HomeMy Public PortalAbout19290430SCMeetingThere be t,_ no further business Council adjourned subj'c t to t_= - ca_. • • 113 Mayor. The following report and resolution of the Assessment Committee covering tile assessments for the year commencing May 1st 1929,should have been incorporated in the second pararaph of the minutes of the meeting on page 112. Report of the Aa see sment ' ommittee showing t e assessments on Real Estate and Improvements in the Town of Tybee. for the year commencin May ,1st, 1929 Lots Improvements Acreage 1400115.07 729342.00 8612.50 2138069.57 RESOLUTION .R SIDL'TED that the report of tILe Co.raittee on Assessments covering the assessments on valuations of Real-Estate and Improvements thereon in the Town of Tybee for the year commencing May 1st 1929 be received and that the vaiueations as thereon• assessed be accepted as the basis of a esessments for taxation of Real Estate and Improvements in said Town of Tybee for the fiscal year end-.ng April 30th 1930. Town of Tybee,Ga.,April 30th 1929. A special meeting of Council was held to-day at 4:00 p.m.and was attendi by tne Mayor,who presided,and Councilmen Horovitz,Logan and Farr. The budget for the approaching year 1929 was read and showed an expect- ed deficit,mr. Horovitz made a motion that it be adopted,which was seconded by rar Farr and passed. The following Tax Ordinance way placed or first- reading 'and upon agreement of Oouncil was placed on second >reading and on motion of xi.r.Horovitz that it be adopted,seconded by Mr Farr,the motion passed; ORD INA1 CE . TO PROVIDED for the taxation of real and personal property in the Town of Tybee for the fiscal year commencing May lst,1929 and to provide for the rate of lisoense for doing business in said Town of Tybee for the fiscal year ending APRIL 30th,1930,and for other purposes. 114 SECTION ONE. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the Town of Tybee in Council assembled and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the same that the rate of taxatio* upon real estal-.e and pe sonal property withintthe limits of the said -Town of Tybee for the fiscal year commencing May lst,1929,shall be ONE AND ONE- gUARTER PER CENT upon the assessed or returned value of same,the value of Beal estate and improvements to be ascertained from the returns of the Committee on Assessments of said Mayor and Councilmen and the valuation of personal property to be ascertained from the returns of the owners thereof in pursuance of the scheme and plan centaijed in sectionOne,Two and Three of the Ordinance entitled an Ordinance to provide for the aeseesment of taxable property in the Town of Tybee,and the mode and manner of valuezng such property for taxation and to carry into effect the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly fo the State of Georgia approved August 19th 1922,Section 21,passed in Council assembled October 13th 1922,an_d it is further ordained that if any peroson or persons should refude or neglect to.pay ant tax required by this Ordinance within THIRTY DAYS,after same shall become due,or shall fail or refuse to pay any DOUBLE TAX assessed as above provided within THIRTY DAYS after same shall become ,due, the Clerk of Council and Et- officio Treasurer of said Town_ shall issue execution therefor and the further sum of OE DOLLAR for costa,the Chief of Police and Ex- officio Tax Collector shall proceed with .such execution in the same manner as now provided by law in euch cases of executions lodged with the Sheriff of Chatham- County. SECTION TWO. And every person who shall pay his taces within FIFTEEN DAYS of ter same shall become due shall be entitled to a deduction of TEN PiR4 ENT ON ACCOUNT THE :OF,and the Clerk of Council and Ex- officio Treasurer of said Town is hereby authorized to make such deduction upon receipt of tax,the provision of this Election shall not apply to LISCENRNS for doing business in said Town,the rate for such liscenses being NET. SECTION FOUR. In the even C,' any business or calling not specically mentioned in the above list set forth shall be established in the Town of Tybee,the Mayor and Councilmen reserve the right to establish a liscense fee for same by resolution, which fee is to be of equal diginity as the liscense specifically entioned in the above section,provided however that such liscesnse shall nor be less than TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY ENTS and not more than the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. SECTION FIVE. This Ordinance shall be subject to alterations or repeal in whole or in part at any time during the year beginning MAY 1st 1929,should it be deemed advisable and no such amendment or repeal shall be construed to impair the right of Council to assess or levy tax for the whole of suchyeay whenever made. SECTION SIX. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinance con - flictingwith the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby 1-epealed,pro viding nevertheless that so much and such parts or Ordinances passed as provided for the execution for any tax or assessment,or part of tax or assessment,required by :,such Ordinances and now remaining unpaid, shall continue and remain in force so as to authorize the Clerk of Council and Ex- officio Treasurer to issue executions and the Chief of Police and Ex- officio Tax Collector to collect same,until taxes or assessments shall be fully paid. Q LI Sa r s 1`0R TRANSACTING BUS SS I ' Tim: T 0 YEAR 1929 NET DISCOUNTS D 4 NOT PLY... Every keeper or keepers of a hotel or boarding hou that contains 10 rooms ' or lees very keeper or ketperw of a hotel or boarding house that contains over 10 room up to 25 roans ,Every keeper or keepers of a, hotel or boarding house that contains 25 roosts up to 50 roams keeper or keepers of a hotel or boarding house that contains over 50 rooms and upward Every owner or lessee of a billaird or pool, table oche than those used in private dweliings,each table Every owner or keeper of a rifle renge,gun or ball g each game Every keeper or owner of a show place of amusement Beery keeper or owner of a motion picture show Every keeper or owner of a bowling alley,each alley Every keeper ar owner of a photograph gallery' ylvery keeper or o ;r cf a eating rink .ash and every fortune teller or palmist Each and every owner of a souvenir stand Each and every owner of a pin -wheel or Prise table,ea Each and ever wr:er or keeper of a grocery store or Provision store ch ean¢yor ice etand,each ery,bread or cake Every Bach an every caner or keeper of a 1 Each and every owner or ,popper of a be Each and every owner of a water- works Bach and every owner, of , ice company Bach and every owner of a electric lighting or power company Each and every owner th eat x.0.00 2 00 ©.00 X00. b0 5.00 25.00 .00 25.00 10.00 10.00 50 ,,00 LO 40t'` .00 -~ 25.00 40.00 0.00 op 10.00 ., 00 50.00 00.00 or : keeper of a telephone or telegraph;; c ompa,n y Bach and every owner or k...eper of a pub li bath houae,eai71''? c Every owner or keeper ofv ,ehiclea for hauling,for hire Every owner or keeper or a vehicle for hire,automobile jitney, fare not over 10, each way from 'R°ort Screven to inlet 20 owner or keeper of flying horses exhibition or Every .every Every very Bvery Every itenerent' shows* each owner or keeper of a place - selling_; owner or keeper of a milk dairy owner or keeper of a restaurant or eatitig h.ou owner or keeper of a tailor shop person or corporation operating a rr connection with a pavilion Every pavilion or hall used for denc a fee to patrons for using'sem Every dry.- ,goads' vier chant,pedd.ier or dealer clothing Every junk dealer Passenger vehicles for hire where passengers are ealicited from Tybee,eac) Tank vehicles selling and delivering gasolinea,ils,ect. each vehicle ,vehicles selling and deeivering bottled soft dri.nka.e t� each 'vehiele .,�► Vehicles selling and delivering bread,each Vehicles selling and *slivering ice cream. ect.,each Eery dealer selling and delivering vegetables from vehicles Automobile garages or parking; spaces for h,ire,eaoh Automobile Stiff n y $011tg Gasoline dealers each pump Laundries soliciting and delivering by truck Each and every owner or keeper of a store ee1lizg milk in connection therewith i0, `. Vehicles selling or delivering any commodities by auto truck not specified above, truck capacity not over 0 to t 15.00 Each and every owner or keeper of a recreational game known as BLUES or similar ate Each and every owner or keeper of a recreational game known as JAPANESE BALL GAME or similar p+e Each and every owner or keeper of a recreational glare known as : 3KEE BALL GAME or similar name' Each and every owner or keeper of a soft drink stand where` lunchescandies and ice cream are sold in connection therewith t Brix rig tat e ant in and oharging in second hand 00 .00 00 25.00 50.00 10.00 25.00 . 10.00 50.00 50.00 25.00, 25,00 .00 25.00 ,00 3:5.00. *00 5,00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0 *x 7'5.0+ 7 ea There being no further business Council adjourned subject o the call of the Mayor. rip • Mayor. 115 Town of Tybee,Ga.,May 3 1929. The regular meeting of Town Council was held to -day at 4:00 p.m. and was attended by the Mayor,who presided, and Councilmen Logan,Horovitz, Walthour,Espy,Yerr and Town Attorney McIntyre. the salary oi' Clerk of Council and Ex- officio Treasurer of the 'Town ,/ of Tybee,for'the ensueing year was fixed at 2400.00 on motion of rr. xorovitz,seconded by Mr. .spy,and passed. The salary of Recorder of the Mayors Court was fixed at vh 600.00 on motion of Mr. Espy,seconded -by Lir. Logan,and passed. The salary ,f Chief of Police and Ex- officio Tax Collector °for the v/ ensueing year was fixed at x.1500.00 per annum on motion of Mr. Horovitz seconded by Mr.Logan, .nd passed. The fee to be paid the Town Attorney for the ensueing year was fixed at 250.00 on motion of Mr.Horovitz,seconded by T¢r.Logan,and passed.'' Mr. Eorovitz made emotion that Henry M.Buckley be elected Clerk of Council and .fix- officio Treasurer of the Town of Tybee for the ensueing year,which was seconded by Mr. Espy and the motion passed. Mr. .espy made a motion that Heyman Horovitz be elected Recorder of the Mayors Cotart for the ensueing year,which was seconded by iirr. Logan,and the mtion passed. rnr. Horovitz made a mtion rolice and ex- officio Tax seconded by Mr. Logan and Mr. Horovitz madea motion Attorney for the ensueing and the motion passed. that Dennis Lysaught be elected Chief of Collector for the ensueing year,which was themmotion passed. that Frank P.Mclntyre be elected Ten year,which was seconded by Mr. Logan Mr. Logan trade a motion that Dr.Victor H.Bassett be elected Health Officer for the ensueing year,which was seconded by Mr.Hororvitz, and the Motion passed. Mr. Horovitz made a motion that Dr. Harry Y.ighton be elected Ali Chairman of the Sanitary Board,which was seconded by Mr. Espy and the motion passed. Mr. Espy made a motion that Mr.William M.Farr be elected Chairman of Council,which was seconded by Er. Logan,and the motion passed. Mr.Logan mate a motion that Mr. Ca:1 Espy be elected Vice- Chairman of Council,which was seconded by Mr. Horovitz,and themmotion passed.