HomeMy Public PortalAbout19270720CCMeeting76 Town of Tybe e, Ga.July 20th,1927. The deferred regular meeting of Council was held to -day at 12 :00 o t olock,noon, after due notice was sent _ to _ each member of Council, and was attended by the Mayor and Councilmen- Horovitz,Eepy and Farr,the meeting_ being presided over by, the Mayor,there being a quorum present. The folldwing Ordinance levying an annual tax upon all the taxable property in the Town sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the $ 22, 000.00 Electric Plant Bonds and also confirming the sale of said bonds to the Citizens_ and Southern Company was placed upon its first reading and upon consent of Council was placed upon second reading,and on motion of Mr Horovitz that it be adopted, seconded by Mr Espy, it was passed unanarously; ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and Councilmen `of the Town of Tybee as follows; Section 1.There is hereby levied,assessed and ordered to be collected an annual tqx upon all taxable pro,prty in the Town sufficient to pay the principal and interest of the $ 22,000.00 Electric Plant Bonds voted April 12th 1927d validated May 2nd 1927 as they respectfully mature. Section 2.That the sale of the said bonds to the Citizens and Southern Company at the price of 22, 354.20 and accrued interest is hereby confirmed. Sectio 3fhat ail ordinances or parts of ordinances in eonfl i ct /'na ifie°g$`:1g hereby repealed. The Mayor mentioned having received &letter from Mr Norton Frierson requestine that automobiles be allowed on the beach but the opinion of Council was that it was dangerous and should not be permitted. As the the ocean had washed away so much of the land in the vicinity of the cottages owned by Mr Max Lehwald and the cottage owned by the Bank of Ridgeland at Lovell Station,that they have become dangerous in their prsent condition,Mr Horovitz reader a motion that steps be taken to condemn both of these buildings, which was seconded by Mr Farr and passed unanamously. The agreement between the Town and the. C of (le Ry. whereby the railroad gives the Town thezright to place poles paral ll to its tracks and also across same in the vicinity of Fort Screven was presented to Council and Mr Horovitz male emotion that subject to its approval by the `Town Attorney,that the agreement /�f executed by the Mayor,this was seconded by Mr Farr,and the motion carried un anamc us ly . A petition was read from Mr W.T.Daniels_ father of Edward Daniels who was fined % 25.00 in the Mayors Court, for refund of whdle or part of this fine,but Mr Horovitz said that he had reduced the fine from $ 40.00 to $ 25.00 and he did not think that the fine should be remitted ailtogether,so Council decided that as Mr Daniels had been given one reduction in his fine it would not grant another. 7 7 -1A petition was read from Mr Edgar J.Olieer as attorney for, E.J.Oliver,Abe Mazo, Fred Ehrenri ch, Simon Bradley,Aaron L.Bradley, 1 and Mrs Rose Kanters, owners of lot _ 105 ward 5 and Mrs MMinnie J. Smith,owner of lot 104 ward 5,offerinv to deed to the Town 10 feet from each lot,making a total of 20 feet, in consideration of the Town taking over and maintaining this strip with some hard surface material as a public street, same was referred to the Streets and Lanes Committee for consideration,with power to act, and report back to Council. There being no further business Council adjourned _subject to the call- of the Mayor. Clerk o Council. //7"41,;e..., . -,-- Mgy o r . townof Tybee,August 5th 1947. The regular meeting of Town Council was held to -day at 4:00 p.m. ans was attended by the Mayor and Councilmen Cann,Horovitz and Farr. and Mr. Gaines. The Mayor suggested that while the Georgia lagislature was in session at the present time it would be well to have the Town Charter amended so that it would include the following statutes; Giving the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Tybee authority; (1) To elect 'a Recorder of the Mayors Court. (2) To approriate 0 of the gross incode for advertising (3) To require property owners to cut weeds, ect. (4) To permit a property owner to contest an execution or fi -ta by filing and affidavit of illegality. (5) Tp permit building; of pav:ilicns, piers, ect., to low water mark and beyond into ocean,subj ect to U.S.Goverment regulations. On motion of Mr Horovitz,the Mayor was requested to have the Chatham County representativesPTEtge # Sove° at the present session of the State legislature,which W;s seconded by Mr Farr,and the motion carried. Mr.Cann said that it was tote intention of his Company to plant palm tress and oleanders in Venetian Terrace and that it would be a good plan as well as economical for the Town do likewise along the streets and on motion of Mr.Horovitz,seconded by Hr. Farr,the Mayor was empowered to handle the matter entirely,the motion carrying. Mr Horovitz said that it was necessary that the Town adopt a parking Ordinance,so the Town attorney was instructed to draw up an Ordinance for presentation at a later meeting of Council. There being no further business Council adjourned subject to the call of The Mayor. Clerk of Council or.