HomeMy Public PortalAbout19280430SCMeetingTown of TybeelGa.,Anril 30th 1928. sTpecial meeting of Council was held to-day at 12:oo noon and was 114 attended by the .Layor and Cou ncilmon Horovitz,Cann,Espy and Farr, ei also by Town attorney McIntyre. ,r# The following Ordinance was read and by agreement of Council was I' read.a second time and on motion of Mr Cann that it be adopted, •IPIsedonded by hr Horovitzlthe motion oasse; -gFIDINANCE TO PROVIDE for the taxation of real and personal property in the Town of Tybee for the fiscal year commencing flay 1st 1928 and to provide for the rate of liscense for doing business in said Town of iybee for the fiscal year endinc; April 30tb. 1929, and for other purnoses. aECTION 1 Be it ordained by the Mayor and. Councilmen of the Town of Tybee in Council assembled and it 4s hereby ordained by the authority of the same that the rate of TAXATION upon real and personal nroperty wihtin the limits of the said Town of Tybee for the fiscal year commencing May '1st 19281sha11 be ONE AD ONE- UAM:ER PER.CNT upon the assessed or returned value of same,the value of real estate and improvements to be ascertained from the returns of the ttee on Assessments of said Mayor and Councilmen and the valuation of -personal pronerty to be ascertained from the returns of the owners thereof in pursuance of the scheme and plan contained in Section One,Two and Three of the Ordinance entitled and Ordinance to provide for the assessment of taxable prthnerty rain the Town of Tybee ,and the mode and manner of valuing such IP property for taxation and to carry in to effect the propvisions of the act of the Generel Assembly of the State of Ceorgin anproved uust 19th 192213ection 21,aassed in Council assembled. October 13th 1922,and it is further ordained that if any person or persons should refuse or nealect to aay any tax required by this Ordinance within THIRTY DAYS after same shall become due,or shall fail or refuse to pay any DOU3LE TAX assessed as above provided within after same shall become due,the Clerk of Council and Ex-officio Treasurer of said Town shall issue execution therefor and the further sum of 0 E DOLLAR for cotts,the Chief of Police and Ex-officio Tax Collector shall proceed with such execution in the same manner as now provided by law in such cases of axecutiond lodged with the Sheriff. aECTJON 2 And every person who shall pay his taxes within DAYS after same shall become due shall be entitiled to a deduction of Tif. PER CENT on account thereof,and the Clerkmof eouncil and Ex-officio Treasurer of :aid Town is hereby authorized to make such deduction unon receint of tax,the provision of this section shall not apply to LISC=SES for doing business in said iovrri,the rate for such liscenses beina YET. aECTIOZ 3 The liscensex for doing business in the 41/1nwn of lybee for the fiscal year endina. Anril 30th 1929,shall be as follows ; 89 ,e)', LISC1SJiS Fee TRANSACTING Busirt3ss IN THE TOWN OF TYB r FOR THE YEAR'44#02e. ALL LI CEYSES ARE '-eeT DISCOUNTS DO NOT APPLY Every Avery Every every Avery Every Svery every Avery every svery each ard each and sach and Each and keeper or keepers of a hotel or boarding house that contains 10 room m or less keeper or keepers of a hotel or boarding house that contains over 10 rooms up to 25 rooms keeper or keepers of a hotel or boarding house that contains 25 rooms and up to 50 rooms keeper or keepers of a hotel or boareing house that co taine over 50 re,oms and upward owner or lessee of a billiard or pool table other than those used in private dwellingeoach table owner or keeper of e rifle rangeveun or ball gamepeach game keeper or owner of a :thole or place of amusementi keeper er owner ef a meti ©n picture show keeper or owner of a bowling alleyteach alley keeper or owner of photograph eellery keeper or owner of a ekating rink every fortune teller or palmist every owner of a souvenir stand every owner of a pinwheel or prize table,each every owner or keeper of a grovery or provision store 40.00 owner or keeper of a lunehteeeey or ice cream stand 10.00 owner or keeper of a bkerytbread or cake Shop 10.00 eenee of e eatermorke 100.00 owner of an ice company 50.00 owner of a lighting company 25.00 oenee or keeper of a telep'eene ex telegra-h 25.00 10.00 25.00 50.00 100.00 5.00 25.00 10.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 50.00 100.00 25.00 25.00 eaci and every each and everY e ach and every each and every E ach and every each and every company each and every owner or keeper of a eublic bath heeeep each room .25 Avery owner or keeper of vehiclee for hauling for hire, 1 horee wagon Svery owner or keeper of a tehicle or hire (Automobile jitney)fare not over 10%each way from Ft.Screven to Inlet 20.00 Every owner or keeper of flying horeee,eeeibition or itenerent shows,each 25.00 .very owner or keeper of a lace selling soft drinks 50.00 Avery owner or keeper of a milk d, iry 10.00 every owner or keeper of a restaurant or eating house 25.00 very person or corporation operating a restaurant in connection with e pavilion 50.00 Avery pavilion or hall used for dancing and charging a fee to patrons for using same 50.00 Every owner or keeper of a tailor Shop 10.00 Avery drygoods merebanttpeddler or dealer in second hend clothing 25.00 Avery junk dealer 25.00 Paesenger vehicles for hire where passengers are solicited from Tybee,each 25.00 Tank vehicles selling and delivering #asolineloilsoect., each vehicle 25.00 Vehicles selling and delivering boetled soft drinkspect. 25.00 Vehicles selling and delivering bread 15.00 Vehicles selling and delivering ice creamtect. 25.00 'very dealeraseiling and delivering vegitabies from vehicles 5.00 eeutomobile ga:ages or parking spaces for hore,each 10.00 eUtemobile supply beeeee 10.00, 5.00 Oaeoline dealers, each Pump Laundries solleiting, and deliVeriee by truck eacb and every owner or keeper of a store selling in connection therewith Vehicles sellinle or delivering any commodities by auto truck not specified aboveltruck capacity not over one ton sach and every owner or keePer of a recreational game known as The BLU or similar name Seeethaand every owner or keeper of a recreational game known as JAPANESE BALL GAME or steilar name Aach and every owner or keeper of a recreational game known as SKAA BAIL or similar name Each and every owner or keeper of a soft drink stand where lunches,caedies anct ice cream are sold in connection therawi-h 10,00 10.00 • 100.00 15.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75 .00 the Town were on deposit in ihe Question up and the ul the time bein paid and that a balan the bank. e of approximately of the delinquent taxa- ark was instructed to 7o 600.00 was again brought id same for the County Cokmissioners,requesting office to the incoming board on May hi* to administer th 7th 1928. oath of ayor. Town if TybeelGa.,May 7 19 Maynr 8. 91 was atten and JJ'arr,Town There being n said that sin to-day that h 411 office. The old board. he Mayor and Counc Attorn tyre. business to come bef e the Two year term f wanted to take the o the :Mayor lthour,Espy spoke and lected expired e then retired. Tov uf Tybee,Ga.,May 2 19 The.„Layor,called the new board to or 1.,ayor Thomas Gamble and Councilmen .althour,ua71 ..-;soy and JilIlain L. Mr.Tiedeman aaministerecl the follov T.Tbnna.s Gamble., and honestly perform the duties of to the best my skill and ability GOD, erlthose Jogimg prese FerL'is Cann,11.Horov arr,and Town Attorne - ng oat g to Mayor Tho 8. as Gamble; layor of the Town of without favor or aff ybee ction, , A A L,],owlng.oath to Councilm uann,E.Horovi-,z,Carl Espy,Henry C.Walthour and 4 4 • -7.spy1T-",.nry C solemnly.'swear that 1 will faithfully and hone the duties of Coundilman of the Town of Tybee to the bes J Ferris L. Farr; thour 7 • 11i sIly perform t of my 92 sEuTiON 4 In the event any business or calling not specifically mentioned in the above list set forth shall be .established ih the Town o. Tybeelthe Mayor and Councilmen reserve the right to establish a liscense fee for same by resolution,which fee is to be of equal dignity as the liscense specifically mentioned in the -above section,provided however that such liscense shall not be less than TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY OZNIS and not more than the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. SECTION 5 This Ordinance shall be subject to alterations or repeal in whole or in part at any time during the year beginning aylst 1928 should it be deemed advisable and no such amendment or repeal shall be eondtrued to impair the right nf Council to assess or levy a tax fsr the whole of such year whenever made. sEuTION 6 All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances conflicting with the provieiens of this Ordinance are hereby repealed,providing nevertheless that so much and such parts or Ordinances passed as Pro- vi ?. for the execution for any tax or assement,Or part of tax Or • asseSstent,reouired by Each Ordinance and now remaining unpaid,shall continue and remain in force so as to authorize the Clerk of Council and Ex-officio Treasurer to issue executions and the Chief of Police and Ex-officio Tax Collector to collects&me,until such taxes or aseesments shall be fully Paid. The budget for the year 1928 covering the anticipated expenditures of the various departmente was read and on motion o± Mr Horovitz that it be adostedIseeonded by Mr Espy,the motion p- budget is shown in detail below; • BUDGET OF THE TOO OF TTBEI: FOR THE FISCAL TEAR 1928-29. ••/ ExtricuTrvz IPARTIENT: Salaries .1111.00.11■•■••■ 0010■41.111.■40011020404.41..O.N....IOW...**OWIMINOWOMPOW■MOrOW Advertising Office rent Water rent Stationez7 and. postagi Telephones, telegrams Insurance Town Attorne7 fees rgATEREST ON NOTES: 0110.10•1•■•••• Notes in Bank (424,750) INTEREST ON BONDS: ommorrso Voting bonds Electric lights REDUCTION OF NOT_S HELD BT BANKS: qomr..mrmm■mmo Citi :setts B & T Co (418500) Skistni:gb,3 & T Co (Dixont tar 44,000 14),41rift B' T Ce ' Brant, note for $2250 OASUlkil IYtC1CTEZ $3 120.00 5004o 240,00 1,5.4X) 175.00 120.00 100.00 250.00 44680.00 5500.00 �600 .00 1700.00 1 , Lterty iti,Isk hi Trust Co , . p01,10$ # 0Wist sintitiket.,,,i, I 12 1/4mtke " 30)0000 „twe$L2251 each at $102 411°. 3 $36,00 40 days' at * 800.00 .. , .r r Ss 111141411117 AA', 40 follyilb egt4 (.11,1 .111Inw Nit* antoMet114: $.O0 Si#103-io* sad geiplaent 150. s)sPlIentf Vit4111 i .., . •...': Transpolling prieOhart# 4 _ - - SANITAlfr DEPARTIOniTs GE STETEM: Inspector 6 months at $50 Two wagon drillers, 5 months at $15 Supplies Maid at ?Alt room, 3 mpnthe at 4?1.50 a day Oils and incidentals .00 1,60#00 250.00 140.00 Saystmeah Electric Limit & paweg. Co. street ligt.ilits Coriviot caw Rest room and school house TS AND TJ$s Gravel ter repairs li&LANOUS: l'aint tor tzattio lino on roads 50.00 eriff14) signs 75600 bxeitonial.s ‘1,000,;00 1125 01110010x1•0•••••••■••414000•I expenses for year._ is,4116, VD to > The Clerk of cmuncil reported that all bills for the year ending April lig 30th 1928,against the Town were paid and that a balance of approximately 600.00 was on deposit in,,the bank. N r. The question•Qf the delinquent taxes of Mr.. E.B.Iziar was 2gain brought up and the Clerk was instructed to issue executions and hold same for the tithe being. The Clerk waslins,trcut d to write to Ur.George W.TiedemanmChairman of the County Commissions s,requesting him to administer the oath of office • to the . incoming board on May 7th 1928. There being no',`.futther business Council adjourned of the Mayor.i rk,of Council. subject to the call Town of Tybee,Ga.,Ma.y 7. 1928. A regular Meeting of Twon Council was held to -day at 12:00 noon and was attended by the Mayor and Councilmen Cann,Horovitz,Walthour,1spy, Farr and Town Attorney'McIntyre. There/ usines©s to COMB llbefore Council *the Mayor spoke and said that since the two year term for which he had been elected expired to -day that he' wa. tea to take the ocassion to thank Council for the splendid cooperation that had been given him during during his tenure of orifice. Council..;t en adjourned. Mayor immed at e the near b Councilme Town of Tybee,Ga.,May 7 1928. y after the adjournment' of the old. board,the Mayor called and to ord.er,thase present being Mayor Thomas Gamble and d .Ferris Cann,H.Horovitz,Henry C.Walthour,'°arl Espy and illiam idi..2arr,Town Attorney McIntyve and Mr.George W'.Tiejeman,Chairman of the county Commissioners.. _ rar. Tiede r an administered the following oath to Mayor Thomas Gamble; I,Thomas.Gamble,do solemnly swear that I will faithfully and honestly perform the duties of' Mayor of the Town of Tybee to the best of my skill and abilitywithout favor or affection,S0 HELP ME GOD. v4Lop, 3