HomeMy Public PortalAboutCore Drainage Study Baxter & Woodman, Inc. i June 2021 Prepared by BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. 477 S. Rosemary Ave., Suite 330 _________________________ West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Jeffrey G. Hiscock, P.E EB-31795 No. 43984 Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment Technical Memorandum Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. 1 Introduction The Town of Gulf Stream (Town) has requested that Baxter & Woodman, Inc. (Consultant) perform engineering services to assess the Town’s stormwater drainage system in the Town’s “core” basin generally described as being bounded on the north by the Little Club Golf Course, on the south by Gulfview Drive, on the west by the Intracoastal Waterway, and on the east by A1A (N. Ocean Blvd). The limits of the study area include the core basin, Little Club Golf Course, and contributing drainage areas. Portions of the core basin have experienced flooding in the past prompting the Town to consider ways to reduce the flooding. There are also areas where ponding occurs that the Town requested assessment. These are areas where runoff becomes trapped and is unable to drain into the existing drainage system of inlets and pipes. The Town’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) includes road improvements that will need to be designed to minimize these trapped areas by re-grading the road surface. However, wherever this is not possible, some additional drainage infrastructure may be needed to resolve the ponding. This technical memorandum presents the findings and recommendations regarding the drainage assessment. Tasks included (1) setting up and testing a hydrologic and hydraulic model of the existing drainage conditions, (2) running an evaluating a model scenario to increase the pumping rate, (3) running and evaluating a model scenario to add a lake in the Little Club Golf Course for additional storage, and (4) identifying and assessing roadway ponding areas. Figure 1: Location Map Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. 2 Existing Drainage System The core basin consists of single-family lots and roads served by inlets and drainage culverts that discharge water between homes to finger canals connected to the Intracoastal Waterway. Many on these outfall culverts include Tideflex “duckbill” check valves which the Town is in the process of replacing with inline check valves. Additional check valves are also being installed based on recommendations made in a King Tide Resiliency Assessment performed in 2020. The area is also served by a stormwater pump station located near the intersection of Old School Road and Polo Drive. This 14-cfs (cubic feet per second) pump station was constructed in 2002 and was permitted by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) to only be used during rain events that equaled or exceeded a 10-year 3-day storm, which is approximately 12 inches of rainfall. The superintendent of the Little Club Golf Course met with B&W to review the golf course drainage and perform an onsite visit. There is a 24-inch diameter pipe connecting the drainage system on Old School Road to a lake in the Little Club Golf Course. Photo 1 shows where the pipe is connected to the southernmost lake in the golf course. The pipe was not visible and there may be sedimentation in the lake at that location. There is a gate valve on the pipe which remains mostly closed because the water being observed is discharging into the core basin instead of discharging into the golf course. The water management system in the golf course consists of interconnected lakes that collect runoff and convey the water to the northwest corner of the golf course where two existing 20-cfs pumps (Photo 2) discharge the water to the Intracoastal Waterway. There is a walkway that acts as a weir located midway through the lake system (Photo 3). Based on the available LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) information, the weir appears to be 10 feet wide with a crest elevation of approximately 0.1 feet, NAVD. Photo 1: 24-inch pipe connection to the Little Club’s southernmost lake Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. 3 Photo 2: Two 20 cfs stormwater pumps at NW corner of Little Club Photo 3: Walkway/weir in the center of Little Club water management system Part of the drainage evaluation also included identifying existing areas where stormwater ponding occurs within the core basin. These are areas where water is trapped and cannot get to an existing inlet. Identifying these locations will assist engineers when the roads are redesigned in the near future under the Town’s Capital Improvement Plan. Stormwater ponding areas are most likely due to grading issues such as insufficient cross-slopes and longitudinal slopes. In most cases, these problems can be corrected by resetting the slopes. Areas where this cannot be accomplished may require additional inlets. Figure 2 shows the locations and photos of the ponding areas taken immediately following a rain event on April 12, 2021. Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. 4 Figure 2: Locations and photos of ponding in road rights-of-way Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. 5 Stormwater Modeling A flood routing model was created to simulate the existing drainage systems using Interconnected Pond Routing Version 4 (ICPR4) software. This model can simulate various storm events to evaluate existing conditions and proposed improvements. The model provides discharge rates and flood stages that can be spatially applied to determine the depths and extent of flooding. For this project, two (2) storm events were simulated. The storms are described as follows including the associated rainfall amount, duration, and purpose of the storm: · 3-Year, 1-Day Storm Event (6.4 inches) – Typical Level of Service storm used for older, existing roadways · 25-Year, 3-Day Storm Event (15 inches) – For regulatory pre vs. post discharge verification Hydrology The hydrology conditions are defined by the overlying land usage and underlying soils to determine the amount of rainfall absorbed into the ground and the amount that becomes stormwater runoff. There are four land use types involved in this analysis: single family residential, multi-family residential, golf course, and institutional. Estimated percentages of imperviousness were used in the model. There are three soil types within the study area: Arents, Coco and Palm Beach. Palm Beach is considered well drained, Coco is somewhat well drained, and Arents is defined as poorly drained. Figure 3 shows the land use and soil types within and around the development. The depth to the water table varies significantly based on the topography and dictates how much soil storage via percolation can occur. Palm Beach soils are located along the coastal ridge on the eastern edge of the study area and have the highest depth to the water table and highest potential for soil storage. In contrast, Arents is located along the western portion of the study area and is as low as one foot to the water table which is likely tidal influenced. Combining the soil characteristics with the depths to the water table yields Curve Number (CN) values ranging from 55 to 86 based on SFWMD soil storage tables for well to poorly drained soils. This value is used by the model to determine the amount of runoff that can be absorbed into the soil until the ground becomes fully saturated. These values are not adjusted for impervious areas as they are performed internally by the model. Basin boundaries were drawn based on existing topography, aboveground structural features, and outlet locations. Houses, because of their high finished floor elevations relative to the roadway crown, often form a basin boundary for homes located along waterbodies such as the Intracoastal Waterway. LiDAR data from the County was used to determine drainage divides and direction of flow. Based on this information, the development was divided into 17 basins. A high point along Laird Lane, near the intersection of Palm Point Drive, was used as the divide line between the basins. Figure 4 shows the basins overlaid onto the County’s LiDAR dataset. Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. 6 Figure 3: Land Use and Soil Types Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. 7 Figure 4: Topography and Basins Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. 8 A surprising discovery revealed that a significant amount of area along A1A, north of the core basin, drains south instead of west. This area contributes runoff directly into the core basin. The LiDAR topography shows some portions of A1A are flanked by two ridges causing the runoff to be channeled to specific locations before it ultimately discharges to the Intracoastal Waterway. This was likely not understood when the drainage system in the core basin was designed. Hydraulics The concept of flood routing modeling is to simulate the storage and movement of stormwater runoff from one (1) basin to another until it reaches its ultimate destination. The model simulates the storage in “nodes” and conveyance by “links” (pipes, weirs, etc.). Basin storage was calculated by applying tabular GIS functions to the County’s LiDAR data. The LiDAR, however, was modified to include buildings so the model would not assume there is storage where it does not exist. The outfall pipes shown on Figure 4 were added to the model as pipe links using sizes and elevations contained in the Town GIS datasets. Many of the pipe invert elevations, however, were missing and assumptions were made based on engineering design standards. The pump station construction in 2002 was added as a rating curve which triggers each 7 cfs pump to turn on and off at various elevations. Rating curves were also added for the pumps discharging at the northwest corner of the Little Club Golf Course and a weir was added midway through the golf course’s lake system to simulate the effects of the walkway shown in Photo 3. There is also an exchange of runoff between the basins by means of overland flow. Likewise, overland flow can occur between homes to Intracoastal Waterway. To simulate this in the model, broad-crested weirs were placed at locations along the basin boundaries where overland flow could potentially occur. The locations and “irregular” geometry for each weir were determined by producing cross-sectional profiles from the LiDAR information along the basin boundaries. This process also used the modified LiDAR so buildings would be accounted for in the profiles. The hydraulic links produced from the ICPR4 interface are shown as model elements in Figure 5. Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. 9 Figure 5: ICPR4 Model Network (Sub-basins/Nodes = Red, Pipe Links = Blue, Overland Flow = Green) A downstream boundary condition node was created to represent water level conditions in the Intracoastal Waterway. A stage vs. time table was entered that fluctuates the River stages based on high and low tides ranging from -1.0 to 1.0 feet, NAVD. High tide was applied at hour 12 for the 1-day storm event and hour 60 for the 3-day storm event. Both correspond to the peak rainfall intensities of the storm hydrographs. Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. 10 Model Results The model results for the 3-year, 1-day storm event were mapped using the LiDAR dataset by subtracting the topographic elevations from the floods stages reported in the model output. In addition to showing where the flooding occurs, this also provides the depths of the flooding. The results for the 3-year, 1-day storm event are shown in Figure 6 and confirm the flooding that has been reported in the vicinity of Polo Drive and Old School Road. It should be noted that the depths shown represent the peak of the storm and the storm has a theoretical distribution that concentrates the majority of the rainfall at around hour 12. The rainfall distribution of actual rain events of this magnitude (6.4 inches) may vary. Little Club Golf Course also shows areas of flooding where the golf course superintendent had mentioned during the site visit. These areas appear to be fairways and other low lying areas. The model input and output is provided in Attachment B. Figure 6: Model Results – 3-Year, 1-Day Storm (6.4 inches of Rainfall) Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. 11 Improvements Assessment The drainage assessment scope included assessing two options to reduce flooding. These options included increasing the pumping rate of the existing Old School Road/Polo Drive pump station (or adding a second station) and adding lake area in the Little Club Golf Course to provide additional storage for flood waters. These options were run as model Scenarios 1 and 2, respectively. Scenario 1 This scenario considers increasing the pumping rate from the core basin into the Intracoastal Waterway. To actually accomplish this, it could require a second pump station depending on how much pressure the existing outfall pipe from the station can withstand. The wetwell also may not be large enough to support larger pumps. Regardless, it is a simple change to the model to assess the benefits. The maximum pumping rate of the model rating curve was increased from 14 to 28 cfs. The results were converted to flood depths and compared to the existing flood depths for comparison. This side-by-side comparison in Figure 7 shows the reduction in flood depths is not significant. Scenario 2 This scenario includes increasing the lake area within the Little Club Golf Course by approximately one quarter acre. This was accomplished in the model by increasing the stage storage values in Basin 5 of the golf course. The actual location of the additional lake area could be anywhere within the golf course as long as it is connected to the water management system. The side-by-side comparison as shown in Figure 8 shows a potential location for the lake expansion. However, the actual location would need to be determined. Based on the results, the reduction in flood depths for this scenario is also not significant. Based on the poor results of Scenarios 1 and 2, it was decided to try other options as described below: Scenario 3 This scenario includes increasing the pipe size of the only outfall culvert directly connected to the flooded portion of Polo Drive. This was accomplished in the model by increasing the pipe from 24-inches in diameter to 48-inches. Scenario 3 is physically and financially more feasible than adding a new pump station (Scenario 1) but would face permitting challenges because of SFWMD’s long standing rule regarding pre vs. post discharge rates. Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. 12 Based on the results as shown in Figure 9, the reduction in flood depths for this scenario is substantial. This is not surprising considering that the discharge rate would be increasing by approximately 19 percent. Scenario 4 This scenario attempts to address the issue regarding the area along A1A that contributes runoff to the core basin. A1A is a County road which would limit the extent of improvement that could be added to the road. A portion of the area, however, could be diverted at Sea Road and piped down to the Little Club Golf Course. This was accomplished by subdividing Basin 12 and connecting the northern portion of the basin to Basin 5 of the golf course with a pipe link. Since this represents an increase in flow to the golf course, the increase in lake area as proposed in Scenario 2 was included to offset any increase in flood stages that may result. Based on the modeling results shown in Figure 10, the reduction in flood depths for this scenario is insignificant and indicates flood stages in the golf course could increase even with the additional lake area. Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. 13 Figure 7: Existing and proposed flood depths for the 3-Year, 1-Day storm event for Scenario 1 Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. 14 Figure 8: Existing and proposed flood depths for the 3-Year, 1-Day storm event for Scenario 2 Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. 15 Figure 9: Existing and proposed flood depths for the 3-Year, 1-Day storm event for Scenario 3 Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. 16 Figure 10: Existing and proposed flood depths for the 3-Year, 1-Day storm event for Scenario 4 Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. 17 Conclusions and Recommendations Scenario 3, which includes enlarging a 24-inch outfall pipe to 48-inches, is the only scenario that provided a substantial reduction in flooding. The other three scenarios provided very minor improvement that cannot justify the costs involved. From a regulatory standpoint, however, Scenario 3 poses a challenge when considering SFWMD’s long standing pre vs. post rule regarding stormwater discharge rates. The history of the rule dates back to the 1970s and was originally intended to protect downstream areas from flooding due to increases in discharge rates upstream. Areas discharge directly to tidal areas were exempt from the rule because of the ocean’s ability to disperse flow. This changed in the 1990s because of concerns that higher discharge rates could affect the salinity of the tidal waters which could impact marine life. A meeting with SFWMD was held on May 26, 2021 to determine if there have been any rule or policy changes for situations such as this. The minutes of the meeting are attached as Appendix A. SFWMD indicated a new General Permit (by Rule 62-330.451) intended for local government retrofit activities to address older existing areas that are completely built-out where no new development can occur. In some cases, it may be allowed to increase the discharge rate because they recognize that the discharged volume of water would remain the same even though the discharge rate is increasing. However, SFWMD indicated that Water quality would also need to be addressed. Water quality is achieved by retaining or detaining water in swales, lakes, or exfiltration trenches. Swales and exfiltration trenches would not be feasible because of the narrow rights-of-way and low depths to the water table. SFWMD suggested adding the lake expansion in the golf course, as proposed in Scenario 2, would provide some water quality and may also reduce the discharge rate. The possibility of a weir was discussed to divert the first flush of runoff to the golf course. Based on the modeling results and discussions with SFWMD, it is recommended that Scenarios 2 and 3 be combined to improve water quality and flood protection, respectively. These scenarios were combined into a scenario called Proposed. ICPR model input and output are provided in Appendix B for the Existing and Proposed models. The improvements include replacing a 24-inch outfall pipe with a 48- inch pipe, adding a weir to the system (if feasible), increasing lake area within the Little Cub Golf Course by approximately 0.4 acres (to create a 0.5 acre lake), and adding inline check valves on the new 48- inch outfall pipe and on the existing 24-inch pipe that connects to the golf course. An 18” pipe connection is also proposed along Old School Road at the request of the Town for improved connectivity. These improvements are depicted in Figure 11. Please note that the location shown of the lake expansion is for illustration purposes only. The actual location could be anywhere within the golf course as long as it is connected to the water management system. Also, since the lake expansion is proposed for water quality as opposed to flood p rotection, dimensional criteria for lakes will need to be observed which includes a minimum size of 0.5 acres and average width of 100 feet. Expanding an existing lake to meet this criteria would be the most cost effective approach. Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. 18 Figure 11: Recommended Stormwater Improvements Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. 19 The 24-inch inline check valve proposed between the core basin and the golf course is recommended because of the observed backflow into the core basin. This was confirmed in the model as occurring during small rain event and at the beginning of larger events. To accomplish this, some improvements at the north end of this pipe, including an endwall, will be needed. A preliminary Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Estimate (Table 1) has been prepared based on knowledge of the area, recent similar unit prices, and an understanding of the challenges with the project. Construction costs presented in 2021 dollars assuming a competitive bidding process. The Engineer has no control over the Contractor's methods of determining prices over future market conditions. The Engineer cannot and does not guarantee that actual construction costs will not vary from this estimate. If the project is constructed in future years (i.e. 2022 and beyond), then a 4% increase should be included and compounded annually for each subsequent year to the original construction cost in 2021 dollars. Reflected in the cost is some uncertainty regarding the seawall where the 48-inch pipe is proposed. Surveying and engineering will be needed to confirm if the existing seawall and seabed can accommodate the larger pipe. Table 1: Preliminary Engineer’s Opinion of Probable Construction Cost Estimate 1 Mobilization, Bonds, Insurance LS 1 $38,000.00 $38,000.00 2 Maintenance of Traffic LS 1 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 3 As-Built Record Drawings LS 1 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 4 NPDES Permit/Erosion Protection Measures LS 1 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 5 Professional Video LS 1 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $81,000.00 6 Remove, Dispose or Abandon Existing Drainage Structures LS 1 $6,200.00 $6,200.00 7 Remove & Dispose Existing Drainage Pipe (24") LF 220 $44.00 $9,680.00 8 7' Diameter Manhole w/ Casting & Weir EA 1 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 9 18" HDPE Drainage Pipe LF 135 $140.00 $18,900.00 10 24" RCP Drainage Pipe LF 30 $180.00 $5,400.00 11 48" HDPE Drainage Pipe LF 190 $250.00 $47,500.00 12 24" Inline Check Valve EA 1 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 13 48" Inline Check Valve EA 1 $40,000.00 $40,000.00 14 Connect to Existing Drainage Pipe with Concrete Collar per FDOT Index 280 EA 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 15 Miscellaneous Restoration at Outfall Locations / Sodding Lake Bank LS 1 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 16 Seawall Repair LS 1 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 17 Concrete Class I, Endwalls per FDOT Index 430 EA 1 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 18 Lake Expansion - Excavation & Compaction CY 5,200 $35.00 $182,000.00 $421,680.00 $502,680.00 $150,804.00 $653,484.00 General Conditions Subtotal General Conditions: Unit Estimated Quantity Extended CostItem No.Unit Price Item Description Stormwater Subtotal Stormwater: GRAND TOTAL TOTAL Contingencies (30%) Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. Appendix A Meeting Minutes for May 26, 2021 Meeting with SFWMD Town of Gulf Stream DRAINAGE EVALUATION Pre-application Meeting with SFWMD: May 26, 2021 Meeting Minutes May 27, 2021 Participants: (via WebEx) Dustin Wood SFWMD Andrea Sanchez SFWMD Samara, Bassam SFWMD Kathleen Pollack SFWMD Greg Dunham Gulf Stream Town Manager Trey Nazzaro Gulf Stream Jeff Hiscock Baxter & Woodman Introduction: The Town of Gulf Stream has experienced severe flooding for several years, particularly in the area of Polo Drive and Old School Road known as the Core Basin. B&W is performing a study to determine the cause and recommend solutions. Existing Permits: 50-04880-P Polo Drive/Old School Road Pump Station Several existing drainage culverts 2-3,250 GPM pumps serving 5.79 acres (to be utilized during 10-year storm event) 50-00434-S/W Little Club Golf Course 2-9,000 GPM pumps serving 33 acres Total drainage area = 156 acres Coastal ridge along eastern boundary Drainage pattern is east-to-west Impacted by past development  Page 2 Model results 25-year, 3-day Storm Discharge Rates Description Discharge Rate Change Existing 178.74 cfs Scenario 1 Additional PS 185.04 cfs 6.3 cfs Scenario 2 Additional Lake 177.9 cfs -0.84 cfs Scenario 3 Increase Pipe Size 211.79 cfs 33.05 cfs Scenario 4 Divert Flow/Addl Lake 184.33 cfs 5.59 cfs Discussion Jeff Hiscock explained the hydrology of the area and that, based on the LiDAR information, there is a large area along A1A to the north that flows down into the Core basin. The Core basin has relatively small pipes and a small pump station that cannot handle the volume of water that the basin receives. When the land along the Intracoastal Waterway was developed in the 1940s and 50s, the fingers canal were dredged and the spoil was used to form the lots which raised the site grades and effectively blocked the natural sheetflow that had occurred. Jeff described the modelling alternatives that were run and shared the results with exhibits showing the reduction in flood depths that each can be achieve. Based on the results, most of the options are not cost effective with the exception of Scenario 3 which includes increasing an existing pipe to 48 inches in diameter. This, however, results in an increase in the discharge rate. One goal of this meeting was to determine how the District regards situations such as this in terms of Allowable Discharge into tidal waters. Dustin Wood indicated that this may qualify for a 62-330.451 General Permit, which is intended for local government retrofit activities to address older existing areas that are completely built-out where no new development can occur. Dustin mentioned that although the discharge rate is increasing, the discharged volume of water would remain the same. He suggested, however, adding the lake expansion in the golf course, as proposed in Scenario 2, to see if that can attenuate the discharge rate. He also added that water quality should be addressed, which the lake addition may help provide. Jeff indicated that a weir might be able to push a first flush of water towards the golf course before overflowing to the new 48” outfall. This approach may be limited, however, because the road elevations are currently very close to water table. Dustin said that he would send information regarding the general permit requirements.  Page 3 Andrea Sanchez provided some comments in regard to environmental issues. Andrea indicated that an environmental review would be required if work within the downstream surface water area exceeds 0.5 acres. Jeff indicated that the only work within the water would be to install a coffer dam about 5 to 10 feet from the seawall. Jeff verified that a dewatering permit would be needed and groundwater effluent would need to be discharged to the Intracoastal Waterway. Andrea indicated that turbidity barriers would be required as well as daily turbidity monitoring to show that turbidity does not exceed 29 NTUs over the background concentrations. Andrea also mentioned that a determination would need to be made regarding work in sovereign submerged lands, but indicated that this activity may be determined to be exempt. Kathleen Pollack indicated that rights-of-way and easements must be in place for the improvements. Jeff mentioned that there is an existing pipe and easement where the new pipe is planned, but that it might be at another location depending on the preliminary engineering. Kathleen mentioned that proof of easements will need to be submitted with the application. The meeting was very positive and the Town was very appreciative that there appeared to be a way to move forward to address the flooding. Town of Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment – Technical Memorandum Baxter & Woodman, Inc. 21 Appendix B ICPR Model Input and Output Existing and Proposed Scenarios Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 1 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Manual Basin: B01 Scenario:Existing Node:B01 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:22.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:11.0000 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 0.0000 Channelized Waterways, Canals ARENTS 1.3200 Golf Course ARENTS 0.0000 Multiple Dwelling Units, High Rise ARENTS 4.2900 Multiple Dwelling Units, Low Rise ARENTS 1.2900 Golf Course COCOA 4.1000 Multiple Dwelling Units, Low Rise COCOA Comment: Manual Basin: B02 Scenario:Existing Node:B02 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:16.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:8.1200 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 6.7300 Golf Course ARENTS 0.9600 Reservoirs ARENTS 0.4300 Golf Course COCOA Comment: Manual Basin: B03 Scenario:Existing Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 2 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Node:B03 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:10.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:1.7900 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 1.7900 Golf Course ARENTS Comment: Manual Basin: B04 Scenario:Existing Node:B04 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:10.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:0.9000 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 0.9000 Golf Course ARENTS Comment: Manual Basin: B05 Scenario:Existing Node:B05 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:25.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:7.3400 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 3.6600 Golf Course ARENTS 0.8000 Reservoirs ARENTS 0.0300 Fixed Single Family Units COCOA Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 3 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 1.2500 Golf Course COCOA 0.1400 Multiple Dwelling Units, High Rise COCOA 1.3700 Multiple Dwelling Units, Low Rise COCOA 0.0000 Multiple Dwelling Units, High Rise PALM BEACH 0.0900 Multiple Dwelling Units, Low Rise PALM BEACH Comment: Manual Basin: B06 Scenario:Existing Node:B06 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:23.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:10.2400 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 2.3600 Golf Course ARENTS 3.5400 Golf Course COCOA 0.8100 Multiple Dwelling Units, High Rise COCOA 3.5300 Multiple Dwelling Units, Low Rise COCOA Comment: Manual Basin: B07 Scenario:Existing Node:B07 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:17.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:3.8400 ac Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 4 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 0.5000 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS 3.3400 Golf Course ARENTS Comment: Manual Basin: B08 Scenario:Existing Node:B08 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:19.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:8.9400 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 0.9300 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS 1.9100 Golf Course ARENTS 2.2300 Fixed Single Family Units COCOA 0.9700 Golf Course COCOA 2.1300 Institutional COCOA 0.7700 Multiple Dwelling Units, Low Rise COCOA Comment: Manual Basin: B09 Scenario:Existing Node:B09 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:10.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:2.4900 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 2.3800 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS 0.1100 Golf Course ARENTS Comment: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 5 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Manual Basin: B10 Scenario:Existing Node:B10 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:10.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:5.2100 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 4.2700 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS 0.9400 Fixed Single Family Units COCOA Comment: Manual Basin: B11 Scenario:Existing Node:B11 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:10.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:2.0300 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 2.0300 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS Comment: Manual Basin: B12 Scenario:Existing Node:B12 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:85.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:36.6000 ac Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 6 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 6.2000 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS 10.8400 Fixed Single Family Units COCOA 1.8800 Institutional COCOA 0.7000 Multiple Dwelling Units, High Rise COCOA 2.5000 Multiple Dwelling Units, Low Rise COCOA 6.6300 Fixed Single Family Units PALM BEACH 1.4300 Institutional PALM BEACH 5.6800 Multiple Dwelling Units, High Rise PALM BEACH 0.7400 Multiple Dwelling Units, Low Rise PALM BEACH Comment: Manual Basin: B13 Scenario:Existing Node:B13 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:10.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:3.7100 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 3.0500 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS 0.6600 Fixed Single Family Units COCOA Comment: Manual Basin: B14 Scenario:Existing Node:B14 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:10.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:3.0300 ac Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 7 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 3.0300 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS Comment: Manual Basin: B15 Scenario:Existing Node:B15 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:10.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:4.3500 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 4.0900 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS 0.2600 Fixed Single Family Units COCOA Comment: Manual Basin: B16 Scenario:Existing Node:B16 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:14.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:7.3700 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 4.5900 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS 2.7800 Fixed Single Family Units COCOA Comment: Manual Basin: B17 Scenario:Existing Node:B17 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 8 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:48.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:19.3200 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 0.0500 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS 8.6600 Fixed Single Family Units COCOA 10.6100 Fixed Single Family Units PALM BEACH Comment: Manual Basin: B01 Scenario:Proposed Node:B01 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:22.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:11.0000 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 0.0000 Channelized Waterways, Canals ARENTS 1.3200 Golf Course ARENTS 0.0000 Multiple Dwelling Units, High Rise ARENTS 4.2900 Multiple Dwelling Units, Low Rise ARENTS 1.2900 Golf Course COCOA 4.1000 Multiple Dwelling Units, Low Rise COCOA Comment: Manual Basin: B02 Scenario:Proposed Node:B02 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 9 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Time of Concentration:16.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:8.1200 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 6.7300 Golf Course ARENTS 0.9600 Reservoirs ARENTS 0.4300 Golf Course COCOA Comment: Manual Basin: B03 Scenario:Proposed Node:B03 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:10.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:1.7900 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 1.7900 Golf Course ARENTS Comment: Manual Basin: B04 Scenario:Proposed Node:B04 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:10.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:0.9000 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 0.9000 Golf Course ARENTS Comment: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 10 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Manual Basin: B05 Scenario:Proposed Node:B05 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:25.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:7.3400 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 3.6600 Golf Course ARENTS 0.8000 Reservoirs ARENTS 0.0300 Fixed Single Family Units COCOA 1.2500 Golf Course COCOA 0.1400 Multiple Dwelling Units, High Rise COCOA 1.3700 Multiple Dwelling Units, Low Rise COCOA 0.0000 Multiple Dwelling Units, High Rise PALM BEACH 0.0900 Multiple Dwelling Units, Low Rise PALM BEACH Comment: Manual Basin: B06 Scenario:Proposed Node:B06 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:23.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:10.2400 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 2.3600 Golf Course ARENTS 3.5400 Golf Course COCOA 0.8100 Multiple Dwelling Units, High Rise COCOA 3.5300 Multiple Dwelling Units, Low Rise COCOA Comment: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 11 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Manual Basin: B07 Scenario:Proposed Node:B07 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:17.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:3.8400 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 0.5000 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS 3.3400 Golf Course ARENTS Comment: Manual Basin: B08 Scenario:Proposed Node:B08 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:19.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:8.9400 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 0.9300 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS 1.9100 Golf Course ARENTS 2.2300 Fixed Single Family Units COCOA 0.9700 Golf Course COCOA 2.1300 Institutional COCOA 0.7700 Multiple Dwelling Units, Low Rise COCOA Comment: Manual Basin: B09 Scenario:Proposed Node:B09 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:10.0000 min Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 12 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:2.4900 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 2.3800 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS 0.1100 Golf Course ARENTS Comment: Manual Basin: B10 Scenario:Proposed Node:B10 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:10.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:5.2100 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 4.2700 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS 0.9400 Fixed Single Family Units COCOA Comment: Manual Basin: B11 Scenario:Proposed Node:B11 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:10.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:2.0300 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 2.0300 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS Comment: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 13 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Manual Basin: B12 Scenario:Proposed Node:B12 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:85.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:36.6000 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 6.2000 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS 10.8400 Fixed Single Family Units COCOA 1.8800 Institutional COCOA 0.7000 Multiple Dwelling Units, High Rise COCOA 2.5000 Multiple Dwelling Units, Low Rise COCOA 6.6300 Fixed Single Family Units PALM BEACH 1.4300 Institutional PALM BEACH 5.6800 Multiple Dwelling Units, High Rise PALM BEACH 0.7400 Multiple Dwelling Units, Low Rise PALM BEACH Comment: Manual Basin: B13 Scenario:Proposed Node:B13 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:10.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:3.7100 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 3.0500 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS 0.6600 Fixed Single Family Units COCOA Comment: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 14 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Manual Basin: B14 Scenario:Proposed Node:B14 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:10.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:3.0300 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 3.0300 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS Comment: Manual Basin: B15 Scenario:Proposed Node:B15 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:10.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:4.3500 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 4.0900 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS 0.2600 Fixed Single Family Units COCOA Comment: Manual Basin: B16 Scenario:Proposed Node:B16 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:14.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:7.3700 ac Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 15 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 4.5900 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS 2.7800 Fixed Single Family Units COCOA Comment: Manual Basin: B17 Scenario:Proposed Node:B17 Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:48.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH256 Peaking Factor:256.0 Area:19.3200 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 0.0500 Fixed Single Family Units ARENTS 8.6600 Fixed Single Family Units COCOA 10.6100 Fixed Single Family Units PALM BEACH Comment: Node: B01 Scenario:Existing Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] -0.50 0.3900 16988 0.00 0.4200 18295 0.50 0.4400 19166 1.00 0.4700 20473 1.50 0.5000 21780 2.00 0.5400 23522 2.50 0.7400 32234 3.00 1.6000 69696 3.50 2.8400 123710 4.00 3.8700 168577 4.50 4.8900 213008 5.00 5.9300 258311 5.50 6.5500 285318 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 16 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 6.00 6.8800 299693 6.50 7.0400 306662 7.00 7.1200 310147 7.50 7.1900 313196 8.00 7.2300 314939 8.50 7.2600 316246 9.00 7.2900 317552 9.50 7.3200 318859 10.00 7.3500 320166 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Existing] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B01 25Y3D 0.00 2.65 0.0010 61.24 40.00 43722 B01 3Y1D 0.00 1.10 0.0010 39.09 39.03 20725 Node: B02 Scenario:Existing Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] -0.50 1.0500 45738 0.00 1.0900 47480 0.50 1.1400 49658 1.00 1.2200 53143 1.50 1.3000 56628 2.00 1.4400 62726 2.50 1.6700 72745 3.00 3.3500 145926 3.50 5.2500 228690 4.00 6.1000 265716 4.50 6.6900 291416 5.00 7.1800 312761 5.50 7.5300 328007 6.00 7.8200 340639 6.50 8.0200 349351 7.00 8.0900 352400 7.50 8.1100 353272 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 17 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 8.00 8.1100 353272 8.50 8.1100 353272 9.00 8.1100 353272 9.50 8.1100 353272 10.00 8.1100 353272 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Existing] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B02 25Y3D 0.00 2.97 0.0010 64.52 34.21 142018 B02 3Y1D 0.00 1.32 0.0010 40.20 25.61 55359 Node: B03 Scenario:Existing Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] -0.50 0.0500 2178 0.00 0.0600 2614 0.50 0.0600 2614 1.00 0.0700 3049 1.50 0.0900 3920 2.00 0.1100 4792 2.50 0.1500 6534 3.00 0.4000 17424 3.50 1.0700 46609 4.00 1.3800 60113 4.50 1.5000 65340 5.00 1.5800 68825 5.50 1.6700 72745 6.00 1.7000 74052 6.50 1.7200 74923 7.00 1.7500 76230 7.50 1.7600 76666 8.00 1.7600 76666 8.50 1.7600 76666 9.00 1.7600 76666 9.50 1.7600 76666 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 18 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 10.00 1.7600 76666 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Existing] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B03 25Y3D 0.00 2.98 0.0010 25.16 23.56 17093 B03 3Y1D 0.00 1.38 0.0010 18.87 18.84 3707 Node: B04 Scenario:Existing Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] -0.50 0.0700 3049 0.00 0.0700 3049 0.50 0.0800 3485 1.00 0.0900 3920 1.50 0.1000 4356 2.00 0.1200 5227 2.50 0.1500 6534 3.00 0.2300 10019 3.50 0.3300 14375 4.00 0.4900 21344 4.50 0.6200 27007 5.00 0.7300 31799 5.50 0.8100 35284 6.00 0.8600 37462 6.50 0.8700 37897 7.00 0.8800 38333 7.50 0.8800 38333 8.00 0.8800 38333 8.50 0.8800 38333 9.00 0.8800 38333 9.50 0.8800 38333 10.00 0.8800 38333 Comment: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 19 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Node Max Conditions [Existing] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B04 25Y3D 0.00 3.10 0.0010 21.66 22.02 10891 B04 3Y1D 0.00 1.55 0.0010 18.22 18.29 4453 Node: B05 Scenario:Existing Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] -0.50 0.8600 37462 0.00 0.8700 37897 0.50 0.9200 40075 1.00 1.0500 45738 1.50 2.0800 90605 2.00 3.4000 148104 2.50 4.0900 178160 3.00 4.6600 202990 3.50 5.1500 224334 4.00 5.4600 237838 4.50 5.6700 246985 5.00 5.7900 252212 5.50 5.8900 256568 6.00 5.9400 258746 6.50 5.9900 260924 7.00 6.0100 261796 7.50 6.0400 263102 8.00 6.0600 263974 8.50 6.0900 265280 9.00 6.1300 267023 9.50 6.1600 268330 10.00 6.1900 269636 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Existing] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B05 25Y3D 0.00 3.11 0.0010 93.11 21.48 207780 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 20 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B05 3Y1D 0.00 2.06 0.0005 50.82 17.98 151526 Node: B06 Scenario:Existing Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.50 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 0.50 0.0000 0 1.00 0.0200 871 1.50 0.0900 3920 2.00 0.6800 29621 2.50 1.9000 82764 3.00 2.9000 126324 3.50 3.9600 172498 4.00 4.6300 201683 4.50 5.4500 237402 5.00 5.8300 253955 5.50 6.1100 266152 6.00 6.3000 274428 6.50 6.5000 283140 7.00 6.6700 290545 7.50 6.8000 296208 8.00 6.9100 301000 8.50 7.0600 307534 9.00 7.2000 313632 9.50 7.3000 317988 10.00 7.4000 322344 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Existing] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B06 25Y3D 0.00 3.11 0.0010 41.92 37.39 136318 B06 3Y1D 0.00 2.32 0.0010 16.37 14.53 63433 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 21 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Node: B07 Scenario:Existing Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] -0.50 0.0800 3485 0.00 0.0900 3920 0.50 0.1100 4792 1.00 0.1200 5227 1.50 0.2000 8712 2.00 0.5700 24829 2.50 1.3000 56628 3.00 1.9400 84506 3.50 2.5300 110207 4.00 2.9400 128066 4.50 3.2600 142006 5.00 3.4700 151153 5.50 3.6300 158123 6.00 3.7000 161172 6.50 3.7300 162479 7.00 3.7700 164221 7.50 3.8000 165528 8.00 3.8000 165528 8.50 3.8000 165528 9.00 3.8000 165528 9.50 3.8000 165528 10.00 3.8000 165528 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Existing] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B07 25Y3D 0.00 3.11 0.0010 28.73 13.43 90347 B07 3Y1D 0.00 2.06 0.0005 14.80 11.53 28584 Node: B08 Scenario:Existing Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 22 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] -0.50 0.2000 8712 0.00 0.2300 10019 0.50 0.2700 11761 1.00 0.4000 17424 1.50 1.0300 44867 2.00 1.7900 77972 2.50 2.6300 114563 3.00 3.1100 135472 3.50 3.5100 152896 4.00 3.8300 166835 4.50 4.2100 183388 5.00 4.5600 198634 5.50 4.8900 213008 6.00 5.0600 220414 6.50 5.2800 229997 7.00 5.5400 241322 7.50 5.7900 252212 8.00 6.0800 264845 8.50 6.2100 270508 9.00 6.2800 273557 9.50 6.3500 276606 10.00 6.3900 278348 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Existing] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B08 25Y3D 0.00 3.11 0.0010 74.55 36.05 139460 B08 3Y1D 0.00 2.06 0.0005 23.91 16.16 82368 Node: B09 Scenario:Existing Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 1.50 0.0000 0 2.00 0.1000 4356 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 23 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 2.50 0.3600 15682 3.00 0.6300 27443 3.50 0.8100 35284 4.00 1.0500 45738 4.50 1.2800 55757 5.00 1.4900 64904 5.50 1.6600 72310 6.00 1.7100 74488 6.50 1.7100 74488 7.00 1.7100 74488 7.50 1.7100 74488 8.00 1.7100 74488 8.50 1.7100 74488 9.00 1.7100 74488 9.50 1.7100 74488 10.00 1.7100 74488 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Existing] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B09 25Y3D 0.00 3.11 0.0039 23.95 21.91 29198 B09 3Y1D 0.00 2.26 0.0039 8.74 7.39 10190 Node: B10 Scenario:Existing Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 0.00 0.0000 0 0.50 0.0200 871 1.00 0.3400 14810 1.50 0.5600 24394 2.00 0.9200 40075 2.50 1.3000 56628 3.00 1.8100 78844 3.50 2.3300 101495 4.00 2.9200 127195 4.50 3.2700 142441 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 24 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 5.00 3.5000 152460 5.50 3.6400 158558 6.00 3.7800 164657 6.50 3.8200 166399 7.00 3.8200 166399 7.50 3.8200 166399 8.00 3.8200 166399 8.50 3.8200 166399 9.00 3.8200 166399 9.50 3.8200 166399 10.00 3.8200 166399 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Existing] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B10 25Y3D 0.00 3.12 0.0010 88.42 81.08 84189 B10 3Y1D 0.00 2.30 0.0010 27.30 24.37 50101 Node: B11 Scenario:Existing Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 2.00 0.0000 0 2.50 0.0600 2614 3.00 0.3300 14375 3.50 0.7500 32670 4.00 1.2000 52272 4.50 1.3900 60548 5.00 1.5000 65340 5.50 1.5500 67518 6.00 1.5700 68389 6.50 1.5800 68825 7.00 1.5800 68825 7.50 1.5800 68825 8.00 1.5800 68825 8.50 1.5800 68825 9.00 1.5800 68825 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 25 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 9.50 1.5800 68825 10.00 1.5800 68825 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Existing] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B11 25Y3D 0.00 2.85 0.0054 24.61 24.60 10779 B11 3Y1D 0.00 2.33 0.0054 7.14 6.92 1747 Node: B12 Scenario:Existing Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 0.50 0.0000 0 1.00 0.0100 436 1.50 0.1200 5227 2.00 0.7600 33106 2.50 2.3700 103237 3.00 3.8200 166399 3.50 5.3800 234353 4.00 7.0300 306227 4.50 8.5800 373745 5.00 9.8200 427759 5.50 10.7800 469577 6.00 11.6100 505732 6.50 12.6100 549292 7.00 13.4200 584575 7.50 14.3500 625086 8.00 15.3600 669082 8.50 16.0000 696960 9.00 16.6500 725274 9.50 17.1900 748796 10.00 17.6300 767963 Comment: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 26 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Node Max Conditions [Existing] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B12 25Y3D 0.00 3.13 0.0015 112.99 94.88 184556 B12 3Y1D 0.00 2.32 0.0015 43.44 37.66 77956 Node: B13 Scenario:Existing Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 3.50 0.0000 0 4.00 0.0300 1307 4.50 0.2100 9148 5.00 0.4600 20038 5.50 0.7400 32234 6.00 0.9100 39640 6.50 1.0600 46174 7.00 1.2000 52272 7.50 1.3100 57064 8.00 1.4800 64469 8.50 1.8800 81893 9.00 2.1400 93218 9.50 2.2800 99317 10.00 2.3600 102802 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Existing] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B13 25Y3D 0.00 4.48 0.0015 29.65 29.46 8848 B13 3Y1D 0.00 4.29 0.0014 16.48 16.29 5899 Node: B14 Scenario:Existing Type:Stage/Area Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 27 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 2.00 0.0000 0 2.50 0.0400 1742 3.00 0.1700 7405 3.50 0.5100 22216 4.00 0.9500 41382 4.50 1.4900 64904 5.00 1.8800 81893 5.50 2.0800 90605 6.00 2.1900 95396 6.50 2.2100 96268 7.00 2.2100 96268 7.50 2.2100 96268 8.00 2.2100 96268 8.50 2.2100 96268 9.00 2.2100 96268 9.50 2.2100 96268 10.00 2.2100 96268 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Existing] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B14 25Y3D 0.00 2.30 0.0042 19.83 19.83 1049 B14 3Y1D 0.00 2.14 0.0042 10.65 10.65 480 Node: B15 Scenario:Existing Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 3.50 0.0000 0 4.00 0.0300 1307 4.50 0.3000 13068 5.00 0.7300 31799 5.50 1.3600 59242 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 28 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 6.00 1.8800 81893 6.50 2.2200 96703 7.00 2.3500 102366 7.50 2.4200 105415 8.00 2.5000 108900 8.50 2.5600 111514 9.00 2.6200 114127 9.50 2.6800 116741 10.00 2.7400 119354 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Existing] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B15 25Y3D 0.00 4.81 0.0081 28.23 19.77 24684 B15 3Y1D 0.00 3.18 0.0058 14.95 14.94 452 Node: B16 Scenario:Existing Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:2.50 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 2.50 0.0000 0 3.00 0.0300 1307 3.50 0.1600 6970 4.00 0.3500 15246 4.50 0.5400 23522 5.00 1.1300 49223 5.50 2.0100 87556 6.00 2.5200 109771 6.50 2.8000 121968 7.00 3.2800 142877 7.50 3.6600 159430 8.00 3.8600 168142 8.50 4.0300 175547 9.00 4.2100 183388 9.50 4.3500 189486 10.00 4.5300 197327 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 29 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Existing] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B16 25Y3D 0.00 3.37 0.0249 40.86 40.84 5457 B16 3Y1D 0.00 3.10 0.0249 19.44 24.92 2417 Node: B17 Scenario:Existing Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:4.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 4.00 0.0000 0 4.50 0.1600 6970 5.00 0.1800 7841 5.50 0.3400 14810 6.00 0.8600 37462 6.50 1.7500 76230 7.00 2.4600 107158 7.50 3.6200 157687 8.00 5.4900 239144 8.50 6.8200 297079 9.00 8.1700 355885 9.50 9.3700 408157 10.00 10.2900 448232 10.50 11.1300 484823 11.00 11.8000 514008 11.50 12.4900 544064 12.00 13.1500 572814 12.50 13.8500 603306 13.00 14.5900 635540 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Existing] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 30 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B17 25Y3D 0.00 5.72 0.0095 50.38 50.01 24737 B17 3Y1D 0.00 5.37 0.0095 19.34 19.23 12963 Node: OFFSITE Scenario:Existing Type:Time/Stage Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Boundary Stage: Year Month Day Hour Stage [ft] 0 0 0 0.0000 -1.00 0 0 0 12.0000 1.00 0 0 0 24.0000 -1.00 0 0 0 36.0000 1.00 0 0 0 48.0000 -1.00 0 0 0 60.0000 1.00 0 0 0 72.0000 -1.00 0 0 0 84.0000 1.00 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Existing] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] OFFSITE 25Y3D 0.00 1.00 0.0009 143.86 0.00 0 OFFSITE 3Y1D 0.00 1.00 0.0008 99.24 0.00 0 Node: OFFSITE2 Scenario:Existing Type:Time/Stage Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.50 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Boundary Stage: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 31 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Year Month Day Hour Stage [ft] 0 0 0 0.0000 0.50 0 0 0 12.0000 2.00 0 0 0 24.0000 2.50 0 0 0 60.0000 2.50 0 0 0 80.0000 2.00 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Existing] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] OFFSITE2 25Y3D 0.00 2.50 0.0003 31.65 9.28 0 OFFSITE2 3Y1D 0.00 2.50 0.0003 13.78 9.32 0 Node: B01 Scenario:Proposed Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] -0.50 0.3900 16988 0.00 0.4200 18295 0.50 0.4400 19166 1.00 0.4700 20473 1.50 0.5000 21780 2.00 0.5400 23522 2.50 0.7400 32234 3.00 1.6000 69696 3.50 2.8400 123710 4.00 3.8700 168577 4.50 4.8900 213008 5.00 5.9300 258311 5.50 6.5500 285318 6.00 6.8800 299693 6.50 7.0400 306662 7.00 7.1200 310147 7.50 7.1900 313196 8.00 7.2300 314939 8.50 7.2600 316246 9.00 7.2900 317552 9.50 7.3200 318859 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 32 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 10.00 7.3500 320166 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Proposed] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B01 25Y3D 0.00 2.50 0.0010 60.91 40.00 32383 B01 3Y1D 0.00 1.09 0.0010 37.86 37.81 20709 Node: B02 Scenario:Proposed Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] -0.50 1.0500 45738 0.00 1.0900 47480 0.50 1.1400 49658 1.00 1.2200 53143 1.50 1.3000 56628 2.00 1.4400 62726 2.50 1.6700 72745 3.00 3.3500 145926 3.50 5.2500 228690 4.00 6.1000 265716 4.50 6.6900 291416 5.00 7.1800 312761 5.50 7.5300 328007 6.00 7.8200 340639 6.50 8.0200 349351 7.00 8.0900 352400 7.50 8.1100 353272 8.00 8.1100 353272 8.50 8.1100 353272 9.00 8.1100 353272 9.50 8.1100 353272 10.00 8.1100 353272 Comment: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 33 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Node Max Conditions [Proposed] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B02 25Y3D 0.00 2.62 0.0010 63.54 32.78 90936 B02 3Y1D 0.00 1.29 0.0010 39.29 24.34 55165 Node: B03 Scenario:Proposed Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] -0.50 0.0500 2178 0.00 0.0600 2614 0.50 0.0600 2614 1.00 0.0700 3049 1.50 0.0900 3920 2.00 0.1100 4792 2.50 0.1500 6534 3.00 0.4000 17424 3.50 1.0700 46609 4.00 1.3800 60113 4.50 1.5000 65340 5.00 1.5800 68825 5.50 1.6700 72745 6.00 1.7000 74052 6.50 1.7200 74923 7.00 1.7500 76230 7.50 1.7600 76666 8.00 1.7600 76666 8.50 1.7600 76666 9.00 1.7600 76666 9.50 1.7600 76666 10.00 1.7600 76666 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Proposed] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B03 25Y3D 0.00 2.63 0.0010 24.16 22.77 9449 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 34 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B03 3Y1D 0.00 1.35 0.0005 17.82 17.52 3651 Node: B04 Scenario:Proposed Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] -0.50 0.0700 3049 0.00 0.0700 3049 0.50 0.0800 3485 1.00 0.0900 3920 1.50 0.1000 4356 2.00 0.1200 5227 2.50 0.1500 6534 3.00 0.2300 10019 3.50 0.3300 14375 4.00 0.4900 21344 4.50 0.6200 27007 5.00 0.7300 31799 5.50 0.8100 35284 6.00 0.8600 37462 6.50 0.8700 37897 7.00 0.8800 38333 7.50 0.8800 38333 8.00 0.8800 38333 8.50 0.8800 38333 9.00 0.8800 38333 9.50 0.8800 38333 10.00 0.8800 38333 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Proposed] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B04 25Y3D 0.00 2.68 0.0010 20.25 20.43 7756 B04 3Y1D 0.00 1.49 0.0004 16.28 16.37 4347 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 35 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Node: B05 Scenario:Proposed Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] -0.50 0.8600 37462 0.00 0.8700 37897 0.50 0.9200 40075 1.00 1.0500 45738 1.50 2.0800 90605 2.00 3.4000 148104 2.50 4.0900 178160 3.00 4.6600 202990 3.50 5.1500 224334 4.00 5.4600 237838 4.50 5.6700 246985 5.00 5.7900 252212 5.50 5.8900 256568 6.00 5.9400 258746 6.50 5.9900 260924 7.00 6.0100 261796 7.50 6.0400 263102 8.00 6.0600 263974 8.50 6.0900 265280 9.00 6.1300 267023 9.50 6.1600 268330 10.00 6.1900 269636 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Proposed] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B05 25Y3D 0.00 2.73 0.0009 80.26 26.51 189462 B05 3Y1D 0.00 1.87 0.0005 41.04 16.02 133538 Node: B06 Scenario:Proposed Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.50 ft Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 36 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 0.50 0.0000 0 1.00 0.0200 871 1.50 0.0900 3920 2.00 0.6800 29621 2.50 1.9000 82764 3.00 2.9000 126324 3.50 3.9600 172498 4.00 4.6300 201683 4.50 5.4500 237402 5.00 5.8300 253955 5.50 6.1100 266152 6.00 6.3000 274428 6.50 6.5000 283140 7.00 6.6700 290545 7.50 6.8000 296208 8.00 6.9100 301000 8.50 7.0600 307534 9.00 7.2000 313632 9.50 7.3000 317988 10.00 7.4000 322344 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Proposed] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B06 25Y3D 0.00 2.74 0.0010 41.92 37.43 103591 B06 3Y1D 0.00 2.32 0.0010 16.37 14.53 63433 Node: B07 Scenario:Proposed Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] -0.50 0.0800 3485 0.00 0.0900 3920 0.50 0.1100 4792 1.00 0.1200 5227 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 37 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 1.50 0.2000 8712 2.00 0.5700 24829 2.50 1.3000 56628 3.00 1.9400 84506 3.50 2.5300 110207 4.00 2.9400 128066 4.50 3.2600 142006 5.00 3.4700 151153 5.50 3.6300 158123 6.00 3.7000 161172 6.50 3.7300 162479 7.00 3.7700 164221 7.50 3.8000 165528 8.00 3.8000 165528 8.50 3.8000 165528 9.00 3.8000 165528 9.50 3.8000 165528 10.00 3.8000 165528 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Proposed] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B07 25Y3D 0.00 2.73 0.0009 22.29 13.83 69178 B07 3Y1D 0.00 1.88 0.0005 11.08 8.42 20834 Node: B08 Scenario:Proposed Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] -0.50 0.2000 8712 0.00 0.7000 30492 0.50 0.7700 33541 1.00 1.1000 47916 1.50 1.5000 65340 2.00 1.9000 82764 2.50 2.7000 117612 3.00 3.1100 135472 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 38 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 3.50 3.5100 152896 4.00 3.8300 166835 4.50 4.2100 183388 5.00 4.5600 198634 5.50 4.8900 213008 6.00 5.0600 220414 6.50 5.2800 229997 7.00 5.5400 241322 7.50 5.7900 252212 8.00 6.0800 264845 8.50 6.2100 270508 9.00 6.2800 273557 9.50 6.3500 276606 10.00 6.3900 278348 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Proposed] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B08 25Y3D 0.00 2.73 0.0009 49.40 22.69 125663 B08 3Y1D 0.00 1.88 0.0005 22.89 7.73 78446 Node: B09 Scenario:Proposed Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 1.50 0.0000 0 2.00 0.1000 4356 2.50 0.3600 15682 3.00 0.6300 27443 3.50 0.8100 35284 4.00 1.0500 45738 4.50 1.2800 55757 5.00 1.4900 64904 5.50 1.6600 72310 6.00 1.7100 74488 6.50 1.7100 74488 7.00 1.7100 74488 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 39 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 7.50 1.7100 74488 8.00 1.7100 74488 8.50 1.7100 74488 9.00 1.7100 74488 9.50 1.7100 74488 10.00 1.7100 74488 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Proposed] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B09 25Y3D 0.00 2.71 0.0038 16.29 15.39 20614 B09 3Y1D 0.00 1.86 0.0038 8.74 7.85 3120 Node: B10 Scenario:Proposed Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 0.00 0.0000 0 0.50 0.0200 871 1.00 0.3400 14810 1.50 0.5600 24394 2.00 0.9200 40075 2.50 1.3000 56628 3.00 1.8100 78844 3.50 2.3300 101495 4.00 2.9200 127195 4.50 3.2700 142441 5.00 3.5000 152460 5.50 3.6400 158558 6.00 3.7800 164657 6.50 3.8200 166399 7.00 3.8200 166399 7.50 3.8200 166399 8.00 3.8200 166399 8.50 3.8200 166399 9.00 3.8200 166399 9.50 3.8200 166399 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 40 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 10.00 3.8200 166399 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Proposed] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B10 25Y3D 0.00 2.70 0.0016 103.49 102.39 65620 B10 3Y1D 0.00 1.74 0.0016 34.81 33.93 31853 Node: B11 Scenario:Proposed Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 2.00 0.0000 0 2.50 0.0600 2614 3.00 0.3300 14375 3.50 0.7500 32670 4.00 1.2000 52272 4.50 1.3900 60548 5.00 1.5000 65340 5.50 1.5500 67518 6.00 1.5700 68389 6.50 1.5800 68825 7.00 1.5800 68825 7.50 1.5800 68825 8.00 1.5800 68825 8.50 1.5800 68825 9.00 1.5800 68825 9.50 1.5800 68825 10.00 1.5800 68825 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Proposed] Node Name Sim Name Warning Max Stage Min/Max Max Total Max Total Max Surface Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 41 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B11 25Y3D 0.00 2.63 0.0054 13.29 13.11 5621 B11 3Y1D 0.00 2.33 0.0054 7.14 6.92 1747 Node: B12 Scenario:Proposed Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 0.50 0.0000 0 1.00 0.0100 436 1.50 0.1200 5227 2.00 0.7600 33106 2.50 2.3700 103237 3.00 3.8200 166399 3.50 5.3800 234353 4.00 7.0300 306227 4.50 8.5800 373745 5.00 9.8200 427759 5.50 10.7800 469577 6.00 11.6100 505732 6.50 12.6100 549292 7.00 13.4200 584575 7.50 14.3500 625086 8.00 15.3600 669082 8.50 16.0000 696960 9.00 16.6500 725274 9.50 17.1900 748796 10.00 17.6300 767963 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Proposed] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B12 25Y3D 0.00 2.75 0.0041 112.99 98.22 134906 B12 3Y1D 0.00 1.79 0.0041 43.44 43.13 21610 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 42 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Node: B12A Scenario:Proposed Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 0.00 0.1000 4356 99.00 0.1000 4356 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Proposed] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B12A 25Y3D 0.00 2.16 0.0063 98.62 98.72 4952 B12A 3Y1D 0.00 1.08 0.0063 37.74 41.25 4949 Node: B13 Scenario:Proposed Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 3.50 0.0000 0 4.00 0.0300 1307 4.50 0.2100 9148 5.00 0.4600 20038 5.50 0.7400 32234 6.00 0.9100 39640 6.50 1.0600 46174 7.00 1.2000 52272 7.50 1.3100 57064 8.00 1.4800 64469 8.50 1.8800 81893 9.00 2.1400 93218 9.50 2.2800 99317 10.00 2.3600 102802 Comment: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 43 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Node Max Conditions [Proposed] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B13 25Y3D 0.00 4.48 0.0029 29.65 29.46 8848 B13 3Y1D 0.00 4.29 0.0029 16.48 16.29 5899 Node: B14 Scenario:Proposed Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 2.00 0.0000 0 2.50 0.0400 1742 3.00 0.1700 7405 3.50 0.5100 22216 4.00 0.9500 41382 4.50 1.4900 64904 5.00 1.8800 81893 5.50 2.0800 90605 6.00 2.1900 95396 6.50 2.2100 96268 7.00 2.2100 96268 7.50 2.2100 96268 8.00 2.2100 96268 8.50 2.2100 96268 9.00 2.2100 96268 9.50 2.2100 96268 10.00 2.2100 96268 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Proposed] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B14 25Y3D 0.00 2.30 0.0042 19.83 19.83 1049 B14 3Y1D 0.00 2.14 0.0042 10.65 10.65 480 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 44 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Node: B15 Scenario:Proposed Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 3.50 0.0000 0 4.00 0.0300 1307 4.50 0.3000 13068 5.00 0.7300 31799 5.50 1.3600 59242 6.00 1.8800 81893 6.50 2.2200 96703 7.00 2.3500 102366 7.50 2.4200 105415 8.00 2.5000 108900 8.50 2.5600 111514 9.00 2.6200 114127 9.50 2.6800 116741 10.00 2.7400 119354 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Proposed] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B15 25Y3D 0.00 4.81 0.0081 28.23 19.77 24684 B15 3Y1D 0.00 3.18 0.0058 14.95 14.94 452 Node: B16 Scenario:Proposed Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:2.50 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 2.50 0.0000 0 3.00 0.0300 1307 3.50 0.1600 6970 4.00 0.3500 15246 4.50 0.5400 23522 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 45 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 5.00 1.1300 49223 5.50 2.0100 87556 6.00 2.5200 109771 6.50 2.8000 121968 7.00 3.2800 142877 7.50 3.6600 159430 8.00 3.8600 168142 8.50 4.0300 175547 9.00 4.2100 183388 9.50 4.3500 189486 10.00 4.5300 197327 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Proposed] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B16 25Y3D 0.00 3.37 0.0249 40.86 40.84 5457 B16 3Y1D 0.00 3.10 0.0249 19.44 24.92 2418 Node: B17 Scenario:Proposed Type:Stage/Area Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:4.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 4.00 0.0000 0 4.50 0.1600 6970 5.00 0.1800 7841 5.50 0.3400 14810 6.00 0.8600 37462 6.50 1.7500 76230 7.00 2.4600 107158 7.50 3.6200 157687 8.00 5.4900 239144 8.50 6.8200 297079 9.00 8.1700 355885 9.50 9.3700 408157 10.00 10.2900 448232 10.50 11.1300 484823 11.00 11.8000 514008 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 46 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Stage [ft]Area [ac]Area [ft2] 11.50 12.4900 544064 12.00 13.1500 572814 12.50 13.8500 603306 13.00 14.5900 635540 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Proposed] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] B17 25Y3D 0.00 5.72 0.0138 50.38 50.01 24737 B17 3Y1D 0.00 5.37 0.0138 19.34 19.23 12963 Node: OFFSITE Scenario:Proposed Type:Time/Stage Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.00 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Boundary Stage: Year Month Day Hour Stage [ft] 0 0 0 0.0000 -1.00 0 0 0 12.0000 1.00 0 0 0 24.0000 -1.00 0 0 0 36.0000 1.00 0 0 0 48.0000 -1.00 0 0 0 60.0000 1.00 0 0 0 72.0000 -1.00 0 0 0 84.0000 1.00 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Proposed] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] OFFSITE 25Y3D 0.00 1.00 0.0007 191.67 0.22 0 OFFSITE 3Y1D 0.00 1.00 0.0005 111.75 0.04 0 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 47 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Node: OFFSITE2 Scenario:Proposed Type:Time/Stage Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:0.50 ft Warning Stage:0.00 ft Boundary Stage: Year Month Day Hour Stage [ft] 0 0 0 0.0000 0.50 0 0 0 12.0000 2.00 0 0 0 24.0000 2.50 0 0 0 60.0000 2.50 0 0 0 80.0000 2.00 Comment: Node Max Conditions [Proposed] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] OFFSITE2 25Y3D 0.00 2.50 0.0002 31.65 9.28 0 OFFSITE2 3Y1D 0.00 2.50 0.0003 13.78 9.32 0 Weir Link: B01_B02w Scenario:Existing From Node:B02 To Node:B01 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:3.66 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B01_B02x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Max Us Max Ds Max Avg Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 48 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B01_B02w 25Y3D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B01_B02w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Link: B01_B06w Scenario:Existing From Node:B06 To Node:B01 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:3.47 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B01_B06x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B01_B06w 25Y3D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B01_B06w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rating Curve Link: B01_OFFr Scenario:Existing From Node:B01 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Positive Table Elev On [ft]Elev On Node Elev Off [ft]Elev Off Node B01_OFF 0.50 B01 0.00 B01 Comment: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 49 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B01_OFFr 25Y3D 40.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B01_OFFr 3Y1D 39.03 0.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Link: B02_B01p Scenario:Existing From Node:B02 To Node:B01 Link Count:2 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:54.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-3.00 ft Invert:-3.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:2.50 ft Max Depth:2.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B02_B01p 25Y3D 34.21 -0.19 0.86 3.49 3.49 3.49 B02_B01p 3Y1D 25.61 -0.42 0.85 2.61 2.61 2.61 Weir Link: B02_B03w Scenario:Existing From Node:B03 To Node:B02 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:0.15 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 50 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Cross Section:B02_B03x Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B02_B03w 25Y3D 23.56 0.00 0.04 2.52 2.52 2.52 B02_B03w 3Y1D 18.84 0.00 0.03 2.37 2.37 2.37 Weir Link: B02_B06w Scenario:Existing From Node:B06 To Node:B02 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:2.77 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B02_B06x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B02_B06w 25Y3D 14.87 0.00 0.05 1.12 1.12 1.12 B02_B06w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Link: B03_B04w Scenario:Existing From Node:B04 To Node:B03 Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 51 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:3.52 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B03_B04x Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B03_B04w 25Y3D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B03_B04w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Link: B03_B07w Scenario:Existing From Node:B07 To Node:B03 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:3.06 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B03_B07x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B03_B07w 25Y3D 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.54 0.54 0.54 B03_B07w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 52 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Pipe Link: B04_B03p Scenario:Existing From Node:B04 To Node:B03 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:4.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-3.00 ft Invert:-3.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:2.50 ft Max Depth:2.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B04_B03p 25Y3D 22.02 0.00 1.67 4.49 4.49 4.49 B04_B03p 3Y1D 18.29 0.00 -1.62 3.73 3.73 3.73 Weir Link: B04_B05w Scenario:Existing From Node:B05 To Node:B04 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:2.52 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B04_B05x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Max Us Max Ds Max Avg Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 53 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B04_B05w 25Y3D 12.24 0.00 -0.02 1.33 1.33 1.33 B04_B05w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Link: B05_B04p Scenario:Existing From Node:B05 To Node:B04 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:72.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-3.00 ft Invert:-3.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:2.50 ft Max Depth:2.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B05_B04p 25Y3D 21.48 0.00 0.84 4.38 4.38 4.38 B05_B04p 3Y1D 17.98 0.00 0.90 3.66 3.66 3.66 Weir Link: B05_B08w Scenario:Existing From Node:B08 To Node:B05 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:1.14 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B05_B08x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 54 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B05_B08w 25Y3D 35.78 -0.11 0.10 1.23 1.23 1.23 B05_B08w 3Y1D 16.16 0.00 -0.02 1.22 1.22 1.22 Weir Link: B06_B05w Scenario:Existing From Node:B06 To Node:B05 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:2.06 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B06_B05x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B06_B05w 25Y3D 37.39 -6.38 -0.25 1.78 1.78 1.78 B06_B05w 3Y1D 14.53 0.00 -0.02 1.35 1.35 1.35 Pipe Link: B07_B05p Scenario:Existing From Node:B07 To Node:B05 Link Count:1 Upstream Downstream Invert:-3.00 ft Invert:-3.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:2.50 ft Max Depth:2.50 ft Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 55 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:40.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B07_B05p 25Y3D 8.86 -0.02 -0.26 1.80 1.80 1.80 B07_B05p 3Y1D 11.53 0.00 0.26 2.35 2.35 2.35 Weir Link: B07_B05w Scenario:Existing From Node:B07 To Node:B05 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:1.68 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B07_B05x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B07_B05w 25Y3D 7.83 -0.06 0.03 0.90 0.90 0.90 B07_B05w 3Y1D 1.25 0.00 0.01 0.50 0.50 0.50 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 56 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Weir Link: B07_B08w Scenario:Existing From Node:B08 To Node:B07 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:2.02 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B07_B08x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B07_B08w 25Y3D 0.97 -0.05 0.01 -0.03 -0.03 -0.03 B07_B08w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Link: B07_B09w Scenario:Existing From Node:B09 To Node:B07 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:2.13 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B07_B09x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 57 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B07_B09w 25Y3D 15.84 -5.20 -0.03 1.45 1.45 1.45 B07_B09w 3Y1D 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.77 0.77 0.77 Pipe Link: B08_B07p Scenario:Existing From Node:B08 To Node:B07 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:80.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-3.00 ft Invert:-3.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:2.50 ft Max Depth:2.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B08_B07p 25Y3D 4.43 -4.41 0.22 0.90 0.90 0.90 B08_B07p 3Y1D 5.57 -1.73 -0.23 1.14 1.14 1.14 Weir Link: B08_B10w Scenario:Existing From Node:B08 To Node:B10 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:2.10 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B08_B10x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 58 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B08_B10w 25Y3D 7.02 -44.21 0.07 -1.75 -1.75 -1.75 B08_B10w 3Y1D 0.00 -1.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Link: B09_B10w Scenario:Existing From Node:B09 To Node:B10 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:2.06 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B09_B10x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B09_B10w 25Y3D 7.24 -17.48 -0.04 1.40 1.40 1.40 B09_B10w 3Y1D 1.91 -3.18 -0.01 0.98 0.98 0.98 Pipe Link: B09_OFFp Scenario:Existing From Node:B09 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Upstream Downstream Invert:-2.00 ft Invert:-2.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.50 ft Max Depth:1.50 ft Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 59 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Flow Direction:Positive Damping:0.0000 ft Length:200.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B09_OFFp 25Y3D 7.32 0.00 0.15 4.14 4.14 4.14 B09_OFFp 3Y1D 5.19 0.00 0.16 2.93 3.12 2.93 Pipe Link: B10_B08p Scenario:Existing From Node:B10 To Node:B08 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:164.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-3.00 ft Invert:-3.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:2.00 ft Max Depth:2.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B10_B08p 25Y3D 7.30 -8.78 0.30 -2.79 -2.79 -2.79 B10_B08p 3Y1D 6.16 -5.43 -0.33 1.96 1.96 1.96 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 60 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Rating Curve Link: B10_OFFr Scenario:Existing From Node:B10 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Positive Table Elev On [ft]Elev On Node Elev Off [ft]Elev Off Node B10_OFF 1.00 B10 0.00 B10 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B10_OFFr 25Y3D 14.00 0.00 -0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 B10_OFFr 3Y1D 14.00 0.00 -0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Link: B10_OFFw Scenario:Existing From Node:B10 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:2.40 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B10_OFFx Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B10_OFFw 25Y3D 11.18 0.00 0.02 1.88 1.88 1.88 B10_OFFw 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 61 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Weir Link: B11_B12w Scenario:Existing From Node:B11 To Node:B12 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:2.61 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B11_B12x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B11_B12w 25Y3D 0.02 -23.40 -0.04 -1.79 -1.79 -1.79 B11_B12w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Link: B11_OFFp Scenario:Existing From Node:B11 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:3 Flow Direction:Positive Damping:0.0000 ft Length:150.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-2.00 ft Invert:-2.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.00 ft Max Depth:1.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Max Us Max Ds Max Avg Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 62 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B11_OFFp 25Y3D 8.03 0.00 -0.27 3.41 3.41 3.41 B11_OFFp 3Y1D 6.31 0.00 -0.27 2.68 2.68 2.68 Weir Link: B11_OFFw Scenario:Existing From Node:B11 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:2.18 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B11_OFFx Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B11_OFFw 25Y3D 16.68 0.00 -0.04 1.83 1.83 1.83 B11_OFFw 3Y1D 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.96 0.96 Weir Link: B12_B10w Scenario:Existing From Node:B12 To Node:B10 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:0.69 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B12_B10x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 63 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B12_B10w 25Y3D 75.55 -6.20 -0.11 -1.39 -1.39 -1.39 B12_B10w 3Y1D 23.41 -2.22 -0.07 1.27 1.27 1.27 Pipe Link: B12_OFFp Scenario:Existing From Node:B12 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Positive Damping:0.0000 ft Length:340.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-2.00 ft Invert:-2.00 ft Manning's N:0.0120 Manning's N:0.0120 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:2.00 ft Max Depth:2.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B12_OFFp 25Y3D 19.01 0.00 -0.57 6.05 6.11 6.07 B12_OFFp 3Y1D 14.70 0.00 -0.37 4.68 4.81 4.68 Weir Link: B13_B12w Scenario:Existing From Node:B13 To Node:B12 Link Count:1 Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 64 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:3.85 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B13_B12x Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B13_B12w 25Y3D 20.85 0.00 -0.02 1.73 1.73 1.73 B13_B12w 3Y1D 7.90 0.00 0.01 1.35 1.35 1.35 Weir Link: B13_B14w Scenario:Existing From Node:B13 To Node:B14 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:4.52 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B13_B14x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B13_B14w 25Y3D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B13_B14w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 65 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Weir Link: B13_B15w Scenario:Existing From Node:B13 To Node:B15 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:5.11 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B13_B15x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B13_B15w 25Y3D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B13_B15w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Link: B13_OFFp Scenario:Existing From Node:B13 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Positive Damping:0.0000 ft Length:400.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-2.00 ft Invert:-2.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.70 ft Max Depth:1.70 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Max Us Max Ds Max Avg Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 66 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B13_OFFp 25Y3D 8.61 0.00 0.06 3.79 3.79 3.79 B13_OFFp 3Y1D 8.39 0.00 -0.02 3.70 3.70 3.70 Weir Link: B14_OFF1w Scenario:Existing From Node:B14 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:1.63 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B14_OFF1x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B14_OFF1w 25Y3D 14.14 0.00 -0.02 1.57 1.57 1.57 B14_OFF1w 3Y1D 5.33 0.00 0.00 1.47 1.47 1.47 Weir Link: B14_OFF2w Scenario:Existing From Node:B14 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:3.58 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B14_OFF2x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 67 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B14_OFF2w 25Y3D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B14_OFF2w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Link: B14_OFFp Scenario:Existing From Node:B14 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Positive Damping:0.0000 ft Length:165.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-2.00 ft Invert:-2.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.50 ft Max Depth:1.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B14_OFFp 25Y3D 5.68 0.00 -0.23 3.22 3.37 3.22 B14_OFFp 3Y1D 5.33 0.00 -0.20 3.01 3.37 3.01 Pipe Link: B15_OFFp Scenario:Existing From Node:B15 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:2 Upstream Downstream Invert:-2.00 ft Invert:-2.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.50 ft Max Depth:1.50 ft Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 68 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Flow Direction:Positive Damping:0.0000 ft Length:160.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B15_OFFp 25Y3D 19.77 0.00 -0.51 5.59 5.59 5.59 B15_OFFp 3Y1D 14.94 0.00 -0.49 4.23 4.23 4.23 Weir Link: B15_OFFw Scenario:Existing From Node:B15 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:4.86 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B15_OFFx Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B15_OFFw 25Y3D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B15_OFFw 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 69 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Weir Link: B16_B15w Scenario:Existing From Node:B16 To Node:B15 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:5.02 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B16_B15x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B16_B15w 25Y3D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B16_B15w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Link: B16_OFF2p Scenario:Existing From Node:B16 To Node:OFFSITE2 Link Count:2 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:25.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-3.00 ft Invert:-3.00 ft Manning's N:0.0120 Manning's N:0.0120 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.00 ft Max Depth:1.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Max Us Max Ds Max Avg Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 70 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B16_OFF2p 25Y3D 13.78 -9.28 -0.97 8.77 8.77 8.77 B16_OFF2p 3Y1D 13.78 -9.32 -0.97 8.77 8.77 8.77 Weir Link: B16_OFF2w Scenario:Existing From Node:B16 To Node:OFFSITE2 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:3.20 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B16_OFF2x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B16_OFF2w 25Y3D 22.57 0.00 0.03 1.02 1.02 1.02 B16_OFF2w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Link: B16_OFFp Scenario:Existing From Node:B16 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:300.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Upstream Downstream Invert:-2.50 ft Invert:-3.00 ft Manning's N:0.0120 Manning's N:0.0120 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.50 ft Max Depth:1.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 71 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Energy Switch:Energy Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B16_OFFp 25Y3D 11.14 0.00 -0.04 6.30 6.30 6.30 B16_OFFp 3Y1D 11.14 0.00 -0.04 6.30 6.30 6.30 Weir Link: B17_B12w Scenario:Existing From Node:B17 To Node:B12 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:4.76 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B17_B12x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B17_B12w 25Y3D 43.00 0.00 -0.06 2.12 2.12 2.12 B17_B12w 3Y1D 12.79 0.00 -0.03 1.76 1.76 1.76 Pipe Link: B17_B13p Scenario:Existing From Node:B17 To Node:B13 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Upstream Downstream Invert:2.00 ft Invert:-1.00 ft Manning's N:0.0120 Manning's N:0.0120 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.50 ft Max Depth:1.50 ft Bottom Clip Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 72 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Damping:0.0000 ft Length:310.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B17_B13p 25Y3D 9.50 0.00 -0.46 5.99 7.12 6.49 B17_B13p 3Y1D 9.50 0.00 0.42 5.99 7.12 6.49 Weir Link: B17_B13w Scenario:Existing From Node:B17 To Node:B13 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:8.26 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B17_B13x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Existing] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B17_B13w 25Y3D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B17_B13w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 73 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Weir Link: B01_B02w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B02 To Node:B01 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:3.66 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B01_B02x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B01_B02w 25Y3D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B01_B02w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Link: B01_B06w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B06 To Node:B01 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:3.47 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B01_B06x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 74 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B01_B06w 25Y3D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B01_B06w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rating Curve Link: B01_OFFr Scenario:Proposed From Node:B01 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Positive Table Elev On [ft]Elev On Node Elev Off [ft]Elev Off Node B01_OFF 0.50 B01 0.00 B01 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B01_OFFr 25Y3D 40.00 0.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B01_OFFr 3Y1D 37.81 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Link: B02_B01p Scenario:Proposed From Node:B02 To Node:B01 Link Count:2 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:54.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-3.00 ft Invert:-3.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:2.50 ft Max Depth:2.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 75 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B02_B01p 25Y3D 32.78 -0.21 0.86 3.34 3.34 3.34 B02_B01p 3Y1D 24.34 -0.52 0.84 2.48 2.48 2.48 Weir Link: B02_B03w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B03 To Node:B02 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:0.15 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B02_B03x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B02_B03w 25Y3D 22.77 -0.06 0.04 2.50 2.50 2.50 B02_B03w 3Y1D 17.52 -0.24 0.03 2.34 2.34 2.34 Weir Link: B02_B06w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B06 To Node:B02 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:2.77 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B02_B06x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 76 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B02_B06w 25Y3D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B02_B06w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Link: B03_B04w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B04 To Node:B03 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:3.52 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B03_B04x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B03_B04w 25Y3D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B03_B04w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Link: B03_B07w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B07 To Node:B03 Link Count:1 Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 77 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:3.06 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B03_B07x Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B03_B07w 25Y3D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B03_B07w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Link: B04_B03p Scenario:Proposed From Node:B04 To Node:B03 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:4.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-3.00 ft Invert:-3.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:2.50 ft Max Depth:2.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B04_B03p 25Y3D 20.43 -0.07 1.84 4.16 4.16 4.16 B04_B03p 3Y1D 16.37 -0.28 0.65 3.33 3.33 3.33 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 78 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Weir Link: B04_B05w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B05 To Node:B04 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:2.52 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B04_B05x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B04_B05w 25Y3D 2.50 0.00 0.01 1.10 1.10 1.10 B04_B05w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Link: B05_B04p Scenario:Proposed From Node:B05 To Node:B04 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:72.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-3.00 ft Invert:-3.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:2.50 ft Max Depth:2.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Max Us Max Ds Max Avg Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 79 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B05_B04p 25Y3D 19.97 -0.05 0.91 4.07 4.07 4.07 B05_B04p 3Y1D 16.02 -0.27 -0.14 3.26 3.26 3.26 Weir Link: B05_B08w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B08 To Node:B05 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:1.14 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B05_B08x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B05_B08w 25Y3D 18.44 -11.67 -0.06 1.19 1.19 1.19 B05_B08w 3Y1D 7.73 0.00 -0.01 1.15 1.15 1.15 Weir Link: B06_B05w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B06 To Node:B05 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:2.06 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B06_B05x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 80 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B06_B05w 25Y3D 37.43 0.00 -0.08 1.78 1.78 1.78 B06_B05w 3Y1D 14.53 0.00 -0.02 1.35 1.35 1.35 Pipe Link: B07_B05p Scenario:Proposed From Node:B07 To Node:B05 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:40.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-3.00 ft Invert:-3.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:2.50 ft Max Depth:2.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B07_B05p 25Y3D 8.53 -0.72 -0.15 1.74 1.74 1.74 B07_B05p 3Y1D 8.42 0.00 0.03 1.72 1.72 1.72 Weir Link: B07_B05w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B07 To Node:B05 Link Count:1 Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 81 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:1.68 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B07_B05x Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B07_B05w 25Y3D 6.59 -3.97 -0.03 0.90 0.90 0.90 B07_B05w 3Y1D 1.03 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.42 0.42 Weir Link: B07_B08w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B08 To Node:B07 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:2.02 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B07_B08x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B07_B08w 25Y3D 0.02 -0.18 0.00 -0.04 -0.04 -0.04 B07_B08w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 82 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Weir Link: B07_B09w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B09 To Node:B07 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:2.13 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B07_B09x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B07_B09w 25Y3D 1.61 -9.22 -0.04 -1.37 -1.37 -1.37 B07_B09w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Link: B08_B07p Scenario:Proposed From Node:B08 To Node:B07 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:80.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-3.00 ft Invert:-3.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:2.50 ft Max Depth:2.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Max Us Max Ds Max Avg Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 83 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B08_B07p 25Y3D 4.65 -4.87 0.12 -0.99 -0.99 -0.99 B08_B07p 3Y1D 4.68 -1.94 0.03 0.95 0.95 0.95 Weir Link: B08_B10w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B08 To Node:B10 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:2.10 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B08_B10x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B08_B10w 25Y3D 22.69 -3.60 0.08 1.45 1.45 1.45 B08_B10w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Link: B09_B10w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B09 To Node:B10 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:2.06 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B09_B10x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 84 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B09_B10w 25Y3D 5.85 -0.89 -0.03 1.32 1.32 1.32 B09_B10w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Link: B09_OFFp Scenario:Proposed From Node:B09 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Positive Damping:0.0000 ft Length:200.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-2.00 ft Invert:-2.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.50 ft Max Depth:1.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B09_OFFp 25Y3D 6.41 0.00 0.20 3.63 3.63 3.63 B09_OFFp 3Y1D 4.29 0.00 0.16 2.43 3.12 2.66 Pipe Link: B10_B08p Scenario:Proposed From Node:B10 To Node:B08 Link Count:1 Upstream Downstream Invert:-3.00 ft Invert:-3.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:2.00 ft Max Depth:2.00 ft Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 85 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Flow Direction:Positive Damping:0.0000 ft Length:164.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B10_B08p 25Y3D 5.77 0.00 0.32 1.84 1.84 1.84 B10_B08p 3Y1D 4.98 0.00 0.14 1.58 1.58 1.58 Pipe Link: B10_B09 Scenario:Proposed From Node:B10 To Node:B09 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:350.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-2.00 ft Invert:-2.00 ft Manning's N:0.0120 Manning's N:0.0120 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.50 ft Max Depth:1.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B10_B09 25Y3D 3.15 -3.59 0.34 -2.03 -2.03 -2.03 B10_B09 3Y1D 2.65 -3.64 -0.34 -2.06 -2.06 -2.06 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 86 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Weir Link: B10_B12Aw Scenario:Proposed From Node:B10 To Node:B12A Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Rectangular Invert:1.00 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Max Depth:99.00 ft Max Width:14.00 ft Fillet:0.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B10_B12Aw 25Y3D 87.05 0.00 -0.05 3.65 3.65 3.65 B10_B12Aw 3Y1D 24.83 0.00 -0.05 2.40 2.40 2.40 Rating Curve Link: B10_OFFr Scenario:Proposed From Node:B10 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Positive Table Elev On [ft]Elev On Node Elev Off [ft]Elev Off Node B10_OFF 1.00 B10 0.00 B10 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B10_OFFr 25Y3D 14.00 0.00 -0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 B10_OFFr 3Y1D 7.00 0.00 -0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 87 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Weir Link: B10_OFFw Scenario:Proposed From Node:B10 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:2.40 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B10_OFFx Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B10_OFFw 25Y3D 1.34 0.00 0.00 1.24 1.24 1.24 B10_OFFw 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Link: B11_B12w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B11 To Node:B12 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:2.61 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B11_B12x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 88 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B11_B12w 25Y3D 0.02 -1.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B11_B12w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Link: B11_OFFp Scenario:Proposed From Node:B11 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:3 Flow Direction:Positive Damping:0.0000 ft Length:150.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-2.00 ft Invert:-2.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.00 ft Max Depth:1.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B11_OFFp 25Y3D 6.95 0.00 -0.27 2.95 2.95 2.95 B11_OFFp 3Y1D 6.31 0.00 -0.26 2.68 2.68 2.68 Weir Link: B11_OFFw Scenario:Proposed From Node:B11 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:2.18 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B11_OFFx Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 89 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B11_OFFw 25Y3D 6.15 0.00 -0.01 1.53 1.53 1.53 B11_OFFw 3Y1D 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.96 0.96 0.96 Pipe Link: B12A_OFFp Scenario:Proposed From Node:B12A To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:170.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-3.00 ft Invert:-3.00 ft Manning's N:0.0090 Manning's N:0.0090 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:4.00 ft Max Depth:4.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B12A_OFFp 25Y3D 98.72 -0.22 3.00 7.86 8.04 7.95 B12A_OFFp 3Y1D 41.25 -0.04 -2.75 4.08 6.56 5.32 Weir Link: B12_B10w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B12 To Node:B10 Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 90 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:0.69 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B12_B10x Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B12_B10w 25Y3D 85.97 -0.02 0.07 1.46 1.46 1.46 B12_B10w 3Y1D 30.22 0.00 -0.05 1.46 1.46 1.46 Pipe Link: B12_B12Ap Scenario:Proposed From Node:B12 To Node:B12A Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Positive Damping:0.0000 ft Length:170.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-2.00 ft Invert:-2.00 ft Manning's N:0.0120 Manning's N:0.0120 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:2.00 ft Max Depth:2.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B12_B12Ap 25Y3D 15.72 0.00 0.82 5.00 5.00 5.00 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 91 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B12_B12Ap 3Y1D 13.09 0.00 0.82 4.17 4.17 4.17 Weir Link: B13_B12w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B13 To Node:B12 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:3.85 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B13_B12x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B13_B12w 25Y3D 20.85 0.00 -0.02 1.73 1.73 1.73 B13_B12w 3Y1D 7.90 0.00 0.01 1.35 1.35 1.35 Weir Link: B13_B14w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B13 To Node:B14 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:4.52 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B13_B14x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 92 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B13_B14w 25Y3D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B13_B14w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Link: B13_B15w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B13 To Node:B15 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:5.11 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B13_B15x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B13_B15w 25Y3D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B13_B15w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Link: B13_OFFp Scenario:Proposed From Node:B13 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Positive Damping:0.0000 ft Length:400.00 ft Upstream Downstream Invert:-2.00 ft Invert:-2.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.70 ft Max Depth:1.70 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 93 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B13_OFFp 25Y3D 8.61 0.00 -0.02 3.79 3.79 3.79 B13_OFFp 3Y1D 8.39 0.00 -0.02 3.70 3.70 3.70 Weir Link: B14_OFF1w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B14 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:1.63 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B14_OFF1x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B14_OFF1w 25Y3D 14.15 0.00 -0.02 1.57 1.57 1.57 B14_OFF1w 3Y1D 5.33 0.00 0.00 1.47 1.47 1.47 Weir Link: B14_OFF2w Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 94 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Scenario:Proposed From Node:B14 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:3.58 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B14_OFF2x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B14_OFF2w 25Y3D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B14_OFF2w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Link: B14_OFFp Scenario:Proposed From Node:B14 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Positive Damping:0.0000 ft Length:165.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-2.00 ft Invert:-2.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.50 ft Max Depth:1.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Max Us Max Ds Max Avg Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 95 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B14_OFFp 25Y3D 5.68 0.00 -0.22 3.22 3.37 3.22 B14_OFFp 3Y1D 5.33 0.00 -0.21 3.01 3.37 3.01 Pipe Link: B15_OFFp Scenario:Proposed From Node:B15 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:2 Flow Direction:Positive Damping:0.0000 ft Length:160.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-2.00 ft Invert:-2.00 ft Manning's N:0.0200 Manning's N:0.0200 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.50 ft Max Depth:1.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B15_OFFp 25Y3D 19.77 0.00 -0.51 5.59 5.59 5.59 B15_OFFp 3Y1D 14.94 0.00 -0.50 4.23 4.23 4.23 Weir Link: B15_OFFw Scenario:Proposed From Node:B15 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:4.86 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B15_OFFx Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 96 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B15_OFFw 25Y3D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B15_OFFw 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Weir Link: B16_B15w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B16 To Node:B15 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:5.02 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B16_B15x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B16_B15w 25Y3D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B16_B15w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pipe Link: B16_OFF2p Scenario:Proposed From Node:B16 To Node:OFFSITE2 Link Count:2 Upstream Downstream Invert:-3.00 ft Invert:-3.00 ft Manning's N:0.0120 Manning's N:0.0120 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.00 ft Max Depth:1.00 ft Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 97 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:25.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B16_OFF2p 25Y3D 13.78 -9.28 -0.97 8.77 8.77 8.77 B16_OFF2p 3Y1D 13.78 -9.32 -0.97 8.77 8.77 8.77 Weir Link: B16_OFF2w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B16 To Node:OFFSITE2 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:3.20 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B16_OFF2x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B16_OFF2w 25Y3D 22.57 0.00 0.03 1.02 1.02 1.02 B16_OFF2w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 98 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Pipe Link: B16_OFFp Scenario:Proposed From Node:B16 To Node:OFFSITE Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:300.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:-2.50 ft Invert:-3.00 ft Manning's N:0.0120 Manning's N:0.0120 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.50 ft Max Depth:1.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B16_OFFp 25Y3D 11.14 0.00 -0.04 6.30 6.30 6.30 B16_OFFp 3Y1D 11.14 0.00 -0.04 6.30 6.30 6.30 Weir Link: B17_B12w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B17 To Node:B12 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:4.76 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B17_B12x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Max Us Max Ds Max Avg Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 99 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B17_B12w 25Y3D 43.00 0.00 -0.04 2.12 2.12 2.12 B17_B12w 3Y1D 12.79 0.00 -0.02 1.76 1.76 1.76 Pipe Link: B17_B13p Scenario:Proposed From Node:B17 To Node:B13 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Length:310.00 ft FHWA Code:0 Entr Loss Coef:0.00 Exit Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Loss Coef:0.50 Bend Location:0.00 ft Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Downstream Invert:2.00 ft Invert:-1.00 ft Manning's N:0.0120 Manning's N:0.0120 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.50 ft Max Depth:1.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B17_B13p 25Y3D 15.21 0.00 -0.49 8.82 8.82 8.82 B17_B13p 3Y1D 15.21 0.00 -0.49 8.82 8.82 8.82 Weir Link: B17_B13w Scenario:Proposed From Node:B17 To Node:B13 Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Broad Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Irregular Invert:8.26 ft Control Elevation:0.00 ft Cross Section:B17_B13x Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:2.800 Weir Table: Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 100 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Comment: Link Min/Max Conditions [Proposed] Link Name Sim Name Max Flow [cfs] Min Flow [cfs]Min/Max Delta Flow [cfs] Max Us Velocity [fps] Max Ds Velocity [fps] Max Avg Velocity [fps] B17_B13w 25Y3D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 B17_B13w 3Y1D 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Simulation: 25Y3D Scenario:Existing Run Date/Time:5/8/2021 2:38:45 PM Program Version:ICPR4 4.05.01 General Run Mode:Normal Year Month Day Hour [hr] Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 80.0000 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Min Calculation Time:60.0000 0.1000 Max Calculation Time:30.0000 Output Time Increments Hydrology Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 15.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 15.0000 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 101 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Resources Lookup Tables Rainfall Folder:Boundary Stage Set: Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: Curve Number Set:CN Green-Ampt Set: Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set:Imperv Tolerances & Options Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 Over-Relax Weight Fact: 0.5 dec dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Smp/Man Basin Rain Opt: Global Max dZ:1.0000 ft Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:~SFWMD-72 Rainfall Amount:15.00 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:72.0000 hr Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (1D): 100 ft2 Energy Switch (1D):Energy Comment: Simulation: 3Y1D Scenario:Existing Run Date/Time:5/8/2021 2:40:17 PM Program Version:ICPR4 4.05.01 General Run Mode:Normal Year Month Day Hour [hr] Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 30.0000 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Min Calculation Time:60.0000 0.1000 Max Calculation Time:30.0000 Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 102 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Output Time Increments Hydrology Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 15.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 15.0000 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables Resources Lookup Tables Rainfall Folder:Boundary Stage Set: Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: Curve Number Set:CN Green-Ampt Set: Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set:Imperv Tolerances & Options Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 Over-Relax Weight Fact: 0.5 dec dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Smp/Man Basin Rain Opt: Global Max dZ:1.0000 ft Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:~FLMOD Rainfall Amount:6.40 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:24.0000 hr Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (1D): 100 ft2 Energy Switch (1D):Energy Comment: Simulation: 25Y3D Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 103 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Scenario:Proposed Run Date/Time:6/30/2021 10:50:51 AM Program Version:ICPR4 4.05.01 General Run Mode:Normal Year Month Day Hour [hr] Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 80.0000 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Min Calculation Time:60.0000 0.1000 Max Calculation Time:30.0000 Output Time Increments Hydrology Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 15.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 15.0000 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables Resources Lookup Tables Rainfall Folder:Boundary Stage Set: Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: Curve Number Set:CN Green-Ampt Set: Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set:Imperv Tolerances & Options Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 Over-Relax Weight Fact: 0.5 dec dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Smp/Man Basin Rain Opt: Global Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 104 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Max dZ:1.0000 ft Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:~SFWMD-72 Rainfall Amount:15.00 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:72.0000 hr Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (1D): 100 ft2 Energy Switch (1D):Energy Comment: Simulation: 3Y1D Scenario:Proposed Run Date/Time:6/30/2021 10:51:44 AM Program Version:ICPR4 4.05.01 General Run Mode:Normal Year Month Day Hour [hr] Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 30.0000 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Min Calculation Time:60.0000 0.1000 Max Calculation Time:30.0000 Output Time Increments Hydrology Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 15.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 15.0000 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables Resources Lookup Tables Gulf Stream Drainage Assessment ICPR Model Input and Output 105 I:\Azure\GULST\210076-Drainage System Eval\30-ReportStudy\Design\Hydraulic Model Data\ICPR\Core\6/30/2021 11:18 Rainfall Folder:Boundary Stage Set: Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: Curve Number Set:CN Green-Ampt Set: Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set:Imperv Tolerances & Options Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 Over-Relax Weight Fact: 0.5 dec dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Smp/Man Basin Rain Opt: Global Max dZ:1.0000 ft Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:~FLMOD Rainfall Amount:6.40 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:24.0000 hr Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (1D): 100 ft2 Energy Switch (1D):Energy Comment: