HomeMy Public PortalAbout19290405CCMeeting112 Discussion was had on lack of sporting events on the island the Mayor suggested that things of this kind were interesting and helpful and. Should be encouraged and for this reason the had named a committee to be known as the Committee on Sports and had placed on same Mr.Logan, Yr. Horovitz and Mr. Buckley with power to work with other committees or individuals as was necessary to encourage sports and other events on the island. There being no further business Council adjourned subjec to the call l' of the Mayor. ' W(./. / Clerk of Csunc Mayor. Town of Tybee,Ga.,April ',Seth 1329. The regtlar meeting of Council was held to-day at 4:00 p.m.and was attended by the 1layur,who presidedvand Councilmen Logan,Horovitz, Espy,Cann and Town Attorney McIntyre. The report of the Assessment ComMittee coveing the assessments for the year 1929 was read and upott motion of Yr Horovitz that it be adopted,seconded by Mr.Espy,the motiotcpassed . The Mayor informed Council that he had approached. Mr. H.C.Brinkman .Chairman of the Finanace Committee of the City of Savannah relative to getting an aperopriation from the City of Savaenah,the Mayor had asked for 73 5000.00. The Mayor informed Council that he hal gotten in touch with Mr.Tiedeman Chairman of The County Commissioners in an effort to F7et some shell for paving some of the streets on Tybee and that Mr Tiedeman informed him that he was opposed tth using shell for road work. The question of the rite t of the Town to make a charge for automobiles usjnp t' e streets was duscussed and the Mayor said that he had asked the Town Attorney to give Lim an opinion on the mater T.A. said that Town could not do so -- Mr. Cann asked what was penelty if Town did charge them,ke said sups that Council would pass an Ordinance chargeing automobiles 25e' per machine for the privilege of using the - streets or the Ti of Tybee -- Mr. 4ogan saia we make them .ay it mieht jeor2odize the plans of the County with the State Highway Dephrnment wit's regard to the permanent of the road -- Mr. Cann sa-eested that Yr. 7.-cTntyre go into the mat er further to see what risits tie Town mieht have in makins. a charge of tLis kinl Horovitz sly-nested tag days on Sundays and. Holilays.,no further action Was taks- on the mattr. It being necessary to se a new motorcycle for use during the ae-roacl,ing sessen 77".r. Horovitz saggested that a new new machine be purchased. Mr.Cann sugnestd that the Clinty be approached wit a view to having them take over Police Department during the summer months and if smssible to let the Town have the use cfef one of their motorcycles during this Period. Mr. Horovitz made a not,on that if it is neceoeary to buy a new machine that authority be given the Police Committee to purchase eame,this was seconded by Mr. Espy and the motion _sassed. • There be t,_ no further business Council adjourned subj'c t to t_= - ca_. • • 113 Mayor. The following report and resolution of the Assessment Committee covering tile assessments for the year commencing May 1st 1929,should have been incorporated in the second pararaph of the minutes of the meeting on page 112. Report of the Aa see sment ' ommittee showing t e assessments on Real Estate and Improvements in the Town of Tybee. for the year commencin May ,1st, 1929 Lots Improvements Acreage 1400115.07 729342.00 8612.50 2138069.57 RESOLUTION .R SIDL'TED that the report of tILe Co.raittee on Assessments covering the assessments on valuations of Real-Estate and Improvements thereon in the Town of Tybee for the year commencing May 1st 1929 be received and that the vaiueations as thereon• assessed be accepted as the basis of a esessments for taxation of Real Estate and Improvements in said Town of Tybee for the fiscal year end-.ng April 30th 1930. Town of Tybee,Ga.,April 30th 1929. A special meeting of Council was held to-day at 4:00 p.m.and was attendi by tne Mayor,who presided,and Councilmen Horovitz,Logan and Farr. The budget for the approaching year 1929 was read and showed an expect- ed deficit,mr. Horovitz made a motion that it be adopted,which was seconded by rar Farr and passed. The following Tax Ordinance way placed or first- reading 'and upon agreement of Oouncil was placed on second >reading and on motion of xi.r.Horovitz that it be adopted,seconded by Mr Farr,the motion passed; ORD INA1 CE . TO PROVIDED for the taxation of real and personal property in the Town of Tybee for the fiscal year commencing May lst,1929 and to provide for the rate of lisoense for doing business in said Town of Tybee for the fiscal year ending APRIL 30th,1930,and for other purposes.