requested by the Zoning Board Clerk when the application is filed. In accordance with Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 11, the Appeal will be advertised in the local newspaper for two (2) consecutive weeks prior to the public hearing. The agenda will also be posted of the Meeting Board on the main floor of the Town Offices. A copy of the Zoning-By-Law, Chapter 179, is available at the Brewster Ladies’ Library. It may also be purchased at the Town Offices for $25.00 or downloaded without charge from The Town of Brewster e-code website: http://www.ecode360.com/BR1068 Any Decision of the Board of Appeals may be appealed to Superior Court, Land Court or District Court within twenty (20) days from the time that the decision is filed with the Town Clerk. +67'0"max. +67'0"max. +61'3" +61'0"+61'2" 68'2"++68'3" +68'3" +64'8" 14'x20' Shed Iron Railings ramp? +/-3'6" retaining walls 3'6" retaining walls 6 s t e p s 6 steps 8' x10' Shower 64'8"TOW++60'8" Entry Landing with Overhead Pergola on Columns Post on Column Posts on Wall Sand Box 64'8"TOW+ +61'0" 6' overhang 18' +68'4" raised vegetable garden Lawn Lawn Sloped Lawn Lawn Lawn Lawn Lawn Lawn Lawn Lawn Lawn ex. dogwood ex. dogwood ex. oak New Foundation Plantings New Foundation Plantings Ne w F o u n d a t i o n P l a n t i n g s 3.5-4' Retaining Wall 4' Cobble Apron Cobble Edging Lawn +64'8"TOW door Flowering shrub border???? septic leach field septic tank TOW = 68'2"+ 66 67 68 65 64 69 70 sofas end-table grill/pizza oven 5' diam. table w/ umbrella +61'0" 63 62 7' b e n c h +61'3"+61'5" +64'8"TOW +64'8"TOW +64'8"TOW +/-11' 30' 0 SCALE: feet81624 1/8" = 1'-0" Preliminary Ideas The Hagan Residence 71 Weathervanes Way, Brewster By: Philip L. Cheney 508-394-1373 Scale: 1 8" = 1'-0" 2/22/2021 N O R T H Zoning Board of Appeals Address:71 Weathervanes Way, Brewster, MA 02631 Exec Summary:Application for a Variance of Side Setback for location of a new shed. Description:We are requesting a variance in order to place a shed within the 20’ required side setback on the north side of our property. Due to the existing dwelling location, the new septic system location, and the sloped topography surrounding the property we can only place the 14’ x 20’ shed in a single location which would be 11’from the side of the property. We worked closely with Phil Cheney, a local landscape architect to find an alternative location on the property to no avail. We have made substantial improvements to the property in the past year including new bedrooms, bathrooms, and more to come. After having renovated the inside of the home and transforming the 2 car garage into a bedroom for our in-laws, we require a shed to house our yard, garden, beach, and other belongings for a family of 5 (kids aged 3, 1.5 and due May 2nd...Woohoo!) plus guests. If we are not granted the variance we will undergo significant financial hardship by way of requiring a storage unit off the property or undertaking the purchase of multiple smaller sheds that would be very expensive and ruin the overall aesthetic of our property hurting it’s value and that of the neighborhood. The variance requested will not cause any substantial detriment to any party including the abutting neighbor at 89 Weathervanes Way. Attached is a letter from the abutting neighbor Dave Ahlin who has pledged his support of the variance in full. The proposed shed will be a gorgeous brand new classic cape with cedar shingles and will make the neighborhood sing. Also attached is a photograph of the proposed shed, stunning! Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Michael J. Hagan & Lauren Gearty michael.j.hagan@gmail.com 317.439.0837 FYI: Our home was built in 1948, however since the lot plan was not recorded until Oct 1964 our setbacks are 20 ft. If the lot was recorded four years prior in 1960, the bylaws state we would not need a variance as the side set back was 10 ft.Therefore our new shed location would have conformed with the zoning if the surveying took place a few years prior. Letter of support from affected abutting neighbor. from:David Ahlin <dsahlin@charter.net> to:Michael Hagan <michael.j.hagan@gmail.com> date:Feb 20, 2021, 7:03 PM subject:Support for 71 Weathervanes Way Shed Variance mailed-by:charter.net Michael…Please feel free to share this note with the town as a show of support for your project. -- Dear Town of Brewster Board of Appeals, I am writing on behalf of my next door neighbor Michael Hagan and his wife Lauren Gearty. They are in the process of renovating their home at 71 Weathervanes Way and have requested my support of a variance for the location of their shed. I am writing to let the town know that I have reviewed their plan showing the shed closer than the required 20 ft setback from my property and I am in full support. The shed will be a lovely addition to the neighborhood and the charm of the street. We appreciate their efforts to improve their land and recommend their variance be granted. My address is 89 Weathervanes Way. My email address is:dsahlin@charter.net. And my phone number is: 508.612.9458. I welcome the opportunity to answer any question the board may have. Thank you, Dave GENERAL NOTES: SOIL TEST LOGS: SYSTEM DESIGN CALCULATIONS: BREWSTER, MA A.) NEITHER DRIVEWAYS NOR PARKING AREAS ARE ALLOWED OVER SEPTIC SYSTEM UNLESS H-20 COMPONENTS ARE USED. B.) THE DESIGNER WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SYSTEM AS DESIGNED UN- LESS CONSTRUCTED AS SHOWN. ANY CHANGES SHALL BE APPROVED IN WRITING. C.) CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK. CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1.) ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL CODE, TITLE 5, AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. 2.) SEPTICTANK(S), GREASE TRAP(S), DOSING CHAMBER(S) AND DISTRIBUTION BOX(ES) SHALL BE SET ON A LEVEL STABLE BASE WHICH HAS BEEN MECHANICALLY COMPACTED, OR ON A 6 INCH CRUSHED STONE BASE. 3.) SEPTIC TANK(S) SHALL MEET ASTM STANDARD C1127-93 AND SHALL HAVE AT LEAST THREE 20" DIAMETER MANHOLES. THE MINIMUM DEPTH FROM THE BOT- TOM OF THE SEPTIC TANK TO THE FLOW LINE SHALL BE 48". 4.)SCHEDULE 40 PVC INLET AND OUTLET TEES SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 6" ABOVE THE FLOW LINE OF THE SEPTIC TANK AND SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE CENTERLINE OF THE TANK DIRECTLY UNDER THE CLEAN OUT MANHOLE. 5.) RAISE COVERS OF THE SEPTIC TANK AND DISTRIBUTION BOX WITH PRECAST CONCRETE WATER TIGHT RISERS OVER INLET AND OUTLET TEES TO WITHIN 6" OF FINISH GRADE, OR AS APPROVED BY THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH AGENT. 6.) PIPING SHALL CONSIST OF 4" SCHEDULE 40 PVC OR EQUIVALENT. PIPE SHALL BE LAID ON A MINIMUM CONTINUOUS GRADE OF NOT LESS THAN 1%. 7.) DISTRIBUTION LINES FOR SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM (AS REQUIRED) SHALL BE 4" DIAMETER SCHEDULE 40 PVC LAID AT 0.005 FT/FT. LINE SHALL BE CAPPED AT END OR AS NOTED. 8.) OUTLET PIPES FROM DISTRIBUTION BOX SHALL REMAIN LEVEL FOR AT LEAST 2' BEFORE PITCHING TO SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM. WATER TEST DISTRIBUTION BOX TO ASSURE EVEN DISTRIBUTION. 9.) DISTRIBUTION BOX SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM SUMP OF 6" MEASURED BELOW THE OUTLET INVERT. 10.) BASE AGGREGATE FOR THE LEACHING FACILITY SHALL CONSIST OF 3/4" TO 1-1/2" DOUBLE WASHED STONE FREE OF IRON, FINES AND DUST AND SHALL BE INSTALLED BELOW THE CROWN OF THE DISTRIBUTION LINE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM. BASE AGGREGATE SHALL BE COVERED WITH A 2" LAYER OF 1/8" TO 1/2" DOUBLE WASHED STONE FREE OF IRON, FINES AND DUST 11,) VENT SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM WHEN DISTRIBUTION LINES EXCEED 50 FEET; WHEN LOCATED EITHER IN WHOLE OR IN PART UNDER DRIVEWAYS, PARKING AREAS, TURNING AREAS OR OTHER IMPERVIOUS MATERIAL; OR WHEN PRESSURE DOSED. 12.) SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM SHALL BE COVERED WITH A MINIMUM OF 9" OF CLEAN MEDIUM SAND (EXCLUDING TOPSOIL). 13.) FINISH GRADE SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF 36" OVER THE TOP OF ALL SYSTEM COMPONENTS, INCLUDING THE SEPTIC TANK, DISTRIBUTION BOX, DOSING CHAMBER AND SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM. SEPTIC TANKS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER OF 9". 14.) FROM THE DATE OF INSTALLATION OF THE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM UNTIL RECEIPT OF A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE, THE PERIMETER OF THE SOIL ABSORP- TION SYSTEM SHALL BE STAKED AND FLAGGED TO PREVENT THE USE OF SUCH AREA FOR ALL ACTIVITIES THAT MIGHT DAMAGE THE SYSTEM. 15.)SUBSURFACE COMPONENTS OF A SYSTEM SHALL NOT BE BACKFILLED OR OTHERWISE CONCEALED FROM VIEW UNTIL A FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN CONDUCTED BY THE APPROVING AUTHORITY AND PERMISSION HAS BEEN GRANTED BY THE APPROVING AUTHORITY TO BACKFILLTHE SYSTEM. THE DESIGNER SHALL INSPECT THE CONSTRUCTION AFTER THE INITIAL EXCAVATION, PRIOR TO BACKFILLING, AND DURING BACKFILLING. IN ADDITION, THE FINAL INSPECTION OF THE SYSTEM SHALL BE CONDUCTED BY THE APPROVING AUTHORITY, THE SYSTEM INSTALLER AND DESIGNER PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PURSUANT TO 310 CMR 15.021(3). ANY COMPONENT OF THE SYSTEM WHICH HAS BEEN COVERED WITHOUT SUCH PERMISSION SHALL BE UNCOVERED UPON REQUEST OF THE APPROVING AUTHORITY OR THE DEPARTMENT. 16.) INSTALLER SHALL VERIFY EXISTING OUTLET INVERT ELEVATION AT THE DWELLING PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY SEPTIC SYSTEM COMPONENTS. 17.) ENGINEER SHALL VERIFY SOILS TO THE MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND LAYER "C2" PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY SEPTIC SYSTEM COMPONENTS. 18.) EXISTING SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM COMPONENTS TO BE PUMPED DRY, AND ABANDONED OR REMOVED. ABANDONED COMPONENTS SHALL BE FILLED WITH CLEAN SAND AND ABANDONED IN PLACE. DISTURBED AREAS SHALL BE BACK FILLED WITH CLEAN SAND AND COMPACTED TO MINIMIZE SETTLEMENT. 19.) INSTALLER TO CONFIRM LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. FLOW PROFILE: NOT TO SCALE TOP OF FOUNDATION EL=69.0± A TOTAL OF FOUR (4): (2) ST, (1) DB, (1) SAS - 24" DIAMETER CONCRETE COVERS RAISED TO WITHIN 6" OF FINISH GRADE (OR AS # (SEE NOTE #5)5) l// Existing EL= 66.6± 64.15 34' TEST HOLE 1: EL=66.4± DEPTH FROM SURFACE (INCHES) SOIL HORIZON SOIL TEXTURE (USDA) SOIL COLOR (MUNSELL) SOIL MOTTLING OTHER 0-10 A Fine Loamy Sand 10YR 3/2 NONE 10-45 B Fine Loamy Sand 10YR 518 NONE Pert @ 37", RATE<2MIN/IN, Loose, W/Cobbles 45-85 C1 _Fine Sand 10YR 613 NONE 85-132 C2 Fine to Medium Sand 10YR 6/4 NONE Loose TEST HOLE 2: EL=66.4± DEPTH FROM (INCHES) HORIZON TEXTURE (USDA) COLOR (MUNSELL) MOTTLING OTHER 0-12 A Fine Loamy Sand 10YR 3/2 NONE 12-48 B Fine Loamy Sand 10YR 5/8 NONE 5-10% Cobbles, Loose 48-82 Cl Fine Sand 10YR 6/3 NONE 82-132 C2 Fine to Medium Sand 10YR 6/4 NONE Loose TEST HOLE 3: EL=64.2± DEPTH FROM SURFACE (INCHES) SOIL HORIZON SOIL TEXTURE (USDA) SOIL COLOR (MUNSELL) SOIL MOTTLING OTHER 0-12 A Fine Loamy Sand 10YR 3/2 NONE 12-54 B Fine Loamy Sand 10YR 5/8 NONE 5-10% Cobbles, Loose 54-85 Cl Sift Loam 10YR 6/4 NONE Firm W/ Peds 85-139 C2 Fine to Medium Sand 10YR 6/4 NONE Loose 65.3± LL 10" 3"I 4 0" GAS BAFFLE 14' 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK 63.90 63.67 11' �-Existing EL=67.0± 64.1± SAS DETAIL SCALE: 1" = 10' 4.00' 4.83' 4.0p' 12.83' ONE (1) BUILD UP COVER RAISED TO WITHIN 6" OF FINISH GRADE (SEE NOTE #5) INSPECTION NOTE: PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION BY THE ENGINEER, SYSTEM NEEDS TO BE COMPLETE INCLUDING BUILDUP FOR COVERS. sr Existing EL=66.5± 63.50 2" DROP DB-3 D -BOX H-20 63.30 N N 29" Proposed (9" Min- 36" Max) 2" LAYER OF 1/8"-1/2" STONE 3/4"- 1-1/2" STONE 61.30 USE THREE (3) SHOREY PRECAST 500 GALLON LEACH CHAMBERS WITH 4' OF STONE AROUND (END VIEW) LEACHING CHAMBER 33.5' x 12.83' x 2.0' 8.7'± EL -52.6± BOTTOM OF TEST PIT#4 (9-29-2020) TEST HOLE 4: EL=64.2± DEPTH FROM SURFACE (INCHES) SOIL HORIZON SOIL TEXTURE (USDA) SOIL COLOR (MUNSELL) SOIL MOTTLING OTHER 0-11 A Fine Loamy Sand 10YR 3/2 NONE 11-56 B Fine Loamy Sand 10YR 5/8 NONE 5-10% Cobbles, Loose 56-80 Cl Silt Loam 10YR 6/4 NONE Firm With Peds 80-139 C2 Fine to Medium Sand 10YR 6/4 NONE Loose TEST HOLE 5: EL=65.7± DEPTH FROM SURFACE (INCHES) SOIL HORIZON SOIL TEXTURE (USDA) SOIL COLOR (MUNSELL) SOIL MOTTLING OTHER 0-13 A Fine Loamy Sand 10YR 3/2 NONE 13-63 B Fine Loamy Sand 10YR 5/8 NONE 5-10% Cobbles, Loose 63-79 Cl Silt Loam 10YR 6/4 NONE Firm With Peds 79.128 C2 Fine to Medium Sand 10YR 6/4 NONE Loose, PERC RATE<2MIN/IN- SEE SOIL SIEVE TEST NOTE DATE OF TESTING: 9/29/20 PERCOLATION RATE: LESS THAN 2 MIN/INCH IN "B" & "C2" LAYERS IN ALL TEST PITS, AND "C1" LAYER IN TEST PITS #1 & #2. WITNESSED BY: MATTHEW J. WROBEL, EIT, J.M. O'REILLY & ASSOCIATES, INC. NO BREWSTER HEALTH DEPARTMENTAGEN PRESENT DUE TO COVID-19 NO WATER ENCOUNTERED USEA LOADING RATE OF 0.74 GPD/SF FOR SIZING OF SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM. SOIL SIEVE TEST NOTE: 'SOIL SIEVE ANALYSIS WAS PERFORMED ON I HE FINE TO MEDIUM SAND LAYER "C2" FOUND IN TEST HOLE #5, DUE TO DEPTH OF MATERIAL. CONFIRMED PERCOLATION RATE OF <2MIN/IN. RESULTS WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE FINAL PERMIT PACKAGE. BENCHMARK' Top of Concrete Bound EL=65.2± (Assumed datum) Approximate Location of Existing Sewage Disposal System (Per Design Plan on Record With the Brewster Health Department ) TO BE ABANDONED OR REMOVED (SEE NOTE #18) PLAN SCALE 1"=20' THIS AREA IS SERVED BY TOWN WATER. x 69.1 72,2 x 64.4 CB FND CB FND 70.6 SEWAGE DESIGN FLOW' EXISTING 1BR DWELLING + 2BR EXPANSION @ 110 GPD = 440 GPD LEACHING CAPACITY REQUIRED' 4 BEDROOMS (MAX.) @ 110 GPD = 440 GPD REQUIRED SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY REQUIRED' bAILY FLOW = 440 GPD @ 200%= 880 GAL. REQUIRED SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY PROVIDED' 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK (MIN. ALLOWED) LEACHING CAPACITY PROVIDED' ONE (1)33.5' X 12.83' X 2.0' LEACHING CHAMBER CAN LEACH: Vt=[(33.5 X 12.83) + (33.5 X 2.0)2 + (12.83 X 2.0)2] X 0.74 G PD/SF=455.19 GPD 455 GPO > 440 GPD REQUIRED NOTE: A GARBAGE DISPOSAL IS NOT PERMITTED WITH THIS DESIGN. INSTALL' ONE (1)- 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK ONE (1)- 3 OUTLET DISTRIBUTION BOX (H-20 Rated) THREE (3)-500 GALLON LEACH CHAMBERS WITH 4' OF STONE ALL AROUND Approximate 100' Abutting Well Setback Taken From Design Plan on Record with the Brewster Health Dept. Dated 11-17-77 PROPERTY TO BE CONVERTED TO TOWN WATER DURING RENOVATION x 71.3 21.92 x 69,4 EXI \ x 69.7 108,80' Approximate Location of Water Service (Taken From Septic Design Plan for #57 Weathervanes Way Dated 3-15-95, On Record With the Brewster Health Department) 108.63' 629 62.0 X 61.4 61.7 00 X 60.3 LOT 19 Area= 15,220 SF± 60.9 Existing Paved Driveway 60.6 8" Maple 6 64.3 x 65.9 O CB END \,x 64.8 % UP #5 58'9x CB FND x 59,3 60.0 64.1 58.8 58,9 60.7 57.4 0 20 40 60 ra LAND COURT PLAN 17399E m LOCUS C 11s n a Nathans Pasture °. NOT TO SCALE LAND COURT PLAN CERTIFICATE NO. ASSESSORS' MAP 114 17399L 222363 PARCEL 8 LEGEND 3z EXISTING CONTOUR 32 PROPOSED CONTOUR x12.34 EXISTING SPOT GRADE 24x5 PROPOSED SPOT GRADE w WATER SERVICE LINE -OH- OVERHEAD UTILITY SERVICE LINE -- GAS SERVICE LINE TEST HOLE / BORING LOCATION ST SEPTIC TANK DB DISTRIBUTION BOX SAS SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM Reserve RESERVED FOR FUTURE BH BULKHEAD s STEP B.O. BUMP OUT UTILITY POLE #K LIGHTPOST GAS GATE VALVE • CONCRETE BOUND, FOUND LIMIT OF WORK BRICK RETAINING WALL WOOD RETAINING WALL FENCE EDGE OF CLEARING Michael Hagan 71 WEATHERVANES WAY, BREWSTER, MA 02631 SITE & SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM DESIGN 71 WEATHERVANES WAY, BREWSTER, MA 02631 J.M. O'REILLY & ASSOCIATES, INC. Professional Engineering & Land Surveying Services 1573 Main Street - Route 6A P.O. Box 1773 (508)696-6601 Office Brewster, MA 02631 (508)896-8602 Fax SCALE 1"=20' G:\AAJobs\Hagan-8936- 71 Weathervanes Way Brewster \ DWG \8936.SITE & SDS PLAN.dwg DATE: 10/28/2020 SCALE: As Noted BY: MJW CHECK: JMO JOB NUMBER: JMO-8936 BENCHMARK! Top of Concrete Bound EL=65.2± (Assumed datum) Approximate Location of Existing Sewage Disposal System (Per Design Plan on Record With the Brewster Health Department ) TO BE ABANDONED OR REMOVED (SEE NOTE #18) PLAN SCALE 1"=20' THIS AREA IS SERVED BY TOWN WATER. x 67,8 x 69.1 x72.2 1 x 64.4 CB FND Approximate 100' Abutting Well Setback Taken From Design Plan on Record with the Brewster Health Dept. Dated 11-17-77 PROPERTY TO BE CONVERTED TO TOWN WATER DURING RENOVATION X 65.2 +I T --\sr TP4 aI ,., IF --- --:65.8 ' •1' 1 1 LP) ) I Trs1 —T I 1 x 65,5 I 10.o,±I Q111 I I > 1•1 1 ,T .1 663 ! w 1,! er 68 CB FND \ x 69.7 108.80' x 71.3 Approximate Location of Water Service (Taken From Septic Design Plan for #57 Weathervanes Way Dated 3-15-95, On Record With the Brewster Health Department) 108.63' ,c 62.0 60.3 LOT 19 Area= 15,220 SFt 62.0 60.9 61.7 x 61.4 X18" Maple x 64.3 x 65.9 67.7 O,s, 64.3 O,s, x 63.8 \.4.8 O CB FND ®I UP #5 CB FND x 59.3 O 0 0 ti 60.0 64.1 I 58.9x I oNo `'•Q' Wire UP #5 58.8 60.7 4-1 a) E a 0 CU 58.9 58.2 57.4 I I I I I Pine Harbor will be providing the shed. Matching our existing home colors and cedar shingles. Image of proposed shed. Here is an image of the shed style by Pine Harbor.The roof will be darker to match our existing home. #21-14 Applicant: Joshua & Sarah Brunelle 169 Fiddler’s Lane Brewster Zoning Board of Appeals 2198 Main Street Brewster, Massachusetts 02631-1898 (508) 896-3701 x 1168 FAX (508) 896-8089 www.brewster-ma.gov ZBA CASE FILE # o,2/— APPLICATION FOR BREWSTER ZONING tOARD OF APPEALS SPECIAL PERMIT/ VARIANCE/ ZBA APPEAL APPLICATION ($300 Filing Fee) NAME OF APPLICANT Joshua & Sarah Brunelle REPRESENTATIVE David A. Lyttle Ryder & Wilcox, Inc. PHONE NUMBER 508-255-8312 MAILING ADDRESS 169 Fiddler's Lane Brewster, MA 02631 PROPERTYADDRESS 169 Fiddler's Lane CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER(S) Joshua & Sarah Brunelle REGISTRY OF DEEDS TITLE REFERENCE BOOK 30217 PAGE 132 OR CERT. OF TITLE # PLAN # TOWN MAP # 48 LOT ## 35 LAND COURT # ZONING DISTRICT RM YEAR BUILT 1970 STATEMENT OF PROJECT Alter and extend a pre-existing non -conforming coved brick porch with a covered wood porch, a SIGNATURE OF 0 FOR OWNER ` DATE NOTE: This petition is NOT COMPLETE until all information is provided. Accuracy of this information is the responsibility of the petitioner. ZBA SPECIAL PERMIT/VARIANCE/APPEAL APP. REVISED 10-02-2017 Page 1 of 4 DATA SHEET Complete this form for every structure on the site that is in some way nonconforming. Identify structure: primary house, garage, tool shed, other primary house STREET ADDRESS 169 Fiddler's Lane Brewster, MA 02631 MAP # 48 LOT # 35 ZONING DISTRICT RM YEAR BUILT 1970 List only the nonconformities below: Identify all nonconforming setbacks. LOCATION EXISTING REQUIRED PROPOSED covered brick porch covered wood porch 5.8' front 30' 30' 5.1' front • J.goatioa is used to identify the setback: I.E. front, back, left side, right side, N -north, S -south, E -east, W -west, • J; cisting is the setback that currently exists on the ground ■ Required is the applicable setback required currently in the Brewster zoning bylaw ■ proposed is the setback being requested FRONTAGE: EXISTING 172.13' REQUIRED 150' LOT SIZE: 22,300 LOT COVERAGE EXISTING % 14.9 PROPOSED % 14.9 ALLOWED % 25 SIZE OF PARCEL 22,300 sq. ft. BUILDABLE UPLAND 20,160 sq. ft. BUILDING COVERAGE/PRIMARY STRUCTURE 3,137 sq, ft. BUILDING COVERAGE ALL OTHER STRUCTURES 177 sq, ft. BUILDING HEIGHT: EXISTING N/A PROPOSED N/A SPECIAL PERMITS: 2 APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT AS SET FORTH IN M.G.L. 40A, § 6, or § 9 and SECTION 179-25, BREWSTER BYLAW UPON WHICH THE BOARD IS EMPOWERED TO ACT. ZBA SPECIAL PERMIT/ VARIANCE/ APPEAL APP. REVISED 10-02-2017 Page 2 of 4 SECTION(S) PARAGRAPH(S) OF BREWSTER BYLAW UNDER WHICH THE SPECIAL PERMIT IS SOUGHT AND A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL. 179-25-B; Replace a pre-existing non -conforming covered brick porch with a non -conforming covered wood porch VARIANCES: 0 APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE AS SET FORTH IN M.G.L. 40A, § 10 SECTION(S) PARAGRAPH(S) OF BREWSTER BYLAW UNDER WHICH THE VARIANCE IS SOUGHT AND A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL. In order to grant a Variance, the ZBA must find all three of the following to be true: O Owing to circumstances relating to the soil conditions, shape, or topography cf such land or structures and especially affecting such land or structures but not affecting generally the zoning district in which it is located, and ❑ A literal enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance or by-law would involve substantial hardship, financial or otherwise, to the petitioner or appellant, and ❑ That desirable relief may be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and without nullifying or substantially derogating from the intent or purpose of such ordinance or by-law o APPEAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH M.G.L. 40 A, § 8, 14 CITE ORDER OR DECISION OF ZONING AGENT OR OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL OR ATTACH LETTER FROM ZONING AGENT/ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL. ZBA SPECIAL PERMIT/VARIANCE/APPEAL APP. REVISED 10-02-2017 Page 3 of 4 ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FILING PROCEDURES Completed application packages are required to be submitted and time stamped by the Town Clerk at least thirty-five (35) days prior to the requested hearing date. Town Hall hours are 8:30 am — 4:00 pm Monday- Friday. Complete application (12 copies) checklist: /Application C� Professional) engineered site plan Y g Assessor's map showing the applicant's lot Building plans, including floor layout, elevations and dimensions ❑ Decision letter from the zoning agent, if applicable $300 Filing Fee (made payable by check) Photographs are recommended. ✓ Please also provide one (1) pdf or electronic copy of the completed application package. An Abutter's List will be requested by the Zoning Board Clerk when the application is filed. In accordance with Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 40A, Section 11, the Appeal will be advertised in the local newspaper for two (2) consecutive weeks prior to the public hearing. The agenda will also be posted of the Meeting Board on the main floor of the Town Offices. A copy of the Zoning -By -Law, Chapter 179, is available at the Brewster Ladies' Library. It may also be purchased at the Town Offices for $25.00 or downloaded without charge from The Town of Brewster e -code website: http://www.ecode360.com/BR1068 Any Decision of the Board of Appeals may be appealed to Superior Court, Land Court or District Court within twenty (20) days from the time that the decision is filed with the Town Clerk. ZBA SPECIAL PERMIT/ VARIANCE/ APPEAL APP. REVISED 10-02-2017 Page 4 of 4 ---- -I ..... . _ I 1- ..�- T 1 .. .._. 1 _ . ..... . I - 1 . _• _ r --- _IT: .. .. 1 .. _. i•t .. — �.�s Rao4 44. 5; I... ...i_-T ' i r I �.. __- .� r L .---- ._:= -1_,, JOSh o ncl Saco -h brUr\Q1'L . 101 Fiddler's I n. RxewS4ec, r i h 1 C 1 ¶1 r- r � ( r G-er t-r- C r :c Ic.- ((Pg f idd f 11 I I 1 n��(c51' ia. i, \y ,dt� ti( AI' L&' 411 XG .PT • "_idad 9>x -e r ��'-� �' ), ,and „9Sp• W' S ball r r ra�iy !S ,4;2C`v at _,J,'/ ' y /1 ✓O.. cJ» 4 : sd "5' 7 .,--Q/x, CO ,IIE'' d itslc in 7}9S Q -:-) 7V -ten 7 'J� , s�D i SoQH 9su,°' B �� - ))) / 7 _P�a wa' g, � �% s)zo 7 n9Wa.� d .30 (31.0hisaJ�1.�L � Si � Ce., a� v 9.1 -1,a1 1.-c uj Hip »v,19 t los'�a�� vp� e_Livo _lass Jaya✓ iC G -1 5O I' -A l 541'. t)11 131.73 AD 47 O 1.73AC 113 AD 61 224AC UPLAND MAC WETLAND 2.6 TOTAL 57 129AD 0-0 • . 3.49 AC 1OAAc 1.10Ac 45 6,/9 AC UPLAND 0.24 AC WETLAND CA AC TOTAL 39 421 AC UPLAND .48 AG WETLAND 421 ACTOTAL 0 "150 a 014 AC UPLAND DATACW'ETLAIID D.61 AC TOTAL,. 46t2 MA? -4eD e VPLANO 20AAU3 AC WETLAND 'E6AC TOTAL AAA 62 ' e.1tAC UPLANDI tA2AC1'JET ALID 10.10 AO TOTAL .. 0-2 LU AC UUPLAND .02AC WETLAND 0 .14 AC 30 UPLAND 67 AC WETLAND AIAD TOTAL 1y,i1 21 t� , 210UPLAND 0.12M WETLAND iil,(O 222 AC TOTAL . '.,,1 25 ' 1 2.1NAC CAL 1.47AC • 70 OY4ACUPLAND 062A9 WETLAND 38A^TOTAL 66 015 RC UPLOAD A5 A0 WETLAND 1.OSAC TOTAL ZONING TABLE ZONE (RESIDENTIAL) RM (Re m/lento') FRONT YARD SETBACK '30 FEET SIDE AND REAR YA RD S ETBACKS '20 FEET BUILDING CO VERAGE 25% BUILDING HEIGHT 30 FEET PROPO SED BUILDING COVERAGE: Include s House, Garage, Covered Entry, Roof Overhangs, De cks 4 Sheds 3,314 S. F. X 100 - 14. 9% 22.300 S. F. 'PROPERTY SUBDIVISION PLAN DATED NOVEM BER, 1965. SEE PLAN BOOK 203 PAGE 127. ZONING 30'-20'-20' TO BE CONFIRMED BY BUILDING CO MM ISSIONER. OW NER OF RECORD Joshua L. *Sarah J. Bru nelle Deed Boo k 30217 Page 132 Plan Book 203 Page 127 Asse sso rs ' Map 48, Parcel 35 50' Buff er I Zone Pre -Existing Covered Bric k Porc h Pre -Existing Bric k Planters Isolated Vegetate d Wetland 801 SF Pre -Existing Woo d Ste p "j3-214`zetZliztote ` Wetland • S 100' Buffer Z one I BENCHMARK: I Top of Survey Nall EL -52.5 (Assumed datum) 50' Buffer Zone '\ X8 .1''\ I CERTIFY THAT THE EXISTING DWELLING ��°cy\ SHOWN HEREON 15 LOCATED AS IT s 0'o\ . EXISTS ON THE GROUND. 'If DATE 6-7, 19 itcs 1 cos P .L.S . " "�i: ' V . JOD� FIN N. O'REILLY u KO. 48733 fi;:6 NtJ \'+-‘ .01') .''',:,,,oz,,,,,, -- PROPOSED STAIRW AY Existi ng Wo od Fr ame D eck Supported by 8' Sono Tubes 177- PROP OSED COVERED PORCH oy \ iD / PREPARED FOR JOSH SAI PAh BRUNELLE o ,' 40 80 12 0 AS -BUILT PL OT PLAN SHOWING EXISTING DWELLING NEW DECK 4 ENTRY WAY P ORCH AT 169 FIDDLERS LANE, BREWSTER, MA 4 '/ SCALE I'=40' AUGUST 7, 2019 ..IMO-eII IA J.M. O'REILLY & ASSOCIATES, I NC. 1573 Main Street , P.O. Box 1773 Professional En gineering & Surveying Services Brewster, MA 02631 (508)896-6601 mrn:o.�ra".rsa+a MOM aO. %atlf0k M "A giVs .�nr ' 1 i I' _ .._.,. , __ �__ ^•Ji E. itna , ann ��c a��o 'enlmm � lift "v;v4,r��__ - - #21-15 Applicant: John and Deanna Button 70 Hinckley Road A O d Fp � #01/IItlIIlltl4t\l1\\ 0011111111/11/* `' 4 c4ctraDER 4'9" O x+o 'fl ;§'p F LrL T. D of Oi Brewster Zoning Board of Appeals 2198 Main Street Brewster, Massachusetts 02631-1898 (508) 896-3701 x 1168 FAX (508) 896-8089 www.brewster-ma.gov ZBA CASE FILE # 2/- /5 APPLICATION FOR BREWSTER ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS SPECIAL PERMIT/ ZBA APPEAL APPLICATION NAME OF APPLICANT 3 -oh ri 4- Deantlet ISLA +t() n REPRESENTATIVE NA PHONE NUMBER ( 09- 1 -1811 -(- MAILING ADDRESS ) 0 14in Gk(e . B rtzos1 r ( E- MAIL ADDRESS bL-h c cko(• COYvj PROPERTYADDRESS %a 1.1- -I ck CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER(S) :Oh, rDearl no u*on REGISTRY OF DEEDS TITLE REFERENCE BOOK PAGE OR CERT. OF TITLE # PLAN # MAP # 3 ZONING DISTRICT rY) STATEMENT OF PROJECT EN/LOReyf_ i Sr/AM SFI ED F (16 SF) LOT # •• YEAR BUILT NOM1-{ We•Sr SID. TkarYpvt.a kt u LAND COURT # oWe SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT FOR OWNER FLOOD PLAIN AE VE n 33 ro.S3-rte la/ X y 35o/aI D TE NOTE: This petition is NOT COMPLETE until all information is provided. Accuracy of this information is the responsibility of the petitioner.( Initial ) N:\Planning\ZONING BOARD of APPEALS\FORMS AND APPLICATIONS1Special Permit ZA Appeal and Variance APPLICATION UPDATED 07.18.18.doc Page 1 7/19/2018 12:02 PM BUILDING COVERAGE ALL OTHER STRUCTURES vogzi, sq, ft. BUILDING HEIGHT: EXISTING IV PROPOSED /0 SPECIAL PERMITS: U APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL PERMIT AS SET FORTH IN G.L.C. 40A, #9, SECTION 179-51, BREWSTER BYLAW UPON WHICH THE BOARD IS EMPOWERED TO ACT. SECTION(S) PARAGRAPH(S) OF BREWSTER BYLAW UNDER WHICH THE SPECIAL PERMIT IS SOUGHT AND A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL. ENSA E Ex) sri hie/ s aD (8' u 10) 73 las, x l' -{r SHED KEep I t JG Th r; J ORTIn Li N E I S1 i Na S E -r T3f3C K of Via.! Fi ND cm(4NS trl& 114E WEST LING EX1 &•-r- )N8 SF7"819CK O tc )0' ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: / ,) ❑ APPEAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH G.L.C. 40 A:8, 14 CITE ORDER OR DECISION OF ZONING AGENT OR OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL OR ATTACH LETTER FROM ZONING AGENT/ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICIAL. N:\Planning\ZONING BOARD of APPEALS\FORMS AND APPLICATIONS\Special Permit ZA Appeal and Variance APPLICATION UPDATED 07.18.18.doc Page 3 7/19/2018 12:02 PM MGL 40A, Section 613, Brewster Zoning Bylaw 179-27, Article 8 DATA SHEET Complete this form for every structure on the site that is in some way nonconforming. Identify structure: primary house, garage, tool shed, other STREET ADDRESS -i b 141 fc.', k .( -Rd . YEAR BUILT 0.00(0 MAP # 3 LOT # ZONING DISTRICT R r) J..ist only the nonconformities below: Identify all nonconforming setbacks. LOCATION EXISTING REQUIRED PROPOSED r:Zr1 NF. Rol r FRONTAGE EXISTING 1a/• a- REQUIRED X19 LOT SIZE 130o %1= Location is used to identify the setback: I.E. front, back, left side, right side, N -north, S -south, E -east, W -west, Existing is the setback that currently exists on the ground Required is the applicable setback required currently in the Brewster zoning bylaw Proposed is the setback being requested LOT COVERAGE EXISTING % q.5 PROPOSED % a.3 ALLOWED % g5 -a• SIZE OF PARCEL 9:1:)(3 sq. ft. BUILDABLE UPLAND 49, so 0 sq. ft. BUILDING COVERAGE/PRIMARY STRUCTURE aO? ,'t sq, ft. N:\Planning\ZONING BOARD of APPEALS\FORMS AND APPLICATIONS\Special Permit ZA Appeal and Variance APPLICATION UPDATED 07.18.18.doc Page 2 7/19/2018 12:02 PM ❑ VARIANCE: in accordance with MGL 40A§ 10 MGL 40A Section 10. The permit granting authority shall have the power after publichearing for which notice has been given by publication and posting as provided in section eleven and by mailing to all parties in interest to grant upon appeal or upon petition with respect to particular land or structures a variance from the terms of the applicable zoning ordinance or by-law where such permit granting authority specifically finds that; 1. Owing to circumstances relating to the soil conditions, shape, or topography of such land or structures and especially affecting such land or structures but not affecting generally the zoning district in which it is located, and 2. A literal enforcement of the provisions of the ordinance or by-law would involve substantial hardship, financial or otherwise, to the petitioner or appellant, and 3. That desirable relief may be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and without nullifying or substantially derogating from the intent or purpose of such ordinance or by-law. The Board must find that applications for a variance meet all three findings. N:\Planning\ZONING BOARD of APPEALS\FORMS AND APPLICATIONS\Special Permit ZA Appeal and Variance APPLICATION UPDATED 07.18.18.doc Page 4 7/19/2018 12:02 PM Date: March 31,2021 To: The Zoning Board of Appeals Re: Request for Zoning Change at 70 Hinckley Drive Dear Board Members, Thank you, in advance, for reviewing our request for a change to the setbacks on the west and north lines of our property at 70 Hinckley to accommodate a larger shed. Before Covid, we moved all of our outside furniture, bikes, beach things, etc into our home, which was fine as we only visited our Brewster home occasionally during the winter months. But since March 16, 2020, the start of the pandemic, we have been living and working from here in Brewster and tripping over all of our stuff. In the next couple years, we will finally make Brewster our primary residence, and in preparation for that move, we would like to build this larger outside storage space. If we can assist you in your decision making process, please feel free to call either of us anytime or stop by 70 Hinckley to see our property and better understand our request. Most sincerely, John and Deanna Button John's mobile (609) 781-0303 Deanna"s mobile (609) 217-4814 Home (508) 896-7227 L E 0 A L l A N 13 D E T A C H E D B 1 L D N G Key: 130 Town of BREWSTER - Fiscal Year 2021 I CURRENT OWNER PARCEL ID LOCATION BUTTON JOHN C & DEANNA M 222 SIENA DRIVE CINNAMINSON, NJ 08077 5072-0 70 HINCKLEY ROAD TRANSFER HISTORY DOS -1T T SALE PRICE BK-PG (C.R) BUTTON JOHN C & DEANNA M BUTTON JOHN C & DEANNA M PATTERSON URSULA M 01/03/2008 01/03/2008 06/11/2007 H R DC 328.000 328,000 22583-85 22563-83 22096-271 11 CD IT' AC/SFIUN I Nbad I St Ind I Intl {ADJ BASE I SAF J Tom I Loi 100 S 9,300 3 1.00 3A 1.00 A 1.00 588,280 4.29 TOTAL 9 300 SF ONING RM ;FRNT I 0 Nbad St Ind Intl NBHD 3 BREWSTER PARK AVERAGE N' 0 T E A 1.00 BA+ 4.40 VC CREDIT AMT $ ADJ VALUE This parcel is 2 lots - Lot 35 & 36 on Plan Book 7127 TY 1 QUAL COND DIM/NOTE I Y8 I UNITS ADJ PRICE RCNLD SHF G 120 01 1.00 8X10 2008 80 23.52 1.900 BUILDING CD 1 ADJ DESC MODEL 1 RESIDENTIAL STYLE 8 1.05 CONTEMPOR (100%1 QUALITY G 1.30 GOOD (100%1 FRAME 1 1.00 WD FRAME (100%1 YEAR BLT NET AREA $NLA(RCN) 2007 2,202 $230 SIZE ADJ DETAIL ADJ OVERALL 1.000 1.000 1.080 CAPACITY UNITS I ADJ STORIES 2 1.00 ROOMS 6 1.00 BEDROOMS 3 1.00 BATHROOMS 3 1.00 FIXTURES 10 $18,252 GARAGE SPACES 0 1.00 % BSMT FIN 0 1.00 # 1/2 BATHS 0 1.00 # OF UNITS 1 1.00 MEASURE 9/29/2008 JH LIST 9/29/2008 JH REVIEW 4(2/2009 ER 538,350 (ASSESSED CURRENT PREVIOUS LAND 538.400 538.400 BUILDING 450.500 432.600 DETACHED 1,900 1.900 OTHER 0 0 TOTAL 990.800 972.900 PHOTO 1D/01/2008 1 BLDG COMMENTS ELEMENT I CD I DESCRIPTION ADJ FOUNDATION 4 FLR & WALL 1.00 EXT COVER 1 WD SHINGLE 1.00 ROOF SHAPE 1 GABLE 1.00 ROOF COVER 1 ASPH/CMPSH 1.00 FLOOR COVER 1 HARDWOOD 1.00 INT FINISH 2 DRYWALL 1.00 HEATING/COOL 9 WARM/CL AIR 1.03 FUEL SOURCE 2 GAS 1.00 9/2412020 1:33 pm SEQ #: 137 I CLASS CLASS% f DESCRIPTION BN ID 18N I CARD 1010 100 SINGLE FAMILY I 1 I 1 J of 1 PMT NO PMT DT TY DESC 1 AMOUNT INSP I BY 1st % 369 07/02/2008 3 OUT BUILDING 3,200 03/09/2009 JH 100 100 626 10/02/2007 1 NEW CONSTRUC 400,000 01/30/2009 JH 100 100 595 09/25/2007 6 DEMO 5,500 09/29/2008 JH 100 100 5 11 11 J (B) CA BAS PA BMU (C) USP BAs 25 gfAU 28 a 12 15 5 5 () WDH (a) BAS BMU (F) 14 PTA 1? 22 S BAT j T DESCRIPTION 1 UNITS YB ADJ PRICE i RCN f A OPA N OPEN PORCH 55 42.96 2,363 + BMU N BSMT UNFINISHED 1,218 46.55 56,699 t BAS L BASE AREA 1,218 2007 211.30 257,368 C USF L UPPER STORY FIN 984 2007 155.94 153,440 E WDK N WOOD DECK 50 33.56 1,878 F PTA N PATIO 540 10.32 5,573 P21 0 FPL 2S 10P 1 8,699.20 8.699 0DS 0 OUTDOOR SHOWER 1 2,069.50 2,070 TOTAL RON ! 506,139 CD' CONDITION ELEM EXTERIOR A INTERIOR A KITCHEN A BATHS A HEAT/ELEC A LEFF.YR/AGE , 2007 / 12 COND 11 11% FUNC 0 ECON 0 DEPR 11 % GD 09 RCNLD $450.500 LIST OF ABUTTERS Roger & Tricia Alworth 50 Bradford Rd. Brewster (801) 360-6189 Email: talworth@gmail.com Gayle Condit This property may have sold. 40 Bradford Rd. Brewster (508) 896-6194 Robert & Diane Button This property has more that one owner. 36 Bradford Rd. Brewster (201) 317-2505 Email: rbttn@aol.com Melissa & Brian Frey This property has multiple owners. 30 Bradford Rd. Brewster (203) 722-7719 Email: melissacfrey@gmail.com Nicholas & Cindy Kip This property has multiple owners. 68 Hinckley Rd. Brewster (614) 478-3377 Email: nicholashkip@gmail.com /N N Cape Codder The Cape Codder is an exquisite building inside and out, offering exceptional storage for all of your assets. The incredible fir TIMBERPANE1.e° frame is both strong and beautiful. With an interior wall height of 7'4" on both the front and back walls, a steep 10/12 roof pitch and the included 4' storage loft, there is plenty of room. Pictured buildings may contain options and upgrades that affect costs of sheds and small buildings. Please inquire for more information. Pricing is subject to change without notice. A. 14'x20' Cape Codder: B. 10'x12' Cape Codder, C. 12'x16' Cape Codder: D. 12'x16' Cape Codder: E. 12'x14' Cape Codder • P1NEHARBOR.COM better i3uiidings by Design PRoPoSED S1}Ep Esetsefr aulldings by Design , 8'x12' $5,800 �12'x14 $9.45, 8'x14' $ 6,700 11 7-n.. 8'x16' $ 7,580 12'x20' $14,400 10'x12' $7,100 12'x24' $17,200 10'x14' $8,350 14'x16' $14,200 10'x16' $9.500 14'x20' $17,000 10'x20' $11,800 14'x24' $20,000 Plus Tax TIMB ERPANEL® Frame System Front Elevation SCALE: 1/4' - r -o - •Amite Cedar Shingles { Rear Elevation i SCALE: 1/6' = 1'-0- 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 J I I I I • Architectural Shingles • PVC Trim 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 II i 1 1 1 r I I I r I 1 Left Elevation SCALE: i/a' = White Cedar Shingles Architectural Shingles • Board arrJ E 3tten i -Cr. , Right Elevation ' SCALE: I/4' = 1'-0' White Cedar Shingles 1D Ria PINE HARBOR WOOD PROO12CTS PINEH AR!OR.COM 1.800.368.SHED 259 Queen Anne Road Harwich, MA 02645 p: 15081 420.2800 f:(5011430.1115 ba rn,a pinaharbor.com ENGINEER'S STAMP PROJECT: 12' x 14' Cape Codder CLIENT: ADDRESS: PHONE: E-MAIL: ADDRESS OF PROPOSED WORK: REVISION DATE: 3/24/21 DRAWN RV: GB Scale: 1/4' = r-0' Unless other rIise noted Page Al ' 1 r<'71. r• -'!..k."-‘<%1 '..4; ''' '.? ''.- t • ,1� LL eo . -' ,;•'.• !•h. f '.. 74,1r/17). :4' .., ' 4 -;...7 ,, ... .,„.,. ,!,,,a:titAs.. r.,- .....--;,ia.•-... ...4,1. ,•1---:-,--i .i,,-,:rit-7 .:, ,..:r—t . Sri. 4a{�1-i � • ;. , •.. 4. ^ r:., ..=-.--- '.„1:•iit,'"IF'il'..,.. Itt:* *1 : i':::i.: ' ; r i' .4 2 : • 4,:- 1 t ; :I '1% d ' -'1;;,. ..* ": -. ' -'..r.▪ .1 •ri3. - ..;':".r. :,..; : :';-:"' • l : '1 . :i : 1 e . P0 7 .1 : .11 -;:: >5 -- . ' -' '- ': 7 ; I -' 4 " r''':.: -4-1:hir' .fi ''' . - .‘17:41:::Lt:14?'%:-:;..4: i ;;. .. f":„ .,.:\ --1;c"." r -. --,•;. ...-1, ..":)!•1"-7-1 ,-- --- . 'v i ' ,,:,, ,."..:::• -,.. --IT.-".:T..) ]...„:0 ,. li. • 2";. r , i • 1 .,.. -.: i .,;1.. .e.. jf-,:r.i. t. :::;,. .s.:; 77. . ...1 - -, -.1" � --•4�, ��' .ice _ �f ti4 T. , •�,�� ` '-'..iiTi - i. , .kfr A. _4. ; " ' - .<*‘:4't4:- ;4 ti:I. ; ,4 ,.^fi't '.. la ,N7t .. .v .i.,-. -k.',-, .-: I-, . . ..f.:- - •-•• 1... .---- •-• - • ii- -...:.,:ei.., . i )::.�' .t.;. s. . 4'' 'il '6 . . : g: 1. P 4:::. 5 7 - - ; !I'll!): � ; . 71'; Nt...:1 -3.7 ; *'' '' :C7 - f..": •••• - '1. .1:::1; 1: 111::' - i•' !Al s , :�, -y� 1, •t‘libtt'N'.1t-I TOWN OF BREWSTER 2198 MAIN STREET BREWSTER, MA02631 PHONE: (508) 896-3701 EXT 1125 FAX: (508) 896-8089 EMAIL: BUILDING@BREwsTER MA.Gov WWW.BREWSTER-MA.GOV February 24, 2021 John and Deanna Button 222 Siena Drive Cinnaminson, NH 08077 OFFICE OF BUILDING DEPARTMENT Re: 70 Hinckley Road, Identified on Assessors Map 50 Lot 72, located in the Residential Medium (RM) Zoning District Dear Mr. and Mrs. Button, You have submitted a building permit application to replace an existing shed which was introduced in 2008. When the shed was placed in 2008 it violated the required ten (10) foot minimum set -back to the rear property line, yet since this violation existed for over ten (10) years it changes the classification from a non -complying structure to a non -conforming structure. If you were only requesting to replace and enlarge this shed within the same rear property line encroachment, then you would petition the Board of Appeals for a Special Permit pursuant to Brewster Zoning Bylaw, Section 25-B. Per your recent application, it appears that not only do you wish to maintain the rear property line encroachment, but you wish to create a new setback encroachment to the sideline by proposing a seven (7) foot setback vs. the requisite ten (10) foot setback. I find that this new setback violation to the sideline would require a Dimensional Variance from the Board of Appeals pursuant to Section 52 of the Brewster Zoning Bylaws. Thus, acting upon your application to replace a nonconforming shed with a non- conforming/noncomplying accessory building I must direct you to the Board of Appeals to obtain both a Special Permit pursuant to Section 25-B and a Dimensional Variance pursuant to Section 52. X )1 3 IAA If you are successful with your petition to the Board of Appeals and submit evidence bf recording of the decision at the Barnstable Registry of Deeds, I can then act upon your permit application. Sincer ly, aetor E. Staley Building Commissioner cc: Board of Appeals Ryan Bennett, Town Planner VS/sn f PERMIT MAP # LOT # DATE ISSUED Town of Brewster BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PLAN REVIEW AND PERMIT TO BUILD TOTAL $ DEPOSIT $ 5'Q , FEE $ FILING DATE // 7/4/ The undersigned hereby applies for a permit to build according to the following specifications and accompanying documents. OWNER'S NAM n •• anry OWNER'S TEL. N0. (Q ) 7 BUILDER'S NAME ' t om t E-MAIL ADDRESS ° ° at I i"r•1-:C bo , con HOME IMPROVEMENT REGISTRATION NO ING ADDRESS 7d ll �CiP1j Pei 'k]S1i 2Ir', lido. d ,� + .ul2Qr, e Hartoid-1 BUILDER'S TEL. NO. t5 8) 4 SO `- goc) CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR'S LICENSE NO LOCATION OF BUILDIN (Street) -7 1-1-Inck Rd AREA ZONE R L RR CH VB I ° CONSTRUCTION OF: N=W, `ALTER, ADD DEMOLISH MOVE MASONRY TYPE OF BUILDING: 0 E FAMILY RESIDENCE COMMERCIAL BUILDING GARAGE FCK SHED) 4, FENCE 10 BRIEF DESCRIPTION Of PROPOSED WORK: o a. a ' ha - 6 * ' etest1,t, PROPOSED (Sq.".): ASE./CELLAR 1st FLOOR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR HEATING SOURCE: GA HOT WATER HEATER: AS OIL ELECTRIC COOKING APPLIANCE: GAS W.ECTRIG 1 I HOW NEAR IS PROJEC TO: STREET LINE RIGHT SIDE LINE - ° LEFT SIDE LINE REAR LINE HAS A SEPTIC PERMIT PPLICATION BEEN FILED? YES DATE het ar14 ' n,7 2nd FLOOR OTHER OTAL MECHANICAL MASON LICENSE NO. LOT SIZE WATER SOURCE: Town X Well ESTIMATED COMPLETION COST? 1©) 4d ESTIMATED START LIPAA) OIL ELECTRIC F H W Building must be started vithin six months of permit issuance, and proceed at a reasonable 4ate. Plumbing, electrical, gas, tire alarm, driveway, septic permits; must be obtained if applicable. ACCOMPANYING DOCUI SITE PLAN (including pros FOUNDATION PLAN TYPICAL X -SECTIONS ENERGY CALCULATION BOARD OF APPEALS MATERIAL DISPOSAL W.C. AFFIDAVIT(S) LENTS: osed setbacks) 0 FLOOR PLANS 0 ELEVATIONS H.D.C. CONSERVATION FIRE DEPT. DPW ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ Offcial Use Only TOWN BUILDIT OF BREWSTER IG DEPARTMENT F W A RADIANT STATUS NO ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE Applicant agrees to give the Building Dept. 48 hours notice for all required inspections. The building must conform to the requirements of the Mass. State Building Code, 780 CMR, and all other pertinent laws, bylaws, codes and regulations. Owners pulling their own permit or dealing with unregistered contractors for applicable home improvement work do not have access to the arbitration program or guarantee fund under MGL C. 142A. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No person shall use or occupy any new building or addition until a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the Building Department. Owner P.44 CAj Agent for Owner The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Industrial Accidents 1 Congress Street, Suite 100 Boston, MA 02114-2017 www.mass.gov/dia t rkers' Compensation Insurance Affidavit: Builders/Contractors/Electricians/Plumbers. TO BE FILED WITH THE PERMITTING AUTHORITY. Applicant Information t Name (Business/Organization/Individual): okr y- Dean n Address: i ii' ► n ek)-e y w6c) r, oa6si City/State/Zip Are you an employe ? Check the appropriate box: 1.❑ I am a employe 2.01 am a sole pro any capacity. 3.01 am a homeow 4. } I am a homeowt ensure that all ci proprietors with 5.❑ I am a general c These sub-contr l Please Print Legibly 148/4 ci,o Phone #: ,r"©g. 8(114, ltd yxot. . with employees (full and/or part-time).* ietor or partnership and have no employees working for me in o workers' comp. insurance required.] er doing all work myself. [No workers' comp. insurance required.] t er and will be hiring contractors to conduct all work on my property. I will intractors either have workers' compensation insurance or are sole no employees. infractor and I have hired the sub -contractors listed on the attached sheet. ctors have employees and have workers' comp. insurance.: 6. ❑ We are a corpor Mon and its officers have exercised their right of exemption per MGL c. 152, § 1(4), and te have no employees. [No workers' comp. insurance required.] Type of project (required): SQL 7. New construction 8. Remodeling 9. 0 Demolition 10 [] Building addition 11.0 Electrical repairs or additions 12. ❑ Plumbing repairs or additions 13.QRoofrepairs 14. []Other *Any applicant that checks box 41 must also fill out the section below showing their workers' compensation policy information. t Homeowners who subi nit this affidavit indicating they are doing all work and then hire outside contractors must submit a new affidavit indicating such. :Contractors that check this box must attached an additional sheet showing the name of the sub -contractors and state whether or not those entities have employees. If the sub -contractors have employees, they must provide their workers' comp. policy number. I am an employer that is providing workers' compensation insurance for my employees. Below is the policy and job site information. Insurance Company Policy # or Self -ins. Job Site Address: Name: Lic. #: Expiration Date: City/State/Zip: Attach a copy of t a workers' compensation policy declaration page (showing the policy number and expiration date). Failure to secure co erage as required under MGL c. 152, §25A is a criminal violation punishable by a fine up to $1,500.00 and/or one-year imp isonment, as well as civil penalties in the form of a STOP WORK ORDER and a fine of up to $250.00 a day against the viol. tor. A copy of this statement may be forwarded to the Office of Investigations of the DIA for insurance coverage verificatio . I do hereby certj a Signature: Phone #: nder the pains and penalties of perjury that the information provided above is true and correct. Official use only. City or Town: Issuing Authority 1. Board of Heall 6. Other Contact Person: Gi litl L4 Q0-148141. Date: apipit Do not write in this area, to be completed by city or town official. Permit/License # (circle one): h 2. Building Department 3. City/I'own Clerk 4. Electrical Inspector 5. Plumbing Inspector Phone #: Town of Brewster BUILDING DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF 2198 Main Street Building Commissioner Brewster, MA 02631-1898 (508) 896-3701 Ext. 1125 (508) 896-8089 Fax Email: building@brewster-ma.gov DEBRIS AFFIDAVIT MAP LOT Debris resulting from this work shall be disposed of in a properly licensed solid waste disposal facility as d fined by MGL Chapter 40, Section 54. If the debri will not be disposed of as indicated below, the holder of the permit shall notify the Building Of icial in writing as to the location where the debris will be disposed. The debris will be disposed of in: Location of c hn Disposal Facility Name of Property Owner/Location of Proposed Work Name b#Cointractor/Agent Address of contrac Agent Signature 44. VA/ Date Debris Affidavit (ui dated 1/8/18) GENERAL NOTES: A.) NEITHER DRIVEWAYS NOR PARKING AREAS ARE ALLOWED OVER SLY! IC SYSTEM UNLESS H-20 COMPONENTS ARE USED. B.) THE DESIGNER WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SYSTEM AS DESIGNED UN - FS CONSTRUCTED AS SHOWN. ANY CHANGES SHALL BE APPROVED IN WRITING. C.) CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR VERIFYING THE LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK.. CONSTRUCTION NOTES: I _) ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL CODE, TITLE 5, AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH. 2.) Ste rIC TANK(S), GREASE TRAP(S), DOSING CHAMBERS) AND DISTRIBUTION BOX(ES) SHALL BE SET ON A LEVEL STABLE BASE WHICH HAS SEEN MECHANICALLY COMPACTED, OR ON A 6 INCH CRUSHED STONE BASE. 3.) SEPTIC TANK(S) SHALL MEET ASTM STANDARD C 1127-93 AND SHALL HAVE AT LEAST THREE 20" DIAMt1 tR MANHOLES. THE MINIMUM DEPTH FROM THE BOT- TOM OF THE SEPTIC TANK TO THE FLOW LINE SHALL BE 48". 4.) SCHEDULE 40 PVC INLET AND OUTLET TEES SHALL EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 6" ABOVE THE FLOW LINE OF THE Strl IC TANK AND SHALL BE INSTAI I FD ON THE CENTERLINE OF THE TANK DIRECTLY UNDER THE CLEANOUT MANHOLE. • 5.) RAISE COVERS OF THE SEPTIC TANK AND DISTRIBUTION BOX WITH PRECAST CONCRETE WATERTIGHT RISERS OVER INLET AND OUTLET TEES TO WITHIN 6" OF FINISH GRADE, OR AS APPROVED BY THE LOCAL BOARD OF HEALTH AGENT. G.) PIPING SHALL CONSIST OF 4" SCHEDULE 40 PVC OR EQUIVALENT. PIPE SHALL BE LAID ON A MINIMUM CONTINUOUS GRADE OF NOT I F95 THAN 1%. 7.) DISTRIBUTION LINES FOR SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM (A5 REQUIRED) SHALL BE 4" DIAMETER SCHEDULE 40 PVC LAID AT 0.005 FT/FT. LINE SHALL BE CAPPED AT END OR AS NOTED. 8.) OUTLET PIPES FROM DISTRIBUTION BOX SHALL REMAIN LEVEL FOR AT LEAST 2' BEFORE PITCHING TO SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM. WATER TEST DISTRIBUTION BOX TO ASSURE EVEN DISTRIBUTION. 9.) DISTRIBUTION BOX SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM SUMP OF 6" MEASURED BELOW THE OUTLET INVERT. 10.) BASE AGGREGATE FOR THE LEACHING FACILITY SHALL CONSIST OF 3/4" TO 1-1 /2" DOUBLE WASHED STONE FREE OF IRON, FINES AND DUST AND SHALL BE INSTAL I FD BELOW THE CROWN OF THE DISTRIBUTION LINE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM. BASE AGGREGATE SHALL BE COVERED WITH A 2" LAYER OF 1/8" TO 1/2" DOUBLE WASHED STONE FREE OF IRON, FINES AND DUST. I I .) VENT SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM WHEN DISTRIBUTION ONES EXCEED 50 FEET; WHEN LOCAIU) EITHER IN WHOLE OR IN PART UNDER DRIVEWAYS, PARKING AREAS; TURNING AREAS OR OTHER IMPERVIOUS MATERIAL; OR WHEN PRESSURE DOSED. 12.) SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM SHALL BE COVERED WITH A MINIMUM OF 9" OF CLEAN MEDIUM SAND (EXCLUDING TOPSOIL). 13.) FINISH GRADE SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF 36"" OVER THE TOP OF ALL SYSTEM COMPONENTS, INCLUDING THE SEPTIC TANK, DISTRIBUTION BOX, DOSING CHAMBER AND SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM. SEPTIC TANKS SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER OF 9" • 14.) FROM THE DATE OF INSTALLATION OF THE SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM UNTIL RECEIPT OF A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE, THE PERIMETER OF THE SOIL ABSORP- TION SYSTEM SHALL BE STAKED AND FLAGGED TO PREVENT THE USE OF SUCH AREA FOR ALL ACTIVITIES THAT MIGHT DAMAGE THE SYSTEM. 15.) THE BOARD OF HEALTH SHALL REQUIRE INSPECTION OF ALL CONSTRUCTION BY AN AGENT OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH (OR. THE DESIGNER IF THIS SYSTEM RE- QUIRES A VARIANCE) AND MAY REQUIRE SUCH PERSON TO CERTIFY IN WRITING THAT ALL WORK HAS BEEN COMPLt I tD IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THE PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS. 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE IS REQUESTED. 16.) INSTAI I FR TO CONFIRM LOCATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND AND OVERHEAD UTILITIES PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. 17.) EXISTING SEPTIC COMPONENTS TO BE REMOVED. ANY CONTAMINATED SOIL SHALL BE REMOVED FOR A DISTANCE OF 5' LATERALLY AND REPLACED WITH CLEAN SAND. AREA TO BE COMPACTED TO MINIMIZE SETTLING. 18.) OWNER/ CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW HOUSE LOCATION AND GRADING PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. 19.) ARCHITECT/CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY BUILDING SETBACKS, BUILDING COVERAGE, BUILDING HEIGHT; COMPLIANCE WITH ZONING SETBACKS IS NOT EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED HEREON. 20.) DRIVEWAY MATERIAL it LOCATION TO BE APPROVED BY HOMEOWNER/CONTRACTOR. FLOW PROFILE: NOT TO SCALE PROPOSED TOP OF FOUNDATION EL=52.5± - 24" DIAMETER CONCRETE COVERS RAISED TO WITHIN 6" OF FINISH GRADE (OR AS NOTED) (SEE NOTE #5) Proposed EL=5 I .5± 50.0± 49.35 1 1'± ....\ C=',• R'•: \ 50.5± 4'0" GAS BAFFLE 14" :49.10 48.80 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK 15'±- DB SOIL TEST LOGS: TEST HOLE I : EL=51 .O± DEPTH FROM SURFACE (INCHES) SOIL HORIZON SOIL TEXTURE (USDA) SOIL COLOR (MUNSELL) SOIL MOTTLING OTHER 0- 12" A LOAMY SAND I OYR 4/6 NONE 12-29" B LOAMY SAND I OYR 8/8 NONE VERY FRIABLE 29-121" CI MEDIUM/COARSE SAND _ I OYR 8/4 NONE LOOSE PERC @ 52" TEST HOLE 2: EL=5 1.0± DEPTH FROM SURFACE (INCHES) SOIL HORIZON SOIL TEXTURE (USDA) SOIL COLOR (MUNSELL) SOIL MOTTLING OTHER 0-13" A LOAMY SAND I OYR 4/C NONE 13-31" B LOAMY SAND I OYR 8/8 NONE VERY FRIABLE 31-122" C 1 MEDIUM/COARSE SAND I OYR 8/4 NONE LOOSE PERC @ 54" TEST HOLE 3: EL=5 I .0± DEPTH FROM SURFACE (INCHES) SOIL HORIZON SOIL TEXTURE (USDA) SOIL COLOR (MUNSFI I ) SOIL MOTTLING OTHER 0-12" A LOAMY SAND I OYR 4/6 NONE 12-31 " B LOAMY SAND 1 OYR 8/8 NONE VERY FRIABLE 31-120" C 1 MEDIUM/COARSE SAND I OYR 8/4 NONE LOOSE TEST HOLE 4: EL=5 I .0± DEPTH FROM SURFACE (INCHES) SOIL HORIZON SOIL TEXTURE (USDA) SOIL COLOR (MUNSFI I ) SOIL MOTTLING OTHER 0- I I " A LOAMY SAND 1 OYR 4/6 NONE I 1-34" S LOAMY SAND 1 OYR 8/8 NONE VERY FRIABLE 34-146" C 1 MEDIUM/COARSE SAND I OYR 8/4 NONE LOOSE DATE OF TESTING: 8-14-07 PERCOLATION RATE: LESS THAN 2 MIN/INCH IN "C' LAYER. WITNESSED BY: KEITH E. FERNANDES, ELT, BENNtI I t O'REILLY, INC. SHERRIE McCULLOUGH, AGENT, BREWSTER HEALTH DEPARTMENT NO WATER ENCOUNTERED USE A LOADING RATE OF 0.74 GPD/SF FOR SIZING OF SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM. SAS DETAIL: SCALE: 1" = I 0' Proposed EL=52.0± 49.1-± Existing Garage To Be Removed Existing Dwelling To Be Removed PROPOSED 2' OVERHANG PARCEL 40 -- TOWN -WATER- _. PROPOSED WATER LINE PROPOSED DRIVEWAY (SEE NOTE #20) Edge of Pavement HINCKLEY LOAD r -Proposed EL=52.0 (MAX) 35" Proposed (9" Mm - 3G" Max) 48.63 2" DROP DB-3 D -BOX H-20 /48 35 / 46.35 Longest Run 14'± w to 0 1+ C3� 2" LAYER OF 1/8" - I /2" STONE 3/4" - 1-1/2" STONE USE THREE SHOREY PRECAST i 500 GALLON LEACH CHAMBERS 7 5'± WITH STONE AROUND (SEE SAS DETAIL) (END VIEW) LEACHING CHAMBER 33.5' x 12.83' x 2.0' 9 51.9 12 2'± l+ 4 rn I I .0'± 2I .7'± 0 0 11_1 U z_ SYSTEM DESIGN CALCULATIONS: SEWAGE DESIGN FLOW: 4 BEDROOM DWELLING @ I I 0 GPD = 440 GPD LEACHING CAPACITY REQUIRED: 4 BEDROOMS (MAX.) @ 110 GPD = 440 GPD REQUIRED SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY REQUIRED: DAILY FLOW = 440 GPD @ 200% = 880 GAL REQUIRED SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY PROVIDED: 1 500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK (MIN. ALLOWED) LEACHING CAPACITY PROVIDED: ONE (I) 33.5' X I 2.83' X 2.0' LEACHING CHAMBER CAN LEACH: Vt=[(33.5 X 12.83) + (33.5 X 2.0)2 + (I 2.83 X 2.0)2] X 0.74 GPD/SF=455.20 GPD 455 GPD>440 GPD REQUIRED RESERVE AREA PROVIDED: ONE (1) 85.0' X 3.0' X 2.00' LEACHING SYSTEM CAN LEACH: Vt=[(85.0' X 3.0') + (85' X 2)2 + (3' X 2)2] X 0.74 GPD/SF=449. 18 GPD 449 GPD>440 GPD REQUIRED NOTE: A GARBAGE DISPOSAL IS NOT FERMI I l tD WITH THIS DESIGN. INSTALL: ONE ( I ) - 1500 GALLON SEPTIC TANK ONE (I) - 3 OUTLET DISTRIBUTION BOX (H-20 Rated) THREE (3) - 500 GALLON LEACH CHAMBERS WITH 4' OF STONE ALL AROUND i PARCEL 31 TOWN WATER 127.4'x- (126.51:t Deed) PARCEL 28 TOWN WATER 5L6 I'ROF'05ED 4 �. BEDROOM OW1 LUNG" TOP nr-FOUNDATION -4 • 4 a • d r 4 51.6 BENCHMARK: Top of Concrete Bound EL=52.0± (Assumed datum) PARCEL 98 TOWN WATER INSPECTION NOTE: PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION BY THE ENGINEER, SYSTEM NEEDS TO BE COMPLETE INCLUDING BUILDUP FOR COVERS. EL=38.8± BOTTOM OF TEST PIT #4 51.6 J ID, sting Septic Components (see Note #17) PLAN SCALE 1"=-20' TNIS AREA IS SERVED BY TOWN WATER. THE LAYOUT AND DIMENSIONS OF THE PROPOSED DWELLING HAS BEEN TAKEN FROM THE PLAN FAXED ON 8-20-07, PREPARED BY KAPP COMPANIES INC. 0 20 40 GO SCALE I "=20' G:\Autocad 2005\ and Projects 2005\2005Drawmgs\Button475 I \475 I site$sds(REVISED.9-04-07).dwg Cr CO Existing Oak Tree To Be Saved PARCEL 154-2 VACANT Drewste LOCU. PAGE 27 PAGE 843 PARCEL 30 PLAN BOOK 7 DEED BOOK 1408 ASSESSORS' MAP 3 32 X12.34 24x5 -W- 0-• -U- -G- TP ST DB SAS Reserve c EEI ■ BH CP LEGEND EXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR EXISTING SPOT GRADE PROPOSED SPOT GRADE WATER SERVICE LINE OVERHEAD UTILITY SERVICE UNDERGROUND UTILITY SERVI( GAS SERVICE LINE TEST HOLE/ BORING LOCATIOI SEPTIC TANK DISTRIBUTION BOX SOIL ABSORPTION SYSTEM RESERVED FOR FUTURE UTILITY POLE CATCH BAS I N FIRE HYDRANT WELL DRAINAGE MANHOLE CONCRETE BOUND, POUND TOP OF BANK LIMIT OF WORK FENCE EDGE OF CLEARING BULKHEAD COVERED PORCH ZONING TABLE ZONE: (RESIDENTIAL) FRONT YARD StI13ACK SIDE AND REAR YARD SETBACKS BUILDING COVERAGE BUILDING HEIGHT 20 FEl I 0 FEl 25 30 FEI PROPOSED BUILDING COVERAGE: HOUSE AREA (INCLUDING COVERED PORCH)+GARAGE AREA X 10 LOT AREA 2,222 S.F. X 100 = 23.8% 9,355 S.F. REVISED 9-04-07: House $ Septic Location Changed. John $ Deanna Button 201 Foxwood Drive, Moorestown, NJ 08057 SITE * SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM PL/ 70 Hinckley Road, Brewster, MA BENNETT A O'REILLY, Inc. Engineering, Environmental and Surveying O Services C) 1573 Main ;.street - Route 6A P.O. Box 1667 (508)896-6630 Office Brewster, MA 02631 (508)896-4687 Fai DATE: 08/24/07 SCALE: As Noted JOB NUMBER: B007-475 I