HomeMy Public PortalAbout11-23-1998 Public Hearing PLAINFIELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES PUBLIC HEARING DATE: NOVEMBER 23, 1998 AT: VILLAGE HALL BOARD PRESENT: J. DEMENT, K. STALZER, J. DARNELL, K. O'CONNEL R. ROCK AND R. SMOLICH RECUSED THEMSELVES FROM THE HEARING. S. RATHBUN WAS ABSENT. OTHERS PRESENT: T. BURGHARD - ADMINISTRATOR S. JANIK - CLERK J. HARVEY - ATTORNEY J. DURBIN - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIR. L. VAUPEL - ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT B. MILK - PLANNER ~' R. HANSEN - PLANNER D. CARROLL - PLANNER J. PETTIGREW, TPAP K. GROSS, TPAP 80+ RESIDENTS At 6:00 p.m. President ProTem K. Stalzer called the meeting to order. Roll call was taken, S. Rathbun was absent, R. Rock and R. Smolich recused from the discussion and J. Dement, K. Stalzer, J. Darnell and K. O'Connell were present. Clerk Janik led the pledge to the flag. K. Stalzer stated that this is an Open Public Heating for the consideration of the approval of the Redevelopment Plan and Project dated October 5, 1998, prepared by TPAP, Inc. and the creation of a Tax Increment Financing District for Downtown Plainfield. Mr. Jack Pettigrew, TPAP Consultant for the Village of Plainfield,gave a TIF Overview. He spoke of the history of funding redevelopment projects. A tax increment is the difference between the amount of property tax revenue generated before TIF district designation and the amount of property tax revenue generated after TIF designation. Establishment of a TIF does not reduce property tax revenues available to the overlapping taxing bodies. Property taxes collected on properties included in the TIF at the time of its designation continue to be distributed to the school districts, county, community college and all other taxing district in the same manner as if the TIF did not exist. Only property taxes generated by the incremental increase in the value of these properties after that time are available for use by the TIF. The increment goes to the County, the County then sends that increment back to the Village and the Village must extend that money within the designated Tax Increment Financing Area. The increment PLAINFIELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES PUBLIC HEARING NOVEMBER 23, 1998 cannot be spent anywhere else in the Village, and cannot be mixed with other revenues of the Village. Being in or not in a TIF area does not cause an increase in your taxes. The only way your taxes are increased are if you make improvements to your property that cause the assessed value to go up or for some other reason the value of your property increases. Mary Coupland, 206 Corbin, had questions with regard to possible tax increases. Mr. Pettigrew continued his summary on the Tax Increment Financing Law in the State of Illinois, which was passed in 1977. There are now 47 states in the country that have Tax Increment Financing legislation. Within a TIF area, the law requires that the area meet certain basic requirements. He then stated that nine of the fourteen factors given by the statute are present in Plainfield, besides the fact that 95 percent of the buildings are 35 years of age or older. It is important to note that the test of eligibility is based on conditions of the Project Area as a whole; it is not required that eligibility be established for e~bh and every property in the Project Area. One of the most important roles of the downtown is to serve as an image of the community. Sally Conklin, Lily Cache Road, asked if TIF is passed before the building under current development are completed, will their entire tax go into the TIF District? Mr. Pettigrew stated that the county will look at the value of the property at the time of adoption and the value of the property at that time(current year). If it doesn't show up in the base value, but it does show up next year then it is calculated as increment. Major changes to the Redevelopment Plan - expanding the boundaries of the TIF district, require another public hearing, and all the opporktunities for public input that were available during the initial establishment of the TIF district. J. Pettigrew stated that representatives of major taxing districts in this area were invited to participate in three meeting establishing the Joint Review Board and to receive early information on the proposed TIF area. The Joint Review Board under the law gets reconvened and there are regular reports that must be submitted to that Joint Review Board on the progress and proposals being undertaken within the area. PUBLIC COMMENTS: GOVERNMENTAL JURISDICTIONS: Kenneth Hummel, 346 .Joliet Road, is representing Community School District 202 who has filed an objection along with some alternatives with the Board. Counsel, Alex Rubenstein, 300 S. Wacker Street, Chicago, Illinois. Briefly outlined the School Districts objections to the Downtown Plainfield Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project and Plan listing reasons as the total Project does not meet TIF blighting PLAINFIELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES NOVEMBER 23, 1998 PAGE THREE qualifications; and the plan lacks sufficient specificity; plan fails to adequately demonstrate the need for tax increment financing and filed at this time a formal objection (a copy attached hereto and made a part of the minutes). Attorney Rubenstein also presented a letter to the Village Clerk with a list of alternative Financing that include Special Assessment Financing; Special Service Areas, and various other financing agreements to promote development and the general growth of property values within its boundaries, for Village review (a copy attached and made a part hereof). Mr. Vaupel, Economic Development Coordinator for the Village clarified that the School Board stated that the Joint Review Board was not able to pass on a positive recommendation, which was misleading, it was a tie vote, (2 to 2 vote) and therefore no recommendation, neither for approval of the Feasibility Study or denial of the Feasibility Study. The r~cords show that there were no other governmental jurisdictions desiring to address the Board. John Bates, 500 Diilman, Representative from MainStreet gave their support of TIF after diligent research over the last 10 months. Their group actually visited other communities using the TIF program and came away with positive findings. Mr. Bates urges the Board to take action for a positive development for the Village. He also presented to Clerk Janik a Petition with 134 signatures of people who visited Downtown Plainfield in the last several weeks in support of TIF. (a copy of which is attached to the minutes and made a part hereof) The records show that there were no other quasi-governmental bodies that desired to address the Board. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Gene Cline, 710 W. Main Street, stated that parking and traffic are the main problems and need to be addressed. Fran Cline, 710 W. Main Street, expressed fears about eminent domain powers of the Village, and wanted assurances they could remain in their homes as long as they wanted. Jack Pettigrew, TPAP, explained to the Board that the area in the District would be a conservation area and is characterized by three or more of the factors set forth in the Statute. Those factors are conservation factors. Harold Pemble, 718 Division, questioned why K. Stalzer's home was excluded from the district and felt that the TIF District boundaries should include the entire block. He also expressed fears that his taxes would rise because of the TIF. Mr. Pettigrew again stated that a property owner can choose whether to participate in the TIF. PLAINFIELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES NOVEMBER 23, 1998 PAGE FOUR K. Stalzer, 706 N. DesPlaines, stated that after legal consultations he chose not to be in the district so he could help develop the TIF which he supports. Arnie Ozbolt, 506 Commercial, questioned K. Stalzer what his home was zoned. K. Stalzer replied Residential-1. John Cherry, 641 W. Park Lane, asked about powers of eminent domain. T. Burghard, Village Administrator stated that he could not guarantee condemnation would never be used, but stated that at no time was the present board considering such use of power or had the staff even suggested it. J. Harvey, Village Attorney, explained to the public that the power of condemnation already belongs to the village, and a TIF does not enhance it. Sally Conklin, Lily Cache, Plainfield, questioned if the money from TIF could be used for acquisition, and improvements, but not construction. J. Pettigrew stated private construction in a new building is not eligible under the law, rehabilitating an existing building is. She wanted to know how money acquired from property value increments above the base would be used. She wants to see a policy statement or goal plan. Arnie' Osbolt, 506 Commercial, stated that there has been a great job done on improvements in town already, why do we need TIF downtown, how is this going to change it or solve everything. Jeanette Bedford, 806 DesPlaines Street, she currently has her house for sale now, and wonders what effect being in the TIF District would have on the sale. Robert Matthews, 726 Center Street, (son in law of Jeanette Bedford) asked if his mother in law would be assured that her property would retain its value no matter what she does, whether she elects to use money or not, and if you say it will, what guarantees do we have? T. Burghard stated that the value of her home will be affected by the TIF District, it will probably increase. Stefanie Jackson, 720 N. Division, asked that her home be removed from the proposed TIF District. Mark Henderson , 5215 Brookshire Estates Drive, (Wesmere Subdivision/Joliet) stated that TIF is a good concept if a plan is followed, has some good benefits and its a tool for a community to use. Had concerns with regard to assessed values of properties in the proposed TIF District and in regard to the Open Bidding process for services. Walter Sharp, Maple Court, Representative of Masonic Lodge, if we wanted to do more extensive work that would only maintain or conserve our building, could we borrow money from the TIF. T. Burghard spoke briefly about parking being an eligible program and policies. TIF money could be used to buy property to provide parking for downtown. Mrs. Krueger, 706 N. Illinois Street, who decides what will go into the TIF property, and if you want to make changes to your property, do you have to go to the Board to get permission? T. Burghard stated that if you wanted to make zoning changes you would come to the Board, building permits would still be building department, so actually no changes would be made. TIF program gives incentives to make it attractive to fix up property. PLAINFIELD VILLAGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES NOVEMBER 23, 1998 PAGE FIVE John Peterson, 702 DesPlaines & 608 Fox River Street, supports TIF as a tool to solve parking problems and traffic concerns. Jim Waldorf, 7529 S. Main Street, Darien, past principal of Plainfield High School, supports TIF. Michael Lambert, 601 N. Des Plaines Street, requested the removal of his property from the proposed district based on being cut out of the bidding process as a TIF services provider. Deb Olson, 723 Bartlett, feels that TIF will be an incentive to spur economic development downtown She will take advantage of TIF. Janet Cochran, 1805 Willow Drive, West, enjoys and supports the downtown. Carl Bryant, 13360 Rivercrest Drive, support TIF District. Chere Bates, 500 Dillman, supports TIF District. Ken Stalzer, had concerns regarding the bidding process and supports his son's decision not to be included in the TIF District. Mary Coupland, 206 Corbin, does not think her property should be eligible for the TIF DistriCt and told the Board members that she was upset with the Village's denial of a land sale in the TIF by her brother. BOARD'S COMMENTS: Jeff Dement, supports TIF programs, but would like to see a determination as to where the money will go, and would like to see it put into parking and public improvements. Kathy O'Connell, also supports TIF but would like to see a time frame as to what happens next. Requires a policy. Jay Darnell, supports TIF and feels it would be a great tool of this community. T. Burghard passed on to the audience that if the Board moves ahead with the TIF District at the Board Meeting on December 7, 1998, there will be additional public forums in the next few months. He also said that he would consult with MainStreet and the Chamber of Commerce to develop types of programs to complement businesses. J. Damell moved to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by K. O'Connell. Vote by roll call. Darnell, yes; O'Connell, yes; Dement, yes; Stalzer, yes. Meeting adjourned at 8.55 p.m.