HomeMy Public PortalAbout19271006CCMeeting1 lin forth and to procure the vesting of the title of the said distri- ' butdon system in the Mayor and Councilmen of tie Tvon of Tybee. Can motion of it Horovitz, that it be adopted, seconded by N Mr Walthour,the motion carried. f The committee appointed to represent the property owners is,W.P.Brooks and Dr.H.Y.Righton,Dr.Righton was Messrs S.N.Harr eing unable to be present. r.Harris suggested that it would be a fine thing to have a supper out at Bannons Lodge to celebrate the lighting up of Tybee from Savannah and invite the property owners of Tybee and also the County Commissioners and others,the committee was excused. A petition was read from John. Stelljes requesting a remission of fine imposed upon him of $ 25.00 but the opinion of Council was that the fine should not be rem i . Led. There being no further business_ Council adjourned subject to the call of the Mayor. Cler.' of Council Mayor. Town of Tybee,Ga.,Cctober 6th 1927. •he regular meeting of Town Council wle held to ;ny at 4 :00 p.m. and was attended by the Mayon,pro.tom:Mr arr.andeCouric ;linen Lo rg;r7,n, Walthour and Espy. The following amendment to the Town Charter was read and upon motion of Jr. fi Walthour that it be adopted, seconded by Mr.Espy, it was passed unanimously; N ACT. To nevi se, a,lt er and amend the several Acts to and incorporbing the Mayor and Councilmen of The Town of Tybee,and for other purposes. SECTION ONE. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia,and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, that, from and after the passage of this Act, the Mayor and Coun- cilmen of the Town of Tybee, in Council assembled,inay elect an officer to be called "RECORDER" for such time,and for such Com- pensation, as they may orda.in,who shall be authorized to preside in and hold the sessions of Court known as Mayor's Court or Police 41prourt of the Town of Tybee,with all of the powers and authority conferred upon the Mayor er other presiding officer by Sections number 17 and 18 of the Act of the General Assembly, entitled "An act to arnend,revise and consolidate the several Acts granting authority to the Town of Tybee; to confer additional powers upon the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Tybee; to define thecor- porate limits of said town and for other purposes ", approved August 19th 1922. 79 80 SECTION TWO. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Tybee shall have the authority and be empowered to annroPriate from the treasury of said Town of Tybee sumes not to exceed five per cent (5%) of the gross income of said Town of Tybee in -any one year.The sum or sums so appropriated shall be spent to advertise the advantages of said Town of Tybee and tp promote the growth and interests ofssaid Town of Tybee and the welfare of its inhabitants under the direction of and in such a manner as shall be determined byathe Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Tybee,or by and committee of Council appointed by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Tybee for such purposes. SECT ION THREE Be it further enacted by the authority afore said that, from and after the passage of this Act, the Mayor and Council- men of the Town of Tybee shall have the authority and be empowered to require by ordinance the owners or occupants cf premises, lets or other areas in said Town of Tybee to cut weeds and noxious growth from said premises, lets of other areas, and for the purpose of forbidding such owners or occupants to permit weeds or noxious growths to stand. on such premises, lots or other areas or occupied and the said Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Tybee shall, from and after the passae of this Act,have the authority to make such regulations a.s will enable it to enforee the powers herein given and shall have the right =end power to provide a penalty by fine or inprisonm`nt for anyone convicted in the Mayor's Court of said Town of Tybee. for the violation of any ordinance passed in pursuance of the powers herein given.The said.Miayor. and Councilmen of the Town of Tybee shall further have the right,in the event of failure or refusal of any owner or occupant of any such premises ,let or other area to perform and carry out the obligations plced upon him by any ordinance passed in pursuance of the powers herein conferred,to cut and remove any such weeds or other noxious growths from the premises, lot of other area occupied or owned by the person se failing and refusing to comply with the duties and obligations imposed upon him by such ordinance and shall have the right to ' issue execution forthe cost thereof; such execution to be issued by the Clerk of said Town of Tybee and levied by the Chief of police of said Town of Tybee uponany property of the owner or occupant of such premises named in such execution. then the eXeciition shall issue „as provided herein,and the property levied upon shall be cldimded by a third person,the said claimant shall interpose his claim thereto as now provided by law for claims under tax executions for state and. county taxes and such claims shall be returned to and heard in the Superior Court of Chatham Uounty,Gecrgic. SECTION FOUR Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid - tha:t, whenever an execution or fi fa shall issue to enforce the colae lection of any amount due to the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Tybee and the defendent named therein shall desire to contest the validity of the amount of any such execution or fi fa,he may, by filing an affidavit of illegality according to the rules governing other iilegalities,cause an issue to be formed thereon, which shall be tried by a special jury at the first. term thereafter of the Superior Court of Chatham County, Georgia.. SECTION F I VE SECTION FIVE. 1114 le it further enacted by the authority afore said that ei the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Tybee, from the date of the passage hereof, shall have the autjority and be empowered . to permit 0 the building of piers ,wharves,pavilions,bathing houses and other structures exr.Bding from Tybee Island into the ocean beyond the low water mark SECTION SIX. Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid that 411 laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act or any section hereof be and the came. are hereby repealed. L . B .Dykes . 'resident of the Senate. Devereaux F.McClatchey. Secretary of the Senate. Richard B.Russe11, jr. Speaker of the House. L.B. ocre, Clerk of The House. Approved; L.G.Ha.rdman, Governor. This 23rd day of August. O 1 The question came up a s to the le:ality of a member of Council holding the office of "Recorder" in connection with his duties as aY, Ccluncilman,the matter was referred to the Town Attorney for his opinion. A letter was read from 1r. W.H.Dyer offering to let the Town have the use of a herd of goats ,free of charge, to eat the undergrowth on the isla.nd,but Council decided that as this method of disposing of the undergrowth was not feasible,the Clerk was instructed to se inform E.r Dyer, thanking him for his offer. A newspaper clipping explaining the method used in rnisquito control work at the i arine Base, t uanti cc, Virginia., ,sent to Council as possible informat ion, the Clerk was instructed to file came. A letter was read frcmthe Morning 'Yews soliciting an advertisement for their approaching trade edition,but Council decided that it wcu ldne t take an ad. A number of tills were passed or pay:ent. Er Cana informed Council that he made arrangements with Mr.A.W. Solomons of the County Corunissioners to have the tree planting gang start work on ionday October 3rd, at 9 a.m. planting palmettos along the streets in Venetian Terrace,and also that he had made arrangements with 1.°:r. W. C.Hendry to remove the trees from the soil so that the County forces could haul same to Venetian Terrace and plant there, Er. Hendrys forces would be paid weekly by the Town of Tybee. 82 Ihere being no further business Councilaadjourned subject to the call of the Mayor. A, Clerk c� ounci1. 1 Town of Tybee, Ga,.November 4th 1927. The regular meeting of Town Council was held to -day at 4:00-p.m. and was attended by Mayor Gamble and Councilmen Horowitz, Cann, Espy,Farr and Town - Attorney McIntyre. A petition was read from LIr- N.T.Pindar requesting a refund of a fine of $ 25.00 imposed upon him and on :notion ofrrMr Espy that he be refunded $ 10.00, seconded by Mr 'Parr, the motion passed. A letter was read from Mr J.M.Derr,Manager of The General Oglethorpe Hotel thanking Council was the flowers sent during the opening of the hotel last October. A number of bills were passed foc payment,when finances permit. A petition from L.r:E.J.Oliver,as attorney for the owners of lots 104 and 105 ward N ive, tc deed to the Town 10 feet from each lot,providea the Town would open and maintain same as a 20 foot street,Mr.Cann offered objedt: ions to this,saying that he thought the Town was making a mistake in accepting; these small strips of land for street purposes, - -- the matter was held open. statement showing the financial condition of the Town was read to Council,a.nd as there, were still. some delinquent taxes to be collected the Clerk was instructed to write a letter to each one calling attention that if taxes are net paid at once executions would be issued. Town Attorney McIntyre gave as his opinion, regard in!; the appointment 6f a Recorder, that where a Town does not have over 2000 popul.a.tion, a member of Council can also hold the office of Recorder - -- Mr. Espy nominated L;r. Horovitz for the office of Recorder for the remainder of the term of ,present administration, at a salary to be' fixed by Coundar.Ca.nn seconded same,and the motion passed una.namously,; - - - Mayor Gamble then administered the following oath to iv'r. Horovitz; I,Heyra.n Horovitz, do solemnly swear that I will t,-, the best of my ability discharge the duties of Recorder cf :the Tdwn of Tybee,during; my continuance in office,S0 HiIP IE GOD. ;worn to and subscribed before me, this 4th day of November, 1927. Notary Public, Chatham