HomeMy Public PortalAbout19290712CCMeeting118 7vbe,Ca.,JUly 12th .1929.. The rep-.ular meetir oE Tdn Council was-theld..to-day at 4;00 p.m.. and waS atended by the .Lyo,-'wh -r).residel,nd Councilmen Espy, HorovitzlIogn and Carr and Mr, T1.7,T_Mar22e-y, f the Central. bf A. Petition was read from 7i1ias 7.ills,jr.4ife-8tard at Hotel Tyhee,whe has completed a swim •frOm. Cavanah to Tybee,and .1.2 now contemlatin enxtering a rational =1.r .T11.11.7. meet at Biloxi, Miss.,durin7 early September,that the Town paypartTof his expenses on the trip,he said that he was going as the representative of Savannah each ar d. he thouht that it would be good publicity, so Mr. 'Logan made a motion that the Town allow him. 50.00 to help defray his expenses to was seconded by Mr. Espy and the motion passed. • The Trades and Labor ::ssernbly comittee have requested the Town to take an ad in their Labor paper for the Labor Day celebration and it was decided to take a half-pa 2e al in the isstIQ A letter was read from Lr. George Y.mith of the Citizens Bank and Trust Co.lrequesting the Town to deposit its dellections from automobile tolls in his bank -- the Mayor said that the account as given to tne Liberty Bank and Trust Co., because they had been very liberal to us on several occasions-- Lr. Espy su_gested that tray account be split -- Mr. Logan suggezted that the matter be handled with the Liberty Bank to ascertain if th y will take over the loans of the Town no held by the Citizens Bank and. Trust Co., the 17a,yor was requested to -_andle c matter as he thought was hest. A blue-Drint was shown by 7±. ahar-Dley chewing the type of bulk- head and boardwalk tht le to construe,ted on the Starnd between Cixteenth and Seventeenth strPets,also bill.of materials required. N! for the tork,this work is bein g. done under the supervision of Mr. SharoleY,Assit Chief Er7ineer of tLe Central of Georp7ia Railway Company on moti,.,n of Mr. Espy th...t he be empowered to-..landle same, seconded 7::y 7r. Horovitz,the metier oassed. Their bain7 no further blLsiness Council adjourned. subject to the call of the Fayor. Mayor. •